can I have a motion to close exact session and return to public motion second all in favor I any n or extensions all right ni you ready please PL stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of America to the for it stands Nation God indivisible andice for all all right pull up my notes see uh good evening members of the Board of Education administrators teachers parents and community members thank you for taking the time this evening to join us for the May 2024 meeting um As We Gather I want to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful events we've recently uh experienced in our district this past weekend was the high school prom it was a fantastic event filled with joy memories that will last a lifetime for everyone to took part I'd like to extend a heart heartfelt thank you to the staff volunteers and parents who work tiously to make the event so special uh looking ahead we have our high school graduation activities just around the corner this is a significant milestone for our seniors and we are excited to honor their hard work and achievements additionally our eighth grade students will be celebrating their graduation marking their transition to high school both of these excuse me ceremonies are important milestones for the students and we look forward to celebrating with our students and their families um our elementary school students will also be holding their sendoff ceremony uh for the fourth graders recognizing the accomplishments of our youngest Learners as they prepare to advance the middle school it's always inspiring to see the growth and enthusiasm of our elementary students as they reach this important stage in their education and finally um the preschool uh open enrollment has started so I look forward to all those parents out there looking to enroll their children in preschool taking part in that uh that activity as well um as we enter the final month of the school year I want to acknowledge the dedication and perseverance of our students teachers and staff we are in the final stretch the summer and I encourage everyone to remain focused and finish the year strong uh thank you all for your continued support and commitment to the students have a great Memorial Day weekend now let's have a productive meeting uh super do we have any report tonight from the students uh no they had there was a conflict with dates tonight so gotcha bypass the report and we'll move to Mr BET's report thank you Mr rberg all right good evening everyone um we as you everyone knows in this room that we have um many many many amazing staff members in our district um bus drivers custodians admin administrators teachers educational assistants bcbas um everyone uh really uh makes Robinsville a special place to to live and and work uh and come to work every single day so every year the staff has a daunting task of trying to determine the cream of the crop uh the ones who really stand out in two categories uh for each School the educator of the year uh and the educational Ed specialists of the year uh tonight um I think see look around the room they're all here uh to be recognized with a really nice plaque um and our ever uh you know growing thankfulness for them living and working or working here in Robinsville and working with the children of this District um a day doesn't go by that I'm not awed by the kids that come through our doors every single day in all three schools uh they're very special Dr wusi and I were talking about it just today um kids are always coming to my office uh these uh girls developed an an AI app that when you type in a question or ask it a question it'll come up and answer uh you uh whatever it is about the high school and they're going to extend it to Pond Sharon and the town we're going to put it on our website remarkable we have a student who won a state art contest uh you walk the hallways and our kids are just so nice and friendly and courteous they're amazing um and it's due in in part to the amazing staff that we have here in our building so determining the top uh and the cream of the crop is not easy but again um they did it I don't know how they did it but they did it and everyone is here tonight to be recognized so um thank you my undying devotion um in in everything you do and what you bring to the table every single day in our district so so thank you uh I'm going to call up our principles who will uh embarrass our award winners probably a little bit um we have a plaque for you and we'll get some pictures and we will start with Sharon and Dr boutier yes Mr pfar will be joining us as well and I also need um our our winners Mrs henck and Mrs Carol yeah come on up [Applause] first stand over here ladies beautiful thank you thank you all right um good evening uh Mr bets Dr wisinski Mr olberg and members of the robinso Board of Education uh my name is Nicole bouer and I'm the principal at Sharon and with me are our winners Mrs Alice Carrol Mrs jel henig and our assistant principal Mr Pasa Faro we are pleased to be here tonight to honor and celebrate Sharon Elementary School's educator of the Year Mrs Jill henck and educational specialist of the Year Mrs Alice Carol since 2016 Mrs henck has brought her passion for teaching and her humor to Sharon Elementary School as a dedicated special educator teacher she has touched the lives of many of her students and families in our Robinsville Community Mrs Henning consistently sets high standards for data collection reverse inclusion with all of our self-contained classes her Mantra is feeling lucky every day she that underscores her commitment to the teaching and advocacy for all of our students her collaborative Spirit has helped Foster a culture of inclusivity and acceptance at Sharon school she exemplifies the best of who we are in Robinsville and we are proud to have her as our educator of the [Applause] Year everyone in education knows that instructional assistant wear many hats and Mrs Carol is no exception every morning Alice comes to school with a smile and an iced coffee and a positive attitude her attitude and uplifting personal it set the tone for both our students and our school whether it's helping a struggling reader tap out a word or offering words of encouragement for a tricky math problem but perhaps what truly sets Mrs Carol apart is her empathy and care for every