okay oh it's a new thing it should be easier for you it's true they just got to tell you you're going to like it you're going to like it a lot is this our new our new burough attorney F this up no I just did it oh you okay ready yeah go okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local source and the New York Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy uh is on file with the office of the bur clerk fires are located in the exit in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the the nearest smoke free exit proper notice haven't been given the bur clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting Andrew please call the RO councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson president councilman signell here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel will be absent mayor signarello here give a quar mayor okay uh please lead us in the opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance mayor there was a request for a moment of silence um in memory of Greg Urban firefighter Greg Urban's passing thank you Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen I to the flag the United States of America and to the repblic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay um there are no Communications for review this evening there are no proclamations or presentations scheduled for this evening may have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I uh may have motion that bills and pay rules be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor hi hi got to get used to this new combo me too uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move all in favor would the public like to come up and speak on agenda items I like the public may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor uh uh reports of departments um Ken Andrew you guys want to hear anything I'll defer to the next meeting okay Ken I think I skipped you last time oh here we go just a friendly reminder uh taxes first quarter taxes due February 1st thanks Ken I did Skip you oh yeah because you were in the friend in the pews saying your prayers uh there are no May motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I there are no ordinances for second reading this evening Andrew please read ordinance number 2762 by title yes mayor ordinance 2762 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance mending chapter 7 section 24 of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled routes for trucks over 4 tons may have motion to approve ordinance number 2762 in introduction for introduction and fix the date for a second reading and public hearing as February 1st 2024 so move second there any discussion what's this Andrew uh this is just clarifying the truck routes which are all state and County Roads within the bur Rosel Park so this corrects some typos and clarifies where the routes actually exist okay cool please call the RO councilman Petroski yes counc Johnson yes councilman sarella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced please read 2763 by title yes may ordinance 2763 is an ordinance mending chapter 7 section 37 of the code of the B Rosa Park entitled loading zones uh may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2763 for introduction and fix the date for second reading public hearing as February 1st 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion is this do we do you already touch the loading zones is this what we talked about so at the end of last year we repealed all of the inconsistent loading zones uh these are instituting the two legal loading zones that exist one is on Route 28 pursuant to approvals with the dot one is on West Clay Avenue by iorio Delhi this the one that we're having the issue with by the movie there correct okay and then and this also clarifies the language as to what a loading zone can use use okay got it so that'll also fix or clarify like the ones on Chestnut Street for example uh yes yes yes okay you sure do we need to amend it no no it's good okay got it any further discussion please call the roong councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council sella yes Council Rina yes Council Lions yes councilman Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2764 by title yes may ordinance 2764 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 2 article four of the code of the B Rosell Park entitled board committees and commissions repealing section 43 entitled mayor's health and wellness committee may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2764 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as Feb 1 2024 so move second there any discussion please call the role councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes Council sarella councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions councilman Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced uh all matters listed within asss are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body s requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders uh please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 4124 is authorizing a purchase order with Collier's engineering and design Inc as burrow engineer for the year 2024 in the amount not to exceed $60,000 resol resolution 4224 is appointing Margaret heisy to the position of qualified purchasing agent resolution 4324 is authorizing bur clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 4424 is terminating the employment of Claudia vieri as part-time Community Center desk person resolution 4524 is terminating the employment of John F fuette as part-time bus driver resolution 4624 is authorizing a program agreement between the bur Rosell Park and aming Rodney in connection with Rosell Park Housing rehabilitation program case number rp-5 4 for the Improvement of property located at 430 Willow Avenue known as block 302 lot 15 of the municipal tax map resolution 4724 is authorizing the borrow clerk to auction Vehicles no longer needed for public use resolution 4824 is authorizing a reverse auction and purchase of electricity supply for public use via online auction website resolution 4924 is authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for 2024 Managed IT services to PCS resolution 5024 is authorizing a reverse auction for the purchase of natural gas supply for public use via an online auction website do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda I hear none may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I okay um councilman signarello you want to start off with your report it's brief I came late to the ice cream uh shop opening looks good the line was out the door I couldn't even get ice cream on Saturday but I'll go back this week uh just I always do uh snows in the for uh I hope it's not deep Too Much As A Firefighter if you got a fire hydrant in front of your house please clean the fire hydron for us and uh be careful out there that's all I have mayor thank you councilman councilman Johnson thank you mayor good evening residence and Council um I had a great opportunity uh to celebrate Dr Marth Luther King's birthday with uh mayor uh Dalia vatrice and the residents of Hillside they they did like an assembly SL uh job fair but more importantly I I really love the assembly that they put together and I think that would be something that uh we should consider in the near future but um great job um you know celebrating Dr King on the many sacrifices that he done for Humanity and our society as a whole kudos to our neighboring Community um at also at this time I would like to extend a warm welcome to shanana Keef uh on being selected by her peers for the 2024 diversity and inclusion committee chair she played a key role in forming the logo as we all know with her husband and so I think she'll be do an outstanding job this year and uh thank you to Chris for your me your two years of service as the chair you were the heartbeat of this committee um and thank you uh lastly um I would like to um just announce another great announcement uh the American Legions Post 60 is proud to announce expanding its Charter welcoming the woman's auxiliary is back yes we needed them oh my goodness so uh thank you ladies for uh forming that Charter that Charter excuse me and and and I just want to give a shout out to our new president C cat McCoy I look forward working with you guys for the benit of the veterans in the community that is all for my announcement so please remember your voice matters and as first W Council I will always place the concerns of the residents in Rosell Park first because local concerns matter if you need to get in contact with me that would be G Johnson Rosal park.net or you can call me 98331 1519 mayor record breaking that concludes it A+ that's the high watermark for 2024 you all have that to live up to no pressure councilman patoski thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my condolences out to May hokenson um uh she is the uh mother of former mayor Carl hokenson U uh Ruth aner Michael jackam Carolyn Brown which was from the class of 1970 Grace lamonaco um if people might not remember her son was killed he was a State Trooper um I believe 80 or 81 Jo 80 80 yeah I thought so though and also Gregory Urban who was a fireman in town uh December 28th uh we had a special meeting of Joint Sewer basically just to go over the uh end of the year um uh and get ready for uh 2024 on January 5th I attended the PBA Gala again thank you uh Chief uh Dominic fro for the invite I had a very good time um I'm sure you did too absolutely letting you hand that okay okay um on the 10th I attended the recreation committee meeting um they're getting ready for uh 2024 um they want to get a a little more involved in the town on things so um so that's basically what we talked about on the 13th I attended Park Ice Cream uh the ribbon cutting ceremony uh good luck Chris uh with the uh ice cream uh uh today I had the uh Joint Sewer uh uh meeting uh basically we uh get ready for 2024 we elected a new chairman which was Joe Florio from Union Joe when are you gonna be chairman come on I need your influence all right I'll see what I can do um muscle some votes for you okay uh but uh yeah we basically uh we elected him as our new chairman Joe's been on uh The Joint Sewer for years and years so uh a little reach out I was told to answer this uh post 60 uh uh they would like anyone to come down um they could use the business uh a little slow lately um so if you like to go down and have a good time with veterans it helps out um the uh post 60 um they could use to business so uh I was told to ask that I I did sign up I mean am a uh so member which is a son of legionaire um and then uh so um we're going they haven't really had one in a couple years yeah yeah so um we're start I think we're going to do a lot of good things um and everything so but again if you're not doing anything stop down post 60 it's on East Westfield Avenue you know the exact address yeah 34 34 East Westfield Avenue um so please help them out they could use everyone's help uh if you need to contact me you can get me at J Petroski rosof park.net 908 666 7821 that's my report mayor thank you very good job Jo glad you're helping out too thank you okay Council lines good evening happy New Year can we still say that I think so end of January we didn't get to say anything last time so just happy New Year everyone Rosel Park um I just I uh I have a small report as well I mean it's awesome Park Ice Cream I was I was saying you know we can all scream for Park ice cream now so I'm excited for Christmas you got me on video doing it listen that that's the thing the M all right um but it's exciting those are the good things that are happening in Rosal Park um and I just want to reiterate what um councilman Petroski said that uh obviously we lost fireman Greg Urban in uh we send our cond condolences to that uh to the family and also Grace L Monaco um I chat with Diane often and um I had just actually texted her like the day before or the day of that it happened so she was 98 years old I was able to actually give her biscotti um and meet her so she um was a sweet woman so we send our condolences to them um but I just actually just want to just reminder and um for the Rosal part par app yeah um if anyone is listening uh in roselt park to this