##VIDEO ID:RowlQhFTWJo## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right e all right can I have a motion to open public session and resume order of business Moe second all in favor any or extensions all right please plan stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America and to the it stands Nation okay can I have a motion to uh have board member remote access for Mr J galot Moote second all in favor any n or extensions no Jay welcome to the meeting thank you all right board president's report good evening board members staff parents and community members thank you for joining us for the August 2024 Board of Education meeting for the Robinsville School District I hope you all had a wonderful invest summer so far complete with relaxation and enjoyment that helps us recharge for the busy times ahead as the summer comes to an end we eagerly look forward to the start of the new school year next week we are excited to welcome back our dedicated staff and the students as they return to school ready to embark on a new year filled with growth learning and Discovery this month we not only prepare for the beginning of the academic year but also some exciting events in our district that should make the community proud We Are th thrilled to celebrate the opening of our new preschool programs at Sharon Elementary School and Pond Road uh Middle School this Thursday this initiative marks a significant step towards uh our commitment to providing highquality early childhood education and we look forward to the positive impact it will will have on our youngest Learners we will also celebrate the dedication of our new flag poll at rhs this Friday evening prior to the first football game of the year please come out and join us for the event and cheer for the boys team thank you all for your continued support and dedication to our district together we can make this year one of the best thank you and superintendent report Dr Gorman good evening everybody hear me okay all right great good evening members of the Board of Education staff parents and community members um as we stand on the threshold of the 20242 school year I'm really thrilled to share some exciting updates with you in my short time here it has become clear to me that Robinsville is a district with immense potential our commitment to putting students first and ensuring that they receive the best educational practices and experiences is evident in everything we do I want to give you some examples of this evidence to this commitment tomorrow administrative team will gather for a retreat at baps this Retreat is an opportunity for us to come together strengthen our collaboration and prepare for the year ahead we are also looking forward to an educational tour that promises to inspire and inform different aspects of our work we're also excited about our professional learning days coming up for staff on September 3rd and 4th we've created the hashtag Arville schools learn to showcase our learnings and build positive momentum for the school year with our staff look forward to our our are hashing away on those days um as mentioned in the board president's report we're excited to kick off our full day prek program at Sharon Elementary and pawn Road Middle School will be symbolically conducting a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday at both schools this new initiative will welcome over 165 three and four year old Learners into our district and is a sign ific milestone for Robinsville the dedication of our central office team our building and grounds team our technology teams and our new pre- director Dr Lori Burns who is in attendance with us today wave hler um has been instrumental in making this a reality I'm really excited about um visiting our new three and four year olds Additionally the Genesis portal was open this week allowing students and parents to view their schedules and placements our principles and administrators and counselors have been working on any glitches or conflict with our families so we are up and running um last month I was asked in public forum to identify areas for improvement um in our district while I've only been here two months without students I believe we can focus on increasing communication and transparency across all levels additionally focusing on the basics of leading and teaching with love and ensuring that every student receives the best education possible will be at the Forefront of our work this year finally the energy from our students is already palpable many students have been participating in preseason inter Scholastic Sports and band practice at rhs and their enthusiasm is contagious I was able to attend popsicles with parents with our incoming kindergarten students at Sharon last week and I could feel the students energy as they played on the playground and I got to meet some parents um and then today I visited Pond Road Middle School during their orientation day as students enjoyed a Mr smoothie ice cream treat courtesy of the school student activity account um led by Mr gizo I'm confident that we are poised for a successful and rewarding school year um lastly we are seeing an uptick in um attendance and enrollment and that's due to um the new school year and um National and international Affairs people are moving into school communities um internationally um we're we're seeing a rise in that um and we are excited about next week as school begins and I can't wait to meet the kids and