student at Sharon she takes the time to build individual relationships and understand individual needs whether it's offering a comforting hug helping a student find their jacket in our mountain of Lost and Found or walking a student through the lunch line because it's their first day of buying Mrs Carol is there to help in any way her support extends Beyond her students she works collaborative with our teachers offering invaluable insights and feedback every summer I receive multiple requests from staff to assign Alice to their classrooms we appreciate all you do and we are proud to call you our educational specialist of the Year congratulations [Applause] up the whole board oh [Applause] and now I'd like to introduce Mr gizo principal of pwn Road Middle School uh good evening everybody greetings to the board um special thank you to the board and Mr Betts for hosting this evening um it's one of those things that we don't do often enough which is honor our teachers because they are absolutely fabulous um I don't want introduce also um the gentleman to my left Mr Curtis wirers one of our assistant principles and Miss Tori Mason one of our assistant principles I'm gonna send do one at a time okay so it is my pleasure to introduce the prms teacher this this year Mrs Kelly De marro come on up [Applause] Jo Kelly has been at Pond for 12 years when Kelly first got here it was obvious that she was very talented in terms of her Acumen in the classroom but she was very quiet and reserved she has definitely fixed that issue after coming out of forelle she has become more confident and more outspoken she has has become a leader she is someone that other ELA teachers go to for advice and guidance and I wouldn't have it any other way I said this year I I said this last year excuse me but it still holds true the best compliment I can give a teacher is that if my sons were going through ponro Middle School I want them to have Kelly DeMarco now I may not want my sons to pick up some of Kelly's obsessive attributes but don't worry she's obsessed with books and Harry Potter in particular so if you are going to be obsessed those are some good things with which to be obsessed all in all it is my honor and pleasure to have Kelly be a part of prms and I look forward to her being an asset to the school and a godsend for students for years to come thank [Applause] you it is also my pleasure to introduce the prms Educational Service professional of the Year Mrs Jessica Burns [Applause] right F Jess has been with us for four years Jess is our district bcba for those of you who do not know that stands for board certified behavioral analysis anal I can't say that's a fancy way of saying that she loves kids even the most challenging ones and does everything she can with her power and with her considerable still to help them be successful inside and outside the classroom now Jess has a superpower as well it is the ability to see the good or a positive outcome in any situation I asked her once and I want to check with her husband if this is true is every glass in your house half full but if there is anyone I want to have rose-colored glasses surgically implanted it is justess Burns she always reminds everyone she works with that even the most challenging behaviors have a function that we can identify and address with a steadfast resolve and with plenty of love I always enjoy working with Jess and like Kelly she is a gift to our students thank you for all you do and congratulations [Applause] [Applause] last but certainly not least Miss Molly Avery principal of rhs [Applause] thank you for having us all here thank you board for taking this time to recognize our wonderful teachers thank you Mr Betts for coming up here and handing out these great plaques for our people um I'm Molly Avery I'm the longtime principal of Robinsville high school and I love this evening it's a night that we get to talk about our best and brightest and people that really exemplify what we want to see in our classrooms so I'm going to first call up Mrs Sue Kagawa she's a Robinsville High School teacher of the year I'm right here Sue right here next I could probably talk about Sue for about a month right everyone knows Sue canaga but I will tell you sue has been a fixture in Robinsville high school for so many years she is the Chinese program she started it she is she has so many students that I think I've talked many times about wanting to clone Sue so we could have many more students take Chinese in our building she puts her heart and soul into everything that she does inspires her students to learn not only the language but the culture she has touched the lives of so many students many of her students spend all four years with her our Chinese four class typically has about 35 kids in it that decide to stay the whole time and she says the more the marrier just bring in more desks this past week Sue shared a story that an alumni from many years ago reached out to her because he was looking for some pictures and Mos from a international trip she took over 10 years ago she went home home she found the old computer fired it up and found those pictures and got them to that young man so we spent some time reminiscing that day with those pictures Sue is actively involved in rhs from bus duty to advising so many different clubs um she currently leads a thriving Chinese and Red Cross Club kind of two opposite ends as far as bringing service back to our building each year she brings in mentors um that work with her Chinese students to prepare for our Chinese New Year celebration when you talk about rituals and traditions at a high school that is one of our biggest um every winter a few times a year and this is another thing that's another ritual and tradition that many people at the high school know about whether you are in district office or not she overtakes the culinary arts labs and teaches plethora of people how to make dumplings in l Main I mean people come my mom's been in there everybody comes in they learn how to do this it's going to be this Thursday Friday she just told me um these dumplings l Main I mean are the absolute best and our school smells wonderful for the whole week um the cols lab is right across from the U main office but I'll tell you um it's a little it's the little things that Sue does to Value add to our high