m brown miss creso here Mr Mr Mr Sim here and flag [Music] [Music] the school district is a partnership with students parents and community members we are dedicated to providing a supportive environment in which all students can reach their maximum academic potential while developing as responsible citizens step individuality our goals will be achieved because curriculum and instruction are align with the New Jersey student learning standards all decisions reflect the academic social emotional and physical needs of pre students cooperation communication exists between the school district and the community school administrators and the Board of Education work together to ass and adust proced resp the open public meeting of this meeting it time and place have been delivered to the post office municipal building the record and posted on the district website at least 48 hours prior to the time of this meeting at this time we'll move on to special item adoption of 2024 [Music] yeah good evening we're for the very last time for the pleas for this board in the audience the mat and the wi are very here's the overiew to community the nothing has changed in terms of the budget I know there's a lot of competing by the state representatives to competing bills to help those districts like ours who were reduced in their C numbers but nothing has come through um so unfortunately we are still uh working on the same budget that we presented a month ago so I just want to get everyone out there to share with you that you may read in the paper about helping districts with their budget cut but there there is nothing pending to the best of knowledge to help us for next year so the budget presentation is basically the same and we always want to start off with the good news about what's going on in our district and it's an incredible District I can tell you two months in I walk every building at least once a week the students are engaged the teachers are working very hard the parents are so appreciative of what the staff does and you know we continue to do great things I shared the school performance report card two weeks ago our students well standardized test on everything they are Point our students accept and I shared with the community in this board last week last time that we have one of the lowest chronic absente rates in the state the nation is about 30% and that's because our students want to come here and are said make it a place students to feel welcome so there's a lot of really good things going on in the dist so um the budget again I'm not going to go through the slides but SL but we start the process in November December it's a zurob based budget and we build it and keep your fingers crossed on what say will come and um kudos to the board and to for having wonderful shared services and for those in the in watching this from home what is the shared service that is when we go in Partnership outside of the school district to reduce the costs uh Associated and here's a list of a few of them that this District does and I know D Dave and Cindy are working very hard on future shared services because fact of the matter is our Revenue side is shrimping but our expense side is growing and this is what the LA makers when they put in the 2% wanted the nice thing about being retired is I can really tell you what they want so here's the budget number the bottom line it hasn't change it's the same as what it was um a month or two ago and that's bottom right hand corner is you know representative of what we're um up against the next year in terms of the additional sources of revenue while this is a big list it it is just not enough in terms of making up for our loss going into next year and like in most districts the majority of the expenses are people that make sense because we people driven organization and when you have cost including salaries and health benefits exceeding 2% this is a very simple math problem this is why districts across the state are in the D that so I'll give the community a quick signment you have to project health insurance out from January to to December right you don't project it out for the school year you have to project it out from January to December so we had a project out health benefits a year and a half basically ahead of time and but you get this you get the number later on so sometimes you over project and sometimes 100 and the latest number now that we think we're going to be facing 14% yes a 14% increase in health benefit you can only raise your budget by 2% and you have salary and a health benefit premium going up 14% that that in essence is what the issue is so here are expenditures we're C our expenditures in right corner you can see that we're cutting them we're reducing them because we have toow because we have close to $700,000 deficit uh that we have to make up um capital reserve thank goodness for the leadership of this board and the administration for saving for projects for those who don't understand what a capital reserve project is it's you you monies at the end of the year if you have any left over you put them into a little savings account and that money is used for capital projects not un like at home you know you have to redo the driveway you want to save money throughout the year so you can pay to get your driveway driveway redone um and we have two big projects coming up the boilers we talked about it last last SU to Roosevelt oh the Roosevelt is getting two new boilers for next year and then Cherry after the roof replacement partial roof replacement is on to to all of you for realizing that you just don't want to go out for a ref every time you have to fix the roof every time you need a board you should save money so you can this projects and right now this is reimbursing up to 40% for some some projects so really great [Music] job for doing that really wonderful here's here here's the stop with the wonderful news now let's get to the right we all know we were told we lost 56,000 but Dr Murphy you you're always talking about about 685,000 to 700,000 and that is because um because we lost St we have to reduce the number of St because we reduce the number of sta we're not eligible for health care laer because we have less St so if we had the same amount sta next September we could have got $185,000 health but because we will have less St to $500,000 in reality we have to come 7,8 and why because the state thinks River should be pay more than what they're paying now the local fair share and the local fair is based on enrollment down five years about 53 St they look at a five year look back not a year toe look and they're saying our income went up 13% and our um real estate home values went up 10% so in essence it's saying River if you want to keep the budget the way it is the state should be paying less because you have the capacity to pay more however they don't allow us to because we have a 2% if that makes sense you know I down and I advocated for I told them that it just is Asin the way they do it um but the reality is