the staff um Mr President that concludes my superintendent's report thank you Dr Gorman leaon reports any liazon reports for the month thank you and now the most anticipated part of the evening the ba report Felicia please take us away so I'll give you a quick intro Felicia so um with working with Nick and Felicia we wanted to continue our series of being transparent um with all aspects of the budget um Nick myself and Felicia worked on a slide deck that they presented to me the other day um that really focuses in on the efficiencies that the business office does throughout the school year and some pretty creative revenue streams that um everyone might not be aware of um so Felicia is going to run through those and then we will post this and then um when Nick gets back um we'll we'll flush out any questions and we'll do a Q&A on that and everything else that we're doing hi good evening I'm Luc assist School Bus administrator filling in for Nick MC so one of the ways to increase the budget uh is through Grant efficiency so just making sure that we're getting our highest return um and one example that he has listed when you use Grant funds to pay for salaries we don't get reimbursed for their pension and FICA all certificated certificated U employees or we refer as t tath um we're eligible for reimbursement of their pension and fight C so if we don't do that and we use Grant funds to pay for those salaries just for a teacher who makes $80,000 a year we would lose $42,000 uh extraordinary aid for special needs students uh this is one that was not being maximized prior to Mr McCree coming into office and the amount of work that goes into it it tends to be a little tedious but it's well worth it as you can see the submissions have increased significantly so you also reenroll the district in the semi- reimbursement uh that was previously declined for title three funds you have to have if you're receive if you're eligible to receive less than $110,000 you have to have a Consortium so there was no Consortium in Mercer County so Mr McCree along with pwell Valley Regional created the Consortium so that we could receive the $4,500 which may not seem like a lot but every little bit counts and of course um you know our newest Grant this year the preschool expansion act so we grow that by another million dollars next year with more adding more classrooms and in this slide there'll be the link to the gr sorry that'll outline the grants that are available you know how much the grants are and descriptions and all that yes okay thank you so another important part of maximizing our budget is reimbursements so the state is responsible for paying tuition for homeless students so uh we make sure that we're getting those reimbursements uh there's also changing of position if that if it's possible as I mentioned in the other Grant slide so we get reimbursed for those positions so it's more beneficial for the district to have a certificated tpaf position than just to hire someone at a different position and put them in cures so for the one position that he changed that saved the district $20,000 and he re-enrolled The District in the national school lunch program in 2122 and at that time that saved a parent of one student around ,000 we also have um other revenue streams the revenue stream and earning we have earnings on the NJ arm which is New Jersey asset and rebate Management program it's an investment account for in government so we move funds there reserves so that we can get a higher interest than if there were left in the regular bank account facilities rentals is one of our um biggest revenue streams that brings in money to help reinvest in offset taxpayer funding and we've made making improvements to this brings us higher higher higher rent higher more income some other places that we've saved money are the internet we have we own the F fiber optic lines between the high school and Sharon and that saves us about $22,000 a year as well and also we have the benefit of added extra bandwidth and LED lights have been installed in all of the schools but in Sharon uh they have completely over to LED in the last six to nine months and Mr mccre is looking into getting quotes for to do full upgrades to Pond and the high school um and there will be incentives with that they won't be the same as Sharon but there will be other incentives so we also switched to the school health insurance fund which same plan different provider saves the district a million dollars per year and as this is another saving that is passed on to employees they save around ,000 per employee we also have a free solar system so solar system is purchase it's under a power purchase agreement uh we do not have to maintain it so that's a huge cost savings for us and that saves us about $100,000 per year and there's a a link in the slide here to the district solar system that you can take a look at so you'll see here at the on the dashboard for the solar system and now mind you this is over a lifetime lifetime has only been two years but we have saved approximately 4,360 trees and over 4 million miles so you can see here at Sharon these are our solar panels here in this school we actually own them at um Pond the ones right outside here see they're over the parking lot and at the high school if you notice sorry so if you notice the size the amount of solar panels here it's actually larger than the football field it's a lot of solar panels it also creates shade which