##VIDEO ID:CC41qIpmFG0## a why my okay I don't have question forun no school do you good good evening and welcome to September 17 2024 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice of meetings provided [Laughter] meeting during the meeting announcement made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instruct to use the razor hand icon and anyone wishing to make the public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call the law Spang pres Mr bar here M Fishman here Mr Goldstein here here right we're going to rise for a flag suit but if I can have the third and fourth grade girls come up stand in front of us well we have to face the flag which is behind us and they're going to lead us in the flag suit okay are you guys start nice job goodness so we're gonna um I'm going to move the agenda around a little bit because I'm going to honor the the youth sports teams that are here first before we get to business oh my so first I'm going to honor the third and fourth grade girls uh we are going to call them up by name and give them their trophy and then call their coaches up for a few words for the there see p you got the trophies okay maybe sure um so all girls up by name you'll get your trophy from PTY and then stand in the front of the day there and then your coaches to come up and say a few words Sophia Burgos Jana Constantino Emma Dunlap Nina Bross meline Hughes hay Hurley Audrey young Rael mutnik Pledge of Allegiance Lily roboam Amber shavone Emily Schroeder celo Mona slova Adriana vilipoto not only is this the best attended team when we give out trophies we're also the easiest names I've had uh I'm going to call up their head coach Brian schroer uh and David roboam I hope I proun softball special to me because of my twin girls played softball so I here and to the parents enjoy it because when they go to high school you don't get to do this anymore so congratulations and I'll turn it over to to coach uh thank you everyone thank you you uh Mr Mayor thank you council members what a what an amazing day I want to just say a few other uh quick thank yous thank you to Coach Dave and Coach Gia couldn't have done it without you you were amazing thank you to the to the parents uh rosand Reds Nation let's he it again really something else uh thank you to uh Mike KY uh special thank you to Patty Patty you know could have done it with that best always every season uh the coaches and I started out this year uh really with one main goal one main goal was for that these girls these players to learn the game of softball and finish the season in a better spot learning more of the fundamentals than when they started we had a second goal a second goal that they would all sign up for those playing next year for my team uh we as coaches we know we did the right thing if n year even if it's not softball if these girlss sign up for the next event or or the next club or the next project we want to keep them involved and how did we do it what was important to us as coaches to these girls as a coaching staff we talked about the two things that we can control on the field and in life their attitude and their effort and these girls gave such an amazing positive attitude every practice every game and effort real quick I won't take up too much of the time I know you have very important business but one more time rosand Reds Nation one right few games in the beginning and we lost a bunch right made the playoffs this group of girls went into North CW well right took them down right great game then into Fairfield New Jersey on the road championship game and we were down right coaches we were down the bats really weren't working too well but about the what fourth inning every single one of you in this lineup stepped up and hit and we went up and in the bottom of the sixth you're like this not the shortstop though May re hits from Fairfield three ground out uh two second base three plays out this group Round of Applause please so proud for them and um again just keep it up with this attitude and effort these girls can do anything one last thing Mr Mayor love third fourth grade girls I don't know how many of you know this third fourth grade girls in wreck won this year in soccer basketball and softball hi everyone assuming position everybody look don't know which to look at here put number one girls all right now look at me two awesome sign the ball you got the game ball it's the championship game so look at that thank you good right good job keep playing thank you congratulations congratulations so cute go out the front door and come in the back so cute not bad this year not bad all right next up we have our seventh and eighth grade girl softball or Contin a tradition from when I coach fourth champ this is the fourth championship in a row jie was on one of those teams young right sixth grader playing up right um going to call you girls up give you your sweatshirts and then I believe your head coach is in here and I talked to Mike derario and Mike threw coach Williams under the so um right um Charlotte treer who Al Tre Caroline B batting Le um Tiana me K Freda soft rules softball rules no more basketball for C Olivia Dei Julie Williams uh coach Williams coach Cesario and Coach B could come for a walk boot before I address thank you mayor and thank you Council for this opportunity and before I uh address the uh those who are here I wanted to say uh to the girls what's up team here we are coach Williams here one game I felt salty but you all turned around crushed the rest of the season that's the kind of energy we love to see each game you set the table and you ate but the best part was you ate as a team all big backs when it came to and offensive plays now here are some tips to keep on cooking on and off F don't ghost your teammates when it gets tough and don't let one lost ever give you the it keep that positive mindset and always remember play for the plot not just the score you all showed up and showed out proving you're the goats of the game now whether you're sliding into home or catching that highfly ball you're building that aura every step of the way you made your coaches