school and I just am in awe of all the things that she does I I know her biggest concern right now is giving the speech next year at graduation but we said we'll start working on it next week thank you sue for all you do thank you next I would like to call up Stephanie lowski Professional Services Teacher of the [Applause] Year Stephanie is also a veteran of Robinsville high school and Robinsville School District she is a social worker on our child study team I can see that our director came in from vacation just to be here she's back there jumping up and down Stephanie spent time both at pwn Road and the high school I as the principal of the high school I was thrilled when I was able to get Stephanie back in the halls of Robinsville High School a few years ago I was ecstatic Stephanie is one of those people that seeks out tough situations with kids dissects the situation and really helps kids to get back on track she she thrives in that area in that difficult area that many people will run from she's got a strong stubborn never give up attitude right we're similar that way and I think that's why we connect really well and I think that's one of the biggest things that I see when she's working with her case load um that she reaches all her students she interacts with all of the teachers of all of her students she's always all over the building doing those pieces I appre appreciate all that you do year in and year out um and I am very proud to have you in my building thank you so much congratulations Brian can we Brian can we have everyone come back up and take one big photo for the newsletter and the [Applause] website e [Applause] I usually don't yeah he's you don't want a year from now to be like who is that guy we got rid of that guy that concludes my report thank you Mr Betts uh liaison reports any liaison reports oh Amanda go right ahead I have one um so the county had a meeting last Tuesday um and they did the same thing that we're doing here they had a teacher of the year um and it was a teacher from Lawrenceville um who rose up through Trenton and was celebrated that night um and they talked about other laws that are currently passing in the legislation um but they'll bring more to us once it's been ciphered out through um the county thank you anyone else nope uh Mr mccre the business administrator report good evening everyone so uh update on the permanent superintendent search uh attached uh on the on the docket is U uh the interview schedule so June 25th we'll have a u a review after the board meeting uh it will be a second exec and we'll go through it um no action to be taken but we'll have it after that um there's a schedule of first round interviews for for three days and then second round interviews as well for two days depending on how many applications you want to review um and then possible third round as well um we've also so we'll be advertising that shortly they will all be all those interviews will be at Sharon Elementary School uh no action to be taken um we'll have the meeting we open up public comment and then dismiss everybody uh no action and conduct the interviews after that um summer board meeting schedules almost everybody can make every one of these so it's uh um quite surprising that we could everyone schedule aligns with this so um that's we don't have to change any of those dates um I do want to give a preschool update so if you noticed the uh enrollment figures we have two new categories on here 3H and 4H okay and then 3F 4f so we've added those full-time broke them up so come June we're going to be launching that full day classroom so the H is for half day the f is for full day and then we track it that way for for student reports for application for state school aid so that'll be new and upcoming we have furniture coming in uh Wednesday um and we're going through that I would like to give a further update So within 24 hours of opening the applications um for preschool 333 year- olds application and 39 four-year-olds for a total of 72 already so halfway there um before we have to actually go out for um a lottery so if it comes around 140 they're all in if it goes over we'll be doing a lottery for that um at the same time we've started receiving the funds already from the state so funds have already started coming in about 2.6 million uh we have spent uh almost two million already um in the last month an incredible amount of purchases uh I'd like to give some Kudos out to the curriculum Department not only writing for this but spearheading as well as but as well as um Priscilla their assistant for typing in a lot of the purchase orders to miss Cory ASCO for typing many for the business office as well um teachers will have to move their their classrooms they're fighting for boxes already so a thousand boxes were delivered um but the biggest ones is to uh Mr Brian uh Murphy our of buildings and grounds what we've we're making him do uh and and changing his whole schedule for the summer uh but what's great is he just has uh you know he's there to help he's there for the children um and I've I've never met a buildings and ground supervisor who is so gung-ho about making this happen and I'm I'm very very honored and happy to have him uh part of our district uh as well um just to go through this buildings and grounds uh just two more minutes of this um two playgrounds about $400,000 each one at Sharon and one here at Pond these are specific playgrounds they're instructional playgrounds as opposed to non-instructional they're designed for three to 5 year olds only so they're a little shorter and more manipulatives on them um they'll have a rubber track they'll have uh they had some change orders there uh to fix that or we've ordered the fencing to go around it as well um we have some more items to to buy that to buy for them they've bought some uh they're going to do some Light maintenance and fix up the classrooms a little bit and um we also have some security upgrades we'd like to do we'll bring it to the security committee uh as well so the curriculum department has ordered um about 10 uh you know about $10,000 per classroom in Furniture um over $6,000 per classroom in manipulatives um you have curriculum about $125,000 and we've also started purchasing all the supplies for those teachers so typically a teacher will do an order uh for the items