##VIDEO ID:azHCQTMQdjM## I call to order the meeting of the mayor and council with borrow of River Edge October 17 2024 regular meeting advised revised agenda at the River Edge Library 685 Elm Avenue 7M and also remotely on Zoom I ask for a moment of Silent prayer and reflection for all of our soldiers and all of our police officers who put themselves in harm way Harm's Way each and every day Council cofin would you lead us in the pledge I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on January 11th 2024 of this location date and time to the town news and the Bergen Record and by the posting the same of the municipal bulletin board and the burough website and filing notice of the same with the municipal clerk Madam clerk roll call please councilwoman C here council president mon here councilwoman canel is currently absent councilwoman M Larry here councilman Benson here councilman glass is absent with prior notice mayor here okay uh could I have a motion and second from any member of council to approve the minutes of the mayor and Council regular and closed session meeting of September 23rd 2024 some move second it has been moved and seconded if you need to abstain from one or both please feel free to do that all in favor please say I I need to abstain from both I wasn't hearing that meeting very good okay item number six on our agenda presentation veteran Banner presentation right come on up where got to say your full name all come up to Jason um full name and address Jason just full name and and rooll in the birth Raymond stits 210 Mohawk Drive in River Edge Jason marito or superintendent okay great this is a wonderful proposal okay uh good evening thank you for giving me the time uh to discuss this very um good project that we want to do um as you know a lot of towns have started to put up the banners in honor of veterans that have served the community so um Jason and I got together and um we decided let's do this for a rivered also so personally what I did I got out a print out of addresses and everything of everyone in town that currently get the um veterans deduction on their property tax and there's 186 of those now um there could be more uh if they live in apartments in town because um they wouldn't be eligible for um the deduction but that's what we're going with 186 there might be more there might be less um and what we would like to do if I can show you oh yeah so you're referring us now to the handout uh bber Bridge Hometown here right go ahead what we're going to do in in two phases first of all the addresses that we have we're going to send out letters and this application in the letter for the people then what we will do is um get this put on our fa uh face um website website our website which will give a little explanation of the hometown hero and an application that they can send in um to the burrow Hall and um with a check uh payable to the burrow and the burrow will hold that money in escra for us for when we order this um the banners um the banners we estimate right now $200 a banner and that will cover the banner and okay and the hardware the banners we're looking to put up from May until November and then we'll take the banners down because they they won't survive that that whole year up and um you can put up the holiday decorations or whatever on the banners so for the Public's benefit the reason why Ray is suggesting U Mr sits is suggesting May to November G it's from Memorial Day to Veterans Day right and I am going to have a person in town um he's retired army colonel and he's going to help me uh vent the applications because what we're going to do in the beginning um because we don't know how many applic how many applications we're going to get versus how many polls we have in town and we're going to limit it to combat veterans right now and there's a military form DD214 if you don't know it don't worry only if you're in the military you know it it's a DD214 and it's a bio where you have served and what action and what um what awards you've received uh like the Bronze Star the Silver Star um purple heart and everything think um and we get those and we're the cipher who has met all the criteria and then we will move forward with um ordering the banners and everything um the banners will be ordered in November and March April November and April of each year so if someone misses this deadline we will'll catch them up on the next deadline okay so this way it' be a routine going forward and everything and if there are any damaged um banners well we have enough monies where we can probably you know replace one or two at a time okay um I gave you a listing of all we're going to go through Gates Flags they're in um hon and they' listed here all the towns that they do throughout the state so um it's not a fly by night and they're very good at it and um when he gets here I'll show you the actual Banner um the cost there's I gave you a cost sheet there also um and there's a 36 18x 36 24x 48 or 30X 60 um Jason feels that 18 by 36 would be the best because it wouldn't be hanging out into the street that much nor would it be hanging out into the sidewalk um to um disturb anyone who's walking so and there's all different cut offs of a 100 we can get it for $65 a piece and so on and so forth now I read you do a order that's I read order twice in there instead once right um okay I gave you also a l um a sheet that has different varieties of the um banners and what we want to do is we looked at number um the first one there that's sort of circled and um we would like to do that um because it has a swords and stripes and it will say River Edge Hometown Heroes and um you know that's the one we would like to see um then in in that he can incorporate if the person has um various metals if you look at the last one on the page one with Metals around the picture he can uh put that into the banner as well and there are various medals that they would offer um and I'll share that with the group later on or I can I can