and your family All Shook with your skills your hustle and your heart now it's up to up to you to keep that main character energy going keep grinding keep shining and keep playing that kind of spirit that brought you this Championship win and remember not only in softball but in life real rizs comes from within this team is Sigma period Championship go [Applause] Queen uh the coaches were great uh this was a fun time you know wait did I forget to mute afterwards maybe supposed to this we laughed together we played together uh we fought together we we worked hard together we did it all but we did it together and that's the true essence of a team uh and you had uh some great uh family members here to uh to be with you and to support you uh every step of the way uh and I'm grateful for uh uh coach Scott who couldn't be here but coach Steve and Coach Mike uh and just continuing your uh dedication to uh what we were able to do uh and Coach mayor you know for setting that Foundation uh and so hopefully we can get the team back and go for five in a row uh next year but today we're enjoying this team uh so uh go out there and continue to be and live that risk filled life uh Nationals on three one two three National I don't know I don't know if it was CBS or Fox But whichever one of them gave Tom Brady 30 million du the game of the week they made a mistake they should have you squeeze a little bit more like thank you all right good job conrat congratulations well done coach good job coach congratulations whoops sorry sorry sorry it slid back they're all so cute oh yeah all the B breathing adjust uh bring the police department in uh governing B's consideration we resolution 301- 2024 Waring Robert D Bell Jr as a control officer the road Police Department motion second R Fishman all in favor I oppos hearing none last time please last time I scored the officer in before we actually hired him right so we're going to have a few remarks then we're going to swe swear Robert in um I had a lot of police offic since I've been here more 50% of course and it's same thing I say to the families all the time um congratulations but you at home are as important to Robert as the family it's a long career it's 30 years only have to do 25 it's longer you're going to see a lot of stuff we don't want to see that support structure there and that support structure there is what's going to get very very very important make sure you rely at home the family needs to support not married yet the get married they're going to need to support to takes a toll on the family and that's when they're going to support you when you're here keep that in mind okay very important um I'm going to turn it over to director uh Choy for comments enforcement business you know what you get yourself into welcome you to our rosand family we're here for you whatever we can do we got a great bunch of men and women with this in this agency we're um we're getting younger and umk GRE evening everybody May thank and Council thank you again for your support uh as usual direct CH took everything I was going to say and said it already but uh Welcome to our department uh all I ask is you to keep your eyes open stay safe that's for sure we're going to go over there's holding the Bible and family members I Robert B do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same and to the government established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and iel to further solemly swear to further Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of patrol officer a patrol officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability then I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment order toce personal gain order toce personal gain favor favor or advantage or Advantage not available not available to the general public to the general public so help me God me position yourself well we stand yeah why don't we go this way than you congratulations you guys I have to be honest I I had a lot of practice that was the second time I swore Robert in because he worked for me at the sheriff's office before he came to are you SW in then that's okay um next we'll revert in our agenda back to the first round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with via telephone press star9 if you're if eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name right of first refusal B refusal hi good evening mayor council good evening Michelle toy 107 Harrison Avenue the Lord um I've been speaking to several uh people around town regarding the um new development down on Harrison Avenue and I know there are three houses down there that are vacant I knew people who lived in there 20 years ago who were employees of bxs and I doubt uh they can be lived in at this point what I'm concerned about in some other residents um there is a little stone and a brick Tower there and from what I understand it's been there since it was a farm the higher farm and a lot of residents including myself are hoping that the developer will not knock back down because the first a squad originally started uh down at the Bobs property in 1980 the Bob's people gave them permission to use their property and a shed there to store their vehicles so I spoke to committee Society um think was oh beautification committee and we were hoping that if um possibly in the future if it if it does stay which I hope it does we can maybe put a plaque there and say site of rosand first a squad 1980 it may even be able to go on hisorical register um looking into that with um some members from the Historical Society we also um would like to find out if there was anything in the developers agreement I don't recall when I was on the council ever really seeing a copy of the developers agreement I remember seeing you know a map and some sketches of what the area is going to look like with tow houses and apartment so I reached out to the planning board they're not sure what's happening with that Tower um for State Squad unfortunately two members are since deceased which may have which would have had some information about it so I'm hoping maybe the mayor and the council you can reach