##VIDEO ID:hxkhKezPt8c## e e e e e e e okay I'd like to call the August 13th 2024 meeting quar we're going to start with the flag Loop I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all a moment of silence to remember the service and sacrifices of the armed service members who protect our nation and the First Responders who protect our neighborhoods clerk please take the RO councilman Freelander here councilwoman noon here councilman Brooks councilman sacket here councilwoman Brooks here councilman Quinn here councilman voitovich here Council vice president salberg here council president Morrison here adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record in the Star Ledger the official newspapers for the township of Rockway notice was posted on the official bulle Boards of Rockway Township the township website and notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk moving on to the approval of the minutes for the July 9th Township Council regular meeting can I have a motion so move second clerk please take the rooll councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council we toich yes Council vice president salberg yes council president Marson yes that's 8 yes as motion passes thank you okay some of you may have noticed we have a few uh ball players here today so uh I know that we have some they were new employees is that what they are guys get to work working Mr Mayor the floor is yours yes turn my back to you I apologize can I have the uh 10U Allstar baseb team come up [Applause] here right so so this is a a really exciting thing when you just make a straight line here there you go keep going so you know it's not often that we get to celebrate something like this in fact this is the first um allar Team we've had win the districts for Cal Ripkin so give them a round of applause for [Applause] that your first names when I say it they can step forward and wait all right we got Braden here we go step back now kayin Colin sorry Chris David Drew [Applause] Jack Jameson uh notice we had Jack and Jameson together I find it interesting JJ Josh Matteo Matthew Nico nahil Tyler wheeler I get everybody got everybody all right so I'm gonna read a proclamation uh I wrote for you guys um whereas the Rockway Township ten you Allstar baseball teams to be recognized and honored for their outstanding 2024 season whereas the excellent performance dedication and commitment of these young men along with their coaching staff have proven to be a source of admiration and inspiration to the community of Rockway Township and whereas each of the Rockway Township 10 Allstar baseball players contributed to team cause which included hard Fort victories over Long Valley Montville Chester mendum Denville and ultimately Mount Olive yes in the championship to become the Township's first Cal Ripken District Champions now therefore I Joe Jackson Mayor of the township of Rockway do hereby recognize this great accomplishment and commend the Rockway Township tenu All-Star baseball players and their coaching staff Joe Morgan Brad White Bill we Dave the Roa and George cirio Sergio Sergio for their fi fine efforts and extend to them the token of admiration congratulations guys you guys are going to stay for the rest of the meeting go ahead go ahead you can go I'm sure your parents want to go congratulations so as they leave and while I'm up here I'd like to introduce uh our new community events planner Shannon mccardy is starting tomorrow um she already has a project to work on um Shannon has been doing this for the past three years in chadam and has been excelling she has a degree in journalism um she's a certified grant writer she's done a tremendous amount of Outreach um you know Dress for Success women's league of women's voters um things like that and she's looking to really grow within the township and expand um our our events and really uh blow them out starting next year I mean she's going to do some stuff this year like I said we got a couple things going on for her but we wanted to welcome her to our hocky Township so welcome sh six Anthony you have to stay take care Anthony uh okay uh now I we're gonna give some time uh to Dave uh from Rio Tinto um to go over his uh the ongoing uh helmet environmental cleaner so we're going to try to keep it to uh 10 minutes and then we'll have uh 10 minute question and answer if necessary can you hear me well if you're speak into the mic because we're recording these and they'll hear if you speak into the mic take it out uh no no no that's the good if I'm shaking a little bit that's not a good idea so I may turn my back to some people I apologize for that okay so uh thanks for having me I'm David L cler I work for rento so I'm here today to speak about or to discuss a project that we will have an upcoming project at the haret D facility so what you will see today is a today sorry is a brief sight history who are the involved party uh the meaning of the remediation what we will do uh who are the regulatory agency and program that we're involved with uh what is the plan what are next steps and uh question and answer it's not the first time that we present this project so in fact we had already two public meeting I guess a few months ago um so if there's anything more to do we can do that after so before we start or maybe the first um why riotinto so riotinto at the moment we're not the operator of the of the site as you know it's hmet Aerospace it's not riotinto however through merger and acquisition over the time we remain liable for anything that predates 95 at the size so that's the reason why I have the reent tow shirt nothing to do with hmet so anything that has to do with current operation uh it's not it's not Realto so we're responsible for everything that predates 95 through the pade and Alan then the rottino acquisition uh I won't go through all the detail of U of the the owner in the past but there's been a lot of changes uh in terms of ownership so basically the site as you may know is a 85 Acre Site in Rockaway township we call it the do site but really it's in the Rockaway Township it's an aluminum alloy uh investment casting operation it's been in operation since the mid 40s um and now it's own and operate by uh h r police why we we're here today is that we have liability for some cleanup that needs to be done for some activities that happen in the past basically some of the operation they were dumping uh shell material or material that is used in the process uh at the back of the site so they basically sorry basically use of some of that material to backfill the site so that's why we have a project at the moment uh when we say meaning uh of remediation what have we found onite through many years of Investigation mainly what we found is pcbs and some whatat what we call torm which is technolog technologically sorry enhance a naturally occurring radioactive material it may sound uh impressive but basically is Zer consent that they use in the process that have some low level of radiation that are used in the procet that we're back filling in the site so you see what you see there at the as the map the brownish color is what we found in terms of pcbs and in the blue is what we call the torm so mainly at the back of the site uh in the wetlands as well as under the paved area that is used at the parking lot when I said there's a many agency and program uh we're dealing with uscpa because we have pcbs on site so that's regulated with ngdp but above a certain level we need to go to usepa we have ngd there's only one ngd here but there's many many other entities under ngdp there's the brra the rat folks the Wetland the the lenu and and others so a lot uh to align there and we have also lsrp lsrp it's called the licens site remediation uh professional So within the New Jersey um regulation we don't deal directly with the Regulators we use the what we call the lsrp who is basically responsible to make sure that what we do on site is in line with regulation so those are the key players there's a few other ones like fish and wildlife but those are the main one and it's not an easy task because the site tackles a lot we have Federal uh provincial we have fish and wildlife Wetlands flood plane um so not easy to align all the player it's not a a one one shot stop uh when it comes to the final approval for that project so what will be the plan so why are we here today what I wanted to explain is there's basically two phase at the uh at the plan uh uh one is building a new Access Road uh I guess you all know probably more than me that the Roy street is pretty narrow already u a lot of traffic that is on that road as well as the uh rocker Way Road uh in order to do the project which will be uh on for roughly two years will'll build a road from maybe you can see from the back of the Hammet Aerospace and it will connect to the Route 46 between the CVS and the um the car dealership there's they're used to be a road there