##VIDEO ID:NBoK3-ua9OE## e I wait for it to be green and then people can hear you all right wait I want to take your I want to take e e would you just send the live link she's going to send it to you right now all right thanks [Music] ready can I get a motion to come out of executive session so moved second all in favor hi please stand for p [Music] Allegiance states can I get a motion to the minutes of the public session and executive session of the Robinsville Board of Education as submitted and released vote second all in favor I all right board's president report uh good evening everyone i' would like to officially welcome all of our students staff and community members back from what I hope was a relaxing and enjoyable summer break the start of the school year is always filled with positive energy and we're thrilled to have you all back I hope everyone has had the chance to recharge over summer and is now ready to tackle the exciting challenges and opportunities of the new school year September is a time of Fresh Starts and renewed focus and we look forward to the incredible work our students teachers and staff will accomplish together as we wrap up the first month of school we hope to transition back has been smooth and that students and staff are finding the Rhythm we want to ensure that every child starts the year on the right foot we're committed to providing the support and resources necessary for their success superintendent report good evening everybody uh to start tonight's meeting I'm delighted to have our um executive Council students join us they will be with us each month through the year um and welcome their executive Council advisor Miss Laura tetto thank you for bringing these incredible children here uh students young men uh that I got to uh the pleasure of meeting with early in the week with Dr lusi um we went over uh their impact on and being part of our Board of Education meetings for the year um and they will be sharing their perspectives on how the new school year has begun and provide updates on what's happening in our schools the entire executive council is here tonight and I would like to introduce him as well they'll be rotating taking turns at the big table with us uh president Brody Kaplan vice president Marcus rodal secretary yaaya treasure Javan Salish and our social director Nick grippa Brody Marcus can you deliver to us your first report of the school year hello everyone my name is Brody Kaplan I'm this year's executive president thank you for allowing me to sit up here tonight I'll now be giving an update on what's going on at rhs so first to start us off I'm going to give you guys an update on athletics football is on a roll with back-to-back wins setting them with a two and2 record last Friday they had a huge win against Ying in overtime beating them 34-33 the Ravens were down 27 to7 by the end of the first half but never gave up and had a massive comeback Marcus and myself are the FL flock Masters this year and the crowd was going wild with excitement next up boys soccer stayed undefeated as they just power pass recent state champions Princeton and today beat their Rivals Notre Dame in an overtime goal where Nick grippa scored a goal in overtime to win it so I just want to give him a shout out it's a nice win the boys soccer team is now 8 Z And1 leading the CBC I also play on the team as a goalkeeper and Nick grippa as a forward we're excited to see where the rest of the season season takes us girl soccer is also on a hot streak leading the CBC with a record 61 and one they had a huge win against alltown this past weekend beating them one Zer field hockey is 1 14- one but looking to pick it up tomorrow versus nor Northern Burlington girls tennis is s-2 on a four-game win streak they won 4-1 over West witer Plainsboro South last week which was the first time this was done in rhs history cross country is also doing really well in their meets they recently attended the TCNJ cross country invite where many Runners received medals and the Freshman girls team took home a win the Raven regimen took home first place in their first marching band competition of the year they also won best music best visual and best overall effect now moving on to clubs the RTS Club fair just took place last Wednesday during all lunches all students were able to walk around in the Commons and see what each Club at rhs has to offer students are excited to kick off their meetings this upcoming week as many students signed up and are interested in each Club lastly executive counsel last Friday we hosted our senior Sunrise Event we had a senior class meet up on the turf at 6:15 a.m. to watch the sunrise and kick off the start of our last year of high school homecoming week is quickly approaching next week we will have our annual homecoming Spirit Week window decorating comp contest pep rally and homecoming dance this year we decided on a neon theme for the dance we also created brand new games for the pep rally which we are eager to share with our fellow classmates for The Clash of classes competition we're really looking forward to the whole week and now I'll pass it on to Marcus my Executive Vice President hi everyone my name is Marcus Rolie and I'm this year's Executive Vice President president tonight I will be giving an update on what's been happening at Pond and Sharon uh starting off with Pond Road Middle School Pond had had a great opening start to the year staff and students started the year with smiles and a positive outlook even before the school year started they hosted an open house and a club fair so that students would become better acquainted with the offerings at Pond this school year began with teachers explicitly teaching students Behavior SL interpersonal expectations for each area of the school as part of our pbsis positive behavioral supports in school initiative they also explained that teachers and staff will be putting an emphasis on catching students doing the right thing and recognizing them for it more to come on pbsis they also had a follow-up club/ Sports Fair within the first weeks of school so that those not able to attend the open house had an opportunity to pursue the clubs and sports offered at Pond they had their first fire drill of the Year usually this is not not noteworthy but this year they had Incorporated the prek butterflies that attended red into the drill the week before the drill they prepared their youngest learners for all the things having to do with the fire drill after the actual after the actual drill it was reported that they did a wonderful job and everyone is so proud of them moving on to Sharon Elementary School on the evening of September 3rd Dr buer and M Mr pasero continued their tradition of hosting a back to school read aloud via Zoom Dr buer and Mr pasero hoped everyone that attended enjoyed the story on the evening of Thursday September 12th Miss Nicole Jeffrey the new general music and fourth grade band director hosted a zoom webinar with the fourth grade families during this time Miss Jeffrey provided in provided information and detail regarding the fourth grade band on Wednesday September 18th and Thursday September 19th Sharon Elementary School kicked off their first couple of back to school night events where