##VIDEO ID:7Wp-bMTc3r0## good evening and welcome to the December 17th 2024 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice this meeting is provided according to the open public meeting act and that the date time and location of meeting were including annual meeting schedule post on the public bulletin board and municipal building and filed in the office of the Bor clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and other relevant documents can be found on the Burl's website attached to the meeting notice posted in the news and announcement section during the meeting an announce will be made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you're eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call the rooll haris Bango present here here bishman here Goldstein Mrs P here please rise for the flag salute pledge algi to the flag United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you first on the agenda we have our first round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record okay hearing and seeing none we're going to we have uh one two three four five or six proclamations for tonight uh we're going to bring them in groups uh so it doesn't get overwhelming in here I'll just find out from Mike which one we're going to bring in first who you bringing in just be I don't know why the dash G mess you up for to come in come on guys on the field stand right over stop right there that way congrats good job guys Hollywood Motors that's when we got our okay so this is our 2024 turn around you face face the parents face the camera face the parents look at us third and fourth grade Bo soccer team I'm gonna announce each player's name they're going to get their trophies and then I'm going to turn over to head coach George Le bronda uh on the rosand crew Giovanni alus Hunter brigatti Gabe Cen abdeltif daba air Dani Jaden labrunda uh Thiago malakis LC Luca musoff Justin picarello Lucas Russo Thomas Sher Matthew Schroeder Jason cedra Kev Sharma Eli soel and Mason zau the co head coach is um George leunda assistant coaches Aaron Zabo Brian schroer and Diego Morales George thank you thank you mayor uh I just want to thank uh mayor spango and the council for having the kids today they love this stuff um appreciate everything Mike klyy and Patty in the erect Department you guys do a great job coaches Diego Aaron and Brian great year thank you again and thank you to the parents for letting us do what we do and thank you players hopefully you learned a lot from us move on to the next level and take what we learned with you thank you if the team can just move back here up against here right the coaches book bookend them and then Ryan will come out from behind there to get a picture I know we can we can stand next [Music] to there so many right everybody me please right here okay we good [Music] guys thank you guys congrats whatever you do that too could check out my Christmas lights my every have a good holiday Merry Christmas final you have a good holiday remember you were asking it's of course congrats congrats congrats like I work at Penn Station this room I'm surad you didn't say everybody troph yep they com in yep the rosand spirit yeah oh how cute okay how are you I like the headbands girls it's everybody okay okay we have third and fourth grade girls Champions boys one girls had a win also right rosand spear I'm announce all of their names I'm to turn over to their their coach Matt Mandel oh I read oh Sally I'm sorry I read that wrong Sally Sebastian Max Matt Mandel and Lisa Chris kouo okay we have Adrian bosio Anastasia brudnak Grace busanic gabri cuno ARA Chris kulo Nadia douly Mariana Gibbons Annie Mandel Amber shavone Sienna scorsone and Estelle Sebastian uh head coach uh Sally Sebastian congrats girls coach um so we're so excited to be here I'm so we're so unbelievably proud of these girls they worked so hard figured out how to work together as a team for the new third graders joining the spirit this year you brought so much joy and energy and passion to our team and this is the second year in a row Rosa and spirit got the championship yay congratulations girls three the other one you're with me okay thank you all very much con conrat Pro here Sally save money on pre that's all my oh oh yeah you're right you three different fin one just find out injury the first year injury two years what a surprise fifth and sixth grade girls want hooded sweatshirts actually way better the names on oh wow those are nice those are nice I blame my daughters for this because when they won softball they didn't want trophies they wanted hooded sweatshirts no this way better and their whole closet collapsed this year because they have so many hooded sweatshirts that's all they want for Christmas hooded sweatshirts no hold in front hot WR all right we have our fifth and sixth grade girls soccer team the rosand dash um once everybody has their sweatshirts they can just come up here and line up you can put them on if you want but it's really hot in here it's up to you when we when we want somebody's missing she's it's a big Team twoam all right we have the rosand dash I'll announce each the players then I'll uh bring uh head coach Rich lupinacci up to say a few words we have Ava Bader Emily buis Sienna Breo Juliana Constantino Juliana cuno Emma dens Isabella Gabriel Isabella Gillespie Rin Gonzalez Joselyn kenry Gabriela lupinacci Banna McDonald Ryan Malone Maggie Mandel Natalie parado Elizabeth celo eleny SoDo Penny treder and Joyce Zang uh coached by head coach Rich lupinacci Matt Mandel second one tonight he's like Bill bich of soccer in uh in rosand Mikael espie Scott Bader and Ryan kenry so uh if the coach can come up and head coach Rich lupinacci say a few words yeah so uh Matt would argue that it's because