##VIDEO ID:YdNZG03Z2QY## okay uh this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice this meeting was published in the Union County local Source in nework Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and copies on file with the office of the burrow clerk fire are located in the directions I'm indicating if you are alerted for a fire please move in a cal orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice haven't been giv the burrow clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes to the meeting please call the RO councilman John councilman patoski here Council Johnson pres Council Cella here councilman rabina here councilman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor sella here all present mayor uh opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen flag United States of stand indivisible andice okay uh we have a proclamation for Italian American heritage month and breast cancer awareness month is this is this Rose are you both of these huh what was that is that a joke no I don't know Italian American heritage right okay I don't know no no I would I mean I don't know the one female okay all right anyway come on up let's go okay let's go do it sure okay so it is Italian American heritage month this month uh we are doing our first Italian Festival this Saturday yes um I'm not going to read this Proclamation because it says a bunch of stuff that everybody knows already but there's a bunch of Italian Americans here Ro I don't know if there's anything you want to say in advance of this weekend yes yes okay so yes um just like the mayor said we are having our first uh Italian Heritage day uh celebration on September September October 19th 5:00 pm in the middle of town at uh Michael Mor uh Park and we have a lot of things going on so please everyone is welcome but when I was thinking about this um specific celebration and Proclamation I I'll say a few words in Italian okay it says ileso efor sacri it means Destiny is strong but sacrifice will drive you and that's where my parents came from um just in in really leaving their Homeland and coming here um and so many other people you know and many other cultures but I just just really am very proud to be able to be part of this community I grew up here um and just being able to to you know really just share life with other cultures um and I love Rosal Park so thank you mayor and thank you Council for this that's it I'll save this for this Saturday and maybe we can give it to Nico or something cool Co Round of Applause for a Time um and unfortunately we don't have anybody to accept it but we also just want to recognize uh that this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month um obviously it is important to get checked and be aware and um you know uh take your precautions and early detection is key with most cancers so uh go get checked um do we have Senator George hel's office was I just got a call okay okay I guess they they come yeah all right well if they come we can pick it up then uh okay may I have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I uh may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second uh all in favor I if you'd like to come up and speak on agenda items only you may do so now hello George Ramirez 500 East clav uh the storm sewer cleaning what's that for what storm sewers were they clean uh yeah do you want to I mean I could go through it but Andrew's probably so it's it's just systemwide uh the focus will be predominantly on the east side where they're the most problems uh going from Lehigh Avenue all the way down to the stretch by Locust Street uh it's kind of serpentines around the east side so that'll be the main focus but this is a per DM rate uh more or less $200,000 which is from the American Rescue plan money that the burrow received okay and how much of that so the full 200,000 200,000 will be used yeah it it comes it comes out to the way we've have it calculated with the rate and the bid that's being awarded or would be awarded if the governing body approves it it'll be around 20 days worth of work right cool all right thank you anybody else agenda items I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items so move second all in favor I I uh okay do we we did a we did reports reports last month last meeting I just say yeah go for it y yeah mayor I gave the I gave my report to the last meeting I just want to note as as the clerk this is the last meeting before the election um I cannot underscore the importance enough for people to vote um what I say to people all the time I really truly do not care how you vote I only care that you do vote I'm appreciative of everybody who came to voter registration deadline on Tuesday and everybody who is registered if you are registered and you're confused about how to vote uh if you have a vote by mail ballot you don't know what to do my office will not tell you who to vote for but we will tell you how to vote and cast your ballot so please if you have any questions or confused in any way the bur clerk's office number is 98245 6222 extension 78 you'll get anybody in my office who can answer those questions otherwise election day is Tuesday November 5th uh from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. polling places are open throughout the municipality that day for inperson voting uh and we hope you do vote so please dok looks like turnout's going to be big this year we already have I just checked like half of the vbms have already been sent back which is very out of the ordinary for this time during the election cycle usually we're chasing them so good get registered go vote um may have a motion to accept the reports as of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I may have a motion to take ordinance number 2789 from the table for further consideration so move second uh is there any discussion yes yes uh mayor I'd like to table this until uh Chief fro gets back cool for further discussion just procedurally speaking the motion is to remove it from the table so if you're going to table it you