##VIDEO ID:XNpl1fI5NBE## e e e okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and you'll notice this meeting was published in the Union County local Source The nework Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the burrow Clerk fire exits are located in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit proper notice haven't been given the B clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the RO Council Petroski here councilman Johnson here councilman signarello here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signarello here all present mayor uh prayer and Pledge of Allegiance please yeah Eternal God grant us th help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen Al to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation indivisible libery and justice for all okay there are no proclamations or presentations may have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may I have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I you like to come and speak on agenda items microphone's over there please state your name and address for the record is this your first council meeting you've been at with me John no I've been to you've been at a couple okay when I feel need to okay fair enough how you doing John pulos 731 Woodland all right I'm I was reading I'm speaking on uh my opposition to this changes to ordinance 2791 y the good order ordinance from what I've seen this is probably the most intelligent and most potentially useful ordinance Rosel park has all right but looking at these changes Pro proposed by councilman Johnson I see that it basically guts the whole ordinance the point is that we paying our ridiculous $1,000 Plus in taxes deserve the right to enjoy our homes and property in peace and when C other residents choose to have parties with DJs live banss that cause my house to thump and I can't get any piece in my house and when you call the police you know as somebody who has called before and the the response was not always what it should have been I'll leave it at that but with this and the proposal for actual decibel levels and so forth without the provision to provide sound meters and training for the police basically this is giving the police full excuse to not do anything because they can show up and say oh it's not that loud and as the changes or the uh modifications talk about use their judgment and discretion so that basically means whatever they want to do which is usually nothing sadly I watched a video that a resident posted on the YouTube where there was a wedding or something going on and the music was clearly blasting around the block and when the police showed up they were in my opinion kind of rude to this resident who called and dismissed him and did not address the situation now we're not talking about somebody having a little radio in the backyard having a cookout having a party having a kids party playing what's that you know why they're playing a PIN to tail on a donkey or something we're talking people with DJs live Vans you know that this is not the place for it go to a go to a venue if you want to have that type of loud music this you know these houses are close together you know personally I can't imag imagine making that kind of ruckus for my neighbor I like to play music I mean I got guitar equipment I could play a concert with but I'm not going to blast it full blast and bother my neighbors I'll play it so I can hear it and nobody else cares yep you know that's that's what I wanted to speak on I would recommend that you leave it as it is you know I know there's another no noise ordinance with debel I believe isn't there another ordinance in town uh think I was going to say I I I kind of don't know if the topal C yeah yeah there's one that has 10 o'clock and there is a decibel reading this this one is great because you don't have any of that and somebody can be just as annoying at 1:00 in the afternoon thumping a house as they can at nine o'clock or 8 o'clock yeah so uh Greg I'm sure you're goingon to want to respond and you're well more than welcome to I was just going to get Andrew I think some of these issues have been thought through in advance of this ordinance you well yeah I was going to I was going to mention it during my meeting I mean during my uh report if you want yeah I guess we we could talk about it now so uh I mean if he if he wants me to uh respond yeah I would like to so uh some of the things that you brought up we had a meeting on September 10th as the as the public safety chair all those concerns were brought up uh that you said about the police not doing anything not having the equipment not having the training and that's what we plan on making the police do we're going to have them train we're going to purchase the equipment and we're going to alleviate a lot of those excuses so this way when you make a phone call to the police department it won't no longer say oh I'm sorry it's just there's nothing we could do that's not the purpose of this ordinance the purpose of this ordinance is to clean up predated something was saying about a Sil the phone there's there's verbiage in here that has nothing to do with anything and this is so Ambiguously written not for today's society absolutely not I stand 100% behind this and uh if if if Council votes it down they vote it down uh I'll go to my constituents and and I'll tell them accordingly um so that's it that's all I a lot of the concerns you raised we did bring it up during yeah CU I see it it's perfectly clear don't be a nuisance I mean I understand the police come out one time and tell people turn it down I get that that I don't have an issue with that if they get show up they get sayh turn it down yep all right but when they get multiple calls it's time to write a ticket absolutely nobody nobody's saying these people are going to go to jail they're going to you know anything serious and that's what I'm trying to do for you when you call and the police they're actually give you some type of resolution rather than just giving you the like wave or yeah but here you do leave in John unfortunately I but but just real quick I just want to mention he can't respond but I just want to say I I I this is Greg's been champing this and I I'm supportive of it but but I'm in support of it because I actually think everything that you're saying I correct me if I'm wrong Greg that's actually the purpose behind it the purpose behind it because it takes the objectivity out of it right like then you can say hey look man you know I want the recording from if you if you feel like the cop didn't do it right then you can get the recording of that interaction and say hey this was actually above the deciel levels you should have taken action here right so it's actually trying to take the gray out of it it it's done with the intention to solve what you're talking about not make it weaker and that's the honest truth correct me if I'm pretty much what our discussion was during the whole uh meeting because um I had residents that said the same thing as you that they called the police and they weren't getting the results that they were getting with this noise orance as you know that this that's a very this is a very difficult topic uh you know so just like trees and everything else that R par don't but John if you do want to come back talk about it obviously Greg will be here afterwards and then the second meeting on an ordinance you could talk for as much time as you want yeah that's what I was trying to tell you the second meeting you could come back up again if you want yeah thank you so wor yep thank you baby that's what I was trying to say appreciate you that's a good public interaction that's a good one I like that would anybody else like to come up and speak on agenda items only okay I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I uh may I have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor hi hi I kind of rambled through that but I don't know Andrew or Ken if you guys want to say anything Ken you're good okay again's good okay um there are no ordinances for second reading Mr clerk please read ordinance number 2789 by title yes mayor ordinance 2789 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 39 subsection two of the code of the burough Rosal Park entitled handicap parking on streets for private residences may have motion to approve ordinance number 2789 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion uh okay please call the RO Andrew councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes counc Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six mon the affirmative mayy the ordinance is introduced okay thank you please read ordinance number 2790 by title yes mayor ordinance 2790 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance fixing the salaries of police wasn't we supposed to have discussion oh yeah but I felt like we skip discussion I didn't hear anything so I just went with it my my bad did you want to we can discuss it next time okay quick thing um he wants to yeah he can't talk right now so you can come at the top of the meeting during the that's okay yeah so you can come at the there's there's two there's two so just for the record right so there's two times you can come up and speak there's the beginning of the meeting on agenda items and then the second end of the meeting on any items you can talk then and then if you're still not satisfied uh ordinances require two readings so assuming this gets introduced you can come to the next meeting and then you can talk about it as much as you want I will there'll be a designated time for you to come up and talk yeah okay um ordinance number 2790 are we good on that yeah is an ordinance introd is an ordinance for introduction ordinance fixing the salaries of police patrolman's benevolent Association employees of the B Rosel Park in the county of union state of New Jersey for the years 20 2025 26 27 28 and 29 okay may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2790 for introduction fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion mayor I just want to make a note for the record that this uh Co coincides with the contract that was ratified previously by the governing body this is just a legal mechanism to codify the salaries for the next five years got it cool any discussion I don't want to skip you please call the role Council Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council signara yes Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yesos the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2791 by title