##VIDEO ID:gDEVE1aDGbg## e e e e e e e good evening everybody good evening I'd like to call the September 10th 2024 meeting to order start with the flag salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all a moment of silence to remember the service and sacrifices of the armed service members who protect our nation and the First Responders who protect our neighborhoods Mr Mayor yeah I'd also like to recognize the passing of uh Bernie McGovern a former council member um longtime resident of Rockway Township uh parishioner at St Cecilia Church um passed away recently clerk please take the rooll councilman Freelander councilwoman noon here councilman Brooks here councilman sacket here councilwoman Brooks here councilman Quinn here councilman waoic here Council vice president salberg and council president Morrison here adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record in the Star Ledger the official newspapers for the township of Rockway notice was posted on the official Bulet Boards of Rockway Township the township site and notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk approval of the minutes uh August 13th Township Council regular meeting minutes can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the role councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks abstain councilman sacket no councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council Mo doic yes and council president Morrison yes that's five yeses one abstention one no motion passes uh at this point I'd like to turn the meeting over to Mayor Jackson Nice crowd tonight something must be going on um so there's a lot of personnel decisions right a mayor might make in a Township or a municipality that impact the municipality in different ways but there to me there's only one that really impacts the entire Community um and the surrounding communities and County and the state and that's the appointment of a chief of police um you know the Chief of Police sets the example for the other officers in a Township um especially a Township our size um with the with the youth we have in our police force so it's as important a decision um you can make as a mayor um it impacts not only our community but the surrounding communities that's why you'll see there's a lot of people here tonight there's um mayor Mulligan from the burrow and chief Pepperman from the burrow the Burrow's fire inspector Tom trazo we got mayor um chegwidden from Wharton we have Chief Young from Wharton we have Sheriff Ganon we have Chief Ambrose um we have our County Clerk an grai um we have commissioner crius is here um we have assembly woman done uh you know we have other people we have a former council member and uh former Chief Detective from wor County bill chabel is here so I appreciate all these people coming here and I think it's a testament to what this night represents and and what the meaning of is it um I want to personally thank you all for coming tonight um policing over the past 20 years as all the police officers in the back know has changed a lot community community policing is the catchphrase right being in the community helping people in the community um being involved uh you know that's important and that a chief sets a tone for that and I couldn't think of anybody better to do that than Rob Shear so um Rob was born and raised here he's lived here he's been married to his wife Carol for 40 years I believe five children 11 grandchildren number 12 on the way and two out of control gigantic Great Dan Reggie and indie and I will be I do have a call in to the Animal control officer to see if they need a special permit to have dogs that crazy and big so um Rob started his career in 1999 um as a police officer and a member of the emergency service unit you know he obviously worked his way up he got promoted to Sergeant to Lieutenant to Captain he's done pretty much every role within the police department um he's been to uh overseen the detective Bureau Training Division Internal Affairs and Records Bureau he's currently are Emergency Management um coordinator and a member of the planning board for Rockway Township so there's not much he hasn't seen or hasn't done within the police department within Rockway Township I think though in knowing him probably his biggest accomplishment or biggest thing he takes pride in is being a d lead officer for 20 years and impacted the lives of thousands of Rockway Township children um and I think that's probably you know what's most important to him and what he's accomplished so I take great pride in now and in uh swearing him in his cheat and I like to ask Carol come up and hold the Bible everybody come on right there right here there you go guys all right right ready got as many as we can fit up here all right Robert I Rober do do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially that I will Fai faithfully and impartially and justly perform all the duties and justly perform all the duties of the office of the office of Rockway Township police chief of Rockaway Township police chief to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the go governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] I'd like if Chief Shear me to speak but before then I want to C assembly woman done something to give him thank you good evening it really is an honor and a privilege to be here to witness this transition of power and be here to congratulate the entire family uh because we know it's the entire family that serves so uh thank you for that Chief you have I'm calling you Chief already you're the chief uh you have impacted an entire generation of children they've grown up with you the community's grown with you and now we also see that there's an entire generation ahead um so we look forward to all that you're going to do for this community and we know that you'll serve honorably and on behalf of legislative district 25 the senator and your representatives in the assembly