##VIDEO ID:cagnkUT-XO8## all right I call to order the meeting of the mayor and the Council of burough River Edge January 6 2025 the SNY die or the last meeting of the previous year River Edge Library 685 Elm Avenue as well as being simoc cast on Zoom for 7 pm I ask everyone to stand for a moment of Silent reflection for our past president as we end our year we look back on the service that so many have done and uh for President Carter Madam council president ready to salute i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands na God invisible and justice for all okay um statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on December 10th 2024 of this loation date and time to the town news and to the record and by posting the same in the municipal bulletin board and the burough website and following notice of the same with the municipal clerk uh before we go to roll call um sherff if you'd like to come forward we'll pull a seat up for you and we're honored that you and assembly woman sway could join us our uh our VA will be handling the uh the um the responsibilities of the clerk today um Miss ABA yes um councilwoman cman is Absol prior notice council president Montan Cohen here councilwoman canel is absent with prior notice councilwoman malari here councilman Benson here councilman glass here mayor papao here okay um so we are in the C die meeting for the public that means this is the last meeting of the previous year we have some resolutions to pass then we will uh open to the public briefly close to the public close that meeting which will end 2024 and then we will begin the reorg meeting and should take us all about 5 10 minutes okay all right um could I have a motion second for appointments and Personnel chains to appoint Melissa capetti uh Administrative Assistant as a burough website administrator effective 1 2025 so moved second all in favor please say I I okay could I have a motion and second to open to the public on any item on the agenda Some Mo second all in favor please say i i s already member of the public would like to ask a question make a comment about the agenda if if you are are remote please raise your hand we'll give you a few seconds to see if there's any interest in that seeing none could I have a motion and second to close to the public on any item on the agenda second all in favor please say I I could I have a motion in second from the council president and uh a second from um Council malari to move resolutions 24- 357 through 24- 365 mov second is there any comment or question about resolutions 357 through 365 seeing none all in favor please say I any opposed any exstension hearing none it is unanimous could I have uh the um Vice chair of the budget committee please Mo read into the record resolution 24- 366 chair is absent that's right would be indir and is absent which is a chair yes right so the vice chair at this point would follow under Barry I think is in the Comm Dave is on Dave Dave Dave could you read into record resolution 24 Mr uh councilman glass 24- 366 I will mayor thank you payment of bills at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council of the burrow River Edge County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on January 6 2025 be it resolved that the mayor and councel of the borrow of Riv Edge approve the following expenditures current fund $692,500 payroll $2,999 124 unemployment trust $2,289 60 developers escrow $1,450 Recreation trust $266 uh and just uh say um so moved so moved can I have a second second all in favor please say I you need roll call for this payment of bills yes roll call roll call please okay council president Montano Cohen yes councilwoman malari yes councilman Benson yes councilman glass yes all right could I have a motion second open the public for any comments whatsoever second all in favor please say I is there any member of public who would like to say something in the closing meeting see no hands in the uh in person or the remote but I have Motion in second to close in public so move second all in favor please say I I any Council comments regarding the previous year mayor thank you mayor um I just wanted to say a few comments about uh how much I enjoyed being delay onto the fire department this past year um it was a pleasure to work with Chief schlosberg and his leadership team and the entire fire department and as I have often stated in in in the meetings we are a very fortunate town to have so many citizens who volunteer to serve on our fire department and take much time away from their families it's my immense pleasure to highlight some of the accomplishments of the chief his leadership team and all the volunteers um last year the fire department completed almost 40 training events compared to 29 and 2023 I personally was able to attend several of those training sessions some took place in a pool um some in an actual burning training facility in Bergenfield and our volunteers I'm telling you worked so hard during those sessions I was sweating and I wasn't even involved it was really incredibly impressive and the fire department doesn't only fight fires but also supports our community Through visits and education um some of the community events they perform include uh the fire prevention details the they visit schools they host various groups at the firehouse as well as their involvement with the River Edge Recreation at the many community events and of course they have the Santa Claus that goes around the town uh every year as well um last year the