##VIDEO ID:UBS5S6iLTV4## e e e e e e okay we're going to call the October 8th council meeting to order and start with the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all moment of silence to remember the service and sacrifices of the armed service members who protect our Nations and the First Responders who protect our neighborhoods clerk please take your w councilman Freelander councilman Manon here councilman Brooks here councilman sacket here councilwoman Brooks here councilman Quinn here councilman wa toic here Council vice president salberg here council president Morrison here adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record in the Star Ledger the official newspapers for the township of Rockway notice was posted on the official bulle Boards of the rock of Rockway Township the township website and notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk I hear the big man over there so let's turn it over to uh mayor Jackson we'll get you out of here soon bud he's not staying for the consent agenda no Chief got anything you want to say sure I'd like to welcome everybody this evening as as a chief quite an honor to be able to celebrate with an officer that you've served many years with and their family uh in this Milestone uh so at this time I would like to congratulate officer Tom Camel and his promotion to the rank of Sergeant congratulations she I just you can hold it yep Ready Thomas hi Thomas camel SAR do Solly swear will that I will faithfully impartially and justly per all the duties perform all the duties of the office of Rockway Township Police sergeant and I will support United States and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God thank you m [Applause] okay moving on to approval of the minutes September 24th countship Council regular meeting minutes can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the rooll council man newon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes Council wman Brooks up councilman quinnn yes councilman Bo toic yes Council vice president salberg yes council president moris yes that's seven yeses one exstension motion passes okay we are going to move on to the open to the public portion as a reminder I will call your name you'll step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit and I will remind everybody that this is addressing the council as a whole uh we are not to address any members of the council separately m dman so I need take your time pat dnan 88 Valley View Drive I was uh reviewing the agenda earlier this afternoon and I noticed there are four resolutions r24 173 r24 174 and r24 175 and r24 176 they all um are saying that the attorney is going to um sign off on a tax appeal each one of them is over a million dollar that's $4 million that are coming out of our tax dollars to repay these companies is there any way we can well I know we don't get recoup anything from the Board of Education which is 63% of our tax dollar um is there any way that when we're doing the taxes on these entities that we can get them closer to what so they won't be filing tax appeals on a regular basis I don't want to take away from your time so I'll give you extra time it's not 4 million so just you know when you're done I'm going to ask Miss Yer to speak and and Miss P to give the actual numbers okay because the for the way the way the they're M they're written It's seems to be four yeah no I'll put your mind at ease right now it's not that um whenever you're done you have still have plenty of time I will I'm going to ask them okay now the other thing is resolution r241 169 is to Grant a cannabis retailer at 16 Green Pond Road is the council aware that right across the street from this is a daycare center I mean it doesn't seem like it should be there and there may be other places not that I'm really for that kind of a program anyway but if we have to allow it why does it have to be across the street from a daycare center Miss arano can you um speak to the uh to the tax appeal and then U Miss pal if you have the figures certainly council president all all of these tax appeals have been pending for some time and these matters have actually been in Tax Court as oppos as opposed to the Mars County Board of Taxation the tax appeals for commercial properties which all of these are are not determined on the same base as the residential tax appeals or residential taxation that we're all more familiar with when you're talking about a residential assessment you're talking about the determined value of the land and the buildings on that property okay when you're talking about commercial assessments the assessment parameters are different you are talking about the value of any land in buildings but more importantly you're talking about the income that is generated uh as a result of the operation of that commercial Enterprise uh all of these properties like many many commercial Enterprises particularly retail Enterprises and that's what we're talking about here were very seriously impacted by the covid pandemic as a result the component of their tax assessments which would were were sign that results from their generation of income were severely reduced uh just so you know we had two sets of experts working on this uh this is not something that the town attorneys were involved with except by way of supervision and ultimately agreeing or non agreeing with the process so in the