##VIDEO ID:4LZEQL7_l6w## good evening everyone today's date is January 2nd 2025 this is a reorganization meeting the Robinsville Public School School District we're at the pwn Road mical school cafeteria the time is 1807 please sence all mobile devices during the meeting and there is to be no smokeing on school property call this meeting to order the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of this act the Robinsville board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the Trenton Times on December 27th 2023 in the township of Robinsville bulletin board no less than 48 hours in advance of the meeting this notice was also posted at the Sharon Elementary School Pon Road Middle School and Robinsville High School in accordance with njsa 18a colon 12 Tac 24.1 and policy 014 2 the Robinsville Board of Education shall be bound by the provisions of the school ethics act everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al flag uned States we have the announcement of The Unofficial election results at this moment I'd like to do the oath of office this is for all uh new board members uh Dr G and returning board members uh Mr Howard and Miss Leman um if you can please stand up we're going to go in front of the um the turn and repeat and uh bring your your oath and I'll read it to you all and we'll we'll swear under it we affirm e e for e e e all right as a reminder if you can sign the oath of office put your uh where it say signature of board member to the bottom right um after the meeting we'll be collecting these Miss Victoria delr collect them um we also have tonight uh the confidentiality agreement as well as the code of ethics signed by every board member so we'll be collecting all those documents afterwards this moment i' like to go on to a roll call Miss banduka here Dr G Miss Hill D'Angelo pres Mr Howard present Leman here Mr nond here Mr olberg here Dr Pierro here Mr Ray here Dr piso myself Mr mccre present Dr wisuki here and legal council is absent for tonight we're going to read the code of ethics I have a motion uh on this item so moved second okay before we take roll call I'd like to have these read out uh we're going to go around the horn Miss Hill angel will be the first U she'll be taking a and we'll go around um and I want every board member uh to read one of these items and then we'll circuit back and by law we have to read the we need to read these out I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standard I will confine my board actions to policym planning and Appraisal I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run I I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education it will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board I'll refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partson political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends I will hold confident ential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly endure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in Con in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support and protect School personnel and proper performance of their duties I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution sorry the other document the other two um I'll take a roll call at this present moment uh Miss panduka roll like present again yes yes Dr gold yes H DeAngelo pres Mr Howard yes Leman present I know this is just yes or no yes you're accepting that you've read it understand it sign in off on the ethics yes I have Mr nandon yes Mr olberg yes Dr Piero yes Mr Ray yes thank you motion passes at this present moment we're going to move on to the reorganization of the Board of Education are there any nominations for the board president I nominate Peter olberg seconded okay so nominations do not just one one is it there's no seconds on any nominations right now I have Mr olberg nominated by Dr Pio are there any other nominations any other nominations any other nominations Mr olberg do you accept the nomination yes okay motion to elect Peter olberg to serve as president of the Robinsville Board of Education effective on this date January 2nd 2025 until the next to organization meeting of the board we have a motion mov second who was first I'm sorry R go was first I will take a roll call Miss banduka yes Dr G yes Miss Hil Angela yes Mr Howard yes Miss Miss Leman yes Mr nond yes Mr olberg yes Dr Pierro yes Mr Anthony yes Mr Anthony Ray sorry congratulations I transfer over gavel at this moment the board the board president now takes over the meetings and for the remainder of the year and his first order will be uh electing a vice president is there a nomination for vice president of the Board of Education I'd like to nominate Dr Jeffrey Pi for the vice president second is there another uh nomination for the vice president of the Robinsville Board of Education there any additional nominations for the vice president of the robins Board of Education all right can I have a motion to approve Dr Pio as the vice president of the Board of Education of Robinsville motion second okay Mr McCree roll call yes Dr gold yes Mr Hill D'Angelo yes Mr Howard yes M Leman yes Mr nandon yes Mr olberg yes Dr Pio yes and Mr Ray yes maybe resolve that the Board of Education appoints Dr Jeffrey Pio to serve as the vice president of the Rob Board of Education effective on this day January 2nd 2 all right um establishment of the 2025 board committees and appointments so historically there was a need to have um several ad hoc um committees so those ad hoc committees were technology security and special education um based on where we are today we we feel that it would be good to consolidate those committees into the into the uh larger committees so special education would go back into Ed policy um security and Technology probably go back into business or there would be you know actually integrated into all the Committees right we would talk about all those pieces that are gerain to each one of those committees to make it more efficient if if anyone disagrees we can have that discussion now um but we feel that it