##VIDEO ID:S0SKV33DxXQ## call the meeting to order good evening everyone this is the meeting of the municipal lus Board of the burrow River Edge today is Wednesday August 28th 2024 this meeting of the municipal lanus Board of the burrow River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to burrow council chambers on availability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of this remote meeting was published in the Bergen Record October 6 2022 posted on the front doors of burl Hall sorry that date is wrong uh posted on the burrow front doors of burrow Hall posted on the Burrow's website this notice included the dialing and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available on the Bros website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial Star n on your telephone key pad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four digits of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star six on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment with that I'll turn over Miss styley to call the role please thank you uh Mr Mayor is excused tonight Mr caslin here miss Bolan yes Mr merman here Mr feffer here Mr cray here Mr kigo here the councilman is excused tonight Mr Gibbons here and Mr besed um I believe he was also excused tonight also present uh Mr Baron's our board planner The Zone our zoning officer Mr dkin and we're expecting Mr Costa from the engineering's office as well all right thank you for that we uh one housekeeping item we are going to have a curfew this evening of 9:45 pm our first order of business this evening is under approval of minutes uh first item is our minutes from our meeting of July 10th 2024 a draft set of the minutes was circulated for the board's review prior to this evening's meeting I open it to the floor for comments questions on the draft minutes as presented I review the minutes have submitted and find them um acceptable with no comments or Corrections unless anybody else has something I'll recommend that the board ad and it says submitted okay thank you Mr merman any other questions comments from the board okay there being none I'll look for a motion to approve the minutes as drafted so moved thank you Mr Gibbons there a second oh I'm sorry Mr Gibbons was absent that meeting oh sorry so moved think I've got Miss band than thank you Mr Cay and Mr cay was also miss bowan is a first so I need a second either I got Mr feffer you were there okay first on the list okay all in favor I any posos obain other than those already noted okay our next item this evening also under approval of minutes is are minutes from the July 24th meeting uh draft of minutes was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for review open it to the board for comments and questions on those on the draft circulated Mr chairman likewise the same I've reviewed the minutes and find them uh acceptable with no comments unless uh another board member has something I recommend that they be um accepted as submitted okay thank you Mr mer any other comments questions from the board there being none I'll look for a motion to approve the minutes as drafted believe I was is at that one so yes uh yeah you're at that one okay got a first Mr gibons I think I got a second from his bowling all in favor okay all right we we'll move on next now for our next item this evening under memorializations uh the applicant is 831 Kinder kak Road owner LLC property is 831 Kinder kak road lock 206 lot 9.02 resolution granting variance relief uh draft of the resolution was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for the board's review and comment open it to the board for comments questions on the draft resolution Mr chairman Mr I I review the memorialization and I'll pass it on to Marina styley for a comment thank you there was only one um revision that we noted on the first page um the fourth whereas Clause said that there was a meeting on May 28th but that should be May 8th so I revised that okay other comments questions on the uh draft resolution okay with that one change I'll look for a motion on the resolution please so moved okay thank you Mr gibons there a second second thank you Miss B M sty when you're ready all right thank you I'll only call those eligible to vote Mr CN yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr Craig yes and Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you all we're going to move on to uh old business uh the applicant Sweet Spot River Edge LLC the property is 754 East this is Block 14 15 lot 1.01 application proposing to operation of a classified retail cannabis dispensary on the premises um before we get started um if I could ask Mr alter would you mind uh contacting Mr Costa's office to see if somebody is gonna be joining us this evening I see Rob in the attendees and I just he's going to be joining as a panelist now oh okay yeah he had told me he was going to attend all right great that's fine I just don't want to get too far down the road without somebody from his office being here there he is good evening Mr Costa sorry about that I had trouble connecting and I I have very little audio I don't know why that's all right we've had a couple people got uh got shove shoved over to uh okay you guys can hear me right we can hear you yeah very good great um so with that I will turn over to the appin attorney Mr Gilson good evening good evening Mr chairman uh members of the board my name is Matthew Gilson again from the law fir of Murphy Schiller and wils on behalf of the applicant Sweet Spot River Edge we are here tonight on a continuation of the application as you recall from the last meeting the board requested more details on the signage we submitted a a new and more detailed signage plan we'll have some more testimony regarding the generator which we have more information on and then you'll hear from our traffic expert who we did not call at the last hearing Mr in tenda so at this time uh I would like to call recall Mr boy Costa from sweet spot to review our new signage plan we also have Madison Hill from our architect but um Mr Costa I believe can explain the signage in more detail okay thank you m thank you master Mr chairman is it all right if I share my screen sure thank you and just for the record Mr Costa is still under oath tonight he was previously sworn all right thank you um for the record this is uh part of the applicant's revised architectural plan set that was submitted to the town planning office um these are the revised renderings of the exterior we're going with one sign we hope these renderings provide a better view of what it would look like day and night um any questions on both of those renderings were previously submitted to the board yes those are submitted on the last packet the next screen um will stay on this screen so we did do a revision and uh Gilson this revision should I recorded for the uh mark it for the record with is this is this what we were is this was this in our submission package or this is a rendering what was in our submission package this this was in our submission package but the next uh screen I'm going to show was the updated uh plan set that showed one more detail as far as the sign dimensions that's not in the plan set then we'll have to mark what's in the not in the plan set okay this will be exhibit A8 AA is um revised architectural renderings of the exterior elevations to include details on the signs distance protruding from the building and just the date of that the DAT of that is 827 2024 did you uh zoom in on that if possible this so yeah this is still part of the packet the next screen will not be part of the packet this is part of the architectural packet that was submitted to the board okay in accordance with apple state of New Jersey and burough River Edge ordinances we show that our signage is compliant with all applicable applicable sections here is a new exhibit 8A we are viewing this shows our signage Dimensions from the front in addition we'll be able to see the signage Dimensions from this side with a 2 in plus or minus with a Max 8 in protruding from the uh face of the building in accordance with ordinances there any questions on the revised signage plan for from the board yes Mr Blake yes sir um dick merman here is is that sign light lighting on that sign or from within or what no there will be no Lighting on the sign no lighting so it's just uh is it that that's building sorry Mr merman you're a little broken up on that the uh is that a sign box that's mounted on the building or individual letters individual letters and that facade is existent okay and there's only one of them correct correct there's only one of them sir okay all right very good thank you you're welcome Blake could you uh moving on from signage for a minute to go into more depth and discussion about the generator yes so moving on to the generator um this is part of the packet that was submitted to the revised packet submitted to the board please bear with me the sharing of the stream on Zoom is happy and user friendly at this time I'm just GNA chime in for one second I don't know if anyone else is seeing this but I'm seeing like big black rectangles blocking two different sections of the screen am I the only one seeing that oh it has the same thing um let me see oh I see that too on my previous you um maybe if I stop sharing and reshare yeah I I don't know if you have maybe something's open and blocking it but I don't see I don't think it's covering anything important but no yeah I don't have anything open on my screen right now I can maneuver around it um yeah just just so we see anything important outside of those boxes please yes sir thank you um so moving on to the generator screening in question um we have landed on the pot this just made part of the packet um a Lou Style shield in going with the Palm Shield Mercury shield in in a gray neutral color um this will surround it and we' have additional screening provided by the existing rooftop unit so this is what it would look like behind the rooftop unit with some of the screwed and protruding but you still wouldn't be able to see the generator are there any questions on the screening of the rooftop generator no we ju just one question could you just clarify the the source of that's that's a natural gas operated generator yes sir and where is the gas line for that service coming from oh pull that up I split the plans up into different screens for use of sharing one second hey Madison are you on the is Madison on as a panel member one of our Architects yes I'm here so Madison if I'm trying to find the that shows a gas line wa just one second if we could swear uh Madison in sure you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please say your name and spell your last name for the record Madison Hill h i l l and then your business address and if you're testifying as a professional I'll need your background and lure sure um pwell group 132 Central Street Foxboro Massachusetts 02035 and you're a licensed architect um I'm not a licensed architect I'm a licensed interior designer okay in the state of New Jersey Massachusetts but the the interior design qualific if is for um all states okay thank you you're welcome Madison Madison is joined us as her partner is currently um un unavailable to attend so she's representing the firm Madison we're trying to find details on the connection of the natural gas to the generator yeah I'm looking at the plan sheets as well just give me one second I be able to figure out what plan sheet number it is while she pulls that up would you like me to answer another question or do you want to wait for that no that's fine we can keep going I just just wanted to just one piece of clarity um the other units that I assume it's the HVAC on the roof the boxes on the top there are they going to have the same um locking that the air conditioning will or the no well no those were existing so we weren't planning on doing any work to those units do we require to have some sort of screening on those if that's more of a question for Marina I know we typically ask for screening on any kind of items on roofs um I think I'm not Mr Barons might be able to I don't think it's a technical requirement but we do um you know look at aesthetic enhancements as a uh public benefit for applications especially those requesting variance relief so um you know I I drove by the site today the units are fairly prominent um you know whether or not the board wants to ask for or or require the the screening certainly up to the board uh I don't think it would be a bad thing but you know on the other hand sometimes you know screening could go the other way and almost becomes more obtrusive so the these units appear to stick up uh well above the parit that's there I want to say maybe like at least six feet it seemed to be so the question would be does you know some amount of screening around each unit make the situation Better or Worse um I do have a street view up which I could share you know for 10 seconds if the board uh let me do that real quick not to belabor the point just bear with me real quick Mr Gibbons uh as heant you know that's something we're willing to commit to on the record and testify to that if this board would like to see similar lber style screening screening apply to all units that's something I would be more than happy to testify to you tonight that we' make sure to do that okay and you know I'll I'll defer to our professionals you know if Mr Baron doesn't think it's necessary or or will be of benefit I'm just bringing it up you know I'm I'm not sold on it but uh you know we just we just want to make the building look nice you know as I'm sure you do as well yeah I mean if you could see my screen this is what it looks like these are the two existing units obviously the one on we call it the