##VIDEO ID:PuMggQC-b2E## welcome to the Roa Park work and public meeting the time is 6 o'clock date is August 28 20 2024 open public meeting up according to the open public meetings act this meeting of August 28 2024 was sent to the our town and the record and published on July 30th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and on roal Park website and Facebook p and has remained continuously posted as the required notice under the statute and is being recorded and videotaped in addition a copy of this notice has been available to the public and is on file in office of municipal clerk are we recording to be yeah okay roll call Deputy Mayor pichy committee woman Arta here committee woman judge Cella here committeeman Miller here mayor Vetti you have a forum okay start with a Pledge Allegiance Pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you [Music] we do um do is there a correspondence I do we have correspondence um just a few things um starting Friday August 31st Burton County will be spraying for mosquitoes uh from 300 a.m. to 6 a.m. I'm sorry August 30th if it rains Friday they will do it Saturday on the 31st so they will all over town spraying in the early mornings I have up there if you want to see what they're spraying the different chemicals they're using please keep your windows closed and don't let your uh puppies or uh cats out until um about 10:00 in the morning so we put that on our website and social media so everybody's aware also buron County 60th annual Art in the Park show uh Saturday October 19th at danor county park for all Burton County residents or artist age 17 or older are encouraged to register and um as cash priz is $175 $150 125 honorable mention and best in Shell um and the exhibitor spots are 6 feet by 8T wide so you can register right on the County website and I have those laes over there too also please take notice as required by the state of New Jersey in njsa 40 semicolon 12-5 the Bergen County open space trust fund public advisory committee on behalf of the Bergen County Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on the proposed allocations of its open space trust fund for funding year 2024 on Thursday September 26 2024 at 6:30 at the Learning Center on the fourth floor of the County Administration Building one bgen County Plaza Hackensack New Jersey and that is all I have thank you you the approve on the agenda I see close session is at the end but it was advertised that close session was going to be at the beginning right so I just advertised that our meeting was starting at 6 okay so let's move it up okay so yeah why we just for approval the agenda someone make a motion to move post session up to now we will be brief in close session we'll come right now okay so um asking for a motion of approval of the agenda with moving the close session up do I have a motion motion second okay committee women judge CLL yes committee man Miller yes committee woman Arta yes okay so close session was moved up and we approve the agenda so then we just need a motion to go on to close Okay I ask for a motion I'll make the motion second okay committee woman judge cello yes committee Miller yes and committee woman ARA yes for the Public's benefit we'll be very brief in close session we'll be back out shortly have you don't need to be okay all right a motion to come out of [Music] closed ask for a motion to come at a Clos session motion second all in favor I okay next on the agend uh under discussion we have corrective action Roy richo good evening Roy everyone evening this will be very brief we can put the clock on 2 minutes so the audit was almost perfect this year we had five comments three are all tied into one comment the law requires me to come before you to present the corrective action plan um there will be some other documents for you to sign as Township committee uh hopefully we can upload Friday and if possible on to the fast system uh deadline is August 31st so we should be fine with that um again I want to thank the committee without your guidance and financial helping us uh by having proper staff uh it shows now it as I said it's not perfect but it's close enough so some of the comments were we have to uh basically brush up our internal controls uh specific with the contract laws um and basically it's buying uh some equipment or goods and services prior to a purchase order and there's always exceptions but we went over the exception threshold and it shows you uh over the weekend with the DPW the fire department um and they forget to get the PO first um we did some blanket POS this year hopefully we'll meet the intent of the law not have a comment on that the dog licenses uh that's now been rectified it's working the software Works uh the Personnel also now is basically giving reports monthly um so that's been corrected um change orders have to be on the minutes we missed uh one and it only takes one so that's why there's an order comment and that's been rectified as well um that that's it that I mean the order was as clean as it can be for the size of Community we have uh although it's small as far as uh mileage the amount of entries are just as large as any other community basically um that's it I'm going to file this as soon as you all sign uh the paperwork and again by giving us me the your CFO the proper Staffing couldn't have gone any better thank you great thank you okay next on the agenda we have uh Boswell engineering report [Music] [Music] hello I don't think so okay