they welcomed the families of the preschool kindergarten and first grade students they are looking forward to connecting with their second third and fourth grade families thank you so much for allowing us to sit on the board and speak at this meeting today we are looking forward to the next month's meetings as well better testing okay great bro and Marcus great job um and thank you everybody for coming out thank you Laura for being here with us um we don't want to bore you with uh Board of Education boring stuff so at this time we know you got to get to school early in the morning you can uh you could leave um or you could hang out and listen to some board jargon and board business that adults sort of mix it up with but thank you I want to give you that opportunity right now you should take it if you want it thank thank you guys all right good night all right moving right along I'm thrilled to welcome the 2024 debut of the robin Ville high school jazz combo led by our talented band director Mr Burch I know how hard the band Works throughout the summer and school year and we wanted to give you a chance to get a small flavor for their incredible Talent U Mr bur would you like to introduce kashad or would you like me to go for it thank you Mr Wilson good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Kush paju and I'm the drum major of the robins High School Ren regimen marching band I'm here this evening to give you a brief update of the brand program at Robo high school as you may have seen the Raven regimen performs at all of our home football games electrifying the stands during quarters and halftime performances we also perform in conations every weekend throughout the fall we are of to an an amazing start this year placing first snug group and first in two competitions and winning multiple special Awards including best music and best visual this is well earned the members of the band spend hours each week practicing and training for these competitions beginning in August in addition to the band doing as a whole doing amazing we have a few standout individuals this evening two of our members Thomas den and Armando Martell are at a rehearsal for the 2024 allate jazz band and last year Brook Dy was the drummer for the first ever All State honors modern band we have our annual Robin rapity mement competition on October 19th with a total of 18 bands coming to perform I encourage all of you to attend and see bands from the tri state area com and perform at our home competition we appreciate the support shown To Us by Rob of Board of Education and the community at large and look forward to high typing up school spirit and representing the very best of our community for years to come thank you Mr Wilson okay and without any further Ado here's our Robinsville Jazz combo and they're going to be playing uh two charts for you this evening uh blue s and Blues in the closet that [Music] la a [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] la [Music] [Applause] our second chart is called Blues in the closet [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] PA [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much these are a couple the students from the high school jazz vanand where we practice improvisation you heard some improvised solos in there and do a little combo work our main focus is big band performance so feel free to come out and see our big band in January for our annual Java Jam awesome Mr BT you want to introduce the band H absolutely uh playing Barone saxophone J Carlo on trumpet Aiden on drums vasar on piano Isabelle and on BAS [Applause] thank you so much for representing and telling the Robinsville story you are the true story of our district and we really appreciate taking some time Adam playing for us tonight thank you thank you okay back to my board report my superintendent report tonight we are also excited to debut board dos a modern efficient technology that enhances go governance practices with best-in-class Security Board docs is easy to use promotes transparency and and can be accessed from anywhere it features a powerful search engine that allows you to quickly find board minutes or pass board resolutions plus it helps reduce costs related to paper and ink longterm and it only cost $2,700 annually for those in attendance there are QR codes that have been posted throughout the cafeteria allowing everyone to follow along the meeting using board docs tonight as well as I do believe there was a parent Square sent out as well um a special shout out to my Administrative Assistant Victoria delr who took the lead and setting up the back end of the system Victoria thank you you're awesome she did an incredible job in sharing everything run smoothly tonight thank you while we are in this transition period we'll be using both paper and digital forms so we'll kill a couple more trees until we're all comfortable with the new platform for the next couple of months in addition to these updates have asked our principles to provide monthly reports highlighted highlighting Key activities and events in their schools here are some of the highlights um even though I think Brody and Marcus stole some of my thunder so I might be a little repetitive at uh Robinsville High School smart pass has platform has been successfully rolled out to the entire staff initial results indicate a reduction in hallway traffic during class time I can attest to that the the hallways are incredibly quiet and kids are in class learning which is great to see we're gather having feedback from both staff and students and making adjustments as needed to streamline the process this will be an ongoing Focus throughout the year in addition rhs Administration and teachers are beginning their version of instructional rounds where teachers are visiting other classrooms to share and Implement best practices at prms RMS we had a great opening and welcome back the knights and the butterflies the butterflies are chill worthy um our three and four year- old Kids In Action exploring and learning learning at an incredible Pace um we are fully implementing year two of New Jersey's pbsis which uh Marcus had mentioned um building the capacity of school Personnel to maintain a comprehensive system of support for Behavioral conduct and social emotional interventions all staff are receiving training on how to use our online system to recognize positive student Behavior we're also continuing to work closely with Dr Burns to balance our prek program and Middle School operation under the same roof I love that they uh engaged in a a fire drill this week um that must have been really cool to see at Sharon Elementary School we had a fantastic start to the school year welcoming over a thousand students in seven new preschool classes Sharon is also in year two of pbsis where theyve established Three core expectations we are respectful we are kind and we are ready to learn additionally we have launched a new math curriculum with teachers receiving training during our staff professional development days I I'm excited about the energy and momentum we've built as we begin this school year I look forward to continuing our great work together Mr vice president that concludes my superintendent report thank you Dr Gman uh board