would be good to to do that if there's a need to form those special ad hoc committees again we could always bring those back out but the idea was thinking that we had seven committees and it would be good to just have them always ingrained into the way we we do business so you know I think we can have that as discussion now if there's any any concern about doing that sorry could you just repeat the committee is being Rec Consolidated so the ad hoc ones would would be become parts of the other four that are the standing committees every month so you know special education you know would likely more be in the Ed policy kind of rning but again everything should be touched on since they're they have a piece in all the Committees technology under business but then there's but you can't you can't also can sorry to interrupt we also can't ignore for at policy and for you know the role that technology has played in that role too so technology is interweave between all you know aspects of the Committees um and I think really same thing with security because part of security of course would be on their business for allocating funding but also policy that we do for mental health and for safety and school all kind of gets feel filtered there so I think those aspects of each of those a hwks do get um talked about each committee Jeff um I'm sorry Peter will you still have somebody running this um ad ad hoc special ed department or the um group we we were thinking that that would just be cons all the ad hocs would be Consolidated into the other groups if if we feel that we want to keep one we could always keep one um again it was open for discussion this evening so it wasn't like we were we're just doing this it's not like that it's what you know a discussion for efficiency no I understand that are you still going to have one person one point person for that particular group so that there's somebody that is going to be able to have um members communicate with that board member so we could we could still have that yeah that that would make sense I'm on Tanya's question line here I don't know the history of howal talk was created but I feel like it was an Ask Geor tell me if I'm wrong um it was an ask from the cpeg that this be created so I just want to know again it was so Amanda was this was more of a you know again to try to get efficiency if if the board decides that ad hoc special education remains then it remains I I was just asking from an efficiency perspective because I you know the technology committee did not meet for two or three months so and I think that that was a little bit of a shortcoming we should be talking about those things a little more regularly in our regular committees to begin with so it' be good to have those there special education I would agree with you I think that to me is the only one that really stands out to have its own its own ad hoc so I I'm in favor of keeping it if that's what with the board you know yeah I yeah no thank you Pete I think uh ad hoc technology and ad hoc security makes sense to be rolled to the business I would keep the ad hoc special education seprate you know because I think that certainly needs a little bit of more attention given its prominence across the community other than that I think rest of them remains I think the only consolidation that I would agree for is ad hoc technology and security to be bought into business okay and then again all those security and Technology we discussed in the other committees as well that areain to them yeah how frequently is the ad hoc um special education committee meeting separately typically the ad hoc were every six weeks we totally meet every month oh okay so I'm saying I said in general the ad hocs are every six weeks but if if they're meeting more than they can meet more what I would say is that just from a sped perspective I actually think having special ed under Ed policy and bringing Georgine into our curriculum development meetings is really well-rounded I think that if we could pull Georgine into those conversations which I don't know what that looks like but if we could pull Georgine into the conversation I think it could be more robust because we're going to look at data from a holistic perspective in that case I just didn't know the history of why it was founded and what what its founding was asked for by parents and so I was just asking from that perspective in case I'm missing something sure Nick I don't know if you have any more history on on the ad hwks so I don't know how long long the ad hoc special ed was I think it's been before my time and I've been here four and a half years security as well um adhoc you typically try to address an issue you stand them up and then you stand them down as opposed to a standing committee it's always meeting um security you know we we came here there was issues concerns there's always security issues you can always improve on upon things it ramped up it and then you know uh it comes it that changed a bit technology was created a few years ago uh actually was Mr Mr galadi U proposed it and then we started getting more board members who are in Tech um it was in dire need of support we fixed an incredible amount of tech issues and now we're presenting across the state of what all the things we we've done and now we're more preeminent uh definitely not where we were years ago um that was always part of the business committee so um you know going back makes sense and that talk about it more often as opposed to every six to eight weeks and the same thing with Safety and Security it was more of a district level uh concern and so that but for the special ed uh I'm not sure how long that was now you can keep it you can adjust it if you don't need it you can always dissolve it uh in the future um you can create a at leaon Point a board member to be a liaison to um to cpag or you can have a St or you can have a committee of two three or four people on it right and once again it's you're the board members if you really have a passion for it I'm not going to call people out it's just if you if this is something