case of all these tax appeals we had a an attorney who's an expert on tax appeals particularly commercial tax appeals uh handling and reviewing the cases for and we had a gentleman named Lou Eisenberg who is probably one of the finest appro commercial appraisers I've ever seen with probably close to 50 years of experience who determined the assessment determined what an assessment should be by way of reduction based upon the difference or the the lowering of the assessed value of the properties chiefly due to the income component also these are Ro Mall properties and when you're talking about the mall Nationwide the ma the Val value of Mall properties has been reduced significantly because in addition to whatever problems the pandemic caused the competition of these mole sites Nationwide as compared to entities like Amazon Amazon and various catalog ordering and things of this nature these moles are just not functioning the way they used to and also around the country they're being repurposed to just not be you know large collections of retail outlets we've carefully reviewed these proposed settlements uh just as a side note uh unfortunately under the law even though the board of educ ation is responsible for 63% of your tax bill uh they don't collect the taxes and the people that collect the taxes namely the township is responsible for any refunds assessment reductions Etc uh we we're not happy about it but it is legitimate it's been approved by our experts and also it has a value going forward because number one the filing of a tax appeal based upon these reduced assessments and the refunds that result kind of deprives them of the ability to do this repeatedly okay and uh It ultimately saves the township also a lot of money because these cases are very very expensive to defend against we spent lots of money in trying to get where we are and that's the best explanation I can give you and Miss Miss p yeah so I just also wanted to add that um in all four properties tax years 20 21 and 22 have all been withdrawn so um I mean that was a good you know settlement on their part but the the actual payout is just over 328,000 our reserves are more than adequate to cover that that payout so it won't have a tax impact on on the taxpayers today so this won't cost the taxpayers anything not for these settlements I mean moving forward yes of course the the the values have been reduced moving forward but the the payout today is like I said just over reserves okay and just the other the other thing you mentioned a little earner actually moved up to 41 Green Pond Road so it's not across the street from the dispensary okay um I don't know who else there's another person sign this I can't read just as a reminder Mr Kelly it's we're not addressing individuals up here uh Tucker Kelly 16 Megan Road uh tonight I was going to address the same that Mrs dman had reached out on the resolution 1731 174 175 176 as many of you are aware uh I'm a taxpayer I lived in Rockway Township for 54 years and I think I pay just as much property taxes than all of you collectively together Mr wobic has a reduction because these Farm assessed Mrs noon you don't pay taxes in Rockway um but with that being said this Council also receives a salary anywhere between $8,000 to $112,000 as council members and 15 grand as the mayor Mr Quinn gets a $42,000 benefit package paid by the tax we're not talking about individuals up here if you have a point to make make your Quin pays or receives $42,000 in a tax benefit taxpayers pay for and roughly you guys do about 40 hours of Council meetings a year depending on how many you cancel what you do a lot so with that being said any increase that we have on taxes you guys are somewhat compensated for almost half your tax bill or maybe 30 to 40% of your rent bill that you have so here we have the mall I disagree with Mr yachao because this is a common thing with the mall we had one back in 2011 I believe Mrs pal that was what a $3 million appeal that we had and moving forward throughout this Council and through the mayor you guys said about the mall thriving the mall is doing wonderful we have a circus in the parking lot we have a Jurassic Park theme that's going on in the parking lot and the reason is is that there's a lot of parking spaces because there's no foot traffic in the mall so you give the appearance on the outside that it's doing well and thriving but in the inside it's bleeding so with this being said because you have on the the six whereas in each one of those resolutions you have a there of the Excel that's going to be there to let us know how much money this is but it wasn't included to inform the public on that so one that's a problem two moving forward what is the actual reduction moving forward of how much taxes that we're going to lose on the assessment value and how are we going to reclaim that assessment value going forward I mean the Hilton Garden we lost a lot of money we gave him a also a $500,000 tax assessment reduction a few years back as well uh speaking with our assessor so what do you guys have planned moving forward I mean the mall has lost its security it's lost it substation there the prior chief that just resigned or retired ruined the contract for security that we had at the time we were thriving at $750,000 from the mall only to get a little over 100 Grand now no incentives of cars or police armor or ammunition or weapons