##VIDEO ID:kfhpaCZMSG4## good evening and welcome um I'll call to order the meeting 7 p.m. notice is hereby given that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers filed with the Township Clerk and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting call please certainly Mrs assor here Mrs Austin here Mrs burwitz here Mrs U Sande here Mr White here Mrs Pinelli here and please stand for the salute okay um good evening again and welcome it's so nice to see everybody here um I'm going to be sitting in for Mr rosini so there's just a couple of a few items that I'd like to share um and thoughts for this meeting uh our elementary schools hosted back to school night recently um I was excited to hear about the implmentation a of a new format this format provided parents with an opportunity to attend teacher pre presentations at two different times to enable parents who may have more than one child to attend both teacher sessions um the new F format was well received parents and teachers found it very beneficial and next year um we we will follow that same format so um during the end of September holdrum also hosted its back to school night and they brought a new Fresh Approach to back to school night also with a podcast presentation from Mr Cody and Mrs PUO um I would like to thank all the teachers and administrators and all the staff for preparing and creating a wonderful back to school night experience so thank you to all that are here and um please pass that along um yesterday there was a districtwide professional development day teachers were engaged in various experiences including review of linet data Ela implementation IR inrs review ruler planning and AI training um thank you Mrs Ding and Mrs sori and all that were involved in creating such a wonderful day um and I'm also happy to share if you haven't heard that hold drum's New Wellness Center and learning living Courtyard has been honored with a special citation award by the by the American school and University uh the American school and University stated that the space is thoughtfully planned conveying a much needed holistic vision for student well-being so thank you to all our partners in the design and creation of this wonderful space and that's all I have to share for tonight um we'll go on to committee reports uh buildings and grounds Mrs burkwitz oh yeah sorry I nothing for tonight okay thank you um Communications and policy Mr White we had a committee meeting this evening there's a several policies on the agenda all General nothing terribly important to report um Communications just like to point out that it's nice to see approximately two-thirds of um people receiving emails from the district they're opening them and reading them so that's um a good number and and something that we discussed in length was uh an idea of addressing policy regarding our hva system HVAC system policies uh was brought up last spring and that was specifically to more strictly regulate the temperature within the classrooms um the committee is uh not recommending a policy change this evening for uh a couple reasons one one being um complaints have not been generated uh teachers have been regulating it uh nicely and um our Administration team is not recommending any changes and it would be too difficult to uh regulate that temperature plus or minus um contrary to what we currently have so that's all I have for this evening thank you um Finance I do not have anything for this evening negotiations I don't think there's anything um and Personnel Miss Austin I have nothing to report tonight thank you um please take note of the committee schedule uh November 19th we will have a negotiations committee at 6 okay um public comments the Rivervale board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of Rivervale and the employees of the Rivervale School District to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested to one sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of decorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of the of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule Ru on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pening pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the rivil Public Schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email um I will open the meeting to the public comments at 707 would anyone like to make a public comment okay seeing there are none um I will close the meeting to public comments at 7:08 and we will move on to the superintendent report okay thank you very much good evening everybody so tonight uh is our district assessment report and um this is a night that I it's a compliance night where we have to report certain slides but uh Miss dling and I are supervisor of curriculum who will be presenting in just a few moments probably get overly excited about this night um we think of it more as like the State of Union address um you know it really is a good opportunity to not just look at your state testing scores your njsla scores but we really take a deep dive at everything we look at njsla we look at link it we look at benchmarks I mean and I don't want to steal Miss ding's Thunder and go too much into detail but we really like to look at all of it and really see where we stand as a district we look at student achievement we look at student progress and growth uh some highlights that you will notice that I won't go into too much detail right now but um we look at multiple years so we're going to show you some highlights looking back a couple of years to where we are now we look at student uh cohorts of students so we're looking to see and track our students growth and progress