##VIDEO ID:UxNuOlwC430## lot New Jersey trans was full the trains were full coup many people on the road I came here I was home and yeah I thought I thought today would be a day at a minimum people like you know what it's short weeks I'm just going to I went through ch for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any other relevant documents can be found on the Burl's website attached to the meeting notice posted in the news an announcement section during the meeting announcement made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment VI your computer will'll be instructed to user use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 if the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotly um please provide your name and address by selected law please just announce your name M Watkins would you please call the V mayor spand pres Mr B here Mr Brun Mrs Fishman Mr Goldstein here Mrs parate here Mr trillo please R flag to the flag United States Amica to the nation indivisible first on our agenda is public comment member of the public wish should be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us telephonically Press Start n and if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand back you're El Daniel's B please just state that was come hello uh my name is Michael lpri 24 Lincoln Street there with me this first time I'm speaking here in front of the council Happy Thanksgiving thank you to you this is nothing personal but I'd like to make a statement and um first of all they're cutting down trees on my Street Lincoln Street right and the sidewalks are they redoing the sidewalk walks for free are they uh or they just cutting the trees down if they if they damage the sidewalks from the tree cutting I assume they would be replacing them but I don't think they're replacing any side okay good because I heard that they might be replaced them for free and I just did my side my this okay good thank well not good but you know but anyway so i' like to make a statement I'm here representing a group of residents on Lincoln Street who are against the proposal of installing speed tables on our street and a recent vote we had uh first of all I want to make it clear the people on that street are totally worried about all the children adults and and pets on our street it's ridiculous to think any other way however we feel it's more dangerous to have these obstructions than not the way we voted through emails was such a sham and a hokey voting process the proofs is in the emails there were only 15 houses voted out of 25 one house tried to vote three times there were eight yes to install and seven NOS we missed the Tie by one vote we only agreed with this process for two reasons one two want Neighbors at this point we think it's unfair and we don't accept the ruling or agree with the voting process that's us um in hindsight why isn't the govering body included in this decision the mayor and the council should be the main proponent the town needs to do a fullscale survey I feel the goverment body is passing the buck uh I don't you know nothing personal but um if there is an issue with or without the speed tables who will take responsibility a neighbor who voted yes or no why are the residents on the streets deciding the fate of our street especially when it's being paid by the town I think all of rosand should be aware of the project this is not a need it's a want by a few unaware homeowners what I mean by aware why are we installing these obstructions when a few years ago they were installed and the town removed them that's my my thought why were they removed they were removed because it made our street worse we are wasting taxpayers money I experienced these obstructions on Lincoln Street firsthand I actually helped to have them installed years ago with my neighbors and not only were they noisy caused pollution damaged cars and made it unsafe with inpatient drivers the block regretted the the decision the town had them removed the volume of cars on Lincoln Street is 10 times higher than any other street with speed tables however those streets don't have 18 wheelers 4 ton trucks and big Landscaping trucks with trailers coming down every 30 minutes when we had them installed it did nothing to slow down the cars or deter the vehicles from our street not only has the volume increased in 2024 but it will continue to increase with the new housing we need months to determine the volume of cars on our street not a one- day count by law in New Jersey we have 3,000 car by law of New Jersey if we have 3,000 cars traveling down Lincoln Street it's against the law to install any speed tables we can't decide the facing our street and causing Havoc because of a few people unaware of the issues the town must find a way to protect the residents on our street but speed tables aren't the way we've been down this road for no pun intended why are we going down this road again we want the town to do the correct survey and then have the town vote since it's affect affecting everyone thank you very much thank you actually Beth is with me so maybe thank you Phillips I live in 29 Lincoln Street um every com conclusion or you just want to answer them as we go along um because there was a hand delivered letter from Boswell that they were starting to do work on the street and they make reference to what appears to be a contract identifying number so my question is was a contract for these speed impediments awarded already in other words I'm not understanding the timing we had a meeting recently few months not even okay so I'm amazed that a contractor could been let that quickly for these speed tables um that's question number one was there a contract LED if so when thirdly when was the RFP and RFB sent out or was it under the limit to require an RFP or RFB if it was sent out with an RFP how many contractors responded and again um was I'm gathering bosil doing this work were they the lowest bid I mean I believe in Jersey you have to be you have to whether you like it or