of him that he's pulling two championships tonight but uh he wouldn't change his shirt so he can't talk um you guys did a wonderful job we were 90 and one uh I can't say enough good things about these girls they worked hard all season it was absolutely incredible to watch them especially when uh we had a couple sleeping first halfes uh but they came back woke up and uh just took it away and it was phenomenal proud of you girls great job girls we're going to take a picture get back in get back in there to school Tom good all right everybody right here thank you all very much congratulations congrats girls are they they don't get problem okay congrats girls good Dash you give this I'll give it to you no he's not he's not dead congrats you know what I put up today my cardboard cut out of michie's elf He bought me one it's in front of my Christmas tree congrats again Hi how are you going on Ralph how you doing congrats congrats congrats congrats how many 27 is we do all right next we're going to honor our youth kickball 2024 youth Champions it's the orange crush crush excuse me if you are here please come up uh to the to the podium Dean fabricator Gabriella lupinacci Ryan Malone Patrick Meyer Joseph parado Brendan Reynolds and Neil tahada is Gabrielle outside think Gabrielle's outside who it Gabriella lanac trophy I I know win win last year did you win last year you win last year all right this is our youth kickball uh kickball started about four years ago this is the first time that the orange crush is one um Gabriella should be in in a second um but congratulations to the orange crush on kickball Victory you guys have the best picture because there's only two of you oh thank Wow Come on wait take so I guess Theos are good at other things besides cornhole all right so for adult kickball councilman trillo couldn't be he's a captain and I know he wanted to brag that it was his second Championship but I'm going to bring up councilman barant because for me it's still his first championship so we're all on even field please to introduce his team and bring them up we ever take the champion okay so I guess um Mike uh where's everybody else uh Andrew um so yeah we started out slow this year I think we we lost first couple games and we started jelling as a team we came on late um and as moose always says everybody makes playoffs and we took that Mantra to heart and uh and we dominated in the playoffs so we'll take it so um the team uh Billy bck John barant Doug Daka Jonathan Daka uh Michael fa fabricator uh Michael fanino Andrew Jackowski witz sorry uh Michael Russo Laura trillo uh moose trillo Kim T and sylvana verola so that's come on up everyone gets a very appropriate pick Wall gift in a bug to have your coffee yeah was beer yeah the tall beer mug yeah that's what we got when no no no we yeah the glass the tall one we got I know that's nice that's nice congratulations good job for next we will avenge were off Sy oh yeah time just a little up we'll just give it a second that's nice that's Prett yeah switch last year were like the pills the psers I been thinking the name of it long okay next on the agenda we have public hearing and Adoption of ordinances ordinance 2824 is going to be pulled as we're still working on amendments we'll carry we'll reintroduce it in 2025 ordinance 92024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter 2 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand entitled Administration section 265 entitled payment of claims is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 39-22 24 move second Fishman B all in favor I oppose hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 39-22 24 if not may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 39224 so moved second B parate all in favor I I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the buau of rosand entitled Administration section 265 entitled payment of claims motion to adopt ordinance 39224 so moved second Bary Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr Brun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes ordinance number 39-22 will be advertised in the progress as a passed ordinance shall take effect as provided by law the new sound system I sound feel like Bob Shepard at Yankee state um next we have an ordinance on ordinance 40-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of Ros Lane entitled building housing to amend various fees there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 40224 so moved second Baron Fishman all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance for 40 -224 hearing and seeing n may have a motion to close the public hearing so moved second fisherman VY all in favor I I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosan entitled building and housing to amend various fees to have a motion to adopt ordinance 40224 move second R Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr Bron yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes ordinance number 40-22 will be advertising the progress as a p ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have a public hearing on ordinance 41-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the borrow rosand establishing salaries for the mayor and Council of The Bu of rosand is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 41-22 so move second Fishman B all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 41224 Ryan give the thumbs down okay thank you uh may I have a motion to close the public hearing so move second second Karate barant all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the burough of rosand establishing salaries for the mayor and Council of the burough of rosand there a motion to adopt ordinance 41-22 24 so moved second Fishman parate roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr Brun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs yes ordinance number 41-22 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have ordinance 42-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only I got an ordinance amending section 14-4 of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of rosand entitled use of outdoor facilities to amend fees is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 42-22 24 so moved second B Fishman all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 42224 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing no moved second Fishman parate all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending section 14-4 of the revised General ordinances of the B rosand entitled use of outdoor facilities to amend fees it's the motion to adopt ordinance 42- 2024 so moved second Baron Fishman roll call vote Please Mr rockins Mr bardy yes Mr Brun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes ordinance 42-22 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance shall take effect this provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have ordinance 43-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the burough of rosand in the county of Essex state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the burrow code to amend chapter 2 Administration section 24-10 outside employment of police officers there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 43224 so move second barate bardy all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 43-22 24 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing some MO second Kate bar all in favor I H opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the burrow of rosand in the county of Essex state of New Jersey amending supplementing the burrow code to amend chapter 2 Administration section 24-10 outside employment of police officers do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 43-22 24 so moving second B Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr bardy yes Mr Brun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs PR yes ordinance 43-22 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next on the agenda we have ordinance 44-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the burough rosand to repeal ordinance number 19223 as amended which provided for salary and compensation to be paid to non-union employees of the burough rosand and substitute therefore salaries and compensation for the year 20124 we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 44-22 24 come moved second fisherman Baron PA in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 44-22 24 hearing and seeing none I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 44-20 2024 so moved second party Fishman all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the Bureau of rosand to repeal ordinance number 19-2020 is amended which provided for salaries and compensation to be paid to non-union employees of the burrow rosand and substitute therefore salaries and compensation for the year 2024 we have an ordinance to adopt ordinance 44224 so moved second r b roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes ordinance 44-22 24 will be advertising that progress is a passed ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next on the agenda we have resolution 384-2240 Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns Andor recusals if there are none we'll take a motion to approve the bill list so moved second Baron B all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none next we have adoption of resolutions by by agenda items 1 through 22 on the agenda by resolution number 385-2020 through 406 d224 everyone review these question concerns Endor recusals if there are none we'll take a motion to move these in their entirety question the grant how much is that we're applying for it we don't yeah I know oh you don't know until you get okay I make a motion second barate B all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none we have consent agenda I'm going to take them individually um we have the first one which is to release our Aid to the volunteer fire department in our yearly amount of $50,000 do you have a motion to release that Aid I'm moved second fisherman parate all in favor I I I opposed hearing none um next we have accepting with more regret than I think I've ever had up here the resignation of Deputy Police director John Maas from the rosand police department effective the end of the year um John put this handed uh Council MAA and I this resignation letter in November and we kept it off the agenda so the last possible one seeing if he would reconsider I know there were some conversations and he decided not to but um I asked M um John Maas is everything that everyone should be in rosand um he gives his time not for any monetary reason but because he loves the town so much he's a public servant C he's a public servant just because she's got to deal with John all the time so it makes her a public servant also his son's a public servant and a volunteer with with the uh first aid Squad um he's still going to stick around and be with us for OEM um but I thank him for everything he's done and hope he continues to do what he does for us and like I said you're everything that someone should be when they're love the town that they live in so John thank you anyone else like to add I just want to say I want to thank John um when when he was asked by the mayor and myself to step up and help us he did he got things back on track for us um we can't thank him enough for that he didn't even hesitate when we asked he's done so much for this burrow he's there's no words that can describe how how I want to thank him I just