supposed to be here okay we'll email tomorrow okay let's go uh oh there you go perf I've got here you go I heard it oh it's user error okay um this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local Source in the nework Star Ledger said notice was Post in the municipal building and a copy of this is on file with the office of the burrow clerk I ad Li there fire EXs are located in the directions I'm indicating if you alerted for fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice haven't been given the burough clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting uh Donna please call the RO councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson pres councilman sarella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here Council pel here may signell here all present Mr Mayor uh can you please lead us in the opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands one nation indivisible with libery Justice for All um okay so we have one Proclamation this evening Ro is there anybody here for this or is it just am I just presenting this to you for the women's history month did I not tell you about this actually did we just kind of throw this one on there without talking to you yeah can we do it to the next one because we actually have it um we have nominations it's in my report I apologize I did not let you guys before that no big deal Andrew's there's been a lot of lapses of communication with Andrew not being out yes great job Donna let you text we're well prepared we're well prepar there any issues tonight it's Donna's fa fall um Okay cool so we'll wait to the next meeting sorry about that no I apologize yeah okay uh may I have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not paid and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I uh anybody with agenda items please come up I am beinging no one um may have motion oh may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay um reports why don't we start with Rich you're filling so just for everybody I'm going to mention this I'll just say it up front um so uh our ba and full-time clerk Andrew gas J has just had his first baby round of applause for Andrew newborn baby boy we're all very happy for him so uh don is filling in for him tonight as Clerk and rich is our Deputy ba he's got two hats tonight so if you got anything from a ba perspective or um or your normal duties feel free to go on ahead what do you got no it's all Don his fa tonight if there's anything wrong we discussed this already so um you might want to come over here to the mic though or take that mic or something oh there is a mic there okay good evening everyone good evening good evening so tonight I have two reports for you because um my January report was not completed in a timely manner because I believe last month our meeting was on the 1st if I remember correctly uh February 1st so uh for January the construction code report is as follows um 181 total permits were issued in January total revenue for the month was $31,385 um we had 12 I'm sorry 32 uniform construction code violations which is quite a few so we were busy there uh Property Maintenance we had 18 court dispositions total fines were were $ 4,890 106 violations were issued for January there were 13 Court summonses that were issued in January uh I'm going to Parlay now to the February report instead of going up because some of it's a repeat uh so for February we had 77 permits that were issued short month total revenue through the end of February $386,900 so we had a very active February as far as Revenue uh co- development fees we had $2,384 uniform construction code violations were 18 19 Court disc dispositions with total fines year-to date of $666 through the court 13 violations and 10 Court summonses for property maintenance um as you can see we're moving along quite nicely with the projects uh capid dagle is moving along they're hoping for a May occupancy for building a at least a partial occupancy at this point the parking deck won't be completed and based upon the parking requirement unless something else transpires most likely it's going to be about half the building fernow is hoping for a May occupancy as well for the west building and they are moving along quite nicely also uh for zoning compliance or or DRC we have um Team Express Car Wash which we um had a DRC meeting they'll be moving on to the board uh believe it'll be next month uh Amsterdam 450 Amsterdam for a C1 variance for a deck and uh Grove Street for a subdivision and C variances so that's where we stand anybody have any questions um you're GNA stick around right Rich night okay I just want to nice um I just want to talk to you about the while we're here the schlip thing that that you had a meeting with AB so just stick around okay sure remind me if I if I don't get you afterwards please um Kenneth thank you mayor uh we met with the committee uh Budget Finance committee we're working on the budget and the capital at the same time uh we'll probably uh I'll talk to the committee and we'll probably get something scheduled for next week and uh taxes are passed to so please pay them and that's all I have right now mayor just like to confirm um that we got a big up tip in Municipal Aid this year I hear that we get $5,000 more in Municipal Aid this year I think it's 5500 ah okay thank you thank you 5,500 great or 55,000 that's uh little less than the Board of Ed got speaking of Board of Ed Mr President DBW super superintendent would you like to come up good segue yeah you slipped that one right in how much did you guys get mil weird DBW report please good evening mayor council B representatives and residents of Rosell Park um we are fully staffed with eight DPW employees that's one superintendent one mechanic five Road guys that that includes two operators two class two labors one labor and one clerical in the month of uh February we had one sewer call that required um The Jet Truck it was on the 600 block of chestnut uh on February 5th if you recall we did some exploratory work at the earlier or late January excuse me we did some exploratory work at the intersection of Chestnut and William Street where we found that there was a collapse um that was triggered by multiple calls about um sewer backups uh on February 5th we had a vendor go out there and repair that work um there is a moratorium by the county that requires us to to pay that whole intersection um today uh I had a conversation with the Bure of chief of uh the county and um due to the fact that dowlings which is under construction did some road work and we're going to patch the road right in between or right adjacent to it we're going to try to um coordinate that so it gets paved all at one time so less disruptions less cold joints um and it gets done at one time y um that work we could assume at this point there's no date set yet but we can assume that that work's going to be done this spring um today councilman at large signorella Police Officer James canell and I met with uh representative Roselle scota the county and Elizabeth Town Gas to discuss the upcoming gas line project on Locust this project will come into Rosell Park from up to the area of Warren Avenue this project is tentatively tentatively scheduled to start on on the Rosel side on March 28th and come into Rosell Park on April 1st again that's all tenative they are still waiting I believe for some State approvals and um scota mentioned something about also um supplies there will be a components of the project that will be done at night and door during the day this project again is tally scheduled for about 10 to 14 days of work um oh the project so it's scheduled to be the we the week that uh the school district is off so that that works to I guess our advantage the other thing is they did mention that um a representative gas company did mention that they're going to send out information to the homeowners along Locust and the businesses regarding the street closure or whatever the disruptions are in the days once they confirm it okay on February 13th and 17th we had enough snow accumulation to dispatch our DPW Personnel for plowing salting and shoveling of burrow properties and walkways including crosswalks uh where the crossing guards are posted um sidewalk program um there's no date yet set but we're trying to get something started again for later this month when and this is a continuation of what they didn't get to last year or this is fresh no this is the continuation they we did the West Side yep there's one or two lingering on the West Side okay um but this is now moving every well most of our efforts to the east side just weather got bad to finish the East Side last year yeah it got cold and then snow hit and so the weather's starting to get favorable West side's Cranford side yes okay got it that's correct um there's a there are about 25 locations that are set um and then there's a handful