##VIDEO ID:C8i2S2L8DQE## e e e okay okay uh I'll read the start read it I'll read yeah all right this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local Source in the nework Star Ledger said notice was published or sorry posted in the municipal building and a copies on file in the office of the burough clerk fire exits are located in the directions I'm indicating if you're for a fire please move in a common orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice having been given the burrow clerk will include the statement in the minutes of the meeting U Mr clerk please call the rooll please councilman patoski here councilman Johnson pres councilman signarello here Council Rina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel and mayor signarello is also absent and will be absent for the meeting okay uh Mr Clark please lead us in open prayer and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen I Al to the flag United States of America to the rep stands one nation God indivisible all okay thank you okay there are no Communications for review this evening uh there are no proclamations or presentations for review this evening may I have a motion to approve meetings and minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may I have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I okay uh may I have a motion to open the public portion of the agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay if you would like to speak please come forward and to the microphone and uh say your name and address for the record okay okay I don't see anyone coming up may I have a motion that uh the public portion be closed so move second all in favor I I okay uh reports of departments okay I'm going to go with our police chief first I figure I did good evening everybody good even even good evening so I uh submitted my report to the uh bur administrator hopefully you all reive the copy of it just going to highlight two points that are on this report here uh October 5th the Rosal Park Police Department participated in the Union County gun surrender event that we spoke of uh briefly in the last meeting uh the gun surrender was a great success with over 100 weapons surrendered count countywide we took about eight guns in uh within the burrow and one of them was actually a saw off shotgun wow so that was impressive October 31st officers were detailed to the annual Bender Avenue Halloween event there were approximately 5,000 visitors in the area and no incidents were reported it was however reported that the parking violations were problematic in the area and it was anticipated by me of this problem that we experienced last year um and I sent out the two parking officers uh in the area of Bender Avenue both sides because we had a lot of complaints last year from the residents uh in that area and the uh parking enforcement officers actually issued 89 summonses and that's just dealing with stop sign violations parking within the 50 ft um parking on the crosswalk and parking within the intersection and uh fire hydrants and block driveways uh so that was strictly that there was no uh permit parking nothing like that ad 9 summonses that that shows you the amount of violations that were in that area I think they did a outstanding job they they walked it the whole detail on foot they couldn't get through with uh with vehicles because of the traffic uh and cudos to them they they really did a great job yes absolutely uh that concludes my report sir okay does anyone have any questions yes Chief I I wanted I figured I might as well just say it now because this was going to be at the end in my report so maybe I can make my report a little shorter I just wanted to take a moment to recognize rosol Park Park enforcement uh for the hard work that they did on Halloween night uh here in Rosell Park I actually witnessed some of uh the interactions uh there were many guests in Out of Towners who just parked on sidewalks I seen blocking hydrant and private driveways like you said Chief and uh this is just unacceptable I I also uh I wanted to everyone to enjoy themselves you know here and embracing our uh Community with Halloween however they still need to when guests come still got to be respectful to our community I just wanted to give a special thank you to you Chief uh I didn't get a chance to tell you that on the phone I know we had conversations about the parking authority and I wanted to recognize them and you as well uh for this detail I'm looking forward to next year uh towards supporting you beefing it up uh um because people can come uh enjoy Rosel Park but guests got to you know respect uh our community so um kudos to you as well uh great job overall to Rosa Park Police Department and uh especially the parking enforcement thank you councilman yeah anyone else yeah I just want to say thank you so much for the Italian Heritage day um and in Mischief Night you guys were awesome you had a truck there um and that was just it's good to see just everybody together um so I just wanted to commend you on that and and Halloween but thank you for everything that you guys thank you councilwoman the officers love the interaction it's awesome it was a great time and we gave pizza so the the woman uh from bellich Chow uh Pizza that she ended up getting a whole bunch of pies and like just saying okay everybody eats so it was just good to see it was a good moment I heard it was delicious but I didn't stay long to the end next time the line was too long yeah yeah yeah oh I want to personally thank you for uh Halloween um I get the tail end of it um and everything and it was very crowded and they uh the parking enforcement came up you know quite a few times and just to make sure everything was good but thank you welcome sir and also you're officers you know thank you you're welcome anyone else have anything okay thank you Chief thank you all thank you okay next we'll have the fire chief good evening I just want to go over a few things uh put out to the community once again you know we're always looking for dedicated volunteers and our membership is open you can look on our our website or any of our social media for more information just wanted to review some of the training that we've been going over uh the barrel was good enough and it was nice enough to give us some vehicles that were being decommissioned to use for extrication training so uh we've done two extrication drills we have one more scheduled uh which allows our members to train uh if there is a motor vehicle accident on the proper way to get the vehicles taken apart in the victims out of the vehicles uh we also participated in the Mischief Night event the fire department was there we had uh uh we had our pickup truck there we were handing out candy and we also had uh Sparky the Fire Dog was making some guest appearances um just also wanted to thank uh I'm sure as many of you know we had a a major fire over the weekend and I just wanted to thank our mutual Aid Partners throughout the county uh that responded there was probably 17 different departments that responded in as Mutual Aid um not limited to uh NJ do was there to assist with road closures the police department helped us out tremendously uh the State Fire Marshal's Office the uni County uh fire Mutual Aid coordinators there was just a a lot a lot of Manpower and agencies that came together for that incident so I just wanted to thank them publicly for all their assistance and just uh thank the members of the department they really put in a very very long day and a very hard day uh and happy to report that there was no major injuries and there was no loss of life so that's something we can take away that's positive from the incident that's all I had okay uh I want to personally thank you as the fire commissioner and uh um great um you know you guys were there and I know Mutual Aid and everything but uh I appreciate Roso Park fire department and uh we're volunteered too so you know you guys are risking your lives and everything like that but thank you very much appreciate it thank you Echo just want to Echo what uh councilman patski uh today mayor um had just said uh we appreciate you too Chief Thompson uh you still had to you know be in the thick of it with the with the rest of the gentlemen and uh uh kudos to you as well thank you we thank you is there anything that we could do um that sometimes I mean obviously we are doing something for the victims and we're going to talk about that I'm sure but as a fire department is there anything that you would need that we can be aware of and do for you at the moment I can't think of we lost some equipment but we do have money in our budget to replace that and we'll work through going with the insurance company to get that replaced I just also wanted to thank the members of the community there was a significant amount of people that showed up throughout the incident dropping off bottles of water food uh that was overwhelming to see there was one woman I didn't catch her name but she actually came down with a wagon filled with like six cases of water for the firefighters that were all working there so the support that we received was just tremendous from the community and everyone so I want to thank them thank you thank you okay uh next uh coach reneer good evening everyone good evening I'd like to thank acting mayor petski and Town Council for giving me the opportunity to provide a brief update the goal of the Roso Park Recreation Department is to meet the recreational needs of our community as part of our Department's