secretary report please all right good evening so we have New Jersey school boards Association we have the workshop for 2024 upcoming October 21st to the 24th this is for administrators and and uh board members as well uh of note it's on uh for approval tonight for professional development um I'm going to put you all to abstain yourselves under I2 okay so when we read those resolutions I'm already going to put down you're abstaining yourself um you're all approved I don't you know um you can come it's an option there is no everyone's registered as a group already um the only thing I need to know is if you're attending any of the governance events on Monday and I have to register you for that all the other ones um you're all set to to come uh in and out uh of note uh myself and Our IT director uh John leir are presenting at 2:30 on Tuesday uh room 418 uh on cyber security and Technology infrastructure of all the great things we've done here in the last few years especially uh with the with the ad hoc committee that supports us on technology um all right so tonight's presentation we have a uh our monthly budget report um and we'll be talking about liabilities uh here's our agenda we're going to go through revenues uh we're going to go through some expenses uh and not and we're going to go some miscellaneous items um our intent is to give a 10-minute presentation on these items every month to get ready for the board for for Budget uh discussions and February and March and April approval uh as we go through this this is one of the topics is liabilities what of our risks what of our concerns uh and so forth some items are you know I have Personnel on there obviously Personnel not a liability it's just I wanted to show you what health benefits cost and some other things as they go up and how we approve these things and go through this alog together this is a pretty heavy heavy topic we go through this we discuss it there's a lot of risks involved but we manage it we've been managing it for decades in school districts if not 100 years plus in the end we're here to support our students and the children of this community and we go through this so as we learn these things that when there's times to make decisions um we're more breast of the information and we can move on and move forward uh and have those Dynamic discussions uh both in committees and in public as well okay so first uh Federal liabilities so uh revenues that is um as we go through this um we always talk about federal grants I budget them at 85% uh this is what they tell you to do because it can go up and down types of examples are idea which is predominantly it's for preschool preschool uh as well as um K12 for uh special needs support and so forth uh and there's also the title accounts one through four when you take them all together you can see the chart on the left it goes up and down up and down so it hovers around 800,000 plus or minus 20,000 there and this is for many years so it's not like it's increasing every year some are going down some are changing so this is steady is over the years State uh national school lunch program for Food Service um the last couple of years we've have not been allowed to increase the prices of food even though the costs of running have gone up not only food cost by Personnel cost especially minimum wage has been going up um of note I expect more than $100,000 loss in Food Service uh net net uh for last year we'll know the exact number in our audit uh and this has to be picked up now we have national school lunch program at Sharon and pond but not at the high school and we'll talk about that uh later uh state aid um you know most of you know military person military analysis if I have to do military planning joint operations uh and so forth on the planning process this stands out as the most dangerous and most likely our biggest threat to our budget and forward so we came about half a percent of being cut 4.6 million this year last year is around 27 with S2 funding formula we were we were a winning District in the last couple years that changed you heard about this we passed the public supported uh a permanent increase of the levy we came at 89.6% at 90% they cut you once again this is the last year of S2 I'm not sure what's going to happen there are major discussions um the counties reached out I said use this as an example talk to the state let's figure this out where are we going to be and try to get ahead of this um the politicians across the state understand this and are going through how it's it's going Mo the most dangerous is they cut us 5 million right most likely it'll be something I just don't know the number my most my hopeful is there is no cut and we're flat and then we just have to deal with inflation increases and natural contract increases local uh very grateful to the township for supporting us uh they subsidize uh the SRO we do a shared service for that uh they've helped out with a bus route a courtesy bus route a teacher as well typically we were paying around 300,000 310 I think was the most amount they also have increasing costs with health care and pension and so forth last year we had the big budget issue they came in very strong for us and this year it's gone up so it went from 299 to 185 2117 the liability in this one is their budget is struck months after ours right so we go first they go second what are their numbers so that is a difference that's just natural it happened so once again very grateful um but you can see it's about uh 200,000 plus that we we um we have to support that but it used to be over 300 um local tax levy it's 2% we see about this 2% well it's 2% of your operating budget and what we receive is 80% of that the rest is state aid and federal help and so forth so if you take 2% of 80% of your budget it's really only 1.6 okay some districts are more or less but it's 1.6 for us net net what's it mean about $900,000 we can play with more for next year assuming we take the full amount I want you to remember that number 900,000 okay expenditures Healthcare they typically say budget 10% increase uh with that being said it's 11% of our budget so it's a big chunk um I think last year were about 9% year before was eight so we're pretty some years it's kind of even higher than that you'll see the numbers underneath uh in the chart um you know it was around 4 million it went up it went up 6% 9% and then it dropped they changed Health Care vendors and then once they once they get you they rais at eight and then went up 18% in one year um Mr Betts and I came here and we said let's shift to the shift the school's Health Insurance Fund we've done in a previous School District uh we saved about a million dollar in Healthcare Plus 300,000 for the employees so every employee on average saved $1,000 of their own money and we saved about a million and you saw that big decrease and then that reset it and we went up three and then eight uh chapter 44 that was a new program launched by um Senator Sweeney That was supposed to be a win-win for everybody most Bas knew that was not true um many school districts have lost money the school school boards um School business administrators association's been tracking it we saved about I forget like 20 30,000 the first year and