that they need around this time actually they do it in January February we've ordered it it's in here but they're going to be starting immediately so we've ordered all their pencils papers pens and so forth so they have a pre-stock of that um special services is outfitting um the two nurses offices and Suites one of them the nurses office is completely new so all the furniture for that it's about 50,000 including with that is first time uh buying a vision screener so other districts have had this for seven to 10 years ago um our first ones here basically the kids they're coming to you they have to have Vision screened okay you're going to pull out okay read the letters to me on on the chart they can't do that so it takes a picture of their eye and gives you a report within seconds same thing with hearing first time ever we're buying a hearing screener as opposed to the old button types and and so forth shoots an auditory um frequencies and gives you a report within 20 seconds 20 30 seconds so we bought two of those as well first time ever other districts have had it for seven to 10 years um but uh it's new for us here technology we're talking Promethean boards every classroom um which is another version of a Smartboard right as opposed to 15-year-old projectors uh new computers for all those those classrooms typically right now we have our computers about 12 years old um for the majority of of the school um they're all getting five iPads per classroom and a teacher version of a Chromebook a higher end Chromebook for every teacher so they can take it home with them and do their classroom stuff U standup desks copers and so forth and we've all outfitted all the new furniture as well with USB hubs and all these things as well so these are going to be your model classrooms uh we would like to roll out see how improve and try to roll it out to the remainder of the district slow and steady as we go due to funding concerns um and any donations that we receive as well are kindly accepted um that's it for the reporting questions on preschool and how that's running Nick I had a just two quick things just to make sure clarified people have asked me um you mentioned that once we hit the number for uh enrollment after that we need to go to a lottery as long as a parent registers their child before the death deadline there's no advantage to when you sign up as long as you're all for the deadline correct you can correct um there is no rush to get as long as you make it within the deadline we'll go through it now there's a whole process through the lottery is we have to check applications I mean Dr wisnoski and Mr fasio are studying how other districts have done it you have to get the special box read it board members will read it make it public there's a whole process and procedure just so everything is well above board and nobody can question it um so there's that'll be that'll be done the reason why I said if we when we hit the number of 140 anything less than that everybody's in and then it's whoever else signs up before the school starts the school year starts thank you and then the second one was if a parent has a two-year-old and a three-year-old and say that the three-year-old this year gets into the program is that 2-year-old the following year give him priority um for a seat we've had a discussion at the current moment yet the answer is yes and we hope to have enough classrooms the following year to take the whole entire universe Dr wisuki is calling out that it'll be for the continuity of Education Nick U a small request can you actually send me some blur about that particular Lottery how it works and stuff like that I think it'll be good for the community to know and we can put that in the news newsletter something short I we'll give some more further guidance and push it out yeah I think it'll be good for us to be transparent let them know that hey if it increases this number and this is what we're going to do because I don't want them to be believing that everything is fine I'm getting I have a question it's it may be related to this or it may be going to like the business committee but um you mentioned donations so for example those are still accepted and I think you meant it specific to to this class age but just curious to know like when we as a community relations do our newsletter or blurb and people are cleaning out their basements and they've got setups downstairs or they used to have a school downstairs and their you know small businesses that they're closing down I know at least to um so just curious to know what that process is like to donate and if there's a way to solicit from teachers what they need share out and then do a possible collection or review of things so preschool is completely set it's the remainder um we we'll have to go with community relations on that one let's talk about it then I've had people call us cold call us and I have this items typically we don't take many things from the public unless we've pre-screened it because it can go in either direction sometimes it is amazing things that we get and sometimes it's not so um and it's once you open that up it's difficult to you know uh you know look at gift horse in the mouth and so but we've had uh many donations in the past year much more than the years prior of you know here's $5,000 for Chromebooks here's 150 Chromebooks actually just went and bought Chromebooks and donated them so we've had many people do that and we're anticipating another $20,000 donation uh we're going to be targeting that to so we're looking at that donation go into read 180 uh so um and it's on it'll be on the agenda for next month through that funar sorry can you clarify what read for the ah okay no that's interest yeah I mean I Echo your thoughts on putting in the community community relations because I do feel like we need a process in place um because even like as far as one generation old iPads and people are ready to move on to their new iPads I mean is there a process maybe that's a tech thing but I just feel like this is a good opportunity in the summer to review clean up clean out in kind donations other than monetarily thank you thank you uh so we've hired seven teachers already on the agenda well soon to be soon to be hired if you're approve them um and uh sorry um on the topic of read 180 is it also including