would vote no on this motion it would stay Ted oh that's probably the easiest then if you wanted to stay tabled then just vote it down if it does not vote the ordinance down it just does not remove it from the table okay that's good uh so I guess I need a roll call on the motion to take it off the table yes okay call the rooll councilman Petroski no councilman Johnson so the motion so so right now the mo the motion on the floor is to untable it right for further consideration this evening voting no would mean that it stays tabled and there will be no action this evening voting yes would mean that it is taken from the table and there is subject to further consideration on a motion to adopt no councilman signell no councilman rabina no council woman Lions no councilman Patel no six votes in the negative the motion to remove the item from the table is not agreed to and the ordinance remains tabled it's a first in six years uh okay uh please read ordinance number 2793 by title yes may ordinance 2793 is an ordinance for second reading in public hearing an ordinance amending chapter 22 of the code of the BB Rosal Park Fire Prevention and protection establishing section three thereof to be entitled electric bike scooter charging uh may I have a motion to open the public he on ordinance number 2793 so move second all in favor I I anybody like to come up and speak specifically on this ordinance I seeing no cool I'm seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordance number 2793 so move second uh is there any discussion no why just call the rooll JZ all in favor yeah all in favor I great may have a motion to adopt ORD number 2793 so move second is there any discussion I'm seeing none please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes why am I so confused right now oh councilman John that's why I'm confused councilman Johnson I apologize councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes did I skip anybody no all right good six in the affirmative the motion is agreed to and the ordinance is adopted cool do do I need a um motion to go back into let okay do you want to you're coming up from uh Senator Helm's office yeah come on up [Music] yep Joe's good sir's sir's too serious we need a motion to move out of order no no no we're good we're good no you're this mic's on unless you want to stand it's the easiest way to the camera to see you thank you so much uh good evening uh member of the council mayor uh resident uh my name is Michael Gray for many of uh the resident not know me I used to be the former uh District director to the late Congressman Donald ping Jr and uh since uh senator helming got into office part of his agenda is to touch as many constituents as possible and there are several services that our office provide and I just want to just briefly just highlight some of these services that could help member of the city council the mayor and also residents of of this uh beautiful uh City so for issues that deals with her legislation and like resolution you can come back the Washington DC office and they are responsible for that uh but when it comes to issue like constituent Services uh that covers like casework and events is the uh New Jersey office so I just wanted to highlight some of the issues that we can cover we know there are lots of Veteran in your in your in your beloved borrow that have done great things and sometimes they face a issue in terms of getting their benefits and our responsibility is we have a uh Congressional lers on to the veteran services and we can help to like uh mitigate those those kind of issues it could be issues uh deals with Health Care uh educational um Services services that deals with disability sometime feral benefits um and I know many of you have heard about the military academy it's a very prestigious Academy is equivalent to that of um Al League institutions um so our office the office of Senator heling can help your nieces your nephews your children your citizen uh to enroll in these institutions some of the institutions are like West Point uh the Naval Academy uh the Air Force the Coast Guard Merchant and Marine Academy and those are all institutions that prepare uh young people for for the job job of today and also the job of tomorrow in currently the senator is currently reviewing like 300 plus uh applications along with the staff and he's trying to get some of New Jersey youth into that particular program uh so sometimes you might face issue in terms of Social Security uh Social Security covered lots of aspect in terms of disability um and sometime like senior citizens um if you have have a issue with that particular agency we can like serve as a lers on and also when it come to like Medicare issues or Obama Care uh issues uh in addition sometimes people are faced with issues that deal with u um hard hard issues and those are issues that we can help with um Department of Housing and Urban Development issues in terms of may like cing discrimination uh bad land law or even mortgage issues sometimes uh C face issues with late mortgage payment and um uh we have that responsibility to to Advocate on the constituent behalf there could there could be provision where we could help uh the resident in terms of catching up with their um issue when it comes to like mortgage and payment I just want to touch on immigration also immigration is a very important aspect many people want to file for family members or like maybe like churches want to like bring in pastors which is religious Visa or issues that deals with like political solum and Refugee issue a family based petition mother filing for children children filing for for mother these are all issues that we can help to address and to the city council so sometimes you try to apply for like Federal grant um we try to encourage you that don't do alone you can come back the senator office and can give you a letter of support that you can attach to your application for Federal Grant and that can that can help uh substantially uh maybe you want to visit a white house or your children want to