their entire time they're with us in the district um and we're really proud of our scores and even the areas that we think we need to focus on we're proud of them too because we still see growth um I think the the challenge now which is a good challenge is that some of our scores are so high achieving that some people could look at them and say okay no need to improve move on but then we're not really doing our job so so you just have to dive even deeper into the data and you need to start looking at maybe your subgroups and um look to see maybe specific standards so we may have a hard time finding a standard where we fall below the state level so again you might say great don't worry about it we don't have any work to do so what we do is we say okay well then what standards were we close to the state and can we get farther away from the state so it's a lot of um it's a lot of work to put this report together um but it's really good and it helps us set what we're going to do for the rest of the year it also helps shape board goals every year as well um this year Miss ding spent an extra amount of time in because one of our board goals as you guys know is to just modernize communication and so she really took that opportunity to infuse that goal into this presentation so she's modernized the whole look of it so the presentation will look different than it has in years past she's added some really nice um extras to it which I will leave for her to to go over with you guys um I apologize in advance because it's longer than what the state requires the state requires us to just do certain slides but like I said we like to look at the entire picture here and really give the district um a good snapshot of how we're doing so um I hope you enjoyed as much as Kim and I enjoy uh looking at at it and putting together these presentations for you we have a lot to celebrate we have a lot of exciting work ahead of us as well and so I will turn it over to miss ding who is the bulk of this work thanks thank you Mrs signor good evening thank you for coming to the district assessment report which we have renamed as the power of data back in August we were here when we were going over uh the district weda scores and we had said that that was going to be a very quick presentation I believe it was maybe 30 seconds 45 seconds and I had said that the longer more intense better report was going to be here in October so we are here this is the report hope you all brought some popcorn with you um and I am very excited to share with you not only our scores but also what we're doing with those scores you know if if you look at the numbers the number tells you nothing it's taking a deep dive into those scores and finding out what standards what skills what topics and not only with one assessment but with multiple assessments um as Mrs signori said this is a very long presentation so typically I do offer you all a copy in your binders but um it's 61 colored pages and we felt that it wasn't a great use of District funds so it will will be um posted on the website tomorrow um I promise I'm not going to go in depth for 61 Pages um but there are um some really good information in here so I'm excited to present uh 2024 marked the fourth administration of njsla our students began taking this in 2019 and then not again until 2022 23 and 24 um our students took the njsla in math and Ela in grades 3 through 8 and in science in grades 5 and 8 and we had more than half of our eighth graders take the algebra 1 assessment last year as well our vision why do we do this the district assessment report is a compliance report but we go more into depth because we're committed to the comprehensive approach for all of our students we understand that njsla is just one snit bit of one sliver um of a child's educ ational profile that's why we offer multiple assessments to look at standards and skills that we're missing or that our students aren't progressing as much as we would like over linkit assessment njsla TC assessments we also use benchmarking um we use multi Project based learning knowing that some students just aren't great test takers we want to show allow our students to show Mastery in multiple ways so we do also offer Project based learning and presentations and portfolios but the most important part of this is regularly analyzing this data if we stopped here today and just looked at njsla and Link at Benchmark a it would show us where our kids are now and where they were in the spring but that wouldn't help us in January we want to consistently monitor their progress and look regularly and our teachers are doing an amazing job we built a structure at all three buildings um for datadriven instructional periods um giving time to really take a deeper dive into the data and even classroom observation we've been in classrooms multiple times this year um especially during uh datadriven instructional periods and our teachers are really doing a phenomenal job we're we're very lucky that we have them here and on our team we were just talking about the different um District assessments that we also find to be very valuable and that we don't just use jsla we're using linkit benchmarks and also the progress monitoring tool we're continuing Big Ideas benchmarks our mid our midterms end of the year assessments as web in our primary grades we are using TC reading assessments we're using them a little bit differently this year um you know a long time ago we didn't have link yet we didn't have njsla data so we offered the TC assessment much more times throughout the year um than we are offering now but we are still using the TC reading assessment iel exit tickets Labs