for five um that I still need to in inspect M um that's that tree and Property Maintenance the month of February we had two removals nine tree Trims and elevations one stump removal and that was top soiled and seated that was with three um three working days two removals nine tree trims and one St removed um street sweeper for the exception of a few days around the snow disturb we had we had this month the street sweeper is on its daily routine as long as the temperature stays stay above freezing and favorable the sweeper will remain on the road mayor to answer your question about Lincoln yep um the county does do it but um our working Foreman does that route on Mondays he does link it on Mondays okay got it yeah I I had Tule is on signarello um yeah I noticed that it looks a little rough around the train station when you get to Lincoln yeah on Lincoln there's a lot of debris there so you know um even if you even if there's like downtime with one of the guys maybe you could just send them out there to pick up some stuff or something like that it's still it looks better but it still looks a little okay janky I think it's partially because the construction going on there but Rich you might just want to give them a heads up like I don't know if it's starting from there or just you know things get windy but like when I walk to the train station it's a cutely bad area for litter accumulation could be yeah so maybe you want to give them a fresh reminder there too y okay thank you thank you one last time I have is uh bulk and vegetation pickup reminder bulk bulk pickup uh is on the last Thursday and Friday of every month uh we get a ton of phone calls about this west side is on the Thursday east side is on the Friday there is a limit of three bulk items per pickup um I know there's plenty of and I know everyone sees it there's plenty of homes that are or residents that are putting out um a lot of uh bulk y um it's going to take a people a couple months to get into the rhythm of it we had the same issue when we changed recycling yeah uh vegetation waste is collected weekly by Zone starting the first week of April Thursday on the east side Friday on the west side so that's the first week of April um Friday on the east side I'm sorry Thursday on the east side Friday on the west side and that runs through to the end of the year December 31st okay um mayor that concludes my monthly report I just have one other question for you Paul um Andrew said and I don't want to bother him while he's away but I think he he's good with email now and again when it's um time sensitive did he ever send you a breakdown of the uh new trees that we want to order for the spring I think you were waiting you were you need to get that before you get a quote right yes that's correct I haven't seen that I did speak to Tim on uh Co kley y regarding he's filling out the tree City Grant um information so he did we did go back and forth about how many trees were removed last year but there was no discussion about new trees can you do me a favor can you text him tomorrow and just say can you shoot me over the breakdown of the trees that we need to order and I think councilman Bas you have one that one needs to get added that plant so maybe you could just either send an email to Debbie or Paul or something add I'm sorry added to added to the you know we have money to spend so we might as well just add it to the order okay cool um any questions for Paul just one uh when are you guys going for the PES I do have a list uh can I just email it to you yeah yeah probably next week I tried to get him out this week but it rained four out of to five days so it was nearly impossible yep hey while you're up here I just want to say thank you for your uh letter of support for the ARP Community challenge you're welcome yeah sorry that was last minute just there's been uptick a lot of people have been putting uh vegetation waste out so I think just where I was listening please just put it back on the side of your house for a while I'm not sure if you're going to get a a warning for find or whatever warning for having it out but there you know the warmer weekends people put it out be patient it's going to be another it's three three four weeks three to four weeks put it out there's a lot out there so no I I noticed more today so as and as the weather's favorable obviously people are starting to clean up yep thank you thank you thank you thank you cool uh Reuben thank you mayor good evening everybody good evening good evening okay um on month of March uh on 12 we have the county surrogates will'll be visiting the center for uh presentation on the duties of Surrogate Court EST planning and more presentation begins at 12:00 p.m. on March 14 seniors will be enjoying spring musical Disney's uh Moana junr at uh Union Middle School uh thank you to the musical uh Middle School for the donation and inviting our seniors to the show on March 16th the bough will be hosting annual saris day uh at the casano center the event will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 300 p.m. and we feature uh free food and live music from Joe carali and Masterpiece Orchestra thank you senior uh Sunrise Diner for sponsoring the food and the Union County Board of Commissioners for the her Grant on March 18 New Jersey mobile unit will be visiting the burrow at the kazeebo from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. the time has changed from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. this this year so we're getting extra 1 hour the following trans uh trans transactions will be offered at the uh mobile unit real ID driver license renewal registration renewals permits and non-d Driver ID license plates drop offs the following transactions cannot be uh performed at the mobile unit business vehicle registration CDL Knowledge Test outof state license transfer permit test and new titles uh you can make your appointments by visiting our social media page or in uh uh visiting New Jersey's website for/ MVC uh on March 19th uh Union County Health Management will be visiting the center for a presentation on nutrition and coloral cancer on March 21st seniors will be enjoying uh Roger and Hammerstein's uh Cinderella at Roso Park High School thank you again for Rosal Park High School uh musical for donating tickets to our seniors and on March 28th we'll be having the job fair at s center from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. uh please bring multiple uh resumes uh because there will be uh on-site uh interviews for those who are qualified and thanks to Union County American job center for the partnership and for making this event possible and that concludes my report thank you um I have one quick question it's kind of random but while I have you guys here killed to birds with one stone either Ken or rupin would know this so we've been going back and forth I think we're 99% there with where your budget's going to be for events this year but can so like when we do like Zumba and like chair yoga and stuff like that is there a separate budget for that in the casano center or those free events I they we pay vendors for that right that is correct we have the instructors C the Cassano uh Community Center other expense budget okay got it so there's another line for that yes okay and then that's that's not like the youth that's not like the youth center where it's a trust it's okay do you know if the top of the Dome how much that is for the community center uh somewhere around 148 what's thaten somewhere around 148 okay okay yeah I have a suggestion a resident had a suggestion for a different type of event to happen there um I I I don't know if you're booked fully for the year but I'd like to just explore to see if that's something we could also add I don't think it's gonna be a huge expense but we'll talk about it afterwards absolutely okay got it cool thank you sorry any other questions for rupin yeah what's the date again on thec March 18 March 18th Monday Monday yep thank you welcome cool thanks ribben um coacher good evening everyone good evening evening I'd like to thank mayor signell and Town Council for giving me the opportunity to provide a brief update membership and Recreation we currently have over 480 recreational members Homer club and Aftercare we currently have over 130 students daily we are transporting chaperoning over 86 students and the asyc handles over 1100 student members per week we remain committed to providing the best possible care and programming we believe our department offers our community members a wide variety of programming our winter programming is as follows adult pickle ball middle school high high school adult Fitness adult basketball offseason elementary middle school and high school volleyball offseason baseball and RP pack Performing Arts Club winter sports and programming Elementary and Middle School basketball basketball