##VIDEO ID:p7RVrpwIlaI## okay uh uh Andrew please call the roll oh wait where's the the oh um not here this uh go okay thank you uh this meeting I'm like I like a trained animal I just look at the red stuff um this meeting is being held in accordant with the open public meetings act and adequate notice this meeting has been provided as required by law certain portions of it may be closed to the public for the purpose of personnel and or other matters is outlined in Sunshine Law decisions made and or discussed in closed session will be will be made known to the public at a later date fire is located direction as I'm indicating in case of fire will be notified by me via the public address system if you're alerted for fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit or is directed by me over the public address system call the RO councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson president councilman sarella here councilman rabina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signorella here all present mayor opening prayer PL of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen pled algi to the flag United States of America stand indivisible okay there are no Communications for review this evening uh we do have one certificate um I'd like to call up uh councilman Petroski and Johnson um for the American Legion Post 60 improvements guys you want to come on up yeah on um so uh I'll let Council trosi and Johnson talk about this but in really short um we're very proud to have these guys uh have come helped out Rosal Park ad Doo come on you're not coming up come on up come on up come on come on um you know uh these guys have gone out of their way to help out an institution in the American Legion here uh in their moment in need and we're very happy and grateful to have them here but you guys are more Point people than me Greg Joe PE okay thank you mayor um there's been problems at the American Legion with the steps uh I've been hearing about it for over two years as a member of the Sal U at the means they brought it up and everything so finally I said let's get it done why we keep talking about it let's get it done so they said well we need some I said I got the right man for the job my friend over here at do Cosmo I called him the next day and we got the ball rolling right away okay with the help of Councilman Greg Johnson who who also was uh did his service for our country and I appreciate it every day and all veterans same you with uh commander and um I still I'm still touched by your speech that you give every really hit scare um but instead of we kept talking about talking about nothing got done so I finally brought it up I made the phone call Doo right away we got the uh stuff done he got a hold of the uh Brick Layers Leroy over here and his his friend Mike um so they came uh they looked at the steps boom boom boom um picked the date they did it uh we uh again Hunter's Supply house over in Rosel on the corner of First Avenue and Locust uh donated all all the brick and all the Limestone and the cement so that was a big uh help to the legion and uh we got it done and it looks fantastic right now we're just waiting on the railings when I was told and cuzamano is supposed to be doing it and they they're going to donate their time and that and that's supposed to come next week so we'll have the steps finally done also we took notice that the uh painting needed done in yeah so my friend over here made a phone call we got the painters uh local to come they took care of it and we got it uh done and it looks good now I uh my friend over here told me he's going to do it next year the back yes I'll do at any point in time okay give me but both these guys said anything to do with veterans they're here they'll do anything in the world for veterans which we all appreciate okay um I'm going to make uh councilman Johnson feel thing my famous saying is we needed them now they need us so we need to help them that's why it's very important if you want to go down have a couple drinks go down there if you need a whole rental take care of it they could use the money and we're going to do all we can to help the uh the legion out so uh like I said I'm so proud I'm so and we're going to get more done next year once the weather gets better um uh again my friend over here at Dao the flooring down the Legion by the bar that's all going to be redone um hopefully sometime over the winter um and then we'll get more done as to go on but again I I thank these guys very much um I appreciate everything they did um so again let's give Applause to these guys um Captain say yeah I won't take up too much of everyone's time I just just want to say thank you thank you Commander salute to you uh thank you AR Doo and more importantly I don't I'll be remiss if we forget thank you to you Joe because you initiated what we've been conversating for for well over two years yes so this was the uh Commander always the Commander's Vision even prior to me even becoming commander and leaving and I'm just glad that I'm finally seeing that being facilitated and done so thank you so much it all the veterans appreciate it Commander I don't know if you want to have a few words but thank you all you guys and one more round of applause thank you P for taking the initiative and and and organizing this thing so thank you very much Commander we'll give you you can hand out the certificates okay okay okay the first one is adalo do Cosmo and he's upset with me because I I told him I was GNA give I I didn't want anything because I really didn't do the work beautiful I nice thank you Joe yeah but you know you know I called I called my good friends and when I told them it was for the Vets they came out and they they came out real hard and they they came out for me and for the vets and I appreciate everything that they did for uh for you know the the legions thank you okay next one is Albert galves I'm G to accept okay I appreciate it okay okay Robert Bruner that's that's you thank you okay e back back I don't make mistakes okay okay Sam West from me that's okay yeah did it's not pain it's the uh prepping it's the prepping Goa okay the uh John Orchard John or okay okay Bryce him Jared holsworth was say they're not [Music] here even more reason uh George Mata give okay I know this ain't you okay Leroy San Pedro thank you from the brick ler J Mike Fuso Fula he lives in Ringwood okay okay South FEA that's from Sher Williams that's the okay I I did forget that Sherman Williams donated all the paint yeah so everyone so thank them you can give that there okay twin bore Lumber and Supply I'll take that again they donated all the brick Limestone you want okay okay and George propin who donate is going to donate the Florin okay uh there's a little quick story um we thought we were going to have to do in three