or anything like that at all so you're here tonight to vote on these three I'm sorry these four resolutions you had to read them you have to know the numbers I think it's very easy questions how are you going to compens sa for this moving forward are you done with your time I I just figured I would get the same courtesy as Mrs dman did with an answer just like Mr yach provided okay well there's also a difference between actual numbers of things that happen in your request for information about future plans that the end you know the Hang Mr Kelly Mr Kelly you're at the end of your time I'm going to ask you to sit down are you going to answer how much for the reduction this is your second warning that you're done with your time please sit down thank okay moving on um Mr Yano can you speak to the um the other item that we're talking about public defender yes public defender um for the counil uh we received request a request from the court uh from Judge Smith and our court administrator uh Richard Bolano uh to appoint an altered uh public defender the appointment to run uh effective today uh through the end of the calendar year as I'm sure you know uh all these appointments or annual appointments uh was made on the recommendation of the Court as I told you um Council has been provided with the resume of the alternate public defender namely Douglas sclar s r uh I viewed the the resume that was provided to us today uh judge Smith tells us that it's important that we have an alternative public defender uh so the council knows first of all the public defender is play paid by voucher based upon when the public defender works so having a public defender and an alternate public defender is not going to work out costing the township any more money uh the court uh just wants the convenience and assistance of an additional public Defender to assist in moving the Court's schedule along and the disposing of matters so uh relying on the recommendation of Judge Smith and the court administrator and the individual who has been selected whose resume I reviewed uh I would urge the council to approve this appointment is there any Council questions on this okay I'd like to make a motion to appoint Douglas slar as an alternate public defender for a period and ending at the end of this year and I'll second that clerk please take the role councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council white toic yes Council vice president selberg yes and council president Morrison yes that's eight yes motion passes uh consent agenda R 24-1 165 through and including R 24- 179 16 which one I 165 okay all right r 24-16 5 through and including r24 d179 can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the role councilwoman n yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voitovich yes Council vice president salber yes council president yes that's say yes this motion passes uh appointments do we have to do a official appointment for uh Thomas cell no no okay uh Andrew Krauss Fire Company one full membership can I have a motion so move second cler please take the r councilwoman n hang on close session there's people who want to speak I don't think you asked if there were people didn't sign in oh sorry sorry we're going to go back to open to public that's my fault I'm little been so good evening everybody uh my name is John Oaks I'm the president of Rockway Township Soccer Association my purpose here tonight is to uh just convey the importance of our program in the town I know this is light to losing our main soccer field and a pending sale I don't want to get into that I just want to convey to you the importance of the program that I'm in charge of I also have our uh our registrars here our travel director and our vice president um just want to give you some background I'm the president I've been I've been the president my second year before that I started in 2015 as a coach I think I coached coach some of your kids up here coached 14 wck teams I was a parent manager for travel for a year and a half so um they said they were going to dissolve rtsa and they were going to have it taken over by a club could kind of a scare tactic but it got me in In This Very Room actually I became president so I I truly believe in a in a parent run organization I have a strong commitment to that I grew up in a family where my father was my coach for nine years and it was just you know he passed away the week before he died that's what we were talking about so I just believe strongly that we need to support that as a town so for those of you don't know rtsa was founded in 1973 it's a year younger than me so uh we have three different divisions we have re which is four years old to 8 years old we have travel which is 7 to 14 and then we have rvsl which is kind of a wreck but it's travel we play a bunch of towns around here that's ages nine to essentially seniors in high school this fall we have 609 kids in all those programs so 609 kids we have 13 parent volunteers these are Executives these are business owners these are School teachers I myself work in Pharma marketing I we also have a band so we're all very committed this is why we're doing it we're doing it to keep this program alive um we also have a very active boosters program and we also have our coaches parent coaches we have trainers too but we also have parent coaches which I think is very important the whole reason a why