yes mayor ordinance 2791 is an ordinance for introduction in ordinance amending chapter 3 section 9 of the code of the B Rosel Park entitled peace and good order uh may have motion to approve ordinance number 2791 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second there any discussion hey Greg I just I just have one quick question for you um this is more just out of curiosity uh when you guys did the actual like decibel leveling is that what's like what's the deciel level it's in accordance with uh what's what is uh what is it it's uh so it's the the New Jersey noise act noise Control Act is a model ordinance by D um that allows municipalities to adopt that as their standard I was just going to say it's like it's either based off what other towns do or state standards and that's what's tied into so it's tied into that the maximum permissible sound levels are that got it okay and then the the purpose and you guys did this in committee but the the the thought is you'll have somebody on each shift that's trained the thought is we're going to have like about eight off law enforcement office I'm sorry the thought is uh we and uh the thought is we're going to have about eight to 10 officers trained on each shift so this way we don't ever have an opport you know a time when they there's no Gap and coverage yeah no Gap and coverage also we're going to purchase possibly two devices and and then it also help us because we'll have uh assistance and Le uh aid from um surrounding towns and we could also assist them as well so with the device so what does the device look like it's like a gun no it's I'm just kind of curious it's not it's actually not it's calibrated similar to a radar uh gun but it's more it looks more like a whatever I'm just I'm just using it looks more like a it looks more like a large like an old phone like a 1990 you know 1998 phone that's what kind of looks like okay cool uh quick question uh for uh 1B where it says like you know if someone's not there or if some if the equipment is missing then the police officer has to use their judgment so if the whole point is to just you know use the the sound levels and stuff like that would it make sense to like remove that factor or well no would if the device breaks K like and and someone calls at that that cover that too as well temporarily until we can order a new device I mean I think you got to kind of have that in there to to to cover like a back stop yeah to maximize the uh but I don't I mean we can take it out I'm not uh I'm not uh sted on it's just a question I may may could I help on that sure so I believe uh in our chat that other municipalities have these meters and you know there's a mutual Aid possibility to Elizabeth or another town could come over and say hey we really need you for a large event or whatever like that so sound operations if I if I could mayor just um having kind of synthesized some of the committee's discussion um it's you know just to Echo councilman Johnson it's for those times where you may have look people people get sick right so we have right now we have 34 officers from the chief to you know you know the entry patrolman um so there is a possibility even with 8 to 10 officers trained that people could be sick on vacation right there could be a situation where somebody's not trained so we want to leave the door open so that there's not a gap in enforcement in addition to that between now and the time we're able to purchase these devices because they are they're frankly they're not cheap they're probably something that we're not going to be ordering until 2025 but in that runup we want to make sure that whatever we put on the books there is some level of enforcement mechanism how much are they uh it it it ranges um on the low end I've seen them for about $1,000 and then on the higher end I've seen $15,000 but it depends on a lot of different factors you know we're going to research and make sure that we get the tools that are the industry stand can't can find that that in the couch what's that can't can find that come on this year's tight this year's tight just turn Pete red okay any further discussion okay call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signorella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 6 the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced thank you um please read ordinance number 2792 by title yes mayor ordinance 2792 is an ordinance for introduction and ordinance amending ordinance number 2781 fixing the salary ranges of non-union employees and officials of the BB Rosa Park in the county of union state of New Jersey may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2792 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion mayor if I could just uh so the governing body is aware I know um uh I believe councilman Johnson the Public Safety Committee are probably aware of this as you are mayor but for the benefit of the governing body the only real change to this ordinance is relative to the special Law Enforcement Officers class twos and class 3es so we've been working um in coordination with the school district to roll out additional public safety measures in the schools um to be both Pro proactive and reactive if and when necessary um some of that includes an exp ion of the program in more than likely 2025 into the elementary schools so we're already we already have a presence at the high school to be clear we have a presence at every school it's just during the course of the day constantly are we there um so high school yes Middle School yes uh elementary schools uh we do walkthroughs but we don't necessarily have officers assigned there so we're working to roll that out um this would um we're working toward formalizing an agreement whereas the school district pays us they do now they pay us for those off officers but we're working to put that kind of in writing because the program has expanded beyond the initial just going into the high school and being reimbursed on a monthly basis um so this establishes a rate for class three uh special Law Enforcement Officers which are specifically designed for school use um so we're going through an interview process right now um this is just one of the stages I think within the next couple of meetings we're going to have some recommendations on Personnel hires um and then a roll out of the actual program but we'll keep everybody informed of that do we do the interviews or the school district does uh they're they're Municipal Employees okay so so we have the hiring and firing Authority okay they just pay okay any further discussion okay call the RO councilman Johnson I mean sorry councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman sella yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced all matters listed with inates are considered to be rout routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 22624 is appointing Alexis L rotman to the position of high school counselor 22724 is accepting the resignation of Anna AMU from the position of high school counselor 22624 is accepting the resignation of benois chestnut from the position of adult counselor with without a teaching certificate resolution 229 24 is accepting the resignation of Curtis hudnall Jr from the position of college counselor resolution 23024 is promoting high school counselor Bellin Munoz to the position of college counselor resolution 23124 is promoting high school counselor John James reri to the position of college counselor resolution 232 24 is promoting high school counselor Samantha stamboli to the position of college counselor resolution 233 24 is ratifying and affirming the purchase of one shade structure from Ben shaer Recreation pursuant to Educational Service Commission of New Jersey Co off contract number 24251 in an amount not to exceed $ 7,754 resolution 23424 is adopting a new open public records act oer request form consistent with public law 2024 chapter 16 resolution 23524 is awarding a contract to porino builders LLC for the project improvements to Boy Scout Park pursuant to the base bid of end alternate bid in an amount not to exceed $98,000 resolution 23624 is granting permission to ding's Irish pub and restaurant to operate a premises extension permit granted by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control on a portion of Williams Street as part of the bur Rosell Park's 2024 Arts Festival and resolution 23724 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $1,586 35 do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda uh yet 233 and 235 okay may have motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I may have motion to adopt resolution 233-242 is there any discussion yeah um as far as the 233 the shade structures like uh is it just like a wooden thing like does it look like gazebo I think Andrew you'd be the best so I can I will share the um the uh the engineering plans uh from from the manufacturer um so it's a uh 24t hexagonal structure right so it's a it's a hexagon shaped structure uh it's steel um with a fabricated roof um I'm trying to think of a a good comp kind of looks like a gazebo yeah it looks yeah it looks it looks like a gazebo but it's not a gazebo it doesn't have sides they're all open so this structure specifically uh subject to the resolution will come uh pre-cut uh for electrical um so there will be there's uh I think six am I right one two three four yeah uh six poles each will have a port for a uh electrical receptacle as well as internal lighting not external lighting but just internal lighting to the actual structure itself um so it's shaded uh both you know from light and the elements got it and then um then for the other one like is there any other improvements with the orall Boy Scout Park or like there's going to be I think that's a separate yeah it's most well it's not on this reso but if you want to it's not 233 you want to bring it's yeah it's on 235 I guess if you want to talk about it more broadly yeah I mean SO3 first and then it's up to you I mean I can I can certainly talk about the project Mr attorney can we talk about the the project as a whole for this is specifically about ordering a part of the project but councilman has questions about the project as a whole yeah okay got it go ahead so uh the project broadly is um the shade the shade structure is the largest singular component of the project right the rest of the project is uh mostly concrete work um and uh the um construction of a new flag pole with uplighting um I would say if I had to say what are the major components of the project shade