next year we have close to $700,000 deficit here's the enrollment if you look at the demographic study that was done a year or two ago we're going to more or less be staying at our current moment which means you follow that five years Our Moment it's Peak Is 2020 so next year our enrollment is still going to be down so I urge the district to really be thinking about you we could be receiving reduction in more St next year because Real Estate Value continues to rise in Bur County and River I don't know about salaries but our enrollment is still down in the fiveyear C so um so we had to make tough decisions and tough decisions incl looking at what our core educational functions are right kindergarten sections first grade sections our legal obligations what does that mean well teachers and administrators have seniority ten so we had to go back and go through that list and reduction well none of us took any pleasure we're just based on those factors nothing else so here are reductions technology purposes that always makes me nervous the technology and more out toate gets again none of this has changed from last year last presentation right now we're predicting two L one in kindergarten one sixth grade oops sorry these Cuts remain the same as they were we haven't changed them from the last time these are good people it's hard loss that they won't be in our district next year I'll leave it at that and just again remember the five year uh look back but here's the takeway the financial Cur which has been talked about is here in river and I've spoken to board members and committee meetings and so for to really be looking at next year on what we what you won't be here I'll be but what does the district want to bring back what kind of Revenue can look at bringing from outside sources um possibly looking at a second question the upcoming years but it is real folks the financial clip is real and I want everyone to know that the leadership and this board has nothing to do including the's office on why the financi absolutely no Mis management monies or anything it's just it's the 2% cap cing up it's CAU up to some districts and I know it's going to catch up with a lot more next year so the community know that these people here have taken this very seriously and have done everything right um and I know they'll do everything that they have to next year so that's my Glo Gloom budget presentation bottom line is nothing has changed un to item com this is for com on agenda items only first and foremost please remember that we to maintain l in our board meetings we expect everyone to be kind and the type of behavior that we are teaching our students each speaker should be C their to the board president individual board members and as per policy 11 must be recognized bying officer comments by an to maintain speaker will minutes to at this time I up for coms on agenda item only see that are n we move on great first of all thank you last two weeks have been wonderful there's a lot going on in our district um there a lot of community events I think events coming up so I'm going to ask parents and remind parents about what our visitor policy is please you need to check in the front office we have a lot of doors in our district safety is everyone's responsibility all leers all parents need to come in and go through the um the procedures I know it's in I understand that but please for everyone's wellbeing and safety urging just cooperation plan for a little extra time uh we one step away from you having to take your shoes off thank you to be a it was to be a joke everyone but I'm trying to bring a little humor into the fact that safety is is only as good as everyone's participation so may is a lot of uh days like a knowledgement days like today is principal and supervisor day so I want to thank our principles and supervisors um we do a wonderful job but next week is sta appreciation week and then we have nurses week and then we have speech therapists day so um just thank you to all the staff for that I do mean that they do not have a superintendent appreciation so all right Orba we're going to make our own okay Mark Mark here we come so and last but not least it is the beginning May 1 of mental health awareness which is De my part as many of you know I sit on West Foundation I former board president um and today I went to the B kind of steum saw wonderful student speakers talk about the awareness of mental health and how important it is for our young people but also for our adults and we had a surprise or I should say wasn't surprise but River joy in this thicker contest in the entire County uh you know with all the schools 70 plus schools so that was great to have her mom there we got to Cate there were close to submissions so congratulations to Zoe we will have Zoe here on May 22nd to show off her her and that is my if I may add to your visitor that I know that also as a parent we're visiting for different reasons not open the door for the person while bring so just toate moving on to the principal here [Music] T yep good evening everyone I just want to give a special congratulations to on their well deserv recognition teachers of the year A for their heart and soul everything that they do shout out to both the second grade and third grade students for their awesome performances with think fair and wax museum respectively last week we observed take your child to workday thank you to our take your child to work committee organizing activities for our special guest schools njsla testing will commence on Monday May 6 withth grade science which will occur over the first two days and we'll take a break on Wednesday and pick testing back up on Thursday and finish the following Wednesday um grads 3 through six will all have two days of bla followed by three days of math and makeup testing will be as soon as possible and finally as we look ahead to teacher appreciation week I want to publicly thank the staff for their dedication and tireless efforts each and every one of your staffs our curiosity inspire a love of learning in their students so anticipation of the next week thank you thank you Mr any questions comments want to wish you miss hman and Mr James a happy School principal day do for our students thank you and I I believe May 22nd we're going to be honoring our teacher of the year and the thank you I thought you take this one but I got to say something fun for a change on May 2nd at Rosevelt school is the Battle of Bogart REM match the riv Rebels versus the bogur bomber um please come out and have some fun at 3:30 on May 2nd at the Roosevelt Field the money um the the contest go is for um the river Education Association um cops Grant uh you had approved that and just to you back on the door entry um through the cops we installing right now um new cameras so we can see what's going on in the building and your access control so um there was a lot of money that went towards that but it's only as good as everyone that uses it so just wanted to put that out there now item C1 we're