left or the South is more prominent you know they did look a little maybe rusted when I was driving by but I was you know going 35 however fast I was going so didn't get a great look but they stick out um it's up to the board not required could be an enhancement they're screening the generator anyway and the applicant's offering it so Mr I'm sorry sir go ahead no is that rear unit also part of your Ser servicing your premises is is that servicing the office behind you no that's serviceing our premises so they both are okay okay um I would like to at some point come back and discuss your um window screen glazing and the security of when when you get a chance when you finish your signage all right for the signage um you know as far as the screening goes I think we can make a proposal I agree with you that it could use some aesthetic enhancements so maybe we have three sides that are visual from the road um a commitment to doing a Louver style economic uh um shield around the perimeter to enhance the screen so it doesn't look like we're just boxing in stuff and we have 10 different boxes up there um Mr given would you find that acceptable and achieving the I didn't I didn't have a strong opinion on any of it I would just you know if we could make it look just better from the street I think it's better for everyone if that's easier and a better aesthetic I'm I'm all for it that's fine but I mean my my colleagues would have an opinion as well potentially too if there's any strong opinions to the board or if you'd like um if the board is would like me to go one way or the other I'm more than happy to entertain and specify for that yeah I mean from from my from my perspective I think it you to the extent it keeps things consistent from an aesthetic standpoint I think it's it's and it's it's beneficial I think it makes sense but obviously don't want to make it you know to Tom's Tom Baron's earlier point you know actually doing it if it makes it look worse obviously don't want to do that either so maybe the it may be a field condition that that you can look at in in the future I open up to other members of the board too see if there's any other strong feelings on it on the issue okay so why don't we continue then on on your your testimony on the on the revisions on plans here I don't know if you have an do you maybe were you able to find an answer on the gas line I do I'm pulling it I'm pulling it up uh right now second yeah plan sheet m 6.0 um Blake this re share 6.0 you said yes 6.0 note n so we are calling out for obviously to field verify the exact location but there are some existing natural gas piping so we are calling out to extend and connect our new gas line um to one of the existing the the nearest existing which note are you seeing that under note nine um M 6.0 oh I might M10 apologies so that new generator is in the center of the plan and no not yep top right there you go and that's coming from this is part of the Revis plan set that was submitted to the board for this meeting so we're looking at M 1.0 no9 answer the question about how the natural gas generators being fed okay I'm good have you confirm that there is gas within the building yes sir there is okay okay Mr Costa so moving forward my last question for you is the display tables that remain could you describe what those are yes so the display tables will not ever contain any cannabis product those are going to contain empty dummy packaging that just shows the product that's available so we'll never have cannabis product displayed in those yeah I'm not sure how that I obviously defer to the board professionals as to whether that makes a difference as to the viance relief saw it but I just wanted Mr Costa to qualify that uh I have no further questions at this time for Mr Costa and open them up to the board for questioning okay um Mr Costa could you just stop sharing your screen just so we can go back to uh There You Go sir thank you okay questions from the board or actually let me start with the professionals start with Mr Baron questions for the applicant yeah so so just to uh start with that that last topic of the display tables I think the way the ordinance was written um there's a series of conditional uses for the Cannabis retail establishment and and I think the provision talks about just the display of cannabis in the retail area so even though they're not proposing it in the tables I think there was some sort of display window or bar I I mean personally I I I don't object to I'm just the way the ordinance is written I think it says display of cannabis in the retail area so it's whether it's on a table or a window or whatever I I think I don't know can the applicant address that are you still proposing that window with the Cannabis where you can see the you know the various products in the bar BL go ahead Mr gson uh can you address that issue as to what so the bud bar itself has been the actual pH physical Bud bar that we proposed originally will not be in this facility we'll we'll go ahead and move forward with a digital Bud bar that'll allow people to see the Cannabis product as 60% of packed flow makes up your sales they'll be able to see the product that they're purchasing as they use that as a purchasing decision to make that purchasing decision see what the product look like so the product won't be on the floor it will be ible on the screen for visual bu would that be acceptable Mr D I I think that would alleviate the concern again it's not a personal concern but uh yeah I think that would be the one thing and then the final issue pertains to signage so the wall sign the building mounted sign complies it's on the front of the building it meets the dimensional requirements um there are four wayf finding signs that are proposed that are 2x two uh four square feet and they're I believe four 4T tall and they're they're intended to guide uh you know uh customers through the site from the Ingress driveway to the site uh which is the southern portion of the lot where there's only an egress driveway so no objection to it but I think the code technically doesn't allow it and I I believe it would be contrary technically contrary to the conditional use standard so it seems like a again a technical deviation I think it makes sense I think uh the board had actually asked for it if I recall from the last so um you know I I think you might have to go through the motions of just addressing that relief again it would technically seem to require a D3 variance because it's it deviates from that one condition but I have no objections to it uh and beyond that I I I don't think there are any other planning issues um we did have a question about parking um just to square away your numbers I think um you have sufficient parking for the use at least around the building but the question that I had was there is a uh a rear real estate office that's going to remain and it didn't seem like there was any parking allocated to that use so if somebody could just address that so Mr baren both those questions are going to be in uh by Mr Dunley and Mr inanda all right apologize if I jumped the gun so I'm good for now no worries but they they are prepared to address both of those issues and we had I don't know if the police chief is on but I know that we had discussions with him and he was on board with the plan very good thank you okay uh Mr dekin questions uh yes thank you chairman um mentioning the uh um emergency Personnel uh were there any comments from the far fire department I do not believe there were fire we received a report from the fire department Mr alter I think we uh did share we did we did share the plans with the I don't know if they were if they received the revised plans if there were any comments that yes there were no comments from the fire department okay okay not on the revised plans they they accepted the original okay uh the other item I had was the windows um the decals and the windows um are they uh opaque are they uh you know do they block out uh view from inside basically I'm sorry go ahead oh my apologize I didn't mean to cut off yes sir they are op okay um because uh in the code it sort of mentions uh no pictures or logos other than uh on or inside the window shall be greater than two feet in height and cover no more than 20% of the window area um I think uh my interpretation with that would be with you know they as people drive by whether it's your establishment or retail establishments you want to be able to see inside the space um have any comments on that um state regulatory State canvas regulations require that um screening to be op you're not allowed to see inside this state inside the space in accordance with state regulations okay good thank you you're welcome uh that's all I have chairman okay thank you Mr dekin uh Mr Costa Mr chairman again I think that the one thing was at the last meeting was the U the generator which I think obviously they're showing that now with the screening around the roof and just a chime in on that I would say if you're going to put screening around that I would keep it uniform and put screening around everything um and if again you can make it a field modification if you want to or show it and if it looks terrible you could always remove it right so I think that's a good idea um I agree with the field modification we can I think what we do is order a couple sample slots throw it up there and see what it looks like on that side and then work with the town to make a determination what's the best fit for this application right and then as far as the what Tom said earlier with the parking excuse me um again I guess wait for the traffic and then I think the the the last thing at the last meeting was the traffic circulation I know the chief was on at the last meeting um they revised the plan certainly we'll wait to hear the testimony um John is going to testify I think Brian I thought I saw Brian somewhere before uh and then see how the traffic circulation the only thing I brought up at the last meeting because you got the main aisle coming through similar to the uh where Total Wine is and CVS that strip is very you know it's a lot of people go back and forth and Traverse there and Traverse in the back of the building so listen to the testimony but we might want to do uh some speed speed cming devices in that aisle especially coming off of rout four if you're coming in pretty quick but again let's wait for the testimony I think that was it I think that the only open items chairman if I remember correctly okay thank you're welcome all right I'll turn to the board for questions uh Mr CRA start with you uh nothing at this time okay M bowan um I I would like to just go back to the windows again um I understand that you can't see through but do they have to be green um can they just be frosted and still look like Windows because the whole building kind of looks all green um I'm thinking real quick I don't um I don't see why not I would say that low and all out signs or Graphics um you know although we're not allowed sign certain signage I would like to be able to have maybe some artistic freedom to have potentially a crossed window with some design over it so maybe it's not all green but you have some Aesthetics Aesthetics of our brand on the window would that be something you're on board with M um it just seems to me it's it kind of takes a place of signage um by drawing your attention to it as being you know Green cannabis kind of thing um if you could show some some options is there anything you can do now by sharing a screen of what it might look like I mean to be honest I'd be more than happy just to um I understand your position I'd be more than happy to comply and testify today that we' go with opaque crossed window coverings okay that's my only comment okay thank you Mr bowan Mr no questions at this time thank you thank you Mr given uh no not really just just to confirm that design if it does stay the way it is it's really just a design it's not a it's not a logo of any kind it's not going to say sweet spot it's just whatever design you guys like on here right correct is not a it's just a design yeah okay uh then nothing for this particular partner okay thank you sir Mr Keno nothing at this time thank you okay Mr merman yes I have um two things Mr Kasa one is a confirmation and the other is I'm going to have a discussion on the Windows U the windows from a confirmation standpoint um the windows if as I recall there was talk about it being bulletproof and there was also some talk about um the uh a a man trap being available and and so forth I was I was wondering what was the final outcome of those we will not be using bullet Pro Glass um we don't use that we will not we will be treating all windows with the opaque window coverings and then on the interior they will have a 3M protected film 3M protected film prevents the window from shattering essentially if someone were to try to break in they would have to cut out the window instead of um hit it out you would still be installing the that man trap device that you originally discussed yep in accordance with regulation I would ensure that the exterior door is shut when the interior door is ready to be open okay um from the um standpoint of the decoration or the opaqueness or what you on the glazing itself um I noted I noticed that your architectural drawings referred to details that the that design would be by the general contractor what I would like to offer is that the Blazing it's any any decorations were blazing on no glazing excuse me opaqueness or what on the uh on the Windows um be submitted to Mr Baron or B planner when when you select it for his approval and I think that I will recommend to the board that those that item be part of our approvals I I I believe that it should be coordinated with the borrow whether