please use the feature that you can report the problem because it really is such a help um I've seen garbages that were overflowing or anything like that and it gets immediately fixed so by the time you email a bunch of people or us I mean more than welcome you can email me call me that's not a problem I'm just saying it's such a great feature so if that's just a little reminder for Rosell Park and then um I just want to thank uh Paul bamon cuz he actually uh was someone that um gave me a heads up for a water man water man break right in front of my house like literally at my uh in front of my house so had a pool going on over yeah and uh but they came out and they were out there all night I wanted to run out there with a pot of coffee like I felt so bad for them but um just wanted to thank him and uh and thank everybody here it's it's been a year that I've um this is my first year that I've completed with you guys and I just appreciate it um you're a great team all of you um and I look forward to 2024 um 24 is a number that uh represents open doors um and that's what it actually means so I've been saying it for um for a few months now but open doors in 24 so uh I pray that you know over Rosal Park that we're going to have some awesome open doors and it started with Park ice cream so um that's it that's my report awesome thank you councilwoman Council Rina you're over there on an island you can move closer man all right well good evening mayor uh good evening Rosel Park getting into it on January 9th I met with our construction official and Engineers regarding the long-standing issue of ponding on NJ dot property in front of Woodside Gardens next step is Outreach the dot d and we're working to obtain a quote on getting this fixed on the 11th I met with our police chief and bur administrator at Woodside AV and kfax to discuss our Ada ramps and striping to increase access and mobility in the area on the 12th I attended Community Access unlimited music for all concert at Kan University just wanted to say fantastic job by the Rosel Park Middle School choir they sang holiday numbers and join all singers to perform Bohemian rapity as the finale I wanted to recognize choir director Anthony Delaney for his leadership and all participating students for their hard work and dedication on the 13th I joined my colleagues for the park ice cream ribbon cutting look forward to seeing them join the chamber soon so they can benefit from the support and resources uh so they can grow and thrive in our community in which they already committed they're going to join I also look forward to meeting soon and partnering with councilwoman Lions to help advocate for our small Mom and Pops as a saying goes if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together and yesterday I participated in a chamber meeting regarding an upcoming multi-chamber networking event any businesses interested I have information on my Facebook page and and I'll share it in a moment today I was on an American Trails webinar about making progress in Walking bicycling and micr Mobility I'm very passionate about bikes bike and pedestrian safety and grateful to have the support from my colleagues here especially mayor and councilman at large for greenlighting these important improvements these last few weeks I've been in touch with Ward residents on a host of issues and I'd like to thank our professionals including DPW and PD for your quick action next week on the 22nd we've got a municipal land use board meeting here in council chambers on the 24th uh via Zoom counties having their transportation Advisory board meeting on January 30th from 6 to 8:00 p.m. multi-chamber networking event at gping Hill caters so far 200 signed up and space is getting limited every town and Union County is being represented this member benefit allows folks to mingle connect and make some good contacts the event cost is $55 for chamber members $70 for non-members 85 for Walkins before I conclude my condolences to Lieutenant Ryan Urban his family friends and the Roso Park fire department on the passing of Greg Urban and to L mono family on the passing of Grace L mono May those lost rest in Eternal peace like to say thank you to Mayor and the team for your continued support in fifth word you know I'm here for you I can be reach to J rebin at Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor that concludes my report HTE this button acellent reports all around um okay uh my report um yeah just have two things congratulations to Rosal Park ice cream and once again echoing condolences for the Urban Family um you know my personal apologies I plan on making the services uh last Friday unfortunately I have a day job and something came up so you know I've apologized to the Chief and want to make sure the fire department knows that um you know I grieve with them and Mr Urban was a very good guy um you know we have his son in the DPW who does a great job too so um you know make sure that they're in our thoughts and prayers and you know we appreciate volunteer fireman and we appreciate everything that he did um other than that uh mayor s at Rosal park.net download the Rosal Park app please yes download the R I think we only have like 500 downloads it's not enough I'm GNA do a commercial I supportive of it we'll put some Facebook money behind it let's go I'm gonna make you all do the commercial with me tonight okay I believe you uh uh all right um may have a motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor all right hi hi goals have us under 30 minutes Tim let's go oh man I can do four no problem uh Tim kley 2113 Charlotte Terrace I just figured we had our first uh environmental commission meeting of the year last night and in councilman Patel's abon thought I'd give a couple of quick updates and a couple of favors for mayor and councel uh we have a date for our repair Cafe I know some of you are aware of this event you know it's been in the works for a little while uh for those that don't know it's this is an event I believe it started in somewhere in in uh in Europe designed to bring local residents together with local experts trades people hobbyist Craftsmen to make