fire department had 340 fire calls compared to 257 in 2023 uh these included several water rescues uh in New Milford as our Marine units were requested to assist New Milford Fire Department with rescuing numerous people from homes the River Edge Marine unit successfully rescued over 15 people and the Marine unit also responded and assisted in rescues for a victim that jumped into the hackin saac river and has happened on multiple occasions they also had a recent call to handle a major gas leak at New Bridge Landing shopping center in River Edge where they were given much praise from PSC and how they handled a very serious gas lck incident they provided assistance on multiple fire alarms in orell May pamis hackin sack t- neck Bogata as well as New Milford and they also help on elevator calls as well as motor vehicle accidents on Kinder kamac in Route 4 um I'm sure there's more but I'm going to try to keep it short I know as a resident of River Edge I sleep better knowing how well our volunteer fire department is run and trained and again I want to thanks send thanks to the Chief and his team and and all the volunteers thank you councilman uh I think the council is all in agreement that we are very lucky to have have a growing fire department and all of our other volunteers as well all the Committees the boards the commissions uh we are very lucky with our community involvement and we are very grateful to all of them uh all their service from last year um including our um our auxiliary police force that have been uh attending all of our meetings here at the library while bur Hall is being repaired we hope to be back in Bur Hall uh soon February perhaps and um and as I said we are very very grateful to all our volunteers and all those uh who are our paid employees too our regular police department uh our DPW our um administrative offices our Recreation offices um and all those who I might be leaving out I don't think I'm leaving anyone else out um so thank you all right are there any other Council comments before we adjourn this any gu we did it last week but it's good remembrance and we want to thank again even though we we did this in December uh Council caufman for her exemplary service everything she did and uh she will be sorely missed could I have a motion and second to adjourn the any die meeting second all in favor please say I I all right so we are going to just pause for a second counc marari you need to step from the day you might want to take that chair for a second just move it over there all right and we are now going to enter into our reorganization meeting now uh councilwoman molari her term ended she has won for a second term and we'll call her up and councilwoman Dar wall did I say it right pretty thank you because I'm very bad with that pronunciation so and I appreciate everybody being patient with me all right um so call to order the meeting of the mayor and Council of bur of Riveredge uh January 6 2025 reorganization me meeting at uh the library uh riveridge Library 685 Elm Avenue I ask everyone to stand and I call on councilman glass to offer a reflection yeah I just like everyone to uh engage in silent prayer for a moment in respect of all the people that we lost uh recently in the um tragic accident or event I should say in uh New Orleans this past week councilman Benson if you leave us in the flag s salute I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification um via the December 10th 2024 Sunshine notice and containing the location date and time access information to the town news and the record and by posting of the same on the municipal bulletin board borrow website following notice of the same with municipal clerk um Madam business administrator roll call please councilwoman Montano Cohen yes councilwoman canella is absent with prior notice councilman Benson here councilman glass yeah mayor papao here okay uh bur administrator announces the 2024 election results uh for a term to expire on December 31st Madame administrator yes claudiana malari was duly reelected as councilwoman to serve a full three-year term through December 31st 2027 receiving 3512 votes and pretty darwall was duly elected as councilwoman to serve a full three-year term through December 31st 2027 receiving 358 votes right so if I can call on assembly woman Lisa Swain to come forward could I ask for the family of council marar to come forward right about here [Music] and okay here you go and so if you or whoever is going to hold the Bible stand on your other side does anyone want to get a picture you are welcome so good to see you app swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true fa faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I I clana mili do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a member of the council as a member of the council to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you turn and step in the group there we go very nice all right thank you very very much councilwoman please take your seat councilwoman elect abely no she's not oh yes she is oh okay pretty your entire family they can come up pretty if you can stand pretty much right here and who's ever going to hold the Bible step ready yep I stade my D do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I I pr do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I would faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a member of of the council as a member of the council to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me father so