make copies because I ran out of time and hand it over to you so all right I'm sorry no I'm sorry I was going to say and and this way we can incorporate if the person did um honorable service and got some awards we want to note that on the plaques on on the banners so um and if the person does not have um a picture because it requires a picture there he said he can do something like this silhouette a silhouette of a a person military person and um a lot of towns will do that if you can't come up with a photo okay now what we want to do since a lot of towns are doing this now we want to just limit this to River Edge if you lived living or past tense you know we want to honor those people if the person has a father that grew up in Elmwood Park but his hard his kids want his picture here no they have to go to Elwood Park and get into their program because we want to take care of the River Edge veterans yeah okay I I think that's only fair so um and Jason you have anything else yeah just logistically um like we said the banners will be purchase twice a year I did talk to the rcfo so it's no problem setting up a an account for this um to hold trust fund yeah trust fund to hold over um there will be a section on there where donations will be accepted for the maintenance that'll be put on the banners to help us continu it or fix any damage banners um Mr uh Ray Ray did go over the polls could be Universal so when they do come down in November we'll be able to use them for either holiday season greetings whatever um we can use down later on on our decorative um snowflakes and everything else that costs a little more money so this will be make it a little cheaper um these um we will be doing everything um putting them up taking them down so there will be no cost or any of that no overtime no nothing talk to the guys that have no problem doing it um the poles we're looking to use is we would start out here on Continental where all these new poles in this parking lot just got placed we'd go into Memorial Park use those poles as well and then we would start on the decorative polls from on kinak from hackin sack up to Reservoir every other pole so it wouldn't be every pole and then because we still need to hang decorations and everything else on them and then it'll be maining Grant and then as soon as that's all filled up we will continue up uh kak road to the orell border to so every pole with have every other poll would have decorative banners eventually um Ry did also mention how it's only going to be as of right now as for active military that was in a conflict um we're going to see what we get on that um if we if we feel like we have a lot of the active military already um and we have a lot more polls then we'll we'll open it up to a little bit more um who served um we want to try to get as much as we can um for our veterans um so but we don't want to get overwhelmed where I don't have enough polls to put you know all the signs up so I'm sure our veterans would understand that you know so an incremental approach yes absolutely and then um pretty much um that's where we're at that's that's okay so the coun council you have a proposal proposal that I think is is is we should support that that would be my opinion um does the council wish to enter in into discussion are there any questions I have I have a question absolutely just wondering are other towns asking the veterans to pay yes c i I checked Cliffside Park I used to live in V Cliffside Park gets $200 okay a pole um Rochelle Park gets $150 okay a stanion um I didn't check with the other towns but I can and get back to the mayor council prices I also checked with some towns um they all do pay okay um the burrow if the fund doesn't have maintenance fees the burrow will pick up if there's a ripped flag here and there they just do not lay out the full amount um which I feel we will get donations whether it's from you know Town residents or our businesses so I'm not really concerned about that um if it does happen we can always make it work I feel with what we have okay just want to make sure that was normal and of course I think this is a fantastic idea thank you for doing it the $200 that is that in perity like forever or for year so what's going to also happen is it is no that's just for in perpetuity hopefully the flags if we do it right that's why we're putting them up in in May and taking them down in November they're not they do not handle well with with cold they are harder plastic so they tend to crack and rip with the Wind so we feel these flags will last at least three to four years um and then of course if if they do go down we can reach out since we have all the information from the people we can re reach out and say you know the flag has been up for four years it's weathered you know move on or we can start doing an internal replacement plan if if that's something with with the money that we um with the extra money we have for the maintenance you can just automatically start redoing that so that would be a decision if approve it tonight uh that would be a decision for future councils they want to you know acquire the original petitioner to uh and it would be less it wouldn't be the $200 because the brackets are already up you know or do we want to cover it uh through internal or some mixture of that so there would be but that would be really for a future Council and and and the money that we put in the trust fund will be used solely for the flags so U Jason won't be borrowing it to do other things around town trust me she won't let me I do have a question just to reiterate what you said Mr Meo how long does the flag tend to last truthfully around the way we're doing it since we're not keeping it up anywhere between three to four years of course you know if you have a hurricane at of course I'm going to try obviously I'm going to try to take them down if we ever have something of that so we don't lose them it wouldn't be that hard to do so but truly for unforeseen things