##VIDEO ID:sq8dLUecLXQ## uh we'll call the meeting to order good evening all it is 7:30 p.m. Wednesday September 11 2024 this is a meeting of the municipal land use Board of the burough River Edge this meeting of the municipal land use Board of the burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to burough council chambers unavailability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of this remote meeting was published in the Bergen Record posted on the front doors of burough Hall and posted on the bur's website the notice included the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available on the Burrow's website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four digit of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star 6 on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment with that I will turn over to miss styley to call the rooll thank you uh the mayor is excused tonight Mr clyn here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr feffer here Mr cray here Mr kigo don't see him yet um councilman glass is excused tonight Mr given here Mr bed don't see him yeah um also present Mr Barons the board planner and Jason Flores um serving as our board attorney tonight or board and sorry I'm I don't mind having the low degree all right thank you uh so at this time I would ask uh if we could observe a moment of silence uh remember uh the events of September 11th 2001 and those whose lives were lost on that day thank you as we continue on our agenda for this evening's meeting uh I don't believe we have uh minutes from the August 28th meeting so we'll proceed on to uh completeness review the applicant is Miss Yung Jong Kim property is 254 Midland Avenue Block 105 Lot 12 applications seeking approval for a detached garage and driveway Miss sty yes thank you prior to the meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicant and found them to be sufficient for the board to hear the application tonight okay uh Mr Baron sorry I'm just trying to get off mute here so um we typically aren't reviewing single family applications but U having spoken about the application prior to the meeting my understanding is that there are some completeness issues that the board should discuss with the applicant before proceeding I think there may be an opportunity to proceed but um Mr Flores do you mind jumping in I believe your uh review memorandum had a few uh incomplete items to discuss with the applicant uh good evening everybody um yes um so we we we receive U what say the S plan um you know the S plan architecture plan uh done by um Mr Santini uh an architect located in R cliff and U part of the application that was part of the package that was submitted was a small you know it was a snip of the survey and and part of that it shows that the Sur was recently done back in 2023 however after we went to the site in order to be able to verify uh if the existing condition matches what is you know uh what is out there uh we find out that there were you know a lot of discrepancies so the existing survey uh does not match what out there so all the calculations for the soning review uh based on the imperal coverage and the L coverage were based on that survey uh which now all of that is not accurate anymore so that was the reason why we recommend to the board to De the application incomplete since we don't know the in numbers and the changes that are going to be done within the develop with within the property uh I I believe the I believe the applicant is present today and I believe the professional are present today uh but that's something just to point it out since in the past we have some issues not you know not having the real uh not having the survey or the S plan matching was out there currently so Mr Flores if I may could I ask you just to just for distinguishing is the m are the materials that were submitted sufficient to move forward from a completeness standpoint put putting aside the fact that there may be some inconsistency than what's actually depicted the M they submitted materials that would allow them allow us to move forward on the application and address those items in testimony and okay uh here this this is where the descrip in comes I they're they're in front of they're in front of the board because of the uh of the L coverage and the Imperial coverage as well as the uh you know maximum High and the front yard setbacks for for the accessory building so not having the right information for the light coverage and pro light coverage what they're going to be seeking for I'm I'm not sure how can we proceed with that unless the applicant is revised the plans ahead of time I haven't received anything new well if I can't if just ask the question again is premier professional judgment is it something that we can establish by way of testimony and submission of revised plans at a later date or is this something that we can't because of the nature of what you're seeing we can't even deem the application complete I'm trying to just distinguish here is whether or not we have enough materials to get the application complete from a legal standpoint moving on to for hearing and address those items you know in in hearing or if their deficiencies are such that we can't even proceive power on completeness give me one second in order to respond that give me just one second I would to confirm something while Jason's confirming I I think you know again the application is for a detached garage and driveway so you know the material submitted seem sufficient to move forward but again there's the question of accuracy so you know technically the Box may have been checked with respect to the required items but again there's a question of accuracy so if they're showing they need let's say a coverage variance of 40% I'm making this up but it's actually 43% you know certainly not going to be able to resolve the issues tonight unless they have the actual numbers um and and I think this is an opportunity to turn it over to the applicant and see if they have uh rectified you know the information thank you uh yes so uh like like M like you know like Mr Tom Baron said yes they check the boxes however the information provided is not accurate so I'm not sure how can the board vote on the application not having the correct information okay so your it's still your recommendation that that we deem it incomplete correct okay um questions from the board Mr chairman Mr Murman um we're just deeming the application complete from a legal standpoint as to whether notifications and so forth were um issued and uh return receipts and so forth um once we do that then we could go on to the application itself and we can deal with the incompleteness of the um applicants survey and information and so forth um I suggest that uh the board seriously consider um the application complete from a legal notification sof for standpoint and then we can move on and uh we can uh entertain uh de's uh comments regarding uh the site uh paperwork as being accurate or not okay thank you Mr Mur others on the board I agree with that okay so if if I can chime in um if if the board deems the application complete it doesn't have to completeness from the standpoint of the land you slw doesn't have to do with the notice um the notice is for whether the board can act on an application usually so if the the board would have to make make a decision on completeness meaning the application materials they checked all the boxes and at they would have to come back at a later date to revise the plans or we can address some and we can take testimony tonight to make sure that the plans are revised in the right way what Jason needs I I think from from what you just said I think that makes the most sense if anybody on the board has objections to that I'll follow our professionals do we need a motion we do need a motion uh I'll I'll make a motion that for complete this purposes that the submitted materials as to the legal aspects of notifications and so forth um be accepted we it's not so the motion has to be to deem the entire application complete it's it's not about the not the notice is separate from completeness so we the board would have to be comfortable with deeming the application complete tonight and having the applicant revise the plans after some testimony provided okay so would would would considering in completeness versus correct correctness is that what we are yes yes okay so essentially it's it's as somebody mentioned I think was Tom or Jason it is checking the boxes that they can proce we can proceed forward hear testimony tonight and address those comments and from from my perspective it sounds like that would be a a better use of of resources at this point to get them into testimony hear what changes need to be made and allow for Rev the plans to take place so Mr K youo did Mr Flores though tell us that in his professional opinion it should not be deemed complete