out to the developer again because I think that would be something we definitely did the develops agreement I think was 2017 that was before that was the last yes that was 2017 so we didn't have intimate knowledge anybody up here weren there but we can we can check the developers agreement but if it's I I don't want to speak them would be more in the in the planning board resolution the planning board we can Lobby them or impress upon them not the planning board I'm talking about if they happen to own the property all we can do is ask we cannot you know we can't have any illegal standing but we have we have no problem asking that would be a nice focal point when you know the dve it's still up now so like when maybe they kept it around for that reason incorporate into so I'm hoping I'm hoping that you know what it is was it asy F we know for gra or F oh was ay they St por the animals okay well I hope we can go forward with that and we'll look into the uh Poss the possibility of maybe even getting it onto the national register I I don't know but we'll look into that the other item I have is um just want to remind residents that this week and Saturday is is the uh rosand junior Women's Club antique apprais show we are not allowed to say Road Show because is copyrighted on channel 13 and that's taking place right here in the allpurpose room Saturday from 1: to 4: so it's been in the uh town uh the progress It's been on the website if you get the Suburban essics magazine it is in there on page 18 um it looks like we're going to have a pretty good crowd and sometimes the gentleman that does the appraising will even buy something of yours and it's it's work out I went to the one West forwell several months ago and it was really interesting to hear what some of the items were and the history of them last but not least I'm hoping after all this Rogue work is done and I'm sure a lot of other residents feel the same way on all our County Roads that Essex County will be paid in or whoever is responsible Essex County's not Paving any who's Paving them Public Service P PNG so what we're get the reason that we're doing it this way is when they open up the road to do the work we get the benefit of having them pave it and we don't have to pay for it because they're doing the work why taking so long they open then they P again they're try we're trying to get everything done to get the road as pristine as possible and all the work done inside all right so thank you thank you thank you any other member of the public wish should be heard my name is William Mulla 21 second AV at rosand I'm a 40-year resident and two years ago we met about the culber on Second Avenue and we haven't heard anything I know the co covert on Freeman's been done and there was a grant that was for that our cover's been in disarray since 1999 you can even look it up in the call progress if you go into rovs you can hear see the AR and I'm just wondering what's going on so the the Culvert that you're referencing was done by the county of Essex correct Freeman Freeman was done by ESS right the Culvert on second half uh when we had the storm about three weeks ago um a few residents reached out to to the governing body and myself about possibilities including removing the C we asked our engineer to go out and assess uh options remover of Culver Etc did he report back to you yet okay we'll get the engineer's assessment and listen the our engineer is absolutely phenomenal he will come out and talk to you if need be like I said I have all documentation and we also we just we just how long do we get study back in the county three months we've had three studies no we the one we the one we just did was the entire town the county paid for count and they paid for an entire assessment of the Fullerton Brook because we what the engineers were saying and you know much more about water than I do we don't want if we can fix it we don't want to just fix one section and offset the problem somewhere else we want to look at the entire thing like I told you I didn't come with just a problem I came with a solution oh Joe's amazing and like I said uh the problem was before is that they didn't know where all this water was coming from I researched it all and the problem is is that we're getting a lot of water from pbrook to Livingston and it's all being diverted to us and the other problem is the more that building goes on and we're forced to build the less places the water has to go which you know well and that's why we're suffering I mean you can see it just backs up three weeks ago if I didn't stop and run in Jim faa's house and tell smoke this call I will definitely have Joe pomonte our engineer he's very handson and he's very good I'll have him reach out to you you guys can talk it through because I don't understand a lot of it and you probably have institutional knowledge that can help him understand what's going on well like I said the problem was was that back when mayor doofy was here he turned around and told us we had the money to do something but then it died I don't know what happened but I think some a couple of people didn't want it removed was and that didn't come through and then something happened about downam well why don't we do this our engineer is also very good with grants let him reach out to him and then put it on for if there's any grants to apply for whatever they think the best course of action is because like I said it's it's just taking time you know it's just getting worse I mean I went under the bridge today took a whole bunch of photos under there from when I took from the last time and I could show him where the footings are starting to go and it's only a matter of time you got school buses you got Oil Trucks you got everything somebody walking their dog anything you know and just don't want somebody in the neighborhood to get hurt agre you know and the problem is we have some elderly people living in our neighborhood and when these floods come they just come to come 2:00 in the morning and when they come 2:00 in the morning everybody sleeping there's no warning and the problem is you get these people's