um performance-based assessments like we had were saying for those students who might just not be great test takers but want to show Mastery a different way um so we understand that and we allow our students to show Mastery um in multiple ways njsla Ela and math performance levels have not changed there are five performance levels um from not yet meeting grade level expectations to exceeding grade level expectations you will see the right of the presentation the two in green the light green and the dark green are what the state considers as passing if you will um meeting grade level expectations and exceeding okay here are our njsla mathematics scores from the 2024 spring assessment uh you will notice we are significantly and consistently above the state uh which we are very proud of in grade three we had about 75% of our students meet or exceed which was 27 percentage points above the state in grade four about 74% of our students met are exceeded which was about 29 percentage points above the state in grade five we were at 64.4% 24 percentage points above the state in grade six 64.3 very close to grade five which was 28 points above the state and in grade seven you'll notice 61% which was 23.6% uh points of above the state in grade 8 you'll notice there's an Asic there um next to grade 8 it's because um you'll notice that it's a like you'll see 35.7% of our grade8 students met are exceeded and that might be a little bit alarming to you um but that is about half of our students who took the grade eight assessment more than half of our students took the algebra 1 assessment and we had 100% of our students meet or exceed the Algebra 1 assessment which was 60.5 percentage points above the state but if you if you look at the arrows between Grade 8 and Algebra 1 if you combine them about 68% of our students in grade 8 met or exceeded uh their math assessment which um has compared to the state at 30% um so we did really well but just looking at 36% can be alarming if you if you really understand the numbers we like to look at Trend analysis data as well where we look back for at least three years to see how our students are performing and definitely from the last year to this year curricularly um sometimes we look at cohorts which is that longitudinally which is those same groups of students but last year there were a few grade levels that we spent a lot of time uh talking about math and with math and Ela um from our previous njsla assessments that we spoke about last October and um some of those grade levels were 3 6 and 7even and you'll notice from 2023 to 2024 there was an increase in percentage points in all three grade levels um from 67 to 74 from 57.9 to 64.3 in grade 6 in grade seven we went from 52.8 to 61.1 which is a great a big jump for one year uh you'll see in grade five that there was a little bit of a dip from 71 to 64 which definitely caught our eye um that's one area that we are going to be looking at but actually when we um compared our scores with similar districts around us we actually did pretty well um and many districts who are similar to us have also seen a dip in grade five so I'm interested to see the released items um and to see the assessments um and the questions uh to see if the power standards are the same or if something um possibly have changed has changed I'm thinking that the njsla is going to be changing in the next couple of years to align to the new standards I've been wrong before um but we're going to have to wait and see what happens there but but you will notice um the increase especially in those three grade levels um that where we had spent a lot of time in professional development and during faculty meetings our Ela scores are awes awesome um and this is so nice to see and I can't tell you how excited we were and to see the teachers so excited when they saw their scores was amazing we spent hours in PD last year in ela with Consultants rewriting the curriculum and working on best practices so to see these scores is wonderful grade three 77 7.7 34 percentage points above the state grade four almost 89% of our grade four students met are exceeded which was about 37.8 percentage points above the state grade five was at uh 75 percentage points grade six almost 86% and look at that 37% of our grade six students were exceeding exceeding expectations in grade seven 36.5 % of our students were exceeding expectations that's incredible numbers yes I get excited about this because we look at these numbers and we spend so much time with our teachers in our classrooms and it's working what we're doing is working we're seeing it not only in njsla but in linkit and in the classrooms where it's most important and our teachers are excited and refreshed to do this work when they see that it's working um and in grade 8 we had 71% of our students meet or exceed our Ela uh just as we did with math we looked from 22 23 and 24 but because the ELA initiative was really over the last two years we wanted to take a look at 22 to 24 um and see how our students are progressing how we're doing and I specifically wanted to look at it um by grade level and not by cohort because we did so many um new initiatives curricularly and implemented new resources um that we wanted to take a look at this so from 22 to 2024 we went from 62.5% in grade three to 77.7% which was a 15% increase in two years that's huge in grade four we went from 78.4 to 88.6 in two years in grade five from 67 to 75 in grade six from SE uh 64 to 886 in grade seven from 69 to 80 and in grade eight we had an increase of 68 to 71 and you'll notice that that grade eight when we had said uh with math it was about 68% they performed similarly