I would say three three to four years without you know bad weather if I me yeah absolutely um also like so if you if you're on a poll do you get the same poll next year no that's another thing I will be so there will be no poll selection um when when we put them up we're just putting them up so there wouldn't be a post selection on on the application or people coming down I want it here I live here it'll be directed directly on the polls that we decide and it might not be on the same poll year to year because I'm I can't number logistically it's you know against Manpower yeah and just numbering and I'm looking at numbers and so so in essence whatever poll we get is what we get yeah and then next year it might be a different poll you might be on Main Street this year but next year you might be on K we Spread spread it around so I get a sense that the council is in support of this so what I need is a motion in second to approve the concept and uh the preparation of a trust fund resolution um so that this could move forward um more details would come up can be uh can be reviewed at the time of the resolution um so is there a motion to approve the concept and uh the creation of a trust fund so move second all in favor please say I I I any opposed any extensions oh this is wonderful Ray thank you Jason thank you so very much just thank him educate you all the time through it thanks awesome be careful with those words yeah thanks all right okay could I have a motion and second to open to the public on any item on the agenda only so move second all those in favor please say I I any uh anyone on a remote or anyone in for something on the agenda give it about 15 20 seconds just raise your hand no no but soon doesn't work okay could I have a motion and second from uh anyone on Council to close the public for any item on the agenda second all in favor please say I I I okay could I have a motion and second from anyone Council for appointment and Personnel changes after I've read them into the record approve the salary increase of Joel GES uh Department of Public Works from atrie trimmer step three salary 68 , 56 to treat trimmer step 4 7,960 due to satisfactory comp completion of his uh CDL that's commercial driver's license uh requirement retroactive to September 23rd 2024 approv the resignation of Salvador CH coni I believe uh s e that's special law enforcement officer class two in the police department effective September 22 2024 prove the resignation of Kevin Doan also sleo but class three in the police department effective September 26 2024 approve the resignation of William LaVine crossing guard in the police department effective September 3rd 2024 second all in favor please say I I all right there are monthly reports is item nine a l use two L use September and August Environmental Protection ction and green team September and tax collector September 30th the public like copies of that they need to only contact the uh clerk's office to get uh to request that okay there are resolutions uh we have a revised agenda we've added um two resolutions 24314 24315 which moved the payment of bills to 24316 um is any member of council wish to ask a question before we move move 24305 through 24315 did any member wish for us to hold out for a separate vote could I have a motion in second to move resolutions 24305 through 24315 okay it's been moved and seconded all in favor please say I I any opposed any extensions hearing none it is unanimous but I have councilwoman Kaufman as the finance chair and budget committee chair move 24-3 uh 16 payment of bills yes at a regular meeting of the mayor and council at the bur of River Edge County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on October 17 2024 be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the Bureau of Riv approve the following expenditures current fund 3,116 65681 General Capital fund $484,350 Grant fund $ 39,2 7988 Animal Control $3.60 trust other $2,424 67 payroll $2,789 24 developers escrow $3,547 Recreation trust $463 45 cents so mve have second from someone on the finance committee second all those in favor please say I are there any opposed any extension hearing none is unanimous is there any new business is there any old business uh Miss apella if you could give us a brief update on where we are with um Capital Construction roads um that'd be great sure first um I want to start off though with the best practices inventory it is um an annual survey every municipality must complete this and it assesses compliance with various laws and evaluates implementation of fiscal and operational best practices there are a total of 69 questions 17 of which are unscored the minimum score to receive the final full Aid payment from the state is 35 and we received 42 points so stop right there let's he a round of applause to that and this is because of our ba our clerk our uh superintendent of Public Works uh all the members of our staff working together under uh lizette's leadership and others leadership to make that possible so we are very grateful keep going yes so the CFO bur Clerk and I we all worked on the survey and we certified it on the Department of Community Affairs website submissions are due October 25th so we are early and part of the process is that we have to report that we did the survey and what our score is so with that then I could move forward with our infrastructure programs um first and foremost psng they had committed to full curve to curve Paving on most roads within the area bounded by Howland Avenue Kinder kak Road 5th Avenue in Manning Milling began on October 3rd and it has a projected end date of the 21st according to our burough engineer the subcontractor is currently on schedule meeting all project Milestones Paving started on the 10th and is scheduled to be completed by Thursday the 24th weather permitting and the contractor is on track to meet the timeline the layout for striping along bogert Road between Howland and Wayne was completed this past