not take the lowest bit um and again I second Mike's comment this speed rep pediment project does not exist in isolation to only Lincoln Street houses and residents and my question is how have the remainder of the Town residents been notified of such a project or been encouraged to par participate in the decision making I feel there are some people on this street who have a not in my back not in my backyard mentality I don't want the traffic on my street I think we can all agree the traffic in Rosen is a bit difficult on many streets so to sit there and say not in my backyard is not a very name neighborly mentality so my question is has this been made public to the rest of the town of rosand so that they can comment because I've heard people say only Out of Towners drive across Lincoln I know friends in town that drive across Lincoln so I don't know where anyone comes up with that conclusion some of the deductive reasoning I've heard over the course of this debate boggles me more importantly has the council the fire department EMS Public Works meaning snow removal sanitation leaf removal police and the school busing provider all signed off and all stated this will have no impact on their services because if they did I'd like to know when that they've determined that it would have no impact I'm hopeful that there's a traffic component to the town and the county master plan I'm sorry didn't have time to look it up okay and my question is how does this project fit into the town's master plan that should be the traffic component or the Essex County I believe it's their 2025 plan I forgotten the exact date on so my question is has this been melded into the traffic plan it's supposed to include the whole town if this project doesn't happen until 2025 will all of the development in the prior Office Buildings and the new residential developments be completed because I don't believe that's the case okay if you if you can tell me because of course I don't come to every meeting I don't know what they're doing on the two Office Buildings I don't know what they're doing with other other half open ones and all the other you know building residential I don't believe all the projects are done by the spring of 2025 and what exactly is the pre and post comparison tool that's going to be used to DET determine that this project was a success in other words you're saying this is an intervention to address a problem so have you just can you delineate to the public how you've determined what the pre and the post is because if it's the 2018 study that's pre-pandemic and irrelevant useless data um the other thing that I'm a little puzzled at is what Mike was asking about bosal hand delivered excuse me a letter to Residents which I just need to have clarified they make reference to work being done at 22 28 and 34 what exactly is being done at 22 28 and 34 what is being replaced and where what's being installed and where I don't know if you guys have this letter I do um what exactly are the where exactly are these spot curves I think what Mike was referring to are the driveway aprons whose driveway aprons are being re repaired or replaced because did you do yours yeah uhuh um Ada curve ramps where what signs are being referred to and what are the incidentals and specifically what address I have a map but it doesn't you know with an arrow on it specifically what addresses are these speed impends going to be at you know a suggestion you know I'm all about don't complain without a suggestion but when I see people walking down Lincoln Street on the east side that I live on in the street walking their dog it begs the question why are we not sidewalking the east side of the street I I realize I'm spending money I do but I would rather spend money on a sidewalk so people walk on a sidewalk than on speed impediment okay because I've seen the school buses angle which is illegal I'm aware the children cross the street I get courtesy busing I get the cost but if you have sidewalks that people can walk to Common um bus stops on either side and not force the children to cross you can't force them to cross on County streets okay and we have just about as much traffic on Lincoln as some of the county streets so there are two suggestions you know in terms of looking at things that may also improve the quality of life for the residents on the street as well as safety so if somebody could answer all those questions I really appreciate it because as Mike said this just feels wrong that things were planned and then they were like oh does every every body agreed on this and let's have an email vote and last I knew everybody gets to vote not the house V licensed to the house number a voter registration in other words how did you determine who was supposed to be in this vote anything further no that was kind of long list I so there there's there's a lot to unpack from this some of the information we may have here at our Banger some we may not of course um um as for the the contract for Paving the paving contracts go just for the paving of the street a year ahead of time we just were awarded for three streets that are going to be done next year so whether or not the speed tables are going to go is not a definite based on the contract the contract is just for paid speed tables can or cannot be applied they are not a definite as part of the contract we just did three streets were I about a year and a half behind between grant money and what we decide what Street's going to be done being and I I don't know what trees were taken down it wasn't I I'm not sure if it was as a matter of the arborist with dead trees that are rs are part of the paving project gentle gentle my drive he go going out I said I don't think so and he said because of the sidewalk being so I mean do do you all have the the bid for the paving of the streets was awarded they are doing the prep work now the they're doing the sidewalks and removing the trees and doing the prep work and then coming back in the spring to actually pain well that's the