different colors but uh George called up the U uh uh dafo and said he found over 100 square feet thousand square excuse me a thousand square feet and it's all going to be one one color so we're very happy about that okay okay um okay uh I want to thank these guys from the bottom of my heart I I wasn't a veteran but my father was and uh so I'm very proud and uh you know again V my friend over here um you know he gave his uh time to his country and we thank you for your service so thank you okay and also over here our commander take a take a quick photo together yeah yeah yeah Jo Jun you mind taking up the picture okay one moreuse thank you good youer okay um may have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I uh may I have motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I ibody like to come up and speak on agenda items that may do so now nice mustache thank you hi uh 231 Sherman Avenue Joshua Regan um talking about resolution number 28924 uh terminating the employment of Class 2 laborer Eric T Kennedy please if you have any comments wait till the end I'll try to keep this concise um so many months ago Eric brought an issue at the yard uh issue about health to light right uh he had an issue himself went out and he comes back magically write ups everywhere all right I'm I'm sorry hypothetically write ups everywhere right now from a point of view of someone who is not involved uh with whatever it seems very suspicious that magically oh this guy pointed something out he's trying to highlight an issue we have he wants it fixed he wants it rectified now it doesn't make any sense from my point of view that now you're magically going to fire him it seems like it he's a whistleblower and you're going after him which doesn't seem right it could lead to a lot of lawsuits for the town uh and it's not right because it it it affects every single one of us uh I agree that whatever is right is right I think that uh well I don't know if there are are not issues at the yard I do know it could be improved I know you guys admitted that many months ago uh I don't know exactly how many but I I from my point of view and from a lot of other people's points of view this is what we see it seems like it's retaliation right and it's it's just it's not right and it should be fixed right um there are many many things that he does that are very good um I think he's one of the best uh hardest working people I've ever met and I don't understand the reason why you guys are deciding to do this fully but this is just my two cents thank you y yeah unfortunately we can't comment on this because Personnel matters need to be need to happen in Clos session and I think that's probably all I could leave it at is that right Joe yeah you beat me to it mayor I was just going to explain to the gentleman that don't take offense but the board has been advised by me and other councel um traditionally and for a good reason we do not have those discussions about personnels out in the public domain so it's not a disrespect to anyone or their comments it is just um the rule so uh would anybody else like to come up and speak good evening James Smith 618 Myrtle Avenue um I also would like to put my disagreement in with termination of Eric Kennedy it seems because he's a whistleblower he's going to be fired shouldn't be happening There's issues there I know from speaking to people that work there people that work in the town they're afraid to say anything I don't work for the town I have nothing to do with the town except live here so I will say something this gentleman works for the town he sees something wrong he tries to fix it now he's going a he's being gone after and he's being terminated for it why because he wants to fix people are getting sick people still be getting sick and it seems like nobody wants to do anything about it I understand you can't comment on it close session but as a taxpayer and somebody who lives in the town I would like to express my disart now when a lawsuit comes out and he Sues and possibly wins gets his job back the town is going to have to pay money to him it already happened with the principal that was wrongly fired and the town had to pay so now the taxpayers are going to have to pay this out again it just doesn't seem right it doesn't seem fair maybe something else should be looked into except firing the guy for trying to do something to better himself and his employees and that's all I have to say have a good night thank you uh just two things to note there so the principle um I don't know anything about that so that's a board of ed matter which we don't get involved with um and the I do want to make one comment right so uh we have had um extensive testing done at the site um we continue to buy you know state law and state regulations have a licensed site remediation professional consistently monitor um that site um and we take any concerns very seriously and we'll continue to address those um and I think that's a broad statement that I think applies to the facilities yes broadly yes okay anybody else good evening Melissa Kennedy 327 West Lincoln Avenue I am also speaking on the resolution terminating Eric T Kennedy his termination letter States several things that are false and he has done a lot for this town and I pretty sure I've been told by somebody he works with that Andrew said he wish he had 10 Erics the clock in town is still not working why because Eric Kennedy is the only one that really can fix it right I I don't know if he has the specific qualifications I I'm pretty sure we brought in a company to fix it at some point but it's still not fixed okay um you the workers comp people had somebody following him and it states that he was doing other work none of the pictures in that investigation show him doing work and they show him maybe moving stuff from one thing to another but not doing any type of work he was verbally written up for a fire call are you serious a fire call he's a fireman he has never ever been WR up because he was a fireman but now because he makes this whistleblower whatever your guys are calling it now he's going to get written up for everything there's also something in there written that he was suspended when he was returned to work also not true he was giving all these notices in November from August date I think there's a rule that has that he has to be given to him within two days of the date of incident and those were given to him 3 months later so if you want to continue to waste the taxpayer's money go right ahead but other DPW employees who have been terminated have gotten their jobs back several times so I'm sure Eric Kennedy will be back and it's just going to cost all of us money so why do it and by the way why does it take so long for sample testings to come back a 24-hour sample test to come back I don't know what