it's opaque or colored or whatever is finally selected that we have a say in the matter and approve it yes sir I would imagine you would have no problem with that I have no problem with that sir okay okay so when we get to it later on I will put that in whatever motions that we have pertaining to the project thank you sir that that's all I have on the dispensary I I'll wait for the the other SS that Mr Baron referred to um that I assume the V representative will address the way signs okay thank you Mr M thank you thank you okay I've got nothing nothing further so Mr gillson I'll turn the floor back over to you well at this time i' would like to call Mr Brian and tendo from neglet engineering uh our traffic expert good evening everyone good evening please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I still swear spelling of my name yes please is Brian b r i an last name inanda I n IND IND OA my license is current in the state of New Jersey and I'm a graduate of NGIT with bachelor's and Masters in civil engineering and I've been working on Municipal scale traffic projects for the last 25 years currently employed with negli as the principal traffic engineer for 19 thank you uh Mr inad could you please describe your scope of Engagement for this project uh yes thank you um Council uh what we wanted to see is that for this specific overlay Zone um is this uh applicant uh um offering a right siiz application for the zone and as the parking and circulation and is it compatible with NJ do standards for Route four and the three access points and that's that's basically the process that we went through to present this evening and did you prepare a study in relation to this project yes there was a traffic study that was submitted to the board I believe July 23rd is the date of the report which went through the um you know the uh the basis of a travic report is we did traffic counts in March before school got out we made sure of that we did traffic counts midweek uh mid Monon March 14th we did AM PM and Saturday counts given their retail nature of the uh of the uh parcel uh globally as well as with respect to the application for the Cannabis retail uh uh what we found was generally that the introduction of the uh cannabis traffic because this is basically a right in right out driveway for the most part you have the the far driveway the middle driveway and the end exit driveway um it's conducive for the retail traffic that we have and really what those all those driveways would work as uh in the build condition as compared to the no build condition they operate at level service C uh which is indicative of most of the commercial uh access driveways along roof four but in this one it's an interesting case because there is across our site Frontage the development of the uh service road I'll call it or the uh access or slip ramp and uh we are part of part of our driveways are in it and part of it or out of it so with that respect we wanted to see what the NJ do would react to um in terms of what we are proposing so there's a process uh a pre application or a process where we can ask them for a letter of no interest provide it we give them the details of what the proposed application is uh and then uh number one in that type of presentation we give to the NJ do for this section of rout four is that uh we uh understand that we are not modifying the drive we can believe they we believe and and more importantly the J do believes that the site can operate with the uh existing driveway geometry that we have now the end Center and mid uh the end mostly Services the adult daycare the mid is a combination of a a distribution um way through both ends of the site and the middle or I'm sorry and the end driveway to the other end uh towards Maine is um uh one uh right turnout only uh and no no entrance so in that configuration myself as a traffic engineer if I were to design a site to have the least amount of conflicts on Route four it would be this site all right in right out um and then uh minimal uh connection to the back street uh which is uh separated by a stream from when I observe uh so it's very nicely self-contained and so not only is the Zone appropriate but the but the cannabis use in the zone from a traffic point of view is appropriate so that was that was my first test that I did and then uh what was curious to me was uh the parking right so uh if I if I may share my screen I just put a an exhibit together just to come to my conclusion for the parking and I believe this would be exhibit A9 and it's just a PowerPoint that I will go through briefly to kind of cify what uh level of parking that is per your ordinance and to see if we are over or under and so I'd like to present that if that's okay uh to the board sure please proceed okay you find my screen I found my screen and you can you see that screen okay I see it you see it and could you just describe the PowerPoint and the number of pages right so we have it already pre-labeled as exhibit A9 as I was following along with the prior testimony with the prior exhibit being an additional um rendering if I believe A9 is a a series of uh how many sheets I think it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 Sheets which I'll provide to the board secretary as a PDF so it locks it down that's okay works thank you okay so then uh basically it's the cover sheet uh it's done by myself and my assistant R and so first of all I want to take us through the process of what the traffic engineer says myself the parking generation should be so if we go to the second um sheet we take the uses that are on site and we have the furniture store we have the rear office of where the Cannabis uh is going to be located we have an adult daycare uh we have I did the adult dayare twice just to see what different uses uh do because specific to your ordinance uh the adult daycare is not in your ordinance but your ordinance does say if the use is not there the board can determine what the rate is I just wanted to throw that out there so I I gave you a sampling of two and in the end when I look the weekday parking demand for slide two it's 43 spaces that are needed to be demanded for the build condition and on the Saturday parking demand uh because the offices are uh not in operation and I don't believe the adult daycare is there the parking demand goes down and there's 23 spaces so then that's my first test is to look at the Institute of Transportation Engineers parking generation the fifth edition because they have uh more recent data with respect to the uh marijuana or cannabis dispensary so then I I hold that number and then I go to what does uh Mr Costa's office say about that and the way they interpret is that um they believe that there's two definitions in the uh for a furniture store your Ordinance one is 110 spaces for the furniture store the existing office uh is straightforward is six spaces as you can see Mr Costa's review table and the adult daycare they use the medical office as the uh uh use that most approximates the adult daycare uh and I use the it because I had it uh for daycare and then uh but there's not really doctors here and you know like when you go to the doctor's office pretty small office you're in the waiting room you're preed with the nurse and then the doctor comes in so it's not quite that operation because this is like as far as I understand it's a Memory Care and as well and they are bust in uh uh and you can see the buses on the site at all times so it's a little bit different but be that as May that's what the board determined and then there is your ordinance of the uh cannabis dispensary proposed 18 spaces for the square footage that's presented and I believe we are at 21 spaces for that so uh per the board Engineers determination it's 219 spaces uh using the best available um uses that they can apply right so then I go and then I went back in and I looked to see what other uh definitions that you had in your ordinance for parking and if we go to your off street parking requirements uh there's a furniture store uh rate that is one space for 600 sare foot which equ to 32 spaces uh I used office building for the adult daycare one for 250 which is uh 34 spaces because you know maybe the adult daycare is not there all the time you know uh but we use that in in the context of what you have for uh River edges definitions again the office space for uh retail office is I'm sorry the residential real estate office or real the real estate office at six spaces and the dispensar for your rate that look that is supported by your code AS 90 required spaces we had a couple discussions with Mr kasa's office and it seems like our office and Mr Costa's office is settling on 90 but of course Mr Costa can always speak for himself uh and so that's where we're at so under the proposed conditions we have 116 spaces so we believe if we look for the ordinances that are available to be used uh we believe that the 90 spaces are required for this three uh bundle um Plaza uh in in its totality and with the carve out for the 21 spaces that we have for our site plan for the uh cannabis so that is where we're at I'm want to take a breath because it's a lot to process and I I would just ask if the board uh has any questions so far any excuse me any questions from the board at this time okay what's creating the largest deviation between the original 100 uh was the first number you had and uh because you're sh yeah right so if you go to I don't want to cut you off yeah yeah that's what I want to see what where's the biggest uh Delta biggest Delta is the uh so the ordinance I think the Delta is created because there is not a definition for adult care center in your ordinance right so you know rightly so your uh board engineer said well the closest match I have in my ordinances is medical office the adult daycare is not really a medical office but it's really a daycare age irrespective people come they're taken care of and then they go home right so then going back to this slide there is a specific um adult daycare in the it The Institute of Transportation engine which serves as the basis of a lot of definitions for ordinances and what they uh what we as a the traffic engineering community is is 19 spaces so that that's a pretty big Delta right there 19 versus 85 right it looks like it looks like the biggest Delta is in the furniture store yeah then you go to the furniture store you have two you have two uh ways of of doing uh the furniture store one is for so if you apply the retail store which is what this is right for the furniture store existing it would be the 110 spaces but going to the other slide you have a specific Furniture Store definition which is what this is is one space for 600 which to me makes sense because you know traditional Furniture Store while they're still in existence you know based uh because there's different ways is buying furniture now is um a one parking space for 600 square foot because you have a lot of area for couches and sets and all that so you have like all these mini living rooms as our shared experience so that furniture store is another big Delta one is a hard retail which is how Mr KAS office looked at it which is 110 spaces and then you have the 85 spaces for the adult daycare and we believe it's less and I just think it's just due to a lack of um what is the best def definition to apply uh and we've talked to um I think it's Mr O'Donnell in Mr C's office he can correct me uh and I think the sentiment was that we are converging on 90 so that's where we are right now there's 90 required spaces and then okay go ahead go ahead finish okay so now um if if any other board members have questions oh I one other question the and I'm not sure you'll be the person that can answer this or somebody from organization but what's the typical throughput on customers I mean when we're looking at the dispensary we're saying six spaces for customers which I'm assuming means that we're anticipating that you know kind of Maximum population in the store is going to be six car with people probably individuals right I'm guessing that's that few times you're getting more than six people in the store so I can answer that question in the context of what the NJ doot experience is with cannabis retail New Jersey on the state highways right so if I go to that um uh the trip generation if you don't mind I'll go down to trip generation okay so now um here we have it Institute of Transportation Engineers L use if I can zoom in I will I anticipate as a traffic engineer that on a weekday morning there'll be 17 total trips nine in nine out 15 and 15 on the weekday evening peak hour 30 trips and then 23 and 22 uh for 45 and we have a parking place we have a parking Supply almost self-contained but you know for what we need to do we have 21 spaces so the 45 in that peak hour that the NJ do accepts says I have I can almost do like a 30 minute dwell right because I have 22 time two is almost 45 so I have a half hour dwell on the parking which seems to be does the 21 include the employees excuse me does that 21 include the employees the 21 includes your parking rate and your parking rate per your ordinance would include the employees right you're saying you're getting 23 trips per an hour so but but X number of spaces are already going to be used by the employees correct yes and but and that's why you're part you have a specific parking ordinance based on the square footage that anticipates both employees and um uh patrons that's usually how you wire a um parking ordinance so that's um so and these are this is what we submitted to the NJ doot and they did not uh uh have exceptions I just wanted to uh go back to one thing I was I wanted or myself is is uh to see now I say this but what if this furniture store is more popular than I think it would be or