[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all stepanie Trac Ellen here John here Doug here Annette here Barbara here Stephany here CIA here Alan here Jonah here Melissa here the New Jersey open public meeting law meetings law was enacted ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this provision the riverdell regional board of education has caused notices this regular meeting to be publicized by having a date time sent to the record the starled newspapers the burough clerks FAL libraries as well as posting in school district principal offices faculty rooms and the board office according to Jersey Public Law 2001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco Pro property product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public school buildings or anywhere on school grounds including but not limited to parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 of the River Regional School District is to provide a safe student centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student's intellectual social physical and emotional growth to promote a healthy work ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for oneself and other to develop a responsible citizen for our diverse community and everchanging world to continue to involve our community in an active partnership and to provide all students the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey student learning standards thank you welcome okay um public comments on agenda items only anybody in the public okay now we're going to have a presentation by Mr VTO deloria on the portrait of a graduate welcome okay nice to see everybody happy snow day tomorrow thank you thank you for that um so tonight I'm here to review um our process for our portrait of a graduate and then to unveil our um Visual and then to give you some of our next steps in moving forward with the portrait so as you remember we started working on the portrait of graduate competencies and as a committee we identified our um six competencies Integrity social intelligence confident learner focused thinker Global collaborator and effective Communicator in each of these competencies we developed descriptors some of them had two descriptors some of them had three descriptors we went through the wording of the descriptors together and we came up with each of these pieces I'm I'm not going to go through and read them because I know we've all lived with them but as you remember we worked on Integrity social Intelligence being a confident learner focused thinker a global collaborator and an effective Communicator we all go we remember those working on those all right good now um after that we set out as a group to kind of talk about what we wanted the visual representation of these um competencies and descriptors to be and we came up with our visual you can applaud because we've worked so hard on that come on so uh we came came up with this visual together um we've sort of tweaked it a little bit as we've gone along as you can see we have our competencies we have um an icon that represents each of the competencies we have both riverdell colors our yellow and our gold um everything is sort of represented in our portrait of a graduate so now we ask ourselves now what what are we doing now with our portrait of a graduate now that we've wrapped this up worked on the descriptors and the indicators so the first thing is I'm going to begin to align the portrait competencies with our curriculum um identifying opportunities to integrate the development of essential skills into the curriculum as you know I've been working on the ELA and math curriculums this year and so we have already started to indicate with a box which of the competencies fit units and how they would be incorporated into that study so moving forward in our curriculum documents you will see a portrait of a graduate box in each of those documents as we rework them we'll be um providing professional development opportunities for our teachers and our students understanding what the uh portrait of a graduate framework is and ways to integrate it into teaching practices that will include some faculty and department meeting time we'll also be taking a look at student assessments um developing a way to assess these skills that we identified as important for our students leaving riverdell um how we can achieve those it may include a performance task a portfolio self assessments and rubrics we'll also be supporting our students um looking at ways we can support interventions and skills and The Graduate profile uh that could be a mentoring program an enrichment activity academic interventions continuous Improvement so how do we continually look at what we did and then monitor it for ongoing review and its Effectiveness as a framework for our school um asking for feedback from stakeholders and adjusting is needed uh to ensure it remains relevant and impactful and then finally to celebrate and recognize students who demonstrate Mastery of the skills and the attributes outlined in our graduate profile and that is our portrait of a graduate we all feel good clap you can clap we can clap we can be excited exed took us over a year to do this but I believe we've all kind of come together in it it's been a year it's a year a little over a year who's counting it's ready who's counting it's ready yes great great any questions for some time um so when I came in veto was gracious enough to fill me in on the work that had been done previous to me coming in and and certainly had it all in hand um and what I've been able to do uh knowing the competencies that the board has put and the board and the committee have put together um what I do is I walk around and I try to see these competencies in our students and I see so many of them um in talking and knowing our students and in fact today one of the ones you