small repairs to household items you know think bike chains holes in your sweater broken necklace you know a lamp that's not working anymore and you know the idea of it is really to reduce household reduce waste you know take things that would normally go to a landfill and maybe reduce for use recycle and then you know offers an opportunity for folks to interact so we have a date for that it's going to be March 23rd that's a Saturday uh 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cassano Center I hope to see it on the Rosel Park app calendar eventually but uh you know the hardest thing about this you know I think we have a lot of volunteers we have a lot of folks who are excited about this we just need the folks who can do the repairs and we have some we have a few so far you know it's hard to find some of these folks I know we have them in town so you know just could use your help if you know anyone in your in your districts and your WS who have any kind of expertise you know the more the marrier what do you have covered so far Tim we have a folks we have Lisa cap is going to do jewelry we have uh couple of folks maybe might be doing uh some sewing uh what do we have leather work maybe some light electrics or lamps things of that nature but uh could always use more people I think backups to backups are good cuz you never know what folks are going to bring in right so yeah jewelry repair bicycles if we know I I keep hearing there's someone in town to does knife sharpening that's a fantastic one to have available but uh yeah things like small electrics maybe light it work H you need someone for bikes that'd be great I think we have one person who offered but like I said can't hurt to have more yeah but I'll I'll send a note around to you guys so you know about this uh just real quick the other thing I want to point out is uh we we put together a survey last fall for uh to kind of guide some of our former Green Team efforts you know try to try to identify among the you know residents what they feel uh you know kind of the priorities might be so I know Andrew pointed out the yeah survey needs a little bit of work so I'm going to rework it a little bit and if you don't mind I'm going to send it around to you guys I'm going to post it on social media you know we'll have it available at all of our events but you know just give you some help getting some more responses I think we have maybe 25 responses so far would love to get a few hundred cuz that's a you know real good sample in terms of what we should be working on in the future and I think we can really build some uh enthusiasm for that so thank you can you just reset that post around too and I'll post it on my yeah yeah yeah they'll be they'll be posts on both both these events for sure cool cool let's plant some trees let's plant a bunch of trees and we have an intern we'll bring we'll bring her soon she's great new member of the environmental commission we have an Allstar right there he got a ringer jeez guy was firing off emails right and left last night right awesome love it cool all right thanks guys yep thank you anybody else seeing no one uh may have a motion to close the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I there are no items for closed session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I great meeting everybody 24 --------- I just did it all you okay ready yeah go okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local source and the newwork Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy uh is on file with the office of the burough clerk fires are located in the exit in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move in a cal orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice haven't been given the bur clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes meeting Andrew please call the r councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson president councilman sella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here counc Patel will be absent mayor signarello here give a quar mayor okay uh please lead us in the opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance mayor there was a request for a moment of silence um in memory of Greg Urban firefighter Greg Urban's passing thank you Eternal God God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay um there are no Communications for review this evening there are no proclamations or presentations scheduled for this evening may have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I uh may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I got to get used to this new combo to uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I would the public like to come up and speak on agenda items I like the public we have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor uh uh reports of departments um Ken Andrew you guys want to hear anything I'll defer to the next meeting okay Ken I think I skipped you last time oh here we go just a friendly reminder uh taxes first quarter taxes due February 1st thanks Ken I did Skip you oh yeah because you were in the in the pews saying your prayers uh there are no may have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I there are no ordinances for second reading this evening Andrew please read ordinance number 2762 by title yes mayor ordinance 2762 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 7 section 24 of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled routes for trucks over 4 tons m motion to approve ordinance number 2762 and introduction for introduction and fix a date for a second reading and public hearing as February 1st 2024 so move second there any discussion what's this Andrew uh this is just clarifying the truck routes which are all state and County Roads within the bur Rosel Park so this corrects some typos and clarifies where the routes actually exist okay cool please call the r councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes Council Rina yes Council Lions yes councilman Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced please read 2763 by title yes may ordinance 2763 is an ordinance mending chapter 7 section 