sample test you're referring to I Andrew do we know what I'm lost here it's a it's a total report uh so we undertook a voluntary analysis after concerns were expressed I I'm I'm also frustrated about how long it's taking I've I've explained that to Eric uh who's inquired about it and others it's a total report right so some of them are 24-hour air testing some of them are way more in- depth than that I'm not the industrial hygienist I followed up three times today and was there any testing done of the dirt up on the top of the hill of the yard the the whole yard is tested pursuant to state regulations but the dirt on the top of the hill specifically I I actually don't know what you're reference yeah but I think we need to it's important to State for the record for two things right so we have had site Remediation in that site and per state regulations we have to have a license site remediation professional that monitors this each year like this isn't something that we do we do this out of compliance the other thing I'd like to add is both of these sites have been deemed appropriate by councils way before us uh to be safe potentially for a senior housing site by developers saying human beings retired people can live here right I think those are two very important things to State for the fact broadly speaking speaking so mold is an okay issue to work in would you all go to your jobs with mold you you were speaking about the the land uh so I commented on the land uh broadly speaking I would say if there's issues with the building we try to remediate them in a timely fashion and my final thing is my husband has helped you you several times mhm and just because you ran for count that is you called him and told him if you R run you will not win I I don't think that's yeah this is what I do in my capacity as a Democratic party chair is totally separate from any of this and you sir a hip of violation going around telling people that his foot broken was a a fraud workers comp case for something that happened at the fire department and also going around telling that he was in certain facilities for huffing paint cans how dare you do you understand what Hippa is yeah exactly thank you I would like to also State as a point of clarification um we have a policy in place we have several DPW employees which are Volunteer Fire Department people uh we have a policy in place uh believe we put it in place last year yes uh whereby you are obviously encouraged and allowed to go respond to fire calls um but we expect that you inform the supervisor that you are leaving a job site because it can leave unsafe job sites we've had situations where people have been left on their own in unsafe situations because we've had people leave for fire calls and that is the reason out of abundance for safe for their fellow workers we require that um and I think broadly speaking without speaking about anybody that is something that we have as a policy for the safety of the Department of Public Works full stop would anybody else like to come up and speak is this limited to the agenda items is there going to be another open public there is at the end of the meeting thank you anybody else want to come up and speak about agenda items I am seeing no one uh may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I um can I have a motion to move forward close session so move second all in favor I okay let me read the close whereas the mayor and Council the bur Rosel Park wishes discuss matters which are described by the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 and whereas the general Natures of the subjects to be discussed in Clos session are a Personnel matter involving the Department of Public Works whereas the Personnel member has been raced and whereas the time when of the circumstances under which the item discussed in close session will be disclosed to the public at a future time now therefore be a resolve that the mayor and Council the B Rosal Park County of union state of New Jersey do now adjourn the open portion of the meeting and open a closed portion of the meeting to discuss the aforementioned item we're going to go to close session um and the public will be invited back after the Clos session so I need a motion on the resolution so move second uh I favor yeah I okay all right all right do I have a motion to do I have a motion to go back into what do I need a motion to go back into do I have a motion to reconvene so move second all in favor yes mayor the uh the governing body discussed one matter in close session a Personnel matter involving the Department of Public Works whereas a employee was raced and action will be taken during the regular course of resolutions okay uh okay uh reports of departments who do we got we got Kevin and Rich um Kevin you want to start yeah just pull that closer to you Kevin and there we go there you go sorry about that um so I'll be quick I uh end of the year not too much to report on we are moving forward though with the storm waterer project that we have we'll be getting discussions with the dot uh going through the right away and what those impacts will be for the piping basically what side of road we're going to be on um what we do anticipate surveying to start in the new year and then we'll progress into design throughout the summer um during all that we'll be meeting with the various agencies D dot uh County Army Corp of Engineers so that's where we stand we're on contract still for meeting the deadlines as stipulated in settlement agreement so nothing really new to report on that assuming everything goes swimmingly when's when are shovels and ground uh so we anticipate to submit for agency approvals by the end towards the end in 2025 permits will probably take about a year maybe a year and a half to obtain yeah and then the bidding and award and contract uh process uh would put that into 2027 probably beginning of 2027 mid 2027 for construction to start um we anticipate it going you know all the way pretty much to the deadline uh for about a year of construction okay anything anything for Kevin yes um Kevin I just wanted to say thank you for attending the meeting that we had I was going to say thank you but you probably leave in my normal uh uh report but thank you for sitting with me and Jay and uh Andrew with trying to narrow down better options for Route 28 we appreciate your level of expert thank very productive look forward to some of those improvements hopefully happening shortly shortly 2029 yeah let's see shortly in do time frame is five years away I can see the light it's a train yeah I just wanted to make a note Uh Kevin and I spoke about this right before the meeting and we've kind of been going back and forth on this so um more immediate projects um uh there's uh utility work's been done over on um West Clay and over in the Walnut uh