there's Al I don't know if you're familiar with this but there's this whole club versus Town programs a club come can come into Rocka away take over a program then it's $4,000 at the year and then you have kids from Denville Morristown Montville competing for the AR kid spots um so like I said my objective here tonight is to talk about how we feel we need a a soccer Hub Norway was our main field with lights we can use portable lights but the leak can't use them for games so we that was our go-to field there's no other sports there and now I learned today the closing is actually December but you know we're going to lose that resource I grew up in Nutley in Essex County I was in soccer from second grade to ninth grade we went to Owens Field that was our field lights everything I became a referee I worked for the town Owens Field until I was a sophomore College it was our home it was our soccer home so like I said I had family history in that which I believe a club is great I have nothing against club [Music] soccer I'll give you um I believe it gives what we do is opportunities for all the kids our our fee is $7.95 we just raised it for 775 whereas you can have a club which is is 2,000 3,000 so we're offering kids maybe they wouldn't make club team but they're still able to play competitive soccer so um I made my notes because I only have three minutes but I'm over my three minutes so so what I'm what I'm just saying to you is when you're thinking about this we've been talking to the mayor about enome and to Dave talking about what we can do at enome I understand Norway is Norway it's kind of out of everyone's hands now but to have a place where we can go we can do soccer we are really strongly behind that we have the lowc cost option the the team people that are moving into Norway are a club they're a club team I talked to the guy so that's competing with us and it can also kind of absorb our program and then we don't have the opportunities like I said we have kids from other Randolph whatever coming into Rockaway you know football has has their Hub right so football has their field our travel director asked the the town could we line since we're losing Norway we need lights could we line Peterson for soccer 2 the answer was no so right so I get that no you don't want soccer lines on a football but you know since I've been a coach we were at a field then we got kicked out of there we're at Christ Church who decides one season they're going to just tell us we can't play there which they did last year so we were going around here Germania we can't have goals anymore we can't have lights in any of these fields so my point here today is as we're talking to the mayor we're talking about what we can do at ome for some chance Norway falls through we just want you guys to consider that investing in the soccer program in Rockway is very important and all us volunteers are 100% behind it so thank you thanks is there anybody else in the public that wishes to speak yeah step up and again my apologies for not doing this earlier how are you council members my name is Ru Patel I'm at 617 MAV my first time at a council meeting but I'd like to read a statement I I put together um I stand before you today not just as a concerned resident but a frustrated member of this community that is being battered by Rel assault of thousands of dump trucks on Mount B 24 hours a day this is not a merely a inconvenience it's a public safety safety hazard and a quality of life issue that demands your immen uh immediate attention every single day we endure deafening Roar of these trucks speeding down our streets engaging blaring engines blaring as they engage in Reckless engine breaking the noise is unbearable but it's not just the sound is the constant threat of our safety how many more near misses do we need before some something is done we have children families elderly residents who whose lives are being disrupted by dangerous activity moreover the debr left by wake of these trucks creating hazardous condition on our roads pool debris lose gravel not only damaging vehicles but also poses a serious risk to pedestrians it's unacceptable that we have we have to navigate a man Minefield every time we step outside our home let's just let's talk about the the air we breathe the pollution generated by these heavyduty vehicles it's suffocating our community we deserve clean air Health environment not to mention the long-term health risk that accompany these levels of pollution how can we expect our children to thrive when they lungs are constantly exposed to toxic fumes and also where where's the local police the lack of patrolling on Mount Hope a is glaring it's time for the law enforcement to step up and take action against this ongoing violation of our peace we have we need enforcement of speed limit noise regulation and accountability for damage being caused it's clear these thousands of dumb trucks must stop using Mount op 247 nonstop we cannot allow these allow Tilcon or any other company to operate with such disregard for our community well-being and it's time for the council to take stand and Implement regulations and prioritize the safety health of Rockway residents all right this this is just a plea it's a demand we will not stand highly by while our neighbor is compromised we expect an immediate action thank you CU this is getting ridiculous so I will tell you and I don't