the adult daycare right because they are kind of the combination plus with the uh cannabis uh retail is fairly unique so I we did a series of uh we looked at a series of Satellite photographs and counted the number of cars per the time as another data point that you know reflects what is happening right so I have this slide is from the near map satellite image and it if and so back in time in July 1 at uh Monday at noon there's a total of 37 parked Vehicles I'm like okay I don't seem to have a demand that I could not anticipate then I look at another day uh May Monday May 15th in 2023 at 10:00 a.m. and again I have a total of 30 parked vehicles I can see I don't know if you see my cursor or not I see a couple of the shuttle buses that they use for the adult daycare there some of the staff on the Westerly side and maybe some more shuttle buses there but not an inordinate Demand on the parking and then I go to my next slide and I look uh September 14 2023 in the afternoon again I see a total of uh 30 parked vehicles and one more data point to make me feel better I go on March 8th this year and this is not too far from uh the week that I count at the traffic uh we have 32 parked vehicles uh I see along the um the brook line the uh shuttle buses uh staff and that is at 1 o' normal parking demand I don't see anything inordinate or special about this site with the existing two uses so that gives me a little bit more confidence that the 90 that we're thinking that is the required spaces actually works for this site so that's so as the applicant's traffic engineer I'm very comfortable saying that if I had 90 spaces on the site it would work uh but I have the luxury of 116 spaces because we reconfigured some of the parking spaces to be uh really just modernize them and not try and squeeze the space everywhere we could because we had a little leeway to do that to better organize the spaces so uh I so that I wanted to uh you know really detail the parking requirement and um I think that at this point unless you have other questions for me I'll take a pause and we can Mr gibons I think has a question yes I do um few clarifications I mean first off I I personally don't think we're going to have a problem with parking in the current you know the way it's proposed but um I do have a few questions um the so I I think you could potentially have an issue with the parking on the on the portion of the property where the the dispensary will be um and I don't know if this is a question for you to answer or the applicant but could you have your employees parking behind I mean we'll just use this example right here the the spots behind Ethan Allen I don't see ever being used in your pictures now obviously this is only a few snapshots your employees Park back there and leave all of the spots around the building around the dispensary building for customers right and that's the manager's dream of any retail no matter what it is you guys need to park over here and we can because we do have that luxury of those spaces as so I I I believe that you're as a board member uh I think it's a very astute observation they are never used and they should be used for their retail use for the incoming cannabis retail so I think that's a that's a proper accommodation and I I think they should work towards doing that as well I I I would like to see it more required because I'd rather see the customer parking next to the building then Park then walking whatever 200 feet or whatever that distance is if you don't mind if I can jump in this is Ben herps from sweet spot here uh uh Mr Gibbons that is our intentions we've already talked to the landlord about that he's agreed that that parking is always underutilized and truly even besides these pictures I've been to the site at least 20 times there's never more than a few cars in the back that are mostly for the deliveries of people um for the memory um you know nurse adult Nursery adult nursing uh facility um we have an agreement with the landlord that we can put all of our customer parking in that area which would allow all 22 parking spaces surrounding the building purely be for customers even though that is significantly more than is what required by the municipality to have for parking for customers we went ahead and and uh got ahead of that potential issue and made sure that we will be allowed to have all of our employees park in the back and we'll have more than enough parking for customers surrounding the building which will not impact anything with Ethan Allen nor the other business on site okay perfect because I you know I know you say this is the amount that you should get on a typical day but you're GNA have a day that you get a lot of people you know you're going everything we do is about averages and you're absolutely right sometimes it can come in at once or sometimes it's going to be out throughout a whole day but we wanted to get ahead of that potential issue and that's why we've discussed it with the landlord he's already agreed to let us do that okay perfect um could just follow on that one point yep did the landlord also agree to move the two dumpsters that are currently blocking that drive aisle I I I believe that in our last site plan iteration that the uh we re we rearranged the dumpsters to make more sense and I believe that we had testimony that specifically the incoming uh cannabis retail did not need the dumpster because they were going to have their cleaning service day care of that but if um if John Dunley if I can stop sharing my screen if we could bring up the latest site plan to show the Dum I don't think you need to do that because I don't think I I understand that was that was the testimony I think I don't think these are your dumpsters I think these are Ethan Allen's dumpsters or somebody or the the adult daycare dumpsters but there are two large dumpsters that are situated in that drive aisle back there which probably is the reason why people don't bother parking there because you can't drive down the aisle if it has nothing to do with us obviously we don't have like the right to say or what we're going to do or what not we would do but we won't work with them we will work with the neighboring tenants to ensure that it makes sense for everybody there and we have a good relationship with the landlord so I don't I don't foresee that's going to be a problem I don't think that they are going to intentionally block off the overd parking so we'll work with them to make sure that this should not be an issue yeah just as long as it gets addressed and they're located in an appropriate manner I think that that that'll be fine right I believe that the uh the dumpsters just drifted in that space because they could because it wasn't there's no not a demand for it they need to go back where they belong well the look they they were clearly just dropped there and it was it's probably somebody whoever the dumpster company is is probably just coming in it was just easy because they could just locate them there and not have a conflict trying to you know clear them out regular basis so I think it's just it's going to require you know now that this is you know going to be your premise is going to be occupied I think there's going to be some level of coordination with the landlord to make sure that that operates you know efficiently without conflict right and absolutely and that's this is when the board has that opportunity to make those comments to clean up the site thank you chairman um so I I just still had another question um before we move on so going back to the calculations that you were um discussing with the adult and adult daycare and using that it number instead of a medical office my concern is with any business in town you know they don't all stay there forever so I guess I don't know if this question is for for Mr Barons or Miss steinle um you know I assume that that property is zoned medical and what would happen if that tenant leaves and you know a you know a regular doctor move moves in there would we be able to tell them that they don't have enough parking or you know like we're if we're using this calculation for this particular use of this building would we potentially have a problem down the road when a doctor wants to move into that space or you know some similar type medical office and just to just to set up that response we did do the it parking generation for a medical dental office with more recent data than your ordinance and based on the it data for land use code 720 it would be 22 spaces uh where was there an on another screen back screen that one for and the cost of calculation for the doctor uh the existing medical office two for each doctor or dentist plus one space for each 100t of gross floor area 8500 square foot divided by the 100 get you 85 spaces without including a number of doctors that's how Mr C is all okay so that maybe this is a question for Mr Casta is that the number that we need to stick to as a burrow and could this come back and bite us when that a dentist office well again we didn't make this up so this is out of the ordinance so the ordinance uh and I think Brian said it earlier has a provision that says that the the board can reduce this if they want or increase this depending if that use isn't specific in the ordinance which there's not too many things in the ordinance as far as it and you got to try to push something in it to make it play but I think more more important is this is a furniture store there's an adult dayare existing there's a retail or rather um office building behind this and you got this use all of those three uses are currently occupied and and and doing their their thing so to speak the question becomes more importantly so I think you're getting 22 parking spaces if I remember correctly that are going to be assigned to you guys uh for the site plan I think it was 21 uh for our most recent site plan from Nea all right so 21 parking space that are going to be signed I guess for your use or they will be designated as our spaces yes okay and then the only other question saying park behind Ethan Allen are those assigned Spaces by lease do we know that or don't know that we uh sorry this is Ben herbs from sweet spot again um we are in communication with the landlord he's allowing us to put our uh employees in that back parking lot that's we've already discussed that with him and there's no issue there okay but all right so are they going to be signed for your employees they are not assigned for us the only assigned parking is around the building building however because the lack of use for the history of this building in that overd lot he is allowing us to park there it won't be assigned parking but we will be allowed to work to park there for our employees is Phil White still the is he still the owner yes and I speak to him every day yep okay um the here's the thing when you you have three buildings on one side and you have parking and basically the furniture store e Allen is not a not that busy of an establishment high-end furniture not very busy the daycare we've never had an issue with that over time and again but some of these things could change over time and I think that's where the concern comes so if the 22 parking spaces are dedicated to you guys and you can exist in the 22 parking spaces that's all you have and I think Brian um the question becomes is that sufficient for this shoes uses if the other uses go out and they're gone and they change they'll have to come back to this board and that's what I would put in any resolution of approval and and hopefully they hire me because I can justify the 90 phases that's okay not not not to be factious and I in all due respect I think that what Mr Kasa is saying is that should uh another applicant come in for a continued certificate of occupancy they have to explain to the board what they're going to do and what their parking is going to be M Mr Casta do you do you have an issue with this well here's the only yeah let's go back in time let's stay on Kinder kak Road even though these two sites are completely different Kinder KAC Road there's restaurants there's an office building with a daycare in it there's another restaurant and it's the Hatfields in the McCoy if you remember and another restaurant came in recently to change from uh who's just put the sign up I believe yesterday or today so you don't you don't want that to happen so the reality is by lease you have 21 parking spaces so I think what you need to do is prove those 22 parking spaces that you have by lease work for your your business if that's not sufficient then I think you need to go back to Phil White and say Phil I need x amount more spaces but right now that's what you have that's what's going to be dedicated to you for this site and if the other ones aren't going to be dedicated and they're not shared by all the other tencies then you could have again a conflict with the other tenants and we become the Hatfields and mlo again and that's what I don't want this board to do uh Mr CA let me just clear something up for you there's 39 parking spaces in that shared lot and as you seen from images over the last five years there's never any cars there that's why we've had this discussion um in addition to that I believe Brian has shown through you know the it parking thing that the 22 parking spaces that we have meet the state's requirements of what we need and your guys requirement and then Mr gimons just asked us would he allow us to have our employees park there which we've said we have that permission so we have the ability and we meet all the requirements from the state and the municipality with the 22 parking spaces that we have for our specific use however just to get ahead of the issue that Mr gimons brought up and we want to make sure that this never causes an issue that's