myself and assemblyman baranco we do have a commodation and actually we technically call it a citation but I know that's got a different meaning in law enforcement so if I could just read read the remarks so everybody gets to see what's on your wall or hear what's on your wall uh by the citizenry of the 25th New Jersey legislative district through through their elected representatives you are hereby recognized for bringing honor to yourself and PR to your family and Community upon being appointed Rockaway Township police chief you are admired and congratulated for your unwavering dedication and upholding the highest standards of Integrity Justice and service [Music] congratulations to hold it did I start something [Music] here well first just let me say thank you I started my career many years ago as a younger individual with children like this of my own and you know during that time I I had the opportunity and I was excited and somebody all the way back then decided that they had faith in me to come and serve as a police officer for the township of Rockway the community that I was raised in and that I had my family also has been raised in Rockaway township attended all the schools from KDM to Copeland at the Mars NOS so with that being said it's a partnership so when I say thank you I say thank you to all of the officers that are are here this evening that have meant so much watch both present officers and past officers that are part of this journey that I've had because I've served alongside each and everybody in this room who serve with honor dedication and pride to our community and I am thankful that I've had the opportunity my whole career past and present to be part of this organization so thank you I also thank as you can see also throughout the room many other Chiefs are are standing in the room and Sheriff Ganon is here and I appreciate the support in our law enforcement family uh I'd also while I'm here uh just to show a little bit more appreciation a little bit of uh spur of the moment thank you to officer readen who last night that was involved in an incident and did an amazing job and it helped out somebody in need it was helpful to a neighboring town and thank you [Music] you know and I and I thank everybody for being here this evening you know I'm sure everybody could figure out a lot of other things to do this evening than than to be here I appreciate the fact that you made the effort to come here and celebrate with me my family and my law enforcement community that being said as it was noted a little bit earlier that sacrifice Dedication that I talk about is not just for for the officers in the room but it's for our family members so all of our family members sacrifice as well I could not have made this journey without my beautiful wife [Music] Carol so it was H it's been 40 amazing years and she has been uh the support of our entire uh family and it's much appreciated uh and I love her and uh I love everybody back there right thank you for being here thank you for celebrating with me all right all the best for Rockway Township I'm privileged again to serve our community it's a dream that I've had since I was about this big all right and to be here standing here tonight having been given the opportunity and to have a successful career here I appreciate it thank you very much [Music] folks we're going to take a a five minute break here to allow the uh the new Chief to collect his well wishes and we'll be back at at 20 after e e e e e e e for e e if I could have your attention we're going to start the meeting again so they don't have to go home nice but also I brought the chief over judge okay we are back Mr Mayor I know you have something else like to call up uh commissioner cricas thank thank you mayor and I appreciate just a brief couple moments first of all that was uh a great ceremony I know being mayor of Washington Township police chief is one of POS possibly the most important position that you have and uh it was just very you know very moving to see that and we have a great team here in Morris County between the sheriff our prosecutor our law on Public Safety at the county a local police Chiefs Association the local police uh really do a great job working together to keep Morris County safe so I was here tonight for for that but since I was here and this is almost becoming a tradition uh Morris County has uh dedicated open space and historic preservation we actually have multiple other funds and I'm proud to say that uh we will approve tomorrow night $400,000 for the Ford fish I say that [Music] right and for historic preservation projects before this grant $1.7 million had been provided to Rockaway Township so just uh very very well done uh and I know how much I know last year before I came with that resolution I saw you at the Ford P house at at Christmas time with your wife and and uh you know I know how much you care about this and your leadership and support of of your of your governing body you know means a lot to keep Rockaway Township moving forward I'm proud to be a partner with you thanks Mr thank you you do thank you okay we're going to move on to the open to the public portion uh as a reminder I will call your name please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a three minute time limit as always and we are gonna start I'm very very happy to see lilan swe yeah yeah you know what stay there mayor you want to bring her the let well you didn't make it this far people not helping thank you all Lily sweet one Oakland Avenue I'm here on behalf of the Gazebo concerts I want to thank you to let you know we had a very successful year though out of the eight concerts we had six of them were held at the mall and we were very thankful that the mall gave it to us we had a great attendance I would say anywhere from 200 to over 300 which is so unusual that people came out in bad weather when I say bad weather was hot and sticky and rainy and they came