structure by and far um the second is actually the electrical because there's no electricity to the park so we have to run from the above ground electrical down one of the utility poles trench through the park and uh put electrical Electrical uh service actually in the park itself and into the structure that's the other major part of it and the rest of it's concrete so you have a concrete base to the uh shade structure a leading Pathway to the structure and then a leading Pathway to the area where there's um the new flag pole got it and then okay it's passive in nature so it's not a playground it's a it's a it's keeping the passive space passive with small element to it okay yeah just personally I just think it's really expensive oh is there grant money that was used for this yeah so we got a this is the county Grant right so the the the cost of the project is offset by a $65,000 um uni County infrastru 2024 infrastructure Grant uh that money needs to be spent by the end of the year during the capital budging process we did ear market for this it's a matching Grant oh so we also have to match the we we've already matched the 65,000 with another 65,000 I just think for person L like the straight structure like 70,000 is really expensive so that's just my point but yeah that's all the questions I had okay uh any further discussion call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel no five votes affirmative one the negative the resolution is adopted may I have a motion to adopt resolution 23524 so move second is there any discussion I think we covered it um yeah okay call the rooll councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted okay uh cool uh let's start with council president okay uh first of all I want to send my condolences out to Christina Tina mascola panon uh Steven rodek um Mrs Nolan which is Gary Bundy's uh uh mother-in-law um Jim mccrady's sister M dang and Alice Perry on September 6 I attended the Hispanic Festival on the nth I had the fire department meeting as usual they um they give me work orders and um so I'm waiting for the work orders to come in and hopefully we can get them done uh by the next meeting uh the 10th I attended the recreation meeting um it was originally scheduled for the 11th we moved it to the 10th because of the 911 memorial so uh we're just getting ready for Halloween and noes will be coming out soon um with the date the time you know and everything so believe it or not Halloween is here um on the 11th I attended the 911 memorial um you know it's so sad um you know every year it just uh it's unbelievable uh what this country went through that day but uh U and there still uh Americans dying you know from the uh you know cancer related uh issues in in their bodies so uh you know my prayers go out to every one of them um on the 16th I attended the uh special meeting of Mayor and Council um we about the sewer U of the five uh I mean the $3,000 we got mil 3 Milli 3,000 not going to do it 3 million sorry uh the three million um thing so uh I was glad we had the meeting and you know it went through and the Rosell Park residents will benefit from it I know a lot of people people been calling me and saying oh they're going to have to pay the second sewer bill so this will be a good thing um on the 16th I attended the Historical Society um um today I had the Joint Sewer meeting and uh main thing we we we're going to repair the mixer gearbox gravity belt uh spare parts for the uh thing and uh you know and I uh they need to cont contct me get me J patoski at Rosa park.net and 908 666 7821 that's you can contact me and that's my report matter thank you thank you coun Canen I I should talked to council pry beforehand but do you just want to give a quick update on the sewer bill just to make sure that we're on the same page there sure uh just want the residents to know mayor and Council have done everything in their power to make the second Bill uh go away uh as of right now we are telling residents please do not pay it uh we will make the final determination uh by the October 3rd meeting um and if we do not hear back it's in the state's hands right now there's nothing else the burrow can do we've done everything in our power to make it happen to make the bill disappear um so the governing body has worked diligently for that uh if it does not happen we will announce that at the October October 3rd meeting the grace period will be extended to October 31st U because right now we are telling residents not to pay uh the system the online system has been shut down to try and prevent that and uh that's where we stand right now thanks Ken yeah and and so just to be clear on that like we're working every day to make sure that this happens um I ask Andrew daily and we're in touch with folks of the state so um I know people are frustrated because we don't have a definitive answer right now um but I'd much rather you be frustrated with me and deliver on this hopefully this year uh then you know just give up and try and you know kick it to next year so um yeah we'll keep you updated uh okay uh councilman sigell good evening uh quiet two weeks I did attend the N September 6 Hispanic uh festival and music some good food some uh some good desserts and uh I tended to 911 ceremony as always and like I said councilman padowski can't believe how many years it's been so other than that it's been a quiet two weeks good to hear the state's trying to help us out hard work from everybody up on this day is to make it happen and Let's cross our fingers other than that you need to get a hold of me jarella Rosel park.net 908 uh 721 6488 that's end of my report okay councilwoman Lions good evening everyone mayor and Council and residents um on a sad note I heard that Mr G passed away um and he he was our history teacher in Rosell Park High School so just sending out my condolences and everyone that had him he was just so amazing and just he brought laughter and and real just teaching us uh he was he was awesome so uh just wanted to mention that um this is an awesome time of year we have so many things happening I just do really want to applaud uh the $3 million again I like hearing it um and uh and I thank you for saying we did everything that we can do ESP yes listen you guys on it I I give you prop the whole city of Trenton is going to be very upset with Andrew after this making bills disappear would be a great logo over Rosal Park let's do that um okay so uh the Hispanic Festival was awesome uh September 6th and um yes we did gather for the 911 memorial it's uh it's obviously such a sad day and just to be able to spend time and moments together is a is a blessing um I actually ran over to the library tonight they had L Louis M isura Latina band okay I tried to say did I say good um they had that at the Rosal Park uh Library lawn uh there was a a food truck there and there was lots of um Kumbia is that how you say it and dancing I tried I danced with Alex okay I did it uh it was awesome so please come out the reason we announce these things is that we want you to come and enjoy uh please find it on the Rosel park.net um and also the library uh website things to come the artarts festival is coming back it was so awesome last year this uh it's going to be September 28th and it's all of Chestnut Street so you can't miss it so please come out and support the vendors and really just hang out with with you know our families in Rosell Park we really want to see you out um the Annual Festival of India is October 5th that was awesome that was at the Rosal Park High School please come out they dance for hours they beat the Italians I just got to say that they were awesome and um one more uh October 19th the first annual Italian Heritage Festival is coming to Rosal Park and we are having canoli eating contest so mayor I think I might have to challenge you on that yeah no I'm in 100% yeah and yeah all right let me know if you guys want to come in maybe do a whole Council and may thing yeah I won't do the I won't do the pretzel one because the pretzel no no canoli we're doing canoli yeah I'll do that and uh we have vendors and and food trucks and we have Inflatables and live music please come and support everything that we're doing uh if you want to reach out to me our lines at Rosal park.net and uh keep being family Rosal Park cuz we're a small town but um you know I could be anywhere in the world if if I recognize you from Rosal Park it's the best feeling so thank you thank you councilwoman councilman pel uh M you're going to love this I don't have a a a report so Kel R Park done that more of that more of that there we go round of applause for K Patel uh councilman Johnson yeah mayor M isn't as short as K but it's definitely short it's definitely short um good evening mayor council uh residents I too attended several uh community events uh first one in order was the 911 ceremony the second one was uh um special meeting that we had for the public safety and and also um oh the really the second one was the $3 million but yeah so just uh moving along just a couple of community announcements um at um at the request of Commander ran and Cat McCoy they wanted me to uh just continue to invite the community to our first October Fest celebration uh where there's going to be pressle eating contests uh drinks all type of things this is um to help the American legance post 60 raise money and help uh the local veterans and our boy scout organization so please everyone Community come out it'll be uh Saturday September 21st um from 2 pm um excuse me from um yeah 2:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. so um the next uh Community engagement that uh will be coming up is um hosted by myself and the great Johnson civic association in partnership with New Jersey clean communities adop the highway uh anyone wanting to come out a lot of you guys come up here and say hey elected officials you should do this you should do that well you guys should volunteer so stop telling me to do stuff and start showing me by volunteering so I expect you uh I expect to see some of you community members helping me clean up Rosel Park uh how you can get in contact with me will be at G GJ civic association at gmail.com or you could just uh call my counsel number I'm not giving my personal number uh the last uh thing oh no disregard uh if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net or you can call me at 98303 1519 mayor that concludes my report ask not what Rosel Park can do for you ask what you can do for Rosel Park let go help out stop stop just coming up here talking Rina go