can't there's no words he's just he's done whatever he's asked and he's really helped us out a lot and I want to thank for that and he's going to be missed in that position but he's still here for OEM so I can still call him thank you for everything John John you were there when we needed you you're always there when we need you and we really appreciate it uh thank you for your service and I will rest these your as well that you're still here with us with OEM so thank you great job John sorry you're leaving that position but happy for you because you'll have more time I hope with your family Maybe Cookie will be happy about that again thank you John um I'll Echo everybody else's sentiments um thank you for all your hard work for this burough um it's much appreciated thank you again cookie thank you for allowing him to be with us and sharing it um next I have the mayor's report um I just want to give out a host of a group of we have to vote oh do we really we don't want to okay do we have a motion so moved second Bary Fishman all in favor I opposed hearing none next um my report um I want to thank everyone that was involved police DPW Fire Department EMS uh peso family for for the Nativity uh all the volunteers from ipal youth guidance um for our Christmas celebration it was amazing again it takes a lot to put that together and um I'm thankful for everyone for everything that they did make it a special night and I'm going to read something that I received in an email today that I shared with the council I will leave out names of neighboring Town it was addressed to our Recreation Department um and basically I don't want to give any information but I'll go of who it is and this person said I just had to let you know that I was at the rosand holiday celebration a week or so ago I live in a neighboring town but I was volunteering to do a station I have to say your holiday celebration was absolutely outstanding 100% the best town holiday celebration it was fabulous from the holiday music blaring from the DJ to the numerous activities going on to Santa Claus coming down by a helicopter and by far was the coolest thing I've seen it was so great in fact that we didn't even bother going to our neighboring community's holiday celebration the following week we knew it not even come close to that anyhow I don't know how you and your staff or committee is that organized and put everything together but please tell them it's a fantastic job they really outdid themselves the family absolutely loved it thank you for making it a beautiful holiday season or evening excuse me it's not just us that recognizes all the people that put the work into it because we work very hard at that and it's people like John that put it all together and we get it done so I want to publicly thank everyone for making that a special night for everyone in town um besides that I just want to thank everyone on the council for a great year um thank them for their hard work um I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season merry Christmas happy Hanukkah and a happy and healthy New Year um and uh just thank everyone for for doing what they do for the town from the volunteers straight up to our employees thank you for making it special for us to be up here and represent you uh next we'll do committee discussions uh Finance Administration thank you mayor so just one item we have um we put together some proposed budget dates for next year uh we're g to for the council uh for Thursday January 9th Thurs uh January 23rd and January 3rd we pick Thursdays at 6m uh we we figure this is you know a good accessible time for uh for the community um any questions challenges no not this year uh so um and i' like to also just Echo the mayor sentiments uh the the the holiday celebration was was amazing so thank you for all for everyone who uh you know all the hard work that that was put into that um I'd like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and a uh happy holidays thank you senior and family services councilman um we have a uh cdbg Grant application that we're doing this The Joint senior bus that we use um with Coldwell West Coldwell uh is pretty much near the end of its life and so it's time to order a new one and the towns involved are uh all joining in to uh purchase that it takes about two to three years I'm told to get a bus and um and that's what we're doing with that so thank you um can I say something you want to do it now or the end I'll do it at the end Capital infrastructure and Engineering anything report they um yeah we have our committee meeting on this Monday um it's budget season so uh we'll be discussing a lot I know all too well that it's budget season thank um on a personal note I want to uh say uh um thank you to councilman Goldstein and councilman Fishman um for all their time and dedicated service over the years um Eileen I consider you a friend um walking with you the past three years uh learning a lot from you this past year um it's going to be uh it's gonna be sad not seeing your face up here um but uh thank you for all your help um I really appreciate all the uh encouragement wisdom um and everything that you imparted on me the past year thank you thank you oh yeah oh Public Safety I'm not on the feet you forgot me um I don't we have good news our fire department took second place for the antique the best antique fire truck at the Little Falls um holiday parade and our EMS also took third for their truck so we came home with two trophies little rivalry between the two oh something somebody was driving and I think it was EMS they they had something on the truck and it blew off they had to stop they had to pick it up they had to put it back on oh wow but it was fine it was a cardboard uh it was a cardboard decoration but