help you on congratulations here we go nice all right assembly woman uh we're going to allow you to speak and just a moment we're going to call the new role first oh okay okay so uh councilwoman and the sign comes up all right um we're going to have some presentations uh and everything else but first we have to do the Roll Call of the new Council sure councilwoman Montan Cohen here councilwoman can was absent with prior notice councilwoman malari here councilman Benson here councilman glass yes councilwoman darwal here mayor Pap here all right very good so I know that the candidates have a few things they might want to say um so we're gon we're gonna let them go first uh so uh clana if you could councilwoman marari well I talked so I don't miss any anybody mayor Este council members uh and dear friends and family it is with great gr deep gratitude that I stand before you today as I embark on my second term in office I am truly honored by the trust and confidence that the people of our community have placed in me once again over the past term we have made great strides together and I'm proud of the work we have accomplished but I also recognize that the road ahead holds many challenges I remain committed to working alongside each of you as as well as our dedicated staff to continue building a stronger more Vibrant Community for all I want to express my sincere thanks to my family my fellow council members the mayor and our citizens for the ongoing support it is through hard work shared Vision that we will achieve even greater things in the years to come thank you again for this incredible incredible opportunity to serve I look forward to working with all of you to meet the needs of our community and create a future we can all be proud of thank you I thank the Divine for being here today it is truly an honor to celebrate this day with all of you I'm deeply grateful to the residents of River Edge for their warmth and support my heartfelt Thanks goes to everyone who contributed to today's event those who planned organized attended took selfies smile and made me feel so welcome I'm especially thankful to my close friends and my Incredible family who's here today my husband Ashwin my children Anushka of and aish and my brother Goro a special thank you to Mayor papalo and the River Town Council for placing their trust in me and giving me the opportunity to be part of the legislative body while I don't idolize politicians there are two individuals whose work and words have left a lasting impression on me Bergen County Commissioner try Zer and State Assembly woman Lisa Swain the kindness humility and strength I've witnessed in these two women have inspired me in profound ways they've shown me that to bring about change we must be the change so Tracy thank you she was she was going to be here but thank you Tracy if she's watching and Lisa thank you from the bottom of my heart it's a New Journey for me and I'm hoping to find the balance with my yoga and meditation I'm excited and eager to serve the people of River Edge with passion commitment and dedication to our community today's ceremony it is not just a personal Milestone but an opportunity for all of us to come together celebrate and embrace hope for an even brighter future for River Edge lastly to my parents and my family watching from India I love you all your support means the world to me woman I know you have some presentations if you could stand this way so you that the people at home and in India can see what you're what you're up to what time is it in India it's 5:30 a.m. okay Tuesday already they're up all [Music] late um oh I'm so happy to be here I'm so happy to have had the honor to swear you in both of you um to chodana returning to the council thank you especially having a young family to make the sacrifices that you have had to make to the residents of riveridge it's It's TR remarkable and so on behalf of myself Senator Lana and assemblyman Chris Tully I wanted to give you this Proclamation thank you you're welcome and then um to pry for stepping up you know doing the unknown but but taking a risk and trusting and obviously you have built a community that loves you and that's so important and I know that you are going to serve with excellence and so I have a proclamation for you as well and um can I uh yes uh would uh ex- councilwoman not EX for Michelle what term would I use for councilwoman Emeritus and Michelle you have served this community so beautifully you have done so much I I know about everything reading about it on on Facebook the the farmers market I I have seen you I have seen you every everywhere and I know that you have done so much for the community of riverid and so on behalf of myself and Senator Leon and assemblyman telling me wanted to thank you thank you you so much thank you so much yeah why don't we do a quick picture yeah if we could open the proclamations that would be great okay here we go wonderful wonderful again congratulations I'll tell woman before you go uh just want to say uh to our video office and as well as those here um LD 38 legislative district 38 that assemblywoman Swain uh assemblyman Tully and Senator Lana have always been here for us in storms in bad times and in good and in fact they were able to get a um no match grant for our burrow for $900,000 almost a million dollars that we were able to do a lot of updates on for our grants for for our parks for streets um exterior bur Hall exterior bur Hall um so we are very grateful to them U not just for the grant