want to put uh Mr Brooks on the spot he is your councilman he lives on Mount Hope so I'm going to ask if it's okay after the meeting not now um you guys can touch base the council as a whole did go to tillon to visit specifically to address concerns I'm going to ask the chief to talk about some of the remediation we've done with inspections I know it wasn't Rockway it was a state police uh inspections at the mall we pull the trucks over if you don't mind just a couple minutes when we come to you but when we're I'm going to ask you to hook up with uh councilman Brooks he lives right there I'll be honest I'm pretty new I bought a house recently during the co time I'm already thinking about leaving the city CU and you're going to lose out more I'm going to take more neighbors with me if I have to and you guys going to lose out more tax money and it's going to have a bad reputation on the town if you hang out after the meeting I'm I'm here I've been try I'm happy to volunteer Mr Brooks time is there anybody else from the public that wishes to speak okay um Miss cruso I believe we actually had a motion and a second on the consent agenda yes yes okay so we can go to the roll call for that we didn't go through the roll call what's that okay yes Andrew crra Fire Company one full membership okay please take the role councilman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council V toic yes Council vice president salberg yes council president markson yes that's eight yes's motion passes congratulations okay we will move on to reports as I'm going to ask you to keep it to 5 minutes or less and we will start with councilwoman no I have no report this evening thank you councilwoman Brook um just really quick there's been a lot of uh talk and conversations people have come to the council meetings I've spoken to a few residents in terms of the referendum and information uh on their website they've started populating information on a tab called referendum it's on the main page of the link um there's some information there and hopefully more to come councilman Quint thank you uh spending a lot of time at Peterson uh field is great everybody is uh having a good time the sports are doing very well um I just want to wish that everybody say a prayer for all the people in Florida and north South Carolina and Georgia that have been affected by this storm and the next storm that's coming coming in um hopefully it's not going to destroy it but there's suffering there and we need to get as much prayer down in as we can other than that um everybody stay well stay safe councilman second thank you council president um I attended last night the uh uh October 7th Memorial at the kabad center another mayor was there um very uh moving event they had there last night um also uh I was hoping to have councilman freedlander here tonight um he did call me an hour before the meeting and un aable to attend he's doing much better um just still having some issues with his walking um so hopefully uh next meeting fingers crossed and just wishing all uh for the holiday of yon Kor this week coming up and easy fast thank you Brooks uh no report this night councilman bovic no report Council vice president thank you council president um nothing on the uh mors County Board of Commissioners side but a few events coming up uh hiberia Library is having an open house uh October 21st uh really is a great event if anyone's been there before they have a lot of great photographs and history back when it was a predominantly a mining area and uh see the transformation of what it is today uh also October 17th is going to be the Copeland Pumpkin Fest I got to find that on Eventbrite I guess there's tickets for it but uh hopefully you can have an opportunity to see that have thank you thank you council president only uh two matters uh the first just in case any member of the council uh is interested there was previously a resolution on the council authorizing a place to place one day liquor license transfer in connection with a event that's going on at the mall I believe this Saturday which is an empanada festival and car show uh Mr Dyer worked very hard on confirming a couple of things for him but the resolution that was on the previous copy of the agenda was withdrawn because we've been informed and Mr Dyer advised me that uh the ABC has approved the transfer uh for one day and no resolution is required so there was no need to have that matter kept on the agenda the other matter I just like to address briefly with the council uh concerns the request that you might remember uh from a meeting or two ago where an attorney came in on behalf of uh three Property Owners on polara Drive uh in connection with request of the E Town accept the dedication of that what amounts to an 1100 foot private driveway as a town street uh the council should also recall the report I made some months ago to the council uh about this particular request which basically demonstrated after you know fairly detailed engineering study uh by Allison fante uh with the help of Al North that basically said uh this is nothing more than a private driveway a very long private driveway serving three houses that's in very bad shape and uh did not recommend that the council or the town because I think this should generate first from the administration uh even consider dedication or acceptance of dedication of the property the reason I