this one oh by the way Jimmy sorry I told u i told Anthony to forget us and to do it in the town he wanted to do original yeah I was good either way I understand I'm just well it wouldn't be good if we were unable to be there so it's the appliation the walls and it's it's the shortest GRE name it doesn't say the tax that's not bad you can do now this one that Mr that's the we usually say that X percentage that's why they pay you the big bucks hey Jim get I'm saying that it's back on yeah around I just wanted to let you know F cuz I just I for I told you I I know up there chair well they need those plastic rollers under them you at the I watch puzzle theck okay okay see they have to go look [Music] the did you ever do the correct connect the come no I do I do this one this one oh Wish One More Level so here we go this game this one's hard wait to connect go back back to the so this is just a good evening how are you to see you could we could we just searching for weapons down down did you bring my tie it I forgot to wear tie good see again it's good seeing on the weekend other woman that was there that won the one before but I got my TV looks so the on the what I want a 65 how are you'll get you the uh watch the play the uh they play but I like the stadium my best friend dve so we always go down to see him we take the fun it's a good trip you know it's nice to Camp y a great so he's not here right you know I don't sorry I can't Mo over any f I just explained what I oh yeah that's right that's all right R you good I had that happen to me at the mayor that I tell you that I had the gown on I sat down in the chair and I slid right off the chair onto the floor doct evening welcome March 19th 2024 meeting of the rosand government adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accord to the open public meeting act that the date time and location the meeting were including the annual meeting schedule post on the publicon board in the municipal building and filed in the office of the burrow clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attach the meeting notice posted in the news and announcement section during the meeting an announce will be made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer we be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone we be instructed to star n at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when called upon if Daniel's law applies to you please only state your name Mr Watkins please call the RO mayor spango present Mr B here Mr Baron present Mrs Fishman here Mr Goldstein here Mrs par here Trill please rise for the flag [Music] S I pledge allegiance The FL flag United States of am first on the agenda we have our first round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be ferred come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use a raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press start evening mayor Dan salvante from the county of Essex I've been Green from our County Executive many events will be taking place in the month of the April we want to make sure the residents of Rosen are well aware of them our Cherry Blossom Festival uh season will start in Branchville Park on Saturday April 6 from 7: to 1 pm. with our cherry blossom bike race challenge that's at the oval also on April 13th our family fund day which is happening over by the presential Grove in Branchwood Park will start at 10:00 a.m. and will conclude at 3 p.m. our family day will take place on the 13th at the presedential concert Grove that's the middle division our cherry blossom run will take place on April 7th our 10K as of right now we have a thousand Runners already registered looking for a big event and our Bloom Fest will take place in the oval the Northern Division uh for those that have been calling the office want to know what's going on with the cherry blossoms I will tell you they are starting to bloom uh hopefully the weather will hold them back a little bit but uh it's worth taking ride you'll see some already In Bloom with that our spring break our season at the southbound Recreation Complex will be in full swing starting on uh uh next Saturday the hours are from 10: to 8:00 p.m. for a mini golf uh Monday through Thursday 2: to 8:00 P.M Good Friday will be opening at 10:00 a.m. our boating will open on March 29th Treetop will also open on March 29th now I have one more for the month of April our Earth Day celebration will take place at the Environmental Center on April 20th from the hours of 11: to 3:00 p.m. so mayor as in the past if there's anything that you need assistance from the county of Essex please reach out to myself or the administration thank you thank you all right uh next on the agenda we have uh three presentations I'm going to start um with the rosand police foundation the rosand police foundation is an organization that uh started in 2020 202 2022 um that a group of um citizens in rosand and business people even outside of the bur put together and they're one of the greatest assets we have in town they they raise money that they put back into the community that goes to the police department that offsets the amount of money that we have to spend so it's truly a philanthropic organiz ganization and they've bought numerous things for the burrow but I'm going to uh turn it over to their president Jack Gordon to come up and say a few words recognize what they do and let everybody know how they can get involved yeah I do like how your socks match P coincidence by the way sure okay my name is Jack Gordon and rosan police foundation was formed uh to provide training and equipment and other assets to the rosand police force that the council and the budget of our burrow doesn't necessarily have adequate funds to provide some of the things that we have done so far include uh new laser sites for uh the new sidearms that