but for their constant support when we were having trouble way back uh Hurricane Sandy and others and we did not have PSD I made a phone call to the assembly woman the assembly men and the senator and uh two hours later there were four trucks in River Edge and uh one of the guys on the truck said to our DPW superintendent I don't know who you guys know but we got rerooted and we've been told we're here for uh the duration and that was due to you and and to LD 38 and the center and the assembly men so thank you very much Anthony Curtin has been doing phenomenal work in the burrow uh not in the burrow in the county uh with the prisons and and all the other responsibilities we are honored that he's here um Sheriff if you'd like good evening River [Music] Edge May counsel happy New Year everybody how we doing on this celebrating celebratory night awes good welcome to the fold as we say pretty I just want to of course take a moment share a token of my appreciation since we all ran together and made acoss the Finish Line at the same time we get a littleit when I know of both of them you know you have a great addition to the team here and it shows the Riveredge and all the hard work that's going on in the town from when I see driving up down K so I I thank you as a resident of Bergen County for all the great work you do and I see more to come so that being said I just have a little certificate for you and acknowledging your election and joining the full we're not too bad you know they don't beat this up too bad but we do have fun doing it because at the end of the day it's all about serving the people so just want to give you a certificate accommodation on your election to council person of the burrow of rived I know my wife is calling me right now a little token right you can throw that at somebody I won't know anything about that oh you want to throw it now and I one again thank you for your hard work and I'm pretty sure we'll see each other in three years from now thank you hold on uh good excellent thank you Sheriff thank you thank you we have some we do Michelle you're gonna do it me you to stay up there for that's Michelle giving the budget book got the S not miss this the women's empowered Democratic organization of burken county is proud to be part of your swearing ends Wu's mission is to engage Democratic women in all 70 Bergen County municipalities and to increased participation in local state and federal government by recruiting educating and supporting candidates and elected women we are so proud of the supportive community of women we have built and look forward to adding your voice to our conversations we are uplifted and motivated by the passion and optimism of you we're especially press and inspired by women like yourself who have successfully claimed their seats at the table and serving our communities we hope that you will participate in redo as well and I know you will and we wish you huge congratulations and great success too well Michelle can send I mean the m and then I'll thank you thank you thank you council with Meritus all right um I believe that concludes the awards and proclamations and recognitions all right so now we need a motion and a second from any member of Council to elect a new council president for 2025 motion and who are you motioning for who do you nominate no no for this one it's Sor you have to say Lisa's name I move I I move for Lisa sorry it's my first time that's okay I move for Lisa monan Cohen as council president 2025 Lisa monana Coen as council president 2025 do I have a second second oh uh is are there other candidates hearing none we will go to the vote um could we uh have a roll call please councilwoman Montano Cohen you can vote Yes for yourself yes councilwoman malari yes councilman Benson yes councilman glass yes councilwoman Dore here excellent congratulations thank you every this is the Council of President second year uh do you have any words sure uh thank you to my fellow uh members in the council for voting for me again um it has been a learning curve shadowing the mayor for but I look forward to continue working closely with each one of you and the mayor as we uh try to do the best the very best for the people of River Edge next year so you've done a great job this year and and that's again um I'm going to say this a couple of times uh please before we lose people because sometimes we lose people after this um from this point on this is the last Monday council meeting from this point on our meetings will move to Thursday it will be every second and fourth yes second and fourth Thursday every council meeting we're going to stay in the library for a little while longer until the count uh burough Hall is finished being repaired and then uh and it will always be on Thursday with one exception it will be um Thanksgiving week when it will move to Monday so our Council meetings will be from Thursday we thank you assembly woman I know you have other places to go to so we wish you well thank you you're welcome best of luck to all of you thank you uh could I have a motion and second to open to any member of the public on any item on the agenda so move all in favor please say I I uh if you're uh remote please raise your hand if you're in public the same thing uh is there any question or comment anyone has on any item on the agenda all right then could I have a motion and second to close to the public on any item on the agenda no move second all in favor please say I I okay we're going to move items that are uh on