37 of the code of the bur Rosa Park entitled loading zones uh may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2763 for introduction and fix the date for second reading public hearing as February 1st 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion is this do we do you already touch the loading zones is this what we talked about so at the end of last year we repealed all of the inconsistent loading zones uh these are instituting the two legal loading zones that exist one is on Route 28 pursuant to approvals with the dot one is on West Clay Avenue by iorio Deli this is the one that we're having the issue with by the movie there correct okay and then and this also clarifies the language as to what a loading zone can use be used okay got it so that'll also fix or clarify like the ones on Chestnut Street for example uh yes yes yes okay sure do we need to amend it no no it's good okay got it any further discussion please call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sell yes Council Rina yes Council Lions yes Council Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance Su 2764 by title yes may ordinance 2764 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 2 article four of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled boards committees and commissions repealing section 43 entitled mayor's health and wellness committee may have motion to approve ordinance number 2764 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as Feb 1 2024 so move second there any discussion please call the role councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson Council sella councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions Council Patel is absent five in the affirmative one absent the ordinance is introduced uh all matters listed with an asss are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body shall request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders uh please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 4124 is authorizing a purchase order with Collier's engineering and design Inc as burrow engineer for the year 2024 and the amount not to exceed $60,000 resol resolution 4224 is appointing Margaret heisy to the position of qualified purchasing agent resolution 4324 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 4424 is terminating the employment of Claudia V AR as part-time Community Center desk person resolution 4524 is terminating the employment of John F fuette as part-time bus driver resolution 4624 is authorizing a program agreement between the bur Rosal Park and ammani Rodney in connection with Rosal Park Housing rehabilitation program case number rp-5 4 for the Improvement of property located at 430 Willow Avenue known as block 302 lot 15 of the municipal tax map resolution 4724 is authorizing the borrow clerk to auction Vehicles no longer needed for public use resolution 4824 is authoriz iing a reverse auction and purchase of electricity supply for public use via online auction website resolution 4924 is authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for 2024 Managed IT services to PCS resolution 5024 is authorizing reverse auction for the purchase of natural gas supply for public use via an online auction website do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda I hear none may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I okay um councilman signorella you want to start off with your report it's brief I came late to the ice cream uh shop opening looks good the line was out the door I couldn't even get ice cream on Saturday but I'll go back this week uh just I always do uh snows in the forecast uh I hope it's not deep too much as a firefighter if you got a fire hydrant in front of your house please clean the fire hydrant for us and uh be careful out there that's all I have mayor thank you councilman councilman Johnson thank you mayor good evening uh residents and Council um I had a great opportunity uh to celebrate Dr Marth Luther King's birthday with uh mayor uh Dalia Patrice and the residents of Hillside they they did like an assembly slash uh job fair but more importantly I I really love the assembly that they put together and I think that would be something that uh we should consider in the near future but um great job um you know celebrating Dr King on the many sacrifices that he done for Humanity and our society as a whole kudos to our neighboring Community um at also at this time I would like to extend a warm welcome to shanana O'Keefe uh on being selected by her peers for the 2024 diversity and inclusion committee chair she played a key role in forming the logo as we all know with her husband and so I think she'll be do an outstanding job this year and uh thank you to Chris for your me your two years of service as the chair you were the heartbeat of this committee um and thank you uh lastly um I would like to um just announce another great announcement uh the American Legions Post 60 is proud to announce expanding his Charter welcoming the women's auxiliary is back yes we needed them oh my goodness so uh thank you ladies for uh forming that Charter that Charter excuse me and and and I just want to give a shout out to our new president C cat McCoy I look forward working with you guys for the benit of the veterans in the community that is all for my announcement so please remember your voice matters and as first word counsel I will always place the concerns of the residents in Rosel Park first because local concerns matter if you need to get in contact with me that would be G Johnson Rosal park.net or you can call me 98303 15 19 mayor record breaking that concludes it A+ very impressive that's the high watermark for 2024 you all have that to live up to no pressure councilman patoski thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my condolences out to May hokenson um uh she is the uh mother of former mayor Carl hokenson U uh ruthanne Munger Michael jackam Carolyn Brown which was from the class of 1970 Grace lamonaco um if people might not uh remember her her son was killed he was a State Trooper um I believe 80 or 81 Jo 80 80 yeah I thought so though and also Gregory Urban who