let's work I'm ready to work all right well good evening mayor good evening colleagues good evening Rosell Park I would like to share some updates from recent events and initiatives in our community yesterday I participated in the NJ clean communities lunch and learn session focusing on balloon recycling the adopted drain program and other important initiatives aimed at keeping our environment clean on Tuesday I attended a zoom meeting centered on creating effective and complete streets policies which is vital for improving accessibility and safety in our burrow on Monday I joined my colleagues here for a special meeting to pass the resolution in support of the DCA application for the $3 million in grant funding for sewer utility Aid on September 11th I was present at Eline park for the street smarts campaign I would like to extend my gratitude to news12 for the coverage and to Chief Reno the mayor councilman large signarello ba casayas school superintendent go and commissioner uh Kowalski for their participation this initiative aims to educate the public about traffic laws and promote safe behaviors to reduce accidents and fatalities within our burrow we are currently focusing on data collection regarding West Webster and Myrtle uh expect more Outreach in the coming months and I'll keep you updated that evening I also attended the 911 remembrance ceremony at Kelly coffers Memorial Park on September 6th I enjoyed the Fiesta Latina Espana celebration a special thank you to rup and Shaw for organizing this event as well to as well as all our local businesses for their participation in recent weeks I've been meeting with constituents and neighbors to discuss pressing issues in our community particularly regarding safety from speeding and distracted drivers as well as improving our open spaces and sidewalks we're taking action with increased enforcement and monitoring of speeders additionally we have contracted a vendor to replace sidewalks on the west side and I'm pleased to report that Verizon has addressed the hazard at the Ada ramp at fat and West kfax I'd like to say thank you to Chief Reno the mayor VA casai CFO Bloom for your responsiveness and support I've also heard comments and concerns from constituents about children riding bikes unsafely and without helmets parents please remember that we've given over 350 helmets in the last 4 years and have held Annual Bike safety events while Transportation Partners have educated our schools It ultimately starts at home over the last 5 years we've had 1,00 crashes in the burrow resulting in three fatalities motorists Road users and pedestrians all need to do their part state law mandates that Riders under 17 must wear helmets researchers have found that lower fatality rates are associated with safer practices across all Road users however the number of cyclists killed in traffic accidents has increased with 16 reported deaths in 2022 and 24 in 2023 following 26 fatalities in 2021 Nationwide the highest number in over 30 years this trend is concerning as the national tra highway traffic safety administration reports a steady rise in bicyclist fatality since 2010 averaging 800 deaths per year Nationwide additionally I I've been addressing requests regarding senior housing and group housing for individuals with behavioral needs connecting constituents with resources information and information through the county finally as the chamber liaison I have an announcement for small business owners managers entrepreneurs and support staff looking to network and expand their client base our partners at the greater Union chamber will host a networking growth and success workshop on October 10th at the Titan Union building 2003 morev for more information at the register for this free event please visit my Facebook page or visit the chamers uh website you can reach me at 862 23619 or email at jbin Rosal park.net mayor that concludes my report thank you Rosel Park thank you councilman um I have no report mayor Sig at Rosal park.net if you have any question I keep it tight man only only when you guys need something I I talk enough throughout the meeting mayor s at rollal park.net if you have any questions though um may have motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I I you can come up now if you like I'm not sure what ordinance it is or anything but that's okay I had a call from the sergeant name and address please oh Edward selia 26 West Rosell Avenue yep about taking away my handicap parking spot sure okay now when I applied for it okay and your rules that said you can't have a reserve parking spot in the build in kofax and you can't have a garage yep okay I applied for it November 16th I think it was took four months to put it in it's taking one day to take it out MH okay I do not have a reserved parking spot okay there's a handicapped spot in the back my wife is in a wheelchair it's hard because I just had a heart attack mhm it's hard to ramper up over there so sometimes nobody parks back there so I'll park back there okay cuz there's no ramps okay and they said that they want to take away my parking spot because I don't park there I park there sometimes not all the time I'll be honest okay but nobody parks in the handicap in the back but it's not a reserved handicap spot so anybody could park there so if I come in with my wife at night okay and there's no parking how do I get her into the house so I need a reserve spot okay kofax maner did nothing to accommodate me they told me oh we would we'll help you we'll help you we'll help you you know they did absolutely nothing and I just don't understand they said they took pictures of my carar park there now it has to be one of somebody that works for the burrow or I've seen the the superintendent taking pictures of the street which is none of their business in my mind okay superintendent what do you mean not the landlord oh got it okay not our superintendent superintend okay you guys nothing okay but I say we take pictures what I'm saying is is I've been having a big fight with the board yep out kofax manner because they're very illegal in my opinion yep so they're doing everything they could to try to get back at me okay so they send their guy the super the landlord or whatever to go take pictures in the parking lot of my car when I'm not there yeah okay which it's street parking correct yep so it's none of their business if I park in the back okay in somebody's spot then they could say something okay but as far as that they just said yesterday that they took the parking spot away on the street the handicap now they said cuz I have a reserved parking spot in back which is not reserved I don't have reserved garage I don't have a reserved parking spot and the handicap spot in the back some guy used to park there he had a for his wife his wife passed away so he don't have a handicap sticker okay now nobody ever told me oh you have to park there all the time because even with your permit parking which is down the block from there all the way to the train station okay permit parking is for the people that live there is that true or no I yeah it's basically based on the streets yeah if I was to take my camera and go to every house and see how many people have two cars that park in the garage and at 2 o'clock in the morning okay the street is totally empty shouldn't they lose their spot too because they're not parking there they have two cars they're both in the driveway and what I'm trying to say is that it's kofax manner not you guys I know it's not but it's them that's just trying every which way they took away my parking spots because you know I have like a lot of arguments and I'm suing wearing a lawsuit and stuff you know but I feel that they shouldn't have taken it away and it took them four months to put in in one day they already cut down the my pla card now my wife has heart problems she goes to a Cardiologist she has osteoarthritis her spine is curved she can't walk she's in a wheelchair unfortunately you're out of time but yeah we we hear yeah I mean I'm I'm sure we're happy to talk afterwards I was gonna say if you don't mind sticking around I don't mind talking yeah okay I had a couple of questions myself but what I what I could say is I mean look we have I can only speak from what I've heard we have for months heard this inbound from the association right that nobody's using it nobody's using it nobody's using it candidly when it comes to these things um because they can be you know a judgment I again unfortunately I'll I'll just we can talk afterwards cor um I leave this up to discretion and recommendation of the police um so you know I'm happy to talk to the chief again um and happy to talk after but we appreciate um your input and we'll stick around okay I'll stick thank you so much yep anybody else come up and speak good evening bill cross at 412 Galloping Hill Road uh first want to thank Andrew for calling me and letting me know the information on the trees for when you need to get a permit most helpful um second probably not the council but you can pass it along on FiOS channel 32 RP station there is a scrolling message on the bottom of the screen that says the town hall will be closed a day in June of 2022 that's important information for everybody so cryptic message you know you know if you read it backwards and I just wanted to comment on the ordinance that councilman Johnson uh supported um I agree with the ordinance and the big question really becomes the enforcement if we don't have enough police officers to enforce everything in town that needs to be done such as speeding and the other question I had was does this also cover the noise from illegal Mufflers on cars in addition to sound systems wouldn't that be covered under the the same one that's under mechanical I mean no well if it's if it's idling but I mean there's there's uh there's other title 39 um uh regulations that police okay uh enforce as part of Patrol I could get you information on it I don't need it yeah I I mean but I don't think it would necessarily fall under the purview of the peace and good order ordinance all right thank you I think it would be more of a traffic for whatever it's worth I think it would be more of a traffic violation as opposed to peace in good order but yeah if it was idling I think it might be a little bit of a crossover okay anybody else I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I uh there are no items for close session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I for --------- ##VIDEO ID:dQLYcblkXjk## okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and