numbers are very good we' had we had over 12 teams participating and competing in schools throughout the burrow and County we had 50 two games scheduled not including the playoffs and championship game join us this Friday at 7:15 in the High School main gym to watch the recreational Basketball Championships between the third and fifth grade teams Adams and Sano then at 8:15 the Middle School championships between Gago and rotman should be a great night Elementary Middle School and girls wrestling peeee Bantam Central Jersey grade school and girls teams have have been competing since December in duels and tournaments throughout the state we're happy to report our teams are representing Rosel Park well and had a number of tournament Place winners and championships we'd like to wish Cole aello Hunter appello Paul Toms Jake aello Anthony molinero and Luchia reri the best of luck this weekend as they compete in the NJ USA State Wrestling Championships at the Cure Arena and Trent New Jersey spring recreational program programming we will provide an update once the dates and times are finalized lastly the recreation committee and the Rosel Park Memorial Library will be hosting their annual Easter event on March 23rd at 10:00 a.m. on the library front lawn the rain date is March 24th as always please contact the recreation department at Recreation Rosel with any questions or concerns that completes our March Recreational department update I'd be happy to answer any questions yeah I just have one quick one coach um and sorry I normally not this chatty during a meeting but Andrew is not around so rich and I are covering a lot of bases um Tom Saro our uh special projects engineer uh have you guys did he ping you today about acar park at all I think he's waiting on you guys for some input there or something like that okay you did okay cool so all right um does what are we're waiting on what what what's the what are we waiting on right now the plans have a couple updates that need to be put into it and then that will be sent so they can overlay it on the survey okay got it I'm not pushing but I just we do want to I think we want to try to break ground I would say and I know this sounds very far ahead but these things go by pretty quickly the the plan is to not have the park functional I think for the summer and into the fall and then try and do it during the winter time to the best we can do you when a when's the next time you're going to talk to Tom I guess is my next question well so we've had number of conversations with the uh potential design yep um y team and uh they're they were supposed to have it to me by now okay got it so it's the design teams a little bit is is that are we doing that inh housee or there's a vendor who's doing that no it's it's a it's a vendor doing oh okay got it okay cool if you need we picked out all the equipment yeah and they put it on this layout and they're just making a few changes got it so it's the the vendor's doing the layout and then Tom's going to do the actual real layout for the engineering piece of it on top of the survey yes if I need to play like mean mayor and poke them just feel free to loot me in on an email sometimes things go faster if the mayor emails them just let me know I'll let you know tomorrow I don't hear back all right awesome great any other questions yeah coach you go first Joe you're young all I'm young so mayor and Coach so we're looking to make like October 15th November 1st breakr and hopefully have a a mile winter and hopefully open back in May of uh 25 is that you're saying for the I mean that's a rough idea you know I me it's the the park is not the way it is but it is functional right so the the goal is to do construction when the park is used less which is during the winter more or less okay so if that's the case then I'm going to uh meet Paul I think we need a couple hours of a little TLC on stuff to get through the winter maybe a $20 coat of paint of something accur just to be uh you know to get through the $20 I don't if$ bucket of pain whatever whatever just I'm Ken's to the right of me sure yeah but but so I think spend a lot of money it's we don't want I think I think I would get run out of town more than I have been recently for the last five years if I shut down Aur park for this summer and fall right so I think if you guys want to tactically come up with some fixes for the meantime I don't think we're breaking ground till late fall would be my guess yeah so that that's what I was just curious because um I mean unless there's a the only the only caveat is this is a direct state aid infusion we got if they say we need to spend it all by this year then we're going to hop to it but I don't think that's the case okay thank you Joe U John I know we have talked about this uh when are you going to bring the kids in for the council meeting we said for the second meeting in April yeah I believe that would work best oh yeah just because the first ones during spring break right okay so we it's the second meeting in April correct I believe it's the 18th oh sounds familiar yeah third Thursday whatever that is yeah yeah okay and then we'll we'll forward the you know the mayor's office all the information and you'll get the list to all the kids name and we're bringing wrestling in basketball three through five Champions um basketball Middle School Champions and wrestling state qualifiers and place winners okay okay that's good perfect thank you cool nothing else from anybody else you always do a great job all right thank Youk you have a good night everyone thank you uh I think Kevin's the last one right come on up bud oh before you start you can come up but I Steve Thompson's not here I'm sure councilman sarella was going to mention this but nobody knows we have grant writers we used we started using grant writers for the first time since forever two years ago um they've well earned their money and they did a really good job this year the FD is not here but I just want to draw attention we got a $75,000 Grant um for the fire department which is really great for all turnout kit um which is just like stuff we're not going to have to buy going forward so you know great job auy group I'm sorry if I stole your thunder Sig J but um while Steve I just saw Steve's name and it and it came to me so you guys didn't do anything for that I'm just kidding what's up what's up Kevin good evening mayor cast I thank for having me get us sewer sewer grants is what we need yes we are definitely going after that we start filing we'll get into it we're going to start filing with the ibank on this project but y uh to start um we were asked to look at Beachwood and West kfax as a DOT property that has some of the drantch issues we reached out to them we kind of got passed back and forth for a couple departments so we're just waiting on um them to respond with a positive whether or not to move forward but we'll reach out to again next week um just to see where they're at on that but right now it's with the do uh we were also asked to look at a rain Garden at the uh triangle Island at Beachwood and West Lincoln um just due to the grades and location of that doesn't look like it's viable but okay there is an area down the street from that actually at the intersection of Ashwood and Amsterdam which also kind of forms in a triangle which looks like might be a better location just kind of seems like it receives more water and there's an inl right next to it so kind of does that look like Rosal Park land or is that it's not private property right or does it yeah it's Rosal Park yeah okay I don't know which are he's you you know what he's talking about okay yeah does that look like a spot that works yeah okay yeah so that might be so I'll give you some options on what we can do there but that looks like a better area to propose that yeah um we were also look asked to look at a couple traffic studies for a few intersections uh Chestnut uh Lincoln Avenue and um fate 2 Avenue and then there's three locations Sean Avenue West Webster and West Lincoln we got the crash data for that our traffic group is going through it right now so we'll propose a scope and kind of some ideas there for that so once uh we get through a little bit more of that traffic crash history we'll propose something there cool yeah I just heard body knows what that is I mean F2 has been um a problem area for since I got elected probably before then it actually was better before when the road was in bad condition as soon as it got paved it's a Speedway um the county is amenable to us I look everybody wants more signage I'm sorry I don't think signage Works um people blow through it I would like to actually see stop signs or stop signs or traffic lights um which you know let's see what what we can do with the county I think they might be a little bit tougher with that but very specifically I'm I'm hoping that there's a