Monday and final strifing is scheduled for October 19th and the project like I said is progressing as scheduled with the final completion of October 24th weather permitting so I want to emphasize uh if we could miss Abella uh that this is a grant created by the federal government and the state that uh and there's no property tax expenditures for the majority of this work this is so we're getting uh basically updated gas lines we're getting milling and Paving of our roads without incurring any uh C major Capital debt upon uh our um our residents that is correct so um our next project are the 2024 Ada Rams the contractor completed the main Project work including intersection Restorations and cleanup activities restoration um which was previously at 80% is now fully complete The Bu engineer is actively working on generating the final punch list and any Resident complaints are being addressed as soon as possible during this time period um Brookside Park gallon Contracting complet the installation of the new storm water management system regrading of the park the park entrance and the asphalt pathway connecting Concord Drive in Monroe Avenue installation of the playground equipment is being done by game time and is for children Age 2 to 5 and 5 to 12 it began and it's um currently underway and um the project this is another project that is on schedule and expected to be completed by the end of October and then once final payments are issued and we have proof of the cancel checks then we submit um all the documentation over to the county because we did receive a um in 2022 um the open space Grant from the county so it is a reimbursable project for 50% of the construction cost so again savings to our property owners correct and um with bogur Road sections seven and eight those are do um Department of Transportation Grant funded programs the um curbs and sidewalks and 88 ramps on Section 7 will begin in the spring um we had gone out to bid for Section 8 we rejected the bids to substantially revise the specs because originally bogot Road Section 8 was um to be milled and paved but that was taken care of under the psng project so the Burl engineer is designing the new bid specs um which would focus on expanding the concrete curve sidewalk ada8 ramps and signage and uh so all of these improvements that majority being done by grants that do not uh impact um our taxpayers are increasing the curb appeal and the overall property value of our towns and um our infrastructure upgrades and like with the park it was a safety issue raised by our joint Insurance Fund yes excellent wonderful uh council president I believe you have a few things you would like to Sure talk about yeah so as a uh well a to the DPW is my pleasure to announce just to communicate to the public a few of the success they've had in the past month on October 5th they had a pep shreding and oil antifreeze collection it was extremely well attended they were able to collect 40 gallons of motor oil three gallons of antifreeze and had over 50 residents to shred documents and they're planning to do this in April and October so twice a year starting next year uh but most importantly the 2024 tree planting will begin Monday October 21st with a total of 112 trees to be planted across town uh with the priority given to uh residents that have actually requested the planting um so that's very important because that's uh part of our shade tree advisory committee correct and that's part of our commitment to uh to be restoring the canopy which again improves the overall well-being of the town as well as our property value our curb Feld correct and any uh uh questions that residents may have regarding trees tree Bond planting and removal should be directed to the DPW to the attention of the Mr Meo uh directly to 201310 8221 the numbers are in the Bor website excellent all right anyone else for old business I have we'll also have Council comments and I I I have something I want to say on that but we're going to hold that but anything else under old business John did you want to say something no okay thought um okay so uh if there is no other old business then I'd like a motion in second to open to any item for open to the public on any item they'd like to speak on so second all favor please say I I you don't have to sit but we welcome you to you have to give us your full name and address and you get two minutes okay my name is Arthur Zimmerman I live at 90 lak View Street um for those that go down lak View Street I have the covered truck that used to be the River Edge Plumbing truck that I put in the parade when it's running all right I'm here and it's foru is actually that Jason is here I SP been speaking with Jason since last summer Lake View Street is lower than bogot road if you can Envision this so the house I'm on the east side of Lake you the houses on the west side of bogert are maybe 10 15 ft above the town when they no houses existed on bogert when my parents built our house in 1940 they came up bot Road and what happened was some of the houses actually are lower than the street so what they did is they they took a right away the last three feet of the people people's property on BT and made a we called it the ditch runs all the way down the town is obligated to maintain that ditch all right they haven't been doing that since n um about 2000 1999 2000 so what happens is in these bad storms we're getting the people drain their gutters and leaders into what should be the ditch and ends up in our backyard can you just give me your address one more time 90 Lake View okay go ahead um I've been talking with Jason uh and he'll be able to give you maybe a little more information from his point of view um we need that done we the as kids we used to play on this and this Stitch goes from three or four houses north of me all the way down to the house if you come up Valley Road to Lake View that's where it stops behind that house I haven't been down I I walked down a few houses with Jason last