on the ELA um at 71% here but these increases are just incredible so we're we're really really proud of our staff the next 10 or so slides I am not going to go through each one individually they are all our subgroup analysis these are compliance slides we needed to do District Ela and District math and then you will notice that there is a slide for every single grade level and content area um these will be posted on the website tomorrow should you feel the need to go through them more in depth and if you have any questions you can always reach out to me for our subgroup analysis but it is 61 pages long and and um I was told that my mic is getting turned off after 30 minutes so I'm going to go through this okay science we also our students in grades five and eight took the njsla Science assessment as well the areas tested were Earth and space life and physical science and the practices that were tested were Ines investigating sense making and critiquing nothing had changed uh with the science test this year same areas being tested the proficiency levels for science are a little bit different than Ela and math where there's only four proficiency levels as compared to five and they go from below proficient to Advanced proficiency again though the green are considered passing um by the state the level three and the level four you will notice before I even click to the next slide that as in the last couple years the science scores are not great they're not great across the state and we're yet to get any resources to help us um with the science scores or what they're going to be tested on that doesn't mean that we don't do anything or that we're you know complacent with with where we are so we'll talk a little bit about what we're doing with science but when we looked at similar districts and the state we're actually doing pretty well um 44.6 of our grade five students um were proficient or Advanced proficient in science uh that's compared to 27% of the state so think about that 27% of every fifth all the fifth graders across all of New Jersey passed um that was for grade eight yeah so if you look our grade eight was 41.6 as compared to 18% in the state which is about 3300 kids passed in the entire state of New Jersey so we are hoping that we get more resources and information or that the state looks at the assessment and starts making some necessary changes um but like I said I've been wrong before but we were 22 uh point8 percentage points above the state in science there good news is we've increased from last year our science scores went up in both five and eight uh we did put some things in for implementation for this year uh I mean for last year and we are going to be implementing a couple more things uh for this year I'm going to go back to that slide and one second but we're are using um District evidence reports when we get them for science uh we and we are still using link it last year we implemented linkit benchmarks for science as well BNC in grades five and8 and use that data to help us for the assessment and to see what our students are mastering um and we're going to be continuing that work this year um Meredith one of our Consultants is going to continue to work with our grade 5 and8 teachers on um the new Meridian site which is one of the sites where we do get a few released items and one of the the new um items that we started this year was the spiraled curriculum in grade 6 through eight the njsla in grade eight is a spiral test it's a cumulative test so we have now spir started spiraling our curriculum at our Middle School this year we're implementing in grade six the spiral curriculum and writing for grade seven next year it be implementation for grade seven and writing grade eight and then the third year we'll be doing um implementation in grade eight so it is a three-year process and we're going to be continuing this year departmentalizing science in grades four and grade five this also helps um with the transition to holdrum when students get you know more than one teacher and they have to transition from classroom to classroom and it helps our teachers really become experts in unit um so we have gotten some really great feedback for departmentalizing in science so we're continuing that this year as well questions to guide the data this is the part that I get really excited about um looking at data reflection and not always looking at things through rose-colored lenses it's not it's not everything is going to be what we expect or what we want and we have to move forward with that so how are we going to use this data to identify strengths and gaps and there's always going to be strengths and there's always going to be gaps like we had said even though we had 89% of our kids in grade eight meet or exceed we want to see 92 you know that so we have to keep moving forward and looking forward to progressing we're going to be using the evidence reports we're going to be using released items link it form C on opening day we use form C comparison to um njsla to identify standards which I'm going to talk about in a little bit um we are using curricul we're aligning our curriculum we're using staff feedback and we've also um included feedback from um other stakeholders which we'll talk a little bit about continuing professional development with our Consultants um and we also have some PD this year on AI and how we can use AI in our classrooms because it's here it's here so let's teach our teachers how to use it to help them create different type of questions to help them create differentiated questions in the classroom on the Fly and in real time our plc's this year are going to be focused on creating kind