why we brought up that overage lot but that overage lot is never used it's underutilized and that is why Mr White has allowed us to have our employees park there I I I understand everything you just said I that's not I don't think that's the issue as it exists today with the uses that are there and you coming in I agree there's more than ample parking in my opinion if those uses change the question becomes you have X amount of parking spaces per your lease forget about the other ones you don't have it in your lease you really other than a handshake you don't have the ability to go there if he decides to then give those spaces to some other use and those other buildings so the question becomes you need to you're your own Island and you need to make it work on your Island and if it does and I think that's the testimony correct Brian yes so we believe that uh you know we did extensive research and uh also we're seeing um just a supplement the testimony that we're seeing that as the market gets not saturated but as it it is not so much a novel use I believe Jersey is on the verge of 110 retail cannabis Outlets as it goes towards um the next level of a corporate structure a little smaller uh that it is that parking demand is abating globally uh as well as you know what we're experiencing in Bergen County so I'm I'm very confident that the 21 spaces that we have on our site plan or 22 assign per lease is sufficient for this use with the other shared uses that we have I think it works well okay but again as far as the shared you right now you have per lease 22 parking spaces correct that that's per your word yes per lease so forget about the sharing part of it because in essence you might not other than a handshake you might not have the ability to share those other spaces right now you have 22 paring spaces and as long as those amount of spaces can handle what you're doing and you have your stuff up so you're saying you need six spaces because of the size and then one per the 12 employees you need 18 parking you have 22 correct right okay and I right I and based on what I'm seeing I don't this site does not need more than 22 right that's what it doesn't you know and that's what they have wired in their lease I don't think you're going to get the Hat fields of mcco because we are as you said self-parked as an island with 22 right and that's that's that's perfect that's that's that's perfect the only other thing and and again maybe it's I screwed up a little bit when the daycare came in I don't have that resolution so I'm not sure exactly what the board approved back then and that could tell the Tale on on what what happened with that that use how many would dedicate it to the uh to the daycare right and because all other uses that you have best fit are very aggressive parking with respect to the daycare right right I I don't like if you were to go back probably to your resolution for the adult daycare it's probably per resolution but in the review letter I believe you went back to the default which was your best fit any ordinance well like I said I might be a little uh remiss that I didn't do that and I I actually on the record I texted Tom just now early to see if he has a copy of the resolution he doesn't have it I don't have it so I'm not sure exactly what the board did back in time and that could tell a different tale can I interrupt for just one second here so if if we think I mean I know this is all one big property but if they have the 22 least PID for dedicated their only slots then do we have to be concerned with how many slots the Ethan Allen needs and how many the daycare need no I think I don't I don't think we do and they have I mean I know I started this conversation I can proably and maybe I can end it no I mean do we have to care how many they have what what you need to do is here's here's the issue if if the ordinance is saying you need 200 and they only Supply 16 then there's there's a requirement for a variance so whether or not that's correct or incorrect but how much did but is it is it because it's owned by one property and is one parcel correct if I could jump in for a second those spots are included in our lease I just confirmed and we did provide our lease I believe as part of the application but those overflow spots are part of our lease so you're saying you have 28 slots then or Ben can you confirm what that number is based on we have the right to use it for our employees based on the lease so we have the right to use it and we're going to have between 10 and 12 employees so if these spots are dedicated to them and no one else is allowed to use them do we as as you know per our ordinance does it matter how many slots Ethan Allen and the memory care have so I I don't want to speak out of turn board member GI but I believe that if we have the 22 spaces we satisfy our future paring command I I I'm I need to I I want to hear this from our professionals though side of it but you know from our professionals do we have to look at the whole parcel or if they if if we're comfortable that 22 spots is enough for this particular use do we care what the other properties have and I like to hear that from one of our professionals that can answer that I I'll give my my brief understanding of the issue Mr Costa can clarify so I just looking back in my records the the original Memory Care approval looked like it was back in March 2015 when uh which was during my brief stint as a board member um so I don't have the resolution but it's again Circa 2015 we could get those details to see what was allocated and discussed at that time um I so per the ordinance to answer the question succinctly um they technically comply with the 22 Spaces by code that they're they're compliant is my understanding so um the parking that wraps around the one building is sufficient but I think what we're hearing is that either because it's better business or because they anticipate actually more people coming to the use at least initially that they need those extra employee parking spaces so you know to to the point that Mr Costa brought up in the future Ethan Allen may not always be there so if we go ahead and take away 10 or 12 spaces from there that could create a future problem so I think we could address this in a couple ways one the board is simply comfortable with what the applicants offering and and we give them Ethan Allen spaces two there's a condition that they you know future tenants have to come back and the board reviews it to make sure the parking's good and you know what you're getting to avoid you know future issues um or three just you know keep them confined within the 22 spaces around the building and and you know indicate that they're they're compliant by and they'll have to deal with it I believe one of the applicants implied or or the your attorney implied that there you may actually have it in your lease is it is it explicitly in your lease that you get those slots behind Ethan Allen uh yes it is uh Mr herbs can discuss he just sent me the actual page from the lease but tenants vehicles and those of tenants guest invitees or others there subject with the cons said the tenant are permitted to park in these spaces attached and the exhibit includes those Ethan Allen spaces I mean I think for me that's that's enough I don't know how everyone else feels but it seems like this particular use and this particular piece of the property has enough parking for what they right what they need I would agree I I think Mr Baron's suggestion of you know having this as a you know the condition that Futures come back to make sure the parking is not an issue I think that makes as well 100% okay thank you hey John okay uh any other questions or from the board okay I think uh Mr inol if you would continue on with your testimony so I mean I'm basically in the conclusion phase okay we're self-parked um we have the letter I think that was submitted to the town to the burrow with respect to the letter of no interest uh as issued by the state uh and they find that no new permit is needed and this does not create a significant increase in traffic as defined by the New Jersey State Highway access management code so uh it's not only what I say it's what state New Jersey says to protect their RightWay and safe and efficient um use of the public highways so all said this is a right siiz application for the parcel in mind and it reflects the overlay Zone that we are tucking into so for for all those reasons I believe this this site can move forward uh for the board's consideration um from the traffic traffic and parking perspective I think those issues that the board um has to look at um are safe and they're um and it's well pared okay and thank you thank you for your time okay if you could uh let me just Mr Baron any further questions for uh Mr inanda nothing from me Mr chairman thank you okay Mr dekin chairman okay Mr Costa no I'm good thank you chairman okay U let's go to the board at this time uh Mr Keno I'm good thank you for the presentation okay uh Miss Boland no additional questions okay um Mr feffer no questions thank you Mr Craig I'm good thank you okay uh Mr merman yes I have a couple of questions um did um Mr in did you um research and obtain any accident reports at these uh points of entry and exit we did look at the uh safety Voyager system that the state police maintain and we did not see an accident rate that be in the red uh you can look at safety Voyager there are uh they have green which is in the normal range uh amber which is a little bit heavier and red for this particular access points it was not uh an untour rate or a higher rate okay so you did and you did not see if I can use the word any red flags I did not see any red or red flags yes Mr okay all right um let's let's look at the rout for um entries and esses I think um would you agree that those um at least two of those um could on rout for itself you some kind of attention and Improvement um based on my my view uh they are generous the radiar are generous for the exit speeds that are encountered um actually I think they're overly generous because they they neck them down a little bit in recent years with the NJ doot so from a a geometry point of view uh for the concrete curves that are there I don't see the need to change that geometry other than geometry would you look at some kind of a enhancement um I think Mr Casa mentioned something um the last time uh I believe he used something like rumble strips or something like that but that's yes so let's let's talk about the rumble strips D to talk about that so then when you come in off of rout four and uh you are coming uh from the exit Lane which is the service road so you can anticipate about 25 to 35 miles hour which is really Street speed um there might be others the outliers like any bell curve of drivers they might be a little bit higher but in my view I think that the on the main line along the site that the that it could be that it might be counter intive answer but it might be alarming to encounter rumble strips because you are busy negotiating like from my point of view the rumble strips are to reduce or make you aware of slowing down right you're kind of doing that anyway as you negotiate the site and I think that that would add an element of almost like surprise that I don't think they're warranted in this instance because in my observations of traffic I didn't really see um uh people exiting off Route four because it is the beginning of the gore for the service road uh they are not on at Mainline speeds but it's already almost pre-reduced to negotiate the driveway so in that context I don't think they're necessary yeah that that exit is a little dicey um and I've been aware and used that exit especially when Liberty Travel was there and it's still dicey um I I'm thinking that would would you recommend or that the um additional lighting uh of some kind be installed or something like that well um in this instance along the NJ do right away the burrow can always request that the lighting gets upgraded o over the course of time that's you know that's the prerogative of the municipality but from what I saw it was well lit uh when you exit that area either through the ambient lighting or for I think there's one heavy duty um anti-me light that's on the corner uh that illuminates that area pretty well um I'm particularly referring to um from the site downward into the uh driveway itself or something like with the curb cut is in that whole area um I I think that um from an engineering or St safety standpoint I I would like to see some of that looked at um in development of of those um exits and entes right and my response would be that I've for me it I we we have contacts with NJ doot and PS and if we believe another street light a public Street needs to be in that run we would certainly bring that to those agencies all right so so okay I I've got my answer um basically it'll be reviewed um I I are you going to discuss circulation I can I mean I have uh the number in the bill condition I know what the traffic assignment is going to be uh I mean on on the site yeah I mean we did uh well we're here for a um the way finding signs that were developed with the input of the uh the Burrows Public Safety representatives and the police uh and that is basically in this context of the application I believe that the planner segue that our wayfinding which we think is helping circulation um specific to uh how the set up that uh that is triggering if I'm not incorrect the D3 variants uh for the way finding if you include that in the signage square footage so um if John could you bring up the uh site plan with the way finding thr us real quick go through circulation yeah I can can I just trouble you to stop sharing your screen am I still sharing yeah able to see me now okay I think I'm