basement filling up with water now all a sudden the gas fills the house and boom I ain't got two problem and I just don't want that to happen I like I said I've showed you all the footage and stuff like that I have of these floods and they're coming more and more we get over 4 Ines of rain we're going to flood Upstream is bigger and we're like the funnel and you literally can see the water hitting the face of the Culvert and then it just all starts backing up because it just can't go forward and you bring to that and look what you got Branch you know and I got a real problem and it's just getting worse and the problem is too this like up in uh the park that's up on Locust Avenue all the trees that are laying down in there just stuff waiting to float down it does and then on top of that then you get people that throw their debris in there we had that problem at the top in in home and like I said then what happens then now all of a sudden now we got this huge problem and then we're down there trying to get the stuff out you yeah you know know what I mean so it's just like I said it's something that's definitely got to be addressed sooner than lateer and like I said the problem is is that I know things could move along much faster than they have understood we'll definitely have Joe reach out to you guys talking through and then Joe will advise us okay he's our engineer please have him call me he he's very good he will he won't call you he he'll call you to come out and and he's gone to many residents houses cuz I'm retired now but he's I my 45 he's he's he'll come out and walk through it with you and talk it through with you so please just like I said I we got to do something I me you know it's been a long time discuss with him and then reach out to us afterwards or he'll report back to us but always reach out to us afterwards and let us know all right thank you so I'll be back than thank Youk any other member of the public wish you be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us tell mon um I was wondering if there were any updates on that admin position in the police department nothing's come from Personnel we are nothing's coming out nothing new do you intend to fill it do you should I say do you intend to fill it this year as soon as we get an interview and applicant that will meets the criteria I will definitely talk the council body when he return he's on a business trip to find out the status okay any other member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record everybody knows what to do if it's Zoom or Telephone by now Ryan thank you uh next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinances we have ordinance 29-24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only amending Chapter 30 of the revised General ordinances of the B rosan entitled Land Development article 4 section 30- 4321 entitled driveways and Article 5 Section 30508 point1 entitled design of driveways is there a motion to introduce ordinance 209-224 second parate BR all in favor I I opposed hearing none number 29 will be referred to the planning board to ensure that the Amendments proposed here in are not inconsistent with the master plan the ordance will be posted on the bur's website those the public hear will be published in the progress public will be held on Tuesday November 28th 202 thank you Mr wat next is Introduction of ordinance 30-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending section 6D of bond ordinance number 24221 of the B rosand the county of Essex New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to increase the section 20 plus excuse me is there a motion to introduce ordinance 30 -2020 so moved second all in favor I I opposed hearing 30224 On's website of public hearing published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday October 15 2024 thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 31224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance amending chapter 2 article 8 section 275 of the advised General ordinances of the B rosand entitled the public records and services fees and charges established and chapter 14 section 14-4 entitled use of outdoor facilities is there a motion to introduce ordinance 31-22 no move second Pate trillo all in favor I oppos ordinance number 31224 will be posted on the B's website noce of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday October 15 2024 thank you next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinances first is an public hearing on ordinance 27224 with an amendment Mr Watkins want to read the amendment in the beginning or do you want to read the amendment in now or uh procedurally does it matter read it it doesn't matter I'll read it now and you can entertain am in ordinance amending Chapter 30 the revised General ordinances of the B of row land entitled Land Development section 43- 40324 entitled short-term rentals the the amendment um is I'll read out the entire uh the ordinance with the amendment section says the lease or rental for any purpose and the somebody has a copy of this for any period of time of any amenity feat asswell is prohibited any amenity feature accessory or opportun terance shall include but not be limited to swimming pools Cabanas accessory structures hot tubs decks patios yards and the like the prohibition shall only apply to the lease or rental of any amenity feature accessory or app apperance to or associated with a single family dwelling or multiple family dwelling with less than four dwelling units that being that with the amendment is there a motion to amend ordinance 27-22 so moved second Fishman parate all in favor I oppos he none may have a motion to open the public hearing on the amended ordinance 27-22 motion second parate bar all in favor opposed hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 27224 with its Amendment hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 272020 motion second Fishman all in favor I hi oppos hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand entitled Land Development section 40324 entitled short-term rentals is there a motion to adopt ordinance 27 -220 so moved second