you'll notice this meeting was published in the Union County local Source The nework Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the burrow clerk Fire EX are located in the directions I am indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move in a Comm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit proper notice having been given the burrow clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the RO councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson here councilman signorella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signarello here all present mayor uh uh prayer and Pledge of Allegiance please yeah Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace Amen to the flag the United States of America the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay there are no proclamations or presentations may have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor all I may I have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I You' like to come speak on agenda items microphone's over there please state your name and address for the record is this your first council meeting you've been at with me John no I've been to you've been to a couple okay when I feel the need to okay fair enough how you doing good John pulos 731 Woodland all right I'm I was reading I'm speaking on uh my opposition to this changes to ordinance 2791 yep the good order ordinance from what I've seen this is probably the most intelligent and most potentially useful ordinance Rosel park has all right but looking at these changes Pro proposed by councilman Johnson I see that it basically guts the whole ordinance the point is that we paying our ridiculous $111,000 Plus in taxes deserve the right to enjoy our homes and property in peace and when C other residents choose to have parties with DJs live bands that cause my house to thump and I can't get any peace in my house and when you call the police you know as somebody who has called before and the the response was not always what it should have been I'll leave it at that but with this and the proposal for actual debel levels and so forth without the provision to provide sound meters and training for the police basically this is giving the police full excuse to not do anything because they can show up and say oh it's not that loud and as the changes or the uh modifications talk about use their judgment and discretion so that basically means whatever they want to do which is usually nothing sadly I watched a video that a resident posted on the YouTube where there was a wedding or something going on and the music was clearly blasting around the block and when the police showed up they were in my opinion kind of rude to this resident who called and dismissed him and did not address the situation now we're not talking about somebody having a little radio in the backyard having a cookout having a party having a kids party playing with that you know while they're playing a pin the tail on a donkey or something we're talking people with DJs live bands you know that this is not the place for it go to a go to a venue if you want to have that type of loud music this you know these houses are close together you know personally I can't imagine making that kind of ruckus for my neighbor I like to play music I mean I got guitar equipment I could play a concert with but I'm not going to blast it full blast and bother my neighbors MH I'll play it so I can hear it and nobody getse cares yep you know that's that's what I wanted to speak on I would recommend that you leave it as it is you know I know there's another no noise ordinance with debel I believe isn't there another ordinance in town uh I just going to say I I I kind of don't know if the top yeah yeah there's one that has 10:00 and there is a decel reading this this one is great because you don't have any of that and somebody can be just as annoying at 1:00 in the afternoon thumping a house as they can at 9:00 or 8:00 yeah so uh Greg I'm sure you're GNA want to respond and you're well more than welcome to I was just going to get Andrew I think some of these issues have been thought through in advance of this Ordinance do you want well yeah I was going to mention it I was going to mention it during my meeting I mean during my uh report if you want to do now go yeah I guess we we could talk about it now so uh I mean if he if he wants me to uh respond like that so uh some of the things that you brought up we had a meeting on September 10th as the as the public safety chair all those concerns were brought up uh that you said about the police not doing anything not having the equipment not having the training and that's what we plan on making the police do we're going to have them train we're going to purchase the equipment and we're going to alleviate a lot of those excuses so this way when you make a phone call to the police department it won't no longer say oh I'm sorry it's just there's nothing we could do that's not the purpose of this ordinance the purpose of this ordinance is to clean up predated something was saying about a Sil the phone there's there's verbiage in here that has nothing to do with anything and this is so Ambiguously written not for today's society absolutely not I stand 100% behind this and uh if if if Council votes it down they vote it down uh I'll go to my constituents and and I'll tell them accordingly um so that's it that's all I a lot of you raised we did bring it up during yeah cuz I see it it's perfectly clear don't be a nuisance I mean I understand the police come out one time and tell people turn it down I get that that I don't have an issue with that if they get show up they get sayra turn it down yep all right but when they get multiple calls it's time to write a ticket absolutely nobody nobody's saying these people are going to go to jail they're going to you know anything serious and that's what I'm trying to do for you when you call and the police they actually give you some type of olution rather than just giving you the like wave or yeah but here you do leave in John unfortunately I but but just real quick I just want to mention he can't respond anymore but I just want to say I I I this is Greg's been champing this and I I'm supportive of it but but I'm in supportive of it because I actually think everything that you're saying I correct me if I'm wrong Greg that's actually the purpose behind it the purpose behind it because it takes the objectivity out of it right like then you can say hey look man you know I want the recording from if you if you feel like the cop didn't do it right then you can get the recording of that interaction and say hey this was actually above the deciel levels you should have taken action here right so it's actually trying to take the gray out of it it it's done with the intention to solve what you're talking about not make it weaker and that's the honest truth correct me if I'm wrong that's pretty much what our discussion was during the whole uh meeting because um I had residents that said the same thing as you that they called the police and they weren't getting the results that they were getting with this noise on as you know that this that's a very this is a very difficult topic uh you know so just like trees and everything else in R Park don't start but John if you do want to come back talk about it obviously Greg will be here afterwards and then the second meeting on an ordinance you could talk for as much time as you want that's what I was trying to tell you the second meeting you could come back up again if you want yeah thank you so much no worries yep thank you baby that's what I was trying to say appreciate you that's a good public interaction that's a good one I like that would anybody else like to come up and speak on agenda items only okay I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I uh may I have motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted some move second all in favor I I I kind of rambled through that but I don't know Andrew or Ken if you guys want to say anything Ken you're good okay Ken's good okay um there are no ordinances for second reading Mr clerk please read ordinance number 2789 by title yes mayor ordinance 278 89 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 39 subsection 2 of the code of the bur Rosal Park entitled handicap parking on streets for private residences may have motion to approve ordinance number 2789 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion uh okay please call the rooll Andrew counc Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes Council rabina yes councilwoman lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay thank you please read ordinance number 2790 by title yes mayor ordinance 2790 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance fixing the salaries of police wasn't we supposed to have discuss oh yeah I feel like we SK discussion I didn't hear anything so I just went with it my my bad did you want to we can discuss it next time okay quick thing um he wants to yeah he can't talk right now so you can come at the top of the meeting during the that's okay yeah so you can come at the there's there's two there's two so just for the record right so there's two times you can come up and speak there's the beginning of the meeting on agenda items and then the second end of the meeting on any items you can talk then and then if you're still not satisfied uh ordinances require two readings so assuming this gets introduced you can come to the next meeting and then you can talk about it as much as you want I will there'll be a designated time for you to come up and talk yeah okay um ordinance number 2790 are we good on that yeah an ordinance introd is an ordinance for introduction ordinance fixing the salaries of police patrolman's benevolent Association employees of the B Rosel Park in the county of union state of New Jersey for the years 20 2025 26 27 28 and 29 okay may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2790 for introduction fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion mayor I just want to make note for the record that this uh Co coincides with the contract that was ratified previously by the governing body this is just a legal mechanism to codify the salaries for the next five years got it cool any discussion I don't want to skip you please call the roll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signorella yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative May the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2791 by title