visit a white house we can we can plan a White House trip all the trip to the capital um so I can go on on but even like small business so many businesses in your area need access to Capital we can uh help you in terms of connecting with a small business administration or maybe businesses in your city wants to do International Trade we can contact we can Conta you with the Department of Commerce so to contact the Washington DC office the number is 202 22447 442 202 224 4744 for this Georgia city office is the number is uh 973 6453 030 the Georgia city office is 973 64530 30 0 and we have another office in barington and the number is 856 75753 53 85657 5 so sorry 75 5353 and to contact senator Helman maybe you want to have a meeting with him um you can go to his website it's heling hm y. senate.gov H LM y um. senate.gov you can share your opinion you can make a request and you can ask for some of the services that we have so I have some privacy waiver here I going leave with the member of the city council and the mayor so if you have constituent that face this issue please Senator hel wants to be up H to you he's a very proactive member of the Senate um that is why I'm here I've been going to different cities to let you know about these Services free services that your your constituent can benefit from so I'm open to any question you may have any questions no I just wanted to thank you for coming and and sharing that information uh Mr Gray we appreciate that thank you sir thank you for your time you thank you mayor and the member of the council for the wonderful job you do for the people of R Park thank you okay thank you cool thank you very much okay um we got done with 2793 right yes okay uh please read ordinance number 2794 by title yes mayor ordinance 2794 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing and ordinance amending chapter 7 section 17 the code of the bur Rosell Park entitled residential permit parking uh may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2794 so move second all in favor I uh would anybody like to come up and speak on this ordinance I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2794 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2794 so move second is there any discussion please call the r councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council Cella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes Council Patel yes sixy affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted all matters within Asis are considered to be reten and non-controversial by the council and be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing bod to requests in which case the item would be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 24424 is authorizing extension of the grace period for second payment of sery utility bills for the year 2024 until December 31st 2024 resolution 24524 is authorizing a lease with dings Irish pub and restaurant for three off street parking stalls located within Municipal parking lot number one in an amount of $1,186 through January 31st 2025 resolution 24624 is authorizing extension of the 2024 Farmers Market Market through November 27th 2024 resolution 24724 is awarding a contract with sellan sun General Construction Inc for the project improvements Avon Street and Berwin Street pursuant to the base bid in an amount not to exceed $440,500 resolution 24824 is awarding a contract to National water main cleaning company for the project miscellaneous storm sewer cleaning and televising pursuant to the base bid an amount not to exceed $200,000 resolution 24924 is authorizing the burough clerk to aution unclaimed vehicles and resolution 25024 is authorizing the B clerk to auction Vehicles no longer needed for public use okay are we pulling anything yes uh mayor I would like to pull 2 44-24 and 247-4 sounds good uh any further ones okay uh may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt resolution 24424 so move second is there any discussion uh yes um I didn't get a chance to finish uh conversating with uh Andrew and Ken I just want Ken just to go through just for clarity uh to to make sure that I'm grasping this uh correctly this extension will basically uh continue all the way until December 31st however if uh if the sewer pay second payment isn't paid by the 31st then the resident will be on the hook for interest up um starting from October 31st is that correct it would be uh October 1st okay reverts back to sorry okay then I'm I'm good thank you for clarity and thank you you guys uh captured what I wanted thank you cool any further discussion yeah um are we going to send out a postcard uh oh my good on this yeah go for it so so um right so there's been some discussion uh offline about about this um there didn't there wasn't a clear consensus right so I hope the governing body appreciates when I when I when I tell them no off the Record it's because there's not a consensus um it does appear that there is a consensus or at least there would be uh in this room um one of the reasons why I didn't bring this back up and dialogue with you guys um you know between the last meeting and now is there was this on the table pending uh potential another extension so we didn't want to send a mailer out that said October 31st and then have to then revise that and spend double on a mailing to say December 31st so unless there is a v vocalized objection now um I think Ken and I are um of the mindset that you know assuming uh this is approved we would move forward with a postcard mailing to all rate payers um if we can segregate I don't know if we can if we can segregate out those who haven't paid but we'll deal with that at a later Point um to remind them that it will be interest free until December 31st and if they don't pay as councilman Johnson said by December 31st they will be um hit with interest retroactively back to the due date of October 1st so it'll just be a friendly reminder um it seems like the governing body is broadly supportive of that and be happy to hear any objection well not happy but I if there