so now we're going against a professional's advice unless no I disagree there's a distinction here I think what he there's a distinction between completion and correctness I agree with Mr Flores that there's probably things that are not correct on the plans but we can address those in testimony and allow revisions to be made and that might be a more efficient use of resources to let the applicant and their professionals get the have the benefit of comments from us this evening in testimony allow them to revise the plans and move things along more efficiently so I I'm I I think there there there're two different questions here completeness versus correctness and I think we're we're getting lost a little bit Mr chairman Mr pepper um just hopefully this is somewhat helpful uh I I think that what I'm hearing is that all the required materials to be reviewed by the board have been submitted that would make the application complete it doesn't mean that we're approving the application it just means the application is complete and ready for our review and and so if that's the case then we would still have an opportunity after deeming the application complete we would still have an opportunity to hear testimony question the accuracy of the materials and if necessary ask the applicant to come back with revised or corrected information so if my understanding is correct then I would simply make a motion which I'm doing now make a motion to deem the application complete and allow us to move forward later this evening with taking testimony and review the accuracy of the materials to decide whether whether or not we want to approve the application okay so before we move forward on that motion I believe Mr merman had made a motion Miss sttinley do we have to have him do we have a motion on on the table right now before Mr feers just want to make sure the record's clear so Mr merman's motion was never seconded okay so it would just die Okay so Mr Fe made made a motion for for completeness of the application is there a second I'll second it I'll second it I think we have a second from Miss band okay Miss steinley all right Mr caslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr C no Mr Kena no Mr Gibbons yes and is Mr bti here no no okay the motion passes okay thank you we're gonna uh move the agenda around a little bit this evening we're going to go to Old business now um applicant is Sweet Spot River Edge LLC property is 754 East block 1415 blot 1.01 this is the continuation of the application that was heard at our meeting of August 28 2024 the applicant is proposing to operate a class 5 retail cannabis dispensary in the premises at that location uh believe the applicants council is here this evening chairman attorney Roosevelt dona of the law firm Murphy Sher and WS appearing on appearing on behalf of applicant Sweet Spot River Edge LLC okay you're stepping in for Mr gillson this evening I take it I am Mr Mr Gilson is a colleague of mine and regrettably he's unavailable this evening okay well good evening and welcome thank you uh as Please Mr CH no go right ahead uh so as as mentioned uh in your opening applicant is before you this evening seeking site approval for a class 5 retail cannabis dispensary at 754 uh East uh as mentioned this is a continuation from the August 28 2024 application with me tonight I have several professionals uh to present to the board to address uh concerns and comments that have been made uh so with that I'd like to get started by inviting our project engineer forward uh to begin our presentation yes thank you Rosevelt and uh good evening Mr chairman board members board professionals good to be back uh with you this evening uh again just for the record uh John dunlay from The Firm neglia group uh appearing here tonight on behalf of Sweet Spot LLC uh and Mr chairman if I may uh can I share my screen sure TR I great thank you so much and just for the record Mr dunlay was previously sworn and is still under oath today thank you so much so just to kind of recap the uh the prior hearing um we did receive some excuse me sorry sorry goad my my apologies yeah so we're going off of the prior hearing we did receive some feedback and comments from the board with respect uh to circulation parking and whatnot we talked at length uh regarding uh some of those items uh just quickly uh this here what's what's on our screen here is uh site plan sheet 2.0 uh this was submitted uh to the board in advance 10 days in advance of the hearing uh and just to kind of quickly run through some of the changes on this plan uh first off we added a way finding sign here at the center driveway uh so we what was previously submitted to the board and what was previously presented to the board was a an entrance weight binding sign here on the I guess we'll call it the easterly side easterly side of the drive of the center driveway uh we added another set of of way finding signs on the opposite side as requested by the board uh and that again is intended to facilitate traffic circulation and egress into the site for the sweet spot for The Sweet Spot Shop uh by way of the centered driveway um so with that said as it relates to the weight binding signs U aside from those two additional signs which were requested by the board at the prior hearing uh there's been no additional changes to the plan however u in addition to that way finding signage we have added um stop bars and stop signs uh in front of the Regency um in front of the Regency what's it called the Regency Building and as well as just uh in front of the drive aisle along the Ethan Allen Building and again those were requests by the board as well as the board engineer uh and and the intent being obviously to kind of to control traffic um passing through the site uh and and both these both these uh the configuration of all the signage will be mutcd compliant um in addition as requested by the board uh we did add a Stop Bar as well as a do not enter and uh and stop pavement markings here at the at the egress driveway located uh I guess I'm configuring my site here it's at the driveway directly in front of The Sweet Spot uh building so again that was a request by the board uh and the intent here uh with respect to this striping is to discourage vehicles from making right hand turns into this egress only driveway lastly uh with respect to the striping it was a comment that was that arose in uh one of the board professionals letters with respect to um owner parking uh what we do have here are um what we did do uh between the last hearing and now and as part of the um the submission to the board on this plan was we actually eliminated two spaces that would be quote unquote designated for The Sweet Spot building and we are reserving two spaces along the rear of The Sweet Spot building to be uh reserved specifically for the owner so moving on I'm going to move on to the lighting plan uh the revised lighting plan which was submitted uh to the board uh 10 days in advance at the hearing uh what we did based on uh some of the comments at the prior hearing was we evaluated the existing lighting sources uh and we also looked at um adding and supplementing adding and supplementing with additional uh light fixtures so what we found was um and support of some of the board's comments was that the the area to the rear of the building was obviously very dark um so what we are doing to to improve lighting along the rear of the building U when I say the rear of the building I'm referring to the Ethan Allen Building we're going to add four new uh wall mounted lighting fixtures uh to improve lighting uh along the rear of the Ethan Allen Building the reason for doing so is that as we testified too at the prior hearing we do anticipate that the bulk of traffic um vehicular traffic going to The Sweet Spot building uh will be by way of the center driveway along the rear the Ethan Allen Building and then en and then entering into the parking area associated with Sweet Spot building in this location so in addition to that we also looked at the existing lighting sources uh there are existing light fixtures actually on site uh you have two flood flood lights here as well as a pole mounted light here and in addition and and an existing uh wall mounted light located here at the corner of the building so um to the extent that those lights will be functional and operational and they will be turned on we will ensure that they're turned on um so again with that said uh you know we believe that the lighting configuration as as presented here tonight is sufficient um and those are the changes that we made uh based upon the board's feedback uh so with that uh I welcome any questions comments concerns uh that the board may have okay thank you sir let me turn to our professionals uh Mr baren can I start with you sure I I don't have much at this point um Mr Dunley correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the