justification for it at Chestnut and Lincoln because I got to tell you as somebody who walks to the train station like at night there is zero regard for any pedestrians there so the the initial look when I talked to our traffic group that was the first thing that came to mind was a traffic L for that pafic intersection cool good um we also are looking at speed humps for West kfax and Laurel um we're just waiting on traffic Counts from that we're reach out to the county just to get some information on that CU right now that road doesn't qualify for um speed hump just because of the amount of traffic that's on that road yep but if we get new updated counts and it shows lower traffic you can justify it so we're just waiting for the I think the residents there I I don't want to speak for the fifth word councilman but I think it's I think something needs to be done there and I think Rumble Stripes should suff extensions I was thinking curb extensions you're crazy it's expensive how expensive well group can you get can you get some Grand funding for it well will cost it out I I I think I think it's temporary temporary delineators sure well oh temporary you're talking about oh that's put delineators there and see how that works out if it's effective then we can yeah so there's yeah there's a few options with with striping signage rumble strips you know doing curb bump outs if if we can't do the speed humps there's other options you can kind of which we'll propose it yeah I think the the other thing with curb bump outs is I actually like them but it does takeway parking and we get grumbling for that too but whatever finish the study we'll talk about it after that yep um and then the last the big storm sewer project right now we're just waiting for Elizabeth they have a couple of the layouts that we proposed um they're reviewing it um once they review it they're going to reach out to us to kind of discuss those layouts and then move forward with one of them were they amenable like was was the vibe like they're doing it just to take a box or like was it like they're receptive to really review all three options they are not really receptive to options that are mainly on their roads okay so um I think they'll they'll concede to further down Route 28 where we the where the um hump is down by Cherry Street sure I think they'll agree to that but um it looks like they're pushing more towards the county road and then san8 to most but there might be a middle ground that wasn't there before yes that's good news okay we're just waiting for them to review it and they'll reach out to us and we'll hopefully push them in you know in the way to keep it on their roads okay cool any questions for Kevin then we're also looking for financing for that too we're going to start we'll start the process now with the ibank uh financing and then we'll look for other funding sources you told me it was too soon okay know it was a little bit too soon we were waiting for a confirmation from Elizabeth if they actually agree to an alignment that that we can use for for the submission um but what we're going to do is basically take the worst case scenario and and file that you can always not accept as much money correct yeah which is I think at this point we just need to plan for the worst case so that's what we'll do um okay wow there's a lot going on okay cool any other questions no just uh Kevin just keep me updated with the Woodside Gardens issue with the OT and the rain guard yes yeah awesome thank you good night everyone thank you uh okay I think that's did I miss any reports no okay uh may I have a motion to accept the reports uh of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I uh okay uh Madam clerk please read ordinance number 2767 by title an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the burrow of Rosal Park entitled traffic repealing section 44 entitled business only parking may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2767 so move second all in favor I anybody like to come up and speak on this ordinance specifically I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2767 so move second all in favor I we have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2767 so move second uh is there any discussion Donna please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes Perman May uh thank you uh please read ordinance number 2768 by title an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 43 of the code of the buau of Rosell Park entitled combat wounded Purple Heart parking uh may have motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2768 so move second all in favor I would ibody like to come up and speak on this ordinance I seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2768 some move second all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ordance summer 2768 so move second is there any discussion Donna please call the RO councilman Pat yes counc Johnson yes councilman signorella yes councilman Rino yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes all affirm in uh please read ordinance number 2769 by title ordinance amending chapter 4 section 10 of the code of the bur of Rosell Park entitled pedlers canvassers Transit merchants and artists uh may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2769 so move second all in favor I I uh anybody want to com speak I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ORD summer 2769 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ORD summer 2769 don't move second uh any discussion no uh yeah may just real quick um um I think this is a a perfect Amendment compared to the old uh wording and and and um there's still a couple of things I need to be tweaked I know I talked to you offline but um we'll wait until Andrew come but this is good as is so yeah it's a it's a it's better than it was way better than what it was uh but I I let's get this locked in and we could tweak it afterwards absolutely thank you cool um any other discussion please call the r Donna Council patr yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes okay please read ordinance number 2770 by title an ordinance amending chapter 10 section 4 subsection 4.1 of the code of the burough of Rosell Park entitled Recreation enumerated may have a motion to adopt the ordinance uh open the public hearing on ordinance number 2770 so move second uh all in favor I would ibody like to come up and speak on this I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ORD sum 2770 so move second all in favor I may I have a motion to adopt ordance sum 2770 so move second is there any discussion Don please call the role councilman pet yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes affirmative Mr Mayor perfect Donna please read ordinance number 2771 by title an ordinance amending chapter 2 article 4 section 33 of the code of the burough Rosal Park entitled Board of Health may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordin number 2771 so move second uh all in favor I I anybody want to come and speak on this one Jan goodus looks like you burned with passion for this okay got it thank you appreciate that may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordin sum 2771 so move second all in favor I may I have a motion to adopt ordin sum 2771 so move second is there any discussion please call the rooll councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes it's affirmative Mr great um before I go on to this next bit oh no this one's good um Donna can you please read ORD summer 2772 by title an ordinance amending chapter 4 section 11 subsection two of the code of the bar of Russell Park entitled local license required uh may have a motion to approve ordance number 2772 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as March 21st 2024 um so move second is there any discussion so I just um I know councilman Johnson brought this up um I I think it's a good idea um the only thing councilman Johnson and I talked about this offline and Madame bur attorney I'm just going to talk talk to you in case there's anything we need to do here there's a a amendment that I think at least councilman Johnson and I are aligned on so this is basically we have a seveners cannabis board right now it is the mayor plus please Chief plus burrow administrator I'm forgetting all the people right but it's bur professionals The Proposal is to add a eth member which would be a member of the council selected by the council totally cool um I like having a a odd number right in case there's a tie break so I think we're councilman I don't know if you want to make an a motion that we would add a ninth yeah yeah I'll make that motion of a member of the public appointed by the mayor um the only question is is um I guess this is has to be advertised right so can we just make the motion and and advertise with the as as as amend on the amendment and then advertise the amended okay