and they came with their chairs and they had a great time unfortunately when we just got at the end of our concert we were told the mall will no longer Happ have us there we're in a position now that we're trying to find a place for us when we having climate weather we do not know what we've done or doing but we have some ideas we hope some of you people in the administration could suggests where we could go when we have it uh I've heard with it believe it or not the first time on YouTube and I heard you say something about Peterson Field and my ears perked up when I heard the the wonderful mayor say maybe in the Clement weather we could have something at peterfield I quickly called up Rita WJ hovitz to say I can't believe somebody said something good about us so again mayor thank you and keep us in mind we need an overhang again thank you and again I wish the the chief of police the best of everything I had him as a student in Copeland and his brother plus previous other Chiefs of police I've been here a long time I hope to be here longer and again thank you for a wonderful job all of you're doing thank you somebody else I'm happy to see patan Pat digan 88 Valley View Drive it's good to be back um first thing I'd like to say is white Meadow Lake is again hosting its candidates night on Monday October 21st at 800m invitations have gone out if you haven't gotten your invitation uh and you're running for a particular office just contact me and let me know I'm still waiting for the responses but uh we hope and I would like to know if you could put that on the website for the Township so that um we can let other residents because it's open to all Township residents so um thank you very much thank you Tucker Kelly hello everybody Mr Morrison how you doing on the August 13th Council you had you had tried to uh make a motion to have an investigatory Committee created to investigate somebody sending an email to themselves and primarily I think that is basically to camouflage some other issues that are going on of things that you mention when it comes to litigation and stuff like that with the town currently right now the Township's being sued for a little over five million dollar because uh Mr Brooks in his program uh failed to supervise appointed and didn't vet an individual that sexually assaulted a minor in the bay Ruth or I'm sorry lak and miners B bab Ruth program and as a result of that now we're in a serious situation of litigation that's moving forward with that in addition to that we also know that Mr Brooks does not have any insurance for that program that you had Mrs kuso was very kind enough to provide that confirmation that the township has no record of any insurance from the Lakeland miners Babe Ruth league that Mr Brooks has that the principal place of business is 554 Mount H Avenue now this is under the docket of Mrs L 5882 24 something that was filed this year Mr Brooks was served on the 24th of June of this year and failed to respond to the multiple inquiries about that litigation today there is a request for default against Mr Brooks for this matter moving forward now we do know that Mr Yano and Mr Peron your town attorneys had knowledge of not having insurance for Mr Brooks's recreational program as early as January of 2022 instead we Chase chastise our fire department and go after them for insurance requirements but we don't for some reason go after councilman Brooks who is the president of That League it's still on the website by the way even as of today and it shows the principal place of business that's there ironically this is the second lawsuit against the Brooks family member Mrs Brooks you had it a 9 and a half million settlement for not implementing and protecting children when you were into school and now we have Mr Brooks that really put not only one individual who was a minor but multiple people in a situation of somebody that is a predator sexually on children that's sick so what I ask for you today since we're running to the fauler act under 469a 37 and 371 this Council by way of vote by majority can vote to create an investigatory committee to investigate the vetting practices the hiring practic is the lack of supervision the lack of having insurance and failing to respond to the courts of the plaintiffs and the matter of mrsl 38824 now I start with you Mr woic you're a police officer in Jersey City you have to care about the safety and wellbeing of our children in our town they are also combined with Wharton they're also combined with rock bur I'm sorry make that motion Mrs Brooks you can make the motion k your time is up please have a seat you as well Mr Morrison I look forward to that motion thank you against my better judgment I'm going to say if you're that concerned about lawsuits with the town Mr Kelly you know we could talk about all the ones that you have and that is outside of the purview of this Council you know what you can cherry pick all the it's your time to be quiet sir your time to be quiet okay it's your time to be quiet officer I'm going to direct you that if Mr Kelly speaks up again I'm going to have him remove from the meeting thank you it's okay to try to sound the alarm and cherry-pick facts and come up here like you know you're the uh you're the conscience of the town I think it's deplorable I think it's it's crazy to come and just you know cherry-pick different words and throw them out there to insinuate that anybody on this Council does not have the best interest of everybody in town their heart quite frankly is ludicrous and that's all I'm going to say about that Ronald Heyman sorry I have to follow that that's not easy to follow good evening my name is Ronald s Heyman I'm from The Firm of Heyman of Fletcher where attorneys in Randolph I represent three people Mr Mayor and Council people I represent M the Pagano family the setic family and piton two of my people are here tonight I know what what I'm going to ask you to consider