of a bank of questions based on our standards and skills that our students are having trouble with we're going to continue our tiered supports in all three schools and our progress monitoring our Our Big Ideas benchmarks are after every three or four units to see how our kids are doing and those are also cumulative so we might have one after great unit four which uh chapter 4 which are chapters 1 through 4 and then after chapter 7 with the chapters 1 through 7 um spiraling is key our students need to keep being exposed to the type of content in January that they learned in September um we purchased n2y which is for our some of our special ed population and continuing um our consultants in all three um tested areas the dlm the dlm is another assessment that um our neediest population of students take and this is for a population where njsla might not be appropriate for them so they take the dynamic learning Maps assessment instead they also take it in for those students in grades 3 through eight in ela and in math and for those students in five and eight also take it in science so that's the same but the conceptual areas that are tested are a little bit different as you can see and the scoring and the greeing is also a little bit different that there's four proficiency levels instead of five um as the njsla and they are Advanced at Target approaching the Target and emerging um due to furpa protections we cannot report out on the specific scores um of this subgroup because we didn't have a subgroup of 10 or more in any particular grade level we did have 12 total students take the dlm across grades 3 through 7 last year um but we will not be reporting out on scores tonight weda the weda assessment for compliance we had to put slides in this because this is our comprehensive District assessment report but we already did this in August in that 302nd presentation if you would remember that one um and we had said that the proficiency levels are 1 through six on the weda entering emerging developing expanding bridging and reaching um in speaking listening and in writing and because uh we only had nine total students complete this Assessments in kindergarten grade 1 2 4 and six Alpha also due to fur protections we will not be reporting out on scores but it is part of this presentation now so we don't have to have two separate presentations up on the website this is the fun part why do we do this we want to foster a love of learning we want our kids to love coming to school we want them to have develop foundational academic skills but nurture social and emotional growth we want them to become good people well-rounded individuals we want their success that's our ultimate goal right our ultimate goal is their success in all of those pieces how are we going to do it what's our plan when we get the data this is always the first question all right we have the data now what are we going to do a lot of the conversations especially at the middle school when we talk with um staff members it's how are we going to get through the curriculum and do DDI and do social emotional learning and how are we going to get it all done and a book that I had read over the summer by Dr SS uh mistakes missteps and missed opportunities she had a lot of really good information in there and one of the things that she talked about is it doesn't have to be this or that consider the possibility of it being this and that and taking our data and implementing it during it with the curriculum combining them doing it together so that is one area that we are going to focus on with our Consultants uh this year and I'm going to speak more to that in a couple slides but we have to analyze our data and our teachers are becoming really good at this of taking they're they're over there smiling they are um they are not only using one assessment they're using multiple assessments to analyze data and they're not as excited as I get to analyze the data but I feel like you're more excited than you used to be um but yeah so we're talking about analyzing the data using those evidence reports that Mrs signor was talking about before so this is an example of our fifth grade math evidence report the blue squares are the state you'll notice at the bottom across that like x axis you're you'll see the standards and the blue squares are how the state performed on those standards you'll notice that fifth grade math didn't have any none none of the standards We performed below the state on but there were a few that we were close so those are the standards that we started with for focusing and we take these evidence reports and we combine them with linkit Benchmark to see hey did our students also struggle on that same standard in C in form C because if they did then that's a curricular issue to me and we need to go back to the table and figure out how are we teaching it what resources are we using but we also go back and look at our Trend analysis and look at three years of data with our evidence reports this is an example of what our our teachers are getting and you'll notice that there is a standard highlighted in green because that standard is a standard that that we have struggled on or we have been in line with the state or have fallen below the state um for the past three njsla assessments so this is a standard that we are going to focus on that's why you look deep into the data you don't just look at one year you can't it only tells you a little bit you have to look at the trend analysis it gives you much more information and we also combine them with our linkit reports to see if we're noticing the same standards that our students are struggling on and this is what our