effort to meet these needs and expand Community Services our department provides a wide range of programs membership and Recreation we currently have over 300 recreational members the recreation department has 23 programs 25 employees utilizing 11 locations and growing homework club and Aftercare we currently have 115 members we are transporting and chaperoning over 90 students daily after school care has 13 programs 20 employees and growing Recreational Sports and activities happening now now Elementary Middle School volleyball K through eth grade basketball and K through eth grade wrestling we are in the process of finalizing our winter sports and activities programming but as of now allseason volleyball will be on Wednesday nights between 6:15 and 9:15 in the asyc flyer to follow boys and girls wrestling registrations are now open K through 8 K through2 practice on Tuesdays at the asyc 3rd through sixth grade practices are Mondays and Wednesdays at David Bley High School sixth through eth grade practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Rosel Park High School wrestling room Competition schedule to be announced shortly boys and girls basketball registrations are now open k through 8th grade this is the pre-draft schedule kinden Garten practices are on Mondays at 6:15 in the asyc first and second grade co-ed practices are on Monday at 7:15 in the asy C Middle School boys practices are on Monday at 8:15 in the asyc third and third and fifth grade co-ed practices are on Fridays at 6:15 in the asyc and middle school girls practices are on Fridays 7:15 in the asyc the draft schedule is draft is scheduled for Tuesday 11:26 your specific coach will contact all players with their January practice and Competition schedule we're pleased to report that art department has made the following changes to recreational programming we have half school day programming for teacher conferences drop andgo events for members parents night out and all recreational employees and volunteers will have a criminal history screening and will be certified in CPR and AED we remain committed to providing the best possible care and programming in addition we believe these changes have afforded our community members the requested asyc programming the asyc has recently hosted or will plan to host Scout meetings recreational committee meetings and the Halloween costume party diversity inclusion meetings public fairs and Community event meetings cpeg PTA meetings fifth grade parent meetings DMV events Recreational Sports Programming CPR and AED certificate certifications festival or the Arts events and the Mischief Night event I'd be remiss to not congratulate mayor council rupin and the Rosel Park Police Department for an amazing job hosting this year's M Night event it was an awesome Community event I'd also like to take a moment to congratulate Tina and the recreation committee for running the recreational committee's Halloween dance party it was well attended and fun for everyone involved as always you can contact the recreation department at Rosel Park recreation Rosel park.net that completes our November Recreation Department update I'd be happy to answer any questions does anyone have any questions for I Chief uhor sorry I'm sorry uh I just wanted to ask um how's that no parking location in um working out is it is it mitigating and and we're able to the vehicles are able to move itself about uh absolutely much better okay and thanks for doing that no that was a combination of all of us I just wanted to make sure that it's it's work thank you all yeah definitely helps thank you I also want to thank you for the Halloween for from the recreation that for having it there I think it was very very well very well attended I also want to thank uh councilwoman rosan and also councilman johnon for showing up that day uh I appreciate it um and like I said it was very well attended so yes it was thank you yeah thank you you're welcome okay thank you John thank you okay uh rich thank you mayor dour that's good good evening everyone good evening so as you can see things are quite busy in town um and things are moving along I'm actually quite pleased with the projects at this point so for October we had 205 permits that were issued through the department total revenue construction code Revenue was 79,90 year to date sore connection fees year to date5 ,400 I'm sorry $510,300 and we have off-site Improvement fees of $50,000 that were received by the burough on the property maintenance side we've obviously been busy there as well um a lot of what we've been doing too have been the leaves because um some of the citizens don't realize that that uh you know leaves really need to be bagged and not just pushed into the street and blown all over the place so we've been really trying to focus on that quality of life enforcement activity um Property Maintenance enforcement action for October though we had 17 court dispositions fines year-to date of $2,345 27 violations were issued in October and good news is we only issued two court summonses so we're starting to get a lot more compliance which is very good um moving on to the projects um as you're aware building a at 10 West Westfield that is the building closest to the municipal building that is us has received a full C uh TCO for all the residential units in the building and good news is today I actually received the first tenant fit out and that will be Wingstop wants to go in there um so I just received those plans today they've been forwarded to the house department and we're going to start our process as well thanks um on the fern Moore project 404 and 450 is moving along quite nicely 404 um they had changed projects managers a few months ago I think you're aware of that and the Project's moving along quite nicely quite smartly um for 450 is has received a full Co for all the residential units we are now finalizing the pool in the back um if you do have a chance though if you want to stop by there is a parking lot on the side you can walk to the pool area the back area is actually beautiful they did a terrific job it's a gazabo an area to cook it's very very nice and it's off a community room um which really really worked out very well so I'm very pleased with that the hunter project we ran into a little bit of a hiccup with the elevation of the garage so that there needed to be redesign and that took place I approved that redesign and it actually involved barrier-free accessibility so it's an ADA issue or a federal civil rights issue so we needed to make sure that was corrected and it was so they're moving along quite nicely as well um I think that's it on the projects at this point um there are some things in the works but I'd rather not bring them to the table right now until they're concrete uh the only other two items that I do want to uh make you aware of is on Chestnut Street across from dings HB we have two empty storefronts the one on the corner right now I issued a permit for a um personal um uh personal workout space basically um so that's very nice and the space next door is actually going to be a coffee shop but a highend Starbucks type Coffee Shop awesome so that is uh I'm very pleased with those two um those two uses going in there very nice people very nice owners awesome that's great we're GNA help them out as much as we can um as far as the fire I want to I want to congratulate and just commend the Rosel Park fire department um I was there on scene they did an outstanding job an absolutely outstanding job with a very very tough uh situation um I want to congratulate them thank the Rosel Park Police Department they did an outstanding job as well and uh we're working with the owner of that property to see what type of um where they want to go with this um and again I don't want to put anything on the table yet but I am talking to them all options are open including uh raising the buildings and constructing new buildings or possibly um you know renovating what they have so I've been meeting with an architect that they have hired um Landmark development is actually one that will be constructing the building or reconstructing the buildings at this point whether it's the older buildings that they renovate or a new building they will have to have a NFPA 13r system so they will be required to put in a suppression system so obviously you know with the newer codes it's a bit more stringent so that's my report if anybody has any questions rich just to let people when you say raise some people might be saying take him down to the ground don't be confused about raising there's probably someone out there saying oh boy they're gonna raise it so just sorry we got have a little fun here but yeah demolishing it thank you but I knew what you meant by raising yeah thank you and thanks for responding oh Rich could you just touch on um on the fire building 125 so I'm sure members of the governing body I know my office has and other offices have gotten questions from some of the tenants we are trying to Usher through the recovery process um they have no access to that building which is obviously devastating um can you just give kind of an understanding on the record of why there's no access to that building and the safety concerns there are around that building yeah the the fire was the fire is classified as a structural fire um so I basically vacated the building issued an imminent Hazard and an unsafe structure notice the structure itself was compromised there are actually structural members within that building that are hanging um