##VIDEO ID:0_2QIqwoAEo## the last so the next three games cityi yeah can find a way to off don't even have to go or was watching last night and he said he was took the bear he's on base they can't get uh he's got to go Friday still my sonag people [Music] take it's a long you got now you don't have that option he does a few times on his own but he when someone will take like a couple 3 hours breaks it up a little yeah so but imagine even just the company when you're ready good evening and welcome to the October 15th 2024 meeting of the RO governing body adequate notice that meeting has been provided in accordance to the open public meeting act at the date time and location of the meeting were including the an meeting schedule post on the public Bolton board municipal building and filed in the office of the burrow clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attach the meeting notice Post in the news and announcement section during the meeting announcement made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to without star 9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you are eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call the r May spango presid Mr here Mr bar here Mr Fishman here Mr Goldin here Mr here Trill heree rise flight pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stand andice um first the agenda we have our first round of public comment any member of the public wish be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and if you're with us via telephone use press star n please seeing none uh first we have presentations first we'll bring up Dan svante from 's County parks for his monthly greetings and handouts holiday greetings to the council here in rosley mayor I do have several announcements about happenings here in essis County hopefully the residents will take advantage this weekend we have our annual art show in Brookdale park that's on Saturday and Sunday that's the 19th and 20th on October 19th Saturday at the is County public work facility there'll be the computer electronics recycling day that'll be from 9: to 3 p.m. uh and again that's at the Public Works building on Bradford Avenue moving along to our Halloween events Gardens of glob will take place on October 18th Friday evening from the hours of 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. that's at Presby Irish Gardens in Montclair our famous shut your mut pet costume parades will be taking place at three locations this year October 19th is Saturday we'll be in Branchburg Park uh registration is 9:30 prade will start at 10: on the 26th we'll be in Brookdale same thing on registration and also on the 26 will'll be at the uh Grover Cleveland Park uh trick or treats uh Halloween time is at turtleback zoo on the 31st there is an admission fee if you're a Zoological member it's $3 General emission is $5 and that will start at uh 4:5 I'm sorry I believe that starts at 5:00 on the uh 31st on November 2nd and 3rd we'll have our open house at the uh rer Hill Art Park from the hours 11: and 5 and I know I'm pushing my luck here in November 9th we're going to be the hazard of race and that again will be taking place at the Essex County public work facility on Bradford Avenue so I encourage residents to take advantage of the programs and services the county has to offer so mayor is there anything we'd like to take back to the administration no thank you okay thank you thanks thanks Sam uh first on the next on the agenda we have our Junior Olympic Champions give me a second get the podium and Lady can help us ince here okay we have mark up Olympic Champions that are with us but we're going to call out the other names just so they're on the record and if they happen to walk in as we proceed uh we'll have them come up kindergarten uh Junior Olympic winners were Charlotte goldbert single isanne basar first and second grade was summer p on summer you go be first come up congratulations how sweet Emily Schroeder Matthew schroer Emma B dad do you want to accept on her behalf and Trey R good job so all these all these we were at the Jor Olympics these kids didn't just win One Medal they won like 10 medals each like us old people it's like Mr T with all the chains around their neck um it was very impressive so we congratulate them um we're we're going to ask we're going to take a picture with just the kids and then we're going to have the parents come up and take picture go up there stand up with sure she doesn't have a trophy let her hold that one Mike until [Music] for right SC [Music] you know well aware Lun well exhibit a your honor exhibit a I know and they get burned on it every time I know I know I just don't get it all right next on the agenda we have um our summer concert Platinum sponsor presentation can Tom buron come forward please this seems to be an annual occurrence but as much as we want to make sure Tom knows everything that he does for us we don't take for he's there every year for us the summer concert series he's there for us no matter what we need and I said all the time it's not just monetary he's there for labor when we did the barn uh he was working I think he enjoyed it he was working the back and and working getting his hand dirty with everyone so we can't say enough good things about him we're here to recognize him again for I think there spth year he's always our Platinum sponsor he was always there to help us financially or through hard work or just for support at town events that he comes to and we're very lucky to have him even though he's an sexfs resident we still think of him as a Roseline resident so Tom on behalf of the council and the town thank you for everything you do and your friend many times I'm up here it never gets old I'd like to thank mayor spango the burough Council the recreation department at Emergency Management for having me serve as your platinum sponsor once again for the great Banner at the intersection of Harrison Avenue and Eagle Rock Avenue and those flashing sign boards on bake Avenue and Eagle Rock I I never leave town without driving by I also like to a shout out to my daughter Tara because every day every whenever that sponsor letter hits she Rockets Leeds over to burall the check now BNC Bank might have their name on the art center and thatti might have their name on the stadium and uh pel might have their name on The Arena but I'm the proudest of all to have my name associated with the great bro of rast thank you all very much thank you the second time I saw you good get that picture a it's so cute thanks Tom congrats thank Youk so um next on the agenda we have mayor appointments we have four members of the recreation committee uh three whom are U being reappointed and one new appoint you're being reappointed and we thank them Steven B farella and John Rodriguez and our new appointment Christopher baldino we thank them for