was a fireman in town uh December 28th uh we had a special meeting of join SE basically just to go over the uh end of the year um uh and get ready for uh 20124 on January 5th I attended the PBA Gala again thank you uh Chief uh domic uh fro for the invite I had a very good time um I'm sure you did too absolutely let you have okay okay um on the 10th I attended the recreation committee meeting um they're getting ready for uh 2024 um they want to get a a little more involved in the town on things so um so that's basically what we talked about on the 13th I attended Park Ice Cream uh The rivon Cutting ceremony uh good luck Chris uh with the uh ice cream uh uh today I had the uh Joint Sewer uh uh meeting uh basically we uh get ready for 2024 we elected a new chairman which was Joe Florio from Union Joe when are you going to be chairman come on I need your influence all right I'll see what I can do okay um muscle some votes for you okay uh but uh yeah uh we basically uh we elected him as our new chairman Joe's been on uh The Joint Sewer for years and years so uh uh a little reach out I was told to ask this uh post 60 uh uh they would like anyone to come down uh they could use the business uh a little slow lately um so if you like to go down and have a good time with veterans it helps out um the uh post 60 um they could use the business so uh I was told to ask that I I did sign up I mean am a uh so member which is a son of legionaire um and then uh so um we're going they haven't really had one in a couple years yeah yeah so um we're start I think we're going to do a lot of good things um and everything so but again if you're not doing anything stop down post 60 it's on East Westfield Avenue you know the exact address yeah 34 34 East Westfield Avenue um so please uh help them out they could use everyone's help uh if you need to contact me you can get me a j Petroski at rosof park.net 9086664419 ice cream I was I was saying you know we can all scream for Park ice cream now so I'm excited for Christmas you got me on video do it listen that that's the thing the motto all right um but it's exciting those are the good things that are happening in Rosal Park um and I just want to reiterate what um councilman Petroski said that uh obviously we lost fireman Greg Urban uh we send our cond condolences to that uh to the family and also Grace Monico um I chat with Diane often and um I had just actually texted her like the day before or the day of that it happened so she was 98 years old I was able to actually give her biscotti um and meet her so she um was a sweet woman so we send our condolences to them um but I just actually just want to just reminder and um for the Rosal Park app yeah um if anyone is listening uh in roselt park to this please use the feature that you can report the problem because it really is such a help um I've seen garbages that were overflowing or anything like that and it gets immediately fixed so by the time you email uh a bunch of people or us I mean more than welcome you can email me call me that's not a problem I'm just saying it's such a great feature so if that's just a little reminder for Rosel Park and then um I just want to thank uh Paul Monte cuz he actually uh was someone that um gave me a heads up for a water man water man break right in front of my house like literally at my uh in front of my house so had a pool going on over and uh but they came out and they were out there all night I wanted to run out there with a pot of coffee like I felt so bad for them but um just wanted to thank him and uh and thank everybody here it's been a year that I've um this is my first year that I've completed with you guys and I just appreciate it um you're a great team all of you um and I look forward to 2024 um 24 is a number that uh represents open doors um and that's what it actually means so I've been saying it for um for a few months now but open doors in 24 so uh I pray that you know over rosol Park that we're going to have some awesome open doors and it started with Park ice cream so um that's it that's my report awesome thank you Council woman Council Rina you're over there on an island you can move closer man all right well good evening mayor uh good evening Rosel Park get into it on January 9th I met with our construction official and Engineers regarding the long-standing issue of ponding on NJ dot property in front of Woodside Gardens next step is Outreach the dot d and we're working to obtain a quote on getting this fixed on the 11th I met with our police chief and bur administrator at Woodside AV and kfax to discuss our Ada ramps and striping to increase access and mobility in the area on the 12th I attended Community Access unlimited music for all concert at Kan University just wanted to say fantastic job by the Rosal Park Middle School choir they sang holiday numbers and joined all singers to perform Bohemian rapity as the finale I wanted to recognize choir director Anthony Delaney for his leadership and all participating students for their hard work and dedication on the 13th I joined my colleagues for the park ice cream ribbon cutting look forward to seeing them join the chamber soon so they can benefit from the support important resources uh so they can grow and thrive in our community in which they already committed they're going to join I also look forward to meeting soon in partnering with councilwoman Lions to help advocate for our small Mom and Pops as a saying goes if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together and yesterday I participated in a chamber meeting regarding an upcoming multi-chamber networking event any business is interested I have information on my Facebook page and I'll share it in a moment today I was on an American Trails webinar about making progress in Walking bicycling and micro Mobility I'm very passionate about bikes bike and pedestrian safety and grateful to have the support from my colleagues here especially mayor and councilman at large for greenlighting these important improvements these last few weeks I've been in touch with Ward residents on a host of issues and I'd like to thank our professionals including DPW and PD for your quick