to order the meeting of the mayor and the council the burough River Edge November 27th 2023 regular meeting 700 p.m. I ask for a moment of Silent reflection and pay prayer for all those hot spots in the world as well as perhaps hot spots amongst our families but especially for those who are dying or captive or in danger ready salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on January 9th of this location date and time to the town news and the record and by post the same on the municipal Bulletin board and the burough website and following notice of the same with the municipal clerk Madame clerk roll call please councilman Cano present council president calman here councilwoman Montano Cohen here councilwoman canella here councilwoman malari is absent with prior notice councilman Benson here mayor Papo here our first is and to the public we apologize but we uh had to uh add a Clos session uh about contracts and change orders so uh our first order order of business is to go into a Clos session we will be in close session for about 15 to 30 minutes but probably more like 15 and uh we will be returning this website will remain open during this time and we will be going to a separate uh uh U webinar or web um Zoom meeting and then we will return to this could I have a motion from Council president cman and a second from councilman Keno to go into close session uh according to attorney client PIV njsa 10 colon 4-12 B7 contracts and change orders so moved second all in favor please say I I hi P back into order the meeting of the mayor and Council Open Session November 27th 2023 Madame clerk roll call please councilman kigo pres council president calman council president calman Michelle Michelle you mut it you're okay councilwoman monan Cohen here councilwoman canella here councilwoman malari is absent with prior notice councilman Vincent here mayor papao here sorry had my sound off it's okay we thought so yeah I have a motion from councilman Benson in a second from Council and mon Clen to approve the minutes uh once I read them into the record approve the minutes of the mayor and Council regular meeting of October 23rd 2023 approv uh approval of the minutes of the mayor and Council regular meeting of November 13 2023 Barry please say I'm sorry I'm sorry I thought you were GNA read them but so moved thank all in favor please say I mayor uh yes to November 13th but uh abstain for October 23rd outstanding anybody else need to abstain all right then could I have a motion from councilwoman canella and a second from uh say uh I don't think I'm skipping anyone councilwoman Kaufman to open to the public on any item on the agenda so moved second all in favor please say I I I all right we are open to the public Neil looks like you're the only one here do you want to raise your hand if you have a question if not we'll uh close to the public and continue on all right could I have a motion from councilman kigo and a second from uh councilman Benson to close to the public uh on any item on the agenda I moved all in favor please say I I any oppos any extensions hearing none we will move on going to have a motion from Council president Kaufman and a second from uh councilman monsan Clen uh once I read the appointments and Personnel changes prove the extension of Hayden hernand andz as a temporary intern for the burrow clerk's office through December 31st 2023 to inventory files located in the basement of the public safety building at an hourly rate of $15 for up to 10 hours per week effective November 15 2023 still moved second all in favor please say I I I any opposed any extensions okay in a moment could I have a motion from councilwoman canella and a second from counc kigo I'm going to read all uh let me just double check an I can read all three and do a uh uh announcement vote right correct great a motion that the following ordinance been passed in the first reading and setting November 11th 2023 at 7M or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard as the date and time in the zoom as the virtual platform for hearing on un on said notice ordinance 23-24 an ordinance creating a new chapter in the revised General ordinance of the burough River Edge entitled privately owned salt storage ordinance 23-25 an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinance of the bur Riv Edge chapter 400 vehicles in traffic ordinance 23-26 Bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of bogert Road Section 8 in and by the burrow of River Edge in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $373,500 to pay the cost thereof and to appropriate State Grant to authorized issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds so moved second before we go to a vote we would uh if our business administrator Miss abdola would please give the the public a brief synopsis of what we're doing with 23 uh 23 24 25 26 absolutely ordinance 2324 creates a new chapter regarding privately owned um salt storage sheds and this is required under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the Burrow's tier a storm Municipal storm water permit this is one of many new requirements that the Burl um will be enacting throughout the next several months ordinance 23-25 incorporates police recommendations from traffic evaluations to have prohibited parking on Summit Avenue when school's in session and to have a stop sign on River Street and lastly ordinance 23-26 is a bond ordinance to fund the boget road Section 8 project of which we have received a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the construction costs in the amount of $249,250 by by funding this now we can have the Burl engineer prepare the bid specs for Boger Road section seven and8 and we could go out to bid in early 2024 