are any objections Please Speak now or forever hold your peace the mailing will go out noted thank you thank you any further discussion please call call Council Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council Cella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six month fir mayor the resolution J K may I have a motion to adopt resolution 27424 so move second is there any discussion yes uh not trying to belabor but this is one of the first projects that um I was trying to kick off when I first ran uh back four or five years ago um I'm just happy to see it come to fruition finally um I did take the opportunity to to try to get uh uh a few uh Congressional uh letters of support but um we were that that Grant is very aggressive and unfortunately due to the half streets we got uh that Grant got crushed um so I'm just happy to see this uh finally come to fruition Avon and Berwin this has been one of the longest fights that I have for you advocating so I I thank uh Andrew for uh sticking with me me throughout the whole process and um I I really appreciate you thank you you're welcome okay uh any further discussion yes please call the role councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes Council Rina yes Council Lions yes Council P yes six mayor the resolution is adopted okay um reports of burrow Council committees uh start with uh council president okay thank you mayor okay um October 5th I attended the Indian festival um very great turnout I want to thank uh Ruben Shaw for all he did uh seemed like everyone had a good time um and is well attended uh on the fth I attended the recreation meeting U most of the uh conversation was about the uh uh Halloween um and also basketball okay on today I attended to Joint Sewer and we voted to replace a fiberglass staircase which is outdated and needed to be replaced okay uh Halloween uh for the recreation will be Sunday October 20th at the Anthony signorella Youth Center 234 ches street from 12: to 2 costumes from infant to 8th grade so please attend uh also uh four centuries in the weekend is this weekend at the Museum which is located on East Grand Avenue it's uh Saturday October 19th from 12 to 5 and Sunday October 20th from 12 to 5 okay again please keep Paul deito in your your prayers um and everything uh and also uh if you if you can help the American Legion the best they can uh we're always uh trying to help our veterans and councilman again thank you for your service I appreciate it uh if you need to get a hold of me you can get me at J Petroski at Rosel park.net 908 666 7821 mayor that's my report thank you thank you councilman councilman Johnson yes thank you mayor my report is going to be ex uh very short um I just wanted to say um I just wanted to recognize breast cancer awareness a month it really means a lot to me uh especially because my sister passed away from breast cancer um I just um I like what Union County is doing they're encouraging all their employees to wear uh Pink tomorrow on Friday and I just want to encourage the burrow to do the same um for the second um announcement that I would like to make is I I would like to personally thank uh Joe Patra I mean patski for his continuous advocation on behalf of the American Legions um we've been facing um issues trying to resolve and uh uh dilapidation of the post and um although I've done a lot um you need a team to really to really uh efficiently uh work out a lot of The Kinks and and things and um you just were truly amazing and I appreciate everything that you've done for advocating on behalf of post 60 um in the process and now we're going to be in the process of getting new steps um and through we wouldn't be able to do that without your networking and we appreciate you and you know our financial means is uh very minimal at this time so I'm going to talk to you guys offline later on I have a couple of ideas but I want to formulate it and make sure it's uh well put together but I just want to just thank you personally um that really concludes my report if anybody needs to get in contact with me you could email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net or you can contact me uh via phone 908 3031 1519 and that concludes my report mayor can I just add one thing okay also I want to thank uh uh Doo de Cosmo uh um he was able to get the uh business agent for the Brick Layers Union to do the work for Nothing free labor and everything and also I was able to contact uh Hunters uh lumber yard over in Rosel on First Avenue in Locust and they're going to donate all the material so they're going to get their steps done for free so uh you know so I appreciate Dalo and I also appreciate uh hunters for what they're doing for the Post 60 in Rosel Park thank you guys thank you mayor yep uh councilwoman Lions good evening mayor council residence um like I said October 19th 5:00 p.m. please come to the ital Italian Heritage Festival um we're going to have a great time and it's going to be 70 degrees during the day so thank God for good weather um also October 30th Mischief Night we had such an amazing time last year and it's coming back so please definitely come to that I think it starts at 6 6:30 um and that is uh October 30th and uh October 26 the Fall Festival for the library is happening please check them out on um on Facebook or or their website uh I know there's going to be a petting zoo so please bring the kids there um and that's actually my report if you need to contact me R Lions Rosal park.net uh or 908-7262 73 thank you breezing through this councilman Patel yes good evening the environmental commission hold it uh its second repair Cafe at the high school cafeteria October 5th volunteers successfully repaired more than 25 items on behalf of residents the events was uh another success and they expect to host their next Cafe in Winter uh so stay tuned for the updates uh later that day the Annual Festival India was fantastic celebration uh filled with dancing throughout the night earlier this week there was an accident on West Clay due to speeding I want to remind all