of interest and you want to help out and do something you can have those meetings um but once again you're asking the administration to help out and and fit those in our timelines as well any idea what the security um means will look like they're h i I think we just we rolled them into the other the other committees right so so I I would say that the business committee would have you know a section of that be the security meeting or something like that you know again these are this is just a efficiency kind of thing for us you know there's there's seven committees I know a lot of us work so it's kind of hard to get there in the morning or during the day to be there so I I was trying to see if there was a way to you know make it more efficient for us to attend in person more often as well I know sometimes it's it's just not tenable but it it's just a way to get it to to to be um more efficient for the administration more efficient for the the working board members as we're all working I think I think the past as well Nick a lot of the ad hwks were also for retirees and stuff it was easier to attend more commit so there's there's discussion now about moving business committee away from during a day which we typically have on Friday noons you know move it more at night because you know we previous boards were you know uh people who had more flexible schedules um you know many of you are work in education you're have to pull you out of school you have to remote in if we can change that time it's been a request and we can do that getting two or three committees done in one night uh is very efficient and we can roll those in um but we have so many committees that to do that would be very long and then we looked at it well some committees are quick you know we're trying to find stuff to put in to make it worth your time and then if it's every six to eight weeks then Things fall off so in the business committee I will make it a standing item security and Tech and I'll incorporate that in there there may not be an update but it's always there um you know I mean there was an acronym before I came here the business committee was fftt squared and then cubed it was Finance facilities tech uh Transportation I mean they kept on expanding the acronym I just at one point I just let's just rename it to the business committee or business operations and that's how that that name changed so we'll be adding that it's not going to disappear um this is something we do all the time anyway uh it just is it at the level for you to to take action and typically as well for committees it's really for the administration to bring items to the board hey we have certain issues and concerns and we need your funding or your support or a policy change right but realistically it also happens the other way around the board tells us we have some issues from the community that we were elected upon that we have concerns that want to raise it as well so if there's something that you want to raise you can raise it in those committees that make sense um but you know it used to be that if it was a tech issue okay now I got to go to Tech committee and then well it's Ed Ed Tech so let's go to Ed policy and then we have to go to the business committee to fund it and so it it was jumping so many committees um that you know it served its purpose at that time because we really needed a lot of help in Tech and I speak about tech because you know I was a part of that and creating that we we did it with Mr Gades and then we added more board members to it at one point it was just two board members and then it grew and grew um and we got the support that we needed um and now it's time to well does it need that much support can we pull it back into business committee so that's why and then we asked the same question about safety and then it was like well what about all the ad hocs right so and the same thing goes for ad hoc negotiations right that does not meet always it doesn't it's not really standing it's only when it's needed um so it's we can play this out how it is but there was a trend we kept on adding more and more committees and it's well let's pull it back and reorganize it and rethink it why are we doing this because it's always been done that way okay so now it's let's we're asking the question and so it's here on the table right now for your discussion um this is not set in stone it could always change it's near the board uh it's one of the privies of the board president he can assign committee members change them up and add or create ad hwks and back and forth so yeah to your to your point Point Arthur would I Vision in security being the same thing we invite the principals to come the safety resource officers to come the police force to come and to be part of that small portion of that meeting they they they generally last 20 or 30 minutes anyway but um and they would only meet every six to eight weeks so um this way we at least have an update more regularly and and to hear what's going on but again it's it's open just to use that one as the example I don't know if that answered your question yeah I mean I have no problem with trying to consolidate the Committees I was just wondering how would that security still look like we don't have ad hoc Security in homeown but I I run that committee I just meet with it's not a board committee it's just a committee I meet with the chief of police and the um the special threes in the SRO so I just was in curious as to what that would look like still so but you answer my question so I'm good okay yeah I think I think you know the ad hwks would stay the same they would just be incorporated into each of the larger committees and how they pertain to those committees yeah I think depending on the topics we could also kind of separate out for a meeting if that's available for example if there are too many items or agenda items on the security that we need to discuss but there is also a lot on the business because we're consolidating we don't want to rush through some of those topics and if there is a way that flexibility that we could