the force has uh um they like golf shirts um we have purchased lprs license plate readers um very important for uh protection um we have done four fundraisers so far and we've raised many tens of thousands of dollars um but none of it happens without teamwork and Tom o and brosen waserman and others on the foundation spend a lot of time and devote a lot of their efforts to making the foundation work for the probably my view the most important thing uh that Foundation does is offers opportunities for our community to spend time with and interact with our police force because what you see on the side of the vehicles and what you hear all the time that slogan to Serve and Protect is actually what they do and I think being in my mid 60s when I think back to when I was in my 20s and the relationship between communities and police forces was shall I say less than Stellar I think things like the police foundation will really help the public understand the role of our police police force and so with great thanks to the people I mentioned and the others who have contributed their time and efforts to making the police foundation work I I I thank the mayor and the council for the acknowledgement but really it's a team that makes all of this work and it is this team that encourages a really good interaction between our police force and our community thank mayor p is also a member of the foundation he's in the back I don't know if this make oh yeah there he is thank you improving the relationships and strengthen the bond between the community and the police department goes Way Beyond what people actually see from just one event it allows our residents to feel comfortable and and and interact with the police on a different level than just through Police business and the foundation just gives another opportunity while providing the benefit to every resident by their their great donations and generous donations of the town so we just want to take a time to thank them for what they do thank the police department for interacting with them as well and just uh thank you very much you're very welcome one one little anecdote if I can this past Saturday the 16 we had an event with over 100 uh people in the community turning out um for a Tech Drive that AR range that Tom o bur owns raised over $15,000 but more importantly the the officers and Olivia was there and the people who came to that event had the opportunity to interact on a social level with our men and women in blue and that's that's the gift we'd like to take a picture we'd like to get more promotion from you in our newslet so the members of the comme to come forward if the police department also have to go probably a little bit deeper to F all C thank you um our next um Proclamation or recognition is the last time we're going to be able to recognize and um one of the first meetings I think the first meeting I had wasn't with uh Boy Scout or or kids group when I first up office in 2019 was with Carol mang she came and they were in their n um you do good me because you know how much money you raise so you're good with the ma um so running for anes is a great um initiative and cause that Carol Master Angelo started we're happy to I I I was we're so proud to have it here at our complex and recognize all the great work it's a great event I used to go just to take pointers on how to do events because they have it's a professionally run event I not going to bring anything up about anything else because I kind of jined you last year but this year more important NE this is their 15th and Carolyn announced their last year so I thought it was very important to recognize the good work that Carolyn has done in the fight uh for Alzheimer's but I also wanted to bring refer she could talk a little bit about the event why it's so special to her and promote as much as we can because it's coming up in L Car oops you okay um hi I'm Caroline Mr Strano a director of running for answers a race against Alzheimer's first I'd really like to thank mayor Fango and the entire Council uh without their support this just the event would not exist and specifically the past few years because uh mayor spango has been tremendously uh supportive of the event while I'm thanking people I'll continue real quick um without the DPW I would not be here without Tom Reed help and Carol Taylor they have been tremendous support for me over the past 15 years uh John Maas uh has been a tremendous help from day one um so real quick uh this event started because I'm a runner and I couldn't find an event that benefited Alzheimer's disease my mom had early on set Alzheimer's that she started with at the age of 54 um I found a bunch of walks out there but I was not interested in Walking I really wanted to run so uh a friend and I started the event and um I've continued it on uh to year 15 so over these 14 years we've donated $490,000 to an organization called cure Alzheimer's fund uh this organization was chosen because um it fully focuses on Research that's all it does and every single dollar donated goes toward that research because the three founding families of the organization support all overhead expenses so um and if I had to start this event um today I would start again using that organization they've been tremendous um over the years so on Saturday April 27th right here at the Harrison complex is um where the 5K begins at 8:30 there's a 2-mile walk that starts at 8:35 um there are a thousand ways to help uh that you can sponsor you can participate you can donate you can help me spread the word I've been doing this thing for 15 years and I run into people all the time saying this is in rosand and I just want to scream because I don't understand how um despite all my efforts there's some people in the town that don't know so again I appreciate the moment to talk about it publicly uh to to help