Walnut Street area um and up kind of on the east side over over on the east side of town up on the Walnut Street area um and initially we were trying to get it scheduled for 2024 in terms of the roadway restoration all those roads will be repaved curb to curb um it it kind of got cold fast um so we uh we recognized pretty quickly that we would have to be putting those Restorations off right which we announced previously um it just recently came up and I'm kind of just putting this out there so that everybody's aware um some of the utility companies um kind of just they noticed that in the forecast it's a little bit warmer than usual than what we've been dealing with and they offered to pave them now um what we've what we are recommending um is that we don't do that um and I'm going to give you the reasons why and I'm happy to field any criticism um the the problem is both of these projects are multiple days of Milling work and with the weather being uncertain um you had a snow squall today and then all of a sudden it was 40° and now it's like feels like it's 20° um if you if we get stuck with M roads um it's going to be kind of disastrous over the winter um so what we'd like to do is wait for stretches of warmer nicer weather um where that asheva will better adhere to the roadway and you won't have the risk of having a milled Road and then potentially months go by between milling and Paving um it'll ultimately be a better product um and it'll be more certain that it'll get done with with less hazards and kind of less inconvenience to the residents although it'd be nice to have a newly paved Road it would only be nice if the whole job gets done and I think we're fearful I certainly am um that we won't be able to get that whole project done um in short order so Kevin I don't know if you wanted to say anything I no the only thing I I'll add to um I know the gas company has Paving on sooner Avenue which is it splits the town border with Union Township um SAR suar sorry all right but uh we did have conversations with the gas company and with Union Township that road because it's split down pretty much down the center line it will be paved curb to Center Line yes we did try to work it out with Union Township to see if they would have any trade-offs for their roads to be able to PVE it curb to curb so that way you get one complete Road I know it's they never want to do that yeah they they tried but they don't have any credits left with the gas company to do that um but they do intend to pave next spring if something comes up hopefully we can work out a trade and get the whole Road paved but as of right now it stands will be curbed to just over the center line appreciate that and mayor thank you I just wanted to note that for the governing body in case you hear anything that we could have paved it we could have if the weather conditions stay nice and warm we doubt that and we don't want there to be uh a major inconvenience over the winter months yeah Frosty quick okay thanks Kevin thank you thank you Kevin Rachel good evening everyone good evening so the construction code office continues to move forward we are exceedingly busy um so the report this report is for November so in the month of November we issued 146 permits total revenue through the end of November is 7592 37 sore connection fees year to date $510,300 offs Improvement fee we received so far this year is $50,000 uh total number of uniform construction code violations for the month of November was eight I'm very pleased with that the number has been dropping because we've been very proactively enforcing the regulations Property Maintenance enforcement we had 17 court dispositions with fines year-to date of $ 2,284 we had 10 violations issued for November and nine Court summonses uh the projects are moving along quite nicely uh 10 West Westfield Avenue Building B we are now proceeding with final inspections for Electric and Plumbing for Building B particularly uh the parking garage they are still they're still working on that um they'll be working on the slab on grade I had it I they came in with an amendment that I needed to approve for that uh and also there's something known as a wash um it's actually called a por strip a technical term which locks the garage in place so they will be proceeding with that but the weather's been a little bit cold because poor strips if you cross a bridge and there you always see the statement Bridge freeze before Ro roadway it's the same thing so they need to pour that in a little warmer weather to lock the garage in place once that's complete it will finish the rough electric and hopefully we can get the garage open before January That's My Hope um HRA projects moving along a matter of fact tomorrow we have uh HVAC inspections through the entire structure so the inspector will be out there all day conducting that inspection uh on the zoning side we have one uh zoning completeness review that will be heard by the development Review Committee next week for seven Sheridan Avenue it includes a D1 which is a use variance and several C variances it's for an addition two-story addition for five apartments and one commercial unit so with that stated if anyone has any questions yes I have uh rich thank you uh I've been stalking Andrew for the past few days or I had a couple of residents reach out to me just wanted to update if if you could update me as well as the general public regarding the glass company and where they are in the process of completion I know there was some worries about walls being weak over there and things of that nature by the residents in that surrounding that uh particular strip and I just want to be able to go back to one of the residents and advise them all of these particulars if I if you may sure certainly so they were issued a demolition permit for the work you see occurring currently they were also issued a violation about three months ago because the property was not uh fenced in as per the ordinance which they completed as far as the walls themselves I've received engineering certification from a professional engineer that the walls are adequate the way they currently stand they will need to be retrofitted once they commence the construction project which means those walls will be need to be reinforced for the additional loads that will take place on top of those walls that's dead load and live load now while I was out and as you know I was out for about two and a half weeks on a family matter um my uh my covering inspector actually did Issue a violation to them based off of an inspection by uh Mr Alvarez who works for the Department of Labor and he's the asbest inspector for the state of New Jersey and when I to use the term asbest I don't want to scare anybody okay there's no reason to scare anybody with this because there's both Frable and non-friable