back in the day so we've met with the municipality I think maybe a year ago now and I think the the former uh or the police chief said that I think in the 80s there was a road there so we're basically reusing the same base to reduce the the cut of trees and and so on um so the first base the first uh step will be um yeah make sure we have the erosion control plan in place we cleared the brush um and um well reestablishes yeah as I said we use the same base as we we have in the past there might have been some changes when we have to go into the Wetland we do some mitigation for that and that road will be temporary it's not something that we will leave after um however we must say that the Roy wheet will be used at the beginning of that project to build the first phase of that road so we try to minimize as much as we can the traffic on the Roy street but there will be some for sure just some pictures so on on the left is uh the Roy Street access which is very narrow and on the right this is where you have the uh where we will be connecting to the Route 46 uh between the CVS and the car dealership so that's the phase one building the access to the the back of the site the phase two will basically be what we call the remediation work mainly Excavating the contaminated soil uh on side put that on trucks trucks will leave the side through the new road it will go in in a location near the uh I think it's new YK Transportation facility and it will be put on Rails and it will be sent into a a license facility um and then we'll bring clean field to backfield because one of the thing that we have to do with the the flood plane it's a zero netfield so we cannot leave hole behind and we cannot create also uh small amount of uh not dirt but soil because it has to be a zero net field so we don't remove PL place for the water with the um the flood issue that we may have and then we will have a barrier so basically we will leave some contamination on site that meets all the regulation in terms of Eco uh human health um and so on but that will be under a cap and you'll see that in the next picture or I think the the next one so where are the proposed excavation um you see maybe it's hard to see but I would say the bulk of the excavation will be at the back of the site really where we have the parking lot and and the Wetland and where we are today with The Regulators is a I wouldn't say a limbo but we're trying to minimize the our impact into the wetlands because I don't know if you ever been there but there's trees that big so we want to avoid as much as we can cutting those trees but also we need to make sure that we're protective of the uh the ecological habitat that we have there so the final status or State uh once we're done with the remedy and and with HTH so what you see in brown is what we call the engineer barrier but that's going to be ashall so basically we'll do most of the um uh the parking lot making sure there's no crack in the ashall making sure this is a cap that is sound and solid and what you see in yellow will be a soil cap uh basically two to three feet of so making sure there's no contact possible between the uh the wildlife human and so on it's all not something that riotinto designed by itself so we're using um a third party company for that but the lsrp as I was saying before is the key to make sure that what we do and what we propose to Regulators is in line with uh regulation and I think I'm should be on time uh what what is the anticipated schedule for the project as I said we already had the well it's two months now we already had a committee meeting in June uh we um we expect to submit the permit application in q1 2025 why not now it's because we're still in limbo with with the bu folks so we're about to get a final number to what we have to uh do the remedy and then we'll uh send the um the permit application to uscpa um we'll OST additional community meeting for sure that's just and part of the CSP implication we want to have with the community between end of 25 and early 26 we will begin the access road construction in roughly early 26 and that again that may change a little bit and we will begin the bulk of the remediation the excavation in Q2 2026 and we'll host additional community meeting as needed why it takes so long uh basically once you you you give the uh permit application to us uscpa they told us it's two years so that's why it's long it's not because we don't want to do the project is just that the the the approval process for uscpa is long and we've been told that it's getting longer so that's uh not on our end high level next steps uh will'll continue to keep the community informed and we're working also with with HED uh we will distribute fact sheet and project update as we progress into the project um additional committee meeting I think I've said it and uh the it's important to see that the public will have the opportunity to comment because when you submit a permit there's always a public session where people can comment on what we will uh uh propose to New Jersey and USPA and with that I think this is my last slide there's some context for and I I will provide you Howard with the slide back uh so sorry I was not able to do it before so we have contact for riotinto uh Hamed as I said before the current operation it's not us but they they agreed to provide a phone number if it's needed and if there's an immediate inquiry there's a specific contact item for for you to do that's it okay um I have a couple questions and then uh we'll open up that that's okay um where is the effective material being brought sorry where is the effective material going to be trucked to I don't remember the the the location it's near New York it's a transport facility so the truck will go I think it's it's near New York okay I don't remember exactly which one but they take our load they will put that in in trains rail cars and that's going to be shipped I should have note that's okay but it's a yeah all right um so it's not in in New Jersey okay and then the other question is what is the what's the use of the land after they're done like who is hmet what do they so at the moment hmet is still planning so we keep the land as industrial okay so we don't have any plan how own that's oh yes that's maybe it's a good question everything that I show Y is owned by hmet okay but we don't know what hmet plan to do with the land after it's remediated so it's Wetland line iser it's on own no I know that but the buildings that are there are staying right yeah my point is is so are they going to operate the same as they're doing today I don't know what goes on yeah yeah it's going to be the same yeah oh okay I thought that they sold it something else no no no I don't I'm not announcing anything okay all right so it's what same operation what do they do there airplane ports yeah airplane PS 49 Aerospace baby oh nice Cas yeah and no and we we've been in touch with Hamed for many many years right and the the tricky part is I mean the Wetland is one thing but that's part of their operation dayto day we do have to uh perform some excavation near the building and that's we have very good relationship with hmet but that might be a bit more tricky okay and how paying for this right they're paying for this no Roto so liability so rotto is liable for anything that predates 1995 let me rephrase that we're not we're not this no thank you sorry okay uh Council any other questions up here uh quick question it was a little hard to tell from the uh the map um how close do we get to the Rockway River and is there any plans on you putting up um barriers are buffeting it yeah there spend for that we're probably uh maybe a few hundred feet sometime some place it might be closer than that so we haven't seen any impact on the water of the river nor the sediments which is which is a good news but we're we're in the Pro the project phase where we are we are at what we call the execution uh plan and that's what we're refining what will be the mitigation let's say we have a flood when we're Excavating because there's the water table is pretty high and it's not very deep though I mean the contamination or what we have to remove is up to maybe 8 n ft not very deep however the water table is probably a few feet down all right so there are plans if there's encroachment if we need to put booms or anything yeah okay um remediating the soil and putting it in trucks those trucks now are going to travel highways they're going to have the tarps and covering all of the contaminated soil that is going to norc to be loaded on cars which are going to wherever uh are they going to then do you know that how that soil is going to get sterilized is it going through a incinerator no it it will be landfill in a proper yeah lined Landfield so there's not a lot of Landfield that collocated because PCB is one thing rad is one thing when you have both I think there's two or three landfill in the