mentioned was effective communication and I've been communicated all over the place today about from students asking why we haven't had a snow day and why we have to have a snow day tomorrow and advocating for themselves and telling me that you know their dog has never played in the snow and they need to be home and play in the snow with their dog um they haven't had a snow day their entire High School career and so that to me was effective communication students advocating for themselves giving me a rational argument as to why they think something should be that is not already um and I was thinking of the competencies that that we're talking about tonight so so Bravo well done to the board and well done to uh to Vito as well number one you better smell tomorrow otherwise we're going to have a problem with the dogs me too number two just for the record it did take time but we did take a break because the board was overloaded for a very long period of time and I think it was a conscious Choice by the board to put it on hold I think for many many months so if you only look at the uh amount of time that was invested in it uh I I want to commend the committee and the board because I you know we agonize over every word maybe we should have gone a little easier I'm just very happy to see this cuz I thought this was something important we do early on and I don't think it was my passion project it might have been Stephanie's or somebody else's I'm I'm glad to see it come together and I think we need to put it in practice I'm sure there'll be comments but this could be a living process right we could augment it as time goes on if it's not the exact fit and I do like this uh logo much better than the other 50 versions of it that we had before um so it's an but in in thinking about um the framewor and and its true integration so I mean this is two three years down the line um not on a continual basis but maybe on an annual basis do you think we could maybe incorporate some sort of um a context in which um growth could be conveyed to um the student and um the adults in that student's life um on an annual basis like you know where they started you know through the Genesis or through something else where they sort of started out and and and what movement they made in in certain skills and what want you know to kind of incorporate it between the guidance and the staff not from an individual teacher basis but sort of like from a holistic you know all of your all the teachers sort of wrote in and this is kind of the number that you know that's a great idea I think monitoring it and looking at the effectiveness and then creating those rubrics or those benchmarks or those portfolios is going to be how we measure these competen moving forward I do think it's going to be something we're going to have to spend some time reviewing and looking at but I think that's a great Point looking at that every annually every year and seeing how we're growing and what we focused on I'd like to use some of the time we have for Hawk days and if we continue to do that as ways to incorporate these competencies into the student experience here at Riverdale uh I I heard you mention you know about with the curriculum and kind of applying these competencies as you know I'll say like the first step in kind of pushing that agenda forward but what is um or do we have a plan or what is our plan to you know beyond that with the staff you know because in theory everything should be kind of measured against our portrait in everyday life in the classrooms no matter what is so how are we conveying that to the staff to you know kind of implement that and incorporate that into kind of I'll say everyday life that's another good question so actually Dr Al and I spoke about this um my first initial plan here to do that is uh with the curriculum and then to do some PD professional development with the staff and remember we've all been living with this now for the X amount of time but the staff and students have not right they've not had the experience of work seeing our competencies seeing what our indicators are so Dr Alber and I were speaking that we would go to faculty meetings department meetings and really take some time to explain this to everybody as we launch it this year giving everybody the background giving everybody the depth and the understanding that they need um to be able to start to look at these competencies and then incorporate them into their practice and pedagogy right so first step is really everybody becoming aware and then second step is how do we incorporate those into our practice the first step of that is the curriculum writing okay and then and then is our plan to you know almost like I'll say like schedule that out or map that out those like it's the teachers first it's I don't know when we're going to publish this to like the Greater Community and our plan was essentially after this first this winter break to start going into faculty meetings together or separately we hadn't really decided how we're going to do it to start introducing the confidences to the teachers and also ask them for their for the remainder of this year to find their assessment of their students where do they think their students are as in terms of meeting these compet competencies or not meeting them um so that's really going to be the focus for the rest of this year I think we should put our student reps like just around this and you know they embody all of these qualities as we can all see and you could we could have an unveiling with the two of you a little Banner student reps what do you think they're like please look away from [Laughter] me for for so do you like where it landed yeah like expi you know thank you for your work yeah and I want to thank the board thank you all for sticking with it and giving your feedback and providing everything I think feel like