teachers are doing and the work that they are doing to um to help plan for their DDI periods second piece of our puzzle is when you look at the data you need to ask questions even Yoda knows you have to ask questions you can't just look at it and like I said from before with a rose-colored um lens it's not always going to be that way you need to be honest maybe things aren't working okay so let's go back to the drawing board together let's figure out what has worked and let's figure out what's not working and let's change things and being open to change is hard but our staff is up for the challenge and they are excited to do it because they just like all of us want what's best for our kids and they are willing to change anything to make sure that our students keep growing and progress so only truth is going to give us change so we need to look at our data and we need to ask those difficult questions the next item before I tell you I bet you didn't know it was going to be interactive what do you notice about all of those pictures up there what do you notice anyone Mrs signor you're not allowed to say no one wants to make a guess okay great they are experts in their field that's a great answer Mrs may but but but I'm looking for something different but thank you thank you for for participating I appreciate that yes yes thank you yes Miss falo for the win yes yes they all have a coach they have singing coaches and basketball coaches and gymnastics coaches and the Giants need more coaches but they all and I'm a Giants fan my husband's taking my son to the game on Sunday but they all have coaches multi people making multi-million dollars a year they have coaches our teachers are also having coaches because we need to give them support the reason that a lot of initiatives fail it's because most often you put the emphasis on the things and the stuff and that's not important we have to help them implement it we can't leave our teachers out to dry and hang them out to dry to figure it out on their own we have to offer them the support we have to analyze the data help them ask questions and then give them support when they find the answers to those questions and how are we going to do that with our Consultants help with our region that's Meredith Alo and Shelley Klein you'll notice on here um they're going to be going into our classrooms listen fear is easy it's easy to be scared and to have fear what's not easy is to have trust and Meredith and shell have spent the last three or four years building relationships and trust with our teachers and we're ready now for coaching so this year we're going to be in our classrooms which I'm excited about because last year writing Ela curricul I wasn't in as nearly as much as I wanted to be so we are going to have some peer leadership support have honest dialogue with our consultants and with our colleagues and lastly you have to reflect after we offer support and we're giving support we already identified the what and the so what but now we have to talk about the now what and the more reflective you are the more effective you are once you have the support what do we we need to change what do we need to do and then we get to go back to the data and do it all over again in the cycle because they can't exist independently they can only exist together because if we have them existing independently we're only teaching little pieces of our students and we're not teaching to the whole child which is what we need to do because that's what's best for our kids and that's the UL goal for all of us but when we put them all together we teach the whole child so moving forward we talked a little bit about our intervention so I'm not going to read specifically from each slide because we've already spoken about everything on this slide we're going to be continuing with our consultants for math we're going to be finishing our new math curriculum to align to the new standards for we're piloting it this year we're fully implementing it for next year for ELA we are in full implementation mode we're going to be meeting at the end of the units to see what has worked we're reflecting what has worked what did not work what do we need more of we're continuing DDI periods and we are going to be in those classrooms and we're going to empower our teachers we want our teacher leaders to say hey my kids did really well on this standard do you want to come in and see it use pineapple charts where our teachers are able to sign up to to go into their colleagues classrooms and Empower our staff and you might have a staff say you know what my kids really didn't do well on that standard who whose kids did I want to come see it so that's the goal for this year as well I took this slide from last year's presentation when we talked about the why and that we identified the what we identified the how and the why was always the kids was always the students and we met as an administrative team and we met with the teachers and we met with multiple stakeholders but this year having conversations we said the one stakeholder that we really want to hear from is the kids so we have recently sent a survey out to students in grades 4 through 8 asking them what's working for you what's not working for you what would you like to see more of how do you learn best and during our admin meetings we we're going to really tear apart that data which you know I'm excited about and then we're going to sit down with the consultants and the teachers and start saying hey our kids want more of this they need more of this so let's make sure that this is all in our curriculum some other future Trends and next steps is to review the standards we're