the very large freestanding Ethan Allen sign has been removed is that accurate you may have covered that I I was driving by the other day and I I thought I noticed that it had been removed that I am not um I'm not sure drugs so I I'm not objecting to it it may help your C you know as far as uh improving visibility to the the building it would seem to help that it was just something that I noticed again I I thought that was the case but maybe somebody could just confirm that um sure beyond that uh the my one outstanding engineering question is I know you removed the dumpster from the site plan but where will garbage and recycling be stored in uh you know with respect to this building at least so yeah so we testified at either the first or the second hearing is that all all um all trash will be handled in and recycling will be handled interior to the building in the building right thank you I have no further engineering questions thank you thank you thank you Mr baren uh was Forest okay I'm now um based on the last revision uh done August 30 I Believe by the applicant uh they added that Stop Bar requested by the board and they address the lighting so I have no comments on on on the on the application on to the on the engineer I don't have no questions to the engineer okay thank you sir uh let me turn to the board for questions or comments uh Mr Craig can I start with you uh I don't have any questions at this time okay thank you Miss bowan no questions okay thank you Mr Keno no questions thank you thank you uh Mr feffer nothing for me thank you okay Mr GI I'm good thank you thank you uh Mr merman no questions okay I have no questions myself I'll turn it back over to uh AF thank you thank you Mr chairman uh we'd like to invite uh Mr Blake Kosta forward Mr chairman to address matters regarding window finishes okay Mr chairman M the board board thank you again nice to see you um as previously discussed during last our last meeting the window coverings we're going with an opaque um vinyl so no graphics on it will'll be like a basically like a white Frost opaque and we're going to expand the Green in for the rooftop generator to accommodate the HVAC rooftop units um supporting documents were submitt 10 days ago with the other supporting documents pending any questions um I will be able to hand it back to Mr Roosevelt questions from the board um Chief Walker also open it to you for any questions to the applicant I have none at this time okay uh go around Mr Keno no questions thank you okay Miss bowan no questions just a comment I appreciate you listening to us and I think the windows look great thank you ma'am Mr feffer no questions thank you thank you Mr Gibbons no no questions this time thank you Mr Craig I I have no questions thank you sir and Mr merman no questions at this time okay Mr donut back to you Mr chairman thank you uh we'd like to call up our traffic engineer Mr Bryant and tandola uh just to tie up a few loose ends regarding uh circulation at the site okay uh thank you uh Mr Roosevelt I think I was previously sworn uh as Mr Dunley my colleague has said we went through the circulation issues that the board had mentioned and um with the directional signage indicating the center driveway is access to The Sweet Spot location as well as uh putting a full Manual of uniform traffic control devices um signage package which includes stop sign and stop bar this site is uh well signed both for direction and for traffic control so uh and we and I thank you for pointing that out during the application process and uh and made the U the site um better for all thank you I know what their comments other than what John had piggyback on and just reinforcing that it's uh an mutcd compliant and the illumination to the rear of the site also uh helps with traffic um circulation okay thank you uh let me turn to our professionals uh Mr Barons nothing at this point I I I would just add that I I think the uh application has evolved to um reflect what the burrow had intended when they adopted the ordinance creating this coz zone so I'll commend both the applicant and the board for working together to you know refine the project um I think the building looks pretty sharp and and again I think it mirrors uh almost exactly what what the ordinance intend so from a technical compliance standpoint there's there's one condition which pertains to signage um or way finding signage is technically not permitted but I think everyone at this point agrees that it's a public safety benefit so that there's you know absolutely a uh justification for having that um beyond that I have I have no further issues um again I want to thank the applicant for working with the board and for the board uh you know for holding the applicant honest and you know trying to do a little better and I think we're in a good spot so thank you um and good luck thank you Mr barens Mr Flores no question at this time and and good luck thank you uh let me turn to the board at this Point uh Miss Bolan no comments okay my screen just jumped uh Mr Mr C I have no questions no comments okay uh Mr Keno no comments thank you thank you Mr feffer nothing thank you Mr Gibbons I'm good thank you okay Mr merman no questions okay Mr chair there are no more witnesses uh this evening okay um thank you for that um Miss styley I believe we will need to just open to the public briefly at this point you're on mute I think you said yes yes and I know there is one member of the public that is eager to comment so if we could open I'll move to open to the public okay all in favor hi name stain all right at this time we're now open to the public for comment on this application alone if there's anyone who wishes to be heard on this application uh please press the raise hand button and we do have yes we have Carmine yes T correct okay all right so if you could just please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record Carmine TAA te ta and I own the wrestler on around the corner from this property at 259 Johnson Avenue okay thank you good even me sir good evening everyone okay you can proceed thank you just to help you guys out a little bit you want to know what happened to Ethan Allen sign the guy coming down the highway who flipped the car and took the sign out and took the guard rail out and closed me down for another three days this is constant accidents at this exit ramp it is horrendous right there every time it happens it takes out the guard rail which is the divider between re for rof for and the service road and it shuts me down people can't get there they're not going to go two miles out of the way to come to my restaurant this has been a terrible intersection and it's I mean it's not an intersection I'm sorry it's it's a highspeed exit how do you think these people that are you know either smoking reefer or whatever they're doing are going to come out of here in a safe manner I looked at it and I got you a better one how do you think they're GNA come they're G to go around eatan Allen no they're going to cut across the front of Ethan Allen in front of all these people coming in and out of that front door you guys are are are making an absolute terrible decision here I don't know how much the town is getting paid to have a place on a highway in a bad spot like this but it is a terrible location I've even spoken to the chief he told me that you people are actually thinking about hiring one or two police officers direct traffic oh that's going to be great and nice sunny day what happens in the snow and the rain and they're not standing by the street this is going to be a accidents Galore and it's going to shut me down constantly as bad as the snow removal that doesn't get done and everything else for the 28,000 a year that I pay I mean what else you want to do to me to make business worse I I don't know I I I just I have a trouble with this I mean Liberty Travel was well one person every two to three hours there's no there's nothing like what you're looking at doing here I've seen the other dispens cies there's lines of people getting in and out what are you going to do with the Overflow of cars let him sit on rof four guys I don't know this is not good for me at all I mean someone can answer me on this but since I found out about this three days ago four days ago because I wasn't notified because I I lease that property I do not own it and it must have went to the owner and this is you know I've been on the phone with the chief disc discuss my displeasure in what you're trying to do here this is not a safe spot for that there's going to be more accidents here than than you could imagine your Lighting on the property your dumpsters your your tinted windows got nothing to do with people coming down that road speeding motorcycles that are supposed to be doing 50 and they doing 60 70 miles an hour find out how many times the guard rail has been taken out all the bushes in front of Ethan Allen