actually have another meeting just for a security perspective I think we should have have that particular ability to do that and if we do that then I think consolidation should be fine and the one other point that I want to also make is given that we have nine board members and we probably consolidate into six from an inclusion perspective it will be good if we can have chair and a vice chair so that you know there is equal engagement across all these particular committee committee so that you know if one person cannot make it the other Vice chair of that particular committee can actually take chots so that way we all are engaged across all committees uh which would actually help to decimate information and collaboration that makes sense thank you yeah I just want to add uh kind of the support for consolidation I think from an operational efficiency perspective and just making sure that all of us are feeling like we are having our voices heard and not feeling like there are some silos um across doing a consolidation makes sense um and to his to ru's point doing a subcommittee within the committee so if there's a special ed or a strong need for special ed would be the subcommittee of Ed policy and that that's how the agenda would reflect so so in that vein and making it a standing topic like an agenda topic as was described as the former Finance agenda look like it makes complete sense to me so I support it anyone have issue with it so I think we're all in favor of consolidating let's say Tech and security to start I think let's let's work on let's see what we do with special ed the special ed uh commit I very much support special ed being under Ed policy okay uh I think that Georgine will bring a perspective to the general education process because when we're doing Ed policy and we're doing curriculum special ed needs to be involved in everything and she's going to have a great perspective and while I can Advocate as much as I can and Steve has watched me carry on as much as I can about tier two and tier three supports we need uh georg's brain in there as well and I think it'd be great so so why don't we change that ad hoc to Liaison as Nick suggested and then we can have two board members being I was going to suggest the same thing I thought Nick's idea was a good one about a l on with CPAC and um yeah going that route yeah so the idea is I think most of the committies will stay the same I think this with with Jay being and and Dr G now being on the board things have shuffled a little bit but I think for the most part the communes will stay the same so um I'll sh we can share those uh Nick do we have to say them right now do I have to go through them now okay let me pull that up you want to make a uh you want to add to the list liaison special ad liaison or liaison to cpag how would you like to make that um yeah that's that's I just ask I don't hold on I don't know if cpeg has that in their bylaws to accept aasis on so I would just ask for the like can we say community liaison that it so be like a part of community relations so ceg is like a separate entity and they are the controllers of their meetings and we can't put upon any bylaws onto cpeg we can't say you H you have this liaison anymore I think we have to review their bylaws before we but just a clarification though could you could is it against their bylaws to be a representative to to another board just for presence and perspective to offer go ahead I'm the lay on is just I'm your your talking point to the board to communicate through me not I'm sitting on CPAC and making a decision right in a board member that's a different story yeah lay on you would not be imposing on you know any kind of rules or anything else like that you'd be a communicator what was happening at that meeting to the rest of the board yeah I would see them them communicating to the Lea on who's the point person for the board it would be a man it just be like when we're doing the um the county lays on right we don't run any County meetings we kind of they give us the agenda we sit and we listen to the and then we report back to the board Duran leison reports this was what was talked about at the county meetings it would be the same kind of if I can interject again this is exactly like the Robinsville Township leis on you would go to their meetings you would report and same with the township they have their leis on to us you know they don't sit on our board but they report back and forth and you have have a conduit to have discussions with each other it just formally appoints somebody hey you're it you're going to the meetings please come back and tell us if there are any issues or concerns and vice versa it gives that person more Authority as opposed to I'm just a board member no I'm the board member on behalf of the board of education does that have to be decided like tonight because I I would suggest talking to the group first because they may feel that you know that this is being forced upon them oh my suggestion was not that it was to cpeg it was to the community it's a community aison so if if anyone has specific questions about special education we go to the Liaisons on the board it's like community relations right if you have any Community outreaches you go to that committee and ask them anything right so I wasn't just focused on cpeg by itself it would be a broader thing to what Nick was going for like you know that the township liaison Lea with the town and the community but we don't have to decide it tonight we could always we could always go from there so how about I I don't want to take it off though I really don't I want to keep it there Nick and I think I think the same board members would be on that ad hoc in my opinion if so do you want to do you want to uh appoint them tonight or you just want to defer and appoint in a future date if you want all right how how about this we we let's let's try to determine that before the next board meeting and we'll do it at the actual board meting for the month it it none of these have to be decided tonight it's best practice to decide as many as