thank you heing see again uh you run down our projects the Grell Avenue Railroad Avenue interception Improvement project is a which is a Burton County project uh We've submitted them as they reported last month the decour plan and the BS in airport move it ahead the sary sewer pump station Improvement project um the Tre new works application is still under review uh by the D and uh we haven't got any comments back emergency sanitary repair um we uh we got the emergency authorization and the required document engineering plan will be DP next week that's moving along the storm sewer uh ms4 storm sewer mapping is uh it's been sent and approved by the DP on U July 30 Howard Avenue drainage and resurfacing the contractor will be starting up Friday August 30th so we're looking forward to that uh digital tax Ms uh the we submission was sent down to DP on August 22 and hopefully that'll be approved the 23 uh cdbg Grant application for darthy Avenue virtue project is completed uh the construction is completed and we're preparing the Final close out documents payment and close out the project buron County 20 23 buron County open space Carlock and Matthew Fields um you call the uh the schedule is to fit it this winter for the construction uh we going to be coordinating with the burough administrator for the uh purchase of the Park equipment through uh directly Harvey Avenue the do 2024 project is ongoing and it's about 20% the uh 2025 Community Development uh project an application for Lincoln Drive and Chestnut as you may know the uh cdbd just came out with Revis Maps those streets are no long included so we are uh reecting and SP prepairing an application to do for their ltcf Grant uh program for those streets we're another gr CD and that's happened in many times that we did we the m just the last month White Street got taken out U and um we are uh making progress on a storm water pollution prevention plan so that's my report if you don't mind icept yeah so uh question just a quick question on the roal Avenue Railroad Avenue SE just for the benefit of the uh uh Township committee uh my office has prepared finalized and sent the uh easements in for filing with the county the county returned them to me they wanted additional changes which I made and then I refiled them last week so we're just waiting on the county to confirm that in fact the easements both the temporary and permanent easement have been filed by the county and then that that aspect will be completed Pete do we have an timeline I believe it said fall 2024 start because the um the landowner that uh engaged in the easements with us is looking for a timeline so he could advise his tenants do we have any idea I don't but I'll have we'll contact the County if get better idea great if someone could email me and just send me a proposed timeline just so I have an idea I can plan accordingly with my office and then I could let the land owner know as well as a courtesy okay sure appreciate and then continue just remain in contact with my office for anything that you you need from me all right that's it I have else any other questions yeah uh excuse me hiete um Howard AV you said restarting again on the 30th yes is that the the digging the piping and everything else C okay and um what happened with the piping that we had the old piping was that able to be sold I'll have to get you I apologize I remember you talking I did ask yeah and I get up on that and what about Harvey Avenue now Harvey Avenue you said it's 20% done what what's the completion what are we looking at here I'll get back to that thank you very much sorry I didn't no worries thank you I just uh I just have a suggestion I I think these notice of construction activities that Bell sent to the town are wonderful it was to all residents it was transparency that construction was about to commence but I also think that it would be a great idea for you guys to do the same protocol when there are delays or interruptions within the construction the same correspondence with the letterhead as well and then the township can also share it on its uh social media page just for transparency because I know walking on Howard have folks are confused they don't know what happens they don't know when it's going to start again so just a suggestion thank you so much yeah I'm moving on Howard get a lot of neighbors every time I Garden I get neighbors asking question report yes I did see uh one of the um I don't know tractor or whatever it is by the park there it was back so I was glad to see that so the equipment's coming back getting ready to work great okay thank you okay next one I will be on vacation my colleague BR Randy sitting here he will good evening great we'll see you next month and enjoy your vacation the next Mee is September 25th yeah we're not having a work session on September 11th because September 11th so it's um September 25th um actually looking to do a 6 PM start um and that's a notice to the public as well we need to ask the other members of the township committee if 6 o'clock would be good for that I should go by tomorrow yeah so we're looking at six o'clock for the next meeting um but we do need to confirm with the other members who AR good all right thank you so the meeting on 911 is cancelled right and we had September 11 can yeah thank you so much I'll email you tomorrow thank you Min okay um next um we have a administrator's report do we have any um anything from okay uh committee reports would you like to go first