and and when the guy hit the the uh the sign he was tumbling okay and he shut down that exit ramp because I don't know if he died or whatever happened there these are all things that happen at that location people are trying to get off at high speeds trying to make a tight ride on to Main Street they're going they're trying to go straight you got buses coming through there I don't know you can you can try to explain to me how you think this is going to work but so far what I've seen it doesn't work and that's all there is to it and I don't know I I really don't want to retain an attorney to stop it but I don't know unless the town's telling me that they're doing something for me that every time I get closed down because of an accident I'm getting paid for that day someone's got to tell me something because so far I get nothing I have a building across the street from me that's been condemned for I don't know since I'm there almost five years I can't even get you to take the temporary fences down this guy's getting a dispensary put on a highway in a high-speed exit please explain it to me guys I I'm I'm a little lost if somebody's somebody's you know getting big tax on this or something I I I don't know but I don't see it's fair hey thank you for your statements this evening style do we have anybody else I'm sorry I was frozen I think yeah you're Frozen again um I don't think we have anyone can you hear me okay you said nobody else okay move to close all right all right Let's uh pick a motion to close to the public at this time I moved thank you Mr Cano is there a second second thank you Mr given all in favor I oppose the abstain okay we're now Clos to the public for comment on this application uh final questions from the board or professionals okay uh I am going to recommend to the board this even that um we contemplate a conditional approval of of the application uh by conditional meaning that um you know we will take into account um everything that we've heard thus far in terms of submissions and testimony uh with the goal that the conditional approval from us will allow the applicant to proceed with um their submissions to other agencies for um their requisite approvals to allow them to operate uh their contemplative facility once they have that um those approvals in hand they would come back to us and um we could give a final approval Miss styley is that conord with I I would not recommend that uh any action that the board takes on the application will be conditioned upon compliance with everything that the board discussed at the three hearings and with the applicant's obligation to obtain other approvals so we have in the buau there's resolution compliance reviews where once the board approves an application the applicant submits plans and drawings and then the engineering department goes through and make sure that all of the conditions in our resolution have been met um that applicant here asking for the final site plan approval tonight and I don't think that we I think that's what the board has to vote on tonight so let me ask a question then in this is for the hopefully for the benefit of the board too is in the event that any of the other agencies in their processing of the applicants uh materials require changes that fall within our purview does that necessitate them coming back to us again or how is that how would that be addressed yeah yes so with every application that we approve if an applicant requires additional agency approval say like the County planning board um and the county makes changes then they the applicant has to come back to this board and make sure that those changes are okay we've we've had that situation I think with the Newbridge um Landing train station where they went to the planning board County planning board and had to make changes and they came back that would be the same thing here if any other level of agency makes changes to the plans that are different than what the board is hearing tonight then we would have to review them again okay that's that would that's that's my concern is just to make sure that to the extent there's any any changes in of what we've what we've already seen and approve that we have a a chance to review those again if if another agency requires any any modification questions from the board on on those aspects uh Mr chairman Mr merman we um have we we have developed a list of uh what we wanted from the applicant what what they've agreed on and so forth I Believe Miss stle has compiled that um I guess my basic question first of all is that going to be part of our motion tonight yes I can I can read off the conditions that were previously agreed to um if you I can do that now and then we can just have it on the record yeah I'd be I'd be looking for a motion at this point from the board okay so just if anybody wants to but if there are no questions on the procedural aspects i' I'd be I'd be looking for a motion at this time what would you want in a motion to to read it or or what I'm a little confused here well if if you want if someone on the board wants to make a motion on the application for to to move forward on the application this evening and include those those conditions I think that's what we would I would ask someone to make a motion and then M the extent we need to read those conditions that have been agreed to that Miss sty can read those into the record when the motion's made I'll make that motion to approve and to move ahead with the changes as discussed by the board over the past several um sessions so Mr sty maybe if you could re read the uh those those conditions okay so this is an approval so the motion is for an approval of the site plan including the D variance for the signage because that's technically not permitted um the way finding signs so the conditions that were previously agreed were that the applicant shall not install uh cannabis display tables in the retail floor area but shall be permitted to install cases with empty packaging and digital displays only applicant shall coordinate Traffic Safety and Security with the bur burough police department and address any issues as same arise applicant shall work with the burough Police Department to hire on-site officers for the first six months of operation shall agree to Grant the board jurisdiction over the application for six months after the issuance of certificate of occupancy to address ISS issues related to lighting noise odor traffic and safety applicant shall comply with the burough code with respect to signage requirements if any additional signage is proposed applicant shall return to the board for additional approval applicant shall coordinate with the board planner to install opaque frosted or patter or window coverings in compliance with state law if window coverings include additional text or symbols applicant may be required to obtain additional signage approval subject to review by the B zoning officer and board planner applicant shall locate utilities and show the location of same on engineering site plans shall provide Ada routes and spaces which comply with ADA requirements and shall include notations on the plans applicant shall comply with the board engineer's report and recommendations and shall work with the board engineer and police department to install traffic control devices and directional signage and that was discussed tonight um the applicant shall screen up to three sides of the rooftop generator and HVAC units and coordinate with the board and burrow professionals to finalize installation of screening shall coordinate with the landlord to establish employee parking in the rear of the property shall coordinate with neighboring tenants and landlord regarding dumpster locations to ensure same do not block Drive aisles and shall coordinate with neighboring tenants and landlord to ensure that there are no D drive Isle conflicts with the Ethan Island loading dock applicant shall adjust Curbing and parking Islands as necessary subject to review and approval by the board engineer if other uses on the property change additional approvals from the buau and board will be needed for the property the applicant shall install wayf finding signs that match the tenant base shall coordinate with NJ do to confirm signage at the egress only driveway and she install signage to reinforce same subject to do approval and shall coordinate with DOT to restripe the egress only driveway to discourage inbound traffic um applicant shall install additional lighting as needed subject to review and approval by the board engineer and that was discussed tonight and the applicant shall be permitted to the variance for the way finding sign oh I've mentioned that already so that was everything I believe that was discussed at the prior meetings okay okay is there a second for the motion second second I think I got just in the beginning Marina you said six months for the law enforcement in the parking