residents to please slow down if you're going to if you're running late remember you're already late it's better to arrive safely um that's all I have have a good night if you have any question feel free to reach at me reach me at Capel Rosa park.net thank you thank you councilman Jay you want to keep the short short short reports rocking and rolling maybe maybe not we'll find out good evening Rosa Park as we enter October it's crucial to acknowledge several important observances Breast Cancer Awareness Month domestic violence Awareness Month the conclusion of Hispanic Heritage Month and the start of Italian Heritage Month additionally October marks fire prevention month time to enhance awareness about fire safety and protect our homes and families I Echo our councilman at largest sentiment by encouraging all residents to install smoke alarms in every bedroom hallway and on each level of your home including basements in light of these fire safety concerns I advocated for ordinance 2793 which passed this evening amends chapter 22 of the burough code regarding fire prevention and protection this ordinance includes a new section addressing electrical bike and scooter charging the legislation aims to strengthen our fire safety protocols protecting both residents and our volunteer firefighters this includes requirements for electrical installations fire prevention measures and safety protocols related to battery charging my family and in the FDNY knows the dangerous firsthand as in 2023 alone 268 New York City fires were attributed to lithium ion batteries many linked to ebikes alarmingly 59% of these fires occurred while the batteries were not charging as we see more people using ebikes and scooters in our community I'm working hard to stay ahead of the curve if you own an ebike or E scooter andure the batteries are you all listed look for the underwriter Laboratories Mark when purchasing devices as this indic Ates compliance with nationally recognized safety standards illegal and unregulated batteries may be cheaper but they pose serious risks and contribute to many fires in recent weeks I've enjoyed engaging with residents one-on-one and hosting meet and greet events similar to those held earlier this year I deeply appreciate everyone who's reached out in supported my efforts to represent our community over the past three years many have commended my commitment to professionalism respect and thoroughness regardless of political affiliation I want to highlight the importance of bipartisan collaboration in local government it allows us to prioritize Community needs over Party politics local elections should focus on practical issues such as public safety and infrastructure which transcend party lines ultimately it's about serving the best interest of our community as a whole fifth W residents as your councilman and as my constituents already know I prefer to focus on facts and solutions I want to emphasize the importance of collaboration and informed thoughtful decision making our community thrives when we come together bridging difference is to focus on the issues that matter most I want to remind everyone that the upcoming election is on Tuesday November 5th fifth W voters your polling place is Aldine School located 339 West Webster Avenue using the Myrtle Avenue entrance early voting will be taking place throughout the county from Saturday October 26th through Sunday November 3rd for those using mail and ballots a secure Dropbox is available at the Union County Emergency Services building at 535 low La I can be reached at J reine at Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor Rosel Park that concludes my report thank you councilman councilman sarella so I also want to just remind everybody this October my mother passed of comp complications of of breast cancer in 2014 and Jay thank you for 2793 uh for your effort on that and just remind the fire department we had a fire call on Tuesday of a lithium ion battery exploding in uh um the um I almost said Barber Shop the beauty PO on Grant and Chestnut it was a smaller little charging unit that you got to want to charge your phone up and whatever and the folks in there did a good job they used the extinguisher all went well fire department Hazmat came in but it was a smaller lithium I battery and uh the fire Department had a busy Monday in kjan to that accident on clay that was a car that flipped and the members of the fire department did an awesome job on removal of the patient it was in front of the park Lance so other than that just remind uh folks check your batteries make sure you have your your uh carbon monoxide detectors and your smoke detectors and not you now to get a hold of me uh Joseph J signorella at Rosa park.net that's the end of my report thank you councilman um two things uh one very tactical and one kind of macro level um uh think okay to mention I okay so so uh I I I love our guy rupin sha um unfortunately he uh was in an accident um earlier this week uh he is recovering and well um but uh it has been a loss this week not the least of which a logistical scramble for a bunch of things hopefully did you talk to again today okay good all right um but uh rupin if you are watching uh first off why are you watching this you should be do something more fun uh second off we wish you a good recovery and uh we miss you buddy and glad that you are okay um second thing I I also want to talk about the election um I uh I'm happy that the turnout's looking really good this year I encourage you guys to come out um I'll be out in about that day usually take the day off um but I I just I never really talk about like National politics but I I'm sick to my stomach over the last couple weeks and I just feel like it's really important to bring some of these things locally um you know I think Jay brings up a good point like yeah there are differences between Republicans and Democrats right and I've had Republicans up here we've had Democrats up here um don't know who's going to win the presidential election probably know who's going to win the state