yes mayor ordinance 2791 is an ordinance for introduction in ordinance amending chapter 3 section 9 of the code of the B Rosel Park entitled peace and good order uh may have motion to approve ordinance number 2791 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second there any discussion hey Greg I just I just have one quick question for you um this is more just out of curiosity uh when you guys did the actual like deciel leveling is that what's like what's the decibal level work it's in accordance with uh what's what is uh what is it it's uh so it's it the the New Jersey noise act noise Control Act is a model ordinance by D um that allows municipalities to adopt that as their standard I was just going to say it's like it's either based off what other towns do or state standards and that's what tied into so it's tied into that the maximum permissible sound levels are that got it okay and then the the purpose and you guys did this in committee but the the the thought is you'll have somebody on each ship that's trained the thought is we're going to have like about eight off law enforcement off I'm sorry the thought is uh we and uh the thought is we're going to have about eight to 10 officers trained on each shift so this way we don't ever have an opport you know a time when they're not there's no Gap and coverage yeah no Gap and coverage also we're going to purchase possibly two devices and and then it'll also help us because we'll have uh assistance and Le uh aid from um surrounding towns and we could also assist them as well so with the device so what does the device look like it's like gun no it's I'm just kind of curious it's not it's actually not it's calibrated similar to a radar uh gun but it's more it looks more like a whatever I'm just I'm just look it looks more like it looks more like a large like an old phone like a 1990 you know 1998 phone that's what it kind of looks like okay cool uh quick question uh for uh one B where it says like you know if someone's not there or if some if the equipment is missing then the police officer has to use their judgment so if the whole point is to just you know use the the sound levels and stuff like that would it make sense to like remove that factor or well no what if the device breaks K like and and someone calls at that that'll cover that too as well temporarily until we can order a new device I mean I think you got to kind of have that in there to to to cover back stop yeah to Max the uh but I don't I mean we can take it out I'm not I'm not uh sted on it's just a question can I help on that sure so I believe uh in our chat that other municipalities have these meters and you know there's a mutual Aid U possibility Elizabeth or another town could come over and say hey we really need you for a large event or whatever like that so sound operations if I if I could mayor just um having it kind of synthesize some of the committee's discussion um it's you know just to Echo councilman Johnson it's for those times where you may have look people people get sick right so we have right now we have 34 officers from the chief to you know you know the entry patrolman um so there is a possibility even with 8 to 10 officers trained that people could be sick on vacation right there could be a situation where somebody's not trained so we want to leave the door open so that there's not a gap in enforcement in addition to that between now and the time we're able to purchase these these devices cuz they are they're frankly they're not cheap they're probably something that we're not going to be ordering until 2025 but in that runup we want to make sure that whatever we put on the books there is some level of enforcement mechanism how much are they uh it it it ranges um on the low end I've seen them for about $1,000 and then on the higher end I've seen $155,000 but it depends on a lot of different factors you know we're going to research and make sure that we get the tools that are the industry stand that in the couch what's that can't conf find that come on not this this year's tight this year's tight I think just turn Pete red okay any further discussion okay call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 the affir of Mayor the ordinance is introduced thank you um please read ordinance number 2792 by title yes mayor ordinance 2792 is an ordinance for introduction and ordinance amending ordinance number 2781 fixing the salary ranges of non-union employees and officials of the bur Rosell Park and the county of union state of New Jersey may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2792 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 3rd 2024 so move second is there any discussion mayor if I could just uh so the governing body is aware I know um uh I believe councilman Johnson the Public Safety Committee are probably aware of this as you are mayor but for the benefit of the governing body the only real change to this ordinance is relative to the special Law Enforcement Officers class twos and class 3es so we've been working um in coordination with the school district to roll out additional public safety measures in the schools um to be both Pro proactive and reactive if and when necessary um some of that includes an expansion of the program in more than likely 2025 into the elementary schools so we're already we already have a presence at the high school to be clear we have a presence at every school it's just during the course of the day constantly are we there um so high school yes Middle School yes uh elementary schools uh we do walkthroughs but we don't necessarily have officers assigned there so we're working to roll that out um this would um we're working toward formalizing an agreement whereas the school district pays us they do now they pay us for those officers but we're working to put that kind of in writing because the program has expanded beyond the initial just going into the high school and being reimbursed on a monthly basis um so this establishes a rate for class three uh special Law Enforcement Officers which are specifically designed for school use um so we're going through an interview process right now um this is just one of the stages I think within the next couple of meetings we're going to have some recommendations on Personnel hires um and then a roll out of the actual program but we'll keep everybody informed of that do we do the interviews or the school district does uh they're they're Municipal Employees okay so so we have the hiring and firing Authority okay they just pay okay any further discussion okay call the rooll councilman Johnson I mean sorry councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman signell councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced all matters listed with nasat are considered to be R routine and non-controversial by the council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 22624 is appointing Alexis L rotman to the position of high school counselor 22724 is accepting the resignation of Anna AMU from the position of high school counselor 22624 is accepting the resignation of benois chestnut from the position of adult counselor with without a teaching certificate resolution 22924 is accepting the resignation of Curtis hudall Jr from the position of college counselor resolution 23024 is promoting high school counselor bellan Munoz to the position of college counselor resolution 231 24 is promoting high school counselor John James reri to the position of college counselor resolution 232 24 is promoting high school counselor Samantha stoley to the position of college counselor resolution 23324 is ratifying and affirming the purchase of one shade structure from Ben schaer Recreation pursuant to Educational Service Commission of New Jersey Co-op contract number 24251 in an amount not to exceed $ 7,754 resolution 23424 is adopting a new open public public records act oah request form consistent with public law 2024 chapter 16 resolution 23524 is awarding of contract to porao builders LLC for the project improvements of Boy Scout Park pursuant to the base bid of end alternate bid in an amount not to exceed $98,000 resolution 23624 is granting permission to ding's Irish pub and restaurant to operate a permises extension permit granted by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control on a portion of William Street as part of the bur Rosell Parks 2024 Arts Festival and resolution 23724 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of 1,586 35 do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda uh yeah 233 and 235 okay may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt resolution 23 3-24 so move second is there any discussion yeah um as far as the 233 the shade structure is like uh is it just like a wooden thing like does it look like gazebo I think andre' be the best so I can I will share the um the uh the engineering plans uh from the manufacturer um so it's a uh 24t hexagonal structure right so it's a it's a hexagon shaped structure uh it's steel um with a fabric facated roof um I'm trying to think of a a good kind looks like a gazebo yeah it looks yeah it looks it looks like a gazebo but it's not a gazebo it doesn't have sides they're all open so this structure specifically uh subject to the resolution will come uh preut uh for electrical um so there will be there's uh I think six am I right one two three four yeah uh six poles each will have a port for a uh electrical receptacle as well as internal lighting not external lighting but just internal lighting to the actual structure itself um so it's shaded both you know from light and the elements got it and then um then for the other one like is there any other improvements with the orall Boy Scout Park or like there's going to be me that's a separate yeah it's most well it's not on this reso but if you want to it's not 233 on you want to bring it's yeah it's on 235 I guess if you want to talk about it more broadly yeah I mean so first and then it's up to you I mean I can I can certainly talk about the project Mr attorney can we talk about the the project as a whole for the this is specifically about ordering a part of the project but councilman has questions about the project as a whole yeah okay got it go ahead so um the project broadly is um the shade the shade structure is the largest singular component of the project right the rest of the project is uh mostly concrete work work um and uh the um construction of a new flag pole with uplighting um I would say if I had to say what are the major components of the project shade structure by and far um