the agenda so as written so um could I have a motion and second to move uh items number 11 which is is aaz on appointments to various committee commissions and boards and by proclamation and items 12 uh committee appointments and items 13 mayor's appointments and can I do that with um with appointments and personal changes I think I can't mayor's appointments doesn't require Council consent it doesn't but we'll just throw it in anyway okay and item 14 appointments and Personnel changes oh oh oh excellent commissioner Zur we are honored to have you so we'll um actually commissioner zor just one second okay uh could I have a motion and second uh for those items all in favor please say I any opposed any exstension it is unanimous commissioner commissioner just a little bit forther to the right so that you can be seen in India as well as locally because we are we have some members of yeah all coming by the way coming guys are great move a little bit more over so that you're a little bit and maybe come forward a little bit so you don't see like stand here yeah okay great and Lana prettyy would you go stand with the Commissioners a while they're getting ready I have to say a few things about the Commissioners the Commissioners are always there for us uh open space grants have done tremendous uh for River Edge uh with different courts and updates of and our wck and uh as well as they're always there for us when we ever whenever we need them so uh Commissioners it is such a privilege to be here tonight I am sorry we're late there are like we don't have Star Trek technology we can't be from one place to next and there's meetings all over this County all kicking off and taking these Oaths that you took this evening to to begin your service again and we are so grateful for all of you on this board who Step Up year after year newcomers and Old-Timers alike who are here to serve it's not glamorous some of the work that that's going on in this in this uh body but but we do it together and we do it because we care about our community this comes from a place of caring you're not stepping up here for the paycheck that doesn't exist um and you're you certainly signing up to get a costed at the supermarket by something that's going on but you're doing it because you have a passion about how we can make our community better and what you can do each and every day and we are so lucky for the tremendous service of of all of you on this board past and present who have guided this community through some really interesting times um and we know that you're going to do so with distinction with your passion and your intellect I have had the privilege of campaigning with these guys and I know how um firmly committed they are in what it is that they want to do and accomplish uh on this board and for the community and uh and our our commissioner Rafael Mar is Mary and Rose is right behind as well we um we basically came in a caraman um but but really what it comes down to is we are here for you to partner to collaborate to continue to roll up our slaves together to do what's best for Buren County residents and you took this oath tonight very fittingly on January 6th to to to preserve the Constitution and the state laws of the state of New Jersey and the standards of this community and I know you both are going to do it with distinction thank you so much and congratulations speaking I don't have much you could always sayto all her comments but I truly want to congratulate both of you I know what how hard it can be oh not only for yourselves but for your family members who are there to support you but that you're able to do something that you love so much and to me serving the the residents of buron county is probably the best thing that I I just love to do so I am thankful uh to be here I'm honored I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year I also want to thank uh our past and the present uh who's serving uh River Ed River Edge is such an amazing beautiful community and it's a reflection of this amazing governing body and I just want to thank you all and wish you all the best and look forward to working with you together if it's not through shared services it's through um the parks and through uh and many other ways that we all work together because we are truly a family all working together for the residents of Burton County thank you again even less to say but uh I'm honored to be here uh thank you for having us here mayor and councel uh you guys do great great work work here in River Edge and uh I always tell people uh River Edge is much more than what you see it's a very quiet sound but come to uh River because uh I have been coming in and out lately and uh and I and I'm uh amazed and all the work you do congratulations to the uh uh to to the candidates and uh uh new winners and thank you for the service that you that you provide to this town and it takes a lot the uh commissioner orti said it takes a lot more than uh uh than then work it takes up uh uh you have to put emotions and everything to serve a town the way you do and I wish you the best and congratulations thank you add a special thank you to just to to your First Responders and to your volunteers who do so much in this town what you got guys do every day and every week is so important but the the things in a town a small town like River Edge doesn't happen without amazing volunteers who step up every day to serve it really is a reflection on what we all contribute it's that's what Civics is about that's what