that are ready to fall the fourth the third floor when the chief uh took me up there or um you know uh and some of the members from the fire department there is nothing left there's literally nothing left uh so for allowing entry of the general public into that space would really from a legal standpoint it we would be compromising the Burrow's position based upon the issuance of the notices that um I provided to the owner so at this point they are still analyzing the structure itself and once I hear from the design professional on that the next option would be if they want to obtain let's say insurance policies or personal information or jewelry because that's what it would be limited to it would actually have to be someone from the fire department that has the correct turnout gear and the correct training to go in there to retrieve those items wow I will not allow the general public in that building it is that unsafe I just wanted to make sure that it was put on the record because there's it's obviously a very heart-wrenching situation sure uh people want to go in and get whatever they can out of there even if there's nothing left people want to try to gain entry to that building and the reality is it's just too dangerous to do that um and I just wanted to make sure that that it wasn't just the burrow saying you can't go in um we would all want to go in and we understand that they want to go in but in order to protect you know life which we've avoided the loss of life with this incident we want to make sure that we stay in that position where we're avoiding the loss of life exactly yes thank you okay I had one thing for at the uh Hunters uh the Little League field are they going to put Nets up cuz someone told them that they're not putting Nets up they're going to put unbreakable Windows you know I have to get an answer to that I honestly don't know okay okay um the windows themselves are not shatterproof windows that were installed because the windows are already installed so I'll have to speak to the developer and see you know what kind of uh what kind of options we have with that generally you are correct councilman normally when you have this type of situation and I was involved in a project Garwood number of years ago next to the little week fields in Westfield and they actually were required to install netting so we might we might have to go down that way okay well they heard um someone told them that uh they're not putting any Nets up and they were upset about it so yeah I got about three or four calls on it so okay I'll follow up on okay thank you have a quick question when is um so do you have a timeline for the coffee shop or the um uh they just submitted plans so those plans uh again one set has to go to health department and then we're going to proceed with our uh with our um plan reval awesome all right great thank you anyone else yeah uh as far as the parking garage um we're getting 50 spots do you know which side we're going to is it going to be first floor the 50 spots uh administrator uh take a look um I'm almost sure that it's the first and second floor I think it is too but let me check so the idea was um if we could rent it out to the public uh we could start with five and charge the monthly fee and uh I the people on the Locust Street I talked to them they're they're more than you know they want to get a parking because they don't have parking over there so we're able to rent it out and change it into like a revenue stream maybe you could use it for a new website but we an option we could take a look at anything's possible yeah I I know we did discuss the uh possibility of charging for those yeah I haven't I haven't actually been in the parking deck yet okay well I'll bring you there yeah I just got to give you a see the concrete um yeah we could take a look into it all right thanks oh by the way the view from the top deck I got M oh it's outstanding it's outstanding the view from the top of the parking deck oh yeah it's absolutely you're going so once it's open if you take a ride up there you will see what I'm talking oh a separate question um for West Clay I don't know if it's for Andrew mostly but uh is there update on when they're going to restore I know it's mid November but do we have a final date as we're getting closer we do not have a final date my I would suspect it'll be sometime after Thanksgiving assuming the weather holds up okay um there was a preconstruction meeting with them um right before Halloween and um they were looking at the sett sement period for that project so the settlement period is after the trenches are filled and just the ground actually settling so you don't pave it and then it sinks um was right around Thanksgiving okay um so assuming that the weather holds up should be another week or two yeah and the other thing a lot of the resin sides the right next to the sidewalk uh the grass like uh they they left as they're aware yes they're aware that it's an issue um I know that the uh that New Jersey American Water who the underlying project it was owned by them right it was a leadline abatement project um they're aware of that issue they've been following up with the subcontractor they had for that particular item I remain in contact with them um they realize that it's an issue and that their contractor is not performing adequately to their liking and therefore not to our liking or the residents um but they continue to follow up okay all right sounds good thank you any other questions okay thanks rich thank you okay um our engineer Kevin boy sorry you put last but that's right actually you covered someone has to be last you covered one of my topics so the New Jersey American Water Paving which you know just correct is settlement per ends end of November so um beginning December is when we're anticipating I know the contractor um does have bandwidth to pay of this year it's just a matter of weather holding up hopefully it does I know we've had like 80° temperatures in the last couple weeks so hopefully it stays that way and they can pay and be done with that the other project there is Elizabeth Town Gas um we did have another meeting with them for their Paving projects um it's sooner Avenue Walnut in that section their Paving though is going to be held off until the spring um their work was done a little bit later so their settlement period a little bit later so it kind of pushes the work Paving work a little bit further out so we'll touch base with them again um in the new year just find out their schedule for Paving that area and let you guys know other than that the only other project we have uh you know going on that's and major is the storm sewer separation project um as you know there was a settlement agreement part of that condition is submitting monthly reports which we have been submitting uh to Elizabeth with the status and what we've been doing uh which is basically pulling a lot of mapping and data from the utility companies um to figure out exactly what the impacts are to those utilities and what we have to go through so we been base mapping and we're getting to a point now where we're going to start sizing a pipe and picking a I know we have established a route of what roads we're going on or now we're going to start picking which lane of the road and which side if it's the eastbound Lane the westbound Lane that type of thing so we're kind of narrowing it down kind of where to thread the needle through through all the other utilities that are currently down Route 28 so that's moving along we anticipate surveying in the next few months and continuing along with the design throughout next year perming with DOT NJ do Army Corps of Engineers all those meetings will start happening next year um and we're looking for design completion and submission for permits by the end of next year um permit process will probably take through 2026 and then we'll look to go to Construction in 2027 meeting the deadline of completion in the beginning of 2029 uh is stipulated so that's quick snapse of where we're at for that project if anybody has any questions anyone have any questions um any update on that uh Galpin Hill that yes I I'm waiting got I got to reach out to Greg with DPW they're supposed to televise it he was adding it to their schedule I think they had an issue with the tele TV truck so I got to touch base with and see what they're that but yeah that's on their schedule to do okay thank you you're welcome okay um Ken thank you you thank you thank you sorry uh just a friendly reminder uh November 1st taxes are due by uh November 12th because the 10th is on Sunday and Monday is a Veterans Day and a federal holiday so the barrel is closed so you have until November 12th to pay without interest uh the October first payment for soures the grace period has been extended to December 31st so you have up until then to pay without interest uh the governing body received a copy of our current tax sale list uh we're we're giving that to you guys just to review if you know anybody on that list to tell them to please contact the tax office um uh and call us so we can we're trying to uh prevent them from having a lean put on their property the tax sale is going to be uh Monday November 25th at 10: a.m. right here in this room so that's why we gave you guys a copy to see if you know anybody on there and uh if you do and you have their phone number you want to give it to us please please do we're just trying to contact everybody and any way possible um and the last thing I have is with the best practices which is