the second is actually the electrical because there's no electricity to the park so we have to run from the above ground electrical down one of the utility poles trench through the park and uh put electrical Electrical uh service actually in the park itself and into the structure that's the other major part of it and the rest of it concrete so you have a concrete base to the uh shade structure a leading Pathway to the structure and then a leading Pathway to the area where there's um the new flag pole got it and then okay it's passive in nature so it's not a playground it's a it's a it's keeping the passive space passive with a small element to it okay yeah just personally I just think it's really expensive oh is there grant money that was used for this yeah so we got a this is the county Grant right the the the cost of the project is offset by a $65,000 um uni County infrastruct 2024 infrastructure Grant uh that money needs to be spent by the end of the year during the capital budging process we did ear market for this it's a matching Grant oh god oh so we also have to match the we we've already matched the 65,000 with another 65,000 I just think for personally like the stra structure like 70,000 is really expensive so that's just my point but yeah that's all the questions I had okay uh any further discussion call the RO councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel no five votes in affirmative one the negative the resolution is adopted may I have a motion to adopt resolution 235 d24 so move second is there any discussion I think we covered it um yeah okay call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 6 the affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted okay uh cool uh let's start with council president okay uh first of all I want to send my condolences out to Christina Tina mascola panon uh Steven rodek um Mrs Nolan which is Gary Bundy's uh uh mother-in-law uh Jim mccrady's sister M dang and Alice Perry on September 6th I attended the Hispanic Festival on the ninth I had the fire department meeting as usual they um they give me work orders and um so I'm waiting for the work orders to come in and hopefully we can get them done uh by the next meeting uh uh the 10th I attended the recreation meeting um it was originally scheduled for the 11th we moved it to the 10th because of the 911 memorial so uh we're just getting ready for Halloween and notices will be coming out soon um with the date the time you know and everything so believe it or not Halloween is here um on the 11th I tended the 911 memorial um you know it's so sad um you know every year it just uh it's unbelievable uh what this country went through that day but uh um and there's still uh Americans dying you know from the uh you know cancer related uh issues in their bodies so uh you know my prayers go out to every one of them um on the 16th I attended the uh special meeting of Mayor and counsel um we about the sewer uh of the five uh I mean the $3,000 we gotli 3 million 3,000 not going to do it 3 million uh the 3 million um thing so uh I was glad we had to meeting and you know it went through and the Rosell Park residents will benefit from it I know a lot of people been calling me and saying oh they're going to have to pay the second sewer bill so this will be a good thing um on the 16th I attended the historical site um um today I had the Joint Sewer meeting and um main thing we we we're going to repair the mixer gearbox gravity belt uh spare parts for the uh and uh know and I uh if you need to contact me you get me J patoski Rosa park.net and 908 666 7821 that's you can contact me and that's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman Ken I I should have talked to council pki beforehand but you just want to give a quick update on the sewer bill just to make sure that we're all on the same page there sure uh just want the residents to know mayor and Council have done everything in their power to make the second Bill uh go away uh as of right now we are telling residents please do not pay it uh we will make the final determination uh by the October 3rd meeting um and if we do not hear back it's in the state's hands right now there's nothing else the burrow can do we've done everything in our power to make it happen to make the bill disappear um so the governing body has worked diligently for that uh if it does not happen we will announce that at the October 3rd meeting the grace period will be extended to October 31st uh because right now we are telling residents not to pay uh the system the online system has been shut down to try and prevent that and uh that's where we stand right now thanks again yeah and and so just to be clear on that like we're working every day to make sure that this happens um I ask Andrew daily and we're in touch with folks of the state so um I know people are frustrated because we don't have a definitive answer right now um but I'd much rather you be frustrated with me and deliver on this hopefully this year uh than you know just give up and try and you know kick it to next year so um yeah we'll keep you updated uh okay uh councilman sigell good evening uh quiet two weeks I did attend the at n September 6 Hispanic uh Festival enjoyed music some good food some uh some good desserts and uh I attended the 911 ceremony as always and like I said councilman padowski can't believe how many years it's been so other than that it's been a quiet two weeks good to hear the state's trying to help us out hard work from everybody up on this day is to make it happen and Let's cross our fingers other than that you need to get a hold of me jarella Rosell park.net 908 uh 721 6488 that's ending my report okay councilwoman Lions good evening everyone mayor and Council and residents um on a Dad no I heard that Mr G passed away um and he he was our history teacher in Rosell Park High School so just sending out my condolences and everyone that had him he was just so amazing and just he brought laughter and and real just teaching us uh he was he was awesome so uh just wanted to mention that um this is an awesome time of year we have so many things happening I just do really want to applaud uh the $3 million again I like hear in it um and uh and I thank you for saying we did everything that we can do yes listen you guys on it I I give you props the whole city of Trenton is going to be very upset with Andrew after this making bills disappear would be a great logo over Rosal Park let's do that um okay so uh the Hispanic Festival was awesome uh September 6th and um yes we did gather for the 91 11 Memorial it's uh it's obviously such a sad day and just to be able to spend time and and moments together is uh is a blessing um I actually ran over to the library tonight they had L Louis M isura Latina band okay I tried to say did I say it good um they had that at the Rosal Park uh Library lawn uh there was a a food truck there and there was lots of um Kumbia is that how you say and dancing I tried I danc with Alex okay I did it uh it was awesome so please come out the reason we announced these things is that we want you to come and enjoy uh please find it on the Rosel park.net um and also the library uh website things to come the Arts Festival is coming back it was so awesome last year this uh it's going to be September 28th and it's all of Chestnut Street so you can't miss it so please come out and support support the vendors and really just hang out with with you know our families in Rosell Park we really want to see you out um the Annual Festival of India is October 5th that was awesome that was at the Rosal Park High School please come out they dance for hours they beat the Italians I just got to say that they were awesome and um one more uh October 19th the first annual Italian Heritage Festival is coming to Rosal Park and we are having canoli eating contest so mayor I think I might have to challenge you on that yeah no I'm in 100% yeah and yeah all right let me know if you guys want to come in maybe we do a whole Council and may thing yeah I won't do the I won't do the pretzel one cuz the pretzel no no canoli we're doing canol yeah I'll do that and uh we have vendors and and food trucks and we have Inflatables and live music please come and support everything that we're doing uh if you want to reach out to me our L at Rosal park.net and uh keep being family Rosal Park cuz we're a small town but um you know I could be anywhere in the world and if I recognize you from Rosal Park it's the best feeling so thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman pel uh M you GNA love this I don't have a a a report so K Patel Ro more of that more of that there we go round of applause for K Patel uh counsman Johnson well mayor mine isn't as short it's cont but it's definitely short it's definitely short um good evening mayor council uh residents I to attended several uh community events uh first one in order was the 911 ceremony the second one was uh um the special meeting that we had for the public safety and and also um oh the really the second one was the $3 million but yeah so just uh moving along just a couple of community announcements um at um at the request of commander rdon and Cat McCoy they want to meet to uh just continue to invite the community to our first October Fest celebration uh where this there's going to be pressle edting contests uh drinks all type of things this is um to help the American Legion Post 60 raise money and help uh the local veterans and our boy scout organization so please everyone Community come out it'll be uh Saturday September 21st um from 2: p.m. um excuse me from um yeah 2:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. so um the next uh Community engagement that uh will be coming up is um hosted by myself and the Greg Johnson civic association in partnership with New Jersey clean communities adopt the highway uh anyone wanting to come out a lot of you guys come up here and say hey officials you should do this you should do that well you guys should volunteer so stop telling me to do stuff and start showing me by volunteering so I expect you uh I expect to see some of you community members helping me clean up Rosel Park uh how you can get in contact with me would be at G GJ civic association gmail.com or you can just uh call my counsel number I'm not giving my personal number uh the last uh thing oh no disregard uh if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net or you can call me at 98331 1519 mayor that concludes my report ask not what Rosal Park can do for you ask what you can do for Rosal Park let's go