addressed this with the council tonight is because uh yesterday A letter came in from the attorney Mr Haymon who was here on behalf of the property owners requesting that uh he gets some feedback uh from the council and with the administration after the uh appearance in the public session that was made so I just want to advise the council the administration already is approved that um I'm going to contact Mr hayon uh and tell him uh that the township is not in a position to consider dedication on this matter and I'll be doing that tomorrow on behalf of both the administration and the council thank thank you Mr Mayor yes a couple things um want to announce a new business in the area Dermatology introduc in uh Institute and Laser Center um by Dr Adriana Ross located at 35 Green Pond Road in the corner of Sanders Road um Dr Ross has been in practice for her 15 years as dermatologist she enjoys teaching Physicians and students in her capacity as a program director of Dermatology at hackin saac mury and Palisades hospital um Dermatology institute alliz offices in Clifton North Bergen the new Rockway office will become the main location for Dr Ross Dr Ross and her husband Chris live in booten have two young children um please visit them on our Township Facebook page to find out more information about them um and they are having a ribbon cutting Thursday night um from 10 uh I'm sorry Thursday October 10th from 5: to 7: again 35 uh Green Pond Road uh they'll have refreshments and door prizes um if you'd like to attend um also as uh councilman sacket attended the Shabad habad uh event last night with uh Chief Shear um Senator bua and uh Sheriff Ganon were there also and it was an incredible event and I think the main message that Rabbi hon tried to get across was um the only way to combat darkness is with more light so um it was a very good message and I thought he did a great job I also like to announce on Sunday Unico uh Rockway T had an event um the Dan Bell Citizenship Award which um is is hosted annually in honor of uh Joe Bell son Dan and um this year we honored uh tunnel to Towers um if you don't know what that organization is um they provide houses to Gold Star family members and to members of first family members who uh lost First Responders um you know whether it be Ms fire police and they also have a mission to make sure no um veteran ever is homeless again so they're you know a great organization do a lot of great work um and with the efforts of you know all those involved the organization is able to raise over $20,000 for tunnel of Tower so it was a really great event at the mansion and uh it was attended by a lot of people Senator bugo was there Sheriff Ganon um assemblyman Bronco um commissioner Shaw so very good event and raise money for a great cause um and John thanks for coming tonight we've been in a lot of contact we were just talking about it before the meeting um we're working with noro's attorney too because we're trying to tighten up their contract and potential lease agreements real quick I do it in public but they you did give them your schedule did okay so they know when you need the field and all that stuff okay let's talk after the meeting I want to get I want to get the exact details so we can get in that because we're we're in talks with them right now about all those things okay H well we'll get whatever everything yeah so I I talk them inclusively about everything and I'll give you an update on the on in home too so we're right with that so that's all I have M pmer yes thank you um just a reminder that the fourth quarter taxes are due November 1 but we have until November 12th to uh make payment without penalty uh we held our tax sale uh it closed at 8:30 this morning we sold about 66 Parcels consisting of $95,000 in charges for tax Water and Sewer we also collected premiums of 289,000 um I'm going to be getting budget budget packets out together for uh our department heads the middle of next week I'll give them a two we turnaround to get them back to Administration and then we'll hold our budget meetings with the Department heads and anyone from the public who wishes to attend that'll probably be the week of November 19th which is consistent with uh with prior Years thank you m frte yes thank you for the support of the resolution for the Richard Street roadway improvements that's our next do Municipal aid grant project um at this time of year probably not start until Springtime um it was nice eight to nine bids on that which drove the price down so it's nice to see some competition and if you haven't noticed at 17 old Middletown we've demolished the old building that was there to make way for the new approximately 8,000 square foot Municipal Utilities building U make more efficient use of our yard that's there and lastly uh on behalf of the staff thank you mayor and councel for the appreciation lunching for the employees that's Chief thank you Mr President I also did get to attend uh the memorial service and I do want to say it really the atrocity left uh me without words and again so um 11:39 lost and uh again Humanity needs to do better so in the police department we had the uh honor Lieutenant Tannis and Lieutenant tacas were're able to go over to Walmart and receive many donated toys so we we have uh quite a few toys available as we go through uh and see uh needy individuals through the holidays and other events at the