and be shovel ready by the summer excellent okay uh we according to Robert's Rules we are open for debate is there debate comment or question hearing none I call the question Madam clerk oh no no I'm sorry this does not require a roll call all in favor please say I I I any opposed any abstention hearing none the first reading ordinance is in complete we go to item number 10 second reading and ordinance could I have a council woman monsan Clen give a moot uh move it and councilwoman Kaufman second when I finish reading uh ordinance 2319 now one second please um an I believe I have to do 2319 separate from 21 22 23 is that correct correct okay great so the following ordinance published here within was first read by title only on October 12th 2023 and post board outside the clerk's office ordinance 23-19 an ordinance to amend amending chapter 416 in the revised General ordinance of the burrow River Edge entitled zoning could I have a motion in a second to open to the public moved second it has been moved in second all in favor please say I I I any opposed any exstension hearing now we are open to the public council president caufman Neil if you have a question just raise your hand or a comment and we will allow you to speak for the Public's benefit we only have one person in the waiting room and uh and that's Mr Neil Carrol and so that's why we're addressing him directly I don't think there's a question all right very good could I have a motion in second from councilwoman canella and councilman Keno to close to the public second all in favor please say I I I but I have a motion and second from councilman Benson and a second from Council monsano Cohen to adopt oh I'm sorry my bad is there any debate hearing none could I have a motion to adopt ordinance 23-19 no move second roll call councilman Cano yes council president cman yes councilwoman monano Cohen yes councilwoman canella yes councilman Benson yes okay could I have a motion from Council president Kaufman and a second from councilwoman canella uh after I read uh to open to the public all three ordinances following ordinance published here within was first read by title only on November 13 2023 and posted on a bulletin board outside the B clerk's office 23-21 an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinance of the burough rivered chapter 400 vehicles and traffic ordinance 23-22 a bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of sidewalks including construction of ADA ramps at Rucker's Place phase two in and by and for the burough River Edge in the county of Bergen the state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $185,000 to pay the cost thereof and to make a down payment to appropriate a Federal grant to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for an issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of such bonds and ordinance 23-23 an ordinance to amend chapter 206 of the revised General ordinance of the burrow River Edge entitled fees second second okay um all in favor please say hi hi okay before we uh anyone in the public who would like to speak please raise your hand while they're doing that electronically Miss aola if you could give to the public a synopsis of 23 21 2223 abolutely and I'll throw in 2319 also um 2319 was to establish legislation regarding lead paint inspections this was required by um the state that municipalities have to have this on the books 2321 updates the streets where u-turns are prohibited 2322 is a bond ordinance for sidewalk replacement at Rutter's place this is funded under the federal Community Development block program and this is being funded now because completion deadlines were changed from December 31st to June 3th so since we're under um this time frame we cannot include this in next year's capital budget because those funds aren't available until late May and 2323 adds fees for the running club to the recreation department fee schedule as this program will begin in 2024 which is right around the corner okay is there a council president Koffman is there anyone from the public who has raised their hands there is not okay councilman and councilwoman cons uh canel please give me a motion second to close to the public so move second all in favor please say I I any opposed any extensions hearing none is unanimous councilman Keno can you give me a motion to adopt and uh let's say who am I leaving out councilman Benson will you give me a second Mo second okay uh it is now open for debate is the hearing none roll call councilman k yes council president cman yes councilwoman Montano Cohen yes councilwoman canella yes councilman Benson yes okay uh could I have uh Council monsan call and give me a motion and councilman canell a second after I finish reading uh the resolution to um the record could I have a motion and second for resolutions 23-3 12 through 23- 322 I make a motion but we need to remove 23 315 excellent so let me revise that but I have a motion in second to um which one 320 which one are we 23315 I don't think that's right 23315 okay we have no which one is it who is that um the you have to use the revised agenda the the consent agenda is resolutions 23- 313 through 23- 323 but um there has to be a separate vote to table 23- 315 I have the revised in front of me and I thought we start 23 312 is forms of resolution requiring approval of items of Revenue and appropriation is that not correct um no we have 23 313 is the American res yeah but isn't there 312 312 was the resolution to go into close session okay well hold on because okay I get it all right well because I have 312 vied packet and it says 23- 312 form of a resolution requir uh requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation njs 4487 I apologize that that was my