sure thank you okay let me start off with few things here [Music] so let me start off with the good evening everyone the seniors on September 5th at 1 pm. there will be a remembered ceremony in honor of the past president Jones Sim I have I will be I will have the privileged on speaking on behalf of the township committee I am the Le is on to the seniors the roal Park Police Association will supply the pizza and the soda for that that day um there will be a free flu clinic on September 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for seniors disabled employees this Clinic is done by Bergen County Health Department and will be sponsored by Invictus Pharmacy this year please contact McKenzie michaa Michaela I do I have twins Kayla K this all the time Michaela I'm sorry um in the main office for an appointment but Walkins are also welcome um I believe that would be for seniors would be over the age of 55 as what we're doing right yeah I don't think they would turn anybody down but great on Thursday September 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Bergen County will once again sponsor the annual senior festival at Danone county park for anyone 60 years or older which may which will include lunch music entertainment and resource tables registration is required and can be done on the County website as for the school um welcome back to school time school will be uh starting again on I'm talking about middle and school will be starting on September 5th and there's been quite a few updates uh that were done to the school including part of the roof painting technology and replacement of the third and first floors and also the new gym floor will be installed shortly and that came in at um a $20,000 under budget which is great on behalf of the township committee I wish them all a wonderful successful school year um now DPW have um from Dave they had uh they had a complaint regarding a recyclable company the truck broke down did not and did not do repairs on the side of the road they did them in the street they were contact to clean up their mess um and they that they had did originally they tried cleaning up but then had to get contact come back and clean this up because it wasn't clean um and Dave made made sure that happened they have been expecting storm drains from recent Bloods um they continue to maintain the parks and flower beds as well as working with the shade tree committee to plant the tri at the triangle at Bennett in Somerville that little triangle there they had four calls for sewer backups and they're cleaning the sewer lines uh started trimming trees uh to maintain them at do regulation height um they assisted the PD on National Night Out pre setup and cleanup um they're in the process of painting curbs at the corners of intersections as per the PD's request and the sewer line on El Dorado um did a repair on they'll be doing repairs on that on nine um three pending weather and I'd also like to just say them a little bit here we lost congressman pasal who was part of our Ninth District and uh was and he was our Congressman here in sh Park um and so for my opinion the congressman Pas was a wonderful and caring gentleman who I spoke and worked with just this past July 2nd um to try to help to receive funding for Rosa Park he was a great supporter for police and fire and has he well always stated for the little guy I know he'll be missed by many and may He rest in peace and that's what I have thank you uh if you could just please pass along our condolences for Jon Sim when you speak she fought when she was ill and she really tried to hold that position as long as she could and she was very brave in her illness so thank you for doing that sure okay Mr Miller thank you in July the court issued 396 traffic tickets and handled 12 criminal complaints resulting in a total core revenue of $1,788 for the month of July access for all is looking for volunteers to join their committee please fill out a volunteer form and send it to anarie Wells access for all will be meeting September 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the senior center the Burton County Utilities Authority will conduct a household hazardous waste collection on Saturday September 7th at Burton County Camp Gom Mountain reservation from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. rain or shine reminder also here in Ro show park is holding a shredding event in the municipal parking lot on Saturday September 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. a New Bridge Landing popup tour will occur on September 8th from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. burn County history history enthusiasts will meet at Main Street and Newbridge Road in River Edge visitors will explore Revolutionary War sites including the stuen house with an expert tour guide and refreshments will be provided the library board met on August 12th they were very complimentary to the library director Lisa h man for all the programming she has brought into the community one of which the chalk and Bubbles party I attended on Monday with my kids in the municipal parking lot it was a blast uh so a special shout out to the library and staff for everything they're doing for our community and lastly also just want to touch on what committee women Judge cell said rest in peace to our Congressman Bill crell a dedicated Fighter for District 9 he will be missed and may his memory be a blessing that's all for me thank you okay thank you for my report