out yeah can everybody see my screen yes thank you all right Brian why why don't I let you keep going with your train of thought right so if we uh uh and following with Mr merman if we zoom into the uh first driveway John which what you call that the Westerly driveway that Services the adult daycare yeah right so uh there uh we have the sign uh there we have the write in only and then you can also typ and make the uh uh the through movement parallel to the roof four service road right so then you can go in the back of the site circulate back around and then we go to that that's driveway one now we go to Mid driveway right if we zoom in on Mid driveway if you don't mind John we have a proposed wave finding sign uh that we don't have in the first driveway if I'm correct John that is correct in the center right in the center driveway we are reinforcing that if you had come in off the adult daycare driveway there is pro proposed wave finding sign to reinforce that these sites are connected so there's type one and type two one it's go down the aisle and the other one is that it's it's a an affirmation that you can go down that Center Island to get to where you need to okay so then we have another package of way finding signs right there right so that's your type three and that says okay now you are uh where you need to be and you can either Start parking or continue to your left so that is basically the way finding package uh Mr merman is our circulation plan and then you go into the main body of the site and you are in the main parking field as we discussed with the uh spaces around our site that have been slightly reorganized just for better circulation that's why we were at 118 now we're at 116 uh we eliminated some spaces just because um you know it just made better sense and then then we have the final uh easterly driveway which is our exit driveway that is past the gore uh meaning that the double white stripe is now come together on roof four and you are exiting onto Route four as a right turn only and that's basically the circul plan we're going to follow what's there reinforce what we need to for the Cannabis retail to make it convenience for customers so they're not tentative in their decision-making process which is always good traffic engineering uh way you go about things to uh reduced indecision uh and I think that with that and getting good feedback from the police department uh I think we we have the again the right size circulation plan for this to our own detriment because invoking a D3 variance but I think that that has more benefits to the circulation plan than if we didn't have it okay stay right there where you are with your screen um at the corner um I guess it would be the southwest corner um as you come down this aisle there's a traffic Island uh right now there's a parking space there Mr merman we're talking right here hold on you move the screen on me no down the main aisle your main entry between right there that's it right there there's a traffic Island there there's a parking space there and that corner is a race and elevation I right now I believe that you're going to have to rework that whole Mr have a hard time hearing you dropped out okay can you hear me can you hear me better now yeah yes please please Repose your question okay if you look at that corner of the Ethan Allen Building there's a traffic Island that traffic island has a parking stall next to it that and and the elevation between that and the rear lot is is uh higher at that point um that you're going to have to remove that island and parking stool and rework that that corner all right well uh wait wait Mr mman Mr merman I don't I don't see the have to because it is the island that we use to make up the grade that's what the island is there for all right you know what I mean so like so when we go from uh basically left to right of the angled part of that Island it is in that distance that we can make up the elevation okay um I'm gonna I'm going to just rest on that because I believe chairman has a comment to add to that and I'm gonna let him do that but before we get to that are you in the are we in the process of discussing the way signs right now well because we're segueing from circulation that you asked for yeah we're reinforcing the circulation with the wayfinding signs so if you want to see what they look like I think that would be the appropriate time to do that stay right there hold your screen I would offer uh for consideration um can you blow up the entry a little bit there r four yeah good good good good that's good that's good that's good you you're talking a way way finding sign type one and type two on one side for consideration I would offer that you put a similar one on the opposite side on likewise I I closer to r four Bo where the curb cut would be and where you're 20 6.1 feet one opposite that I I I think that way um the entrance uh as they're coming off as a higher speed likewise I would offer consideration um that those those signs seem to be a different color uh I would I would offer at least those two signs to be reflective that so that when somebody's coming down their eyes are going to catch catch those and it's going to bring them right in into your eyeway there yeah Mr Mr merman to both of those points we can absolutely comply with that okay all right now um this is a matter of this is a matter of information the other way signs are they going to be they seem to be a different color the other ones that you so we're yes so so to answer your question I think if if the question is that with respect to colors I believe that these sweet spot the wayfinding signs are what's intended to match the say the general facade and architectural style of the building that intent and if it's a matter of matching the say the concrete customer signage we can we can do that they would be a unique color that is correct corre okay that's good that that's that's perfect and and I guess we could say that's true of all the other sweet spot parking and so forth um what I'd like to do at this point is um having a hard time hearing you again sorry okay um I would ask at this time that our chairman share with you what his observations were because uh uh you're gonna have to probably consider them so so Chris if you w to uh share your site visit with the um with the board and the applicant yeah uh John if you can go back to the the site plan in the area and where we were just talking about that traffic island in the back yeah that's great right there so Diagon to that traffic Island at the corner of the Ethan Allen building that's the Ethan Allen loading dock where they get deliveries so question for you is is to what degree did you take that into consideration in in your circulation plan here because the concern we have is one of conflict in terms of when Ethan Allen is getting deliveries and you know based on my uh question to Ethan Allen they're getting deliveries three to four times a week um and if they're backing in box trucks for 53f Footers that's going to create an impass in that area there so I don't know if that's something that you've taken into consideration in in your analysis yeah I mean that that that that's a good observation I appreciate you bringing that to our attention it we did consider it and I would just I would offer off first off this the circulation as it ex that we're proposing is as it exists today we're simply trying to say further streamline it to make sure that the people understand that you know you're entering generally speaking the intent is for somebody looking to access The Sweet Spot dispensary to access it through that Center Drive aisle so as relates to any loading certainly you know we could coordinate with the with the landlord with Ethan Allen as it relates to that uh and ensure that there won't be any uh any conflicts and if it's something that you know if we have to modify the curb Island to some extent uh we can certainly consider that but again it's an existing condition um that exists today and the site function from a functionality perspective we continue to exist as it does agree but there this is we're now looking at this with with with fresh eyes this is a new use so you know again we this we're you know it's coming upon us to to oppose this to you so I would suggest that you look at that closely um and if there's a way to mitigate any sort of impact there because I think it's going to from a practical standpoint I think it's going to create a situ situation for for your customers getting access there if in fact you know Ethan Allen is is getting deliveries in there you're going to have a a conflict so something to be to be looked at yeah and I would just say um chairman that um the circulation pattern has been working from what we can tell uh based on the Aerials uh for the approximate six years uh that there there's a certain aspect to share absolutely uh that when they get the occasional 53 foot um truck uh for a like um a main distribution those are infrequent uh based on my experience with this size um store uh because they don't have a lot of back space it's mostly floor space they would probably get the based on the it and information that I have most likely one tractor trailer Delivery week which I think the site can accommodate and then there would be uh for lack of a better word a straight job truck or box truck and that would be the one in two deliveries for the three trucks a week the box trucks can be accommodated at the rear of the Ethan Allen and when you have that um uh the weekly delivery uh for the um tractor trailer that will have to be man be managed and but we do have the benefit um of the prior testimony that while we uh I don't anticipate any any Growing Pains but that being the case there will be um professional staff on hand in the parking lot directing traffic as we figure this site out at that next level when we when when the when the rubber hits a road so to speak okay because I think that's gonna be that's going to be crucial because as I Mr mman pointed out there is a slope a grade change there and coming around the corner that building there with if you do have a delivery truck in the Ethan out loading dock that's going to really restrict your view coming around back into the main driveway and vice versa coming in understood and we balance that with infrequency and that there's an offset in the peak hours so it's the probability is lessened but is not eliminated but it must be considered okay thank you for that Mr G I'll come back to you in one second I know you have a further question but if I can just ask one more question um in your analysis on the on the egress the eastern most driveway there between um your premises and Ethan Allen um did your anal did your analysis take into account the possibility of um people using that as Ingress and is there a way to mitigate that because if you're coming out of that point trying to see trying to get onto the road there I know you testified that you know it's a service road it's not quite a service road there I don't believe I think it's still in the exit Lane so there people decelerating but people come off that that ramp there pretty pretty quickly and it and I my personal experience getting out of there it was it was not the easiest because you do have sight line challenges there if you're in a lower car certainly I think it would present some some difficulty but I guess the question is is that is there a way to prevent any sort of conflict of people coming in while somebody else is trying to come out and we end up with a a safety situation there right so the way the geometry of the driveways are is that they are they're made to promote that you don't use the last driveway as an Ingress or an entrance it is a is an exit driveway only and it may be that the we can liaz with the dot to update the signage package that indicates that and I'll see what the original approval plans were because over time you know signs get hit sometimes it need to be updated and uh we will reach out to the uh njdot uh um access office that we sent our letter of no interest to and we we will we will see what they have on site and if we need to upgrade those plans to reinforce that that is a right turn out only on the service exit Lane uh we will certainly put those back up or even just people trying to come in because we all know human nature you're going to try to find the closest point if people miss the first entrance you know Being Human Nature people are going to try to go in in an exit but I do have the benefit of two strikes before our third strike in this particular use and that is exactly why we have the way finding right understood yeah thank you okay Mr Gibbons I'm coming back to you questions um I one further thing um can't hear you Mr could you repeat are we done with the traffic consultant's um testimony I don't think so not yet Mr Gib has a question okay okay great Gib um yeah I have a similar concern to what you just brought up Mr castlen um can I actually share my screen and just show something here it's just a a Google view so hopefully I do this right Chrome can you see the highway here yes sir yeah okay so my concern is this I'm driving down Route four I'm Looking For The Sweet Spot and this is what I see when I'm supposed to exit the highway I see Ethan Allen and I see a large Ethan Allen sign now I assume what you're proposing is that there's going to be a wave finding sign by this fire hydrant and yeah uh right because as Mr merman had requested and there'll be one before that as well so because I know personally when I'm driving down Route four and I'm say looking for Ethan Allen I don't know me necessarily exactly where it is so I'm looking for it and when I drive down here okay I'm not going to know that sweet spot is there yet because I can't see the