then we started losing money the hidden trick about this is yes it does lower the cost of of the healthcare premiums but the contribution also got cut in half for the employee so anytime there's an increase we as a board and the public would have to pick up 78% of the increase while the employee was paying the difference and now we're picking up 89% so as the costs go up you pick up more and more and more so that is an additional uh liability on that other things like workers comp this is a um a wild card sometimes um you know you're talking about a quarter million it fluctuates 50 Grand here and there um you try to be safe on this we have a very low modifier we're about 70% of the 100% cost so if you've got a modifier that's they multiply it out one is the average I've been in places where it's 1.5 1.6 someone gets injured large settlement you have to recoup the insurance companies have to recoup that cost and so forth so U we're very fortunate it's low here um uh knock on wood um and we try to keep safe and and and sidewalks and and you hear about that as well um to keep these uh items low contracts Raa uh 3.7% for next year basic math is showing me almost a million dollar increase so just on the Rea contract principales and supervisors they're at three and a half% so you're looking at 81,000 roughly and the custodial contract remember this is the lowest bidder we had many many biders on this uh this is the last big year next year um for the increase and after that it goes about 4% that's 180,000 right there on the right you can see charts you can study those later that's where uh our staff is and so if you see our staff step 17 uh uh the most amount of our staff next year's contract you're going to have a about a third of our staff on on the top of the guide which will be of concern when you negotiate and start negotiations 15 months from now okay with the third of your staff at the top of the guide um and this is our education of our of our teachers in their steps uh very good number see on this one you can see Masters is almost equivalent to bachelor's we have some phds as well so you see a very nice distribution there um from our teachers expenditures Personnel salaries 40 almost half the budget is salaries which is expected another 12% for benefits I'm going to give you examples of your Min and Max of Administrators that's an administrator um which is chosen by what position they're filling and how many years of experience that's somebody with zero experience at the at the lowest one to a superintendent salary uh teachers 61,200 ba step one to a little over a 100 um for a PhD 17 with longevity of 30 years there's nobody on that uh uh we have nobody at that level but that's an examp of the max amount you would pay admin assistance you can see that 59 to 67 IAS 33 to 36 um health benefits chapter 78 uh this year crossed $40,000 for family benefits the line underneath shows the contribution of the employees 1,600 for single at the lowest salary to 17 for an administrator and I did the same amount for chapter 44 so you'll see that it's a little bit lower when you take that information and you think about it you can have you you know roughly I would say $100,000 an employee because I'm looking at total compensation and if you say oh it's it's it's a certain person at only 30,000 33 their benefits outweigh their salary we've have employees who are 130 140% of their salary um Dental you throw in Dental you throw in pension Insurance Plus other burden no their employee is not a burden it's just a technical term such as fli you know FMLA and all these little minor things you add to it so when you when you add an employee those costs go and how they grow after that that it's not just the salary it's everything else as well so if you have healthc care going up 8% in one year and it's a $40,000 plan and you're paying 89% of it or 78 you can see how that grows thousands of dollars per person and we have almost 500 around 500 staff members teacher contract settlement so the settlement for 2526 was 3.7% um this is the sample of a guide um that analysis that I have done and it's color coded so if you were ba step one and you went to step two the next year it's a $500 step but it's a step from the previous year to a higher step to next year so the price difference is about 1,500 if you do it and continue for the rest you can see it's uh almost 5,000 so you go from a 2% 2 and a half to 5 a half% I call this like a runaway guide because it's more and more money as the higher steps go on um as opposed to being average and flat this is this will put pressure and where I boxed out is the average what it would be for next year so if you look at the percentages you're looking at five as opposed to 3.7 doing that alone it has more impacts we've tried to fix this in the past it was no we could not um we don't control the guide the teachers union controls the guide they decided where to put their money and that's where it went and it's been like this like that so the only way things like that go back to the average settlement is breakage people retiring and you hire at step one and you recoup some of that breakage um unfortunately that not hasn't been H that has not been happening as much as people expect um and here's here's the liability on it we don't know really who's retiring until after we strike the budget right you're doing your budget February March striking April that's when you kind of get the information and you and some people they tend to retire in May and June so that that there's a feedback loop error there on that um I don't know where it's going to land when we do the official budget we pick every employee we put a guide in and see exactly them going up one step and and so forth and so we'll get a more accurate number um and this has cost positions because of this runaway factor and settlement above uh at the high numbers that we have expenditures pension so teachers pension uh and I'm almost done most people don't know this but we do not pay teachers pension the state pays we also don't pay FICA at 7.65% the state pays if we had to if any school had to it'd be de devastating um State Pension for teachers is almost 47% of their salary right if you had a Roth IRA that matched you at 47% I mean that would that would be a massive amount purs much lower at 17.6% I've done the kager compounded annual growth rate um it's been go since 2001 it's been going up 18% on average and we pay about 600 Grand a year on pension so it's not uncommon for this to go up 50,000 the year after year they don't tell you the number until afterwards so you have to take a guess on it on the chart you'll see the increases over time I've also included the pen the police fireman retirement system as well so you can see their increasing costs as well um but it's it's just a massive growth um last two slides demographics so student needs you see this in the Assa our student needs have been changing um and we have uh uh multi language Learners coming as well free and reduced this will have an impact to um some items four years ago we were around 3% we were 3% for a long time this year we've climbed to 9% so it was 6% last year now it's nine at 10% you must be on the national school lunch program the high school isn't