US that can accept that and we audited two of them and I think we're still debating which one we will use it will depend on the final logistic because we want to make sure that it's uh it's easy for us but it's not something we'll burn for example the PCB or or the rat it's it's not field and any soil that goes on the road from these trucks being taken out will be cleaned up and remediated right away right yeah the goal is there to have no soil so we'll have clean station we clean the truck before they exit the side okay but if anything happen on the road we we'll make sure it's clean for sure anybody else John the work that's being done is that going to be during like regular hours like 8 to 5 is it night time what type of one is that going to be at the moment we're seeing 8 to5 something like that regular business hour and not during the weekend during the weekend no not during the weekend so basically business hour maybe yeah would say yes does homad have any records on how long this dumping occurred uh I guess from the beginning from the beginning yeah it's nice and might be a bit technical but we see a gradient from the the contamination when they start to use when they stop to use PCB when they start to use Ran So we have I mean we have food record it's uh 60 years ago but uh no we know where we are I mean we've been dilling the the site is a Swiss cheese so we've been drilling the site for four or five years so we have a very fully delineated at the moment we know where it is and any any Council I oh sorry Council good Mr Mayor yeah so that area so are these going to be like regular size dump trucks can be extra large dump trucks so that part of the road where they're coming out is a really congested area it's a really difficult intersection so it looked like on your drawing it's only a right turnout or a right turn in y okay and what would be the anticipated number of trucks that are coming out of there every day I think it's 80 a day 80 80 80 yeah 8 Z at that's a that's a tough intersection to have 80 trucks coming out of a day but if they're making a turn only out of there huh if they're making a right turn only it does it's it's like that's I mean a 46 between the the CVS and it's not a big area and and the dealership and if if they're coming West they're gonna have to come up and over right and fill up that hole so I wonder how they're where how they're getting there like are they going to be coming down in the back entrance of the lot or that's a lot depending on what time they're coming 10 every hour okay because that's that's CVS there I'm assuming that gray building to the left I'm at looking at the blow up I'm looking at the blow up what we will so eight to five right what is it eight hours 80 10 an hour every six minutes you're gonna have a truck every six minutes if that's we gotta be we got to you gotta we're GNA have to have you pay attention to when Morris Hills gets in and out because we're GNA have school buses pouring out of that intersection a good yeah a yeah yeah who would coordinate that with them especially with as welle 46 Y and the county since I'm sure the trucks would be coming down um I think we'd like to request a followup meeting as we get closer on the Transportation Route um with the county since I'm sure we're going to be utilizing M Hope Avenue and Route 46 do okay right makesense and I mean it's one of the key thing we I mean we have to execute a project so that is the best option that we see but we need to make sure that it makes sense and we mitigate as much as we can impact we don't want to have an accident that loation we have the adjacent municipalities we have Dober Rock there as well and then that is the burough isn't it they also make are they aware of this they are aw okay yeah they aware yeah they possibly could also be going through Denville if you're taking 46 up you're making the right on Franklin to come back down if you're only going right right Circle all right and then you're passing moris n well I would yeah and that's what Allison will have a follow-up meeting with do and all that and we'll figure out recommendations around that but that's a good yeah I think it's a good calll Shi listen luckily we have what a year and a half to figure this out hopefully hopefully a year and a half maybe two yeah all right I think I mean this type of Engagement is making sure those F two are are known and address yep I think cool um are there any questions from the public on this yes may I one thank you David for your presentation um can you talk a little bit about the required public notice requirements with your applications to EPA and G uh I think it's it's a it's a tricky question I think it's a it's a 90 days before or it has to be posted for 90 days when we submit or before we submit so I can come back to you with the specific uh timeline for that do you notify adjacent property yeah yeah we did and we did that for the public meeting oh sorry I missed your your question so when we did the public meeting there is I don't remember which is uh but we basically notify all the Resident along the property and you have to go first than that and we've done that how much f h I think it's a quarter of a mile or maybe half a mile we have that neighborhood right by shop right there so we they were yeah so we we had uh that's going to be congested and if somebody wants to view the applications you copy would be submitted to the municipality okay is there any other questions from anybody thank you for coming tonight thank you appreciate it thank you sorry all right we are going to move up agenda item number 11 which is uh mayor's appointments with the consent of councel um the first one we're going to do is a public defender is there any discussion from the Council on that what is the defender's name I'm sorry the public defender what's his name oh I don't have it in front of me so the I'll just go through and tell you that the the current one um offered his uh resonation letter uh we uh got applications for two people and we had Rich from the court interview them and he strongly recommended this one uh we checked some references and we felt it was the right person to hire okay and I'm sorry the name the full name John Gray g g so we have a motion to appoint John Gray g as the public defender can I have a motion so moved a second cler please take the role councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman zet yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voy toic yes Council vice president salberg yes council president Morrison yes it's a yes as motion passes um resolution r24 155 for the business administrator um I know that we've spoken about this if we're going to have discussion I just want to remind everybody that uh personal details are not to be discussed here does anybody have any discussion on this yeah just want to know um for uh for our attorney uh is a new job description required for this we need to create a new position the the job description the title is uh Chief Municipal finance officer uh Slash business administrator it's a cjoint title uh implying that both the positions are done by the same individual uh it's acceptable as far as civil service goes uh We've checked that out and that's how it will be okay any other discussion Okay resolution r24 1555 can I have a motion so moved second cler please take the role councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voitovich yes Council vice president salberg yes council president Morrison yes say yeses motion passes congratulations and we need we need a resolution okay uh we're going to move on to the open to the public portion of the meeting I will council president one second please uh do I take it that the council's vote also incorporates the agreement uh yes okay that is I I'll ask the clerk to record it as such yes thank you sir agre thanks uh okay sorry the open to the public portion I'll call your name please step up to the microphone um B can we put it back thanks um I'll ask you to say your name and address for the record and there is a three minute time limit apologies on this name as I can't really read it it's George George sorry couldn't read the last name that's what I was going to say right up here name and address for the record to the microphone yeah I didn't want to turn my back yeah so um my name is George Mula I've lived at 88 Mount Hope Road for the last 30 years where my wife and I have raised three children uh we've been blessed better than we deserve so I'm glad I didn't have to go right after the little Leaguers that was kind of a tough act to follow I actually coached the All-Star team in 2001 just to date myself we didn't do that we didn't do that great we had nine soccer players as starters nice so goes to show um so thank you to the council thank you to the Rockway Township Administration for allowing me to speak tonight I'll be it very quickly glad to see the mayor has the right name