question what what I'm trying to understand is what I'm and taking trees have to doing the street they took two trees from my when they P before they paved they had because of the root when they go to it had to do with the roots of the trees that were in the street and then they had a dig so they had to actually get rid of I think we got rid of two trees before the paving yes because they're so it was so close and when they had to go in they they had to remove two trees from my street before they paved year cing and then ping will have to the yeah I guess that's the concern that people are things are being done that previously residents have to okay um will as for the RFP or RFQ we can get you that information I um as as along with the vendors that responded for the paving Boswell and correct if I'm wrong does not do the paving they're the engineers a p a separate contractor comes in to pave no I'm not worried about the paving the paving I understand the paving theoretically should be separate what I'm asking is for these speed impediments has an RFP RFP been left has a contract been left the cont the the whole contract went with the option of the speed tables in it they're not definitive they're not this the speed tables are not going in regardless of the contract it's an option that we can either invoke or not invoke so they're not included is an option correct but they're they do not have to be installed the street is going to be paved but the speed tables were left open based on what was decided so it wasn't correct so it was awarded and bid on yes um the information about the First Responders bus Etc I will check with the engineer I don't anticipate that that's an issue because of the same speed tables that are being employed in other places and if they're not an issue for the First Responders in the buses that those locations I wouldn't would not think they'd be an issue on that street either um the the master plan questions I'd have to speak to the planning board they're the one who devised the master plan um anticipated completi anticipated completion we will get dates for you um the pre-post will get dates for you uh the addresses that you mentioned 22 2034 I I assume you meant houses on Lincoln Street correct they make reference BOS makes reference that they're doing work in 22 so it gives you the impression they're doing prep work for the speed tables so it kind of makes you presume that the speed table decision was almost a f complete before there was any of this bizarre email um voting we'll find out so the the timing appears a little off the question the aprons will talk to and ADA compliance signs and incidental that you mentioned we'll talk to Boswell as well as the potential side and well the rest when we pass the ordinance that the paving is being done that's our mechanism for informing the town through an open meeting hear about the speed in and what I'm saying to you is you know there were these there was three years ago roughly a meeting of Lincoln Street residents one at the time we asked to have updated data and because it was postco and we can certainly say that a lot of what goes on now is different because it's you know we're missing Office Buildings we're missing and we're going to have an increase in residential and we can all say that the contractors and proposals all said it's going to be this that or the other but that doesn't mean that that's put no effort and must is going to say once they're all buil so um that's the question of you know was it specifically stated that this was being included in in other words as an option it it just appears that the meeting was with the residents in 2018 we asked to have updated study done it wasn't in 19 you mean 2019 yeah I think bre view engineering 2019 because the the study that was done in 2019 specifically says the traffic exceeds Reas on the street and therefore is not appropriate for Speed tables uh I'm sorry speed bumps um we asked it's 2024 you're going off sixy old dat and that's when we asked and then there was another meeting just recently but again everything went out in email format and well I'm older and very you know techno not everybody on the street is not everybody feels comfortable coming to public meetings but it's it's doesn't seem to include the the even the neighbors who may be impacted like I get screw up na what are the other two Na and parallel to Roosevelt part whatever you know the presumption is we're going to decrease the traffic on Lincoln sure didn't work that way the last time and I've been here longer than him I wasn't inv from the first go around he won I lost I won to fight because oh my God what was the name Marlo Regan did the work and that's how we got them out they weren't in I don't think they were in a year it was came it was a C we will try and and I'm like I feel like we're in the middle of AG again but you know because you have young families who think it's he was a young Family Once Upon a Time it is it's like dà young families moved on the street oh my God we all wanted safe I raised three kids on this street I had a dog hit by the car I the Dog Rush offg stupid new dog owner you know it didn't work dog hit uh by a car on Eagle Rock I mean all the all the streets around us are very busy what are we going to put speed tables on every street I mean I I understand the concern please I understand the concern of the residents and I'm with that but I don't think speed was part answer I do definitely think a sidewalk on the east side people would be walk dogs in the middle of the street kids wouldn't be walking down side you know in the street people wouldn't be you know would be in the street I see people you know it just boggles the mind and we don't have your job has a transer the question we make sure we get question answer in order that they any other member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us Tel ially press star 9 hearing and seeing none uh we have presentation we have swearing in of our new honorary mayor Adriana frangos