the resolution 25624 uh that's the annual uh best practices uh inventory that has to be done questions provided by the state uh this year you needed to score 35 or above to get 100% of the last 5% of the state aid payment due December 1st I'm happy to say we got a score of 39.5 so we will be receiving all of our state aid uh there were several new questions uh this year uh a lot of them had to do with affordable housing and lead abatement program so uh I'm sure in the future that'll be more stuff coming out but uh happy to say we scored enough points to get 100% of our state aid that's it very good thank you okay um Andrew you have anything yes sir um I just want to touch on obviously election day was Tuesday uh I appreciate uh all the candidates um for generally behaving them themselves and the voters for voting everybody who voted um right now my last check we were close to 70% in Rosel Park um that number will creep up uh as the days go on just a little snapshot of the process so polls closed at 8:00 the ballot drop box closed at 8:00 on Tuesday um the state law is if your ballot was postmarked on Tuesday uh it has six days to get to the Board of Elections office um so over the next 6 days ballots though the large majority of them are in and either counted or pending counting um they will trickle in until next Monday at 8:00 p.m. they will then cut it off uh no further ballots will be accepted and uh or I should say counted um because no one can just hand a ballot in at this point they have to come in through the mail um postmarked um at that point uh they'll canvas those ballots um whatever comes in by 8 o'clock on Monday evening um they'll then move on to provisional ballots the Board of Elections will canvas provisional ballots and determine whether or not they are counted and they'll canvas military ballots excuse me military ballots and then after that point there'll be a little bit of a waiting period and then the certification will be made by the county clerk um and at that point the election results will be official um again I really appreciate everybody's patience on Tuesday uh there were lines in certain places um throughout the day particularly in the W race um uh polling places in the library and the uh and the um and Aldine School in the Fifth Ward um I will say in the Fifth Ward uh there's some adjusting I'm going to be doing to the district lines um there's clearly uh this is take a step back you know an election of this scale we haven't seen ever um and you know when when the limits of what you're infrastructure has is tested you can see the weak points um one of the things that became very apparent is there is a very large disparity between the two districts in the Fifth Ward um of the voter population um 52 has way more voters in it than 51 and uh the district should be somewhat balanced so that's um part of my job as the municipal clerk to work with the Board of Elections to rebalance the district so uh we'll be looking at that over the next couple of months and you know going into the next cycle um but otherwise I really appreciate everybody's cooperation and support on Tuesday um glad it was a day with generally no incidents and um looking forward to the next one that's all I have to report okay thank you uh any questions for okay yeah I do I've got a quick two quick questions any update on the Marone plaque Andrew I have no update okay and Boyce cout Park as the Shaded structure the Gazo that was so the shade structure um so we are we are ready to go go other than the shade structure um what you're going to see uh and I'll have I'll have a more definitive timeline I'll get you an update by tomorrow um the shade structure is delayed um uh we are we are expecting delivery of the shade structure in December in early December um the site work that will happen uh at Boy Scout Park will happen should happen over the next couple of weeks um I don't have a time frame for it because we were holding off on some of this waiting on that delivery date for the shade structure we just received that over the last week um so there will be concrete site work there you know basically the pad um and some of the foundations for the shade structure the um the six points of the shade structure uh as well as uh the electrical that is going to be run uh underground at that location so I'll get you a more definitive timeline some of it's just come together recently uh candidly I was expecting and hoping that shade structure would be delivered sometime between mid October and mid November that's clearly not happening I was not happy neither were the uh special project engineers at neglia um so we just learned that it would be delivered in December so we're trying to work around that date okay um we have a county Grant on this that uh has to be expended by the end of the year so we're working to make sure that that happens so assuming the timeline holds and there's no deviations and no special accommodations that project will be done by the middle of December um was hoping it would be earlier I was too okay I will give you an updated timeline as soon as I have it appreciate that I'll get you something tomorrow though okay very good I have a question as well um um Mr may I have a question as well if I may uh Andrew um I have a resident that's been getting in contact with me a couple of times is there any way we can try to figure out a way to mitigate uh 350 Westfield AV uh they've been having issues in that location I I know you probably working on something but is there anything you could do to so this is it's clearly so the issue that we have is the vendor just keeps on Mist either either missing it or mistaking this to be a large apartment complex as opposed to 10 Condominiums um I I did reach out to the superintendent again today he is going to impress on on the contractor uh what I requested that the superintendent do is actually have a site visit with their representative um to explain to them that this location is the location we're talking about this is what it looks like this looks like an apartment complex this is not a large apartment complex so that's the next step that we're taking um I know this is the second time that we've had this issue so that's my pathway forward right now um and I'll I'll keep you in the loop on it well I appreciate you I know you're diligent and you're busy so the other thing I've said is if if they I don't know if the items are still out there or if the people pulled them in but no they got they they got taken care of the uh the O um the I guess the president uh thought someone just discarded it on you know on a side and um they disposed of it yeah yeah okay so thank you I appreciate anyone else no may have have a motion to set the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I I okay uh may I have a a motion to take ordinance 278 n from the table for further consideration so move second if there's no debate on the motion Mr clerk please call to rooll this is to table correct yeah to table no no this is a motion to take it from the table okay so there's so there's no debate on a motion to take it from the table but just to explain if you vote yes you are you are taking it from the table and we'll have to make a further consideration if you vote no it remains tabled okay good uh I'm going to call councilman proski last just because he's the chair councilman Johnson uh did we have discussion on this or there's no there's no debate on a motion to oh all right so we can take it off yes we yes I've been involved in this one I've been talking to gfax Manor Association Along with the uh I think that's the next step that's what Andrew's trying to tell us right all right councilman signarello I apologize so so if you vote Yes you're removing it from the table and we'll further consider the ordinance tonight if you vote no it remains taable no okay councilman Rina no councilwoman Lions no council Patel no uh acting mayor Petroski no okay uh that's five in the negative one in the affirmative that uh motion does not carry so it remains tabled sorry there's not many votes that go that way okay no no that's good that's good okay okay uh there are no ERS for second reading this evening so Mr clerk please read ordinance 2795 by title uh yes mayor ordinance 2795 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 2 article 4 section 33 of the code of the bur Rosa Park entitled Board of Health may I have a motion to approve ordinance number 2795 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing on November 21st 2024 show move second is there any discussion could I just uh give a little explanation of this uh so this is just for the governing B's uh edification and the public um this is a really a cleanup ordinance um this was truly when I when things are called a clerical error this is literally I'm the clerk and I made an error um the reference to the statute that allowed the municipality to consolidate the Board of Health um was the reference was incorrect um the reference that was uh adopted by the ordinance um considered earlier this year was just the wrong number um so this just formally corrects it when the ordinances from 2024 are codified at the end of the year by our codification company this just make sure that it's accurate so it changes absolutely no operational aspect just changes the number of the statute referenced okay fa okay um any other discussion okay uh Mr Clark please call the rooll councilman Johnson uh yes councilman Cinderella yes Council rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes acting mayor patoski yes six the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay sorry the the the the calling first and no no it's messing me up messing me up too I'm just I'm going along with the all matters listed within as are considered to be routine and non controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the goverment body so request in which case the items will be removed from the consent agenda and consider as a normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Mr clerk please call all resolutions by title yes mayor resolution 25124 is reent sending resolution number 24924 entitled authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 25224 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaim Vehicles resolution 25324 is authorizing an agreement with the county of Union for the bur Rosa Park's use of the Union County Leaf Conservation Center for the purpose of leaf composting for the period April 1st 2024 through March 31st 2025 resolution 25424 is authorizing the borrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles all resolution 25524 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement fund Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $1,374 122 resolution 25624 is acknowledging that the governing body discussed the 2024 best practices inventory resolution 25724 is amending resolution number 24724 correcting to correct the name and business address of the winning bidder for the project improvements to Avon Street and Berwin Street resolution 25824 is authorizing the appointment of Rosa Park firefighter Raymond J Cur to serve as a Union County Mutual Aid coordinator resolution 25924 is accepting the resignation of Dylan George from the Rosa Park fire department resolution 26024 is accepting the resignation of William Ferdinando Jr from the Rosal Park fire department resolution 26124 is appointing Tyler Rolo as a member of the Rosell Park fire department resolution 26224 is authorizing a contract with RS Construction LLC for the project Rosal Park Housing rehabilitation case number RP - 56-2 01/2 in an amount not to exceed $45,600 resolution 26324 is authorizing the treasure to issue one check holding $1,398 And1 payable on payable to one lean holder on one property and one check toing $100 from the tax collector's premium account resolution 26424 is authorizing the treasure issue one check holding $1,080 he applied to the tax account for a payment made to tax taxes on an incorrect property resolution 26524 is accepting the resignation of Danielle Sherman from the Rosel Park recreation committee resolution 26624 is appointing Brad m sporer to the position of Class 2 special law enforcement officer within the Rosa Park Police Department resolution 26724 is appointing Anthony Lima to the position of class three special law enforcement officer within the Rosa Park Police Department resolution 26824 is authorizing a $20,000 increase to the open-ended goods and services contract cont with Rich Tree Service Inc for tree trimming pruning and removal services pursuant to New Jersey state contract number 18- DPP 0645 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $120,000 and resolution 26924 is authorizing a $10,000 increase to the Professional Services contract with Shane Schaefer PC as tax appeal attorney for the year 2024 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $330,000 do any members wish to have Ence removed from the consent agenda okay uh may I have a motion to approve the resolution remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I I okay uh reports of the burrow Council committee um go with my favor councilwoman ran good evening everybody good evening mayor dour as councilman okay uh Joe um and everyone else um I just want to start off congratulations to councilman Jay and councilman Joe um and all the uh winners and all the participants really cuz um like I said to one of the um one of the people that were running I said you you know the differences is that you stepped into the ring and and to really represent um and it takes a lot uh so just commend everybody but congratulations congratulations um it's awesome um I just wanted to really just I can't believe it's November um we had the Italian Heritage Festival on October 19th and I really just want to thank uh mayor and Council um rup and Shaw uh which he's doing better thank God I just uh really appreciate him and everything that he does for us um and he helped me so much he wasn't able to attend that day but I just want to really specially um say thank you to him um we also also thank you to Rosal Park Police Department and our Rosal Park Board of Education for helping out that day um we had pizza we had hot dogs we had lots of good food and Heavenly shakes we had Jerry Caputo singing Jared Soro um we had nicoa christofaro uh come with canoli and we fed everybody as much as we could um and we also had lemon biscotti um we did not have sausage and and peppers and I say this to Rosal Park um and zeppy not because we didn't want them but they couldn't make it that day so I just wanted to put that on the record okay um but also Mischief Night uh was awesome like I said that it was just so great all the kids came out the band was awesome uh they really rocked and and they were so great and everybody had a good time um just going down the list of days uh unfortunately as we've heard tonight and what we've seen um Rosal Park suffered a fire and um just obviously commending everyone that was involved uh thank God there was not um you know Serious injury or death um and we just want to continue uh to donate I did see um councilman kanan's post um but I also spoke to rupin and I just want to make sure if anybody has any donations and what they're really looking for is um gift cards monetary donations um any perishable food um anything like that we're going to be collecting at the casano center and also um at aoro Deli um if you have any information please call uh 90824 5666 and that's uh rupin um at the Cassano Center um I just wanted to actually say for election day it was just really awesome to see so many people come out and um and just even to chat with everyone that was that was coming out I actually did steal away I went um to break up a little bit of the election and what was going on um I wanted to give back in some way and I say this not for the attention but just as a reminder for people to look in each other's faces to talk to each other to meet the need if you see the need um I was able to give to 10 families um I went to Costa piz and I gave out pizza to 10 families or dinner or whatever was happening and gave out Mega Million tickets and they kept saying I'm going to give you half I said don't feel the pressure um but no one won because it's 334 million so go go play but it was about the smile it was about to smile um that's pretty much my report I just I am always available I just want to let you guys know uh my number uh is nine well no hold on because I always hold on for that um but I just want to say with everything that's happening in the world in our town I always say it our small community stay close come to the source um we really are blessed in our town we have so many of us that we are obviously we live here we are handson um please contact me um but if you you have a question or if you have a need um we are here for you um I I just want to bring up the the the sign over the train station says resiliency resonates and The Best Is Yet To Come to Rosal Park and I really believe that um and we really are a town that we Rise From the Ashes you know and the things that have happened I really pray for the families and I really pray that everything if if you need any help kanjan or anything that I can personally do please reach out to me but thank you that is my report and uh contact me our lions at Rosal park.net thanks okay I just I'm sorry I just wanted to say real quick um the only reason rupin is not here he had a personal he he had a he had a personal conflict tonight I'm just saying rupin would be here otherwise he's doing much better for every for the viewing audience that heard about you know what you know unfortunately you know he was he was injured in an incident um he would otherwise be back he's luckily back we're happy to have him back at work so I just wanted to note that he's only absent here tonight CU he had a he had a personal conflict otherwise he would be and also um 908 726 8773 sorry I didn't know that okay uh word councel good evening uh congratulations to all the candidates and thank you to every candidate whether you win or lose for stepping up to serve our community as many of you know there was a fire this past Sunday at the Sunrise Village Apartment Complex uh which has displaced 20 families the outpouring support uh outpouring of support from our residents has been incredible I deeply appreciate everyone coming together to help and thank you all the uh fire department involved to help us out and every other department that came through uh we have already received many donations and several residents have connected me with valuable resources including home financial services being offered at no cost donations can be dropped off at the following location Cassano Center 314 Chestnut Street uh Master Peter Funeral Home 400 F2 AV I Deli at 3 01 West Clay additionally I will be hosting a donation drive this Sunday November 10th from 10:00 a.m. till 2 p.m. at the Sunrise Village Apartment uh for those who prefer to give in person checks can be made uh payable to Cassano Center