you can so that then we can probably schedule and post it and and set up timelines and so forth we have done it before you know it took a few days you know Okay who wants it and you call everybody um there wasn't you know much turnover on the board so we're keeping a lot of things the same so it's a lot easier to do that but there's been history of other boards and ours as well where there was some changes in it it's like okay let me figure out who wants to be at what committee and this and that and that took a few days so it doesn't have to be decided tonight but I think you have most of the decisions made already u based on what the history and the Precedence is if there's something that you really want you should be talking to the board president I really want this position or not um and and caucus on that okay so we'll go we'll go to the Committees real quick all right so I'll just go I I have my list here here so I'm going to go through I have um for business I was going to make the chair Dr Pi um I could be the co-chair of that one with him so again Mr n recommended there's a backup for the chair is that Vice chair or Co VI you say Vice chair yeah okay that's fine then i' have on there Mr nandon and Mr Howard I'm sorry so Mr Gadi is is off of the business and finance committee and I've added you to it uh community relations I think for the most part that has stayed the same with Mr Nandan as the chair um I would have Mr rayy the vice chair and then I have miss bandua and miss D'Angelo for Ed development and policy I would miss Leman will still be the chair I'd have uh Mr Howard as the vice chair I'd have Dr G and Miss D'Angelo on there Personnel I'd ask that uh Miss banduka be the chair and to add uh Miss Leman to take Mr gad's spot and have her be the vice chair and then Dr Gould and Mr Ray and then negotiations I'm gonna have Miss Banda be the chair it doesn't mean as often sounds like my mic's still on I'm just kidding okay are you okay with that it again negotiations did did we even meet last year for negotiations we have a couple of items there negotiations is ad hoc this year you're it's there's it's not negotiation season it will start at the end of this year with some very small things so it might probably me just once twice at most it's actually starting for the year of of next year where really Geeks in um and then you'll only be doing sidebar agreements and so we'll usually like email you hey this sidebar take a look at it we don't really have a big meetings because the sidebars are typically short and sweet um and we take care of those with the attorney and everything's kind of wrapped up if there's an issue then you would have a meeting but those are very quick it's really only when negotiations kick off sounds good okay I would be the vice chair uh I have Dr G and and Mr Ray on there who's the vice me myself um for leaz Township liaison it' be Dr Pierro myself I'll be the chair sorry are you missing a member for negotiations or is it meant to be two four s i Hadad uh yourself myself Dr Gould and Mr R so for t on again was myself as chair with Dr Pi New Jersey school boards Dr Pio and Miss D'Angelo we can have two more does anyone else want to be part of the liaison there's no reason to keep it a two I volunteer okay is there is there anything that you have to do to get on those or you just so basically the only thing you have to do is go on the website you kind of sign up for the meetings I I'll sign you up I'll sign the people up for whoever's on the committee it's primaries and alternates but but as you said when whenever there's a meeting you just sign yourself I think you just sign yourself up for the meetings and go yeah there's always a virtual and a uh inperson option so I've done virtual yeah so I think if you go in person to get a dinner depend on how hungry you are that night a if it's a good dinner you can sign me up it's a good all right so we'll we'll add uh Anthony to that so Dr Pi will be the the chair Dr Pierro mangelo Mr Ray and Mr Ray okay yeah then we have uh Mercer County School boards as a repeat okay and legislative liaison is a repeat of Township liaison so it'll be myself and Dr P okay did I miss anything ni ad hoc special ed you'll make a ision later the legislation or how about we keep it for now the same as last year and then we can fine-tune it for by the next board meeting so that way if there's anything that needs to change we can change it then all right who was it last year I don't have it was uh the chair was Miss D'Angelo and Miss Leman was on there as well yeah I don't I don't think we're really doing anything different other than absorbing it into add policy we're just calling it a different name yeah we figure out if it's going to be like a liaison position you know what we're going to do with it is like a liaison so there's a special ed liaison and then I would have you both if you still willing to to beat the liaison if if that's possible to be that so um I think it's worth keeping it as its own light item definitely any comment oh hang on switch screens ni okay okay um public comment uh time will be allocated for public comment at this meeting members of the public uh willing to address the board of education on agenda items must State their name municipality and the group if any they represent a member of the public shall not be permitted to speak until he or she is recognized by pres the private presiding officer in accordance with the district policy each committee or each comment shall be limited to three minutes no parti no participate may speak more than once no dialogue between a speaker and the board and or superintendent shall exceed the three minute uh time limit provided herein live streaming of the of the meeting shall be for viewing only the public will not have the ability to participate in the public comments unless they are physically present at the meeting although the board encourages public comment the presiding officer can interrupt Warn and or terminate a participant statement question or inquiry when it is too lengthy and may also interrupt and warn