they they took have even with that they took a third um our police department has also been recognized they did a coat drive and the coat drive was hugely successful and I believe they're doing a toy drive which ends tomorrow tomorrow which ends to tomorrow so if anybody wants to donate it I believe the bins are in the police department but actually you should note that at the senior luncheon we have asked people to bring unwrapped toys for that toy drive so get more at that okay so they're going to extend it to Friday so yes so we want to thank them as well so our um so I just wanted to let them I just wanted to share that with everybody and then eileene what can I say I've learned a lot from you you are going to be so missed um the camaraderie between the two of us being the only two women up here um I just want to thank you for everything you have done for this community by bringing back the senior the senior services starting the food pantry it goes on and on and on and I just want you to know a longtime resident like myself I want to thank you for all the hard work You' put in and I'm going to miss you thank you I thought we were waitting to to the end so but I'll I'll jump in now um Eileen you've been a very close friend for the last eight nine years um I appreciate that more than anything you were a um you know you introduced me to a lot of what we're doing here today um you helped me run several campaigns um and we work really hard together both in and out of the council so I uh any but any and I appreciate their friendship more than you can imagine so thank you you've um you know the last six years here on the council you've you've made some major major a major major difference the the rosand residents are very lucky to have you uh we're lucky to have you you're going to be missed um you know the work that you did with the seniors and and just Community involvement in general uh is going to be remembered for many many many years so thank you for all your hard work thank you for your friendship and I know this will will continue to uh to be friends moving forward thank you if I know Eileen she's not going any she's gonna continue to volunteer her time for the community but I personally appreciate everything you've done we've had our battles a lot of them and we'll continue to but you led by example for all of us being older than us and showing us how to do things I didn't say much older um you you were a trusted confident for me personally and that won't change and um I know that we have a new Council coming in and if they're half as dedicated and or half as productive as you are they're an asset I personally thank you for all your guidance personally and in office because Eileen and I go back a very very long time my stepfather at my shoreh house we have a a PO holder that says Eileen Fishman for Freeholder from 2002 because worked on her campaign and she is a consument professional she gives much of herself to everyone around her including us and she has a unique way of setting an example and I've I heard a line used years ago about someone and I won't mention the name and they called them quiet Thunder and that's what Eileen is Eileen can let you know how she feels or let her her her presence be known or her her opinion be known without saying anything and it's like quiet thunder so we all love you that is true kids say that tooo it's true it's the look ma we we all love you and you've done a lot for us me personally in setting an example and I hope you stay as involved as you want to be and maybe spend some time with Sandy besides that but um we would love to have you be a part of anything and you're truly going to be missed more than any of us can represent tonight thank you thank you me's quitting my turn your floor thank you mayor first let me say that although I didn't win this race I remain deeply committed to the values we've championed accountability transparency and making sure every voice in our community is heard we have really done that successfully we listen very carefully and we produce based on what we hear to my opponents I offer congratulations to my mayor and Council colleagues who have become my friends it's been great working with you these past six years sorry thank you for being good partners for the benefit of our rosand residents I want to offer a special thanks to Moren Jack Ashley and Ryan for always having everything in order teaching and helping me lots and giving guidance where it was needed also to our department managers and staff of the burrow whose hard work and dedication always makes us look good I appreciate you and all you do I want to thank my husband Sandy and my family for allowing me the time to do this important work for rosand I know at times it took away from lots of things but you've been very supportive throughout my tenure on the council and I love you for it lastly let me say that this may be the end of this particular chapter but is in no way the end of my work I am proud of the campaign we ran and I will continue to stay involved stay engaged and stay hopeful for the future of rosand happy holidays everyone these are beautiful thank you we would expect nothing less than that classy comment and your diligence to stay with us and work thank you um next on the agenda we have our approval of minutes we have December 3rd 2024 executive and council meeting minutes everyone receive those minutes and review them with no questions concerns or recusals we'll take a motion please so moved second parate all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record you know the drill commissioner good evening let me first say mayor we're short if I really need this stay away from microphones mayor spango Len Luciano Essex County Commissioner five terms representing the 