tag tonight yes he didn't last time uh I stood before you on May 28th uh to voice my concerns on 79 Mount Hope Road application that was being heard by the board of adjustment for certificate of non-conforming use the suggest at that time from the town attorney was let them handle it and we can hear more after they come to a determination of the matter which is what I did I didn't come back I wanted to submit a letter we decided not to do that just in compliance with your wishes um well the resolution is done and they did Grant the certificate of non-conforming use uh the critical issue here is the use will change right so the intensity that is in the resolution is not limited which will be probably a double tripling or even more in the intensity of what's going to be allowed at that property for me I don't see how that's continuing usage okay I just want to kind of state that for the record we mentioned 100 trucks on 46 this will be up to 50 trucks a day on Mount H Hope Road on a busy turn at a four-way intersection with my property and just for the record so you know Morris County will not do a study unless it's more than Vehicles a day so the 80 right just a little advice right they don't they won't even look at that um so residents have a 45 day uh period to file an appeal with the Morris County Court um you know I'm not looking for the town to be hurt here I'm not looking for additional cost for your attorney uh it just seems that the resolution as it stands today without a limitation on usage uh is a bit unreasonable and arbitrary um um with the number of TRS uh this is because the letter that I have from 1996 was actually submitted and used as substantial evidence by the attorney of the application so I actually submitted my letter and used that as evidence of how long that's been a construction yard the hours of usage all the details other than the number of trucks so I'm confused as why that could be evidence which is arbitrary for one cause versus another um so therefore the certificate was issued based on evidence that was only partially considered which seems to be capricious in nature so you know during the three meetings that I had over the last several months I really found like I was an outsider in my own town after being here 30 years like I said I've coached every sport council president church I mean I've been part of this community um so really what I'm requesting it's not to change anything or to complain I'd like to have a meeting with the mayor perhaps the attorney business administrator engineering and maybe one or two council members just to discuss it go over the resolution go over the letter uh and really just to give it additional perspective I'm not questioning the grandfathering I'm not questioning the usage those decisions were made but once again to to increase the intensity is very arbitrary and that is outside of what I'm being told can be done so I appreciate maybe the four minutes there thank you [Music] I also what I may [Music] simp is the that they when you resol that's what is usually and that it flows through uh so yeah I understand that and that was all very well said and I understand and appreciate agree with most of that the challenge is for the last 28 years Rockway Township has enforced this letter with 15 trucks their approve of more trucks was a handwritten list so if I if I could break in here we're getting way off yeah on the subject here we could if we could take this to elfline after the meeting or or some I'd be happy to speak to you okay that's all I'm looking for is the conversation like I said the appeal that's a big step okay I have no choice there goes my daughter's first year college fund but I have no choice that's my home I've been there 30 years right it's not just a house okay so we'll take this offine okay is there anybody else from the public that did not put their name on the sign and sheet that wishes to speak okay uh ordinance ordinance 02415 for final adoption an ordinance amending the salaries of certain officials and employees of the township of Rockway and the county of moris can I have a motion so move second is there anybody from the public that wishes to speak on this ordinance is there any Council discussion clerk please take the role councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman boyovich yes Council vice president salberg yes council president Morrison yes it's eight yeses motion passes okay consent agenda before we move on to this uh one or two of you i' express some concern about some of these is there any is there a motion to pull any of these out council president can I make a motion to pull out resolution 24-1 149 for discussion I'll second that clerk please take the all actually no we don't need a uh John we don't need to do a I can just pull it out all right so we'll pull out 149 for discussion after is there anything else okay uh so for consent agenda items r24 d136 M say through R 2448 or do I have to say them all no really yeah you should have told me that two years ago I tell you now but next week I'll tell you something okay consent agenda items r-4 d136 through r24 d148 and r24 d150 through r-4 d154 can I have a motion so move second second cler please take the role councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman V toic yes Council vice president salberg yes council president Morrison yes that's eight yes as motion passes uh councilman sacket your concerns on 149 thank you counc president just a couple quick questions clarifications to May with the mayor could answer I appreciate it um for the for the resolution just as wondering um the baseball fields is there going to be is that a separate project or is that kind of like where this is going is this going to go where the baseball fields were thinking about doing or is this a separate spot so this is going in the middle section right above P1 and P2 where all the woods are the baseball fields are going to be up top that'll be a separate phase okay so that's P1 okay in the middle there and then um also something you know that we were dreaming about is the building would that be in a separate area as well I I I think as I I mentioned I'm I'm not sure and and that could be where the baseball fields are going to be if that's where the council or the Future Vision becomes or it could be another building that we acquire and renovate um but this is strictly for that middle section and will include um The Pavilion uh with a kitchenet with a bathroom inside uh four botch courts a community garden a playground and a walking path and the community garden which which I like the idea that's going to be maintained by the residents by yep like we have maybe like a committee or something I think it's it's normally usually it's committee Garden so like wait a second are we gonna have to pay her tonight if she guard like a garding committee on the clock yeah yeah so and we can actually I believe um get grant funding um to create the garden the community garden so um and we're also actually councilman voy toic is soliciting um for the Pavilion too so yeah but the community garden would be by committee Shannon said and then also for the kitchen area all that good stuff um that would be available to permit to rent out how would that work I I mean that that's what we would look to do if people want to use it um you know obviously like if the Boy Scouts want to use it or or a soccer team wants to have a party there we wouldn't charge them but if Outsiders want to do things there or people that aren't groups within the township we would rent it out for sure I I would Envision possibly you know the the Gazebo concerts if it's raining out we could have them there versus the mall you know things like that and then talking about the rental that brings you back to the thing we've kind of had on the back burner for a while is is uh fee schedule for the fields for for that all that stuff maybe we can get that all put together excellent so uh Mr coward has done a analysis for me across all the towns um for all of our fees not just for sports for everything for health fees inspection fees and him and I are going to have a meeting probably next week and go through it and we'll have a recommendation for the council shortly thereafter yeah yeah we'll do a resolution or whatever we got to do thank you for answering the question appreciate it yep uh quick question will we be opening up any opportunities for sponsorship to either businesses or patrons that was my plan like I was thinking you know it's it's like a build a buy a brick thing and contribute to it that's what I want to do and that's why Shannon I think is gonna be doing some of that going door too but as a bigger thought right and and Miss fante brought this up to me a few weeks ago I I think it'd be a good time um with this getting ready to get underway and all that for for us to maybe go on a tour maybe you know we could see if we could all get a day