did oh you ready Pi I said Mom Dad or I said sister real she's sister any this your name that I was Faithfully that I faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of the office of of onary mayor mayor of the bur of rosand the best of my ability abil and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state and that I will bear through faith and allegiance to the s to the government in the United States and in this St under the authority of the [Music] people so um the last honorary mayor was Adam trillo trillo son he couldn't be here he normally swears you that's all I had to do it that's why I didn't have my notes with me um but you get to do a lot of you get to help Santa like walk the Easter bu you walked in the parade for Memorial and Santa's coming in in a very special way this year not like we've ever seen before so you'll get to be the first person to meet him one of the first people to meet him when he comes off you'll walk him across street with the eles and you go up and help him and there's a bunch of other to do think you're okay with that actually you know what you sit here what do you want us to do you want say more speed tables May bye thank you Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving I know well okay next we have uh introduction of ordinances 39224 ready on second yes Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter two the revised General ordinances of the BAU rosand entitled Administration section 265 entitled payment of claims is there a motion to introduce ordinance 39224 so move second part parate all in favor I I oos hearing no ordinance number 39224 will be posted on the bur's website noce a public hearing will be publish in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday December 17 2024 next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinance 40224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance to amend chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of bural rosand entitled building and housing to amend various fees motion to introduce ordinance 40 d2020 so moved second Goldstein parate all in favor I I I opposed hearing none ordinance number 40224 will be posted on the Burrow's website noce of public hear will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday December 17 2024 next the agenda is ordinance 41224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only in ordinance of bur of rosand establishing salaries for the mayor and Council of the bur of rosand there are motion to introduce order 41- 2024 so move second party Goldstein all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing n ordinance number 41224 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday de 17 Mr rockins please read ordinance by title only in ordinance amending section 14-4 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand entitled use of outdoor facilities to amend fees is there a motion to introduce ordinance 42-22 motion second BR Goldstein all in favor I I oppos done ordinance number 42224 will be posted on the B's website notice public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday December 17 2024 thank you Mr second agenda is ordinance on an introduction excuse me of ordinance 43-22 ordinance of the bur of rosand in the county of S6 state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the burrow code to amend chapter 2 Administration section 24-10 outside employment of police officers is there a motion to introduce ordinance 43224 so moved second Ry Goldstein all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none number 43224 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday December 17 2024 thank you next is an introduction of of ordinance 44-24 44224 excuse me Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the bur rosand to repeal ordinance number 19223 as amended which provided for salaries and compensation to be paid to nonunion employees of the burough of rosand and substitute therefore salaries and compensation for the year 2024 is there a motion to engine ordinance 44224 so second barate bardy all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none ordinance number 44224 will be posted on the bur's website noce of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday December 17 2024 lines the next two public hearing ordinances 17-22 24 and 28224 are being pulled sorry sorry some sorry excuse me 17224 is being p is uh being pulled for next meeting and 28 2024 is going to the hearing on December 17th next public hearing is ordinance 29224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending Chapter 30 the revised General ordinance B rosand entitled Land Development article 4 section 30- 4321 entitled driveways and Article 5 Section 30- 8.1 entitled design of driveways is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2019-2024 secondate B all in favor I I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 29-2 24 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 29-22 second party Goldstein all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title in ordinance amended Chapter 30 the revised General ordinances of the bur of Rose land entitled Land Development article 4 section 30- 40321 entitled driveways and Article 5 Section 30-1 8.1 entitled design of driveways is there a motion to adopt ordinance 29224 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Mr yes Goldstein yes Mrs par yes ordinance 29224 be advertising the progress as a pass ordinance and shall take effect by law thank Mr wat next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 36224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title 35 yeah oh I pulled I'm sorry I pulled two pages public hearing on ordinance 35224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend excuse me the revised general ordance of the burough of rosand chapter 17 entitled Water and Sewer Article 2 entitled service section 17- 8.1 entitled rates is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 35-22 so moved seconded B Goldstein