11 West and north6 towns including the barel of rosand probably haven't been in this chamber since preco but it's nice to be back I see not much has changed except maybe the floor floor might be different now I don't know when that came in jock but um working alongside you the roseand council has been a privilege and an honor uh if you wouldn't mind just giving me a minute to go around the horn here I want to first start uh by honoring and thanking uh John masas for everything he's done you know in Essex County down in North we have this great little like walkway that J D created called Lin way and I could tell you if you had that in the burrow of rosand you would definitely have a PL there and I think everyone here would agree so congratulations and thanks for everything you have done um I'll move around a little bit uh we have John barant finishing up his first year on the council let me tell you they say that you know life can sometimes be difficult but let me tell you government in politics can be very difficult and unfair and I think we all know that so again to you Councilman Baron uh you put in a year if you're still looking to come back in January God bless you that means that you're really for this um because sometimes it can be thankless um you know who else we have jock Watkins right so let me tell you something I used to have dates with jock on Tuesday nights like 20 20 years ago in West Colwell jock was everything and then some you could imagine he was the fire code of I don't even know if you still are anything in west cwell but he served as the acting town man administrator he was the clerk right uh code official Construction code official jock is a wealth of knowledge I'm so happy to see him here I haven't seen you in a minute um but let me tell you all those de days when I was younger sitting in those West CO mayor and Council meetings I learned so much and it was nice to sit along you know great people like you that literally gave your life to government and Service uh moving around of course we have Mr Tedesco in the crowd I wondered where he went I spent I spent years with him down at the county when we when I was a Freeholder um I definitely miss you thanks for your advocacy you know I know you're a longtime resident of rosand um so hopefully you keep them on the balls of their feet here but you're always welcome to come back to we're no longer freeholders we're now Commissioners but you're welcome to come back to our meetings at any time um you know and let me also mention Chris party right a lot of folks in this room may not realize this but Chris and I go back to when we were like six and seven years old U we would terrorize the neighbor Hood couple of properties in rosand that we may have uh visited often that were abandoned and we had a lot of fun I'm sure that anyone in this room who knows what I'm talking about knows what property that we used to hang out we we grew up in West Colwell as kids went to elementary school and uh we were on the border of rosand so we spent a lot of time on the Harrison Avenue right around here and it was just really nice to see that Chris decided you know listen and anyone who knows Chris knows he's got a big job with Colgate he travels all around the world I mean just the lousy burrow of rosand here is wonderful as it is Chris has seen places a lot of us almost I mean we could ever imagine where he's been and what he's done with his company so but thank you you know again because when you have time at home the last place you really want to be is out at night and I know this job right being on the council being mayor being a commissioner most of your time is at night right different meetings going to a events I saw you guys supporting so many different groups here today in town uh that was just awesome you know kids even adults right I mean these beer leagues and stuff that have popped up they're just amazing because it's all about three things our County ex who also lives in rosand always talks about quality of life right maintaining the taxes and Public Safety and burough of rosand does a great job of that lastly um and again I really appreciate working alongside you too Jean oh thank um but lastly the person that I'm here for tonight uh who was a longtime mentor and friend and we go back those 20 years who is probably the most qualified person in this room to handle any government position I consider her a colleague I work alongside her she's a director with the county um she spent many years in West Essex North corwell now rosand you know she didn't have to stand up and say hey I still want to Ser she did when she moved over to rosand she got deeply involved she ran for elected office she won she did a great job and um you know listen elections sometimes have consequences we all know this um you win some you lose some I know all about losing I've lost five I've won six five generals and a primary but I know what it's like to lose um but all I know is that even when you lose you win because of the great people you meet along the trail you know and the ideas and the issues that you learn from just knocking on doors and I know that you've W and knocked on hundreds and thousands of doors in your time in government and politics here in rosand and all over even for me when I was younger um you've just done a great job and you know I would be here any day of the week to celebrate you know your legacy uh I think the burough of rosand very lucky to have you even though you've only served here in one term I think you two two terms I'm sorry you know see how F you know what Co really changed everything because you really lost track of time two terms um you know you'd be someone as well that would be in Legends way because of your effort and your hard work um and