people be aware of it unfortunately this is a disease that I can't go anywhere without running into someone who knows someone either immediate family or one step away and there are organizations out there that do tremendous work for caregivers but there aren't a lot that do stuff for research and this organization cure Alzheimer's fund doesn't care who finds the who finds the cause who the cause who finds the Cure who finds the treatment they just want it found so anyone that they give money to no one has proprietary interest in any of the drugs they discover etc etc so Saturday April 27th um 8:30 A.M it's a quick morning thanks to the help of the DBW we're in we're out we get in before baseball and uh if you have any questions I'd be happy to talk to you um I can be reached at info running my email address inare time car so I left the hardest one for L um Tom reached out to me also remember about Greek Independence Day we have a very large Greek population in Nora we have a beautiful beautiful Church um on Laurel and he talked to me about Greek Independence and it's coming up in March and I actually said to him today because I'm trying to get out of reading this because I can't pronounce any of the names in this um I just had a friend growing up his name was Steve petro and he told me that me Peter so I'm just going to say Peter or I see Petros on this um but you know it we wanted to recognize it we wanted to bring members of the community here today I asked Tom wanted to speak he said no so I'm going to attempt I said well you have to talk about Greek Independence he said it's everything in the email that I sent you that's in the proclamation I still can't get out of reading it so forgive me ahead of time if I do anything to the Greek names um father George actually has the easiest Greek name I was expecting all be easy but um so Greek Independence is celebrated March 25th for the 203rd anniversary of the Greek war of independence it was under the leadership of Peter one of you know how to pronounce his last name how do you say this I'm going to bring you up one way or another um uh the Greek General politician and leader of the Mari People March 25th 1821 became the fun of the Feast of anunciation where they blessed the flag of Greek resolution and has become the national start date of the Greek war of independence after four generations the Greek war of Independence was seen internationally as a momentous occasion where the Greek people fought for freedom self-determination and liberation of slavery under the ottoman we're honoring the courageous women and men of Greece who Rose to declare independence from the Ottoman Empire the people of Greece historically struggled against Nazi Germany and fascist Italy on the side of the Allies the Soviet Union and United Kingdom of Great Britain they successfully repelled and defeated the Nazi forces out of Greece during the fighting of October 1944 the most important thing and why we're recognize Rosen is the home of St Nicholas Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church to many Greek residents whose Devotion to our community their family and business have contributed immensely to the overall culture Beauty and traditions of our town State and Nation the 203 years of friendship between the modern helenic Republic and the United States is a commitment to defending the Democracy together and standing up for the rights equality and dignity of all people therefore myself Council March the building will be the uh B Hall will be lit up blue I normally wear red and black everyone knows that I have blue on today because I figured everybody was coming was going to be white blue blue for Greek independent so I'd like to congratulate them thank them for being members of our community and thank you for your commitment to our home [Music] okay thank you so the Han of her Manor was to donate some Greek cookies and water that we're going to put outside on a table for everyone to enjoy on their way out okay thank you bye every she's mad at you no uh first on the agenda we have three appointments sorry excuse me five appointments one to the board of adjustment four to the beautification committee we have a motion to move these appointments so moved second Fishman Bard all in favor I opposed hearing none next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinance ordinance 5-22 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the Land Development ordinances the burrow of rosand section 30-1 one01 entitled affordable housing mandatory set aside is there a motion to introduce ordinance 52024 second parate B all in favor hi I opposed hearing none excuse me ordinance number 5- 2024 will be referred to the planning board that the Amendments proposed here in are not inconsistent with the master plan the ordinance will be posted on the bur's website and the notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday April 23rd 2024 thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 6 St 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a cap fact there a motion to introduce ordinance 6-2 24 so moves second Kate B all in favor I I oppos hearing none ordinance number 62024 will be posted on the buroughs website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday April 23rd 2024 thank you next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 2-202 24 Mr Watkins please read the Ord ordance by title an ordinance amending chapter 2 of the revised General ordinances of the bur of rosand entitled Department of administration amending subsection 2- 24.4 entitled the appropriate Authority and the police committee is there a motion to open the public hearing so move second bishopman barate all in favor I opposed hearing none do anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 22024 seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing some mov talking parate Fishman all in all in favor I opposed hearing n Mr Watkins in ordinance amending chapter two the revised General ordinances of the B rosand entitled Department of administration amending subsection 2- 24.4 entitled the appropriate Authority and the police committee do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 2-202 so moved second parate Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes Mr Brun yes Mr Fish Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs Pride yes ordinance number 22024 will be advertised in the progress as a passed ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 3-2 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending section 2-39 of the revised General ordinances of the bur of rosand entitled nepotism policy for burrow employees is there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 32024 so move second party Fishman all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none anyone should be heard on ordinance 3-22 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public he second Goldstein Fishman all in favor I I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending section 2-39 of the revised General ordinances of the BAU of rosand entitled nepotism policy for bur employees we have a motion to adopt ordinance 3-22 come move secondate b roll call vote Please Mr Walkin Mr B yes Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs Pride yes ordinance number 3- 20124 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr next on the agenda we have the in intruction of the 2024 Municipal budget I will turn the introduction over to councilman and chakas and I get to go sit out there great thank you mayor so um Moren and I will take you uh everyone through the budget introduction details um it truly takes a village um you know that with with very close coordination uh between the governing body and the administration uh over the series of about four might didn't five this year budget budget meetings to uh to literally review every single line of the both the capital budget and the uh and the operating budget to to to Really find a very efficient way for rosand to operate keeping our tax dollars as low as we possibly can right so thank you everyone for your help and your support uh throughout the process special thanks to Moren Moren is a rockar at this stuff and honestly keep keeps us all honest and does a fantastic job compiling everything and and um you know bringing Creative Solutions to keep our budget uh in in really good shape so our goal we put this here every year our goals of our Administration um and our budget really haven't changed right I mean we want to keep taxes affordable we're going to keep rosand affordable through very responsible spending uh keep our rosand residents informed increase transparency communication and involvement continue to keep rosand safe through investing in our community and our infrastructure and our Public Safety uh re and reinvigorate our burrow through improved community events and updated parks and Facilities um and you'll see many of those discussed here as we go through the presentation so in 2023 um taxes uh increased by about $42 on the average home this is from last year um we completed new pickle ball Courts at sedesco Park purchased license plate readers and hand and handguns for the police department and uh recently actually purchased a a hook Ando single axle dump truck uh for the DF for the DPW which was highlighted as a demo on the uh the floor of the league of municipalities this year so was really exciting to see to see that um and see rosand showcased at that event 2024 some of the economic challenges um we we lost Revenue uh due to the American Rescue plan uh being discontinued uh reduction in in our 2023 tax collection rate uh this was low for us as as it as you know than normal uh increased uh increased costs of pension and increased Insurance costs all had to play into this budget uh which we had to then work to reduce cost to be able to fund our budget we had a reval this year um the re valuation is something that's required by the by the uh County Board of Taxation every 10 years um you know it's not that rosand requires that the county requires and and the state uh we um one thing to to note you know a reval is not a tax increase not everyone's taxes increased the town collects not a dollar more in taxes uh and revenue uh um the uh it's a distribu redistribution of uh of tax but uh the basically when we look at the how this budget will impact on on your taxes we we can't um you know the average home value changed right so we cannot use the average home impact dollar amount from 2023 to compare to 2024 uh we however can compare the tax percent change from 23 to 24 for more accurate representation so you'll see as we go through this we are planning to do a rolling reevaluation we actually put that in the budget this year uh going forward to decrease uh the effects of any changes that happen moving forward right so this and you know as new properties are built in town we'll be able to then shift the uh the taxes accordingly so key points uh this year uh we're pleased to announce that our total tax increase is under 1% at 0.97% which is um $ 2823 on average um but like we said that's you know depending on your home value is where this is where this will come out the uh the total budget uh for 2024 16, 610,000 40 and 46 we continue to work uh to keep taxes affordable in rosand um the amount to be raised by taxation is actually $637,000 below the 2% State cap uh we did some work uh recently to reappropriate bond ordinances to reduce cost on new debt uh we work very very closely with the department heads to really continue to ensure high quality programs and services but with little to no budgetary increases uh and uh one recently