asbestos in this case when they were conducting their demolition there was a little bit of mastic with the floor tile that needed to be properly remediated it's very minor very small but we did Issue a notice of violation for that and they are now in the process of remediating that correctly as far as the construction itself they have not submitted plans yet for plan review for the project even though the board did approve the project I guess it was about what six or eight months ago I realiz that I just one other thing councilman I um I I know you mentioned that residents in that area notice a Slowdown of work I think one of the things that um Mr bcia is alluding to is so I think it was November 18th that they were issued the notice of violation for the permit for um ASB bestus remediation that's also a stop work order that's correct correct so so when they see a Slowdown of work um around that time and probably up until about now it just stops work to ensure that the contractor is doing the right thing getting the permits and a remediation professional thank you so that that may be one of the reasons why people are seeing a slowed of work on that project okay no worries just wanted to have an answer for them as well thank you oh also you had a question I think about a month or two ago about the sanitary line yes possibly a cross connection with the property next to us and do you know when they might televise that or they I've I've already directed them they need to um camera that line to verify that there is not a cross connection there's not no they they haven't they haven't finished oh they have to verify that they have to verify that'll be part of our plan review for the got for the renovation thank you very much cool yeah Rich any update on the Lil League field they're still calling me about the neton is there or I have not heard a word and again I've been out for two and a half weeks I understand that yeah I haven't heard any but phone calls don't stop and I didn't receive any phone calls or an email on it yeah there they're playing winter baseball no they're afraid of the home runs uh so I guess we're going to have some uh good baseball teams coming up um and everything but uh yeah they're concerned uh because they were told they're unbreakable Windows uh which I said no I was told n is no they're they're not unbreakable Windows yeah exactly I know that they would it would be netting that would have to go up okay and uh yeah I'll discuss that with the developer okay I appreciate apprciate it let me know as soon as you find out sure anything else anything else cool thanks Rich uh Andrew or Ken do you guys have anything you want to go first just a friendly reminder uh the July 1st sore bills are due uh I mean October 1st sore bills are due at the end of this month without interest so you only have until December 31st to pay that second installment without interest can we post social media thing yeah good idea one more reminder y thank you I know it's redundant but do a first alert too thank you thank you um sorry mayor um just a few things so we're working through a bunch of year out close out procedures and getting ready for the reorganization meeting um some uh some good news to note and just some ongoing things that are happening in the burrow government um we submitted for $220,000 draw down of our year 50 gbg Grant uh that was the work that was conducted on Grant Avenue from Locust Street uh and some of the work spilled all the way over to Union Road um so that's good the work is substantially completed all but the Final close out uh and we are pending the $220,000 reimbursement from the county uh we did get some good news uh for work that will be slated for next year uh improvements to persing Avenue the dot informed us that we were awarded a a fiscal year 2025 Grant of $374,800 toward that project um the balance uh will need to be budgeted for in the 2025 capital budget so that's uh a good chunk of money to to save the taxpayers locally uh we were also notified today of a uh first of its kind for us a half million bikeways Grant uh this grant would uhgot we applied would support well it's been it's been quite a while I mean usually we hear about this in the beginning of November so it it uh will go toward improvements of the existing bike path and support the extension of the existing bike path um to create uh more bike ways which is a which is a good thing um just a couple other ongoing projects so Boy Scout Park project um councilman as I alluded to in some of my emails councilman rabina I know this is a project um you near and dear to you um this project was significantly delayed because of the shad structure the Gazebo the steel shade structure um it was supposed to be delivered by middle of October it was not um it's getting delivered on Monday and um that delay also delayed the site work which is mostly concrete for that project so uh permits are currently pending with the construction department for footings and Foundations and we expect those permits to be issued in short order and the work will begin next week um it should be a pretty quick project um but we'll keep everybody in the loop um something else uh not really top of mine but we've we've spoke about it um Valley Road um because there's a concrete subbase on Valley Road there were some um surface level cracking that occurred on Valley Road since it was redone a few years ago um those cracks are actually going to be sealed starting tomorrow uh by one of our vendors um there's going to be no additional monies encumbered for that which is a good thing um and hopefully that will preserve the roadway for many more years and the Avon Street and Berwin Street project is underway um again there will be no Paving this year for the same reasons that I mentioned about the uh utility roadway um Restorations uh just simply too cold to guarantee a good product um but concrete is happening concrete can happen um at least this type of work can happen no matter what the weather is um so right now they're working through uh sidewalks and curbing um on currently on Avon Street and then they'll move over to Berwin Street um and that is all I have for now mayor thank you any questions Andrew oky DOI may have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I please read ordinance number 2796 by title yes mayor yes mayor ordinance 2796 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing an ordinance fixing the salary ranges of clerical group employees of the burb Rosel Park in the county Union state of New Jersey for the years 2025 2026 2027 2028 and 2029 may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2796 so move second all in favor I anybody like to come up and speak on ordinance number 2796 you may do so now I seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2796 