Fishman parate V call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr Brun yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs frate yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 27224 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law next is ordinance 28224 which we are pulling off the agenda be considered on October 15 our next meeting in this room next on the agenda is our approval of bills ordinance favor I I opposed hearing none next on the agenda resolutions on your agenda 1 through 12 by resolution number 303- 2024 through 314 d224 review the resolutions for questions concerns and or recusals there are none have a motion to motion to approve resolu resolution 1 through2 resolution number 303 through 314 secondate trillo all in favor I post none next is the consent agenda for our property maintenance employee to uh attend a a league sorry the league of municipalities you have a motion for the consent agenda move second parate all in favor I I I opposing none next uh mayor's report um we have bonfire coming up on the 27th movie night and then we had rosand day the following uh Saturday I believe is that fth fth everything will be here in the new complex and know last year we were all over the place uh because of this being under uh construction but everything will be here we're looking forward to those two great events um and we're in the planning stages for our holiday celebrations and story time um besides that I have nothing any other member of the governing body have comments okay first I want to congratulate officer Bell and I wish want to wish him the best of luck I also want to thank director Choy assor Mias and our men in the detective Bureau for all their hard work they bring us great candidates as the mayor said we have a young young Force we hired most of them um so it's great to see them it's great to see all the vibrant activity with the young the young officers that we have um and I want to wish him the best of luck um The Pedestrian signs just came in so we just have to have the concrete bases poured and they'll be going up within the next couple weeks and I wanted to remind everyone that the rosand first aid Squad is doing their fundraising campaign letters went out in the mail I believe last week or the week before so if anybody gets them if they can contribute our first aid Squad does a wonderful job um so I just want to remind everybody about that they went out two weeks ago I I got mine two that happened a while ago really two or three weeks ago they went out right did you I got mine I I thought I got mine a while ago and sent it in no it was only like three I got mine three weeks ago well not recently I'll I'll see what they say what if if they if they would like they'd like us to put that in the newsletter also oh okay we put it in there in case people maybe people might by mistake throwing it out but put or maybe they can give me give them give us a link can or we just make a PDF put in the newslet okay I'll get it from um Chief Gary G and that's all I have anyone else mayor the proclamation yeah okay um I was going to end with this uh before we go on to our next round of public comment on the agenda uh underneath for presentations um we have um a National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Proclamation and I'm not going to read the proclamation but I can tell you how important this Proclamation is to me personally um prevention and awareness awareness is the most important thing I had two very close friends both police officers within two years of each other both commit suicide one of them did it front of his wife with his family inside their vacation home I grew up with this young man he did it on his 40th birthday um another close friend of mine did it almost two years to the Day 2018 in his house and what I'm finding because I've lived it is the awareness is more important than anything because I sincerely believe that I don't think suicide suicide rates are any higher than they were years ago I just think nobody acknowledged them people would commit suicide and the family would be embarrassed and they wouldn't say it and they wouldn't talk about it and that in my opinion that may have have help that one generation from shielding it from it but it hurt generations to follow because we never learn from it so I think this is one of the one of the greatest causes to make people aware and understand that when people need help to ask for for it and to be open about it and get the support they need so I'm not going to read the the the the um Proclamation but I can tell you why I'm such an advocate for the awareness and then support more people who have issues any I know I know e deals with mental health on a daily basis fish and well rosand is proclaiming this uh National Suicide month 2024 and um as the mayor said it's really very important we see it all the time unfortunately covid brought a lot of it to light a lot more than we would like um veterans uh teens social media has a lot to do with what goes on with teens bullying has a lot to do with what goes on with teens so um you'll be hearing uh more we do have a mental health committee now uh in the and um we will be doing um more things uh with this in mind it it is like the mayor said just very important but for for everybody whether you've suffered a personal loss due to Suicide or just know what's going on in the world it's just really an unfortunate circumstance and one that we need to address in in Many Ways Mental Health any else thank you um next on the agenda we have the September 3rd 2024 Council and executive session minutes for approval everyone received the minutes they have't reviewed them and have new issues no issues excuse me we'll take a motion to approve those minutes some moved second BR all in favor I osed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wish can be heard come forward state your name and address for the record with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press store no I think just followup question with respect to that admin position is that being advertised is that currently advertised I