implemented shared service agreement with our dispatch services for the police department is is is fully implemented which puts more officers back on the road um which is which is huge for for Public Safety here in rosand and Morin's goingon to take us through some details about our tax bill so right now what what we really want to speak about is the actual Municipal portion uh the rest of the the schools County they're just estimated on 2023 is budget but with roseand um as introduced the average house now based at 63900 634 will pay 35537 to the AAR uh this is a a budget how our tax dollars are spent the total spending this year is 16, 61,63 uh we show where the uh how your money is spent Public Safety uh Capital debt so that's just a chart showing the percentages of How It's spent our anticipated revenues this year um they are down from last year but um we did use additional Surplus to be able to make up for the some of the difference all right thanks morg so just a couple of the you know items that are in the budget uh for for this year uh we continue to invest in public safety um we we've done some uh you know recent recent promotions uh to two officers of the ranks of Sergeant we talked about about the new shared Service uh for uh for police dispatch we are uh purchasing a new fire engine for the fire department as well as new turnout gear uh and Pages for the fire department uh and in addition putting new fire adapters um for the fire hydrants on the trucks as well uh the uh you know this is a major major priority for this governing body is continuing to invest in public safety um and we thank all of our volunteers for everything for all of their service of the burrow the we continue to invest in our community uh we have uh new basketball Court in 2024 planned uh at Bon force park uh we applied for a grant there as well the uh phase phase three of the Esco Park uh is going to be going into effect now with new playground Comm uh equipment and we continue to do improvements to the Fernwood field which uh which are heavily heavily used in our in our Recreation Department the our community events I I mean just continue to impress um impress me and compress the residents every year uh you know the mayor and the rec department and everyone involved do a phenomenal job with with the with these events so we'll continue with our community picnic and Mar's trophy game uh we we've been increasing the number of Ros and Senior Society events and the attendance on those events is like going through the roof so this just been great to see uh summer concert series continue to be um something that that the burough supports a new for 2024 is a National Night Out um rosand day Santa's arrival and Hometown holiday and also manora lighting ceremonies get better and better every year so thank everyone for that too too and then infrastructure uh we're we're going to be doing some improvements to our Municipal municipal buildings uh we uh the roads um two roads will be will be uh paved in 2024 Ridge Road and Cooper Avenue Ridge actually started at the end of last year it's going to be completed very soon uh Road resurfacing will be completed by um spring of 25 on on a bunch of different streets in the burrow uh and then uh the uh the foot bridge will be completed in in um and so if you look at the just the bottom line how we calculate the uh the tax bill uh we take the Appropriations we subtract the library uh we subtract the total revenue which includes the library tax which gives us the amount to be raised we take that we divide it by the total assessment value and we get a rate and multiply by 100 we get a rate of 0494 for roseland's municipal tax rate for this year you then take that rate you multiply it by the assessed value in this case was average assessed value in rosand is now 6396 34 divid it by 100 and you get your Municipal Taxes um the um just just a note you know although the reevaluation will result in an increase um of nearly each individual assessment it does not mean that all property taxes will increase uh without the reevaluation the budget would have resulted in an average home increase of $28.20 so that is all that we have tonight uh we thank we thank you for your uh participation and that's it thanks everyone three things I'd like to mention one I apologize I should have met mentioned this one the police foundation is here um we were going to try National out in 2020 um so we are actually going to have the first national light out roadland ever had I checked with guys they have not done it be on August 6 it's going to be an initiative that's going to be Ros police foundation the rosand police department in the burrow and the police foundation is basically going to have a whole host of activities um the good news is the only thing I helped with was we're able to get the New Jersey State Police Helicopter come land some kids which will be a really nice thing but it's nice that we're going to give the police foundation the opportunity to reach out to the community even more and I I should have thanked them while they were here and I apologize that I didn't when the slide came up um that's what I well um second of all every year I thank the council and Morin for putting forth a responsible budget and every year we Amaze ourselves because we were forced because of the reduction in taxes we had a major three major commercial vendors shorted us almost a million dollars in taxes and while we able to get that money this year it doesn't count towards anticipated revenue for last year so we went into budget seizing having to make up $8 or $900,000 before anything else to come in with a tax rate less than 1% % is a testament to everyone's hard work on this Council thank you we had five meetings but it's all about being responsible and treating this like a business and I think everyone did