System 44 which is like the lower read 180 cool and for the public the answer is the whole thing so I'll explain what that is it's an intervention reading program that is systematically leveled for kids and programs around a kid's need for reading level it's a really good tier three tier two intervention system so that's for um the wathon that's being promoted and so that'll be on the agenda for next month for approval we've been notified it'll be around 20,000 it could be more um so we'll we'll put it against that program which is about $20,000 for that program yes somebody has to accept accept a check so board members okay I think anything else for Nick it's June 2nd the wathon do you have more of the details on that it was no so you're referring um Mr mccre is referring to the wathon that's happening sponsored by baps I'm trying to pull it up on my phone right now and I'm not getting very good service it's um June 2nd um 2 to four any it's in the morning I know it's in the morning so for for those online if you go to the last month's board meeting there was a present there was a presentation about it um some young uh members of the community did present um and you can find it there or um we can put something up um and make it the last month's newsletter actually carries the flyer and also the link for the registration can we put it in this months again just I can repeat that here can we I'll just repeat the baps Charities Sunday June 2nd 2024 rain date on June 9th 2024 the venue being Robinsville Municipal complex 2298 Route 33 the time is 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. it's benefiting RWJ Barnabas Health Robinsville Public Schools Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton and the Robinsville PBA um and you just register to walk with a QR code and it's sponsored by baps they came last uh month I think they may end up coming tonight just to um just to put it out there again a couple kids I believe are going to be coming to talk about that oh now it came up on my phone so yeah thank you for mentioning that so if any community members are interested in in that they can reach out as well it's great it's going to be going partially to the schools too so thank you to the Babs Community yeah they've actually put out on social media which we're doing sing it to the parents so we we'll get the word out anything else for Mr mccre sorry Nick just curious how many teachers are we hiring for preschool in total well classro seven but there's also a pic a Pur cpis oh 14 yeah 14 14 teachers 14 AIDS um a nurse and and a director to be funded by the grant just for clarification 100% followed by the preschool expansion Aid uh from the state uh nothing from the local taxpayer thank you Mr mcre all good all right public comment can I have a motion to open public comment uh for 30 minutes so moved second all in favor any NS or extensions all right time be allowed for public comment at this meeting members of the public wishing to address the board of education on agenda items must State their name municipality and the group if any they represent uh member of the public shall not be permitted to speak with he or she is recognized by the proceeding officer in accordance with District policy 0167 each comment shall be limited to three minutes no excuse me uh participant may speak more than once so let's keep the dialogue um professional and we'll open public comment on agenda items only Amanda grber Robinsville resident um mine's just more of a technical issue um when you have people from the audience answering questions for you um people online can't hear it um so we're missing a lot of information online um so if someone from the audience speaks to you if you could either repeat it or give them a microphone that'd be super helpful thank you I'll you at Steve right now Steve just come get the mic thanks hello good evening everybody my name is Arun kpur I'm a robin Soul resident um I think uh the reason I'm uh here is when I sorry I was late and on my way I was able to watch uh the proceedings I think uh one thing that I picked up is the continued uh flat trend on our state uh and hopefully uh hopefully something may change uh as uh Senator gopal's team continues to work on the formula uh but where I am coming from is uh to what extent this body will continue to deliberate on what potential options exist uh given the fact fact that there will continue to be a certain level of deficit in this and the coming years uh I wanted to put a little bit of highlight on that because I think it's better to be proactive than uh us having being reactive uh that we've experienced last time uh thank you so much any additional public comment for agenda items can I have a motion to close agenda item public comment St movee second all in favor I any needs or abstentions no um approval of the board minutes so um have a motion to approve the April 30th 2024 regular meeting and budget adoption minutes attachment one so moved second all in favor I any n or extensions nope committee reports head policy Miss lean um actually um Mr olberg art Howard is going to announce for me I was not at the meeting and he filled in for me so take it away yeah no problem uh we had the meeting on Monday 5:20 present at the meeting was superintendent Betts uh Dr wisnoski Mr faio and myself uh we met for about eight hours uh just kidding no that's a record yeah just just kidding just kidding no way out meeting um what what uh we went over was the uh some of the second reading of the policies um which there were no additional modifications made because the majority of the stuff didn't really require any changes it was just consistent with standard procedures um there was some conversation about an organizational chart that's uh going to serve as an initial read um and that the uh district is incorporating the director of preschool uh into that into that organizational chart and but that chart could be found in the folders that's provided for the for the board uh then into new business uh there was a discussion regarding the supervisor of Elementary education and the administrative team consulted with both personnel and finance um to ensure that everybody was in alignment um the financial discrepancy was minimal um at 40,000 but all the parties were in agreement um due to some recent attrition we