we landed in a really great spot with this and I'm excited about the launch and how we roll it out so I want to thank everybody as well how many night how many nights I just have to ask did you go home after the meeting with the board zero I'm head to personally thank you and the for all the hard work and 2022 and 2023 between hiring a new superintendent ref doing this the referendum um I guess we're done we all can go home but no thank you so much for the work thank you thank you see [Music] you all right okay oh right student member report [Music] I'm okay um so for the Middle School congratulations on a very successful basketball season for both the middle school girls and boys both teams earned a spot in the playoffs and represented the school community in a very positive way the girls finished their season 8 and five and the boys finished 8 and three next up for the middle school is track and field in the spring in December the rdms environmental Club was able to meet with the Riveredge Environmental Protection committee to brainstorm about recycling projects the students would be interested in pursuing this past January the rdms environmental Club ran its first annual smart wool second cut recycle stock collection program all home rooms participated in sock collection with boxes that the environmental Club provided and decorated approximately 2,800 unwanted socks were collected the winning seventh and eighth grade home rooms were Miss cas's seventh grade class and Miss Jackson's eighth grade class smart will will recycle these socks and turn them into new Goods this will keep products out of landfills and allow less resources to be consumed the new rdms intro to Italian Club has been busy learning about the regions of Italy each month Stu students participate in a language lesson given given by rdhs Italian National Honor Society members They al also participate in a cultural lesson followed by a fun activity most recently the students learned about Amelia Romana and learned how to make pasta thank you to miss Uzi and her high school Italian students for mentoring our students the middle school is extremely excited this Friday's um Hawk Day faculty and members have volunteered to lead passion project sessions sharing their hobbies and interests with their students the end of the day we'll provide each students an opport to experience two sessions that we hope will bring enjoyment and perhaps spark interest so for the high school report I'd like to start off by saying congratulations to our class of 2024 valorian Khloe Lee and sorian Melissa ye what an what an amazing accomplishment and very well deserved for both the indoor track team had a big night at the county meet last month congrats to Jack avono denes dubet Dean maruchi and Kevin Hart for winning the shuttle hurdle event congrats to Chris Baxter Liam Schwab aen Grievous and Lucas Lopez for winning the 4X 800 and now for the girls congrats to Grace McQueen Sama bll Morgan LaVine and Christina Allen for winning the Sprint medley and Grace mcqueeny won the long jump this past Saturday the girls Ando track team also won the group or the North one group two State sectionals for the third year in a row thanks to miss Uzi or thanks or thanks to Italian H society as they held their first ever food and Film Festival Festival shout out to miss Uzi for all her hard work putting this together the Riverdale music and drama Department held a mattress sale fundraiser last month rdtv is continuing their work their hard work with a few more episodes of roaming riverdell as they featured sophomore YN Z and our Ela supervisor Dr Torres shout out to the team pep classes and Miss Keel Miss vantol and Mr baranello for organizing the opportunity to go to the middle school and have seniors Mentor the future rivale High School students boys and girls basketball held a held a orell and River Edge night for um local wck teams um it was a very cool experience for all the people involved the guidance Department held a wellness Wednesday last week that was to teach students waste of manage anxiety the Riverdale Leo Club collected 20 62 pairs of sneakers and donated them to Catholic Charities collection at St Peter's Church all the winter sports had their senior nights last week special thanks to all the seniors for their hard work and dedication the last four years it was a big week for riveral wrestling um congrats to coach baranello for his 100th win on senior night also very special moment for individual member uh for a very important member of the rivel community senior Evan KRA hour won his 100th individual match and the wrestling program won its 700th match in program history the AP and Spanish hence Society students went to a play called Don qu and had a nice meal in New York City last week the junior class went snow tubing last week at campg Mountain and big shout out to our track student athletes who participated in signing day last week Grace McQueen committed to Quinnipiac Liam schave committed to fdu tck and Morgan LaVine to Ryder congrats all and for upcoming this week we have our third Hawk day on Friday the theme is career planning so all this students pick their like ideal feature and it will be monitored by monitored mentored by faculty and other like community members thank you okay president's report um I was a away last week on business so I really don't have anything to report so I'll turn it over to the superintendent for his report so after several months um of essentially having our student rep steal anything that I wanted to say I got their I got their reports ahead of time so I was able to pull some other pieces that they did not report on but um so I'll report on them myself but I also have a couple of things that I want to follow up on that they did report so so you're saying you scooped them I basically scooped them yeah I cheated a little bit