off together and go visit some local businesses together you know as a as a council and mayor and business administrator and and go visit businesses and talk about the township and I'll see if I can put that together yeah that'd be great okay so Shannon you can't think about any of this until tomorrow start excellent uh any other Council questions okay uh so I make a motion for resolution r24 d149 can I have a second second clerk please take the role councilman Freelander yes Council Manon yes councilman sacket yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes Council boyovich yes Council vice president zberg yes yes and council president Morrison yes at a yes as motion passes i' just like to thank the council for their involvement their questions and their commitment to moving forward with this next phase I think it's exciting and I think it's been great for the town I agree and good good questions guys uh okay agenda item number 12 new business uh appointments Thomas Batista to Fire Company 2 full membership can I have a motion so move second CL please take the role councilman Freelander yes Council Manon yes councilman sacket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman Boy toic Yes Council vice president salberg yes and council president Morrison yes that's eight yeses motion passes congratulations to Mr Batista okay we are going to move on to council reports um as a reminder we try to keep it to five minutes or less we are going to start with count councilman Quinn okay thank you uh the fall fall Sports have been running uh in fact football is doing contact with the kids uh it's great to watch the little ones learn how to tackle and everything it throws me back to when I was a coach so um it's fun my grandson is learning how to tackle actually actually bought a tackle dummy it wasn't me and uh I let him uh learn to tackle and he did great so it's fun also I want to remind everybody school is getting ready to open and school buses we have to worry about kids getting on these buses I I'm hoping that the school board has retrofitted a lot of the buses with c cameras and I'm asking the PD to make sure that uh any of the school bus areas that are notorious like Fleetwood Drive where these people go around the bus uh that they station somebody there because I want to nail these people if are going around I don't want any of our kids hurt so please be careful remember our kids are our next generation in our next life so please thank you thanks just to clarify when you were a coach did you have to instruct them on the leather helmets or was it the I I actually wore an acorn helmet my first year thank you yes I go back that far councilman second catch my breath for a second there good joke Mr Morrison looking forward to the rescheduled uh National Night Out tomorrow Thursday thday night um planned to go last Tuesday and there only there was only one going on in the area I went to the one in Rockway burrow got quite wet but there was no one there at a lot of food so uh good to bring the family out for that it was nice um intended earlier today the uh looking forward to the new building being built over there in White Lake that was a fun little uh event um pep rally like councilman Quinn was talking about is tentatively scheduled for uh August 30th and I just seen a couple of questions and maybe Administration answer real quick about happy to hear that the um the bare garbage cans are in I seen a lot of people seem upset um which I'm surprised because you know when you're again something I think it's a good thing but see people are upset because they're not blue diamond customers I just was wondering um was Blue Diamond involved and that may be someone can answer that question so here's all I can tell you um and I think if you looked there was a post from KD Platz that explained a lot of it um I got a call 70 or email 7 months ago would you be interested in getting bear cans for your residents and I said yes didn't say anything about Blue Diamond and then I don't know when this like two months ago I get a call from news2 that they you know about the bar cans and that they're for blue d Diamond customers I'm like what are you talking about and so then it caused um Al admin Allison to start requesting a list of Blue Diamond customers so then Blue Diamond gave us a list but it wasn't all of Rockaway it was only like 07866 I think and it was and it wasn't even all the 07866 so then we started going back to the state and they were like well figure it out and we're like figure it out you know you dumped this on us like you know so I believe and Al maybe you could talk through what we landed on that we're going to do sure so um we have 457 bear cans that the state of New Jersey uh I've delivered to the to the road garage uh starting tomorrow we're bringing them into Manny's house right we're drop them off from Manny's house she's going to um there's 64 gallon uh toor cans um each resident will have to provide their their driver's license um and proof that they are blue diamond customer as per uh de's wishes um so starting tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 540 green Pawn Road we'll be handing out uh bear cans um this will be uh Wednesday through Saturday for residents of uh Sanders Road and Green Pond Road North so that's the Green Pond Road Corridor that's uh residents of Meridan Hibernia telmark Lake Denmark uh Marcel green Pond Mountain Area Green Pond Corp area um and then next week starting Monday 7 to 3:30 through Saturday will be open for townwide um the reason for starting up north is um as you see on news Channel 12 or on the uh on uh newspaper um when a Bergen County Town shuts down because of a single bear they tranquilize it and they drop it up up north on the north end of town so they drop them off uh Meridan Road Upper High ber Road Split Rock Road Green Pawn Road on state l so they get the brunt of the bare traffic um so we we uh we we devised that plan um and we'll take it from there until all 457 cans are are delivered and from what I recall I think from Katie's post was that the state reached out to all the garbage providers and blue diamond was the only one that showed any interest that's what they told her anyway yeah the the idea was for D to use um waste haulers that used a single arm collection un automated collection waste management and tassielli in town do not provide that service as of yet so blue diamond is the only one in town that provides that service um so they went they chose to go with blue diamond okay thank you that was a big Hot Topic this week so thank you very much it was yeah and and Al's more politically correct to me because I sent an email back to him and saying you know what we're just going to give them to whoever shows up and she didn't like that so how yeah you know but I'm like why why do we all of a sudden have to you know his admin has things to do and she's spending time trying to get a list you know it's crazy so councilman movish yeah just like to say congratulations again to the 10 you team under District Championship um also our first Roy Township National night that was cancelled last week to weather but we'll have it this Thursday on the 15th so I hope that uh you know a lot of our residents come out and and uh take part uh our Hometown Heroes program with the V uh veteran banners uh the applications are available online we have 10 in so far we have 10 in but we do have funding for 20 so I hope uh you know anybody knows for a veteran Rockway Township that used sub bid him it's all paid for for the first 20 and then anything after that uh we'll find funding for some solicit soliciting some donations um and also I spoke to the captain briefly this is you know I hope the captain's going to elaborate on this but and I don't want to alarm any residents out there but there is a group of individuals out here in New Jersey that's uh burglarizing residences uh throughout the state and it's quite sophisticated uh they come out they have uh Wi-Fi Jammers so they could Jam your ring camera they'll put a tag on your car so no when you leave in the house and then they'll bulgar up break it to your house uh my polish acccident just came out sorry um and and you know again I don't want to say say this to to for the resident to be alarmed but you know just just be vigilant you see something like that call the police uh I don't want the calls keep coming in and and that the offices to be overwhelmed but just just pay attention I mean it's pretty sophisticated what they're doing and uh you know they even set up cameras in people's yards to know when you're out of there and um that's when they go in so we have a great Police Department I spoke to the captain he was aware of it he said he sent out a rave uh alert already so so it's great to see that they're very proactive and uh that's all I have councilman freedlander thank you council president the uh the library summer programs went