summer I have not been down the whole thing and what's happened is trees have grown in there when neighbor north of me has put a wall in a railroad tie wall blocking the ditch it it needs to be taken care of because we had a storm one of the bad storms we had had and I looked at my neighbor's yard literally there was 3 in of water over her whole backyard and that ends up in my yard and then in my basement okay that was your two minutes but U okay we're going to keep you here for a second we're going to extend Jason can you speak to the council about this yeah so th this is a piece of property that we own behind in between both like Boger Road and and lakevi it's a three inch a three foot easan um we did have it surveyed last year I did have Jason fles with me from cost engineering the burrow did survey it out last year um the issue is it's it's it's an easement that the burrow owns and it's a swell so there's not really it's coming off a hill from bogert and going right down to his property it's like a swell down and the swell used to catch the water the issue is now with all these houses that are getting built again the bigger houses um more water is coming down into that SW um the problem is there's not much the burrow can really do about that and we'll have we can have the um engineer here um whenever you need to or talk to him um there's no way out so the problem is the swell only goes behind the houses there's no way to the street we don't have a right away so there's no way we can put any kind of drainage back there that would work so we have no access we have no access and we have no easement to the street in between homes we only have the access behind homes and the access goes pretty much from two houses up to Reservoir from him all the way down to valley and stops dead the easement also off shifts so which means it starts going down straight and then it kicks down three feet and goes again so the problem we're having is twofold trees did grow up back there we could take them down that's not a problem but but we' need authorization to come on their property yes um to get to them but I we haven't had a problem yet there is stuff built on the right away which we are going to be talking to our build our code official um and work that out I actually just met there with Jason again on on Tuesday Monday so we're starting the process we're just seeing how to go about it and and what we can do and at this point there's not really a whole lot we can do it's not considered a drainage easement it's just considered an easement so we we're trying to figure out how we can remedy this but I don't think there's a solution to REM this okay Mr zberman what is you you're looking for from the town if you could put it into a single sentence or close to it for the town to be responsible for the water from the houses on Boger yeah we can't be responsible for that I don't think but we will do this you are though because you allow them to put their water into this ditch which doesn't exist anymore except behind my house I've maintained it so what we're going to do is I'm going to ask for um our burough engineer our zoning officer to work with Jason to uh review Mr span also our uh our B attorney uh what would be our obligations and what would what would be our Authority if any and um what we can do is if you could give the clerk your uh home phone number and an email address address and we can get back to you in about two weeks I think uh and uh we can have a discussion with where where that is whether we have the authority whether we have the ability and what would be our responsibility and um and what mitigating um plan we might be able to create okay just as a note sure um I understand Jason explained to me the extent of the redoing this and it's massive but it h something has to be done I don't know whether this is a viable option but to have the people on bogert drain their water out to bogert road then nothing has to be done back there and I don't know what I'm saying dynamically you know I mean that that has to be determined but so that would that would be not something we discuss here no no I'm just going to discuss something else the issue is it's the older homes so it's not not the newer homes that have seepage pits it's the it's the older homes I know but that's not for us discuss here this this isn't a debate I I did extend the time because you were here to give the council a better understanding but um we have to maintain our open public meeting process rules okay so we're going to have our our professionals look into that Jason I definitely want you to talk to Tom about this and as well as Steve and you know and and um and Mr Zim we'll we'll hopefully get back to you within two weeks with what we can and can't do if if there is anything we can do all right okay all right thank you Mr Z thank you thank you Ray you want to show us the the yeah first I want to introduce Adam Reich he's he's you just got to say your name and address again sorry the rules and you had two minutes right okay I promise race stits 210 Mohawk Drive River Edge okay go ahead okay we have here Adam Reich he's Town resident retired Colonel and we have Joe from Gates FL he's going to be working with us and here's just a sample of what the banner is going to look like that's quite beautiful would you show the public great thanks and um and you can see it's heavy duty that's why we don't want to keep it up during the winter time yeah cuz that's going to get and um Gates's been doing this for a couple years now so you want me come up and uh if you can keep it to under two minutes well actually one minute 20 seconds all you have to say full name and address all right uh full name Joe py uh 22 Francis Street Toto New Jersey okay um so I've been with Gates flag for about five years I'm the head of the custom Department there I'm also their lead graphic designer uh we've done these banners in about 50 to 55 towns throughout New Jersey and probably another couple