got it okay so that's the one piece of discussion that I have I councilman Johnson if you're comfortable making that motion great if not I'll second it okay um I forget can you do a discussion on the motion yes you can discuss the amendment vote on the amendment and then vote for the and then take the final vote for for the introduction thank you we don't do this often great job your job's harder than Joe Joe Joe's had it easy since since since uh you started and you said it he never talks he never he really doesn't it's just when there's a replacement we get difficulties uh okay any discussion on the amendment as presented okay Donna please call the RO on the amendment councilman patros yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes it's AFF permanent Mr Mayor thank you um um now can I entertain conversation as the or no now we just have to vote on the amended as amend yeah right okay got it thank you somebody's reading Robert rules good job um okay uh Donna do you want to call the role as amended who who who who offered and seconded um intro as amended second uh it was oh as amended as amended you have okay got it can I get a motion to adopt as amended so move second and R councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman Cinderella yes councilman Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel see that was smooth that's Don I got Rosanna yes on a weed boat too that was wild to say no we got have be on the board there you go got to be a representative counc that's a smart move you're learning this okay okay and I count that as a no vote for everything that comes up got it kjan you're on the board for weed great you got my support Bud well yes on everything yeah appreciate that brother okay may I um so I'm actually I'm and I'm gonna go back to the burough attorney for a second here I actually want to Andrew our ba and clerk made this up he's on paternity leave right now there's a couple things that I want to go through with him and finer detail I there's two things that we can do right so I can we can table this until he's back this the next the next one right yeah so this is 2773 um my gut is so we would still need to go through those changes in the meeting that it's tabled till right so let's just say we table it till the second meeting in April right if I have proposed changes we would need to discuss those changes in real time he can't make changes in the meantime correct I have a question can we just just want can I just just I want to get a curious so you're going to introduce this tonight well so there's two things we could do we could introduce it and table it or we can vote it down and just put on the agenda a new version of it with with modifications is what I'm looking for guidance on um you could do either way if you if you just table it now and then bring it up as a new ordinance at a later date that then have all the Amendments taken care of then and you can just advertise as the fresh Amendment the fresh ordinance without to worry okay got it did I ask for a motion on this yet I'll let you get to you in a second councilman did I ask for a motion on this yet for discussion okay now uh so just one sec conj may have a motion to approve ordance Ser 2773 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing is March 21 2024 so move second is there any discussion go ahead councilman yeah I was just thinking about it would be better off us to water it down and bring it later instead of tabling it yeah I kind of agree I mean the text is already there he could just do it as a as a fresh one like it's there's nothing major here but there's a couple this is a tricky one and there's a couple nuances I want to go through with Andrew so look my uh you guys do what you want to do I think it's easier to vote down unless you guys really want to table it or or vote in the yes but up to you guys any further discussion don't matter Donna please call the rooll so what are we doing are we are we we're gonna vote on it my unless I mean so we're introducing it but now you're going to vote it well so I don't think we're going to introduce it yeah vot yeah I mean I guess I you guys do what you got to do we're going to vote no my proposal would be if council's amendable to it to vote no on this correct uh that would be my proposal again do what you want to do um but uh uh to vote no on it we'll probably reintroduce something similar to this but there's a couple things that I want to add and adjust before we reintroduce it Andrew is gonna be like what the hell did you guys do but that's okay I'll I'll talk to him about it yeah yeah please that's what I figured star fresh yeah yeah yeah I don't think we're I don't think we're far off I think it's 95% there but I think there's a couple nit picks that I want to go through yeah I'm sure it will as what always does with parking okay got it um call the roll there's no other discussion right call the roll councilman patoski no councilman Johnson no councilman cerella no councilman rabina no no woman Lions no no that's six oky dokie all matters listed with an asteris are considered the rudine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed in consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Donna please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title okay 82- 24 authorizing a program agreement between the Barrow of Rosal Park and Hoda asol in connection with the Rosal Park Housing rehabilitation program case number rp55 for the Improvement of the property located at 227 Sherman Avenue known as block 1102 lot 9 of the municipal tax map 8324 is establishing the 2024 summer hour scheduled for barl Hall 8424 is awarding a contract to LTI Inc pursuant to options a and C2 of the adverti bid specification the lawn and grounds maintenance in amount not to exceed $170,500 88524 is approving the time due calculation in terms of final payment for Ryan Irving 86-24 is awarding a contract to MZ Contractors LLC for the project Rosal Park Housing rehabilitation program case number RP 54 an amount not to exceed $24,600 8724 is authorizing change order number one to DLS contract Contracting Inc for the project improvements to play Avenue year 49 cdbg in the amount of a 65,0 36974 decrease to reflect a total contract amount of $235,900 24 authorizing the treasurer to issue two checks totaling $1,227 15 payable to two lean holders on two properties and one check totaling $900 from the tax collector's premium account 90-24 is authorizing and red designating a conditional redeveloper for the project with for the property identified as block 503 Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 on the tax map of the bur of the burrow and authorizing the execution of an inm cost agreement with respect thet 9124 is memorializing the automatic renewal of the shared service agreement with the town of Westfield for the public health services for calendar years 2024 and 2025 cool uh I'm pulling 9024 are we pulling anything else yeah uh mayor want to pull 84 sorry which one 84 yep okay cool um okay uh may have a motion to approve the resol utions remaining on the consent agenda some move second all in favor may have a motion to adopt resolution 8424 so move second is there any discussion yes uh mayor uh superintendent super if you don't mind coming up to explain 84 can you come up to explain 84 the resolution regarding ldi it's the uh the grat long cutting grass cutting yeah yeah just a the best of my yeah that's fine yeah we spoke about it in detail but just fake it till you make [Laughter] it are there any specific questions or just general no if you could just general so yes they have a they're they're on a two-year term yep um they're going to do lawn and grounds maintenance from April to the end of the the year um there is a list an extensive list of properties that they will maintain including the basins the last time we had a vendor uh the DPW was taking of basins but the vendor was taken care of all the the burough properties including Route 28 and a few other uh ancillary uh locations but um so that was but that was two years ago we tried to internalize it last year that's correct that's right got it yep um so um I don't know exactly what date they're going to start and what day um when we had a vendor two years ago it was every Thursday um some of the areas are done done weekly most of the barrel properties are going to be done weekly the basins will be done every two weeks there will be some during the dry arid summer months there will be times where they're going to probably go every three weeks on at the basins just because it's unnecessary um but um we will just maintain it and watch over what they're doing there was a question today about who's who's if they're responsible to take care of the um trash racks that's not in their scope of work we we the DPW will continue to trash racks is the in the basins there's there where the trash