have a surplus of 240,000 enabling us to move forward with posting the position this week it will be added to the agenda for the June meeting uh we talked a lot about the preschool update I'm not going to repeat all the information but you know their um the registration is open you know uh 70 families already have registered uh registration is going to be closing I believe on on the 3rd of June right correct okay um additionally for our existing preschool and rooll families the final two and a half weeks of the program will be transitioning from part-time program to full-time program uh the team was pleased to announce that they've made significant progress in hiring um like uh what I said um they will be conducting more interviews to fill the remaining open positions um the admin team also expressed thanks to everybody everyone's continued support of the of the process and the recently appointed preschool director has uh been highly dig diligent and proactive since joining the team she's been consistently engaging in extensive behind the scene uh duties and we talked about the the baps fundraiser um we're trying to get account of how many board members are going to be there um along with that during that fundraiser um make some with some discussion about the Sprouts program um which will be operated until June 3rd and communication has been made with all participating families the transportation department has also been in contact and everything is on track for uh a launch so um then they said on a side note the representatives from Kaplan has confirmed availability to dedicate full days to unboxing and setting up uh rooms for the preschool and um that's all for at policy thank you Arthur at no charge they're doing it oh yeah all right any questions all right personel weit I have a question sorry oh it's snuck it in just in time yep go ahead so okay so let's say you don't get to 140 on June third do you extend the deadline they can it'll be like a normal as long as they move in right all those people would get in and then we would have slots available and then it would be kind of on a first come first service until we create a wait list one more question related to preschool what is the cut off time we know it's the third is it end at 5 p.m midnight thank midnight Midnight on the third yeah any other questions comments yeah actually do we have technically a cut off for kindergart like let a cut off for kindergarten or is that rolling too because does that okay oh that's right because it's yeah I'm late so this sounds real yeah I think it's real this time very good uh the personel committee met on May 15th um board members president were um Anthony Nadia Jay and myself we discussed the monthly Staffing spreadsheet uh we also had a conversation on school culture um how we could work collaborate with Administration to promote a positive School culture in line with policy 3351 and policy 4351 for a healthy workplace environment uh we reviewed uh reappointments which is done every May it's going to happen at this board meeting here uh we also talked about you know non any non renewals um impact on the budget with that and uh that we will not be f filling some positions due to declining enrollment um which I think addresses some of the budget questions that were asked previously we also looked at um the assistant director of steam um we had a resignation so looking for um for that position we discussed the you know possible changes to long range administrative structure and then we uh went through an interim uh superintendent contract for Dr Gorman uh the county has approved that contract and we are planning a two-day overlap for a trans ition with Mr Betts uh we discussed the community parent involvement specialist position on their old business we had a waiver discussion so Insurance waivers for um the Rea will not happen this year due to lack of enrollment interest uh we'll resubmit the proposal the following year we went over non-affiliate salaries uh looking for a 3.9% increase and the contracts for assistant superintendent and the SCH business administrator um these contracts are done separately um and sent to the county superintendent for approval and we are looking at a 3.5% uh sour increase for those positions our next meeting is June 20th can I ask a question did you say the steam director is no longer with the district okay correct yeah we had a resignation so repost any other questions for Dr pi all right uh business committee um we met May 17th um at the high school in attendance were Dr Pio Mr Nan and myself from the committee uh additional attendees were Mr Betts Mr mccre Dr wuki and Mr Murphy uh facilities we reviewed general maintenance for the buildings the at rhs the the lights were were changed on the fields um hbac work pond HVAC work um we also talked about the HVAC work that we're looking to go to bid for under the rod Grant there's a we have a tentative schedule for those activities um we're trying to work through garbage and recycling uh we we we're trying to collaborate with um those in the county that didn't work out so we're going to do our own search on those um we discussed the uh facilities rentals so the the rhs stage 4 was awarded and we're going to be starting that the upgrades to pawn Road will start um are we doing that over the summer for the for here the upgrade for here the the this this auditori NE next summer next summer okay no no for the for the TVs uh soon May 28th we're going to start we're scheduling it want to make sure I was saying right this this year um excuse me and summer projects so we're focusing on of course the preschool getting that up and running um HVAC at the high school again we talked through all that already um and at Sharon we're talking about a uh a cricket pitch and the cricket Association is is is helping to sponsor that so that's pretty exciting um we we also reviewed just for financial uh General finance and budget uh pieces the budget uh we went through um Food Services and grants and that the next board meeting will be or the next committee meeting will be I believe June 20th we moved it to and that's all for business any questions yeah I uh just a clarification can you just explain what exactly is happening to this room yeah so the screen I'll let Nick describe it uh The Ripped screen will be changed