all in favor I I opposed hearing none does anyone be heard on ordinance 35-22 somebody's phone is here it's mine thank you the thank you that's still Court I just want to understand something when I read it it says commodity rate for water and sewer charge comb sing Char other words it's still the $100 that hasn't Chang yeah this yeah this this is a result of a study we had the um water engineer do a study neighboring you know neighboring towns on our water rates to see if we were Equitable and we we found that we were below uh market so we put some adjustments in over time so we're not doing it all at once it's a little bit by little just so it can be at the market just to be fair because we pay we have we have to buy the water right we SP some well in our town but whatever I just you know basically but we're not losing money what are we're not making money either but I'm just saying if if you compare from what I saw from what the difference that used to be between cells charged us and what we charged that number has shrunken greatly so be minute compared to what that's what triggered the stud that was just just wondering why we're raising the water rates what's the reason supposed you after the drought or we're still in the draft basically whatever okay I just couldn't see I was wondering like always got me why is everybody $100 even the big buildings or something with the sewer charge why don't they pay more meter fee it's not S charge yeah the charge but we we changed our ordinance years ago so it's meter fee that's what the1 into the quar and then it's a step rate for the usage but I understand what's saying a big building right could possibly offset if I more so it's just that's all made up with the with consumption you use and you p i I understand you know you have an apartment right there's 10 people in there and I understand even if you had 10 separate water meters in there and uh the sewer is the same it's $100 that seems a little lot to me that's all they're using more more with the sewer than anybody else can I ask the projects that are being built these new projects especially Becker Farm Road is there one water meter for that whole building or is everybody a separate water meter sear we made sure we made sure every apartment there every single one is going to have a separate have to pay sear and is that for all of them yes it should be okay just check it it's better for the town and they all and the and the the developer or contractor has to also which we changed a couple years ago to make sure they have to pay a connection fee for each and every and also then I presume they have to pay the $100 for the s the meter what you know I'm just try everyone of the we say 400 apartments has to pay that $100 per me every meeting every single meeting correct and they're all having their own meters I'm thinking you know basically they're paying way more we should be getting way more but we're not we don't we're not able to realize goes into the water once we realize that then we can absorb it or or offset it to other places but we can't realize that until they're in there and trust me we want that money coming in you know basically just was say because it's a good idea they should everybody should be paying separate you know basically you know and like I said it's a 10 Apartments they're paying just one fee where now all those apartments and that goes for everything that's going to be built here I presume uh which is better for the residents on the long run thank you answer the question does anyone else wish to be heard on ordinance 355-2020 if not may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordance 35 Point no moved second par all in favor I I oppos hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand chapter 17 entitled Water and Sewer article two entitled service section 17- 8.1 entitled rates a motion to adopt ordinance 35-22 so move second Goldstein bardy all in favor I I'm sorry roll call vote Mr B yes yes Mr par yes number 35224 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance will take effect as provided by law next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 36 as 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the B rosand the county of essic state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the burrow code to incl include a new chapter 25 clothing bins to regulate the placement and use of charitable clothing bins is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 36- 2024 so move second B all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none then I wish to be heard on ordinance 36224 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so move second Goldstein all in favor I oppos heing None Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the B of rosand in the county of ESS New Jersey amending and supplementing the burrow code to include a new chapter 25 clothing bins regulate the placement and use of char closing there motion to adopt ordinance 36-220 so moved second Mar Goldstein roll call vote Please Mr Mary yes Mr B yes parate yes ordinance number 36224 will be advertised in the progress is a pass ordinance shall take effect is provided by law thank you Mr next we have a public hearing on ordinance 37224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the B rosand chapter 7 entitled traffic section 7-14 inti titled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to prohibit parking on a portion of First Avenue on a portion of Steel court is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 37 in favor opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 37-220 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing Mo second Goldstein all in favor I oppos hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the bur of rosand chapter 7 entitled traffic section 7 there 14 entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to prohibit parking on a portion of First Avenue on a portion of Steel Court motion to uh to adopt so moov second part roll call vot yes