is nice because we see a lot of people jogging out there Felicia I'm sorry to interrupt you real quick I'm getting a slew of messages that people can't hear on the live stream so my I am so sorry sorry I apologize no problem and I know Dr Gorman mentioned that we'll have all this on the on the it'll it'll be on the it'll be on the website um so just wanted to go back just so you can see how many solar panels we have um it's a lot it's a lot um so over the last two years we've saved over a quarter of a million dollars significant good all good thank you very much thank you um public comment can have a motion to open public comment on agenda items only vote so we haveu Amanda all in favor all right everyone any a or extensions no I just I just have to read it one give me one second so uh we're going to open it for 30 minutes 3 minute cap and then um you know you can read it all here I don't want to keep you stand there so just you know good public decorum and all that great stuff so please sorry that's okay thank you good evening my name is Tina inverso 68 Sara Drive I currently have two children in the district my daughter Gloria is in sixth grade and and my son Anthony is a junior my oldest son is a recent graduate M I'm sorry to interrupt it's so this is not is it not on the agenda for is this on the agenda it is on the agenda this is regarding the athletic director at the high school oh okay sorry yeah I'm I'm here for two different reasons today hello Mr Goron nice to meet you apologies I no problem um as I was saying I have three children my oldest graduated from rhs this year my son Anthony is a junior and my daughter Gloria will will be in sixth grade I'm presenting you today with some comments and some concerns about the status of our current athletic director at the high school so in it's in 2022 the athletic director who was full-time had her hours cut because of budget constraints and was part-time so since that time we've been working with a part-time athletic trainer and we've been filling in with agency trainers and on the agenda today we are approving two agencies to continue filling in for the time that the part-time athletic director is not here my question is why when we had an athletic director for as far as I know since the high school started and now we only have a part-time athletic director I don't understand why that is and why we would hire agency athletic directors to take care of our student athletes I is it cost effective I wonder I don't think that it possibly can be it certainly isn't benefiting our students because they're lacking the continuity of care of a full-time athletic director this has already caused problems last year a JV lacrosse game had to be canceled because there was no athletic trainer [Music] present you had a lot of players and parents that were very upset and even though we had contracted with these agencies we could not get a trainer and the game had to be cancelled I hope that doesn't happen again because again we have a part-time athletic trainer and I question why are we are hiring two agencies to fill in for the hours that the part-time athletic trainer who should be full-time is not there I think we've been patient enough and I think our student athletes deserve better thank you thank you any other public comment on agenda items okay not seeing any I have a motion to close public comment on agenda items stay moved a second aru Arthur thank you all in favor I any extensions no okay uh um approval of the minutes um resolv to approve the minutes of the public session and executive session of the robins Board of Education submitted for the following one through six can I have a motion vote second Arthur Jeff all in favor I any or extensions nope committee reports um chairs will now read them so Ed policy Miss lean not here but I think Dr Pi you have them yes I have Ed policy U Ed policy met at 5:00 on August 20th um present was our chair uh Miss Leman Dr Gorman Mr defasio and myself item discussed first item discussed was policy 2365 is the creation of AI usage the administration is going to begin to develop an AI policy and District plan we'll start working with teachers and administrators so the policy reflects the needs of our student population we at annual I ready data review missio presented the math data overview and Ela for 2324 showed promising results that will drive the curriculum instruction for the upcoming year the third agenda was our preschool parent and student hand handbook so we were presented with the final handbook for preschool all Boe members uh were encouraged to look it over before next meeting they ask any questions of our director of prek for pwn Road Middle School math placement update Mr fio talked to us about njsla scores and final placement coming in this week the curriculum team went through all math njsla scores and willj schedules of of students if they if they scored in exceeding expectation range um curriculum will also be notifying parents we discussed a data instructional coach and multi-tier system of support data lead um there was basically two positions that exist already was a tweak to the job description to account for the continuous use of data to drive discussions with teachers and administration we also discussed a potential teacher stien for each school to handle all aspects of standardized testing throughout the year currently this responsibility is handled by assistant principles discussion was had about