Association and all the funds will be uh evenly distributed among among the affected families special uh thanks to rupin for assisting with this effort uh another critical way to help is by identifi identifying rental housing for displaced family ideally around $1,600 per month as many of the families are low to modate income please contact directly if you have any leads uh thank you and have a good night if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me at cap Roso park.net thank you thank you uh fifth board councilman thank you Dr mayor good evening Rosell Park this past week was yet another Testament to our community Spirit from the excitement of Mischief Night on Chestnut Street to the devastating Sunrise Village fire our community show up for one another what I saw that Sunday was Neighbors coming together to help neighbors and a burrow uniting in the face of Crisis later that day at the Cassano Center I witnessed incredible generosity from residents like Jasmine who works in healthcare and Lynn and Colleen from our school district who donated food water and supplies and Mark Fernandez Who provided translation services their selflessness is a powerful reminder of the strength of our community and it is through moments like these that we continue to move forward by lifting each other up I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Rosell Park fire department the police department and all the municipalities and County agencies that provided Mutual Aid during this fire special thanks to bur administrator casayas director Shaw and the Red Cross for their support in coordinating the response to recovery I'd also like to recognize councilwoman lions for joining me at the Cassano Center where we work together provide comfort and support to those impacted by the fire it was a true team effort and I'm proud of how our community responded I would also like to congratulate all the newly elected officials not only in the burough of Rosell Park but in our state and Nationwide specifically I'm excited to continue serving the f award for the next 3 years and Boyd we have a lot of work to do to everyone who supported me throughout this reelection campaign thank you to my wife Jackie to our children Juliana and Isaac your love and support mean the world to me I also want to thank all of those who helped spread positivity whether through a like on social media a comment or a law on sign most importantly thank you to everyone who took the time to vote even when it meant waiting an hour and a half in line I'm proud to have run a campaign that was grounded in Integrity respect and honor and to those who may have wanted change please know that I have an open door policy and welcome your ideas and concerns if you have a question a concern or an idea for a community project call me and I encourage you to engage with us not only during election time but throughout the year our public meetings are open to all and your voice truly matters if you have ideas on how we can better serve our community or improve how we spend public public funds I welcome you to speak up your participation is key to ensuring we are working in the best interest of our entire town my vision for the next three years includes the following one of my top priorities will continue to be improving pedestrian safety particularly for the residents on Laurel Avenue with the increase of EMS vehicles and an upgrade to the Fate toot Firehouse coming we need to prioritize adding new sidewalks so that residents no longer have to walk in the street in addition to that I'm excited to continue improving the infrastructure in the Fifth Ward such as Paving the last remaining streets in the ward and installing traffic calming measures to ensure neighborhoods remain safe and welcoming regarding Open Spaces Boy Scout Park will be rehabilitated like the U burough administrator mentioned in a few weeks and I will see that project through the end during the campaign I heard many folks would like to see the sensory playground utilized more I would like to thank the Rosel Park CPAC for initiating a community survey and for providing valuable feedback and recommendations I'm excited to collaborate with the Board of Education to find solutions to better utilize the space and create even more opportunities for our students and families and continue to build a brighter future for Rosel Park I'm looking forward to progress along the raway valley rail trail and we are exploring the possibility of expanding the bike path from Locust to Sean providing even more recreational opportunities for our residents in the in the last few years we've had many trees cut down but in my terms would love to see 40 new trees planted in our Ward these trees will not only beautify our neighborhoods but also help the environment I've already spoken with members of the Board of Education about planting trees in the municipal right of way near the high school and hershaw field and I'm looking forward to bringing this project to fruition to that end together we've already built a very strong foundation and I'm energized by the potential to make even more meaningful improvements to enhance our and the quality of life for all residents it's local government that paves our streets fixes our parks and keeps our community safe and that work starts right here in Rosel Park on a personal note five years ago today I lost my younger brother his passing was a reminder that our time here is limited and it inspired me to do better to be better and stay engaged in my community we all have our stories our struggles and our hope I share this with you because we're all in this together so I encourage everyone to get involved be kind and show respect we are a stronger Community when we all work together toward a better future you can always reach me at J rabina at Rosel park.net 862 23619 acting mayor patoski that is my report thank you uh first word councilman thank you acting mayor Council residents I'd like to begin with a heartfelt condolences to the buy family on the loss of Deborah buy Deborah was a longtime resident of Rosel Park and both she and her husband Nick will be deeply missed they consistently dedicated themselves as volunteers always serving the community in some way I had the opportunity to attend her memorial service at Grace's Memorial Funeral home which was held on Sunday October 27th once again a special condolence goes out to the family I will keep you in my prayers and I totally understand on November uh the 4th I had the privileged to be invited to uh Boy Scouts troop 56 court of honor ceremony congratulations um to all the young Scouts who earned merit badges um a special congratulations goes out to Alex Le for earning the rank of Eagle which in my view shows his dedication and commitment and probably one of the hardest ranks to achieve and um thank you for building the post such a fantastic P table and Mia uh protect protective excuse me display case uh we at post 60 are totally grateful and indebted I would be remiss if I didn't say uh that I am deeply grateful to troop 56 for surprising me along with Commander veran with the Scout hero pin award it is truly a blessing to be recognized and honored for providing a home for you all at post 60 creating that space for you was one of the best decisions I made during my time as Commander you truly made me feel special and I I just wanted to say thank you for the recognition as we approach Veterans Day I'm pleased to announce the creation of a new initiative development after listening closely to the veterans both locally and across the state many veteran organizations struggle to access grant funding they deserve due to complex costly application processes that too often end in denial the Rosel Park vet support Grant initiative aims to change change that by providing critical financial and administrative assistance to long-standing veteran organizations within our community and also that serve our community by supporting these groups with uh Grant applications this initiative will ease Financial burdens and bolster their ability to continue uh delivering valuable Services though this program uh through this program excuse me Rosel Park reaffirms his commitment to honoring and empowering those who have served Andrew and I will be collaborating on a final proposal to uh integrate this initiative into next year's B budget ensuring it has the resources to make a lasting impact more details would follow and I hope to get this governing body support sorry um my heart goes out to uh the families that were affected in the fire during Rosel Park um I just wanted to express that and thank you Khan John for taking the initiative of something like that um I'll call you later and see what we could do from the post and from um our nonprofit organizations as well oh I already said that about the chief I'll give you Kudos again Chief rather than go into the whole uh paragraph uh just please make sure you tell April good job I look forward to uh Route 28 project um which will be a meeting will be this Wednesday November 13th from 3: p.m. to 4 p.m. I'm looking to collaborate with my colleagues uh uh of course there's only a few of us that could go at a time because of am I correct due to Oprah I mean uh excuse me so uh I'm looking forward to that and I just wanted to say rupin we hear you and we're coming and this is one of the projects that I've been talking about for some time especially after the death of an individual that died over there by Dalton it is important for us to rectify Westfield a to