um first I wanted to just make mention um in case you didn't know our human rights Club here at at Riverdale High School um recently held a meeting where they invited uh two students from tea Public Schools I'm going to be struggling with their names for a second but Rada Alber travish and Leora pavin Bolam tinac High School you may know of these two students they were in North jersey.com several months ago when the um Israel Hamas conflict broke out and there were two students of um Muslim faith and Jewish faith that came together to um to seek some clarity on some of the things that they were hearing and some of the things that were out in social media and to try to bring some peace to the their own District um so our students heard about this in the human rights club and reached out to them on their own to see if they would come in and speak to us and they did in the last week and and they were um very impactful for our students in this club they they talked to our students about recognizing what kind of a learning opportunity we all have here when these kinds of conflicts happen whether it's Israel Hamas or anything else um how to um look at news sources in a critical way and understand people's points of view and understand perspectives that people have um when there are conflicts um happening in the world so I thought it was a really refreshing and I I'm um I wanted to mention those students that's Tess Klein Naomi Roth and Isabella idati um who went out of their way to do that to bring this to our district so um very pleased with their efforts and I want to make sure that you you folks here on the board and also the folks at home were aware of their efforts uh this week we'll be having uh actually on Wednesday unless they unless they canel we're still good okay um an AI Workshop we we've been doing a lot of work in the last I say several weeks and couple of months um with our Administration we've sent our administrators out um to some local uh presentations here on um artificial gener generative a II uh here in Bergen County we've also sent them out to um the texo workshop a couple weeks ago to bring in as much information as they could and one of the things they brought back to us was um some speakers and some some different presentations they that they thought were most impactful so we're going to have a workshop with with some board members um with some students uh administrators teachers um and others on Wednesday I think it's about a six- hour presentation uh where we're going to work learning about generative AI but also developing some philosophy and some policy around it by looking at what some other districts are doing and and um kind of troubleshooting what we think might work here uh at riverone it's kind of a step into that direction as this is the future of I guess the whole world but certainly of education and it's something that we will Embrace um but we need to talk about how we're going to do that so that that that step is going to be happening at least in part on Wednesday so I'm excited about that and I want to make sure that you were aware of it as well um I'm very pleased to announce that we have four not one but four National Merit award finalists in our district that's Nora U chloi Lee Adam Chu and Y J Choy I mean if you get one it's a good year um that's quite an accomplish and quite an honor so we're very pleased to see how they have distinguished themselves and I want to congratulate them I think Mr Pepe well I know Mr Pepe put something out because any picture that gets past him gets out on Instagram instantly so um we're very happy to to honor them and uh certainly welld deserved uh upcoming next week is our winter break as I'm sure most people know but that's February 19th through 23rd um we're not meeting again until I believe the second week of March and I think we will I saw hand go up for the winter break you got it good for you uh when we meet next uh we will already be in the middle of NG NJ GPA testing that's the 11th grade test the graduation test that will be happening the week of um March 11th so just be aware of that we use here in the high school a delayed opening schedule because we're only testing one grade level um and it's easier just to have those students test while the other students are not in the building um gives them the optimal testing platform so that will be the week of March 11th through 14th here at the high school um as student reps had just mentioned the the hawk day this Friday is for the middle school and the high school be doing some passion projects in the middle school they have well over 30 different projects they'll be bringing to our students um and in the high school they're doing a more Career College oriented piece we have over 40 at last count over 40 different community members coming in to present to our students over about a 2 and a half hour period in the afternoon so we're very excited about that and we're very grateful for folks that they that did decide to come in and do that and finally this is snow day tomorrow um I know everybody's happy about that I've been pastored I could not get through the commons today I met students I didn't even know were students here who had a lot to say about it um but I did take a look the last snow day we had was December 17th 2020 so um and from what I understand we were virtual at the time so students weren't in school anyway so you've never had a snow day so congratulations you're getting a snow day tomorrow and as uh Mr Samuel said if it doesn't snow I'm in big trouble so it better snow tomorrow yeah and that concludes my report okay thank you uh committee reports John budget and finance we have a meeting uh this Thursday fa uh we have not had a meeting yet okay community relations and Technology we have not had a meeting that this year okay com up and curriculum just Pigg you back on