so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2796 so move second is there any discussion Andrew please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yep councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions councilman Patel yes 61 affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted okay uh Mr clerk please read ordinance number 27 did I say 2797 I said 2797 you didn't say anything yet sorry uh 2797 by title yes mayor ordinance 2797 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 39 subsection two of the code of the bur rosol Park Until handicap parking on streets for private residences that's why I'm struggling because this is this ordinance may have to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2797 so move second all in favor I I would anybody like to come and speak on this ordinance I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2797 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2797 so move second is there any discussion nice call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted moving right along please read ordinance number 2798 by title yes mayor ordinance 2798 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing an ordinance fixing the salaries of school crossing guard Association employees of the burb Rosa Park in the county of union state of New Jersey for the years 2025 2026 2027 2028 and 2029 uh may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordance number 2798 so move second all in favor I I would anybody like to come up and speak on ordance number 2798 I'm seeing no one uh may have a motion to close the public hearing on ORD number 2798 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordin number 2798 so move second is there any discussion Andrew please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes counc signell yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted please read ordinance number 2799 by title yes mayor ordinance 2799 is an ordinance for second reading in public hearing an ordinance amend in Chapter 2 Article 4 of the code of the bur Rosal Park entitled Administration boards committees and commissions establishing a new section 36 entitled shade tree committee may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordance number 2799 so move second all in favor I would I like to come up and speak on 2799 I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public hearing on ordance number 2799 so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to adopt ordin number 2799 so move second is there any discussion I would just like to say if anybody knows anybody who's interested in this committee please let me know um I think it's going to be important one going forward and we will save some trees any further discussion call the rooll council patoski councilman Johnson councilman signorella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted uh okay please read ordinance number 27 Oh 2800 by title yes mayor ordinance 2800 is an ordinance for introduction ordance ordance amending chapter 4 section 11 subsection 2 of the code of the bur Rosal Park entitled local license required may have motion to approve ordinance number 2800 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as December 19th 2024 so move second is there any discussion can we give a synopsis on it uh Greg Andrew who yeah no no problem just s uh sens is mine anyway um my thought process behind this is is basically even though I voted yes initially for uh this outcome one thing about good government and public Administration is listening to the people shareholders Etc so after uh allowing the process to play itself out now it just makes sense for us just to remove uh one of the licenses I didn't want to go too far because I don't I I want to stay away from some legality concerns that the other ones that are already fully approved but since uh the the one cannabis cannabis uh MD MD has been um uh denied by the municipal land use board um it just makes sense to facilitate this process and to close that up all together and therefore next year no one won't have a second bite at the Apple it's done so we want to lower the process to two licenses and this is all lawful all legal and all um in in good faith uh for me listening to you the the residents in the um area so that's it couldn't have said it better myself thank you C so um you said two has been approved already or so is we already voted on three we're just lowering it to two yeah so just uh application wise for class five only so any retail will be lowered to two uh so there there's not going to be a third uh yeah I get that I think what the councilman's asking is how many actually got approved this year so it's two yeah so the expanded license from medical to mixed use uh over at Breakwater and then I forget the name of the applicant but but the Wells Fargo one are the two that got approved um so going forward there will only be two right so those guys have their two licenses if one of them goes out of business we could revoke it down to one um or we could issue license somewhere else but from now until another governing body changes it it'll be a Max of Two And honestly all we'll have to do for those two is just whether or not we reward them every year sense the Wells Fargo one it's been already been approved and everything or it's been approved by land use board yes land use board but has to come back to us no does not we already issued a uh license so the license is conditional on the land use board approval so if they got rejected from the land use board then we could we could put it down to one and the way the and the way the licensing process works the way the the it was laid out was um anyone who was given a conditional license was given a year to obtain their approvals right it was conditioned on land use approvals and obviously viously cannabis Regulatory Commission approvals at the state level um if they didn't attain those approvals they no longer had any approval from the municipality to have a license they no longer had a right to a license so those two entities had made it through their conditional period now once you're through that conditional period you then have a year to operate your license right so now they though they have a year from now until next December so 2020 2026 season they'll need to get they will need to they will need to submit assuming they're in good standing an application a reapplication fee for Renewal okay sounds good thank you yeah uh further discussion please call the role councilman Petroski councilman Johnson councilman signarello because hold on um what happened I'm sorry I didn't even yeah int we've had we've had this discussion many times there's a public discussion on the second reading for an ordinance and at the end of the meeting you were also allowed to speak at the