collap before it goes question okay um we will continue to monitor those uh trash rocks okay right thank you for the explanation any questions for Paul while he's up here any further discussion please call the rooll thank you thank you okay councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council Cinderella yes Rina yes Council woman allance yes yes okay thank you uh may have a motion to adopt resolution 90-24 some move second I say somebody's got a second at least so uh I uh I'd like to have a motion to table this indefinitely um I think uh look we've had uh we've been looking at the Ryan pro property for a long time for redevelopment um un fortunately it's lost a lot of momentum um it has been about 3 years since we've last engaged on this um you know through a myriad of issues of covid and timing and yada yada yada we have a new Council up here uh I do not think that mayor or Council feels comfortable going forward with this until we've refreshed ourselves and found a way forward with a project that makes sense for the area um so I don't know if there's much else to be said for there but I'd love to entertain a motion to table this indefinitely I'll make that motion second all in favor oh no sorry please call the roll Donna okay councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson no councilman signarello yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions no councilman Patel yes okay so you have one two three four yes and two negative okay you guys don't want to table it or fine uh okay uh reports of burrow council's committees uh councilman Rina thank you mayor good evening Roso Park these last couple of weeks there's been a lot of constituent Outreach infrastructure Park and safety related thank you to my residents on Ashwood for reaching out regarding a speeding and pedestrian safety issue on Ashwood and Amsterdam and thank you to Chief Reno for immediately responding as a result Chief recommends adding a traffic control device to make this intersection safer and more controlled stop sign will be proposed on Ashwood and Amsterdam intersection an ordinance to request this approval will be at the next meeting on February 26th I attended the municipal landuse board meeting the application was to recognize placement of a freestanding air conditioning equipment in a front yard area requiring a c variant relief for a home on West Webster Avenue I along with board members approved this request after that I recused my myself in a preliminary final site plan hearing occurred for 441 East Westfield AV cannabis MD which resulted in the application being approved on February 28th I attend a safe Network meeting safe stands for streets are for everyone it's a New Jersey bike and walk Coalition initiative it was on planning bike activities in the community and how Partners can help municipalities like ours with free and lowcost resources to make our streets safer for vulnerable Road users reminder May 4th is our inaugural tour to Rosel park by clinic and helmet giveaway yesterday I was on a US Dot and Federal Highway Administration webinar on the executive summary and general overview on the manual on uniform traffic control devices 11th Edition update it defines the standards used by Road managers Nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all streets highways pedestrian and bike facilities and site roadways open to public travel there's a big emphasis on micro mobility and bike and pedestrian safety now that day I also represented the buau at the Union County transportation Advisory board meeting and for the second year in a row Rosel park has representation on the executive committee with Jackie Garcia being nominated as second Vice chair among members from all 21 municipalities in the county any transportation related items within the burrow please reach out as tab representative for the burrow and congratulations Jackie now regardless of State Highway County Road or Municipal roadway speeding is a challenge in general in our burrow wanted to thank you Union County and the Bureau of traffic management for assisting Chief Reno and officer kantrell with conducting the speed Study last month on West kfax between Locust and F2 Kevin had referred to this uh earlier this is the area behind the high school and at the athletic field uh I mentioned it briefly at the last meeting so we found that 4,700 Vehicles travel this route daily uh daily which exceeds dot guidelines for Speed hump placement at 3,000 vehicles per day as per the report the 85th percentile of Road users were at 36 mph in 25 mph Zone as a result we'll be implementing other traffic caling measures including increasing police presence when resources permit painting a parking Lane as a road dieting tactic and implementing speed radar trailers any other recommendations from Advocates residents and professionals will be helpful and appreciated as Kevin mentioned earlier the curb extensions I'd like to see those in the area so we'll be working on temporary demonstrations this spring and summer lastly I'd like to say thank you to to Mayor signarello administrator casayas superintendent go and Boe president Bayamon for supporting one of my initiatives applying for the ARP Community challenge grant program to purchase an out and install an outdoor Fitness Park consisting of six pieces of equipment on Bard ofed property that will offer all seniors and residents an opportunity to improve their physical and mental health it's a strong application and fingers crossed we win this grant Saturday March 9th I'll be at the conference center at Mercer in West Windsor for the New Jersey League of municipalities budget in conference here I'll get a refresher on budget law overview the importance of budgeting history of state aid mandates and other issues impacting budget and utilizing a trend analysis and how to create a 5-year budget projection fifth word you know I'm here for you I can be reached at J rine at Rosel 862 23619 mayor I concludes my report thank you councilman councilman Batel good evening just just a reminder the environmental commit misss first ever repair Cafe is scheduled for March 23rd at the Cassano center from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. we we will have many repair service available like light jewelry swings repair uh knife sharpening shoe repairs small electrics and wood items among other things if this event is successful the commission will aim to host the other Cafe at least once per year so make sure to come out and to the event and get your stuff fixed for free that's all I have for today uh if you need to get in contact with me you could email me at katel ROP thank you thank you councilman councilwoman Lions good evening mayor and and Council and residents of Rosal Park uh past couple weeks I have been visiting the schools um and we have done uh teaching on kindness and we did a craft with the prek um I want to mention that because um I've actually been in communication with um several several residents and kindness needs to happen amongst the adults especially with parking um and um so just if you're listening to this and just keep that at at your heart um there's just great things happening in Rosal Park the spring is literally uh coming very uh quickly and um best thing to do get on the app Rosal Park app it's actually here everything that rupin said and what we're mentioning um it's there um but I do want to uh mention obviously actually um it's women's history month so happy history uh women's History Month ladies ladies um tomorrow is international women's day and I am actually hosting a women inspiring women night uh next Friday March 15th um at Costa 700 p.m. uh I would love for all the ladies of Rosal Park to show up up we have about 40 to 50 people coming um we also have karaoke coming that night um also if you have not nominated your favorite woman please nominate uh we would love to honor her at our next council meeting um and also in April April 12th I want to announce that we actually are setting up a karaoke night for all to come at Costas and that's April 12 and uh that concludes my report thank you thank you councilwoman councilman patoski thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send condolences out to Margaret uh appello orzo um Eva kapasi uh Maria tanini Thomas nardone and Jim Talbert um I was involved in a little league in basketball with Jim for many years and he was definitely an ass to the league um actually uh the batting cage down the Lily field um he he actually put it up most of it uh with the help uh of the league and I appreciate all he did uh past president of the Little League um coached basketball for both his sons um michaeles go out to him on February 19th I went to historical meeting um um Linda mccrady was our president that night great job okay um on the 22nd we had a budget meeting as Ken said we get going through I definitely it'll