there yet but I expect in four to five years the high school will be on the national school lunch program we'll cross that that road when we when we get there um with the liability on this is that you have to M you there's mandates that come with this and you have to pay up front first by the time you put them on the Assa which is a strike date of October 15th you don't get the money till the next year so you pay the first year and then the state chips in some amounts the following year okay um so the Assa the application for state school aid we strike the date October 15th every school district District in the state how many free and reduced what grades preschool disabled and so they take that information and then they put it into the state formula for next year's budget so you don't so I have an extra title one student I have an extra you know elll MLL student okay we'll give you additional funding for that but it'll be next year but you need to service the students now right there are students these are our kids in our town you have to service now then they'll send they give you the money the following year um next month's present uh we we'll be doing revenues a little bit more fun um and then we'll do the Assa we'll see in November we'll see what our student counts are class size and so forth and then we'll start doing expenditures uh in in December U miscellaneous last slide and thank you for your time I've gone over I know I'm sorry about that uh debt rating um you know we were not cutting debt Moody was looking at cutting us our rating the bud the public question passed so they held off on it if the state does cut us just as an example if they cut us um and then Moody's Cuts us say a quarter of a point it's about $100,000 a year in bonds so when we go out the bond in a few years from now when the debt falls off you know that could be of an impact interest rates went down great news Well we budgeted for that high interest rate and we took that risk I'm looking at $60,000 in losses just on interest Alone um and there's the breakdown both in operating budget and reserves legal costs always an issue uh higher here than normal um and and we track that and as the audit said tightest budget they've seen year after year and what does that mean for us is there's very little room for error and wiggle room so we have to be very very spot on and thank you for your time on this um and allow me go over a little over any questions like this is regu um one question on the state aid is our enrollment going up and I feel it is going up and if it is going up do you feel like you know what's our confidence level of confidence on those particular best case worst case scenario so um great question we won't know until October 15th exactly uh I believe that numbers are going down uh the trend is down down down um adding preschool bumped up the number but preschool is Grant funded 100% separate equation so I'll I'll have to adjust the presentation taking preschool out of the numbers so we can see Apples to Apples um the demographics is changing so that'll adjusted numbers uh the other thing is the state looks at a fiveyear average so they'll still the last five we've been going down down down um so even if we went up a little bit we don't have an explosion of growth um so it it would probably be down a little bit mind you they don't give us a lot right they give us about three grand a kid um they say they supposed to give us less so even if we went down 10 20 children it's you know 60,000 um not the 4.8 million they're talking about 4.7 so thank you and the next one that I had was with the health care insurance I see that at one point in time it went up 18% do you know what will it be for the next year we don't know we don't get those those estimates until March February March uh our broker will give us an idea um luckily we're part of the school's Health Insurance Fund with all other schools we all joined together it's almost 100 school districts together um and they have a rule that it's the average plus or minus 2% and they're we're very good at maintaining those costs uh and and and for that so typically it's 8% um I've seen it low sometimes 3% but after Co everyone's it's hard to get a doctor and and everyone's getting those appointments in so um so is that what to increase that huge percentage jump because so many people are going to the doctors for post pandemic and it was post pandemic yeah and dental really was the biggest one um I didn't put Dental on here other than we have dental costs but we self-insure for dental um we have our own reserve for that and it's healthy we haven't raised Dental prices in four five six years um so u i i i foresee that staying the same um Mick I remember uh I want to say it was June but it could have been may we talked about the budget we were looking at the forecast into the future and what we were looking at was a $1.7 million deficit are we still looking at that same number looking at you know I was adding up 900,000 and whatever numbers you put up on there but it wasn't getting to 1.7 so where are you I think it was around I I think roughly say around two so uh I haven't done a proforma with the new numbers yet and the new healthcare numbers we just got our Healthcare numbers for this for this month I I tracked preschool I did look at that because that was a big item because we're we're we're building that program out um that program is doing very well mind you preschool a lot of new teachers many of them don't uh rate healthc care because they're on their parents plan so that's bringing our average down it's bringing an average step down um that but once again that program is completely on its own um but we're looking at I always say roughly two million shortfall I haven't done the full number as we get closer and I have more data I'll I'll do a better performa um probably in December so it would be natural 172 million roughly plus whatever the state would cut us if they cut us and then my second question is we have an increase of free and reduceed lunge to 9% from a three from 3% we have reduced students but higher needs what and I know this October 15th as many sped teachers know this October 15th really well um if they're not giving us money into the following year I'm guessing how much of those students needs are covered by the state like is it a 80% is it 60% or is it full it's not full um if the students are they don't cover I wouldn't put a percentage on it um because it's it depends on their classification and they kind of lump together they do give you support if you cross $40,000 in district and even then they only give you half the money above 40,000 so the first 40 is yours and that includes AIDS doesn't include transportation and so forth it's a very complicated item um you know Mr Carrick and I were talking about that uh today um for some other item so it's not rock solid and adjusts every year um but yeah it's I can't put a number on I have to go through the math but it certainly isn't 100% I'll be I'll be lucky if it's even 50% um and then something that we always look at for October 15th is the transient population of if you didn't capture these kids by this date they come in and then they move and you don't get to capture again from the