going to continue looking at link it as we go throughout the year the abnc looking at our pacing guides we're going to um you still continue using Big Ideas and bridges math obviously our new Ela and math curriculum we're continuing PD our tiered supports this year we're going to have targeted PD for our special education teachers we like we just said the student surveys ni ai ai is a great tool and we're teaching our teachers how to use it so to make their lives a little bit easier okay to help them on the Fly and in real time when they have a kid who comes up to them during DDI and maybe it's a child who's really excelling and you're working with three students who are struggling so that's what we're going to be focusing on for next year for this year and um our next steps also newly added formerly known as tutor me is now pair deck tutor and it is back so this is free online tutoring 247 we're hoping this bridges that Gap from homeschool this is all the that we're doing in school so parents can also help their kids at home with specific standards parents have linkit access they can go on they can look they can see where their kids are doing really well and where they're struggling and they can get go online and connect with a tutor in 60 seconds and this is going to be for the for the whole year and it's free I pay a lot of money for my son's tutor a lot and so this is free that's a amazing um that you know that we were able to do that and you know kudos to Mrs EPO for thinking of it um and it was we're great we're very happy to bring it back um to Rivervale so we have a lot of work to do and we're excited to do the work which I think is the best part um and I say this a lot but I say this because I mean it we are really lucky to be here in this district and have such a supportive board an amazing team phenomenal teachers we're ready to do it so we've already gotten started and um I'm already excited for next year's District assessment report but if if you want to see this it will be on the website next uh tomorrow morning um it will be on the curriculum website you can always call me or email me if you have any questions once you had the opportunity to go through all 61 slides um in depth are there any questions okay thank you well thank you Mrs ding that was uh wonderful um very informative and validating I'm sure for our teach well I'm sure you have all seen these numbers but um the structures that have been put into place and the support for our students and it just seems like such an exciting time for our district so um very happy and thank you for that very informative um let's move on to uh board secretary's report okay I promise my report is not that long nor is it remotely as exciting so let's start off with the district audit is set and scheduled to begin on November 1st that could change we successfully completed our payroll verification today that occurs every 3 years we have to have everybody sign show an ID so thank you to everybody who is cooperative and then just as a reminder to the board for those that are attending the workshop it's the TW it's next week it's Monday Tuesday Wednesday so for those of you that are attending I need you to stay after the meeting very quickly to give you your packets other than that that's all I have to report thank you okay um can I have a motion to move General resolutions one through uh G1 through G10 I'll move it I'll second um any questions discussion roll call please certainly Mrs assur yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Sande Yes except all abstain from G3 certainly Mrs Pinelli yes um may I have a motion to move business resolutions B1 through b11 I'll make it I'll second any discussion roll call please certainly Mrs Sande yes but I'll abstain from B10 certainly Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs assour yes Mrs Pinelli yes um I have a motion to move uh Personnel resolutions P1 through P10 it second I'll second um any discussion seeing there is none um roll call please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs assour yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs Pinelli yes um the Rivervale board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverv and employees of the Rivervale School District to speak directly to board Pro trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested to one sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of decorum and three to limit the remarks to no more than 5 minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board rain retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principal of keeping the community informed by law policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the Rivervale Public Schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email um I'm going to open the meeting to public comments at 7 747 4 thank you you got any comments okay then I will close um I will close the meeting to public comments at 7:48 um any old business I just wanted to say thank you to um Mrs dling to Mrs sori all the administrators all the teachers for all of the hard work this presentation shows all the hard work what you all have been working so hard to do and um people move to our town because of our schools well thank you and it's just really happy to see it so thank you thank you any new business okay then may I have a motion are we going into close session okay um we're not coming back out right okay um may I have a motion to enter close session I'll move it in second I'll second okay um okay we're going into close session we will not be coming back out um thank you for coming tonight it's good to see you all and have a good safe evening