out for for a powered screen uh in the new updated format as opposed to the old 3x4 format it'll be a projector mounted up top um there will be confidence monitor so we can see what we're presenting and not turning our back to you or the audience at the same time there will be two I think 70inch TVs towards the back so if we get filled with more people they actually can see that they don't need to bring in binoculars in here uh as well as a a sound upgrade so they can hear us better in the back and then we're also tying in uh ports so that all that will be connected um to Mr Bruner's replacement after he retires so so if I did make it I did make it clear like those though that the stage at the high school this is all coming out of the um the rental fees so we're putting the money back into the facility so that way we could also enhance it to get more rentals out of the space so it I mean while all this work is being done is is paint being considered just saying no can we do you want to know so at the gym have you been in the gym here that need to get painted first uh actually sharing classrooms are atrocious so and I will and I'm on the record for that Nadia would like to volunteer her service to pain for free no wait seriously I'm going with a moment I'm going with a thought if there is community or if there are community members that want to do relations to help upkeep this and have painting experience can we get that done this summer actually I think that's how Sharon was painted right I heard those that story I was part of that many moons ago Nicole grew GRE there's so many great artists in high school that probably can come to beautiful murals here it'd be really good is that something Nick we can take offline and and let's take that offline um yeah thank it's not impossible it um and then coordination uh CU right now Sharon is going to be busy in the summer yeah so maybe we can talk about it before the next board meeting and have an update for the community then okay thank you um community relations Mr Nan thank you good evening uh the community relations met on May 15 2024 6 p.m. at br's office in attendance were all the committee members of course Brian Betts and also Dr zinski so the the committee recommended that few students be recognized for their work specifically students who presented on mental health and student who won the 2024 Congressional Art computation I think if you have not taken a look take a look at that particular art it's fabulous so thanks to the student and thanks to thanks to the teachers the committee also discussed the progress on parents Square which is coming along fine the roll out for the teachers and the staff will be July 2024 and uh Community or parents will have access stting September 2024 it's correct okay the committee discussed updates regarding senior or retirees engagement uh which was already discussed last time uh for which the school administration sought time till late summer they think the preschool activities will have a lot more opportunities for them the committee lead um that's myself I spoke to n njsba representative about the session on school budget 101 um njsba told me that they have Representatives who can actually help deliver the session so I'll be working with Nick to coordinate on the logistics um the administration thanks for the administration they also updated the district website to move the chain of the chain of command which is a small link under the contact to help community members or parents to approach the district with any complaints um the next meeting has to be straight scheduled still thank you thank you Mr Nan um the security me Comm did not meet this between the last board meeting and today we will be meeting next week May 30th um special education hi everybody that's me um so for special at ad hoc we had our meeting on 521 um shout out to Georgine Johnson just she's not here but she had a wedding for her son and I don't know if everybody knows that but make sure when you see her in the hall you ask her about it it's it's important um all right so unified hell held its first dance on Friday May 3rd it was so celebrated and loved it basically took the inclusion of special education and general education students and the unified club members between fourth grade and the transition student age participated advisers did a wonderful job in planning and facilitating and everyone would like it to be an annual event it was remarkable and it displayed our culture of inclusivity at RPS huge thanks to go out to Robin murov Kelly Connell Lisa Pap Shelley Voss Christine agus sorry if I'm saying your names wrong and Tammy Woodward for all of your efforts in addition to the many teachers who joined for support additionally big shout out to Don Estrada he volunteered his time and materials to support a photo booth for the students Kathy St John is a special education teacher at Pond Middle School she is supporting the district and fishing strong with an executive functioning instruction program called The Smarts program across the district she has consistently worked all year to cultivate and share resources with the District staff um And We Just Praise that she has done so much um in getting this up and going it used to be a a training that was given to many and she's really taken the head um and led this so thank you so much Kathy several District staff participated in a community event run by EDM oh gosh guys and yach mck oh I'm getting good on Saturday May 11th supporting mental health awareness our involvement focused on sharing District programs and resources special thanks to our school panelists Lisa caroselli Claire corus and Lori rundo finally esy letters that's extended school year for special educ ation have gone out to families we're so excited to welcome our students back to Sharon and rhs on July 1st through August 1st as a reminder esy will run Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. thank you Mr Angel any questions all right last but not least technology Mr glot technology did not meet thank you monthly resolutions uh the superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the following action EMS a through C can I have a motion so moved Mr mccre roll call any discussion m p yes Mr Gadi yes and I'm going to abstain from c4c as my family Foundation sponsored the tedex event