Dr Alro um the curriculum committee was invited to attend Wednesday's workshop and we're fortunate that all of us are really looking forward to the topic AI thank you looking for to just to say when I suggested it I said policy and somehow it came to curriculum like how did that happen it's going to go to policy too it's going to but beo has planned a fantastic day it's going be great and policy um policy um we are rescheduling our meeting yeah think the end of this month yes okay okay I need a motion on the consent agenda I'll make a motion I'll second thank you who second I did thank you any questions Stephanie yes John yes Anette yes Tracy Ellen yes to all except 9 a the January 2 meeting Doug yes Barber yes to all accept to nine I was not in attendance CIA yes Allan yes okay do I have a motion on 12 a where this would be I'll make the motion on 12 a right I have a second a second thank you Stephanie yes John yes Annette yes Tracy alen yes Doug yes barbar yes CIA yes Allan yes uh next motion is 13h I'll motion for 13 I just okay I just wanted to read it I Superintendent at the request of the board secretary recommends that the board accept the line item transfers and the adjustments as listed in the financial report for the month ending January 2024 I okay I will still second thank you any questions okay Stephanie yes John yes Annette yes Tracy alen yes Doug yes Barbara yes CIA yes Alan yes Alan you on a roll for very fast meetings we're just trying to help you I have thing no I don't think we're going to break the record um old business new business oh I'm sorry okay I'd like to carry over everything from the executive agenda all the transfers um be it resolved that the Board of Education grants employee 5125 whose name is on file and the superintendent's office and unpaid medical leave of absence for the period of February 1st to febru uary 15th I'll make a motion we can do to carry the no I'll just uh we're moving them all we're moving them all okay I will make a motion to carry all of the consent agenda over to the regular thank you do I have a second thank you CL any questions Stephanie yes John yes Anette yes Tracy Ellen Doug yes Barbara yes CIA yeah Allan yes old business Stephanie well I don't know mine's more new business CL do you have old business um I kind of have I I think it's old business but it could be new business so in the past and this is a long time ago and maybe this did H this might have happened and I just missed it but the Juniors went on a snowboarding trip did we get any information about that prior like we used to get that kind of information on an agenda like you know junior class is going on snowboarding trip that we would approve even like even if they were like one day if they're going to World Trade Center we would approve that I feel like there's things happening and we're not notified about not not that we're not notified maybe it was a decision that was made by policy I don't know that we're not finding out or I don't know any other way this this is the the way I know that we've done it um so did so there was a field trip that we didn't improve is that what you're trying to yeah I yeah so like did did we get that on our agenda for the junior class to go on the I mean they went they probably had a fabulous time saying that they can't go I'm just wondering cuz like that's I'll look into it um I made I made no change to any of the procedures that we followed so but I'll look into it and find out okay thank you welcome um so two things um Trudy when we we right we went out for Bond right we went out for Bond right we published the bond for the reference they're being sold beginning of March okay that's what I that so I was just looking for the time frame that was my my question beginning of March okay and my other is um so we've been talking about certified board maybe board retreat you know how how are we getting you know these hours um and it um occurred to me that um for several years we've had um staff present at texo um but none of us have ever seen what they present on they represent us I'm sure they do it fantastically but what are they doing is it data that they use to make education I I don't I don't know what their presentations are so um um so I thought maybe that would be a good jumping off point to have the whatever was presented at texo to be presented to us and and maybe using that as a um a framework to have a conversation about um how how that data I think it's data but how that data is being used and how we might want to use it more effectively or any of those kind of things that was my that that was my thought and the in the trying to figure out like how are we getting these out you do would we get credit for I mean well yes you would get credit because well that only has to babysit us as far as I understood um he doesn't actually have to organically you know guide our conversation he just has to be here um and um I don't I don't know how long I don't know if we wanted to commit to a 4 hour kind of a thing we have we have they have it have got them that extras right I don't know if we wanted to commit to like a 4our thing and then it's like an hour and a half the presentation and then we have discussion surrounding all those I don't I don't know it it's just an idea of like a jumping Point thinking of um you know they represent us and again I'm sure they do it fantastically but like what did they say what did they do like how's it being us like we we have no like concept of of so would it be I'm sorry just would it would we go to texo what did they present on this year you have to wait you have to come to the mic I'm sorry for the people at home they presented on effective communication with different tools so uh canva Twitter um and our roaming riverdell series and what what have they done in the past right cuz um last year um they did the electronic