the Pond Road and the high school code of conduct the board is looking to review the code of conducts um with the principles at the next meeting to discuss any questions conversations were generated from an investigation making sure that all they ensure all processes are dealt with fairly and proactively we discussed a preschool digital security from a grant the physical security purchased uh from for pond is 109,000 for a pilot in the g-wing only potential for Sharon preschool only in the future depending on the pilot and funding and last we had our Board of Education goals um curcum based goals mathematics andal goal to include proactive approaches to booing in schools the action items uh recommended for tonight is approve the following job descriptions for the current teaching staff data instructional coach mtss data lead and self-contained Special Education data instructional coach our future discussions will be um on the policy update 233 and that'll be a first reading our next meeting is September 10th at 6 o'clock thank you Dr Pi personnel as you keep on going all right Personnel is also me um so right after that meeting on August 20th at 6 p.m. we um Personnel met uh presid was um myself as the chair Mr glot Mr Ray Dr Gorman Mrs defasio and Mrs Tremor we reviewed uh Miss tror reviewed the monthly Staffing report um Dr Gorman gave us an update on the red program for pury K it was going to be open to all preschool families to support both before and after care and we also uh discussed the um mtss data lead and data instructional coach um change of job description title and the testing coordinator in action items on today um monthly Staffing sheet approval and approve the following job descriptions as I mentioned previously our next meeting is scheduled for September 17th at six o'clock thank you Dr Pi business is myself um the business committee met on August 19th at noon over at the csa's office um we just started discussing the uh facilities maintenance the rhs generator is complete the s school balance units were repaired and our complete um we reviewed the facilities rentals so the uh rhs stage is underway to be um renovated and and fixed the new uh installation began on Monday the 19th uh the cafetorium is 98% complete so we're almost there for the AV upgrades that we did in here hopefully everyone can see everything better when they're being presented and here is better during the presentation um summer projects uh heavy into the preschool getting that ready it's about 70% complete all it's left is Pond to get uh wrapped up rhs um most of the activities there are are complete or finishing up Shon School the cricket pitch is uh has been marked out for beginning and will be and that should commence in the next couple weeks the and the rhs walkway has been postponed until the upcoming year um finance and business items so we reviewed building Insurance the the building Insurance appraisals so we've our buildings have amassed value from 122 million at the last uh assessment to 171 million the preschool budget um is is still being assessed for the upcoming year we won't know until more until October we reviewed the bills funds for the the month thank you Ru for coming out and doing that um reviewed the state of the budget presentation and the pre the preschool um physical security systems uh reviewed School launch prices there'll be no increase in school launch prices for the year um we ref we reviewed the red before and after CARE program for the year and the high impact tutoring Grant was reviewed as well uh the next meeting will be held on September 20th any questions comments and community relations Mr n thank you the community relations team meet uh met on August 21st at 6 PM in attendance myself chair samanda author Dr Jeff Gman and chrisy Deasia uh we discussed the followup on the artwork display at prms um it's a it's a good place we are working with b& and the business office to set up a display with plexiglass to Showcase art work by our students and possibly by Community the artwork would rotate throughout the year and our curriculum team is working with our teachers on opening day to help lead this initiative uh the Board of Education goals and mental health was the next item the curriculum based Boe goals mathematics CL goal to include proactive approaches to bullying in schools we also discussed about um the board meeting recognition for Max potential uh invitation you know to the person is to attend invitation to the person to attend our October Boe meeting and showcase her work with our students is established uh the backpack giveaway update uh the backpacks I think have been delivered already is good awesome thank you very much so all School receives 25 backpacks with the school supplies additional backpacks will be donated to the local school district so thank you the next meeting would be on September 4th 6 p.m. thank youo atoc security that's me um the committee met Thursday October 22nd at the high school um we we reviewed the school committee uh I'm sorry School Safety Committee updates from the principles they presented a a present a presentation on the security of the schools performed by the security audit uh the police department reviewed a presentation on upcoming um activity that'll be held at on the district grounds we reviewed uh facilities um equipment and Hardware uh for security for the schools review of the preschool expansion act fund and what security to be uh