um I want to congratulate the be cavendo for becoming Ria Park's newest Eagle Scout I attended his ceremony as did we all uh it was absolutely beautiful I got to know a be's family when we were repairing our houses after Hurricane Irene in 2011 we only lived a few houses away and we both raised our houses as we gathered information we helped each other through the process once they were settled in it was good to see a beer get involved in scouting it has been a joy to watch him grow up since and since then achieve this highest honor and scouting I was honored to be asked by the family to say a few words at his ceremony congratulations air best to you as you get ready to go away to college I want to thank the office of emergency management for preparing for Hurricane Debbie although the storm did not hit our area we were prepare prepared in case it did on August 7th I attended the OEM meeting along with the police volunteer fire department DPW fire prevention sir clerk EMS and others to plan for the worst the Rosell Park office of emergency management participates in the National preparedness month which is held in September of each year please see the four helpful tips Publications that will be in the ourtown newspaper starting September 1st note that this public education campaign is sponsored by FEMA and is initiated by the roal park M it is also part of our community rating system activities lowering the nfip flood insurance premiums by 15% for our residents and for our police uh Department uh National Night Out will be covered in the August monthly report but I do want to take a moment to congratulate the police chief Captain um for executing a successful event the team created a fun event for people who attended and had a great time most importantly the police made positive connections with the residents so thanks to your team and now for the um July police report during the month of July our team answered 1,456 calls for service even with this busy call volume our Patrol Division and detectives continue to demonstrate good proactive tactics in seeking out criminal activity before it impacts innocent people and that effort and output demonstrated by the 199 motor vehicle stops 12 arrests 27 criminal charges 441 summonses issued highlighting these arrests was our narcotics distribution arrest as a result of a motor vehicle stop on essic Street the arrest resulted in the recovery of crack cocaine and prescription Legend pills packaged for sale in the month of July we also continued our community outreach and members of the department proudly attended the eagle scout ceremony and were frequently visiting visting our day camp the department continued our cops and shops program which profiles a local business with our officers meet and greet and ownership Management in introducing the police department to them and profiling them on our social media platforms we continue to plan A Bike Rodeo in the coming weeks and due to weather conditions moved our National Night Out to Tuesday August 15 the department continued to extend its capabilities to our team with training many fact that of the job including detective stars in Shen policing the prestigious FBI Lita ex executive Leadership Institute where he completed and obtained the coveted FBI Lita Trilogy award congratulations Sergeant Lavoy it was also attending class and working towards the obtainment of the trilogy status police officer svia completed his monthly Regional squat team training Lieutenant Ed Kowski received his accredited command executive certification and chief was awarded with the ace chief of police certification from the New Jersey State Association for meeting leadership and training benchmarks on the administrative side we saw the newest team member police officer Michael llamas and start his field training complete his in-house policy and procedure review and now he is on the road riding along with several other department field training officers please make sure to check out our social media media Platforms in the coming weeks to meet the officer campaign while we were introduced Michael to the community and just to highlight some of the um numbers motor vehicle crashs were 50 um motor vehicle stops were 199 120 emergency medical calls 11 community outreach 17 fire department responses so thank you Captain to you and your team you always impress us and thank you for always keeping us safe okay uh that's all for me um attorney report nothing for me okay clerk report no okay um next is public portion I'd like to ask for a motion to open to public I'll make the motion second okay committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Corell committee men M yes okay at this point we are open to the public anyone who would like to come up and speak [Music] [Laughter] this is Ed Quinn 19 Peak Street this is not a complaint this an Accolade I want to thank uh Pete Della EMS went down and helped the boys guys get their emergency service marit badge spent several weeks with the boys did an outstanding job you know is a guy that's hidden in the weeds he didn't they probably know he did this but I want to say take my hat off to the guy you he spent a lot of time down there working with the kids he did a wonderful job thank you thank you thank you for recognizing him anyone else hi Susan yabuchi Ward Street um the DPW incident I hope that and nobody complained about what was on the street because our street cleaner I guess broke down right in front of my house