anywhere in school grounds including but not limited to the parking lots Ellen ehal got 1,537 votes and for orell alra got 1,640 votes now i' would like to administer the oath of [Music] office please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear I Douger do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear Tru faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name do Solly swear I Doug for you swear that I possess the qualifications prescrib by law for the office of a member of the Board of Education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of members of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I and I am not disqualified as a voter nor disqualified due to the convictions of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a you are disqualify due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in NGA s 18a and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best my ability and and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abilities to help me go thank [Applause] you that's a Tong twister that new I don't remember yeah I don't remember saying I was but at least Judy actually has her written that makes it easier I know remember Tom when I used to have to remember that was You' be like okay so now I'm going to take nominations for the role of the president i' would like to nominate alanon for all a second a second any other nominations um I'm going to nominate Stephanie I feel especially now in this time where our president just resigned I feel like we need some strong leadership in place do we have a second second any other nominations okay so I'm going to take roll call and the way it works is when I call your name you'll have to tell me which person you would like to um go for whether it be Allan or Stephanie Claudia Stephanie Allan myself John Allan Annette Allan Trace alen's not here Doug Stephanie Barb is not here Stephanie myself not here so that gives me one two three for right one two three for Allan three for Stephanie three six okay so two choices we can just rote again and my guess it'll come out to be the same thing um so at this point what we then do is we then table this to the next meeting and we go and we vote for um a vice president okay because it's a tie 33 so then we go and we um um do a vice president okay and then at the January 22nd meeting we open the floor again for president okay so I'd like nominations for vice president I'll nominate party I'll second John second any other nominations for vice president okay I'm going to take a vote Claudia I'm GNA say no here so FL is our vice president president so at this point you now you're now running the meeting you now run the meeting congratulations and this what how it will be now till um till January 22nd sorry what's oopsie okay sorry oh you get official Mr tra is probably laughing his butt off in there I do hear a chuckle I know I'm sure you did is that what that was uhhuh this one this one oh I this one oh crap all right I have to read all this oh no way okay [Music] um are there any board comments or on agenda items no right good resolutions we're going to you're funny resolutions can I just like Clump them together you can do them all you could do one to 10 you could do one to all so resolutions G resolutions we're going to do one through de Lord 1 through 20 and then um I make a motion somebody make a motion I'll make John through Alan was two oh my God and it's g 1 to 20 okay y mhm okay okay roll call Claudia oh yeah I have to put you at the bottom okay oh okay Alan yes John yes Annette yes Doug yes Stephanie yes okay so FL at the bottom okay oh me yeah yeah yes sorry okay so now 21 21 through 25 I'll make a motion 25 second Stephanie made the motion John second okay Allan yes John yes Annette yes Doug yes Barbara not here Stephanie yes CIA yes okay great all right oh do we have to close the meeting too no wait we can do public questions or comments oh yeah yeah yeah does anybody in the public have anything they want to say any questions comments everybody enjoy this because this is never happening again whoever is going to be the president is going to be doing this I'm not doing this um all right then I make a motion to adjourn right somebody do it motion to adjourn Stephanie who second it whoever all in favor let's see what time it [Music] is [Music] sorry I'm not like AAL person join me for the flag salute IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice oh Lord Annette here Barbara Allan here Tracy Ellen Stephanie here John still here Doug here Claudia here New Jersey open public meetings La was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Riverdale regional board of education has caused notice of this regular meeting to be publicized by having the date time and place sent to the record and the star Legend newspapers the burough clerks burough libraries as well as posting in school district principal offices faculty rooms and the board office according to New Jersey Public Law 2001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public school buildings or anywhere and school grounds including but not limited to parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 go ahead D the mission of the river Del Regional School District is to provide a safe student- centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student student's intellectual social physical emotional growth to promotee a healthy work ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for ones and others to develop responsible citizens for a diverse community and average community in an active partnership to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey student learning standards thank you um is there any public comments on agenda items only since we don't have any public I'm going to assume there's there's none we don't have a presentation we don't have student members I'm not the president so moving on over to the superintendent I'll take it good evening everyone um just two items to cover for this evening one is obviously just return from a a long holiday break so I wish you all a very happy and healthy and prosperous New Year and to those Folks at home that may be watching as well um secondly we haven't met since our successful referendum vote on December 12th so I wanted to just congratulate the board uh and all the members of the voting public who came out to support uh our referendum projects uh what happens at this point the board is aware but maybe those in the public are not aware um The Architects are finalizing drawings now which will be taking place over the next I'd say 6 weeks or so um to prepare them to go out to bid for the different projects and then they will come up and meet with us to go over a construction time schedule and a bid schedule and the board will will work with our architectural firm to decide what's going out to bid at which times and the whole process will get started later in the spring early in the summer um as we move forward so we're very excited about it it's a great opportunity for our district for our students and uh the public that will be utilizing our buildings in the next couple of years um we're very excited to get it going so congratulations to everyone that concludes my report Madam president oh you're funny committee reports I don't know if anybody has met so budget and finance I don't even know who that is uh that was me oh okay yeah I have not met facilities in security John we have not met either okay the since our last meeting community relations and information nothing to report curriculum report and policy and governance so it's been quiet that's good yes um so this is a full consent agenda so I move that all items sayat and Ash be part of a consent agenda and approved somebody make a motion second no second anybody have any questions some SCH consent Alan yes John yes Annette yes Doug yes Stephanie yes CIA yes all righty any old business new business Alan now the referendum has passed are we planning on taking down the referendum on our website or keeping it up uh it's a good question um because you know me personally I'd like to see it still up there and updated on a monthly basis to educate I mean the community came out 3 to one in favor of it they came to our meetings they listened now they should see the results what we're doing on a monthly basis every two months updated I know pictures of the new renderings I would update it when there's something to update yeah yeah yeah right so however that you know it could be could be twice in a month could be not for mon needs to get like and like it gets rebranded like keep the all and then Rebrand it into M referendum upate ref ref yeah say you know we could probably take down all the voting stuff because we don't need that anymore but keep the project pieces up that's a good idea that's a good idea okay anybody else have anything no any public comments from you guys no great adjourn motion to I make okay thank you I'm so used to saying yes I'm like motion to adjourn second I'll second all in favor all okay I'll tap it lightly you may have set a new record oh my