police department as well as the township uh so we we do have some of those available uh detective Evelyn Brown is our community police policing officer so anybody with great ideas please bring them forward uh to her we we we'll be looking forward to a Target and Walmart coming up in November Shop with a cop so uh that's something exciting we're going to reach out to some uh some schools and get get some needy families and be able to bring them in and and shop and those uh sponsored by Target in Walmart so that's that's kind of exciting to look forward uh to also on uh the 26th of this month between 10: a and 2 pm we have the DEA sponsored drug takeback very much like the green box in our lobby but we'll have that located in Walmart as well as the center of the Rockway Town Square Mall some numbers for the month uh in September arrest with a total number of charges of 13 year-to date arrest with a total number of charges of 189 from the Rockway Township officers uh the tickets 102 in August and 52 in September so we have a department that's out there uh working hard for uh the public in reference to some of the uh concern as Tilcon and trucks we have had our deployment of traffic trailers out on Mount hop bav uh as well as in other areas of concern some of the hot list that have been brought to our attention from the residents Fleetwood Drive uh White Meadow Road and then we follow them up with enforcement details so radar details have been happening just to name a few strubel Lane Fleetwood Drive and mount H have uh from our Traffic Division as well as other officers so uh again please uh bring any of those concerns forward we'll continue to stay on we do have at different times we contact the State Police they come out with their commercial truck uh unit and and what they will do is they will bring the trucks uh off off of the Avenue into the mall area and have gone over the trucks coming out of that area as far as also communicating with Tilcon uh where cleanup is necessary so sometimes we have to send out a reminder to please come up and bring that street sweeper out and and clean up from telon all the way through Route 80 so again we'll we'll make that notification again Mr Tabit thank you council president uh just wanted to mention a few upcoming events uh sponsored by the division of Health uh first uh we have the semiannual fall cleanup that's going to be happening October 26 from 9: to 11: a.m. uh the cleanup will be a Mount Hope Pond and Lake Ames so anybody who wishes to sign up members of the public Etc can reach out to Caris Leno in the division of health or just call the division of health and and we can connect you and register you um another event we have a a two night mental health Workshop 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each night of October 28th and 29th at the Rockaway Public Library uh the first night is for uh adults uh and caregivers the second night is for children and caregivers especially uh crafted program for children uh again at the library October 28th and 29th um also we have our flu campaign coming up and we'll have two clinics here in Rockway Township in this room November 7th and November 22nd on November 7th from 4:30 to 6:30 on November 22nd from 4 to six uh residents can uh call the division of Health to register and encourage you to do so everyone should get a flu shot this year and every year uh we also have two rabies clinics coming up uh November 9th and December 7th and I'd like to thank Al no and the public works department for uh making the the Public Works facility on Green Pond Road available like they do every year November 9th and December 7th will both be 9 am to 12: PM uh and also did want to mention a special thank you to residents who participated in the CommunityWide mayor's walking challenge uh it's coming to an end after this weekend so special thanks to the residents who participated again and as well as Britany Bernstein and thanks to the mayor who not only participated but helped lead two special events one in the south of town and one more toward the North in Telemark and they were both very successful and we've had over a 100 participants in the walking chall so it seems to be pretty successful so thank you Mr Mayor is your group still in the lead no we're in third place all right you've got a week you should walk home I have the top but I got the ringer I got the top step person on my team all right just check just shows Mr Dyer uh no report tonight Mr heindselman yes uh as many of you may be aware this is fire prevention week uh October 6th October 12th this year's theme is uh smoke alarms make them work for you and the campaign's call to action is install test and replace with that said November 3rd is Daylight Savings Time change so please please make sure when you change your clocks if you still have the oldfashioned smoke detectors with batteries put new batteries in them or even better go get the 10e sealed lith lithium ion powered smoke detectors and install them in your home so your families are safe um and then next weekend is the fire department's inspection so they're all working very hard tonight this week getting their fire trucks and fire homes ready for your visit and we look forward to entertaining you all thank you Mr coward no report okay uh make a motion to adjourn by consensus all in favor I October 22nd is our next meeting thank you everybody