Miss Hill D'Angelo yes Mr Howard yes Miss Leman yes Mr Nandan yes Mr Ray yes Dr Pio yes and Mr olberg yes thank you everyone everything passes thank you any old business yeah he's not old but I wanted to recognize uh Mr Bruno Mike Bruno this is his last board meeting he'll be retiring soon so Michael thank you for all your help thank you for everything good luck and enjoy uh retirement I'll be there uh with you shortly thank you Mr bson congratulations uh any new business I have some new business I just wanted to show all of you this beautiful canvas um this was presented to Anthony art and I um at the RPL opening day of their Cricket tournament um RPL is Robinsville Premier League if you didn't know it's in its second year um it is a cricket organization um which is uh which hosts different Games and Things in the community um in fact it's going to be having some kids teams next year Cricket is in is the second most popular sport played by over three billion people worldwide um in fact the us is going to be hosting a Cricket World Cup where more than 20 teams will be playing um and so they gave this to us to give over to you Mr Beth so we can keep this in the board office um for posterity sake it's beautiful you'll appreciate this thank you so much thank you so much it looks great thank you for attending the opening day I just sorry oh no all done did just two things one I absolutely forgot to give a shout out to uh members of the Muslim Community who sponsored lunch for all admin and staff across the three schools to Mark the end of Ramadan so 30 days of fasting and so just a tribute and service um which is a part of Ramadan so they wanted to thank the teachers and staff for being very um appreciative and helpful to them as they went through what experience they were going through for K through 12 experiences although the only people who fast are those who um are of age and so likely six to 12 but tons of like educational support throughout the schools um and Mr Betts joined uh a very special session prior to that event just to educate um school so I appreciate you being in attendance as well as Mr Gatti um and Pay It Forward there was an event just a a shout out and a thank you to the mayor who gave us a shout out as a board um for having a table at the Pay It Forward event that um was celebrating essentially Meals on Wheels um within Robinsville and so there's some incredible work there so it was kind of an honor and um I think Mr Gatti helped us get his table there and I think everybody here at this um paid for a spot and so it was a fantastic fantastic event true Testament to how the community operates um and just kind of very nice diverse um come together feel-good event so I appreciated that thank you m Manda and again just as a reminder any board members that are going to the wathon please email Steve um any other new business nope Public public comment for school related matters can I have a motion to open public comment so moved second all in favor I any n or extensions nope same rules as before mic is open hi Amanda Gruber Robinsville resident um every May for the past three years I have come to this Podium to ask our Robinsville School District's Administration and our Board of Education members to join us for our annual Robinsville celebration of Pride and this year is no different I hope you as well as other members of our community have the ability to join us again at this free lgbtq celebration held on Saturday June 1st at PJ's Pancake House from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. as I mentioned this is a familyfriendly event with free food drinks as well as music and games this year we invited our local Robinsville P flag group to speak and attend as our guests they will also be hosting a clothing drive for free gender affirming clothing for queer folks I hope you will join us and maybe even help us promote this activity for families as I'm hearing a lot of promotions for that same weekend thank you very much for your help hi this is Arun kpur I'm a Robinsville resident uh I'm here to give a shout out to our um School counseling team I had a deep honor to have them for the mental health event um I've been in this space of uh special education policy and research for over a decade now uh specifically looking into transition to adulthood for Youth and Young adults with serious emot emotional illnesses and I must tell you uh hearing from uh uh Miss Rondo and her team in in terms of how they have organized uh their mental health uh supports uh and the counseling teams I think it was fabulous uh and to my in my opinion our school is doing one of the most Leading Edge work when it comes to providing mental health supports for our students and I think it's something we should be proud about I understand we may have hundreds of complaints with the school but this is time to celebrate and just say thank you to the entire team for doing such a fabulous this job hello John Caper Robinsville resident I know at this time of year it's really tough especially with the goals to try and generate income uh by renting out the high school facilities I would just ask that we take uh a little extra time a lot of our students were inconvenience these last several weeks with the multiple events that were occurring on at the high school I thought it was the the the was my impression that the high school or the Robinsville Community uh students would get first priority at you know using the facilities there I I know that there were multiple sporting events that we can't really control the timing of it but I think you know the nji SSA does a pretty good idea of sending out information on when those events may occur I just think it's really important uh you know with uh all the sports and and accolades that our our sports teams at the high school in particular get that they should be able to utilize the facilities as needed to support their Endeavors thank you thank you any additional [Music] comment try to sit away from it um not seeing any have a motion to close public comment so mov second all in favor any n or extensions now Mr mccre is asking me to probably keep it efficient and and close the meeting at the same time have a motion to close the meeting so moved second all in favor I any extensions all right thank you everyone appreciate coming out tonight