system for monitoring students movements like their electronic digital Hall Pass um that they created to modify where Stu to monitor where students were and um also like the facilities use right so there would be a good presentation to then have our expanded security conversation which is one of the goals that people tended to now I was thinking also about you know when do we start becoming a certified board again and all um I had asked everybody at the first meeting semi suggested board goals that we could achieve thank you Stephanie you sent me a book but they were all great and I really appreciate it um so I passed them around um for everybody to take a look at and uh at the next meeting hopefully you know everybody will pick two three or four of what they' uh like to see achieved and can have a discussion on when we'd like to put these in place I have a question maybe you would know Stephanie has the board done board Retreats previously many years ago long time ago do you remember if it was school boards or somebody else it was in the month of July it was and it was the best we had fun with him we had the big easel pads around the room and he was like Ping pinging everywhere yeah it was really I'm just wondering if if I understand what you're saying about for the credit piece for school boards to be involved but I I want to find out if do they have to run or or do we have the freedom to find somebody else or something else with them kind of overseeing and I'm going to ask that question just just to give us then we don't get credit well I want to make sure that we would get credit for it before we we Sly I just want to make sure that that that is it has to be two what Matt was saying they have to be present but I I don't think we have to follow their guidance but they got to be I think it was implying he has to be in the room I also got that was question if we if we if if he if we remember what he said it was he had to be present but didn't have to facilitate if it was us but if there was somebody else facilitating then he wouldn't be present and it was either you Al or cludia were like whoever scam and yes I know I'm being recorded but like scam so um and that answers my question I don't that is how I intereted what he said it might be worth maybe asking I'm asking you know I don't know if this asking Beyond like at at a at a greater level but so were you serious when you said this is that what we started I will ask the question spell it out in writing good point Thank you anything else um anything for for discussion so myself and Stephanie she was only there for a short period of time but last Wednesday we attended the wellness Wednesday managing anxiety was here um they had great speakers that came in um we had a bunch of students that were here and also parents that were here very engaged um very engaged group of people the audience was amazing fantastic speaker I know um the staff that was here is hoping to bring them in on a broader spectr like you know a broader level for our students so I just wanted to give kudos they did a really nice job and the RDA gave out like really good snacks all the kids were happy with them it was B candy that kept traveling along yeah and that first table would have eaten the entire Bowl if it didn't if it didn't move along if she did not pick up that they would have just yeah you know but the kids were great it was a good night thank you for hearing that Dr Al a followup to geni session that um is going to be held I think it would be helpful for the entire board is there a way to pull a short summary version of it like just the takeaways for the rest of the board I think it's a very active topic and it' be good to capture like the takeaways Maybe key points from have a lot to report on us because we're going to have several board members there anyway um so it's going to generate a lot of conversation for sure but a presentation format almost just to keep it correct it's a workshop you mean for us a present for us as a board just a quick you know 5 10 minute version of it if there's enough takeaways there'll be plenty I'm happy to do it I don't yes um just for anyone who might be of interest and there are feeding District to to sort of update people on on what's happening in River Edge um in their educational leadership um so they had appointed an interim um superintendent that goes through the middle of March if I believe and and this evening they are acting super an act excuse me an Acting Superintendent thank you um and this evening they are interviewing I don't know if they'll come out with res with a a consensus or a decision but they are interviewing for an interim superintendent um and at their last meeting which is why I left Wellness Wednesday well Wellness Wednesday quickly um they uh interviewed and I believe appointed a search firm for their superintendent um I I don't think they set out a timeline I don't know if they're you know thinking you know shortterm for an interim or they're thinking more like you know nine months to a year for an interim they they really haven't given that kind of an indication publicly um but um they are sort of moving in that direction and I I I think it was a a healthy choice for the district um there was a lot going on so um I will be interested to see who they choose for their interim um but I'm sure Dr Albero um will likely know the person um and and work to continue all that you know continuity of of education and um maybe enhancement in the whatever time frame that person's there okay like to open it up to the public for public comments um please step up to the mic state your name where you live and um try to keep it to three and a half minutes okay nothing from the public all right a do I hear a motion do I hear a motion to a jering I make a motion to I will second thank you everybody in agreement hi we're done thank you