Mr Vol yes Mr yes ordinance number 37224 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect this for Red by law thank you ordinance 38224 will be postponed until our next meeting next on our agenda is resolution 35922 approving the November 22nd Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns and or recusing if there are n will take a motion so moved second part priority all in favor I I oppos hearing none next resolution 360-2249 through 37 through 376 d224 other 377 we can't do the last I'm sorry correct 361 d224 through 3 77224 by resolution number 2 through 18 by agenda number questions concerns recusals on those resolutions if there are none I'd like to moove them in their entirety so moved second Goldstein all in favor I I I oppos hearing none just one on here um number 16 I want to thank the boosters for uh donating the portable basketball goal systems all that money that they raise out there in The Snack Shack and other events comes directly back into um come back into the community as well as the AED units they bought we'll have three AED units that'll be at all of our Parks um all their hard work goes right back to our kids so we thank them for all their their efforts um resolution 378 and 379 um we spoke of an executive session that's the police contracts just so the public is aware the members of the governing body here are completely in favor of the Police contract for the police officers we just want to brief our other council members at the next meeting which luckily is next Tuesday so we can inform them and we will move that next week I just didn't want any to think we're skipping over we're all in support of it we're just going to have our council members uh here to explain the nuances not so much the percentage raises but some of the contract language uh next on the agenda is the consent agenda for training for technical assistance on December 4th for Heidi and Renee in our DPW do we have a motion some second all in favor I I I post hearing none um my report I would just like to um first of all wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving uh take the time with your families make memories enjoy the moments uh as a parent of kids are getting older you realize the moment moment skill there's not as many tomorrows as yesterdays with the kids as being little um so I I learned to appreciate a little bit more and then hope that um we put a lot of work in this year as we do every year to Christmas celebration on December 6th uh yeah it is next Friday ready um we hope everyone comes out uh everyone has put a lot of work into this volunteers and uh members of the bur we're also doing a for sale that day we'll trying to do a townwide luminary project um we are selling luminaries or we a civic association is selling luminaries and the money that the proceed from that go directly into a fund that's going to assist rosand residents in need uh throughout the year so we hope people participate in that um and come out on the 6th uh I have nothing besides that anyone have anything from committees yeah I do um just two things first I want to congratulate our officer Bell who ran a marathon he ran tunnels to Towers Marathon he did a great job he's our one of our new officers he's also running in the UK uh for um to benefit um underived children and he's going to run another marathon in Chicago to support the homeless so we want to thank him for all his everything he's doing um our fire department is going to participate in the tooa and West Patterson Fire Department holiday parade and I think we won first place last year I say but I want Jinx so I know I don't want jinx them but I want to wish them good luck and um I just want to let everybody know Moren did you go last year yeah can you go next this year to make sure ioud for thank you so I just wanted to let everybody know that they are participating on the 30th uh Saturday so I just want to let everybody know good luck to them any other committee next on the agenda is our approval of minutes from our October 15th and November 4th Council meetingone receive the minutes no questions for accusal take a motion to move the minut so moved second Co all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wish to be heard come forward state your name to this for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and with us telephonically press start on advice direct just let's say the bars done um they going off for the first wanted to let the residents know and you that uh probably Sunday and Monday we'll be doing the final wiring part of it so we may be testing him on Sunday and Monday but then officially we're going to have to come up with a date to start using them the only thing I would ask is if we're going to test them this weekend just make sure we let Ryan know so we let the community know what's going on and of course you'll let the police desk know when people start calling in case they missed a correspondence that this is what you know is going on right and then there are going to be times I think we discussed that they're not going to go off like during the night and stuff like that so we just want the community to know that it's going to be during certain hours right in the past it was usually 7 in the morning till 10: at night overnight the only times that we would set them off would be if we had an actual fire and the Fire officer arrived on the scene and seeing that he had a working fire and then he would set them up just to make sure we get all our volunteers there in case they didn't hear their page just go up right public yeah just work fire and a fire chief will make that decision that's it thank you thanks John um any other member public wish to be heard hearing saying none I'll take a motion for adjournment so move second part prior all in favor I I post uh a post it's probably going to be our last meeting so we'll keep it going as long as we can could be here next week uh maybe not I'm not sure everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone no no I Dr