serving that being said we have a motion to appoint these four second fish TR all in favor I opposed hearing seeing none next on the agenda we have ordinance 35-22 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance RIS General ordinances of the B of Rand chap 17 entitled Water and Sewer article two entitled service section 17- 8.1 entitled rates is there a motion to introduce ordinance 35-22 24 so move second all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please call the roll ordinance number 35224 will be posted on the B's website public did you want me to do a roll that yes wel pleas sorry I did but I said it so I'm Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Mrs fish yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs barate yes Mr Kill yes ordinance number 35224 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday November 26 2024 thank you Miss Watkins next on the agenda is ordinance 36-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Omen an ordinance of the bur of rosand the county of Essex state of New Jersey amend amending and supplementing the burrow code to include a new chapter 25 clothing bins to regulate placement and use of charitable is there a motion to introduce ordinance 36224 so move second Goldstein parate all in favor I I opposed hearing none ordinance number 36224 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress publicar will be held on Tuesday November 26 2024 thank you next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinance 37-22 24 Mr Watkins please read ordinance by title Omen in ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the burrow rosand chapter 7 entitled traffic section 7-14 entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to hit to prohibit parking on a portion of First Avenue and a portion of Steel court is there a motion to introduce ordinance 37-220 so moved second Fishman parate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none ordinance number 37224 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday November 26 2024 thank you next on the agenda ordinance 28 has been postponed to the November 26 meeting next on the agenda is ordinance 3024 number 24221 of the burrow of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to increase the section 20 costs is there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 30220 so mov second party trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 302020 opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance amending section 6D of bond ordinance number 24221 of the B of rosand the county of New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to increase the section 20 plus is there a motion to adopt ordinance 30-22 so moved second party bar roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr yes Mr Braun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs BR yes Mr trillo yes ordance number 30224 will be advertising the pr PR is a passed ordinance shall take a effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption as provided by law next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 31224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter 2 article 8 section 275 theis General ordinances of the B of Rand titled public record Services fees and charges established in chapter 14 section 14-4 entitled DS of outdoor facilities there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 31224 so mov second tro Fishman all in favor I I opposed hear and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 31-202 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so moves second TR Baron all in favor I I oppos hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance amending chapter 2 article 8 section 275 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled public records and services fees and charges established do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 31224 second part trillo roll call vote Please Mr Mr B yes Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr BR yes Mr trillo yes ordinance 31-24 will be advertised in the progresses a past ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 32224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Omen Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of a fire engine in and by the burrow of Rose land in the county of Essex New Jersey appropriating $1,300,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,235 th000 of bonds or notes of the burrow the finance part of the cost thereof is there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 32224 so moved secondate all in favor I I opposed hear and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 32-22 went 20 me I come here favor on this I think this is very well needed especially after the budget meeting when I saw that fireman put that stuff on that floor was a disgrace these are volunteer people who are keeping their lives for the citizens of rosev so I hardly you know I hope that people understand this you know that they're volunteers you know basically and you know given their time their efforts so I hardly this is nothing would they do so just want to give their support not only to the firemen but also to the police anyone Us wish to be heard on ordinance 32-22 24 hearing and seeing none we have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 32 d2020 so it second bar parate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read ordinance 32- 2024 by title Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of a fire engine ined by the bur of rosand the county of ESS New Jersey appropriating one , $300,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,235 th000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof there a motion to adopt ordinance 32224 some mov barate Goldstein roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr party yes Mr Brun yes Mr frishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs PR yes Mr trillo yes or number 32-22 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect 20 days after first publication after final adoption is provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have a public hearing on ordinance 33-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance amending sections 3E and 6B of bond ordinance number 15-22 as amended and supplemented by Bond ordinance number 18-22 of the B GR land in the county of es New Jersey finally adopted September 20th 2022 as amended and supplemented November 22nd 2022 in order to amend section 3E in its entirety and to revise the average useful way is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 33220 so moved second Ry Fishman all in favor I I oppos hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 33-22 hearing and seeing none I have a motion to close the public hear so move second party parate all in favor I post hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read