well uh they have they set couple concerts up uh in front of the library they had one already August 6 but if anybody uh is doing anything August 20th at uh 6:30 outside the library in the parking lot they're going to have another uh contract and if the weather permits it'll be fun uh substance abuse Alliance uh summer programs were were done uh they had a fundraiser at the the orange uh EX ex size uh club uh in the Rockway mall and that was a success and the next meeting which we're going to have soon we're discussing and finalizing a four fundraiser we're GNA have Bingo night so that ought to be fun because everybody loves Bingo uh the Historical Society had a special meeting this past Monday and it was discussed the medicine of the revolutionary period where I the president uh did for an hour and a half and it was phenomenal there were over 30 people there and again the uh the environmental committee was off for the summer but I do have one question because it was brought up at the Historical Society what's going on with the water sewer thing are we getting closer they've been working on the interior and they're doing a great job but that's going to hold up opening up for the fall so I mean last time the permits or whatever you had a reapply yes thank you um we actually um completed the design of the septic system good and we received the vision of Health reviewed and approved it we have the permit um now we are out to quote to install the septic system thank you Brian 16th of resp oh beautiful because yeah because that's let's face it with the water and the septic I mean that's the key to move ahead and let's get going you know okay beautiful thank you councilwoman new nothing tonight councilwoman Brook thank you um to pay back councilman Quinn the first day of school for the school is actually August 27th the high school buses come quite early my boys leave around 5:45 it is still dark out um so as he mentioned the first day school for uh Rockway Township K through 8 is the 3D of September so keep an eye out on those um uh tomorrow evening at 7:30 there's a board meeting at Copeland Middle School um I also wanted to also put piggy back on the be cans mayor and I went back and forth um about just how poorly it was handled by the state but I'd also like to mention it was posted by the township that anyone who does have a blue diamond contract should check their contract they're paying for a certain can and I'm under the impression the cans of the state is providing are smaller so on the North End of side if you are only getting trash one day a week and you create as much trash as my house does that little can may not be sufficient so just make sure you check your contracts and understand you you may not be getting something that's comparable you should still take it but um just be aware of that and then also I wanted to possibly pick brains of the administration to see if there's some sort of maybe bulk purchase we can create to get the residents discounted cans um I've been here about 20 years and right when we moved in so we're going to say about 15 years ago we did do something of that nature and residents were able to purchase cans cuz we bought them in a large amount at a discount rate they are expensive um and fun fact the a bear stole my can I thought someone else stole it brought it into the woods my can won the bear didn't but I did have to find it um and last but not least uh there's a school supply drop off in the lobby here so if any council members would like to donate I'm going to go to the store and P purchase items uh so that we can participate and that's all I have Council vice president thank you two items of note I just wanted to mention from the last uh Board of County Commissioners meeting um at a proclamation that made July 14th 2024 they proclaimed at fentanyl poisoning Awareness Day in Mars County to raise awareness of the dangers of Fentanyl and to honor me memory of uh Max lenowitz who passed away on his 25th birthday from fentanyl poisoning uh in 2022 on July 14th uh and the thousands of other New Jersey residents who have lost their lives to fentel poisoning one other item resolution 2024 670 was the uh U passing of Governor uh the governor's Council on substance abuse disorder Mars County was awarded a total of 214,000 and change Rockaway received of that $10,250 so I'm hoping we can put that to good use and awareness thank you m Yano thank you Council hello okay uh just one quick announcement I reported to you I believe at the last council meeting that the township had been successful in affecting the dismissal of two Oprah complaints that Mr Kelly had filed with the government records Council um I learned last week that Mr Kelly is now appealing the decision of the government records Council against his complaint to the appell at division of superior court so you understand the mechanism uh rulings or decisions of the government records Council if challenged uh go straight to the appell at division of Superior Court uh so that has been filed uh will keep you advised of the progress or hopefully the lack thereof and uh more money down the drain with Mr Kelly's legal Endeavors Mr Mayor I have a lot of good stuff to go overnight some not so good stuff um but like to start with I think we got a lot of great things um going on in the township the addition of Shannon the promotion of Lisa um you know 20 years of experience she's been here since I think 2008 um as our CFO knows the people everybody respects her and I appreciate you um I I really wanted to tell the department heads and the the uh team members this morning before the council even knew because I wanted them to be the first to know so I appreciate you indulging me with that um got an email from um Rachel sacket just want to let everybody know that September is ovarian cancer awareness month um education awareness regarding ovarian cancer especially Paramount because symptoms are often vague and or altogether absent and there are no early detection test for disease which makes the diagnosis particularly difficult once someone is diagnosed treatment options are often limited and cancer the cancer progresses quickly only 50% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer live five years Beyond a diagnosis and mortality rates have not sign signicantly improved in decades it's unacceptable and it's cruel for too many women so um anything you can do to support the cause or make a donation um please consider that I wanted to let uh announce that the Rotary Club of Rockway purchased a personal uh personal thermal camera for our fire department prevention Bureau this camera seeks fire Pro Series cameras is worn on the body and provides firefighters with the ability to regain orientation and low visibility or blackout conditions it also allows firefighters to see details in the hottest and coolest regions of the scene at the same time the camera was purchased with proceeds from this year's 5K run um so I'd like to thank the uh rotary club for uh purchasing that for our fire department um I received um a letter uh from Senator Buco notifying us that the township has an approved to received $50,000 Awards in the American Rescue plan firefighter program and I believe this was a a grant that Jeff wrote um and we will uh the funding will be utilized to upgrade large dammer water supply hose and service and maintain compliance structure firefighting gear so that's a a big win um we also have something from the County Commissioners that the this is from uh beginning of July the board of county commissioner has approved the funding in the amount of 400,00 ,000 that afford FAS house interior restoration project the commission has approved the funding based upon recommendations of the Morris County historic preservation trust um which reviewed a total of 28 applications so that's good news to uh get more money for that um got National Night Out coming on [Music] Thursday so I wanted to go through something that's greatly disturbing to me um and talk about what's going on in town um with a certain individual so we've been flooded um with Oprah requests from Tucker Kelly and to put in perspective he sued us numerous times over Oprah as the uh Township attorney has mentioned we're currently in court with him about it so we have an attorney that reviews all these o requests cost money tens of thousands of dollars so couple of months ago our our previous business administrator we had an executive session we discussed some Personnel items that were only discussed in that session two days later Tucker Kelly filed a oer request regarding some of the in information we discussed in that session we had a new clerk um we went through a a a process of identifying candidates to be Clerk um the administration particularly uh Michelle our Personnel officer did a great job identifying candidates um council president identified a committee for the council um they interviewed candidates