lot that's to be critiqued at six months not not a not a six months and done okay critique it to make sure that it's you know everything's going right and then we'll discuss with the uh management what if anything needs to go forward but it wasn't a hard closure at six months all right thank you thank you okay so with that qualification do we have a second I think Mr feffer you had made made the second okay second all right Mr klin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr Feer yes Mr cray yes Mr kigo yes Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes thank you Mr chairman and members of the board and Municipal staff congratulations all and good luck to you congrats thank you everyone okay we're going to continue on our agenda this evening under new business applicant is Miss Yu Jung Kim property is 254 Midland Avenue this is Block 105 Lot 12 application seeking approval of a proposed detached garage with driveway uh good evening I think we the applicant is present and it looks like you have a couple of other folks with you architect okay so yeah sound on sound on good evening Mr chairman I'll wait till you address that I can speak okay well who's who's going to be let's let's see if the applicant I think the applicant is is the three folks under Dan Kim yes we're the applicant okay good evening all good evening good evening so so we've got the sun park is is your architect and we have one other gentleman named yeah I'm Martin Santini I'm the architect for the client okay and we have one more gentleman looks like in the gallery here uh under Kim yeah yeah I'm sorry you are again it sound kind of garbled are you sitting in the same room yes oh okay have to mute um one of the yeah because there's an echo yeah all right so you're sitting right next to everyone okay all right so how do you want to proceed Marina should we swear everybody in or Santini's frame if you can unmute and then could you both identify yourself state your name and last name and address for the record uh Martin Santini um s n TI n i 560 silven Avenue angle wood Cliffs New Jersey sweet 1290 and with you is another individual are they going to be providing testimony as well no he's not my name is s Park my partner Martin sanon we testimony this project though okay and Mr Santini could you just provide some background on your experience absolutely I'm a licensed architect and a licensed profession planner in the state of New Jersey for the last 45 years I have been practicing architecture and planning and I've appeared before many planning and zoning boards uh throughout my career uh including appearances in River Edge on many occasions um in the past couple of years I believe okay great okay any questions on Mr Santini's qualifications on the board okay thank you Miss St all right and then we'll move over to Mr Kim we oh well Mr santine I have to swear you in if you please raise your hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth absolutely I do okay thank you and we'll move over to Mr Kim's screen if everyone could identify themselves who's going to be giving testimony state your name provide your last name and your address okay uh Charles Park um 1407 Avenue uh sweet 211 Engle Clips New Jersey 07631 um I'm or you know friend so I speak English I'm coming kind of jumping to help out with the situation okay all right and who's next to you and dou came she's the property owner okay so that so there's the applicant okay and could you please um provide your address Miss Kim 207 hi Avenue theia New okay and then next to you is that Mr Kim okay yes this is songw Kim I'm a real estate agent I'm representing Miss Kim uh and my address is 45 Merit Drive aell New Jersey 076 49 all right great and if you all would raise your right hand do you swear from the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do absolutely I do then the last frame will get you as well if you if Mr Park you can mute your screen and then the other screen can be unmuted I think and then we can get the last person yes oh s has to go on mute we mute who something okay maybe um Mr Park if you unmute and then you can just speak from the same computer yeah is it okay yep that's good okay yes name yeah my name is s Kim and I'm real EST agent I'm representing the owner okay and my address is a 140 silan Avenue suet 211 includ the Clips New Jersey 07632 all right Mr Kim if you just raise your right hand do you swear orir the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay thank you so we're all good to go whoever is going to start the presentation can begin all right good evening it's Martin Santini I am going to start the presentation uh this evening for this uh application for Lot 12 Block 105 uh 254 Midland Avenue in Riveredge uh this this is a very simple application um the applicant is looking to construct a 15 by 202 foot uh new car garage with a driveway that's accessible to Willow Street uh for accommodation of another car behind the actual garage um we are in in um in compliance with the with the report that has been prepared by Mr Costa's office as relates to some of the zoning information and I believe that Mr cost's zoning table and Zoning analysis is very succinct and very clear uh and it does describe the accessory building requirements and I would like to say that the building that we're proposing the onear garage that we are proposing will be in compliance with the 12 foot height requirement and not 12T uh5 uh we made an error in our drawings and the we will be in compliance the height will be just 12 feet so that one variance will be removed and also after reviewing Mr Costa's uh very thorough report on this property there is no front yard setback that would be required on Willow Street since uh since Midland Avenue is considered the front yard for the subject property so we are in compliance with that and I I uh I I appreciate Mr Costa's uh uh Team calling attention to that so that eliminates two variances so what we are here this evening to describe is a very modest single story um one cargo garage that's going to be uh in behind the existing residence that fronts on Midland Avenue with access to Willow Avenue uh the C the architectural character of the proposed garage will match the existing house uh there will be uh the same color that has used um for the exterior sighting I believe it is a gray color that will be uh uh will be complementary to the existing uh building so that it all looks uniform and and compliant with the the aesthetic ideas now this project requires uh two cars for parking it there is no parking uh on site right now and the uh the benefits of this application being approved Pro uh by the board would far outweigh any of the detriments that are perceived now I'm going to get into the coverage since this is uh a non-conforming lot the lot size is required for this particular type of single family residence in an R1 Zone should be 7500 ft obviously the site is only 5,750 ft so it is an existing non-conforming uh lot uh and it is what we have given that the maximum lot coverage of 25% that is required by the ordinance for the R1 single family Zone uh the existing uh building of 1530 square feet that's the footprint is already above that it's 26.6% so it already exceeds the existing conditions exceed because it's an undersized lot it if there is a variance that's required for the existing now we're adding 330 square feet which is the garage so that increases the footprint from 1530 to 1860 square square feet which increases the percentage to 32.3 4% and I respectfully request that the board consider that particular variance uh since it's of obviously a uh undersized law now we are going to the improved lot coverage the R1 Zone allows for a 35% uh coverage for all the buildings and pavement on the site the existing property right now has approximately 2,000 square fet of uh building and and uh sidewalk Etc which is 43.4 2% what we would like to do is since we are adding the driveway and we are adding the U the walkway and putting that into our calculation the 35% would become 45.5 6% and that is our second variance and I think the board would could approve the variances the two variances that we are requesting since it's an undersized Law And since the benefits far outweigh the detriments then the benefits are being providing to off street parking spaces uh the approval of the project would not be detrimental to the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or the zoning ordinance and I believe you have the ability to to act on this I do want to uh I do want to say that we would uh comply with this project under the general conditions that Mr ca's office has prepared on page three we certainly will uh provide you with a new boundary uh survey that that actually depicts the current conditions uh the applicant made some some modifications to the property I believe without permits on the exterior uh they did some