building and I'm going to continue to drive and now I'm going to see the sign here and I'm going to see this building and I'm going in this entrance no no matter what a sign here says this is where I'm pulling in so I brought it up at our last meeting this that that's what concerns me someone is pulling out here and I'm driving down I never saw this building the sign faces straight it doesn't face the direction I'm coming from and I have no idea where this building is and I'm pulling in here and I you can put all the signs you want but people are pulling in there so that's that's my big safety concern um about this that it's it's going to happen and you know I think we need to you know I know you just talked about having signs uh here right I don't know if you can see my cursor as I'm doing this but you know I think I think it needs to be somewhat prominent here to know that I'm pulling in here because yes this is the right SP place to go but when I I miss it I'm pulling in down here there right and not that youve formed a question but regardless of the use that's here that is the existing access pattern that we have and the radiuses that are presented are made specifically for the right uh in only that's why it has that nice radius to wheel around so it is made for it will it be the occasional Drive that misses driveway one and two I I you know it would be disingenuous to say that won't happen but that would be the exception rather than the rule as is with any driver experience in New Jersey and even with the exception uh and and we recognize that by putting the wayfinding signs that uh even in those event even in that situation I think it still uh provides for uh safe Ingress in egress Mr Gibbons I'd also just like to note that we have agreed to have off-duty police officers at least for the first six months so I think that they will also help with the traffic control and perhaps determine that something similar to if you've seen how Ascend in Rosa Park they actually police have put up a sign directing people where to go in you know if if the police that are off duty on this site that we've agreed to feel that that's necessary I think that that is certainly also something we're open to at the site and I just would like to add we've been in communication with Mr uh with Chief Walker throughout this whole process um he as we as uh Mr Gilson mentioned we have you know we are going to be hiring two off-duty police officers to manage the outdoor parking area and we've given him our commitment that if he has any recommendations of additional signs or anything else that would help um kind of control traffic if it becomes an issue that we are open to doing anything within reason so I understand it's a pre-existing condition you know I'm just I just know how people drive down that Highway and I know how I do so you know I I what is the size of the sign that you're proposing in this area right here I think John was it 24 by 24 inches 24 by yeah 24 by 24 uh elevated so it'll be total height of four feet so it'd be kind of Steel post and then um and I'll pull up the detail just for reference and why John do that that is that is basically the size of a diagonal crosswalk sign it's um 24 by 24 because that that's my main concern that people are going to drive by it someone's trying to pull out the right the correct way and they're going to get hit you know and yes there'll be police officers there for six months but you're going to be in business there for a lot longer than six months so that's my concern I just want to make sure people know where to pull in so we can mitigate those it's going to happen but if we can keep it to an absolute minimum the amount of people that miss you miss the right entrance and go in the exit understood and again just to reiterate what uh Mr herbs indicated earlier certainly if there's any recommendations that can be made by the police chief following or in general the police department uh after this has been opened we're certainly ad meetable to any of those of those uh you know reasonable requests to make sure that the site is functioning operationally and safe uh safely and that and that also holds for the question earlier about the uh the loading area with respect to the uh to Ethan Allen okay I hope I'm wrong you know I hope people don't do it but I don't think I am so hopefully we can uh we can keep people going in the right direction thank you that's all I had Mr Cano uh thanks yeah in that same vein uh that last exit only driveway are you putting a sign there that says exit only like uh right so the testimony that I gave that uh I believe that there were signs there that are no longer there and we going to we're going to revisit the original signage package that the NJ doot approved and I'm going to make suggestions that they are reigned as they should be in addition to the wayf finding signs that we're putting up all right but that doesn't really answer whether no no what I'm saying is that I'm we are going to do a signage package that is is going to be approved by the NJ do because they were there and now they're not so we're going to put that like the last one is going to be a basically a one-way out sign that's what it needs to be there right it's not there like an exit only sign or or or exit only right those signs are not there they need to come back they were at one point and you know snow plow if the if the NJ do package does not require it though we can require it as a board right right well you you should I mean Mr Costa will correct me as well as your your board attorney is that you can make a condition that the applicant should bring a uh directional sinus package per mutcd to manual and uniform traffic control devices uh that is that to the dot and uh bring that package to them for their approval if we're using their right away or near their right away and that it would include a sign such as an exit only sign correct that would be part of the mutcd package because that's that that I'm sorry that I I implied that I'll explicitly say that yes okay all right thank you one of the things that might also help there too is is to sort of close that angled curve curving there that would encourage one to come in off the road if that's sort of made flush with the drive coming out that might be less encouraging for someone to try to stop and make a turn going in there right so what how we treat that is that when we do the restriping for somebody the islands we can stripe that that it gives the appearance of uh it's a slightly um restrictive for the right turnout only and uh that way we don't run a foul of the geometry of the NJ doot permitted driveways we can look at that we put the signage package together to the NJ do and just just to interject I just looked at Google Maps at that particular spot and there hasn't been a sign saying do not enter since at least 2008 so I would think we should have that in our ordinance or in our um in our statement that you know it's saying that there should be a sign because there hasn't been there one there in 16 years as a condition of approval y Mr merman coming back to you yes um you Al you NE assed a lighting uh drawing I would like U if if we're not uh if we're done at the moment with circulation and so forth Mr chairman can I interject for two minutes before we move off with this yeah I was just gonna say before we move on if there's anybody else Mr Costa you included questions further question we go back just back to the circulation time just for for clarity so you're going to have the way wayfinder side you're going to come off the highway and this the second probably the second driveway are you anticipating everybody going to the rear of these buildings and then yeah circumnavigating around the back of the buildings and then coming through and then basically clockwise pattern around your building and then back out yeah Mr that that was generally speaking the intent and the intent with that was so as not to disturb the Ethan Allen parking but certainly that's you can pass in front of Ethan Allen to actually all right maybe maybe I misunderstood I thought the whole idea to to to go around the back of the building was for deliveries no no no General Circ we would we would we would we would direct everyone in that direction and that's based on feedback we received from the police chief okay in reality you can come off the highway and make the little left and then go in front of the Ethan Allen Building yes no restriction there's no no there's no restriction and that's that's why I said originally this is the main tra basically going to be the main traffic aisle and the only other question I have and again if you're anticipating more traffic and I hope there is so you guys are you know success don't you need some internal stop signs uh stop bars because again you got you got basically a few intersections going on this there is no traffic control right yes and that that's what we had talked about Mr Costa in anticipation of your question that we would review the site to do an mutcd signage package right both along rout four and whatever interior signage we would have to do for um you know practical stop signs and whatnot for that circulation okay all right I I I think that's extremely important because again if I'm going through the first driveway there's no stop you go through the second one there's no stop there's no yields there's nothing understood all right all right thank you thank you Mr CA any further questions on uh traffic from the board okay uh if we can move on to the lighting plan Mr chairman would you want me to quickly talk through this or yeah if you could if you could give us a a summary of what the uh what the plan is depicting here that'd be great yeah thank you Mr chairman good evening again honorable board members board professionals uh good to be back for round two here real quick uh as it relates to traffic um and based on some of the feedback we received at the uh not traffic lighting excuse me hung up on traffic here uh based on some of the feedback we received at the prior hearing with respect to lighting and security and what have you uh we did take a look at the existing lighting uh conditions on the site uh and what we found generally speaking was that under the existing conditions the lighting directly uh adjacent to the building and around the building was was not was not suitable for this particular use so to that extent we are proposing as at this point in time uh 10 wallmounted fixtures uh these would be down you know these would as just kind of show the detail real quick these would be wallmounted pictures aimed down so as not to to throw too much light off site uh and with that said uh these would also be architecturally compatible with the uh with the proposed building uh and I say that uh based upon my discussions with the project architect uh more to that point there are two existing flood lights located on the site they're located on the existing utility poles there's one utility pole here it's labeled as utility pole 1663 there's another one here up1 1664 uh and so the two flood lights are located on those um on those poles and in analyzing the lighting here and including the lighting here that's shown here the ice the putot candle uh measurements uh we did account uh for the illumination from those um from those flood lights and to the extent to ensure that they are in fact you know adequate and to make sure we're maximizing the light uh available from them if they need to be replaced they will be replaced and in addition any overhanging vegetation along that area would be removed uh to maximize uh lighting uh furthermore just uh looking at the front section of the building uh we do have some spillage uh some XX spillage along Route 4 uh that was mentioned in the board Engineers letter uh to that end I would just mention that there are two uh utility poles here one located here uh which is not labeled or numbered and another one here identified as up 61306 those are both uh within the New Jersey uh uh NJ do RightWay they do contain lighting so there is some throw coming off of those lights which is pushing uh which is pushing lighting over uh over the allowable limit on the um on the property line um and we did account for that when we did the uh the lighting analysis in this case um so to the extent that we can further screen the lights to get it lower to to comply with the board Engineers uh comment we certainly will do so uh and overall in totality uh you're looking at uh pretty adequate lights in my in my professional opinion you have anywhere from at its highest point about 5.4 to 6.9 put candles to you know 0.5 0.3 put candles uh back here in parking space number 18 which is you know which is which is well illuminated uh so with that that's kind of a synopsis of the proposed lighting and I'll take questions at this point in time Mr M start with you all right we just spent quite a bit of time on circulation come coming in off of Route four and we uh that the circulation is around the back of the building proposed site let's say um yet you show no lighting for that uh pathway that roadway um I believe that um you're going to have to light Mr M you're breaking up again oh you you're gonna have to light that whole pathway from uh the corner where the island was all the ways around the back of the building um to where your current lighting is shown uh yes thank you Mr merman I think to that end there are there is existing lighting there but uh we can certainly evaluate and provide lighting as needed uh I think it's more than evalua I think you have to provide it right now you're taking people and or or client and you're pushing them into a dark area um a very poorly lit area and I think that safety dictates uh adequate lighting all along that Corridor if that