and they kind of picked a onea and one B we made an offer to 1A um she accepted uh her resume and personal information were emailed to the council members nobody else in the public had those that information within two days of that email being sent Mr Kelly started calling her at her job telling her she doesn't want to come here telling her there's corruption here making false claims about many different things called her over a dozen times to the point where she called and rigged on the offer and said she didn't want to didn't want to come here so think about a a girl a woman in her early to mid 20s with an opportunity to take a position and you know salary increase great opportunity here um and she didn't pursue it because of the harassment of him calling her it's it's kind of pathetic so council president Morrison then reached out to the second candidate offered her position she said she accepted it and he gave her full disclosure this is this is what Tucker Kelly does this she said can I have his name I want to Google him um she did and called the next day and riged on the offer so now we're left without a clerk um we're not getting a lot of hits in our search for clerk um and it's it's hurting the township it's a it's a vital position within the township um upon the separation of our former ba um the next day Tucker Kelly sent an email out uh I guess he has an old distribution list on his computer um to 250 Township employees creating Havoc right false claims accusations it's terrible people were upset had to have a meeting talk people off the ledge all that type of stuff last month when the uh Chief uh submitted his um or signed his uh agreement to uh retire um we had a cach session with the council again to review it we talked about certain things the next day Tucker sent out another email um to the same distribution list with some of those details so it's it's very sad um his only goal is to wreak havoc in the township and to cost taxpayers money but I think what's more disturbing to me is that some of these things appear and and I don't make claims I don't I'm not going to make claims about anything or put things out there like he does but there's information that he was clearly asking for that were only discussed in close session or were things that only the council had and so we started looking into it and we started doing a search so like our emails are operable right anybody can ask for our emails a resume uh it's it's a it's a really confidential personal government record um you know wouldn't want it shared wouldn't want it sent anywhere so we started looking at that email um that council president Morrison sent out to see if any council members sent that to a personal email thinking that maybe it's not operable then if you send it to your personal email and the only person that did that was councilman sacket I'm not making any claims about it but I'm just telling you that's the only person that did it and all I know is a day later Tucker Kelly had her information and started calling her so it it disappoints me if you know that this is going on in our Township that we have somebody that has the power to make people not want to work here it's just really um disappointing so I wanted to share that with the council and with the public um so let me just address that if obviously if it's true that's a serious breach of confidentiality right never mind you know anything that is sent to the council is confidential and protected obviously within the basis of a a closed session as well as emails you know if those emails are being sent to a personal email then you know that in itself is a violation so my question is mfano do we if I asked for an investigation into it could it be you know to either prove one way or the other could could Mr sacka be compelled to produce personal emails that contain that information okay let let me address the issue of an investigation first uh our Administrative Code specifies that the council uh by majority vote can call for investigation as to literally anyone within the township government okay the mayor uh myself any department head any member of the council etc etc etc um if that option was elected uh a framework has to be Set uh you may recall or at least many members of the council should recall that in the B bad old days when Mr Kelly and Mr jednak had control of the council they did just that to investigate the mayor um our law firm and the administrator um their investigation efforts fell apart uh but the framework was there so yes the council can vote on an investigation the investigation would be properly structured we'd assist the Council with that uh as far as emails are concerned generally speaking all emails if you're talking about the function of the open public records act emails that are sent confidentially to the council uh in this case it would be in connection with a Personnel issue are protected by certain rules of non-disclosure okay specifics are important but as a general rule that would apply especially whereas here uh this was part of the process of selecting or making an offer to a candidate um the general rule is this you have your what I'm going to call your governmental emails you all have a governmental email address H Morrison Rockway township.org Etc okay If You by way of example were transmitted confidential Personnel related information to your Council address that information would likely be nondisclosing the exercise of this uh advisory consultative and deliberative function that the council would have in the process of the selection of an employee a department head things of that nature okay if there is a transmission outside to what I'm going to refer to as a personal email in other words an email that anyone might have that is different than your governmental email uh and if there is a dissemination from that email in many cases that will breach any confidentiality that applies and you know that's within the Oprah framework okay independent of the Oprah framework you may or may not depending upon the evidence that I want to make it clear that I don't know any facts and I'm not prejudging anything okay but independent of that uh Oprah framework you may be dealing with an ethical breach of one's position on the governing body or one's position as a member of the administration uh etc etc etc so there are different Frameworks that apply I mean the general rule going back to the Oprah function going back to any function that may be protected because of the office held by an individual is don't com don't commingle your governmental work with your personal it's as simple as that because the least contact between one and the other can you know to use a more scientific term contaminate the other which otherwise would be pristine and not accessible under the open public records act okay so should we decide to start an investigation would would it necessitate just making a motion and then leaving it open-ended as far as the structure of that investigation does that have to be declared now the it it would be a regular motion to investigate a particular subject matter okay the motion should also provide that in this case the township attorneys would be directed to develop the framework to be presented to the council at the next meeting for affirmation by vote okay so I would like to make a motion yeah before we make that may I ask a question of the mayor the town attorney the initial um review to see if any you know additional activity on the uh Town emails were done was that just on the council or is that anyone that had access to this information including the administration the only people had access to that information yeah yes also the payroll officer the C CFO and administrator we looked at their emails too great thank you okay so understanding that this is fact finding understanding that we are not making an accusation at this point point and in order to prove or disprove um that this actually happened I'd like to make a motion to investigate whether there was a breach of confidentiality by councilman sacket and direct the town attorney to develop the framework to conduct that investigation is there a second really I'll second it thank you keep in mind Council that this is not accusatory this is just you know clearly there is a there is a confidentiality breach somewhere right which there shouldn't be we're all entrusted with this there is definitely a confidentiality breach while evidence points to it being a council person I would hope that in order to prove or disprove that we would all be on board to check that out so that being said we have a motion in a second clerk please take the role councilman Freelander abstain councilwoman noon no councilman sacket no councilwoman Brooks no council wi twin abstain Council voitovich yes Council vice president salberg yes and council president Morrison yes that's two extensions three Nos and 3s if motion does not pass that