painting and some improvements so those conditions are not reflected on the survey which we received and submitted to your to this board uh the applicant is uh also um we wanted to make sure that the proposed colors of the garage are compatible with the intent and purpose of the zone and it'll be complimentary to the aesthetic values in the in the uh exactly in the environment and uh we wanted to uh state that we will definitely uh take into recommendation Mr C's use of um having the driveway and the walkway uh be included in with a permeable surface uh such as a grass block or a Geo block and we certainly could work with Mr Costa's office to um get the exact terminology and technology that they're recommending that we use for for that surface so with that said ladies and gentlemen I I believe we would uh be in compliance with with the uh the other items uh uh for this existing three-bedroom house I believe it's approximately 2990 square feet is the total area of the house um it does have the three bedrooms it will have a two off street parking spaces and I believe that U this the proposed improvements will be beneficial to the intent purpose of the Zone plan okay thank you Mr santin uh let me turn to our professionals uh Mr baren are you going to be covering the zoning this evening yeah I'll I'll take a crack at it sure so uh thank you Mr Santini U first question you mentioned there had been some modifications done including painting dot dot dot what what is what were the rest of the modifications that had been done there was I believe a new sidewalk that was added from to the rear of the house to uh the actual um property line and and the sidewalk and and I believe the applicant put their own sidewalk on Willow Street to the best of my recollection and that may be a question you may have to ask them that is correct sir if I may jump in and she pay her own funds to do it I believe that belongs to the river and she already spent her own cash to fix that okay so so I I wanted to just be able to bring that to the board's attention so that we can be completely transparent and Mr bar thank you that was a good question so so to clarify one of the walkways is on the property it's we'll call it in the the Northerly sidey yard rear of the property and the the P I think we're talking about a public sidewalk Improvement along Willow in the right of yes yes along Willow Avenue there was a a sidewalk that has been put in and um Mr Costa's report if you look at Pages whatever they are there are several two photographs that illustrate that very clearly um it's on page seven of Mr Costa's engineering report you could see that there is a municipal sidewalk I'm going to call it because it is it does follow and connect to the existing sidewalks further north okay so one of the issues that have we had discussed with the completeness review is the accuracy of the plans and and being able to understand what the the accurate calculations are so I I don't know if the board can act well I I'd suggest the board probably can't act this evening if they don't know what the numbers are so you you gave the numbers that you have on your current plan but obviously you'd have to update the survey and provide a new plan that reflects exactly what exists and what is proposed so how how far off are we in terms of what you show and and what was added after the fact I don't think that we're that far off I think that if we have the opportunity to get a brand new uh boundary survey with some conditions uh with all of the conditions as Illustrated that exist we certainly could make uh uh the uh revised calculations for the maximum lock coverage and S and also for the maximum improved lock coverage right and I don't think we're going to be very far off from where we are for the numbers that we presented um right and and also I think with the permeable uh pavers we certainly I believe are entitled to some kind of a credit for for the coverage as as relates to that uh and I could coordinate with Mr ca's office to actually get the uh the benefits because I believe I saw somewhere in the report that if you use the permeable pavers there is a credit uh a 50% credit am I speaking correctly that sounds about right so so those pavers would be what where the driveways located yes those pavers would go from the front of the garage that's facing Willow Street and go out to the existing curb okay so we we would need those calculations I I don't think we could do this on the Fly tonight with all due respect I no problem and it might actually help your your client in this case so yes um you know without belaboring the point so um you know this is located on the corner of Midland and Willow certainly Midland is a heavily trafficked roadway the property currently doesn't have parking um the idea of providing parking on site seems to make sense there's a question of the the how obviously and the way they're proposing is via a a onecar detached garage 22x 15 and an 18 by 15 uh driveway which could really accommodate one car on the driveway one car in the garage so two parking spaces essentially and so I guess the question would be is there a benefit of having the detach garage versus pavement certainly there are a lot of uh you know many houses in River Edge have garages there's a question I don't think the size is too uh far off 22 feet in length seems reasonable 15 feet in width you know I don't think you could take too much off of that so again it's a question of you know what would the better configuration be um certainly this is the proposal um I I think we really just need the numbers and and certainly because you are well above and Beyond what the burough permits in terms of coverage is there proposed a storm water mitigation plan uh that is my understanding that we will be in compliance with uh the requirements of the Costa engineering report um yes sir we will have to give the burrow that uh information for for Costa's office to uh analyze it and uh make it or to determine that it's going to be in compliance okay uh just two more so will there be any utilities in the garage um only electric from my understanding that's it there's nothing uh there's no that will not be a habitable space in any way shape or form it'll be just used for parking and for uh storage and Landscape tools and those kinds of things all right thank you the final is just a comment I I think Mr santine you mentioned that the house is currently a three-bedroom house yes as it exists today so if you provide hypothetically if the board approves this application or some form of this application with two spaces and at some point in the future the house gets enlarged and has more bedrooms you may run into a parking compliance situation so that's more for your information so we'll we'll stay focused on what's being proposed today but just want to throw that out there for your client's benefit um no further questions thank you thank you Mr Flores I turn to you uh good evening um thank you Mr for the um for the presentation um so I want to apologize to everybody at the beginning of the meeting for you know with the you know just to put on the record so the application was the in complete based on uh you know the side plan details of the ordinance 350-18 19 and 20 so that's the reason why our office you know put you know them the application incomplete uh cuz that was the checklist and you know most of the check most of the boxes check up except for you know updated survey um besides that uh Mr s again thank you for the presentation and I have a couple of questions for you um actually uh yes it's for you and maybe your client um I know the side was completed right and um I'm the pring engineer for the town as well so um you know I'm not sure if your client is aware that uh there is a uh sidewalk uh permit that needs to be pull up in order to implement any Improvement on the public rway there has not been a permit that was pulled for that work to the best of my knowledge okay um can I um Bas on my applicant is telling me she got a permit from the River Edge she got a permit from River Edge sidewalk yes can you produce that please so that I could submit it to the engineer's office he say yes we can okay thank you great yeah thank you appreciate that because you know um as as for my conversation with the uh superintendent of the town because he's the one that conducts the inspection on the sidewalk he wasn't aware of it um and we want to make sure that it's four four foot sidewalk because it's heavily uh pedestrian travel in the area especially with the kids uh near the school we got to make sure they have the uh the standard size um that's all um uh another question is uh do you guys remove any threee on side say that again Mr Flores I didn't catch that the the the was any removal done on side so sanitary sewer yes no three three removal three three removal oh three removals yes so uh the the reason she had to