my error I I'll send you the updated agenda right now no don't it's okay tell me what numbers let's first table what is the number of the one we're tabling 23- 315 okay great um could I have a motion and a second uh coun councilwoman mons would you do the motion in the second can be councilwoman CAU uh to table uh 23- 315 approve change order number two burrow Hall additions and alterations now lazette in order to table I have to give it a date certain don't I um no it just gets tabled until the next meeting until um as long include the special session that we're considering having on Monday it could be the special session or the December 11th meeting or even the sign die meeting that's the very last meeting this resolution could be heard okay so the next can I can we say table it to the next uh session of the mayor and Council whether it would be special or regular would that be appropriate yes okay so um I'll say it again but I have a motion in second to table 23- 315 approved change order number to bur Hall additions and alterations until the next meeting of the council whether that be a special session uh or a regular session I make that motion second it has been moved and seconded it is being taed so it does o it is part of debate is there debate hearing none roll call councilman kigo yes council president cman yes councilwoman Montano Cohen yes councilwoman canella yes councilman Benson yes okay now you're gonna help me out here an what are we move an why don't you actually do that what what resolutions are we uh what numbers are we doing now uh it would be 23- 313 and through 23- 314 and then uh 23- 316 through 23- 323 but I have a motion and second second all right uh it is open for debate is there debate hearing none um all in favor please say I I I any opposed any extensions council president Kaufman as Finance chair would you please move 23-23 read it in record and could one member of the finance commit second it bur of Riv Edge resolution 23324 payment of bills at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council of the burough of Riveredge County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on November 27th 2023 be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the buau of River Edge approved the following expenditures current fund $566,000 other fund $1,423 61 payroll fund $7,888,000 self-insurance trust fund $5,295 so moved second all in favor please say I I I I any oppos any extensions all right so we are now up to item number 13 for discussion 2024 mayor and council meeting schedule uh Miss DOD yes so included in uh the backup for this discussion was the uh resolution that you typically adopt at the reorganization meeting with the proposed meeting schedule for next year uh we follow the typical schedule of the second and the fourth uh Monday of the month and if we if there's a holiday on a Monday we uh schedule the meeting for Thursday of that week we're essentially looking for confirmation on the dates um and the whe when you want to hold the signy die and reorganization meeting I did reach out to Dara oconor the library director in anticipation of you perhaps wanting to hold it in a hybrid format like we did last year he did confirm that January 2nd uh through the 5th is available um on the 5ifth the library would be closed but he is willing to come in and open the library for us to hold the meeting and then come back and close up when we're done um we're also I also spoke to him about the potential of holding our meetings in person at the library starting next year as I understand that may be something that you want to pursue uh the only issue that he raised was um that the library closes at nine o'clock so I we T we usually meet at 7 o'clock um I don't know if there's the ability to meet earlier next year or if you think uh the library closing at 9:00 clock would pose an issue um and yeah that that was and I believe we would still need to have a zoom component if we did meet at the library because I don't know how else we would record it in capturing video um we could purchase a device to capture voice but I I believe you would want video and I think Zoom would be the way that we could we could capture the video okay so let's take it in pieces uh everyone at the end of the agenda is the dates January 22nd through December 9th uh let's leave the CNY die off is there any conflict with the dates provided in the agenda hearing none I'll move to the second item uh I believe that uh we are settled uh we the newly elected and reelected for um Friday January um 5th at 7 p.m. is would that pose a hardship on a member of council I thought it was six Am I Wrong uh my calendar says Friday is the 5th and Saturday is the six no I mean 6 PM sorry 6 PM also sounds good is David and andir are you guys good with 6 pm here with me d that would work that would be even better uh would it pose a hardship on any member of council for us to have the reorg sen die starting at 6 pm on uh Friday uh January 5th all right um so now that LE brings us to the third Point um I really think that we need to start meeting in person and I really think that we have to start um and we need if we need to buy equipment to make that possible at the library um I think that that might be something we need to do would it be possible starting in uh next year for our Council meetings to start at 6: PM is that possible let me rephrase it is it a hardship or an impossibility for Council for next year to start at 6 PM it's okay for me okay Barry I think 6 PM would be difficult given you know my job you know working till five and getting ready and going later some nights so that would be hard for me would 6:30 be possible or would only seven be possible I mean I guess I guess 6:30 um would