being said I I am very disappointed that two of you our senior members would abstain from something so critical to the Integrity of this Council no no I you're talking about hang on you're talking about our integrity at this point and the fact that you wouldn't even make a decision on that I think is very telling and shocking so that was my decision that's the end of the that's the end listen you're entitled to your opinion okay 100% title to your opinion exactly and I through guys stop the garbage that we been I listen I if we want to have a member of the council feeding information to Tucker Kelly in order to wreak havoc and you guys are okay with that shame on you so other than that Miss palmary sorry sorry you have to I don't know if I can follow that but yeah on a happier note um thank you to the mayor uh for um having faith in me to uh perform these dual tasks thank you for the council for the appointment and I also want to thank the staff for all the support you've given me over the years and I look forward to continue to work with everyone thank you Miss ronte yes congratulations Lisa no report Chief uh Captain sorry good evening council president and members of the council uh one of the things I wanted to go back to was smart 911 I just didn't I forgot to indicate last time uh and I recommend that to all residents to please go on to either smart 91.com or our website in the upper right hand corner you'll see that icon saying smart 911 but when you're in there and you're building your profile also include there's two check marks one of them happens to be uh alert Rockway Township and also alert Mars County and that will give you a lot of that information as weather comes through all of those alerts as well all right so I I think that's important I look forward to uh Thursday hopefully this Thursday is going to be a lot better than uh last week all right so the bur right so we did make some uh announcements to invite some uh the burrow and and other folks that might have been rained out during that event they're certainly welcome to come over and celebrate uh with us and we look forward to that uh I know uh officer P the back in the back here is very excited for that as well as many other officers uh so we're going to have a great time a lot of activities that we're going to get to engage with the community uh year to date going back to statistics to to bring that I I spoke of 152 that we added aund uh to the 152 we added 26 between July and August in reference to whether arrest Andor Associated charges for the month uh which would include domestic violence DUIs uh weapons possessions and shopliftings all right and others you can always you're always welcome to go to the website again under if you hover the over the government tab on the top of the website you'll see the police on the right hand side you can go down to the police blot which will have uh A month's activity at a time there so uh the community is welcome to look at that as far as motor vehicle summonses and other 94 were issued between the last meeting in this meeting one of the other things that we added to the website you know going through um we've had a lot of scams phone scams you're getting a lot of announcements uh sent to the community with different concerned uh individuals whether from the state or the county or or commercials about ID theft and things that you can do to protect yourself one of the things that we've added to our website again going to the government tab uh hovering over that looking for the police going all the way to the bottom you're going to see uh the phrase there ID theft scam frauds when you click into that there's going to be three resources listed they're going to be ftc.com in reference to ID thefts they're going to have a lot of useful uh there's videos and a lot of other instructional uh AIDS there to help you if you have that type of breach it helps you uh manage personally to get through all of those things and it's a lot of good resource but the ftc.com is actually a place where you're going to report that you could you're certainly welcome to bring that information to Police Department one of the first things you're told to do is create a police report but they have a lot more far-reaching authority to get involved in in trying to uh apprehend or stop that type of ID theft Andor fraud uh that would also just as a number 1877 ID theft which is 1877 43 438 uh 4338 all right so that would be a number that you can call directly as well if you're not familiar with the uh internet um in reference to school openings yes we're going to be out in force obviously in particular certainly the first week of school and on opening uh school day that uh we we get in touch with Transportation Department transportation department will let us know all of the areas of concern with within the township and we have all of the district cars uh report to those areas and to the schools uh in particular during that first week of school as everybody's getting uh back ready to uh get involved in all the additional traffic at that time that starts happening right so it is a concern it's a big concern for all the citizens right uh all my grandchildren are out there as well so uh I will resend the uh Rave alert that we had uh mentioned before in reference to the different situations that we have now with technology and the use of technology I I sent one out before to the community to let everybody know right so when we talk about uh cameras being placed when when you talk about Wi-Fi gy there's a lot of different technologies that are being used out there today that we might not have had that concern not too long ago all right so I'll send that information out again just so everybody has that so I encourage everybody again to please sign up for those alerts uh so you'll get that and we always encourage everybody if you see something say something right we're out there to protect and help the community uh please let us know when there's an issue or a problem and we'll certainly respond and help our community thank you Mr Dyer just want to say congratulations Lisa she already knows this but uh I think every single employee in Rockway Township has your back 100% um walking that door tomorrow morning proudly we all have your back congrats Mr nut congratulations Lisa I've worked with you for since you started so um just a piggy back off of uh Miss Mrs Brooks um it is a 64 gallon toor that is being handed out uh depending on what you have could be a 95 gallon so you do want to uh reach out to Blue Diamond and I just want to reiterate um it is posted on the website do not bring your can to the row garage we're not going to take it give two cans where we have the march at Wooden Soldiers in in the road garage right now I don't want anymore um other than that we survived the last week storm the guys did a great job um that's all I have Mr davit thank you council president uh I also want to congratulate Lisa I've known Lisa since 1992 and Randolph and have a world of respect for her professionally and she's got the support of everybody here as was previously stated by Mr Dyer so um thrilled thrilled to work with her in this capacity um I also just wanted to mention a a grant uh that I believe the council president and mayor asked me to just say a word or two on um it's one of the last gr the the division of Health as the council is aware has managed a lot of different grants uh since Co began uh this may be the last significant Grant related to co it's called the sustaining local public health infrastructure Grant in a nutshell it's $ 68,4 um the the purposes of the grant the funding is going to be used to increase uh Health Resources for the underserved and for those disproportionately affected or marginalized uh it's also intended to be used to build organizational infrastructure and and support uh so uh with this grant funding the division of health will uh help complete our community health assessment and Community Health Improvement plan which the state requires us to perform by Administrative Code every few years uh it's helping us purchase some promotional items and other uh supplies for those who most need them uh and it's also significantly going to help us defray 94,5 194 of our regular salary in the division of Health essentially 13 months of one of full-time employees um and uh this is a good it's an existing position it's not a new position just to be clear uh so uh it's going to defay that expense and also pay for some Consulting and Grant Management Services um and an exam table for the nurses uh in addition there's $1,277 of indirect which is to say money that the the township can spend on whatever it finds appropriate and is not relegated to things that are eligible expenses in the grant um so thank you council president thanks good job on that Mr coward nothing except for wishing Lisa congratulations okay uh motion to adjourn all in favor meeting [Music]