is that this is a private road Private Road by easan Mr Dr had some conversations about this in the past there's three families that live there the road's about 1,45 ft I actually went to the road I normally don't do Road Site in inspections but I did today because I wanted to see what I was going to talk about and what I want to do is i' I'd like you to look at the road these three people pay somewhere between 75 and $80,000 in taxes and my request to you is to you to take over the ownership of the road we have an easement we can extinguish the easement they do get garbage as private they do get mail they don't get snow the road's in really excellent condition it's not something that I'm coming here saying you know the road is in deplorable condition you have to come in here now in another life many many years ago over 20 I served for 12 years in Mount Olive as a council person I understand the situation I've had people come to me when I was there I would make the visit I don't think it's it's an outlandish request I Know This concerns does this open up Pandora's box but it's sort of like zoning you have to come before you to make those requests every case is is on its own merits uh I think this street is actually in better condition than Split Rock Road that I ran into to get to that street so that that's the request you know again you know I think the amount of taxes that somebody pays does have some bearing on on what your considerations are and so that's the relief that we're seeking whether you've had an opportunity to go out there and look at it I don't know but I would like that you would do that before you make a decision and and then you know Mr yacha we've known each other for 45 years he's a little older than me and uh maybe you get back to us and let us know what what you think but that's our request Split Rock 327 ab and C that's where my clients live on on that road all right okay thank you for your time thank you Eric melsky Eric wsky 120 Richard street I was going to read an email Emil but uh coming kind of interesting coming off of some of the earlier comments shared an email with all of you after the last meeting and just as a followup to that Council in the past has not had a good reputation in the recent past that's changed which is great it seems to be changing again not addressing the issue that was brought forward in my opinion and many other residents allows for inuendo rumor and people to make their own decisions to maintain the integrity and enforce what you guys are about in the council I would encourage you to revisit that having an investigation if there's nothing to be found will only further to support and grow the integrity and the respect for you as Council if unfortunately something is found then I would assume necessary action will be taken and that's unfortunate but again you'll have resolve that problem address it and maintain your integrity thank you thank you April Royal ail Royal Hawthorne Court this week the mayor acting in his capacity as mayor and and on behalf of the administration knowingly and deliberately posed for photographs with two present candidates for the Rockaway Township Board of Education with both candidates and many others in attendance wearing campaign t-shirts and other regalia and per and permitted those candidates to actively promote their campaign and distribute campaign materials at the mayor's taxpayer funded event the mayor by his actions implicitly endorsed these candidates for the Board of Education and turned a taxpayer funded event into an ink kind contribution to those candidates further by using the mayor's office to promote these candidates the administration is attempting to influence the outcome of business to be brought before the board during these candidates prospective tenure this is wholly inappropriate unethical and constitutes an abuse of office and official misconduct on behalf of the taxpayers of Rockaway Township and on behalf of the students of the Rockway Township School District I urge this Council in the strongest possible terms to censure the mayor and Order his immediate personal reimbursement of all public monies used to create promote Market secure and attend this event as well as to mandate the proper reporting of these monies as an in-kind contribution to miss Mata Piro and Miss sain's campaign I respectfully ask that the balance of the three minutes allotted to my comment be held in silence to honor the lgbtq youth harmed by the policies Advanced by moms for Liberty and their supporters thank you thank you is there anybody from the public who had did not sign up the sheet that wishes to speak than again just name and address for the record I'm Sandy Hall three Maple Lane Lon New Jersey I'm up here from Sussex County um I thank you for the opportunity to address the council tonight I'm a founding member of the Delaware Water Gap defense fund we actively oppose the Delaware River National Park and leny preserve alliance's proposal to change the designation of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to a national park and preserve I'm not here to debate the issue I'm addressing the designation comments made by a resident at your last town meeting there are two important facts to know first requests to the alliance for impact statements have been ignored secondly approximately 58,000 acres in The leny Preserve would be open to forested field conversion and that could possibly lead to Timber degradation habitat disruption land clearing urbanization soil erosion and resource extraction uh the gentleman who was here at the last meeting uh made a statement about uh these this proposal uh and what he did say i' just like to clarify some of his statements for the record um we are not anti-government we are working with local legislators in Sussex and Warren counties Pike Monroe and Pennsylvania to fight the designation proposal the turtle Clan of the Ramapo Len lenapi opposed the proposal