be doable so that' give me another half hour all right uh Michelle you said that's possible David is that possible yeah I mean Seven's better but I can do 6:30 Lisa I mean seven is better work schedule but 6:30 on a Monday is is doable for me all right indir and then we'll go to Dario yes I can make it work um but I agree seven is is usually a time G it might be a question that uh they have to stop paying people at a certain time so perhaps if there's some other way that you can work it out with Dara that you can close up the library at 10 or the the mayor and Council pays whoever time and a half to stay over it may um fix the issue for you just just a thought well we absolutely could negotiate that but I can point out to you also that um and and and lazette if you could we we really haven't gone past nine o'clock in a very long time would you guys agree with that I don't think it's too often that we have I mean if we keep the zoom component worst case scenario um kind of like when you do a swearing in you stop the meeting and just give everybody a chance to to get home even though an and I live don't live in town then resume if it's like a um a pertinent topic Tom can we do that do we have that flexibility that if we needed to we could end the inperson and continue with zoom only uh yeah as long as you give the uh the public that option of course all right then I think we can keep it at seven uh is would and lazette do you think we could keep it at seven based on this current conversation we could keep it at s but it has to be in a hybrid format we have to keep um the zoom component okay so um we uh who would we uh who would we speak to about um helping the library help us make that component possible I can start I can start to work with with an Dar you and I can work with darra in the next weeks I mean he knows we talked about this last year when you know we had the cide there and the only issue was the technical issues right so why don't we talk to him tomorrow he's always very accommodating if you already offered to come in that's one that's great but to Dario's point we should consider an alternative because if he's out of town or something um we need to consider who's going to close up the library but um the the library board has been very accommodating with that as well so how about we leave it this way uh Lisa you and an will continue to negotiate with Dara and also um you should with him decide whether we need to provide some sort of um rer bandwidth or some sort of equipment uh and if that's the case then you need to discuss it with Lizette to make sure that we can make that purchase and uh and hopefully we can uh and please make aware to Dara you know the the odd days like February 15th which is a Thursday October hopefully by October 17th we will be back in a building but um you know and um if that can be worked out um that would be great I did I was just going to say I did send him a copy of the resolution with the dates the proposed dates so he is aware okay uh but the copy I have right now says Monday January 4th 2023 at 7:30 p.m. for the senny die of course so now he would need to know the new senny die and um you know just even though he he might have a copy just verbally remind him of February 15th as a Thursday okay um is it seems like the council has unanimous consent so let me ask uh is there objection to the plan that has been outlined from the dates to the senny die and reorg to uh to the hybrid plan hearing no objection it is so approved all right I like it when a plan comes together okay let me just scroll back up oh I got to go all the way up to the top okay here we go um is there any uh new business uh before we go to score's old business uh Miss aola if you could just give us an update on construction and what's happening at Roosevelt um I was informed by the burough engineer that um all projects meaning Vorhees kbg parking lot um the North train station parking lot Elm Street sidewalks um cdbg have been completed now including the restoration phase so they're in the process of closing them out and issuing punch list letters with regards to Roosevelt Field I received confirmation from my counterpart um at the board of ed that the scoreboard has been ordered the footing will be installed in a couple of weeks with the rest of the installation taking place by mid January we they permitting and the dugouts uh will be delivered in January then the installation will take place they needed um to have separate vendors for the procurement of the dugouts and a separate one for installation so that that is also a January project excellent Miss ABA is there any business that we should consider before we talk about score okay so we have score so so um Barry I believe you're speaking to that right so Benson yes thank thank you thanks for the opportunity to talk about score I just give you a quick recap of what where we are with it um um Henry and Carol uh ma who who've run the program for many years are retiring this year and uh the council agreed and I believe we passed a resolution to hire a part-time wreck person who's going to come on hopefully early next year to help as part of the responsibilities to run the program so that was thank you that thank you for the council for that and the mayor um and let's head it in um so here we are now I just wanted to give you an update on terms of the space uh that we're looking at for score and maybe get some thoughts on this so right now uh we need to find a space so right now the score is running at the temple um it has been costing the town about $20,000 a year to lease that space how however uh based on uh looking at score again and the fact that we're only using a minimum amount of space and only one day versus two