of New Jersey but like I I really cannot stress how disgusting the rhetoric has become and how I think we need to understand that locally for whoever's watching this um make it clear like down home like how disgusting and how scary it is when we talk about um you know people being persecuted and particularly sought after with military or police or whatever means um you know everybody knows whether you're a Democrat you probably know a Democrat um there's a lot in those in in Rosel Park and the thought that any political enemy would be gone after just because of their party is something that like if that's something you get behind and that's something that you can stomach then I think you really need to look yourself in the mirror um there's a lot that Democrats do wrong there's a lot that Republicans do wrong um but you know the idea that somebody should be targeted just because if they're blue or they're red or green or whatever is just it's stomach turning and it shouldn't be part of the rhetoric and it shouldn't be welcome here and it should shouldn't be welcome in the United States of America we should aspire to be better right we are the beacon on the hill as Ronald Reagan said um you know and it's a republican who I look up to a lot um so I really I hope you guys think about that if you're watching that right like you may have strong beliefs you may have a preferred candidate um but you probably know somebody who disagrees and the thought of them uh being attacked being considered the Enemy Within is really really stomach turning and I think should give anybody pause about that so uh to get heavy but um and I don't think it matters here in Rosell park right I mean again state of New Jersey's been blue for a very long time but um I think it's something that all of us locally should reflect um because it's it's very unsettling to me um and and even if it's a joke or even if it's I verbally it it doesn't belong in the mouths of people who are running for our highest offices so uh rant over um if you want to talk to me about something fun instead like uh trees or potholes uh you can email me at mayor Rolla park.net uh other than that um I will open up the have a motion to open up the public portion on any subject matter so move second all in favor I yeah yeah if you want to come up [Music] yep Edward S 26 C cofax Manor first I agree a th% with you I mean I've been attacked for not attacked but you know people just come up to me and they say who you want to vote for when you tell them then all of a sudden your best friend becomes your worst friend yeah it's just to the point whereas I think the best thing to do is keep it to yourself I'm just shutting up and vote well you guys probably guess who I'm voting for but no but I'm just saying keep it to yourself and you know otherwise there's just going to be all fights H happening both Republican and Democrat it is sad to say that this is the divided country y yeah you know I mean it is United States everybody should be United as one yep you know yep we all we all salute the flag at the beginning of this meeting right right of course so I agree a thousand per with you but like I said when it comes to politics I don't talk to no friends about it I don't talk to family about it y because it'll just start a war you know because everybody has their own belief respect it that's how I look at it you know yep but uh getting back to ordinance 2789 yep I know I got four minutes okay what was the outcome of it because I just that kind of went over my head for a second so there is no decision being taken tonight um there will assume I if Council chooses to take it back up again in November there will be a decision then I think ultimately what and I I won't let I won't speak for J um or any Council but I believe all of these spots are reviewed annually so I think since it's so late in the year I think we're just going to wait on the police's recommendation and then discuss all of them as a whole whether or not to be renewed annually because we're we're in November right so if we're reviewing them all at the end of the year might as well Jay is that an accurate summation or am my yes and there's a couple other things to add to um I did have host a meet and greet at CX man I did speak with Mr I also did meet with a few other resence and uh there's a compromise and I want to make sure that Chief Reno is back so we could all discuss this okay because another thing I came to this meeting tonight thinking that there was going to be a resolution to this problem and I see they must have all known that there was way ahead of time because I didn't know but none of them showed up I don't think anybody yeah I mean look so we and believe me they would show up I know them sure I maybe um but I I guess the point is there is no I mean so correct me if I'm wrong Andrew but or and bur attorney I I mean there is no resolution but things are still the status quo now right so until there's a change you still have your spot is that correct yeah yeah correct your spot is still in effect okay so okay that's all yeah I was gonna say the only thing the only thing we can fight who's got a Raiders who's a Raiders fan here and one more question have you seen the movie uh Primal Fair no what's it who's in this with Richard K and Edward Norton no have you ever seen seen it no you did you look like Richard GE kind of I see it kind of I kind of see it yeah all right that has to do with anything I that's a compliment he's a Gooding gu okay he's a good looking guy he's been cold wor worse thank you if anybody else would like to tell anybody what they look like on the day hair feel free it's the hair we get we get in trouble for our hair man I I don't have height I had to be I had to get something uh okay anybody else wish to come up and speak uh on any subject matter going once going twice three times may have motion to close the public matter on any subject matter some move second all in favor I I may have motion to adjourn so move second lovely meeting everybody all in favor I good job e e e e e for