last year yet you've given Services what kind of population are you looking at do we have a transient population that moves around a lot or is it stable the that's just part of the part of life right there's a date they have to pick a date and they cut it and that's it there's no going back there's no adjustments um happens all the time um as for transient you know you look at mckin vento you look at homeless children um we have special ed children they come in half through the year and it'll be a child that has needs you support those needs but the state doesn't look at as a monthly they're like oh no it's total 40,000 well like I hit 35,000 but that was only for 6 months well sorry you can't put in for a claim and you have to wait so it happens more often than you think but it's you know two three sets of hands like it's not in consideration of our whole population I don't it's not large I mean we're talking a small amount we do track all those children because you need to service their needs um and um yeah but it's not outlandish it's just you have you have to typically I budget two to four children like that in the budget a district like this should be budgeting 8 to 10 or 12 but when you're putting 100,000 per child you we can't afford to put that big of a cushion uh and there's always pressure to make a Tighter and Tighter budget right um or if you don't then you have too much money at the end of the year so it is a balancing act and how much risk does this board want to take and we've decided uh for many years now it's make it tighter make it tighter make it tighter budget uh and mostly and save positions and support the needs of the children so um we just make a tighter tighter budget I um I have a question on whether for if we're going to do this monthly Nick I think one additional thing where you guys do a lot of great work on is uh the the building strategies of re Revenue so if we could add something in there about next month next month okay okay so next month revenues uh and then we'll do the November we'll do the Assa and student counts and Po and and and faculty ratios and then we'll do expenses okay and probably expenses will be for two for two months uh and then we'll be in budget season and then when we're all done with that we're going to have uh chat and Chu with Nick and myself out in the public to ask any questions on processing all this information because it is a lot but we were priding ourselves on being overly transparent with everything um but we wanted help people find their way as well instead of overwhelming them yeah absolutely I think this is wonderful thank you for doing it if I was a Community member again and not on this side I do find um this transparency very important yeah it's it's uh I've never seen some another District do this so there's no there's nobody for me to copy um so please give some feedback any new topics you want to talk about something you want to go further detailed into it we'll do that uh it's already on board docs and attach as an attachment so you have the presentation the public has their presentation already thank you Mr delr for posting that um and that's it I know we spent a lot of time on this and it's an important topic so I appreciate it um and if we can move on to committee reports wait sorry can I move any more questions for n are we really bad on time can I just ask a clarifying question ask a clarifying question thank you I appreciate that um I I see in one of the slides you have um in the most likely Revenue liability slide most likely um it says we are in communication with the executive County Superintendent that is that about just when we have more Intel and information or is it because you're stating proactively the concerns that our schools will face we're stating proactively great wonderful you just here's here's our concern you know um they understand us um the just passed a law uh uh that I think we we were the impetus of uh to allow people to go and an easier method to go raise a permanent tax levy many Bas after we did it many towns I had people call from other towns trying to do what we did and they were getting us some roadblocks and so forth and like here's the law here's the rules you know Mr Carrick you know showed us the way to do it uh the state just passed a law to make it even easier for everybody else so they understand it they know who we are when we got our approval the state already knew and had given me authority to up the amount I didn't it was it it was uh surprisingly um not as difficult in the computer system to take care of that action um and so we're just being proactive here we are please use us as an example I hope they do um and what it could do uh for a town right now this is mind you a lot of this has been going on in different counties uh and many other school districts um but for us you know it it hits home because it's it's our own district and it's our own people and it's our own staff um and I'd rather be growing the staff and decreasing classroom size than a doomsday scenario right any other questions for Nick all right thank you Nick uh we're going to move on to lison report does anybody have a lison report all right um Mr Leman for education development and policy thank you Dr Pier we met on September 10th at 6 o'clock we reviewed updates to the Robinsville high school and the Pond Road Middle School codes of conduct so we sat with Miss Avery and Mr gizo and they walked us through how the code of conduct is used in their schools um we got some information about Pond Road and how they're focusing on pbsis which stands for positive behavior supports in schools um you heard Marcus R rhs exec VI vice president mentioned in his statement and um it's a new reward system that's going to be supporting more restorative practices in the building and detective Marlin Webb updated us about that um in July during his presentation um the Robinsville High School utilizes a a system of demerits to work towards changing behaviors um and also discussed how across the district all hip investigations follow a very thorough process we reviewed a number of District policies and regulation updates and Nick I believe you said that we are to abstain on I two of those okay and we have several upcoming items we're going to be discussing in October and I'll update you on them at the Octo uh October meeting our next Ed policy meeting meeting is Tuesday October 8th thank you Miss Leen uh for personnel um I'm the chair of personnel and attendant we met on September 17th at 5 o'clock uh via Zoom uh in attendance was Jay Jay Gat Anthony Ray n vuka Dr Gorman Dr wuki Miss Tremor Mr defasio and Mr mccre first topic is Miss tremer went over the monthly Staffing spreadsheet um we talked about uh an employee issue on admin leave the third item Dr rusi pres uh presented aspects that could potentially result in an increase in ESL Staffing Mr mccre then discussed a grievance that could result in a change in a non-affiliated secretary moving into the Rea our fifth agenda fifth item was the Rea prek sidebar so Mr mccre presented a drafted a version of the sidebar agreement to address specific needs to the preschool program M mccre then requested a part-time staff member to Support Facility rentals due to an increased