an amazing job keeping our taxpayers and constituents in mind when we were doing things and even though we had a find $800,000 we were still able to fund everything I think we needed to fund for this year and you know thank you for all that the last thing is La this is what I'm really excit hopefully excited about rosand last year had the fourth lowest tax rate in the county behind three other municipalities we're eager to see even with the reval because there are people that went up there are people that went down and there are people that stayed the same where our tax rate is going to be if we through this reval and through responsible budget Etc and we lower our tax rate in the county it's just a testament to the hard work and the valuation that our homes have people's homes did go up people did pay more taxes but it's amazing you don't see any houses for saleing rast you don't they're they're there they're gone in in a matter of days and you see the home values going up and that's about people who want to move here because of our community all our citizens and the hard work that everyone does our Police Department our fire department our first aid Squad our Recreation all the way DPW and the burrow Council so that's something you know you live in a you're do you we know we're doing a good job with a responsible budget when you see the amount of people that want to move here and what they're willing to pay for home so thank all of you for for all the hard work it was it was once again creative but we did a an amazing job this year consider what we were fac oh so yes so the public the public hearing of the budget will be on April 23rd 2024 yeah have anyone have anything to say about the budget if there are no comments from the council I'll take a motion for resolution 110- 2024 introducing the 2024 so move second party Fishman all in favor I I oppos hearing none now we gave you the budget now we're going to give you bills next on the agenda is resolution 111 -224 approving the March 15 Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns recusals if there are none could we have please have a motion motion second all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have adoptions of resolutions I'm going to ask that we move one through 7 on the agenda or 112 d224 through 118 d224 together questions concerns recusals on those seven resolutions wait a sec I just want to make sure it's the right one I think yeah it is okay you're right take motion on 1 through 7 motion on resolution number 1 through 7 second R Fishman all in favor I oppos hearing none we are pulling resolution 8 on the agenda or 11 19-22 24 so I'd like to move the next six resolutions 9 through 14 on your agenda or 120 d224 through 125 d224 by resolution number question concerns recusals on those six resolutions what's a wellness vascular physical so the wellness vascular physical is actually Dr Watson's group that was just here okay they are going to come in and do it's it's it's a new thing that's going on throughout Public Service these groups come in they don't charge you to take your insurance they do a complete physical when I say complete physical on our employees everything from Imaging straight down I personally know someone that went for this not with this group but with a different group man in his 50s say young man in his 50s he had a a 99% blockage in is a AR F I didn't know about wow and it's complet I don't want to say it's completely free because it's not free it charges the insurance but I think to offer this to our employees is very important for to take advantage of it especially because we're going to do it right here it's going to actually be in this building it's a One-Stop shop you meet with the doctor they do the evaluations and we want to promote and encourage preventative or you know that's a great idea with our employees and it's just something we can do to further support them and and and it's a great initiative that's good I any other questions concerns recusals on me resolutions 9 through 14 we don't have any you have a motion please motion second Baron B all in favor I oppos hearing none next we have the consent agenda uh raffle for all time Jersey approval raffle application excuse me and approval for our Clerk and Deputy clerk to attend uh a meeting of Clerks tomorrow meeting of Clerks motion second parate B all in favor I I post hearing none uh mayor's report I'm just going to mention we have our Easter celebration ation this sat Saturday the weather does not look very good it's 90% rain um make a call hopefully by the latest I think Thursday our rain date is the following but we look forward to we really expanded the rec department did a great job we're going to have a lot lot more activities for the kids um so hopefully the weather holds up but we'll make a decision by probably Thursday afternoon the latest uh besides that I don't have anything further Finance Administration Council AB board thank you mayor um nothing further to uh talk about tonight thank you Recreation councilman trillo is not here I will give an update on our complex although the fields look like they're done they're not ready to be occupied yet um it's still an active construction site we're pushing hard I have weekly construction meetings at 7:30 in the morning on Thursdays for an hour with them trying to encourage them um the last person I want to talk to First the morning is me when I'm asking what things are going to done but um although they look very nice and they are look like they're ready they are not ready to be occupied it is a safety hazard they're not ada8 accessible yet but we're pushing to get them moving as quick as possible senior and family services councilman oh so sorry uh yes um thank you mayor uh Municipal youth guidance uh met and um collected food and toys for pets at the hometown pet