because these trees were rotten and you know was just it was on a live trees let's just call it it was very rotten so she had to remove those do you have any pictures of those trees that were removed no she didn't take the pictures prior to taking down okay oh just she's checking it but you know how many trees were removed I can remember she's not sure quite sure I'm um well just to you know yeah she didn't take the pictures before she took it out but I know this means not much but she was telling me that all the neighbors behind the house subject property they were complimenting her and thanking her for removing those trees because it was blocking the streets and that's it I'm sorry she said she didn't remove the trees it's just oh she's telling there were no trees she just removed these uh um iway uh I'm sorry uh walkway walkway um she only remove these stuff she didn't remove any okay so okay so I'm I'm I'm right now on Google Earth so it looks like there's a lot of drops and my my question is just because I can see you know I visit the side and there were two trees that are within the r way so that that belongs to rivet age so I just want to make sure those Tre were not to that's all okay no no there were any other trees down she said she didn't take any trees down okay and then can we can can I get a clarification on how much sidewalk was done I mean cuz I know that you know on the back of the property there was a the there was a sidewalk leading to Willow Avenue and then on you know on the side of the property there was a sidewalk leading to Midland Avenue and I believe both of them were replaced Mr Flores all I could tell you is that we'll have this new survey uh uh prepared and it'll depict exactly what the conditions are today we will do those calculations we will provide them to you and to Mr Barons and we'll go from there with the numbers uh that's the most appropriate way of doing it to satisfy the requirements of the municipality and to uh assist the applicant in trying to get this approved thank you and my last question that I have will be no uh Stone Water Management I guess we'll we'll address once you pull up the uh you know the yeah once we get the new soil movement no no when you also you remember you have to pull a a so movement permit so we can address that at that very that level as well thank you um I don't have any other questions okay thank you Mr Floris let me turn to the board for questions Mr giens can start with you uh yes um so just to confirm I don't know if this Miss stle did did that ordinance actually pass now with the credit that was one matter that I was going to bring up was that the improve this application was submitted after the bureau adopted an updated ordinance on the with the building coverage numbers and the lot coverage numbers so we're going to have to go off of those n new numbers and work with and because this application was submitted after the ordinance was adopted um they also get the benefit of the discount for the permeable pavers that we had discussed so once we get all the new the pro the survey with the accurate depiction of what's there then um Jason's office can calculate what the actual building coverage lot coverage and discount will be okay because the question is twofold really um you know it's for the proposed driveway and it's also um that I don't see a patio deck or anything like that on this property um so I believe we had a a set aside for that as well is that accurate for the the ordinance that passed yes there was a set aside an you could get a bonus if you had in if you installed all yard amenities like a patio and well I don't know that it was a bonus but it was that you had to have that set aside so the my my concern is that we're looking at a property that's going to be 45% covered probably more because I don't believe that the numbers are accurate we could be getting to 47 48 and there's no patio um so I get we're going to get a credit if we're using the certain products for the driveway um but very concerned that this property is going to be completely overdeveloped um and I'm not sure I mean I don't know if Mr Flores or Mr Barons can comment to this is there a permeable a logical permeable option for a driveway um I know when we spoke about the ordinance it was more looked at as as a patio option um I don't know that there's a permeable option to use as a driveway and I could be completely wrong I don't know is anyone aware of a product that is permeable that's suitable for a driveway just environmental favers well yeah I mean there are um commercial parking lots that are paved with uh either permeable pavers or even asphalt so it does exist um you know has to meet the specification so it would just be a residential application of that is my understanding I'm just not aware of that product if it exists that's then that's a mood I I believe believe it it does exist but again it's just finding it and doing installing it the right way okay we uh we certainly know of products there's a Geo block um that is a product that is used out there for permeability as well as the grass block I'm sure you're familiar with the grass block and have seen those so that might be an option and we could review that with Mr Costa's office okay because if we're giving so you know if we're giving applying that 50% discount um you know esecially for a driveway I think that would need to be um to be done there um so that that's really my concern is that you or the next person that owns this house is going to ask for a patio um and we're already looking at a property that's at least 45% covered um you know that's that's an issue um and I just wanted to also confirm I'm looking at the pictures of Mr Costa's report and I'm looking at Google Earth and I I I'm not seeing a full picture of the the length of Willow but I think there was a tree pulled down there and i' I'd have to walk down that myself um but there was definitely two two trees on the right away um that existed as of um as of when this Google Earth was done so is is it the testimony that there are no no there were no trees removed between the sidewalk and the curb on she said no so those trees did not exist when she purchased I mean I'm I'm sure you guys already know um this house been vacant for almost I believe 13 years right but I'm looking at Google Earth from 2018 and there's two trees front you M Mr Gib based on the cost report it looks like at least one of them exists but that poses a question about you know it looks like it's in the line of the driveway so yeah so it looks like one is there and one is not Mr chairman is okay oh she's saying the trees are still there right now so so there's two trees along Willow Avenue Mr chairman we'll have to note those on a new survey uh we will depict the size and all the information provided to Mr Barons and Mr C's office and uh we'll make a determination uh if that's going to be acceptable to remove the tree maybe we'll have to relocate or replant a new tree I mean I'm looking at the same images that Mr given is looking at and those trees grow have grown into uh overhead utility lines so it's possible they were taken down at some point but yeah we'll need to we'll need that identified in your in your revised plans Mr feffer are you had a question yeah thank you um a comment and a question um initially I was just going to make the comment that it may be that if there were trees there that are not there anymore it could be that the town removed them it doesn't necessarily mean that Miss Kim removed them but be that as it may I I would I would propose that we kind of short circuit um tonight's discussion because we're we're going to need to get the new survey and I'm sure once we see the new survey there's going to be questions based on that um so rather than ask a lot of questions tonight that really can't be definitively answered unless we have the survey I would just propose that that we table this um to the next meeting or as soon as we as soon as it's practical to get it on the agenda and also get a new survey um and then we can you know Reserve all our decisions till that time I mean not our decisions our questions to that time that's fine we've heard testimony this evening and and you know certainly give the board the benefit of of making you know those inquiries now to the extent they have them if not we'll we'll go around and we will be done very very rapidly so do if if you have nothing further I'm just going to move move around the room quickly no I'm just concerned about the overall coverage so this is just a general you know put this out there to the applicant I'm concerned about the overall coverage that will result and I'm concerned that there's no patio and someone is going to come back to us asking us for a patio or deck in the near future um and my my point not not in contention to what Mr Gibbons is saying but my point is just I I'm I'm suggesting to my