we've renegotiated that lease down to uh 14,000 for next year from 20 um so uh we could keep score at the temple for $66,000 Less next year or uh we did uh price out the kns at Columbus but that's even more than 14,000 so I'm not even going to go down that path the only space that we might contemplate and I'm throwing it out the council just to be transparent is there is a space at the mall the senior Source um which um would allow us to meet there on Mondays uh and but there would be no actually they would be charging us nothing to use their space except maybe a small $200 uh donation um however in a score program we did sort of take the temperature of the real of the river Ed res residents who go to score how willing would they be go to go over to the mall and I believe about 10 out of the 15 said they would prefer not to go to the mall and you know stay in town so that's where we are um and you know I I'm I'm not sure if we need any motion or anything here mayor but you know my thoughts are at this point given we have a new person coming on who's going to have to learn the program that we just maintain the status quo at least for next year and we keep the program at the temple we've negotiated down 6,000 in savings and it will make it just easier for everyone in score to keep going to the TA uh Temple next year um so that's that's where we are okay is there a question councilwoman monsan Cohen you're muted first great job in renegotiating the fees something that came up uh when I was thinking about this the last meeting when I was leing to score and I should know this and maybe I forgot I know that we open it to non residents of river Ed um um is how many are they and has it ever been a consideration in Prior councils about charging a fee for non-residents I mean this this continues to cost us money even though we reduced it but I was wondering um you know how many are there cuz I I remember meeting at least six and how what were our ability to actually charge minimum fee for non-resident since we are providing that this for them sure and and let said add on if you want but based on what I know we have about 15 us there were about 15 River Edge residents who were there on that Monday and there's another 15 that were coming from out of town and based on what I know Henry and Carol charged them I think it's in the bylaws a dollar per meeting uh for the non- River Edge residents to attend do I have that rightless set do you remember it was a dollar right yes um I I don't know if it was a dollar for everyone or just the non-residents but they collect a dollar at their at their meeting and it's about um 5050 we did speak to the ma about um uh in town you know residents participating and they said that you know with covid even though it's three years later those who were in in town who participated just did not feel comfortable um engaging in in a you know a big congregation a big group so um hopefully with this new person starting we could help spread the word and Garner more more interest and bring more in in town people but at this juncture it's evenly split so I have a suggestion for U membership um score might want to reach out to uh the local churches and synagogues um St Peters and of course the reform church and and so on and so forth uh because often times um putting it in the bulletin uh for uh those organizations helps boost the membership because many times uh people who who have never belonged don't know that such an organization does exist and those are really good places and of course speaking to the pastors and the rabbis and the ministers who run it to um to talk it up at the end of services is also another great way so passive way is the bulletin and then it maybe an active endorsement could also help in the right direction when it comes to membership so I might I recommend that to you Barry and to um you know planning and and and of course um Joe yes councilwoman canella U just um mayor since you mentioned that uh score did reach out to the different uh groups St Peters when I was the aison and um they did not get much uh I believe it was St Peters and the library and um the that the seniors went to and so they didn't get much uh participation in those groups but it's it's worth another try I think it is only because it's been a while since covid yes and I I know that last year I was a little bit more apprehensive and certainly the year before that extremely apprehensive so you know it could be that a new round of you know membership drives might help any other yeah any other old business okay could I have a motion to open the public uh for any comments so mov I all in favor please say I I I okay council president so if you have a comment or question just raise your hand and I'll let you speak does not look like it but I have a motion in second to close to the public so moved second all in favor please say I I I any opposed any extension hearing none it's unanimous okay well are there any Council comments councilwoman canell more of a reminder mayor um we will have the annual lighting um Christ Tre lighting and monoral Lighting on Saturday December 9th at Memorial Park seeing as though borrow borrow Hall we can't do it at Bor Hall and um it will be starting at 400m going to 6:30 and um they will the usual marching band uh Haw capellas um and the Girl Scouts will be there so please join it's great fun I hope to see you there um it's just just one of those Traditions that the council shows up for and we we it's a good experience and have your singing voice ready right all right um any other announcements all right then uh could I have a motion in second to uh adjourn the meeting move second okay all in favor please say hi Hi Well Done everybody night everybody good back