all the ideas that you brought here I'm sure there's a lot of folks here that would consult with you and call you late night um or on weekends to what you thought as do I you know we talk all the time and I'm putting that on record because I still learn right I'm an eternal student I'm a a young guy kind of like in an old man's body I don't feel so well in the morning uh like I used to and that's not from having late nights that's just because once you hit over that 40 mark you know I'm going to be 44 things just change but I learned in early on if you don't lean on people and ask them advice you're usually going to make mistakes right um but when you have great people around you you're just as good as they are and Eileen Fishman is one of those people you know I've talked to her about government I've talked to her about politics I've talked to her about being a father right I have a three-year-old daughter and she's an amazing parent and grandparent and so to that I will wrap it up and I appreciate the uh you know the five minutes of privilege mayor here at your meeting congratulations to you Eileen you're not going anywhere like the mayor said you have a friend in all of us and I just really came here tonight to give you a hug and say thank you thank you commissioner as all of you know I'm a numbers guy I've been up here six years it's 144 that's sorry six years is what 72 months 144 meetings 12 meetings for the budget like 15 56 and eight special meetings 164 that is the longest public comment I have ever had sitting up here it's very welld deserve but that is definitely the longest comment I've had thank you commissioner anyone else from the public wish to be heard come forward and state your name and address for the record it's hard many times of Freeholder meetings now he's a Comm whatever but I always respected him and enjoyed uh I'm up here you know uh to thank Mrs Fishman here councilman Fishman for her many dedicated years of service here I did meet her at the free holders and here and I think you know it's a shame but things happen but she was a tremendous person here rosan and I really appreciate all the work you have done for the citizens and I hope they appreciate it things come and go but I'll always remember you thank you thank you so much Council goldstein's not here but I always like to praise people for the work they did to be a volunteer I've learned that from being a volunteer so you know things like that so um the other thing on your agenda is Mr Maas I worked with Mr Mias for different things uh housing board you know and the uh zoning board and uh I really miss him you know at designing but I always wish him the best because to me he's like Mr rosan I know many many years when he was a captain or on the police force and whatever and I lived the other end of town whatever great great you can't say enough about them it's true you just can't it's unbelievable but I want to wish you all a merry Christmas happy New Year happy holidays Happy H thank you and be healthy and safe but thank you thanks again for your service appreciate I I'd also like to take a second to thank even though Neil's not here tonight but thank Neil Goldstein for his service he he came in when we needed him earlier in the year he bought a lot of really valuable input to the council um during some tough times during budget times you know during times where we really needed um you know some really good expertise and uh we like to thank him for putting in the time and thank and thank him for his service it was great to work with me very we thank him for putting the time forward you know the bullpen got to got to get called in early so um but thank you Neil also um any other member of the public public wish need be heard like a first I have to say good job Neil on these mics 100% better I know you uh secondly I'm up here for a solution uh we have these beautiful electronic pedestrian signs in the center they are not being used uh people just don't know enough to push the buttons I guess the cross so if we can get the word out I even like to say if a resident needs help learning how to use them I'll gladly come out and show them personally I'm sure councilman BR would help them too so we could uh do something about getting the word out to the the I see more people across the street without pushing the buttons and uh they do work great so if we could do that lastly thank you mayor and Council for your support director deputy director really appreciate it to get the job done thank you thank you any other member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon hearing and seeing none uh the governing body has to return to Executive session uh the public should know that when we return from executive session we'll take no formal action we'll simply take a a motion for adjournment uh do we have a motion to close for executive session so moved second guard Fishman all in favor I opposed hearing none L you want a picture of okay what h and John from the microphone I would have mentioned Laura too I haven't seen a while notice we are so it's still Rec slide that button and hold up for just a that's stop okay one more these pictures are we moving again we put a button over here we caning the short stop number two it is so C it's great here now my God it's like warm in that other room though yeah just Bob Barker microphone remember I think so how do you know they're recording Don are the kids asleep right here from oh okay readying all over the all right the we return from executive session the governing body will take no formal action we'll only take a motion for adjournment do we have a motion so moved second bishopman Baron all in favor I I opposed hearing none have a merry Christmas everybody happy hanuk thank you coming tomorrow