being neighbors is about that's what being Community is about and you have an amazing Community a lot of amazing volunteers so we do and they they you know they they get trained and then they step up and run for counil um anyway so I just wanted to add that sure pry I read it before you came but listen to you in the heart um while I don't idolize politicians try you know that there are two individuals whose work and words have left a missing a lasting impression on me Bergen County Commissioner Tracy Zer and stateus woman laser s the kindness humility and strength I've witnessed in these two women have inspired me in long ways they've shown me that to bring about change we must yes thank you Commissioners thank you very very much okay what we're going to do is um I don't know if you guys have to go which would be okay uh because I know you have other places to be thank you we're going to move on with the agenda great um okay so uh is there anyone here who has been appointed in uh in items 12 13 or 14 uh if you have we can issue the oath of office I will also be going to all the first meetings of the boards commissions and committees to um to issue the oath of office there okay okay good good good all right seeing no one at this time oh sh come on up Melle here you go uh you can fill that out and give it to me afterwards Okay so so um chill please raise your right hand I state your name I Michelle calman do solemnly swear do s only swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the states and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I Michelle calman do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a member of the as a member of the Farmers Market Committee to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you you need a pen Michelle okay and Michelle if you want to see at that desk there you will be on camera and it might make it easier for you so you have a tabletop all right any others okay okay so we have item number 16 first reading ordinances but I have a motion in second from any member of council after I finish reading into the record motions that follow following ordinance be introduced and passed on first reading and setting uh January 23rd 2025 which is a Thursday at 700 p.m. or soon thereafter as a matter can be heard as the date time and both the Riveredge Library as the place and zoom as the virtual platform for the hearing on said ordinance ordinance 25-1 an ordinance to fix salaries wages and compensations of the officers and employees of the burre of River Edge in the county of Bergen the state of New Jersey for the year 2025 second it has been moved and seconded uh madam administr if you could explain to the public what we hope to achieve with this this ordinance establishes a salary range for various um non-represented employees meaning employees who are not part of a union or bargaining unit this does not establish the salary of the particular employee that will be done by resolution at the next meeting again this is just to establish the range okay and that's required by law okay now um we have resolutions 25- oh yes I'm sorry uh I apologize is there debate seeing none roll call council president Montano Cohen here yes councilwoman malari yes councilman Benson here yes yes okay sorry yes I pay okay Council yes councilwoman gar yes now which one do we have to pull up for a um a vote any of the res ions or can we do them all by acclamation no they has to be because we're setting um cash management practices and the temporary so this uh this will not be by acclamation this will uh be by a roll call vote could I have a motion and second in a moment to move resolutions 25-1 through 2-56 from councilwoman darwal a motion motion say so moved so moved and councilwoman molari second it's been moved and seconded it is open for debate is there debate commentary or discussion from any of these okay good all right um very good so uh seeing none could I have a roll call council president Montan Cohen yes councilwoman malari yes councilman Benson yes councilman glass yes councilwoman darwall yes all right uh let us open to the public could I have a motion second to open to any member of the public for any comment whatsoever so move second all in favor please say I I is there any member of the public would like to make any comment to ask any question please raise your hand either remotely or in present okay could I have a motion second to close to the public all in favor please say I I Council comments are there any Council comments I can't say something sure just want to um welcome uh pry to the council formally I wish you all the success and you have a all of us to uh support you if you have questions I know there's a learning curve and just don't hesitate to ask we're here for you I want to congratulate Lana for second term and uh I just look forward to what we all can do as a governing body for Riv in this year to come okay any other Council comments I know the council uh concurs strongly with the council president's remarks but if there are any other comments see N I want to agree with the council president we are very lucky for all of you who are present and and de who was not able to be here today um this is a productive efficient and a Cooperative Council and we uh we do our very best to do our very best for the people of River Edge um could uh could I have a motion from uh councilwoman Darwell and a second from councilwoman marari to adjourn the reorganization meeting of 2025 the buau of River Edge second All In