colleagues on the board that we refrain from asking a lot of questions tonight to which the answer will be we need to see the survey because we could have just said it was incomplete we said it was complete well we needed to hear the testimony we needed to hear what what the proposal is and now we know what the proposal is so and and it's obvious that that Mr Santini has said he's going to produce a new survey so why don't we just wait for the new survey that's all I'm I'm just supplying concerns that I have that's fine and I'm not I think the question Mr given is asking is there if there's a patio I think is a relevant question and I have no no no issue with that so sure any other any other questions or comments from the board at this time Mr Keno yeah looking at uh that same page seven from kasa's report it looks like there was a walkway also recently installed is that right so now looking at at uh the papers that we have you're already way over on the coverage did you get a permit for that walkway did you get VAR for the walkway in front of a driveway sir the walkway that looks on page seven there's a walkway it's a new walkway next to this the house and if you look at the Google picture from 2018 that walkway was a beaten up old wooden walkway and the new walkway is a beautiful new yes stone walkway so was a permit obtained for that stone walkway oh that's yeah this Stone walk away she did not you did not obtain a permit it was it was Roden wood so she changed it at did she obtain a permit for the change no the per no she didn't all right I don't have anything else right now I certainly would like to see the new survey and I had the same concerns that Mr Gibbons voiced about the coverage even though it's an undersiz undersized lot the increase in coverage is quite large and I have concerns about the fact that work was done that required Town approval that required Town oversight and that was not requested and I have an issue with that as well thank you yeah any other comments on the board Miss ban yeah uh I have a comment um obviously it's nice to have a a garage and a driveway uh PE people need that but I think when you do get your new survey you should be ready to testify to what you might be willing to remove uh in Lo to keep the driveway some of those sidewalks it sounds like there's a lot of sidewalks that you may not need uh especially the rear one if you now have a driveway that you can walk up um so just so you can be prepared to maybe remove some of what you have on site in order to have the driveway we will take that under advisement and coordinate with the owner and come back to you with a suggestion thank you that's it thank you all right one comment um I guess I'm a little Disturbed that like as Mr K I think uh there's a little bit of a Cavalier attitude about requirements here I mean sign from putting in that sidewalk without permits um we made an application tonight that's specifically needs variance on coverage and you knew you had a survey that wasn't accurate right you knew that um because as soon as we brought it up you were able to talk to the items that were on that are not on the survey um I find it disturbing that you give us an inaccurate survey knowing it's an inaccurate survey and knowing that the inaccuracy speaks directly to the variants you're asking for that bothers me so I don't know what that means I'm going to think about your your proposal but it bothers me that your caval are about the requirements of the permits for work at your house and the variances that you're asking for okay thank you Mr C um at this point Mr Santini you've heard the you've heard from the board Mr chairman I have comments okay Mr merman okay Mr Santini it's my it's my understanding that your client is going to leave the existing walkway that parallel to the house and runs out to Willow Street is that correct yes sir that's correct okay well I would imagine that your client is also going to install a walkway between the garage and the walkway we just describe next to the house yes sir that's correct it'll be connection correct okay now um if we look at your survey um you will see that on on theard there uh the E the e that there is a stoop um into the house that you're going to be hooking into if I Would S strongly suggest when you do your new calculations and you've heard it from the board that the walkway the concrete walkway from that stoop to Midland Avenue be removed and that will reduce your coverage considerably um do we do do you agree that you will remove that we I will'll take that under advisement excuse me once we have the new survey we will make the determination if that existing walkway uh should be removed you don't need it and I will not make a motion that we that that continues to use of that sidewalk I'll make you come back again so my suggestion is from a standpoint of unnecessary use and excessive uh coverage and you've heard the comments from other board members that we should be reducing any excess runoff from impervious payment that that we can duly noted sir so can I put words in your mouth that you will remove this concrete sidewalk I would have I would have to ask the client once we have the new survey we will make a determination and it's the owners and the applicants prior Mr if I may ju they need to to get the new survey so they can get all their numbers straight so they can decide what what is going to be removed what's going to be kept it'll be discussed at a later meeting yes I'm trying to avoid return of the applicant and obviously he's not helping we need we need the updated survey in order so we I further I further understand that but we don't need we gonna do new calculations so let's set the calculations so we don't have to count this impervious material that is bothering some of the board members now do you wanna ask your client now or were we gonna come back to another meeting well I think they're we're coming back to another meeting anyway I don't think we have a choice here so I think based on what we what we've discussed this evening and the findings of the deficiencies and the plans Mr Santini has some work to do and uh he has to confer with his client on those points so I think at this point based on where we stand I would suggest that we allow Mr Santini some time to go back get a revised survey and I would strongly recommend Mr Santini that your plans your submissions be as detailed as possible to address the issues that the board has raised this evening yes sir um so with that um I have no further comments Mr merman you're all set all right um Miss sty we'll need a motion to to carry this out I just had one just one it'll be a yes and no question um were permits taken for interior work on the home yes because I understand a full bath was added to the property is is that where permits taken for for the interior for that that work why don't you yeah okay I'm just a little concerned that they weren't done outside that they were done inside so okay thank you okay so miss Styler we'll need a motion to carry the application I presume yes and maybe Mr Santini how much time do you need to get the updated documents um and take in mind that they need to be submitted 10 days before the hearing I I don't think that we can get it done until the November meeting okay let's so you you'll confer with um Mr alter and will coordinate the scheduling when when you think when you have your plans okay is the first November meeting what date in November is that November 8th November November 6 I'm sorry November 6 election day oh no is it the 5th day no it's a w it should be a Wednesday yeah it's a Wednesday the 6th yeah yeah 116 okay all right I think that we can uh accommodate and get everything submitted in prior to 10 days in advance then we'll coordinate with Mr ca's office uh to make sure that we're dotting our eyes and crossing our tees okay very good sir with that I'll look for a motion to carry this application please all right I think I got Mr Feer on a first Mr cray on a second and uh we can do a voice vote do a Voice vote okay all in favor hi any oppose any abstain okay this application is is carried Miss NY if you would kindly do the honors yes the application for Kim 254 Midland Avenue Block 105 Lot 12 will be carried to the board's November 6th meeting without further notice um and I just ask that the applicant send an email to alter just saying that they consent to an extension of time for the board to act on the application until the November 6th meeting so just that you agree that we're carrying it to the six to November 6 okay yes ma'am all right thank you okay thank you all uh if nothing further to seeing from the board I'll we're done with our agenda I'll look for a motion to uh motion to adjourn thank can there a second second bowan all in favor you oppose abstain We Stand adjourned at 9:05 pm thank you all have a great night good night good night thank you thank you