be better this year than it was last year on the 23rd I attended the fundraiser at the American Legion okay uh Rosanna and U uh Greg thank you um it was a good event um we're trying to help them out uh financially and everything so they're going to have these uh uh events so hopefully uh people find out uh when they are and you support the legion but uh don't forget these are our veterans that uh was there for us um some fought in wars and everything like that and um like my cter right here thank you for your service okay um and everything so I you know I always uh my father was uh during the Korean War and I I you know like I said I'm very proud um D and you know I appreciate all what the veterans have done to us so come out and support them um on the uh 29th I went to the next budget meeting I want again thank Ken for your um I love that pen you have you sharpen it and uh you get us where we're going but I I really uh appreciate it okay um on March 4th I attended the fire department meeting and uh I like to say something about the fire department there was a bad fire on Walnut Street and I really uh you see who our heroes are they were down there they uh they took control of it uh yes uh and the even the resident that got the most damage her house she was appreciative of what the fire depart was um and everything and um I I got there I was at a funeral that day in Pennsylvania but I did get there toward the end and I seen how these firemen uh you know I again they're my heroes they they were there they helped uh even the like I said a couple residents on that block were very happy and everything so I do appreciate what they did um Jim mcra who's A farman in town he's in the audience and again I I commend you um Joe signarello Jr who was there that day uh again you know and don't forget these are volunteers uh uh which saves us a lot of money uh and again they they're out there they're they're you know volunteering their time so I do appreciate it U the and also I want to thank uh the shoppr of Clark who donated to the Gano Center donation um we did very well I believe there was nine or 10 bags they gave gave us um like that I want to thank Rosanna for showing up uh Greg Joe um you know uh and also Ruben for all he does so uh me and Ruben went there picked the stuff up and uh again I uh appreciate uh everything uh again and I did talk to the lady from sharpr and she she's willing to give us more as the you know the year goes by but I do appreciate um all the council that showed up I you know uh if you need to contact me get me at J patoski at Rosel 908 666 7821 that's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman councilman Johnson yes good evening mayor council and residence yes I just want to say thank you to council for voting uh the veterans Amendment um I think that was the right move we expanding parking and it's actually going to be utilized so thank you uh the veterans will be happy with that um also finally we received correspondence from uh njdl um midriff uh if I if I'm pronouncing her name correctly I'm sorry if I'm jacking it UPI meredi okay sorry uh yeah so she she says that they finally got in contact with the project manager and that sometime March April uh we'll be able to have a discussion regarding the route 28 um potential Concepts uh we had table or took off uh uh something I was kind of trying to uh you know put forth some sort of momentum because I just felt like everybody was sitting on their hands so uh finally we got correspondence and I I appreciate it so um as soon as I get a date hopefully we can set up some sort of workshop with all of council because Route 28 affects pretty much every Ward pretty much maybe maybe missing a second yeah but pretty much every Ward and um I'm just tired of Route 28 thank you for your effort bre thank you um also I wanted to say um kudos to uh councilman uh try for that Fe on February 28th uh inviting me to to uh help uh bring you know the food over there toward the food pantry that's an outstanding thing that you did um and and anytime you call me for my support and especially we're going to be giving out food to families that need it it's a no-brainer so um such a positive action thank you also um I look forward on March 16th celebrating St Patrick day I had the opportunity to attend March 1st uh the Union County flag raising and I just love uh celebrating different cultures and embracing those things and uh I just want to tell the general public uh I look forward to seeing a more diverse uh uh response to these different cultural events um let's see uh uh just to um mayor you you missed discussion but just to to go back for one second uh I would like to eventually also revisit 2649 and I'm talking in discussion of uh 9024 so when we get a chance I would like to uh uh bring that back up since we have a new Fresh Council so this way we could set forth the guidelines that we see fit uh especially after three to four or five year Hiatus uh just so Craig just to let you know so the the thought behind it I think now is so we do have a just just show everybody because we haven't we did a lot of Redevelopment a couple years ago we haven't done it in a while um so there's three stages well there's yeah there's three stages to it there's the Redevelopment study just is the area uh I got it there we go that's appreciate been doing this for a little bit now um the uh Redevelopment study just whether or not an area qualifies for an area of Redevelopment there's the Redevelopment plan which sets the broad parameters and then there's the Redevelopment agreement which is just thou sh build this and it shall be this height and it shall have brick face and it shall have this many units and yada yada yada I think what it would make sense to do is bring it back to the plan phase that's what I was about to say but start so so so we already have I want to go back to the plan yeah good news is we already have a plan already I think we just need to Circle up as a team TW we need to tweak it up yeah exactly and if it's if we need to amend the plan to say you know it needs to go from four stories to three three stories or X number of units yada yada yada I would just like to have a sidebar conversation with Council beforeand this way the developer knows what he's getting in for um but I do agree it's warranted to take it back a step and you know happy to do that and that's all I wanted to do I just wanted to revisit the plan so thank you uh and uh lastly um I have uh I have a lot of ordinances that need to be addressed but since Andrew is not here I don't want to overwhelm uh Rich uh so uh I'll be a little bit patient but one of uh two of those uh especially one of them is the noise ordinance and I know we had a sidebar about that uh so we working up here uh um please remember your votes matters and um as first word council I will always place the concerns of Rosal Park first so if you need to get in contact with me please uh call me 908 3031 1519 or you can reach me at G Johnson Rosel and that concludes my report yeah you guys might want to connect afterwards cuz I know so actually it's funny so rich and I talked the other day um Rich actually did some reading and he's like this noise ordinance makes absolutely no sense um so I don't know if you guys connected but I actually think he's been doing some research of some noise ordinances in the area I actually gave him a compliment he didn't know I gave him a compliment oh okay I think he's done some pre-work on it I was I was talking about the Cranford one and then he he picked up on the I was the one that did I was like oh see there we are so I think I think that my hope is we talked with the planner about this I'd love to just when you guys have a draft I look you work the way you want to work I always work better when there's something that I could react to absolutely you guys just come up with the draft and you give hey you know whatever and what we get from there absolutely but I think that's one we could definitely tackle without Andrew here considering this is your baby one way or the other okay cool good but you have these guys at your disposal so yeah okay councilman signorella so last Friday I I uh went to the Community Nursery School and chest excuse me on uh Grant Tav and I read uh left feet right feet right I enjoyed uh uh class it was the older class and uh I I wore my fire hat I always like to teach about smoke detectors and carbon carbon monoxide detectors it's a little tough for 5-year-olds but we we had a good time we brought the gear in and and um enjoyed myself uh and I'm looking forward I'm going to read tomorrow at Sherman school so was always good to have that little infomercial about bringing a smoke detector and teaching these kids while I'm going to get into that um speaking for the fire chief tonight we did have a a major fire on Walnut Street and like the councilman um patosi said and