a participant when the statement question or inquiry is is abusive obscene and or defamatory moreover the presiding officer can request any person to leave the meeting with that person uh when that person does not observe reasonable deorum in adherence to the protocol established by the New Jersey School Board Association the board will use the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to uh resident concerns but not to debate issues or to enter into a question and answer session issues raised by members of the public may require review and investigation and May and may or may not be uh responded to by the board or superintendent during the meeting all comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate can I have a motion to open P public comment for 30 minutes so moved second all in favor any n or extensions okay public comment is open for agenda items Lonnie Jacob Robinsville um since it came up uh in your discussion with the Committees um I just wanted to share some insight around the history of the ad hoc special education committee um since many of you mentioned that you weren't here when when those items came up um that I was a part of the the original cpeg group um the need for the ad hoc uh cpeg committee came up around September 2020 it was officially made a school board ad hoc Committee in January of 2021 the reason being for that was the um special education parents in our district um this is again during the height of the pandemic for Co when we were still looking at children not in classes on a five days a week full-time schedule so you had concerns with students that require Physical Therapy occupational therapy speech therapy that didn't have access to uh those therapies and were regressing you had students um that were suffering from behavioral issues and parents were concerned about having a consistent um consistent education for their children and following their IEPs um so out of that pandemic and some of the concerns from parents um and um the uh just inconsistencies that was happening across the country at that time not only in our our school district the idea was that the the schol School Board would have a dedicated committee that would have high visibility into students with special education needs um and ensuring uh that those needs were being fulfilled during that time so that was the intent behind that original ad hoc uh special education committee um under state law you still have the Mandate that the School Board of Education will ensure that a CP exists once that cpeg exists um it is up to the parents of that group to govern um that organization um but the intent behind that was at the time there were some uh resources that were missing like a bcba additional child study team members consistent classroom time um consistent therapies that uh the School Board of Education in collaboration with the cpeg at that time felt it was necessary to have that high visibility in our students that were um experiencing the most vulnerable issues during that time so that's just a a little bit of the history just so everybody is aware thank you can Robinsville congratulation all who just got in again and um I hope it's going to be a great year for all of us um one of the re one of the most important issue for me is the security I brought it up on the last meeting and I don't know how you guys are going to put it in what category and in which group with everything that is happening and it's constantly happening I don't want us to think that we are in a bubble and we are not seriously thinking about it so please make sure that you guys have your meetings have ideas of what if what ifs happen and have ideas of how to make the um situation not getting to the point that we should have and we could have so that's the part that you just not that you're counting on your committee members and committees and um the responsibilities and how many meetings you guys have to meet and the conversation that you have to have with the SRO and the township and the Securities and all that it is very important that you guys meet not a few days ago before your school started they they just got someone who was running around with the bit shooting I I'm sure you all read the situation so please make that a little bit um your priority I know that lot of other stuff is priority but this is becoming to the situation that um home it's getting closer and closer so I would really appreciate if you guys think about that as much as you can because not having a meeting months after months or not having discussion months after months is not acceptable but um I just wanted to make sure that I bring it up because it was told to me that please bring it up um because a lot of people couldn't attend tonight thank you good evening everyone Chris sem Holtz Robins from New Jersey uh wanted to congratulate the three board members that were just sworn in congratulations to Barb and Arthur and Tanya uh wanted to congratulate and welcome our new superintendent Dr pizo good luck and good luck to all of you to have a very successful 2025 thank you Happy New Year everybody uh Mike Todd Robinsville um a Chambers Court also a member of the township Council uh I just want to congratulate uh Tanya art and also Barbara congratulations on your wins um and thank you for your time and um also I wasn't able to be here for last meeting but also just wanted to thank Mr galotti for his time on the board's tenure um based on all your comments I I saw online um he obviously made you know a huge contribution to his board and thank him for his time as you all know it's it's a lot of your personal time and thank you for that um and also just wanted to welcome Dr bizo as well um I was joking my friend Chris here um you I know you came from a district of New York but the best pizza is in Robinsville so you're in the right spot so thank you welcome I'm sure you just unpacking your uh your boxes and your office and everything so uh get to uh hopefully get to know you a little bit better over the couple next couple years and uh and welcome um and um I just wanted to