the best of and I'm glad to have the help of this team and I'm glad to be one of the guys that helped initiate this project lastly um I'm looking forward also to finally uh putting to rest the commencement of Avon and Berwin which will some uh please uh correct me if I'm wrong Andrew which will some which will commence sometime next week or so and and can you just honor about the 18th you want me to give a summary of yeah can you uh improvements Avon and Berwin Street partially funded by the um NJ doot Grant um will commence honor about the 18th um there were numerous delays to the commencement of this project not because of the municipality we were ready to go early in the year um but the dot because their funding part of the project reserves the right to approve or reject our bid specs and plans uh they take their time to review um they review all of the projects they fund throughout the state so I understand and it did take a little bit longer uh we finally got them released went out to bid awarded the project um it's November now um it is a very extensive project on Avon Street and Berwin street it's very old infrastructure those are wholesale Replacements of curbing Ada ramps and sidewalks um it's about four weeks alone of concrete work um that concrete work will start on about the 18th um removing Thanksgiving week because it's pretty much a dead week for construction um and you really don't want people working around your house on Thanksgiving anyway um that puts it at about Christmas week the concrete work will be done um so more than likely the milling and Paving of those two roads will happen in the spring um it's not really necessarily as as I shared with the councilman it's not really welcome to news for any of us however in order to ensure there's a decent product at the end uh you don't pave in the middle of the winter you just don't um so uh unfortunately that will be reserved for the spring but the project will commence on or about the 18th and uh residents will be notified uh in advance of that commencement by the contractor and the burough will put out notifications as well thank you Andrew and I just want to say to the residents just please be patient this is a long time coming for all of us I know Andrew knows that so we're looking forward and finally we will have through determination and commitment this project will definitely be done so just please have some patience with us other than that if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net or you can call me at 98303 1519 and uh acting mayor that concludes my report thank you uh councilman at large sing um congratulations to Winners and like couple of my um Council folks have uh um counc congratulations to Jay and Joe p and like uh Rosanna said everybody ran you you put yourself out there to run thank you for your time to for you know putting yourself out there and all right let me move on here wow what election day and I'm glad everybody got voted 70% huh it's about where we are uh I want to thank the veterans in advance for their service uh Greg and uh Chief Reno for your service and apologize if anybody in the room did service so 11 11 and 11:00 a.m. on Monday morning uh the veterans ceremony will be hopefully will be outside but we'll see what the weather brings um MST of night uh I mean last year was great and second time I I think it's one of the best events we have in town um all my kids love Halloween and um it is an awesome time and maybe next year we can improve move it or go down the street a little more whatever but just a good night um thank you to Rich and Andrew on explaining clarification how and what not why people can't go in the building because of the uh danger of uh the building collapsing and so on so forth so hopefully those folks can retain some maybe personal items uh hopefully the um the owner of the building could cooperate and maybe uh go in you know maybe some has a firebox that they need to get out you know I've explained to a couple of people I have a firebox in my house and this you can buy them in Lowe's or Home Depot um a a a a uh hardware store um Colleen Brothers where you can put your personal stuff in there and most likely it will survive a good fire uh other than that um I hope to see you Monday and thank you and have a good night first of all I want to send my condolences out to meline damore Anita toor and Deborah buy okay on the 19th I attended the Italian Festival fantastic night rosan thank you very much very well event okay um the 20th was the recreation Halloween party again a good crowd everything went well I thank Tina Schwarz John reri for all their uh hard work I also want to thank uh the councilwoman and Councilman Greg uh for coming uh to the event um again I I was very uh very well attended uh after I left there I went to the four centuries in the weekend at the uh Museum um and again uh you know thank you Gary um and your crew um and everything uh on the 21st was our historical uh committee meeting um on the 30th was the Mist Night concert again great Ruben thank you as uh councilwoman said uh the band was fantastic I really enjoyed it um and everything and uh again a great crowd on November 2nd uh councilman Johnson myself and Ruben went to the thewall Celebration which is their new year in Edison I know very well yeah it was uh I know you you know no wor um um I like to go to the one in Robinsville I heard that was supposed to be bigger and everything but unbelievable the new one in Edison um so again I want to I want to thank Ruben for inviting us there and like I said a great um the fourth was the fire well let me yeah fire department meeting um we talked about the fire at the um drone street again um you know I feel sorry for all the residents um and everything but again thank you to the fire department for great job um we're very lucky we have a great dedicated uh fire department um I always tell them and you know I know it gets old but they were my heroes um because they're always there and they risked their life and you know like I said they're volunteers American Legion uh just to update you we've been able to get a lot of um donated uh things at the legion um they redid the steps at the legion which they uh was the real bad shape uh The Brick Layers Union came in did them for nothing it was uh they told me anything to do with the Vets they'll do anything um there uh also um uh I want to thank adalo do Cosmo for arranging everything he has a lot of contact he uh he's there um everything so that day he actually contacted the uh painting Union and the glazing so they're actually going to paint the front of the building um um again no charge uh again they told me anything to do with vets will do they're all dedicated so they did come last week they did a little patching and everything they're coming Tuesday to uh to actually paint um everything and hopefully we get them to power wash also I would like uh than um I also want to town uh thank very much Hunter uh which is Twin Barrow lumber over in Rosel which is the corner of locust and First Avenue donated all the material for the steps and everything so um it's great that you know uh we get people to donate um so they also are going to come and redo the floors down in the where the bar is um so uh we have a contractor ready to and I also want to uh Sherman Williams is donating the paint at the legion so no charge for that either so like I said the legion's going to shape up a little bit which is good um like I said I know uh councilman Johnson used to be the commander can I say thank you yeah I just wanted to I didn't mean to interrupt your report I just wanted to say thank you to for for initiating and and and and collaborating and and and and coordinating all of those things thank you yeah thank you um like I said I'm I'm very happy that we're getting all this done uh and it's going to make the place look much better so um uh actually Andrew I'd like to bring the people that donate probably the next meeting the 21st I'm going to Target it for if I have any issues I will let you know but right now I going to Target give me the nam I yeah thank you okay um again I know sometimes it gets old but uh I keep keep Paul DeVito in your prayers uh you know um you know so he uh he got moved to a private room today um he's not in uh ICU or anything like that so he's coming around uh slowly hoping for the best uh keep him in your prayers please uh Paul was a uh DPW worker um I met him years ago when he worked for the county and he decided to come to roselt park to work and uh so keep him in your purse please um the election um again every I want to thank everyone that put their uh you know s in the ring um it's it's not easy um and everything uh but but um I was proud that you know uh with the uh turnout um I'd like to thank uh Rosanna again for coming and supporting me at the library and also councilman Johnson yeah um very uh lot of people uh so it was a great turnout um and again I I um I also want to thank the people uh win or lose it takes a lot to go out there and put yourself out there here uh so um I bard of Ed I want to uh thank them um and again uh seven people ran you're only going to get three winners so um you know but again I I appreciate everyone coming out um me personally I want to thank my campaign managers um which is Jim and Lyndon mccrady um you know the Troopers uh went out um I was saying we got lucky with no rank uh cuz usually you lose a couple days with rain and everything but we had no rain so we were out there and uh I appreciate my residents