Jim mccrady actually is a uh safety uh um uh officer and he actually yelled at me that day and he and he was was right I didn't have my gloves on for something so he he was doing his job and I told him he was right um we got a lot of help from the surrounding counts Kenworth most you know we have like a Urgent Response with Kenworth we work together closely and then what it gets larger we have to call on uh rest of the county and communities to help us all went well it was 106 on a Friday and uh very proud of the Rosell Park fire department and all the surrounding communities to help us now I do want to speak about a fire we had uh nobody really much knew about it at 3:45 one night on Dalton Street uh I'm going to uh these folks left a candle on and um please when you leave the house make sure the candles are blown out my biggest problem that night we installed four smoke detectors in this dwelling that night at 3:30 4:00 in the morning so we get him from the division fire safety they give them to the Mr pales to you know we hung them up we didn't want to leave there that night so look it's uh daylight savings time is coming Saturday please smoke detectors smoke detectors carbon monoxide detectors and uh you know get if you have an extinguisher I know when you have a get a CO or a rental property or buying a house you have an extinguisher purchase an extinguisher I'm not going to tell you be be a fireman uh uh always call 911 and get out but if you think you uh can utilize the extinguisher do what you got to do please call 911 first and I've actually learned something new in my 44 years 43 years uh you can use it extinguisher to escape the Building escape the house so just a little uh informational on that so other than that uh need to get a hold of me and if you don't have an extinguish excuse me smoke detector and I think Donna last time we got a few uh inbounds but call uh the B Clerk and we'll uh get you um and a um smoke detector for your home so like I said four of them in this house on dalon at 3:30 in the morning that's 4 too many so and thanks to our construction department and we're working on uh some scenarios at this facility and other than that you need to get a hold of me J signorella Rosa have a good night thank you councilman um what do I have uh uh so I was asked to remind everybody uh that um the PTO is having a Tricky Tray May 4th I believe that's the Kenworth American Legion uh I will be the host um so hope you're there uh I will be sweating and trying to make people laugh for a good two hours um and failing absolutely miserably like I do every year um or at least the past two years um so that'll be fun and exhausting but for a good cause um and then April 13th uh at Costas from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. there will be a where what you graduated fundraiser uh also for the I think it's for Project Graduation um so uh would love to see you guys there um I graduated in 2006 and I'm wearing basically the same stuff so uh can't imagine the jeans are a little bit skinnier but not that much so um that's it jeans I mean skinny jeans aren't even cool anymore the the the cool kids are wearing dad jeans so I I don't know um uh mayor Sig if you mayor Sig at Rosal if you have any questions other than that that uh concludes my report um may have motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor if you'd like to come up and speak you may do so now hi denish Wars I just wanted to thank uh Council M signorella for coming to read at the preschool I know you had just mentioned it but the kids loved it they're still talking about it and I have the video of him reading the book if anybody wants to see I'm good so thank you the kids loved it love thanks Dina that's awesome like hand hi good evening all councilmen my name is Michelle mana and I currently reside and women and women sorry um I currently reside at 229 West Westfield avav and um I have an issue with parking I am not allowed to park on West Westfield AV when there is inclement weather not allowed to park on the surrounding streets of Hawthorne or Columbus and I'm not allowed to park on West Clay Avenue as I don't have permit parking currently the residence that I reside in does not have a driveway I am a single divorced mother with two young children under the age of 5 years old and I also have an aunt who has cancer for the second time residing on that property with me who went through a stem cell transplant right before the two snowstorms that we had um in two back-to-back weeks um I don't know what the solution is maybe possibly allow residents that don't have driveways that do reside on West Westfield AV to have have permit parking and be allowed to park on the surround surrounding side streets or allow us to get some sort of pass and let us remain parked on the main road I can't park anywhere else yep so two young children in a snowstorm I've had an issue where I actually last year um passed out on my kitchen floor and had to call 911 my kids I can't get them to walk in a snowstorm somewhere else so please understand that matter um we're looking for for some sort of solution any solution would be greatly appreciated cool yeah so I we talked a little bit beforehand it is a sticky situation um I think there's reasons behind it unfortunately um I don't have the immediate answer I know councilman Patel has been working on some parking issues that's the fourth ward so it might be worth you guys connecting afterwards uh unfortunately again our B administrator is out so I kind of asked councilman Matel just hold on that cuz parking is a pain in Rosell park that's a lot of peas that I just mhm you know spout it off um but I think it'd be good for you guys to connect afterwards um to kind of fold that into the conversation when Andrew gets back on you know how we tackle that I don't know the answer off the top of the Dome I just do I do know look from a snow perspective those are paved by NJ do and it's probably a safety issue for people and your car candidly to leave it while the snow's there so so one of the big is one of your biggest issues is the snow emergency is is the big hit item out of your list well yeah when the snowstorms happened there was two two uh two weeks in a row and I was fine the $56 both weeks and I paid them but there's nowhere for me to park I can't park on Hawthorne it says permit parking only I can't park on Columbus which is the other side street permit parking only and I can't park on West clav cuz it says permit parking only and I've looked to park some a few more blocks down I don't recall the street names same situation Street uh permit Park work only and the residence that we have does not have a driveway there is not even 229 West Westfield Avenue so in the past I think the um we've uh opened our to snowstorms to park and I know it's not a easy lift but um parking in our burrow parking lot and then someone have to shuffle you back to your home but that that's one small option and I don't have a a great answer for you like the mayor says like you said you could talk Mr P I'll give you my card after but see we come up but they just uh so we're not going to have any more snow this year right I'm right I'm hoping you don't know no no no no I know look it's still we've had March and April sto snowstorm so anyway but that's just one option to park and and I believe uh we've done that with big major snow events but I think the process is still there that you would call uh well you could call us and say look you need to park your park car in a municipal lot your car is a you know Chevy or whatever and we can take care of that but getting you back and forth so like I said between the two of us see if we could help you out and go through him first if not uh you could call me so all right okay thank you and then I did want to present a second matter for my father um he is over the age of 60 years old he is still working and not retiring anytime soon hard working man um and currently he takes the bus and commutes into New York City and currently in order to take the bus from to New York City from my current residence he either has to take it from fute or take the hike all the way by the just do me a quick one I know where you're going with this and I I just you're running out of time because there's only three minutes um email me where you want the bus stop okay ideally I I don't have a card on me but mayor at R you can find me on just tell me where you want it and I'll lby in transit for it okay cool perect thank you she wants an extra bus stop right I just fast forward I'm sorry I didn't mean to rush you no it's fine okay cool all right okay awesome thank you yep yep very welcome uh anybody else I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I uh there is no Clos session items May I have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I thank you everybody sorry think I just like end