also thank um Pete Jeff um regu and also Anthony um you know we this past year uh in 2024 myself along with councilman Chopra uh we tried to be very proactive and try to open up communications a lot better uh from the township Council side to the board of edide and uh we tried to meet uh once a month and it was tough with our schedules apparently we're very busy people and uh but we we managed to uh to get together uh number a handful uh of times and and really just kind of get to to understand the challenges on our side your side and how we can best work together so I look forward to continuing that into this year um you know hopefully you know P I'll reach out to you and hopefully we can uh come up with somewhat you know decent schedule and and makes uh you know everybody's time uh getting it out so we don't uh but actually you know it's always it's always fun talk with you guys you know the past couple times we met at different restaurants and it was it was a good time so and we got a lot of uh fruitful conversations as well so it's very valuable so um that's it have a great year everybody and thank you for your time thank everyone any additional public comment can I have a motion to close public comment on agenda items so moved second all in favor any extensions okay um approvals of appointments board business and business operation items uh the superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the following appointments designations board business and business operation action items what's that motion has motion has to be on the table and then you can discuss y so can I get a motion motion to discuss yeah second thank you MK Dr proo any any discussion yeah one quick comment just a question actually clarification question on Personnel I know um Miss Leman was mentioned but just curious to know is there any conflict of interest when it comes to personnel with teacher I just want to make sure okay got it I see shaking heads good and I'd be pleased to have you as a I'm gonna call you co-chair because I was on it actually I think for two years you I think you chaired it did you chair it I don't okay believe I did all right just trying to all right well I'm looking forward to it the issue comes with appointments if it's family members or something that's for all board members when you appoint somebody for position or whatever but okay organization it's actually really negotiation so lean cannot be on of negotiations anybody else in that Union so if you're an administrators Union and you're negotiating with the administrators then you can't begin that one as well got it great any other comments discussion see any Mr mccre roll call Miss panduka yes Dr G Miss Hill D'Angelo yes Mr Howard yes Mr Leman yes Mr nandon yes Mr olberg yes Dr Piero yes Mr Ray yes thank you motion passes unanimously all right it's old business is there any old business any new business right um just wanted to actually bring uh the community update saying that we did actually made a statement about the crematorium which was submitted to the D and we did get a receipt of them receiving our statement just wanted to let the community know and the board members know yeah thank you Mr N I was going do new business but thank you thank you um so you know we as as M said we we released a statement to the DP ahead of the public com session so we um I signed that the end of last year um I think you know Dr piso and Mr M we look at you know sharing that with the community of you know what we shared with the DP so they can see you know what we wrote in that public comment I think is would be beneficial for everyone understand the the board's position and we'll also have it available um by the end of the month at at the next board meeting any other new business so my own thing is to again Mr Todd be me to it because I couldn't I didn't have an opening statement this this meeting um but you know I want to welcome Dr piso to his first official meeting welcome to the Board of Education in Robinsville we we look forward to having you here and and to you know navigating our next couple years with you all right than thank you very much and very happy to be here uh thank you for your uh your confidence in me and um I look forward to um to working with everyone collaborative collaborative ly and uh yeah having a good future together thank you any other new business all right um the next public comment so I won't read the entire statement again but the same statement as above I have a motion to open public comment um for 10 minutes uh on non-agenda items and school matters moved second all in favor any n extensions see anything ready MRC good okay public comment is open for school matters nin Canon Robinsville um I'm going to put um Dr piso on U on spot I really would like to know what do you think about about however we set up and what do you feel about the setup do you think anything needs to be changed do you think how do you feel about it because you are a newcomer and you're seeing everything that we are doing we are setting up and we are doing and they are going to be working really tight with you so I really like to know your perspective and what you think and also thank you very much for talking about the crematorium because we really would like to know what it is and you said that by end of this month then information is going to come out for the public so we are hoping that um you guys I heard that the I had a conversation with the mayor and he said that they had conversation with you guys and uh um the owner and then the everything so some things are are cooking which we don't know what it is yet and I'm hoping that you guys are coming up with something before um before it gets out of hand let's put it this way so I hope uh you guys can put a uh light on it because um I cannot get much out of council so thank you very much any additional comment on school matters not seeing any can I have a motion to close public comment and during the meeting can I do that Nick moved second all in favor any needs or extensions thank you everyone have a good evening Happy New Year