demand um he he's going to provide us with historical history for the context we tabled a motion on the Rea and technology and then our final item we talked about um HR P pum Mr mccre requested a part-time staff member to support uh our human resources department due to an increased workload due to new staff and Reporting demands action items on our list of t for approval is the monthly Staffing spreadsheet and the employee admin leave our next meeting is October 8th at 7 o'clock for business uh Mr Nana thank you Dr pero the business committee met um on September 20th uh I think we were all in attendance we discussed on the facilities um additional playground gates at sh and prms we have received the codes to ensure that all entrances are gated um specifically on the playgrounds uh there was also a safety issue which was brought forward by a parent around the access road between rhs and prms uh happy to say that the Pooles are fixed and thanks for the administration's work um they've made sure that there are cones placed and the safety is in place I believe there is also a cross guard now who is actually you know helping out we will still monitor for this and there will be some more additional protection you know we are thinking about Jersey barriers Etc which can also help uh the orus auditorium stage I think complete by end of this month uh which is good and prms cafeteria AV upgrade uh still awaiting some final touches but looks like it's it's almost done we also discussed about the summer project uh there's a cricket pitch which is marked out uh we need to schedule digging using our own equipment uh I think that's in progress uh we also discussed the state of budget presentation the preschool budget which is all within parameters at this point in time um and we all and and Nick Nick makers updated that the B head products which we were using in the C are I think that those were removed from a quality perspective be replaced with the other products at a lower cost due to safety reasons the pricing will be adjusted for that think that's more what we are on the next meeting will be on October 11 2024 thank you thank you Mr Nan our culations did not meet this month correct did no we did not meet this month thanks ad hoc technology we met on Monday September 16th uh in presence was nund Peter olberg Anthony raid Jeff Nick mccre John leer and myself jot uh we reviewed the summer initiative which was to replace the uh teacher desktops the Chromebooks as well as the multiple wireless networks that needed to accommodate the iot networks uh glad to present that a lot of that work has been completed thank you John for getting that done over the summer we reviewed the various policies and regulations for BYOD uh as well as looking at our AI policy more to come in the next technology committee meeting that we'll talk about that uh there's we launched the employee uh policy acceptance uh policy uh that was also done thank you John for that uh also MFA 2fa for all Microsoft emails has also been completed and uh last but not least we reviewed uh potential backups alternative for secondary internet in case of our primary internet going down uh we also talked about the unfunded uh physical security uh of the schools as it relates to technology as well as other security initiatives uh in the future meetings we we're going to be looking at our cyber uh training looking at the way how we connect to the various Wi-Fi networks Pi policy as well as p security for the student thank you thank you Mr Gadi ad hoc special education Miss hild Angela hi everyone um so miss John Miss georan Johnson and myself met last week um specifically we were talking about the assistant director search we also talked about Robin Robinsville Rises that's the old CAG um they've changed their name to rinville Rises their first parent meeting is um on October 22nd at rhs Media Center a first Parent Academy will be held on November 14th 2014 understanding your child's disability and if you'd like to join membership um please email the rpss p a gmail.com or RPS cpeg at gmail.com thank you thank you Amanda time we're going to have a uh public comment time will be allocated for public comment at this meeting members of the public wishing to address the board of education on agenda items must State their name municipality and the group if any they represent a member of the public shall not be permitted to speak until he or she is recognized by the presiding officer in accordance with District policy 0167 each comant shall be limited to 3 minutes no participant may speak more than once no dialogue between the speaker and the board and or superintendent shall extend the 3 minute time limit provided live streaming of the meeting shall be for reviewing only the public will not have the ability to participate in public session comments unless they are physically present at the meeting although the board encourages public comment the presiding officer can interrupt warn or terminate any participant statement question or inquiry when it's too ly and may also interrupt and warn a participant when a statement question or inquiry is abusive of scene or may be defamatory moreover the presiding officer can request any person to have to leave the meeting when that person does not observe the B the Quorum have a motion to for to open public comment so moved second thank you and that this is for public comment for agenda items only what time how much time it Norm do 30 minutes 20 20 minutes all in favor I I any n or abstention thank you motion passes anyone from the public agenda items only thank you good evening um nin can Robinsville um I have a few question about this um first of all um this is very nice thank you very much whomever changed it the format is very nice thank you it uh makes a lot of sense thank you um the second thing is about that board dos that you U mentioned that I see it's in here um and you said that the email goes to parents into that new email system that you have I don't have any children in the um schools so a lot of those time uh those emails I don't get them so the link will be up on the website okay no problem so okay so I just want to make sure that you cover somebody like me who doesn't have any children and I'm not in that system um that was uh number one and then um I saw that there is a lot of revised policies there is a lot of revised policies there is a couple few uh policies that are abolished uh that I see um I'm a little bit um curious about all those revised and all those abolished on that we don't talk about so um if you think that um maybe some of them are important um maybe we should uh talk about them uh there's quite a few of them and um another another question that I have is about um thank you Nick for that uh those slides they were very um productive for somebody like me who doesn't like numbers but um I was just put it together is um thank you for starting to talk about it now but the only question that I have not now that you passed the um you know question from the uh residents and um we have all these deficits that are coming our way one way or another in uh a little bit higher a little bit lower um have you guys started talking about what are we going to do because um I understand that um