shop in West Caldwell and gave all of those Don ations to the animal shelter Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter um they'll also be helping on um our Easter uh day Easter egg hunt uh as they have in the past the food bank needs donations uh please if anybody is so inclined the list of items needed uh is in the Weekly Newsletter and uh seniors uh had a lovely luncheon at danaher to celebrate St Patrick's Day and also uh there's a trip planned on April 9th to see the cherry blossoms at branchbrook Park and if you're interested uh please let them know there's a box lunch included and they need a reservation yeah we I went a couple years ago it really is a nice nice weather it's a great day yep it's a great day y thank you uh Public Works councilman goldon uh I have not attended my first public works so I have nothing to report uh Council bra Council par anything to add from public we're I think our first meeting is next Monday Public Safety thank you mayor I just want to thank um the rosand police foundation they did such a great job on Saturday um they do a great job for us I just want to thank them for everything that they do do for our Police Department um I will be attending a a rosand first aid Squad meeting tomorrow night so we have some stuff some things to discuss there so we're I'll keep you posted and that's it thank you C Capital infrastructure and Engineering councilman uh not much to report um the planning board has not met the past two uh meetings uh due to lack of an agenda U but I was told that things will be picking up shortly uh I attended the zoning board meeting last week um status qu nothing nothing crazy to report there and I'm looking forward to uh our first committee meeting next week great mayor I do do we know up update on Ridge Road Ridge Road was was resurfaced and I think it's a temperature issue I don't think it can below go below 40° put the last layer of asphalt on you listen I don't even want I was told I was told um just from from my other job um from your real job asphalt plants should be reopening on April 8th um that's the it's temperature correct they once they once they reopen they don't want to open and then shut down so they wait for the temperature to just be constant for a while so if we get a stretch of days where it's going to be nice they could open sooner but usually the target deadline that most asphal plants are looking at is last week was beautiful 65 7 today was 30 anyone else have any questions or concerns or comments from our committees if there are none next on the agenda is our March 5th caucus and executive session session meeting executive session minutes councilwoman Fishman recusing herself everyone received those minutes if if everyone did I'll take a motion for those minutes for those minutes please so mov second parate Barat all in favor I opposed hearing done next we'll move to March 12th 2024 budget meeting and executive session minutes with councilman barant recusing himself there are no questions or concerns or comments I'll take a motion so move second Fishman parate all in favor I I opposed hearing and see none next on the agenda we have our second round of public comment any member of the public com wishing to be heard please come forward if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star I weco Court I know these were pass but I want to ask about two things number four on your resolution which is 11524 that's service Services an outside group is the one who who organizes the and schedules all the officials it's just schedule in the officials it's the scheduling of the officials for the and the official and the officials yes everything yes I'm sorry no it wasn't we're not paying somebody $8,000 just to sorry excuse me sorry all right the other thing is uh number 11 122 2024 um what is this financial group going to do for $7500 $7,500 where here this this you can take no they're going to be providing Financial advisory services in connection with the two development projects 85 Livingston and Becker Farm but their services are paid through an escrow by the developer by who the develop devel but I mean do we know we I thought we knew it's going there or or is it changing too no that's not changing it's not changing this has this this is to do research on a um so just to be sure it's not costing the taxpayers a DI what we're doing is trying to find out what kind of benefit the taxpayers can enjoy if that makes sense and we're not paying actually we're saving it's not costing the taxpayers any money this sa comes out of best from theel all right thank you was it hi my name is Vince marzulo um we received the email I I play softball in the men softball in the league I received the email last Friday that they they're gonna cancel the league for this year second year in a row um I don't know if it's premature or not but we don't mind if it starts but we've been playing in the league for a long time and we hate to see it go it's a good League an email went out today explaining that the league is going to be delay delayed very premature happen on a Friday night yes I didn't enjoy reading it either if you could imagine I did not we addressed it I addressed it today and I believe the email didn't go out today that I believe somebody got an email today let me just let you know that it's a great League there's no never any fights everyone gets along we're not all come town but everyone gets along and Bobby runs really well along with the rec department and it I'd hate to see it go so did we and that's why we fix it to thank you very much any other member of the public wish to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record anybody with us thank you there's nothing further we do not need another round of executive session I'll take a motion for ad Jour moved second Kate all in favor I opposed car n