approving the partial roof replacement at roadel school utilizing the FCA approved monies which will be reimbursed 40% by the state um on there you'll see the original bidder came in very low due to an error in their estimation that withw their bid so the language is part of the resolution prepared by our attorney to award to the next lowest bner C2 is spring tree planting for both schools on the agenda agenda for approval through the tree gr and this week if you were at school you know that the sprinklers were installed on ouri side so we're looking forward to um having the brow um there uh D1 is approval of the 2425 budget as stated and for the presentation this evening item D2 is um the Ros PTO is donating a bench constructed of plastic bottle caps that were donated by students staff and so that the Caps did not go into the land um and D3 and four is theer they meeting to do a play uh the playground renderings and are approving Their donation and the purchase of playground equipment equipment that will happen um this summer thank you any questions or comments or softball did [Music] the my heard L is is the star of I do have one followup from the previous previous meeting um Eric LA and I would like to know where Dr Murphy was on the the River Edge run you see I have to go back I have to check my calendar it must have been at first then because yeah I actually finished that Sunday it took me thank you for calling out you did Rec I shame so moving on to the president's report um just want to update the public on our superintendent search we're finishing up our first round tomorrow and then next week we'll continue the second round of interviews andate in the future moving on to committee reports person manag discuss [Music] coning reduction ination and Community safety education for students was clarified [Music] [Music] discuss individual by question second was request teacher submitt request discussion thec granting such request and whe with as PR Contra obligations conc F there was also Contra ex that decides to discuss committee decid to discuss and commun for standardizing contracts AC the district consistency andity varations in cont language [Music] thaning on motion [Music] [Music] aland yes Mr C yes Mr yes Mr sim yes and M recognize our teachers appreciation start [Music] and excuse ofeducation approve the following resolutioners citizens gu and educ or as teachers encounter students of widely different backgrounds and whereas our country's future depends upon providing quality education to all students and whereas teachers send countless hours preparing lessons evaluating progress counseling coaching students and Performing community services and where our community recogniz support teachers educating the children of these of this community now for be res that full education proclaims May 6 to 10 2024 to be teacher appreciation with and further resolve that the r Board of Education strongly encourages members of our community to join with it in personally expressing appreciation to our teachers for their dedication and devotion [Music] today m m yes Mr yes Mr L yes Mr sim yes Mr yes item 85 approval of I re that the for Education approves the following resolution mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and or as all americ experien times of difficulty and stting their lives PR is effective way toal condition whereas mental health conditions are real and prevent in our Nations whereas with effective treatment those individuals mental health and otherr health conditions can recover and full productive whereas each government agency Heth Prov organizations and ofal health problems resp support the river education hereby proclaims May 2024 as mental health awareness month in River Public Schools the river Board of Education calls upon all stakeholders neighbors friends and loved ones in river to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health the steps our citizens can take to protect their mental health and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental health conditions second please [Music] Mr yes read the motion line by L [Music] any [Music] questions M mandro yes Mr Cen yes Mr Mr yes and M yes motion for1 D1 St any questions or comments please m crb yes M alandro yes mren Mr lley Mr s m Ken move to approve the two and [Music] second um and thank you to our families who always just participate and M yes Mr yes Mr Mr yes and M Ken yes motion [Music] forve approve [Music] Mr yes Mr ly yes Mr s yes Miss Ken yes motion for E through move to [Music] approve m [Music] yes Mr C yes Mr Lang yes Mr sim yes M Ken yes I have number 1996 September 1st 2024 through June 30th M yes M yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr s yes M yes is there any I have one this is U person also but I mean a person scho and and see I had several presidents s years years going through theic ER and us our after hiring superintendent prev there was and also so see going through that as pres I witness exceptional and [Music] I the reason I go it personal I'm actually actually to M and she and so I I knew she [Music] than I I knew it but she actually proved it how she can u i mean be very strong and fair and student and fair minded person to as a leader of school so um I can testify you know how this kind this you know better way Al many show many different characters of leadership so I had actually come up with some script so I I'll just a couple paragraphs this leadership has not practic transformation she has championed our education landscap uring that our polies and practice the highest standards of ucational excellence adapation resonate with the legacy of Dr award is awarded by County School Association to the exceptional leadership of the school so I as a school any school M any scho member work in B County ofers to theare children so I believe that you know this kind leadership F into Theory so I person nominated the final uh part of the nomination is a so if I may I have motion to um nominate m to the B over m [Music] yes yes Mr i' that time organizers I don't position long enough so while I agree Mr langy yes Mr s yes m [Music] I actually surprised to and kind of um unsure of what you were going to out I I want to say thank you um on because while I yes motion passes thank you so I appreciate I appreciate the nomination and I appreciate the support and um I it's not me alone it's by board p and present so and our leadership pass and present moving on to public comment this is the second public comment time and first and foremost please remember that we to Maine we expect everyone to be kind and students each speaker should be cour to the not indivual as forcy 112 a participant must be recognized by presiding officer must Comm by announcement to main faer will minutes speak we also that Rel stud matter all issues especially involing children can be addressed publicly so at this time I open it up to the public [Music] yes Mr C yes Mr yes Mr yes yes thank you everyone we'll be back here may for big c big cration watch