you don't have the whole number in your hand to say okay I'm going to take 100 from here and I'm going to put it over there but at the same time have we started talking about that we are going to talk take 100 from here and put it over there like because I don't think the residents will be happier to pay more than the 2% raises of the taxes that you're going to do it's just not going to fly so um I'm thank you for bringing this up I appreciate that but I would like to uh see what you guys are talking about it and how you are talking about it and what is the plan i' like to know about the plan and I would like to be um I would like you to guys include people people who do not have children in schools to be involved in that because you guys are still getting our tax money so I think we should be included um thank you for that thanks are there any other public comments on agenda items can I have a motion for to close public comment on agenda items and resume the order of business second second all in favor I can I get a motion um the superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the following Personnel education policy and business action items can I get a motion so moov second all in favor all okay any discussion okay I I have to read this individually for everybody it's a it's not um as a reminder you're going to abstain I to yourself only or it'll never pass if we say so yourself only uh Miss bandua abstain yes yes to all abstain to I to yourself yes okay and um Mr Gadi yes to I yourself thank you Miss Hill DeAngelo uh yes abstain to I to just for myself thank you ma'am Mr Howard yes do stain to I to for myself right Miss Leman yes to all abstain from I too for myself Mr nandon yes to all abstain I for myself Mr Ray yes to all abstain I to for myself Dr Pio yes to all abstain from for myself Mr olberg yes for all same for I for myself thank you very much everybody motion passes all right thank you uh all business so I have one thing that actually in uh Pete's board report I did not scroll down I missed a paragraph that uh actually can take care of right now um so last after last board meeting um there was a concern raised about a lack of sidewalks on the service road between uh the high school and middle school by a parent during public comment several of the board members were able to observe this firsthand after the board meeting and asked the administration to investigate further since then the shoulder has been repaired new lines have been drawn and temporary barriers have been installed um the administration is committed to fully addressing this issue and will provide updates as actions take place any other old business all right Dr new business I just have one item on new business um in attendance tonight is our new assistant director of special education Mr Christopher Butler congratulations and welcome to the [Applause] team now have a public comment on school related matters so time will be allocated for a public comment at this meeting members of the public wishing to address the board of education on school related matters must State their name municipality and group of any they represent a member of the public shall not be pred to speak until he or she is recognized by presiding officer in accordance with District policy 0167 each comment shall be limited to three minutes no person may speak more than once no dialogue between the speaker and the board and superintendent May extend to three minutes time limit here within uh live streaming the meeting shall be for viewing only the public will not have the ability to participate in the public session comments unless they are physically present in the meeting although the board encourages public comment the Pres the presiding officer can interrupt warn or terminate participant statement question or inquiry when it's too lengthy and may also interrupt and warn a participant when the statement question or inquiry is abusive of scene or may be defamatory moreover the presiding also can request any person to lead a meeting when the person does not observe resemble to Quorum can I get a motion to open public comments on school related matters second all in favor hi 20 minutes 20 minutes okay hi nin can Robinsville um I don't know the rule I know about years before but I don't know I want to know if there is any Reise rule or anything about um the time before November if you could have a platform for all the um Board of Education uh candidates to be in the same room so public can ask questions and we can talk to them all at the same time because this is a um School matter it's not um anything political or uh disturbing but the only thing is that the um we have six people that are running and we would like to hear from each one of them and um it can be in a very polite manner um the same questions I really don't care I just want to have them all in the same room and being able to compare their answers with each other because this is very important and also I wanted to see if you guys have any kind of rules because that's actually my question from um the other part of the government of Robinsville also do you guys have any rules of how many um meetings um you guys can miss and not show up or like um not being able to be there because um I understand and I appreciate people trying to be there by the telephone but sometimes there are stuff being shown in here and convers that um they are not going to be able to see and then they vote on it so it just doesn't work for me so I'm just wondering that do you guys have any rules or anything that everybody have agreed and signed and and appreciate it and um knowing that what we are going to start and um again um I like to know that I know you you say that you're not going to go to a back and forth with a resident or talk or answer or whatever so I would like to know how do I get my answers because um some of my answers are not for only from me it's from quite a different people that's why I come here with no children and sit here and I spend an hour and a half two hours in here so I like to know when will I get my answers and no I don't come to school because as I said I don't have children so I don't see anybody eye to eye so I like to know people like me how do we get our answers when we have questions thank you yes so so this is also uh you know true for all residents so what you know the board will OB uh kind of uh take in comments you know Dr Gorman and his team will kind of go back and review and they can kind of reach out with any answers um I think that you know as far as uh you know rules that we have certain I guess here's one thing I just want to clarify so when we do have remote access it's due to being unable to attend they have all the information that the board has presently as well so it's not like they are not seeing a presentation or they're ignorant to the presentation that they're which they're voting on they all that information is provided to any remote um board member so just to clarify that real quick any other public comments all right can I have a motion to uh close public comment on related matters and resume order of business second all in favor I uh can I get a motion to adour the meeting second all in favor I all right we're done have a great night what