um that supported me put signs up came to my fundraiser um gave me some uh good advice I listen to everyone um I know election day I might have been a pain in the neck Andrew calling you all the time but uh you know people ask questions I needed anwers so uh but I thank everyone and again um you know uh we all ran elections that's why we're here and uh you know I do want to thank everyone and I want to thank our mayor um who's our chairman of the democratic committee and I know uh he you know he organized a lot of stuff and um I appreciate all his help um encouragement and you know always kep me forward and everything so uh um and again one last time I want to thank thank the fire department for the drum Street uh again you know they risk their lives they're out there and again I I I will always call them my heroes and they are uh like that um and again uh November 11th is V Veterans Day um we will honor our veterans at the library as they say it's the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour so uh um you know like I said uh I I you know my father was a veteran um and everything and I uh you know with the Hometown Heroes I always feel proud when I see his sign when I go past chest street so um if you need to contact me you could get me at J Petroski rosof park.net uh 908 666 7821 and that's my report thank you um okay uh okay uh Mr clerk could you read mayor appointments to the record please yes sir uh the following mayoral appointments are effective immediately and do not require confirmation by the burrow Council one and only appointment is appointing Stephanie s of 519 Maplewood Avenue Rosal Park New Jersey 07204 as alternate member number one of the Rosal Park recreation committee to fill the unexpired term of Danielle Sherman set to expire December 31st 2025 okay may I have a motion to open the the public portion of the of this of any subject so move second all in favor I I okay if you want to uh if you want to if you would like to speak please come up forward to the microphone and state your name and address for the record okay hi everyone my name is Larry Cohen uh I live in Fanwood um I was here a few years ago uh asking the council to pass an ordinance uh not allowing any pet stores in town present or future to sell puppies because of the clear um link to puppy mills out in the Midwest and the council did pass that ordinance and some significant things have happened since which is why I'm back to ask you for something else first that effort that you were pretty much at the beginning of has now reached 150 towns in New Jersey more so than any other state in the nation second it has become a national movement eight states have passed Statewide bans on this practice the evidence that links these puppy mills out in Midwest states to cruel and unusual punishment and the fact that they Supply pet stores they're their main they're their main uh customers is overwhelming it can't be contradicted anymore the fact that this happens is no longer in dispute the only issue now is what people will will start to do about it and as I said eight states have already passed Statewide bands New Jersey has started that effort there is a bill in the legislature that was introduced by Senator Brian stack it's s211 a451 that would ban this practice throughout the state there are currently only 17 stores in the state that sell dogs um obviously many many more pet stores that Thrive doing other things it was suggested and we thought it was a great idea to go back to councils that had already passed an ordinance demonstrating an understanding of this of this issue in their own town and asked them to pass a resolution to send to Trenton saying you know what we support this bill and so that's why I'm here what I've handed you and I also emailed each of you this morning um um is a sample resolution that was passed by a town up in North Jersey called Westwood they recently passed the ordinance and at the same time attached this resolution to send to Trenton stating hey we think this is a really good idea to pass on a Statewide level so that's what I'm asking you to do obviously not at this moment but um to take it under consideration I you know I know the resolution is a lot lighter lift than an ordinance it can be done um you know in one session I guess um and that's why I'm here anybody have any questions no I like appreciate it thank you for coming in thank you for what you do okay thank you appreciate information thank you if you have any um if you have any um educational um references please uh forward it to my on that sheet in the middle there is a website gotcha that is loaded with information can't go through that website and not understand the gravity of the situation yeah thank you thank you for that thank you thank you okay anyone else like to speak good evening Bill cross at 412 Galloping Hill Road um been a lot of comments about bender and Halloween and almost every year prior to this one I came up and commented that Galloping Hill Road was a fiasco most years this year was a th% worse people stopping in the middle of the road to let little kids out of their cars while they stay parked in the middle of the road and block traffic the only reason I know all this is my neighbor sets up a table so he can give out candy I go over and donate my candy to his cause neighbor on the other side does the same thing and all of us just kept watching the Fiasco of adults and kids trying to cross Galloping Hill Road with all that traffic out there now if you come down Lincoln turn right on Galloping Hill Road to go towards Westfield Avenue when they repaved years ago and repainted G ging Hill Road there used to be a lane to go that direction and still have room to park on the curb no more what do they do they park next to the curb they block the fire hydrant I did not know parking enforcement was out that night apparently bender and streets closer were a bigger mess than Galloping Hill but it's gotten worse than I've ever seen on the other side of the coin every kid and adult that came up to get their little candies were so polite I've never ever seen that many people be so polite on Halloween the other thing I got is a few meetings ago you had a couple people here developing the land up on Westfield Avenue and there was a lot of discussion as to different Alternatives one of them was a hotel and I had commented that night that a hotel should be a major franchise such as a Hampton in a Comfort Inn Holan Express because they have specs they have to follow when they build that building and those specs are probably more stringent than what the town has in most cases they also are required to do landscaping right out to the entrance which is a whole lot more than most of these apartment buildings are doing if the thing goes to a hotel tell I would encourage it I think it would be a good thing for the town to have a place where friends and relatives could stay my only comment was be that same night it was commented on that nothing more than three stories sorry um a hotel has to be a minimum of 100 rooms with a major franchise or to become profitable and if you're going to restrict the building you're not going to get it and you can pass the ordinance to get the additional 3% tax revenue off of every dollar they make and again congratulations to the people who were nominated thank you thank you can I I just wanted to say that I I Echo um the the issues that were going on on Galloping Hill Road I I was actually walking out there with my my son and I seen the the Fiasco um I did uh reach out to the police chief and we are going to look forward to beefing it up uh especially around those perimeters so I I hear you and I and I share your sentiment and and trust me Ro Elizabeth the other after 4:00 I saw no police we we made request Aid and I'm hoping this be able to have a conversation with uh uh the at large and um the chief later on about that so we we we are keeping that in consideration anyone else like to speak hello we need your name and address I'm Ryan Gordon I uh live on a suer I'm from town I've been noticing this trend of when roads get paved the uh the gas company or another company digs up the pave Road and uh well it's kind of annoying I've been uh wondering if it's uh if uh anything scheduling wi is could be done about that issue that what I've been noticing sure it is a very unfortunate thing it does and it does happen um we try to avoid it as much as possible um usually where we see that uh predominantly at least now um is when there's emergency excavations um we try to coordinate the projects uh where if they're doing a large pipeline project on a street uh we try to coordinate that so that they come in before and there's a settlement period and then they're actually on the hook to pay for the road um where you see it unfortunately um is when we pave a road and then a few months later there's a water main break a valve leak an emergency and it requires the road to be ripped up it's very frustrating I'm usually the first one that gets a call and says why are we letting this happen sometimes I don't even know it's happening because it's an emergency it's very frustrating um but we do our we do do our best to coordinate the work that is planned so um and we will continue to do that as much as we can thank you you're welcome anybody else want to speak can may I have a motion to close the public portion of this so move second all in favor I I there are no items for closed session may I have a motion to adour so move second all in favor I okay thank you job for