pulled out of that budget to cover the both schools and we did the a the a refresh at all locations were purchased we're waiting the install those are the main topics a future uh meeting has not been scheduled yet but usually they every six to8 weeks last oh no I'm sorry ad hoc uh special oh I'm sorry any questions or comments not seeing any Amanda we we actually didn't formally meet this month and that we had nothing to say sorry do you want to announce the activity for the evening oh yes everyone um you are welcome to go out to my car and get some backpacks after this that's very heavy um we encourage you to carry them inside and we would really appreciate it thank you so much thank you Amanda um last but not least ad hoc technology Jay yeah the ad hoc technology committee did not me since the last time so no updates over here thank you Jay any other questions comments for the Committees all right moving on to monthly resolutions the superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the following action items a through C can I have a motion please V Mr N I need a second AR perfect Jay we don't have you here to you know to motion or second we're missing you in person I was GNA I was going to go for it but I figured i' let the people in the house do that today jump in jump in Jay jump in I have a walk on motion oh yeah okay I have a a motion to approve the settlement between settlement agreement between the Robinsville Education Association and the Robinsville Board of Ed and docket number ce22 24-7 thank you we'll have that to the list and any questions comments discussion not seeing any uh have a roll call please okay um Mr Gat yes M Hill D'Angelo yes Mr Howard yes Mr Nandan yes Dr Pio yes and Mr olberg yes all right let me just scroll ahead in our that was a settlement yeah was okay all right any old business new business I was just curious how the how the school district is opening how are the things coming along with the school district which is which is set to open I know that you addressed that particular Jeff Gan anything else that you wanted to add feel everyone is ready and excited I'm really excited about being here and um the internal structure of the district is really strong and it's allowed me to emphasize the communication and the transparency and visit schools and work with uh meet with parents um and students for that matter in in the first month um and so I we are ready to go and uh opening day can come soon enough for us thank you thank you any other new business and thank you Dr Gorman I a thank you there's a lot of behind the scenes things that happen in a summer there's many Educators here um as well and we know how hard you are working over the summer and we want to thank you and we are so excited and our kids are so excited to just love on you and come back to the school district and we really do thank you than you that thank you I have a shout out too because we talked about celebrating the preschool opening right I I know I talked about it we wouldn't be here if Dr was nusi and and Christie did not take the chance to put the Grant in right so thank you for doing that giving our district this opportunity so thank you very much thank you okay any other new business it's kind of old business but I that's both all right and public comment for school related matters can I have a motion to open public comment on non-agenda items for 30 minutes M second all in favor I all right for three minutes same rules hello again everyone my name is again Tina inverso at 68 hour drive and my public comment is regarding my daughter Gloria who will be in the sixth grade at Pond Road Middle School and the busing situation from to and from our neighborhood Saran Woods my older boys both had a bus to and from pond middle school but in 2022 due to budget constraints the bus for our school was taken away there were several neighborhoods that were slated to have courtesy busing taken away but only Saran Woods had their bus taken away last year I chose to bring and pick up my daughter from school because I did not feel that the access road was safe and I still do not feel that the access road is safe she is expected to walk through the access road 2 526 where there is a crossing guard for her to walk but the access road near the entrance of Pond Road Middle School does not have a sidewalk and does not have a curb for several hundred yards I don't know the exact measurements but if you go out there you will see there is no sidewalk and no curb therefore all those children that are walking to San Woods will be walking next to moving vehicles with nothing between them and the moving Vehicles even if these vehicles are going slow if one of them veers off and hits a student there's nothing to stop them I do not feel this is safe and I do not feel that my child should have to walk on a road to get back and forth to school either give us our busing back or please provide a sidewalk with a curb I voted yes to increase our taxes so that we could get some of these Services back and I hope that you will take that into consideration thank you any other public comment not seeing any I have a motion to close public comment on school related items vot all in favor any Nam or extensions and now can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting vote all in favor any maor extensions okay thank you everyone for coming out tonight all right he thank you thanks J note the time it's 7:48 and we started at 711