dozen all throughout the country um so this is one of my designs this was made for Leonia uh recently on Memorial Day so they're coming back with their second batch um we have a ton of different designs that you could choose from but uh this is the one that Ray like the most and I also happen to have a sample of it so it just uh worked out beautifully uh so I heard these are going on your black decorative lamp poost so 18 by 36 the size here um that is the size that's appropriate for those uh lamp posts uh we already announced 2025 pricing it is quantity based um do you happen to have them here or did you give them to the May beautiful perfect okay so that saves me a little bit more work because I did not memorize those numbers yet um but yeah any questions that you guys have in terms of the materials or the work that we put into these um on all years so I'm going to let the council do that after we close because we are in the process of opening to the public and it is not a debate back and forth gotcha thank you you're welcome no problem and Colonel thank you for helping out we really appreciate that we recognize your service and we we're grateful for it is there any member of the public who is remote who would like to uh I don't think so all right could I have a motion and second to close to the public second uh all in favor I okay now we're up to council comments uh I'm going to start if you don't mind I'd like to uh commend two of our police officers um whose names I should have written down um uh who responded to a call on bogert road today um there was a u burglar alarm that went off the call came through I believe a switching office to our Police Department our officers um showed up and the house was locked there was no entry but they noticed there was condensation on the windows so they contacted the resident asked for the garage code they entered the home a pipe had broken uh in between the first and second floor and then first floor and the basement were flooded um it would have continued for another four hours or more depending on their their work schedule if it hadn't been for um our outstanding Police Department or the fire department showed up also the wordell fire department showed up and the New Milford I believe fire department showed up uh the New Milford Nordell were actually out on a call had resolved that call and we're heading back when our call came in um and U our chief uh schlosberg and chief kid were there as well as um oh what is Dave's um uh deputy chief um Stucky um so um so uh a phenomenal showing by our Police Department phenomenal show showing by our um our um fire department um the resident was more than grateful and it was something to see considering the amount of damage done to their home how grateful they were I'd also like to thank our fire our police department and our DPW for uh for everything they're doing to try to minimize uh the impact of all the grind milling and Paving for our residents going out of their way knocking on doors reminding residents to move so that no cars get towed uh uh Costa engineering and Jason Flores who works for Costa engineering doing a wonderful job working with telon and psng uh it is a very disruptive process but it's it's moving ahead swimmingly because of the professionalism that we have in our in our um BPW in our engineering department in our Police Department uh and Pat Diamond Sergeant diamond for uh for his coordinating uh a lot of this uh with traffic and safety um so we're we're very very grateful for all of our Professionals for what they do uh under the leadership of Chief Walker under leadership of uh Mr molo under leadership of Mr Costa and as well as under leadership of our Bor uh business administrator and bur clerk um anyone else for comments Council comments Council marari I want to um mention to the public there's a great Library program coming from um EPC on October 23rd next Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:45 it's a program that Tony from Branco Farms from New York will be speaking about uh after the Harvest and how to preserve your Bounty for the winter nice um that does that have a flyer yet flyer yes uh I'm not sure if it has a flyer you could send it to me and I can to it on the mayor's page that would be great uh anything else mayor I may oh go ahead um I just wanted to give a shout out to the cultural center they have an exhibit going on the roots of modern day River Edge 1946 to 1964 it's on the flyer here in the library it runs till October 26 um but I was able to go to it during rivered day and I would just highly recommend it to all people who live in River Edge it was great seeing the photographs of places where familiar now and what they looked like 40 50 years ago and some of the famous citizens who lived here Etc so have just recommend people stop by and take a look excellent excellent anyone else I just wanted to mention next Thursday uh October 24 2 to 6:m is the last River Edge farmers market for the 2024 season so come on by there's a lot of great stuff going on and I'd like to thank the uh the Farmers Market Committee as well as Council M cofman for doing a phenomenal job is there anything else yes I'd actually like to second and third that that um she does a phenomenal job in the farmers market and I just want to give a shout out to um Ed Zamba who had a teenage um a teenage Garage Band palooza this past Saturday yeah um and they had seven or so acts and it was great music and the kids rang from uh the youngest I think was 11 to teenagers and the mouse trap was amazing and and so was bro Bros so EXC I just hope they have it again next year yeah yeah they're they're they're phenomenally talented Steve is finally talented um Perfect Pitch Perfect Pitch all right uh is there any other comments hearing none could I have motion second to close to the public and to uh close uh no I'm sorry could I have Motion in second to uh join the meeting second all in favor please say I I thank you all good night