action next week on the 22nd we've got a municipal land use board meeting here in council chambers on the 24th uh via Zoom counties having their transportation Advisory board meeting on January 30th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. multi-chamber networking event at galing Hill caters so far 200 signed up and space is getting limited every town in Union County is being represented this member benefit allows folks to mingle connect and make some good contacts the event cost is $55 for chamber members $70 for non-members 85 for Walkins before I conclude my condolences to Lieutenant Ryan Urban his family friends and the Rosal Park fire department on the passing of Greg Urban and to L Monico family on the passing of Grace L Monico May those lost rest in Eternal peace i' like to say thank you to Mayor and the team for your continued support and fifth W you know I'm here for you I can be reached at J rebin at Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor that concludes my report I hate this button excellent reports all around um okay uh my report um yeah I just have two things congratulations to Rosell Park ice cream and once again echoing condolences for the Urban Family um you know my personal apologies I planned on making the services uh last Friday unfortunately I have a day job and something came up so you know I've apologize to the Chief and want to make sure the fire department knows that um you know I agreed with them and Mr Urban was a very good guy um you know we have a son in DPW does a great job too so um you know make sure that they're in our thoughts and prayers and you know we appreciate volunteer fireman and we appreciate everything that he did um other than that uh mayor s at Rosal park.net download the Rosal Park app please yeah download the world I think we only have like 500 downloads it's not enough I'm going to do a commercial supportive of it we'll put some Facebook money behind it let's go I'm GNA make you all do the commercial with me tonight okay I believe you uh uh all right um may have a motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor all right by hi goal is to have us under 30 minutes Tim let's go oh man I can do four no problem Tim kley 2113 Charlotte Terrace I just figured we had our first uh environmental commission meeting of the year last night and in councilman Patel apons thought I'd give a couple of quick updates and a couple of favors for mayor and Council uh we have a date for our repair Cafe I know some of you are aware of this event you know it's been in the works for a little while uh for those that don't know it's this is an event I believe it started in somewhere in in uh in Europe designed to bring local residents together with local experts trades people hobbyist Craftsmen to make small repairs to household items you know think bike chains holes in your sweater a broken necklace you know a lamp that's not working anymore and you know the idea of it is really to reduce household reduce waste you know take things that would normally go to a landfill and maybe reduce for use recycle and then you know offers an opportunity for folks to interact so we have a date for that it's going to be March 23rd that's a Saturday uh 10: a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cassano Center I hope to see it on the Rosel Park app calendar eventually but I you know the hardest thing about this you know I think we have a lot of volunteers we have a lot of folks who are excited about this we just need the folks who can do the repairs and we have some we have a few volunteers so far you know it's hard to find some of these folks I know we have them in town so you know just could use your help if you know anyone in your in your districts in your Wards who have any kind of expertise you know the more the marrier what do you have covered so far Tim we have a folks we have Lisa Capa is going to do jewelry we have uh couple folks maybe might be doing uh some sewing uh what do we have leather work maybe some light electrics or lamps things of that nature but uh could always use more people I think backups to backups are good cuz you never know what folks are going to bring in right so yeah jewelry repair bicycle if we know I I keep hearing there's someone in town who does knife sharpening that's a fantastic one to have available but uh yeah things like small electrics maybe work H you need someone for bikes that'd be great I think we have one person who offered but like I said can't hurt to have more yeah but I'll I'll send a note around to you guys so you know about this uh just real quick the other thing I want to point out is uh we put together a survey last fall for uh to kind of guide some of our former Green Team efforts you know try to try to identify among the you know residents what they feel uh you know kind of the priorities might be so I know Andrew pointed out the yeah survey needs a little bit of work so I'm going to rework it a little bit and if you don't mind I'm going to send it around to you guys I'm going to post it on social media you know we'll have it available at all of our events but you know just could you some help getting some more responses I think we have maybe 25 responses so far would love to get a few hundred CU that's a you know real good sample in terms of what we should be working working on in the future and I think we can really build some uh enthusiasm for that so thank you can you just reset that post around too and I'll post it on my yeah yeah yeah they'll be they'll be posts on both both these events for sure cool cool let's plant some trees man let's plant a bunch of trees and we have an intern we'll bring we'll bring her soon she you also got a great new member of the environmental commission we have an Allstar right there he got ringer jeez guy was firing off emails right and left last night right awesome love it cool all right thanks guys yep thank you anybody else seeing no one uh may have a motion to close the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I there are no items for Clos session may I have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I great meeting everybody 24