as does the lenpy nation of Pennsylvania it is the anad Darko lenpy from Oklahoma supporting the proposal hunting will not be allowed in this uh area only in The Preserve the national park designation does not guarantee more funding or staff the National Park Service suffered a 12% budget cut last year to be clear this proposal did not originate with the National Park Service we have met with the National Park Service and offered cooperation for events and volunteer events I just want to say again this is just a counter some of the statements that were made on the record at your last meeting um currently there are two resolutions in Trenton opposing this proposal ar133 in the New Jersey assembly and Sr 93 in the Senate are waiting for a vote we ask you to contact your local legislators dun baranco and Buco to support these resolutions that oppose the designation proposal Pennsylvania Congressman cartright supports our efforts New Jersey Congressman Keane supports our efforts Congressman gimer recently added an amendment to Appropriations Bill HR 8998 opposing the designation change and this pill bill just passed in the house in August I'm providing each council member uh with copies of the proposal our objections and concerns the resolution in the New Jersey State Senate and a list of the opposing sporting and environmental organizations we now have over 5,200 concerned citizens and groups in our opposition Network I have extra copies of the gentleman who made those comments is present I ask you if you have any questions or concerns uh just call us any time and I thank you for your time and consideration to address these issues and I have all this information with me who's the lucky person that gets it you can give it to Mr thank you again she'll make sure everybody gets it thank you is there anybody else from the public that wishes to speak okay moving on to the consent agenda uh I'm pulling r24 1559 for later in the meeting uh consent agenda r24 1556 r24 d157 r24 d158 r-4 d160 and r- 24-1 161 can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the role councilman n yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council V toic yes and council president Morris yes at seven yeses motion passes uh all right we have a couple of appointments we're going to go through um and just let everybody know we're going to do um appointments then we're going to do reports and then we are going to go into a closed session after which we come back uh I do not expect any action to be taken as a result of that close session uh first appointment Robert shark chief of police can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the role councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman tet yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council Movic yes and council president Morrison yes that's seven yes yes his motion passes he's Now official congratulations to him uh Joanne claps to the library Board of Trustees can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the role councilman n yes councilman Brooks yes councilman zck yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council voitovich yes and council president Morrison yes that's seven yeses motion passes Richard noral Richard on noral to the board of adjustment can I have a motion so moved second clerk please take the role councilwoman n yes councilman Brooks yes councilman tacket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voitovich yes and council president Marson yes that is seven yeses motion passes uh okay we're going to go on to reports and we will start with M councilman Quinn thank you an update on the citizens Rec committee uh there was a couple of issues that they brought forward uh Dave and Sue were there I hope they brought it back to the mayor um one was about the bleachers and the other was um they had looked at the YouTube video of the council meeting and they had concerns about sport programs paying for use of the fields uh they said if uh they are looking to do this or any type of research on this they want to be involved and those were two main issues that were brought up at that time and I'm looking to see if Administration has any update I'll wait on the as far as the pachers go uh Peterson Field has been packed with the football we had opening day um I'm at Peterson a lot now because I have two grandsons playing football and two granddaughters playing cheerleading and my young youngest order as a coach so I'm there this the 14th is uh another date that uh Peterson Field will be occupied all day with the varsity playing and uh Fred West's wife is going to do the coin toss at that time I'll be there all day so please come out support them it's a great program I hope they have a great season and I know the mayor will make his announcement I see that trophy sitting there and uh I hope to have a safe and healthy season thank you councilman second thank you council president um just a couple items uh I know myself and councilman Quinn and the mayor attended the pep rally uh on the uh 30th that was probably the biggest pep rally I've ever been to by far I was parked like blocks and blocks away so exent job by the rockets and uh great to see all the smiling faces and uh and they ran a tight ship that night I think it was done in 45 minutes it was a very nice job I was at the county um 911 memorial event on Sunday the 8th um over in Pary and it was well attended and remembering those from Rockway Township we had lost and I know we're having our event tomorrow as well um looking forward to the senior picnic on Thursday volunteering and also I just wanted to bring to the Council um for those that do not know uh councilman freedlander has um suffered a medical issue and um he did request to uh possibly be able to call into the meeting tonight and um I would like to have the council make accommodations for councilman freedlander to be able to call into future meetings whether it's on a