don't think it's currently advertised adver did we advertise for that position no not advertised so you're not really actively to fill it no we want to fill it it's in the budget but when but it's not advertised how people know well it would come out of personnel for us to advertise at the Personnel committee and that's when we would advertise for the position okay so I will follow like I said I will follow with councilman part who's in charge of personal find out the status I absolutely let you know I appreciate that we we we recognize that it's a position that's needed greatly thank you hello um do I have to say where I live yeah and your name my name is Shaina Tuscano I live at 18 cond did we win Fishman we had a tough bot match tonight but we did not bring home the W performed fantastic okay know so please excuse my hair I came from the B but I just um you you all know me I'm pretty I my feelings about things whether they're positive or negative so um I wanted to come up here and acknowledge everyone who was involved with um the taxpayers dollars for the turf fields initially I have to say I was could have thought of a lot of other things I would have rather done with the money however um my feelings have changed I've gotten to experience the final product with my family with my community I feel like this is brought the community together and it's given us um more of a feeling of togetherness I moved to rosand because I wanted to live in a place that um had the same view as me it takes a village and I feel like what I just heard also on your mental health initiative and suicide prevention that makes me feel really good and proud to be part of this community and being here on our turf fields the snack shop seeing all of my neighbors it's really become more than just turf fields and a nice looking place it's it's become a place that my kid over the summer who was in no summer camps rode his bike down here every day he came home with little black things in his St baseball on one of the many fields I know he's safe here the police station is here there's lots of adults from the community here and I always wanted a place for my family to go where they were safe and I knew that they were going to be taken care of whether I was here or not and I just want to thank everybody I think that this we're not we got something not done yet either we do more stuff but I just wanted to say I think it's it's really you guys did a remarkable job thank you so much and my family is enjoying it and I'm enjoying it I come down here when I'm alone and I want to eat my sushi with some friends and I know I'm going to run into somebody I and it's a great feeling um with everything that's changing in this world and all of the horrible things happening it's nice that our community is staying together and doing more things to promote being together social interaction kids aren't doing this they're out actually exactly and I love that so I just wanted to thank all of you for that um and the second thing I just wanted to acknowledge I wrote a letter but I've this is on recording so everybody that's watching um I don't know if you told told everyone what you're doing with the um dispatch at the police station but I think it was a great idea and a great collaboration putting more officers on the street so we're not sitting behind the phone just taking calls and collaborating with our fellow nextdoor neighbor towns I think that's great um I've had personal experience with a couple handfuls of your officers old and new and keep up the good work they are exactly what this taxpayer wants to see in our police force I want to see them remembering who I am talking to me talking to my kids acknowledging them I want what it used to be back in the old days when you went to your police officers and they were hey officer Marty there he is and you know officer lopo she remembers my kids' names and when they're around they're more than just doing this and looking mean they recognize their community and I think they're giving a fresh look and image and feel and energy towards the police force and I just whoever thought of the idea of sharing dispatch with our neighboring towns and whoever is interviewing the new officers thank you I've spoken to a lot of them and they're just very personable um so in addition to feeling safe I also feel I feel warm and I that's why I live here I want to be surrounded by good people and I just wanted to thank all of you and acknowledge your hard work because I know it's not easy and that's it thank you thank you we appreciate it we appreciate it oh and one last thing I've already volunteered to colid but he passed um I I I have some free time on my hands I'm capable I'm reliable I have grit so if you need any help with anything let me know you could give me a project and I'll run with it thank and that's it we heard you um thank you it's nice to here it is very we usually don't hear that so it's refreshing so it is it really is uh oh uh John I I'm up here as the office Emergency Management coordinator tonight we had a major water main break uh last Wednesday and um I just have to commend our DPW but what they did down there to put that all back together quickly get the road back open also the Li the police department was very helpful for us doing it n sis County Highway came out and we put the whole thing together and uh the project worked we had a lot of major traffic problems down here but rosand Fire and rosand Fire they help with traffic the traffic so everybody pitched in and once again I think DPW really deserves to be commended because they did a great job now on the police side um just so our resident knows we are Now using our new laser radar guns uh so if the resident see somebody looks like they're pointing a gun on them it's not it's a laser so I just want to make sure they don't get nervous when they see it so we can help get the speeds done great that's it than thank you any other member of the public wish should be heard man behind the window has a thumbs down um take a motion for motion to Second all in favor I post not thank you everyone see you at the bonfire I'm so