ordinance 33- 2024 by title only Bond ordinance amending sections 3E and 6B of bond ordinance number 15-2 15-2 22 as amended and supplemented by Bond ordinance number 18-22 of the bur of rosand in the county res New Jersey finally adopted September 20th 2022 as amended and supplemented November 22nd 2022 in order to amend section 3E in its entirety and to revise the average useful life is there a motion to adopt ordinance 33-22 someone second Goldstein roll call vote Please Mr Watkins yes Mr Baron yes Mr Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr BR yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 33224 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption is provided by law thank you Mr Walkins next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 34224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Omer Bond ordinance reappropriated $469,990 including $462,000 2893 cents of proceeds of obligations not needed for its original purpose and $7,150 99 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide for various Capital Improvements in and by the B of Ros land in the county of ESS New Jersey is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 34-22 so moved second TR B all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 34-22 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing second trillo Fishman all in favor hi oppos hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read ordinance 34224 by title only Bond ordinance reappropriated $469,990 including $462,000 of obligations not needed for its original purpose and $717 99 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide for various Capital Improvements in and by the B of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey there a motion to adopt ordinance 34-22 so moved second B Baron roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Mr Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs parate yes Mr Trill yes ordinance number 34- 2024 will be advertised the progress as a p they'll take effect 20 days after first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next on the agenda is resolution 330- 2024 approving the October 11th Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns and door refuses if there are none we'll take a motion to approve the bill list so Mo second parate B all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none next we have adoption of resolutions one through 13 by agenda number resolution number3 everyone receive the resolutions questions concerns comments or recusals there are none take a motion to move these in their entirety I move second Goldstein trillo all in favor I post very see none next we have the consent agenda luckily we have another new leaves Dremel to join the Ros on volunteer fire department we thankly for taking on this role of volunteerism uh in assisting our volunteer fire department which Mr Tesco mentioned so earlier uh about how important they are and you know they donate their time but they also donate their safety by going out there as well on a volunteer basis so thank them for that as well well said Bill thank you um that being said we have a motion to approve uh Leaf's application motion to approve second bar BR all in favor I opposed hearing none um I want to mayor's report I'm going to thank um DPW Recreation Fire Department police Department OEM first aid Squad we had the um bonfire and we had rosand day since we last had a televised meeting thank them for all their help for all those events that went phenomenal we had um a a group that came in and gave a study of the total amount of people that were at these events and the total amount for um the bonfire was close to, 1500 the total amount for rosand day was close to 2,000 that's from the start to the end um which which is amazing so thank everyone for that and um on even a better note on Friday or Thursday I believe last week our TA assessor Kevin ESP bazito contacted the burrow and gave us the good news that rosand had the lowest tax rate in the county of Essex for 20 uh 24 um compared to our neighboring communities it was a much lower rate but but I want to congratulate everybody that is on this Council for accomplishing that to have the lowest tax rate is something that we should be proud of while we continue to provide the services and the improvements that town we do so congratulate everyone on this Council for for achieving that um besides that I have nothing committee discussion Finance Administration best practices um thank you mayor I just wanted to moring on behalf of the burrow submitted the best practices inventory to the state of New Jersey and we have received a score that is well above the minimum to receive all of our state aid so that's a uh great work by Morin and the rest of the administration I don't anybody else wants to just just um it's good that rosand is able to um have high SC means that were just very well run thank you to you and the staff that's all I have anybody else for anything from the committee yes I just have a real quick I just wanted and I'm sure everybody does know but the signs the The Pedestrian signs went up um councilman um Neo John and myself were there um we did a little a little video and John actually used it he pressed the button and walked across the street they do Flash and he's still here um it was I want to thank um deputy director maias Chris critchet from DPW and the guys at DPW for getting those signs and installing them by rpw installing them saved us a tremendous amount of money so I want to thank them for that and deputy director Matias for getting them from his budget we appreciate it and I know our residents do we're hoping to put more up um in some strategic areas so hopefully next year we can add another two so I just want to let everybody know they are up they're installed and they are working thank you anyone else from anything from committee I do um Municipal youth guidance is having a food drive at shoppr right on Sunday October 27th from 10:00 a.m. and um our food bank needs donations of shelf stable foods that are within date and um it's flu season and so please everyone get your flu shots okay next we have the approval of minutes from the October 1st 2024 Council and executive session meeting everyone received the minutes everyone was present there are no questions or concerns we'll take a motion to Move Motion second Baron Goldstein all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none next on the agenda is our second round of public comment any member of the public wish you be heard come forward state your name address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically press start hearing and seeing none the only thing left on the agenda is a motion forj do we have a motion now move second uh Fishman Trill all in favor everybody have aeen for