help out stop stop just coming up here talk Rina go let's work I'm ready to work all right well good evening mayor good evening colleagues good evening Rosel Park I would like to share some updates from recent events and initiatives in our community yesterday I participated in the NJ clean Community lunch and learn session focusing on balloon recycling the adopted drain program and other important initiatives aimed at keeping our environment clean on Tuesday I attended a zoom meeting centered on creating effective and complete streets policies which is vital for improving accessibility and safety in our buau on Monday I joined my colleagues here for a special meeting to pass the resolution in support of the DCA application for the $3 million in grant funding for sewer utility Aid on September 11th I was president at Eline park for the street smarts campaign I would like to extend my gratitude to news12 for the coverage and to Chief Reno the mayor councilman large signarello ba casayas school superintendent go and commissioner uh Kowalski for their participation this initiative aims to educate the public about traffic laws and promote safe behaviors to reduce accidents and fatalities within our burrow we are currently focusing on data collection regarding West Webster and Myrtle uh expect more Outreach in the coming months and I'll keep you updated that evening I also attended the 9111 remembrance ceremony at Kelly Coff's Memorial Park on September 6th I enjoyed the Fiesta Latina Hispana celebration a special thank you to rup and Shaw for organizing this event as well to as well as all our local businesses for their participation in recent weeks I've been meeting with constituents and neighbors to discuss pressing issues in our community particularly regarding safety from speeding and distracted drivers as well as improving our open spaces and sidewalks we're taking action with increased enforcement and monitoring of speeders additionally we have contra contracted a vendor to replace sidewalks on the west side and I'm pleased to report that Verizon has addressed the hazard at the Ada ramp at fat in West kfax I'd like to say thank you to Chief Reno the mayor ba casai CFO Bloom for your responsiveness and support I've also heard comments and concerns from constituents about children riding bikes unsafely and without helmets parents please remember that we've given over 350 helmets in the last four years and have held Annual Bike safety events while Transportation Partners have educated our schools It ultimately starts at home over the last 5 years we've had 1,00 crashes in the burrow resulting in three fatalities motorists Road users and pedestrians all need to do their part state law mandates that Riders under 17 must wear helmets researchers have found that lower fatality rates are associated with safer practices across all Road users however the number of cyclist killed in traffic accidents has increased with 16 reported deaths in 2022 and 24 in 2023 following 26 fatalities in 2021 Nationwide the highest number in over 30 years this trend is concerning as the national tra highway traffic safety administration reports a steady rise in bicyclist fatality since 2010 averaging 800 deaths per year Nationwide additionally I've been addressing requests regarding senior housing and group housing for individuals with behavioral needs connecting constituents with resources information and information through the county finally as the chamber liaison I have an announcement for small business owners managers entrepreneurs and support staff looking to network and expand their client base our partners at the greater Union chamber will host a networking growth and success workshop on October 10th at the Titan Union Building 200 2003 morev for more information at the register for this free event please visit my Facebook page or visit the chambers uh website you can reach me at 862 23619 or email at JB Ros park.net mayor that concludes my report thank you Rosal Park thank you councilman um I have no report mayor Sig Rosal park.net if you have any question I keep it tight man only only when you guys need something I I talk enough throughout the meeting mayor s at rollal park.net if you have any questions though um may have motion to open the public portion on any subject some move second on favor I you can come up now if you like I'm not sure what ordinance it is or anything but that's okay I had a call from the sergeant name and address please oh Edward selia 26 West Rosell Avenue yep about taking away my handicap parking spot sure okay now when I applied for it okay in your rules it said you can't have a reserve parking spot in the build in kofax and you can't have a garage yep okay I applied for it November 16 I think it was took four months to put it in it's taking one day to take it out mhm okay I do not have a reserved parking spot okay there's a handicap spot in the back my wife is in a wheelchair it's hard because I just had a heart attack M it's hard to ramper up over there so sometimes nobody parks back there so I'll park back there okay because there's no ramps okay and they said that they want to take away my parking spot because I don't park there I park there sometimes not all the time I'll be honest okay but nobody parks in a handicap in the back but it's not a reserved handicap spot so anybody could park there so if I come in with my wife at night okay and there's no parking how do I get her into the house so I need a reserved spot okay kofax maner did nothing to accommodate me they told me oh we would we'll help you we'll help you we'll help you you you know they did absolutely nothing and I just don't understand they said they took pictures of my carar park there now it has to be one of somebody that works for the burrow or I've seen the the superintendent taking pictures of the street which is none of their business in my mind okay superintend what do you mean not the landlord oh got it okay not our superintendent super okay you guys nothing okay but I was say we take pictures what I'm saying is is I've been having a big fight with the board yep at kofax manner because they're very illegal in my opinion yep so they're doing everything they could to try to get back at me okay so they send their guy the super the landlord or whatever to go take pictures in the parking lot of my car when I'm not there no okay which it's street parking correct yep so it's none of their business if I park in the back okay in somebody's spot then they could say something okay but as far as that they just said yesterday that they took the parking spot away on the street the handicap now they said cuz I have a reserved parking spot in back which is not reserved I don't have a reserved garage I don't have a reserved parking spot and the handicap spot in the back some guy used to park there he had it for his wife his wife passed away so he don't have a handicap sticker okay now nobody ever told me oh you have to park there all the time because even with your permit parking which is down the block from there all the way to the train station okay permit parking is for the people that live there is that true or no I yeah it's basically based on the streets yeah if I was to take my camera and go to every house and see how many people have two cars that park in the garage and at 2:00 in the morning okay the street is totally empty shouldn't they lose their spot too because they're not parking there they have two cars they're both in the driveway and what I'm trying to say is that it's kofax manner not you guys I know it's not but it's them that's just trying every which way they took away my parking spots because you know I have like a lot of arguments that I'm suing wearing a lawsuit and stuff you know but I feel that they shouldn't have taken it away and what took them four months to put in in one day they already cut down the my plaque card now my wife has heart problems she goes to a Cardiologist she has osteoarthritis her spine is curved she can't walk she's in a wheelchair unfortunately you're out of time but yeah we we hear yeah I mean I'm I'm sure we're happy to talk afterwards I was going to say if you don't mind sticking around I don't mind talking yeah okay I had a couple of questions myself but what I what I could say is I mean look we have I can only speak from what I've heard we have for months heard this inbound from the association right that nobody's using it nobody's using it nobody's using it candidly when it comes to these things um because they can be you know a judgment call again unfortunately I'll I'll just we can talk afterwards um I leave this up to discretion and recommendation of the police um so you know I'm happy to talk to the chief again um I'm happy to talk after but we appreciate um your input and we'll stick around okay I'll STI around thank you so much yep anybody else come up and speak good evening Bill cross at 412 Galloping Hill Road uh first want to thank Andrew for calling me and letting me know the information on the trees for when you need to get a permit most help um second probably not the council but you can pass it along on FiOS channel 32 RP station there is a scrolling message on the bottom of the screen that says the town hall will be closed a day in June of 2022 that's important information for everybody so it's AIC message um if you know you know if you read it backwards and I just wanted to comment on on the ordinance that councilman Johnson uh supported um I agree with the ordinance and the big question really becomes the enforcement if we don't have enough police officers to enforce everything in town that needs to be done such as speeding and the other question I had was does this also cover the noise from illegal Mufflers on cars in addition to sound systems wouldn't that be covered under the the same one that's under mechan I mean no well if it's if it's idling but I mean there's there's uh there's other title 39 um uh regulations that police okay uh enforce as part of Patrol I could get you information on it I don't need it yeah I I mean but I don't think it would unnecessarily fall under the purview of the peace and good order orance all right thank you I think it would be more of a traffic for whatever it's worth I think it would be more of a traffic violation as opposed to peace in good order but yeah if it was idling I think it might be a little bit of a crossover okay anybody else I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I uh there are no items for Clos session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor hi hi e