phone or somehow we can set it up um because I think um you know could be a few meetings he could miss he would he was gutted to miss the meeting tonight I don't think in the uh seven plus years I've been on the council with Manny I think he's missed one meeting and um going through the medical issues he's dealing with um it's a lot and uh he's a miracle to be here today and um if anyone want to see me and talk to me I can fill you in in detail about him but please if we could think about for next meeting be able to get some accommodations for uh Council fre because I know in the past if we've had a medical issue we have we have accommodated them thank you so much councilman Brooks thank you Council morson um right now just uh schools are in session uh both the high school and the uh elementary school so my biggest thing is just making sure that those on the road watch out for the kids as they're getting on and off theat cuz I've already had a couple missed uh people stopping at the bus stop so going through this going through the buses so thank you very much that's it councilman Movic uh i' just like to say that you know in August we got our first National Night Out and I think it was uh it was a great great event it was attended by a lot of our residents and ID like to thank the police department we had a lot of police offices that volunteered their time I think there were 20 30 of them and again that was all volunteer time and uh behind the scenes well Dave was giving out so it's not really behind the scenes he was giving out uh hot dogs and ice cream and everything else in between Dave Dyer and Allison Lombardo they did a great job to put everything together so uh I hope uh you know this is only going to get better from from now on so it was a great job to all those involved and uh congratul congratulations to Chief Sher on um his appointment you know I know he's going to do a great job he's a dedicated servant to this Community that's it councilwoman new yeah just uh congratulations to the chief uh I also attended National Night Out it was awesome I was very impressed with the turnout and uh looking forward to the senior picnic also that's it councilwoman Brooks no report thank you Mr Yano um I have no report except council president I'm asking to make a motion to um cancel this the closed session for tonight uh special council is going to be here to address the council closed session at a family emergency he can't make it we could safely put that off to the next meeting okay so for now let me I'm going to make a motion to withdraw motion r-4 d159 uh consent to G item r24 d159 uh I'll second it cler please take the rooll councilwoman new yes councilman Brooks yes councilman tacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman woic yes council president Marson yes seven yeses motion passes we will put that for now on the next meeting miss kuso anything else Mr AR No Sir Mr Mayor yeah a couple things first uh as Jack noted uh last Saturday was the mayor's trophy football game the Rockway Rockets versus the uh Rockway burrow Junior kns and the rockets prevailed um in con convincing fashion it was a really good game really competitive game um we bring the kids together after the game talk them a little bit so it was uh really nice to see all the kids come together like that I want to remind everybody we have another Mobile DMV um coming up uh in partnership with assemblywoman dun who was here earlier tonight Monday September 23rd and Friday SE September 27th 10: a.m. to 1:45 p.m. in our parking lot um there's a uh what is that called QR code thing that you need to scan and set an appointment um you have to do it yourself uh and then as a councilman sacket reported uh senior picnic is Thursday and the weather I think is going to be perfect so I think we're having it Thursday from 11-2 at craigmere um if you need Transportation please call um oh forgot it's too late for that so uh yeah it's this it's this um Thursday and uh Alison Bardo Sue gab Jackie they all do a great job uh planning the event they have some great prizes to give away R do an American barbecue again I'm assuming right so great food everybody loves um and it'll be a great time that's all I have Miss palmary no report I just want to also wish uh captain Chief Shear uh congrat ulations I love working with him and I continue M ronte uh yes uh same congratulations to Chief Shar Chief not here C all right and then just two quick things one we had a bid opening for our next uh do Municipal Aid project and that's going to be Richard Street we received seven bids so it's nice to see a healthy competition under budget not anticipating until next spring uh for Richard Street roadway improvements and the other quick thing is we were on a pre-con with the county uh this morning they're going to Mill and pave the Northern end of Green Pond Road uh come midt into October so please beware watch out for detours that's it Mr Tabit um thank you council president just a one item I just like to acknowledge Britney Bernstein the local Health Outreach coordinator and program development specialist with the division of Health uh we have a mayor's Community walking challenge underway uh for the next five weeks and we have 26 teams of four residents each uh that are participating we've had a great turnout and our first kickoff event was this past weekend and it was terrific so just kudos to miss Bernstein for her work on this thank you Miss Johnson no report thank you Mr Dyer no report thank you Mr heinselman no report Mr no congratulations uh the chief Sher uh we got rid of all the beans so we have no more bare can at the r garage um I would like to report that starting within the week um we will begin uh micros surfacing streets uh look on the website we'll have the list of streets up there tomorrow morning that's it Mr coward nothing to report okay uh I would like to make a motion to adj germ by consensus all in favor so move thank you