and if they complained about debris in the street or something let me tell you it was this big the next time it came around it would have been gone so I think nobody made a fuss it wasn't on your street okay they took care of everything very and they were very conscious of the neighbors they put the cones around they were great so it was the recyclable um truck that it happened and it was on the other side of town so it wasn't on your because our street cleaner yeah starter but they were really good very thank you for that as well anyone [Music] else okay seeing none I'll ask for a motion to close public portion I'll make the motion second committee woman judge CLL yes committee Miller yes committee woman Ara yes okay next is approval of the minutes we have the Clos session meeting minutes from June 12th and the close session meeting minutes for July 24th do I have a motion I'll make the motion second committee woman judge Pella yes committee committee men Miller yes and committee woman or [Music] yes okay next we have the ordinances for adoption committee woman ARA ask for a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 1211 d24 and ordinance to amend chapters 100 155 and 185 of the code of the township of roachell Park to conform with the amendment of chapter 75 entitled certificates of compliance may I have a motion I'll make the motion second committee woman judge Cella yes committee man Miller yes committee woman Ora yes okay um any yeah anyone from the public on ordinance 21-24 okay seeing none I ask for a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance and be adopted with um known as for the final passage to be published in the Bergen Record motion second committee woman judge CLL yes committee Miller yes and committee woman judge CLL yeah yeah that's okay I know you're totally that's okay that's okay yes okay um all items listed below are considered to be routine non-controversial by the township committee and will be approved in one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Committee Member or citizen so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of general orders so this is um for resolution 024 d162 through 024 169 may I have a motion I'd like to remove for discussion um 0241 16868 okay any others that's it thank you okay so um we'll do the discussion first sure okay and then we can do the vote on them it's just a quick discussion sure so looking back on the ordinance for this like a license it goes back to 2010 which is almost 15 years old and Amry had got a chance to look around to see you know other dollar figures um dollar mounts I should say and we're low and um maybe we can discuss about this you know and and go forward to look at maybe even being comparable to other towns um because it goes you know to our gem fun Revenue kind of thing so this is something I believe it goes to gem funds right doesn't to go in gen funds right General funds for that if it comes I believe so I believe I will ask right but anyway long story I will like to see if we can have discussion on this maybe a little more research and then maybe um our attorney could come up with something or raise you know to raise it or correct it a little bit more yep I can put it on for discussion um for next meeting discussion and I'll I'll call the towns around I'll get all the you know surrounding towns what the fees are wonderful compare like some of these I mean well s and I I shouldn't say there's quite a few ordinances that are way outdating and I think we've discussed this before um so this is one of them um that maybe needs to be brought up and as I come along I know talk to M about it you know we'll see if we can bring it up to date and maybe get the language and whatever has to be done to it so last few years we've been revising a lot as they come we should do it gradually as we go along and we do business especially when it comes to fees um because if fees are outdated additional revenue of the municipality that you guys discuss okay great thank you so is there anything that this needs to be approved tonight or is there any kind of time limit on this or can it wait till next month after I think she I think woman's okay with the resolution with the resolu want to do the discussion well the discussion would be moving forward so I'm fine with this resolution now but moving forward we can look at the ordinance raing the price we don't necessarily have to up it but if it if we have to be comparable I believe as a you know around the town thank you okay I don't did we actually have a motion to remove it from the consent or is it still on the consent it's on the consent on the consent still for discussion so then now okay so now you can take your regular motion if you want to approve and pass the consent agenda okay so um to adopt the to to pass the consent agenda right okay you can Again State disc asking for a motion so motion yes I'll second okay and again clarify this is a motion to pass all items on the consent agenda resolution number 02462 through 0241 169 all of them yes that's okay committee woman judge Cella yes committee man Miller yes committee woman Arta yes okay um we already covered Clos session so um that's it the next meeting is uh September 25th um most likely 6 o' again we have to check with the other other committee members but um keep in mind that it could at may I have a motion to close the Mee I'll make a motion second all in favor thank you everyone thank you Gil thank you for stuffing in yeah