certainly if that's if the board um if the board is requesting lighting uh in this case we will provide the required lighting okay um Mr chairman that's my comments okay thank you Mr merman um go to uh the rest of the board uh Miss bowan no comments okay uh Mr feffer no comments or questions Mr Cay I good okay uh sorry I've got the one bar up top here uh Mr kigo I'm good thanks okay Mr Gibbons nope I'm good thank you okay uh let me go to our professionals Mr Barons nothing at this time Mr chairman okay thank you Mr dekin nothing chairman okay and Mr Mr Casta I think he might he has his camera off oh okay all right we'll come back to him um okay great thanks for that sorry about that that's all right no that we it's tough trying to see with one strip across Zoom make sure we cover everybody all right at this time Mr gillson I turn the floor back to you thank you Mr chairman I have no further Witnesses I believe we've addressed all of the board's issues if the board has any their other issues we're happy to address them again we're here on a minor site plan we've provided Our Testimony regarding our signage regarding our traffic regarding our site plan the variances that we require are related to the wayfaring signs which seems to be from the board's feeling tonight was something that was required we believe it's required to so we would ask the board to grant that variance relief along with all the conditions that have been placed on the record that we are willing to work with the burrow on okay so before we we're gonna have to open to the public for public comment but before doing so let me go back and one one last round make sure that uh we don't have comments or question on any of the other aspects in testimony um Mr Craig no I've heard everything I had questions about okay Mr GI um no I think I've had my questions answered thank you okay Mr feffer nothing for me okay thank you Miss Bolan I I don't have anything new but I just want to um see how the board feels about the the green cover cing on the Windows whether that is signage um or if something could be done with that that it's um you know not a lot of uh something that would appear to be signage I think the applicant agreed to make the uh window coverings just an opaque frosted look and subject to review by the um board planner just to confirm okay that'd be great thank you that's it okay thank you m b Mr Cano I have uh no further questions just to miss bolan's uh comment I don't really have a problem with the way the windows look uh in their conceptual drawings so I would be fine with either thank you okay thank you uh Mr merman yes uh I'd like you to try miss the Kera one last time and see if he's yeah he's back I was going to go back to the professionals once we're done with the board okay that was my uh one comment okay that's right so uh with that we'll go we'll go to our professionals just any further comments questions on any of the other aspects of the application before we open to the public Mr barens just to summarize I mean the app the application is mostly conforming and and comes uh to us subsequent of the the burrow uh adopting an ordinance that permits the use in this Zone and so I I think the burrow had uh you know this type of of use you know in mind for for a site just like this so it seems to be fairly consistent with you know what the governing body had in mind for the site and as far as uh required variance relief we're really talking about the wayfinding signage which seems to uh enhance the safety of the site again the freestanding signs are not permitted but I think they've uh the applicants proposed them at at the board's request to try to help people uh enter the site in a safe manner so I I me I have no objection uh to anything that's being provoked okay thank you sir Mr dekin thank you chairman okay thank you sir Mr Costa um again very quickly just and I think just for the record just to clarify I know Brian um he's off he's gone but again to look at the traffic circulation I think he needs some stop bars stop signs I think he needs some striping um and in the future I know I keep saying the same thing you might need some measures to quell some of the uh to some of the circulation patterns around they're similar to what we did down in the mall by by CVS and Total Wine other than that I think they they're the dumpster is gone the screening is around the uh the rooftop units and the generator um I think everything else meets the signage will be put up that it's just for their parking and as far as lighting I would examine it 6 months after it's up operational again with LEDs you can certainly do anything today you can make them go on and off from your house so you can certainly revisit that to make sure if there's any impacts that you can change it other than that that's it Mr thank you thank you sir all right this time uh let's uh open to the public for questions and comments uh take a motion from uh the board to open so moov hey Mr Keno is there a second second second I got Mr CRA a second all in favor I any oppos any abstain okay this time we're now open to the public for comments or questions on the application styly do we have anybody there are several members of the public if you have questions or comments please raise your hand on Zoom now I don't nobody has raised their hand okay we give it a couple more seconds here just to make sure you can raise your hand or if you're on I don't think anybody's on a on a phone so we don't need the phone instructions looks like everybody's on a on a computer so okay um take that to be no comments from the public so at this time I'll look for a motion to close the public don't move thank you Mr peffers there a second second thank you Miss PA all in favor oos or abstain okay at this time we're now closed to the public for comment um any further questions from the board or the professionals we covered everything but just one last time okay uh I then look to uh the board for a motion on the application Mr chairman um I suggest that the can't uh and documents as discussed today and resubmit them for uh the board to consider uh action AC for the applicant to proceed after that okay um Mr gillson um any issue with submitting revised plans based on the discussions we've had this evening for for Action at our next meeting and Mr alter do we have our agenda available for the upcoming meetings I think at the the September 11th meeting there's only one matter listed or or are there two Ed 11 has one applicant okay I I think there's there's room then to include this on the agenda if we can get uh revised plans Mr chairman I mean with all with all due respect I'm not exactly sure what we're revising and I think that any of that could be dealt with in resolution compliance well I think uh based on what we've had a lot of discussion I think there's been um a lot of progress made but I think just given the nature of this application we'll make sure that everything is in place so I think it would be in everyone's best interest to have a final set of plans as best as we can so that um there's nothing left to chance as to what uh what's intended here so that would be our our encouragement and recommendation understood I make a suggestion that they they just submit the revisions instead of the entire set of plans which they did recently uh as they're very difficult to distribute the entire set of plans again the main plans that we're really looking at all the ne plans in NE said I think it's the site plan agreed yes I think that's the only thing that we're we're looking at so that that one I think is is manageable that if I'm not it was the uh the architecture plans that were a little bit more uh difficult to work with but um but yeah I think it change so change page we we're only talking about the site plan so I think that that could just be resubmitted that would be helpful understood that as well did again I'm sorry Ed as it also in a digital format okay so Mr chairman I have a question Mr faer so are we actually two questions sorry the first one is are we asking the applicant now to come back and give testimony again as to the changes that they make because I think that's really what we're opening this up for and secondly what what are we doing regarding CH conditions that we've asked for that will not be complied with on the revised site plan but are subject to future you know for example the dot review and um future considerations regarding the lighting um those kind of things that were sort of put in as conditions but will take time and experience to see whether there's compliance so how how are we dealing with this well I'll turn to our board attorney on that for the procedural aspects but my understanding is that the um at this point given that there are other agencies approvals that need to be obtained our initial action here would be one of a conditional approval to make sure all those conditions are met and then come back for a final approval once they've obtained all their other agency approvals because there is a process to make everything happen so that was the answer I think what we would what the board would be doing is granting the site plan approval with the V for the signage um if the board is so inclined and the applicant has the responsibility to go out and get all of their other approvals that they need um if things change they have to come back to the board but other than that as long as they comply with all of the conditions in our approval um and then they're they're good to go it's up to them to get all the approvals yeah and I understand that's the standard procedure but I I'm just it looks like what we're also asking them to do on top of that is to is to revise the site plan come back to us next time with the revised site plan and then my question kicks in which is are we taking testimony about that site plan plan or how how is that actually going to be reviewed yeah they'll they'll come on the record with the changes that we've discussed confirm that everything's been made as as we've requested and we'll proceed from there but could could we could we ask them to submit those plans in a timely manner before the September 11th meeting and have it as a condition of a potential acceptance this evening I I would prefer not to do that just to make sure that we have all of our ducks in a row I'm not looking to delay this any further but I think just given the nature of the import of this application I want to make sure that we have our eyes dotted and te's crossed so just to go over the the changes that we need to the site plan it was the location and number of the wave finding signs because that was discussed that there were going to be some different locations if you can put in locations an anticipated locations of stop bars of the striping of the stop internal stop signs um and changes to the lighting at the rear of the property if needed um I think those were the main changes that were discussed to the site plan today discuss the sign package yeah the signs right the sign package oh and yeah and the building uh the sign package with the opaque window coverings and and and all that too I think can I ask a question Mr chair yes Mr rer yeah do you think you'll be able to do that by next week which will be suay time lag between the 911 meeting well we're gonna have yeah we'd have to do it by Friday because Sunday would be do it by Friday correct and I don't know if that's enough time I I think we'd be able to do it very minimal changes in nature we will make work we will pull all resources to make this work yeah I have to do it by Friday this is by this Friday or next Friday this Friday we got to make it work I mean this is I have we have a lot in on this project I can't afford to keep pushing it so we will find a way to make it work I don't know I can't get an answer now how but we'll do everything you can to get that in by Friday so if you can get me the digital copies that might yeah I think yeah that's fine Miss sty I think that's fine I think a I think just for purposes of of this is you know that the the digital would be sufficient yeah of course that's fine okay just want to make sure they understand yeah so if you just email uh email Mr alter with the with the revised site plan that would that would work I don't think we need our hard copies okay and then what would be um can we just clarify the next steps and what is it board anticipating to do to move this forward we're going to put you on again for on our agenda for our September 11th meeting which is our next meeting and um we just we'll take a look at the revised site plan we we'll uh ideally take action on the application at that point understood all right do I think we can have a motion to carry okay look to the board for a motion carry the application sorry that was Mr K Mr Keno sorry there a second second thank you Mr Cay all in favor oppose any abstain okay motion carries and the application will be heard at our next meeting on September 11th Mr SN if there's any form anything further from a formality standpoint if you make the necessary announcement yes so the application for Sweet Spot River LLC Route 75 Route 4 East block 1415 blot 1 will be carried to the board's September 11th meeting without further notice um and I'll just ask Mr Gilson to just send me an email um about the applicant extending the time frame for the board to act until the next meeting yep not a problem I will do that thank you good um with that we have nothing further on the agenda for this evening's meeting and we are at 9:54 just a few minutes past our curfew so at this time I'll look for a motion to close the meeting I'm moved thank you m b is there a second thank you Mr Craig all in favor I any oppose obain okay we're now closed at 954 thank you everyone have a great evening and enjoy the long weekend hi