beginning of the meeting not now okay so councilman troski was yes I have councilman Johnson as yes councilman signarello yes councilman Robina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six V the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced uh okay please read ordinance number 2801 by title yes mayor ordinance 2801 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance fixing the salaries of police supervisory Officers Association employees of the bur Rosal Park in the county of union state of New Jersey jersey for the years 2025 2026 2027 2028 and 2029 uh may have a motion to approve War 28 2801 for introduction fix the date for second reading and public hearing is December 19th 2024 so move second is there any discussion I just want to Andrew I I um this is kind of a formality based on the SOA approval or S SOA contract that we approved right well so this is the S this is these are the SOA salary guyses right so the SOA are the superior Officers Association it's called different things but there's the PB and the SOA they we voted on the PBA do we vote on the agreement yet with them uh you will be okay it's it's a reso okay got it y so the the the ratifying the memorandum of agreement is a resolution and setting the salaries is a uh ordinance which requires two readings got it okay any questions from Council okay seeing none uh please call the RO Council patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes Council Robina councilwoman Lions councilman Patel yes sixes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2802 by title yes mayor ordinance 2802 is an ordinance amending ordinance number 2792 fixing the salary ranges of non-union employees and officials of the burb Rosa Park in the county of union state of New Jersey may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2802 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as December 19th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the Rome councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman sella councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes soos the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay all matters listed with an asist are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered an its normal sequence on the agenda as part of general orders Andrew please read all resolutions by title yes mayor resolution 28624 is adopting amendments to the bylaws of Mayor and Council resolution 287 is repealing resolution number 27 124 setting the salaries of clerical group employees of the B Rosal park for years 2025 26 27 28 and 29 resolution 2882 24 is setting the salaries of clerical group employees of the bur Rosel park for years 20 2025 26 27 28 and 29 resolution 28924 is terminating the employment of Class 2 laborer Eric T Kennedy resolution 29024 is approving a collective bargaining agreement between the bur Rosell Park and the Rosell Park supervisors group s SOA for the period January 1 2025 through DEC mber 31st 2029 resolution 29124 is setting the salaries of non-union employees and officials of the bur Rosal park for calendar year 2025 resolution 29224 is setting the salaries of a deputy Emergency Management coordinator and Farmers Market coordinator of the burough Rosel park for calendar year 2025 resolution 29324 is authorizing the holdover of expiring appointments until the 2025 reorganization of Mayor and Council resolution 29424 is authorizing a $155,000 increase to the Professional Services contract with clear Jobe Alfieri and Jacobs LLC as bur attorney for the year 2024 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $81,000 resolution 29524 authorizing a $5,000 increase to the purchase order with Coler engineering and design Inc as burrow engineer for the year 2024 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $65,000 resolution 29624 is authorizing appropriation transfers resolution 29724 is authorizing a shared services agreement with the Rosal school district for special Law Enforcement Officers program resolution 29824 is authorizing the tax collector to issue a pro-rated refund of third and fourth quarter 2024 property taxes for 219 persing Avenue block 1101 lot 6 in an amount of $ 33226 pursuant to 100% disabled veterans property tax exemption resolution 29924 is authorizing the tax collector to issue a refund of duplicate payment of fourth quarter 2024 property taxes on 146 West Westfield Avenue block 609 lot 7 of the municipal tax map in the amount of 3,200 3,824 resolution 3-24 is accepting the resignation of Zahir K base from the position of community center clerk resolution 30124 is appointing Shirley J urist urist to the position of community center Clerk and member of the community center events and activity staff Sorry Charlie uh resolution 30224 is granting permission to the Rosa Park youth baseball and softball league to operate a social Affair permit granted by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control in Michael J M Park as part of the B Rosell Parks 2024 Winter Market okay uh councilman Patel has requested 289 to be pulled are we pulling anything else 300 300 is there 292 I'll be abstaining okay all right uh may I have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I I okay uh may have a motion to adopt resol resolution 28924 so move second uh do I entertain discussion on this or we already discussed in public or in you just have to keep it within the parameters of the confidentiality of close session uh I mean Council folks if there's anything you'd like to say but I obviously this is there was a rice notice given the employee was asked that Personnel issues would be discussed in closed so if you want to make any comments or have any discussion you know be very very privy or be very very careful with what you say yeah my my concern would be this would lead us into a lawsuit and we have quite some lawsuits and I don't feel voting for a termination there has to be some other way um that's all I have okay further discussion Andrew please call the RO Council Petroski yes councilman Johnson no councilman sarella yes councilman rabina abstaining councilman Lions yes councilman Patel no that's three in the affirmative two in the negative one abstention the resolution is adopted okay may have a motion to adop resolution 29224 so move second is there any discussion this is just uh conflict of interest call hold let me just get my Marks here councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello I apologize the one that you pulled just abstaining councilman rabina yes Council allance yes councilman fatal yes five votes any affirmative one abstention the resolution is adopted may have a motion to adopt resolution 3-24 so move second is there any discussion abstain yep call the roll Council Petroski yes councilman Johnson is abstaining councilman sigalo yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five votes the affirmative one abstention the resolution is adopted okay uh reports of Barrow Council committees uh start off with councilman signorella have no report okay uh councilman Johnson oh thank you good evening mayor council residents I just want to uh special heartfelt condolences goes out to the Paul deito and his family during this hard time uh have my deepest sentiments I'm leave that rest of it to uh Joe P he does a better job with uh and knows him longer I just wanted to say that in my report before I begin on November 22nd I received oh yeah I was actually stoked about this I received uh C certification of completion for a course giv at the New Jersey League of municipalities from the state of New Jersey office of emergency management for the successful completion of Nims what is Nims National Incident Management systems for senior elected officials um I'm just humbly grateful for the opportunity to learn uh and digest and eventually give back to our Rosal Park Community regarding what uh I retained during this time if ever necessary during the time if ever necessary uh so I'm very appreciative of the certification um um on uh November 26 uh um Jay rabina councilman uh me mayor Andrew and um burough professionals um had a follow-up meeting um I think it went pretty well I think for the most part we all on the same page and I'm just hoping that uh Andrew could formulate something to ngj dot uh regarding those things before we uh um eventually bring this back to council to deliberate so uh thank you Andrew I hope you got some work to do also um you guys gave me dire also I wanted to uh mention that work on uh Avon and bwin such as sidewalks Curbing and aprons are currently being worked on I know there's going to be uh stopping soon uh uh we're not going to complete the whole project uh this year the rest of it will be complete next year but I am glad to see progress and infrastructure and revitalization uh we were able to do so as a community Through persistence dedication advocacy uh Grant assistance and your tax dollar going to work for you my apologies in advance if any snafus or mistakes occur to not your um liking or the community's liking as much as I would love for a project to be uh flawlessly completed unfortunately some concerns that are valid were inadvertent in nature from my understanding all in all I want what's best for the stre uh all the streets and roadways in my ward let alone overall burrow um as well which is why I initiated this project back when I first was elected into office because not to pick on any of uh past administrations but sewers and infrastructure projects improvements maintenance was barely being invested in from past um administrators nevertheless um I am hopeful the end results will make rosol Park commuting a little safer and aesthetically pleasing for all if not majority to enjoy thank you um at this time I wanted to mention uh before I end that I had a great opportunity to spend time with my family this past Thanksgiving weekend I just wanted to wish uh and I hope all residents too enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday as well Roso Park I don't know about you but I'm extremely but I'm extremely looking forward toward spending time over the holiday seasons with loved ones friends and the community so I'm wishing you guys residents all a merry Christmas and happy holiday season to all observed holidays your family celebrate in good old diverse Rosel Park I will continue to Advocate hard for you if you need to get in contact with me uh please email me at G Johnson rose. park.net or you can contact me at 98331 1519 Oh and before I forget Andrew one other uh concern sorry to put one more thing on your plate but on 130 um Galloping Hill Road there's a tree trunk there that been there for a while I would like you to add that or expedite trying to resolve getting that mitigated and for completion and removal uh if you need um mayor I think that I believe that concludes my report okay cool thank you councilman uh councilman oh and no I'm say again I got got it I'll email you too thank you okay thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send condolences out to Paul DeVito um God bless you bless bless you he was the employee uh with us at the DPW uh before that he worked for the county of Union which I was where I got to meet him and uh became good friends with him um and that uh like I said he could drive that back out I I think better than anyone I've seen uh and he had a lot of knowledge um good guy um and everything I had the privilege of coaching two of his sons uh in baseball and you know again all all the support and uh when uh first found out he had the uh the brain cancer it really was emotional for me and U you know and everything and um the I had the uh I received a phone call the Sunday before he passed um and uh our councilman at large was there also it um I was asked to come up and basically say goodbye to him and uh um again very emotional um and you could tell he was very loved there were so many people at the hospital it was amazing his friends that he grew up in Kenworth and you know there's Rosal Park people and everything and U you know again it really hit bottom and everything like that and uh I uh you know I attended the funeral mayor thank you councilman Lord thank you for coming to the funeral on uh Saturday um I believe rosan was also at the Waker saw you yeah she was at the Waker I'm not I'm only saying funeral oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay um to basically say goodbye to the family uh and everything and again uh Paul was a you know he will definitely be missed and everything like that um and also Joe Dello um he was a 1969 graduate of Rosal Park High School he excelled in football wrestling and baseball um if you remember last year at this time in December of 23 we honored him for being inducted into the Hall of Fame uh for a referee in South Jersey so uh you know it's hard to believe a year later and he's gone so um yeah yeah he yeah I found out today actually um so um like I said the uh I remember as a young kid growing up um that's all you heard Joe durillo Joe durillo and he was a great athlete and everything like that and um so he definitely will be Miss um on November 27th I attended the Thanksgiving football game over in Rosel um yes the game was played Wednesday night instead of the traditional Thanksgiving morning um I um you know uh roselt does not want to play on Thanksgiving morning so they were the home team so we got to uh we had to play Wednesday night and uh Rosa Park did not look good um and everything wasn't uh uh a good game I put it that way uh all the honesty no you know we didn't look good okay uh December 2nd I attended the fire department meeting and as usual I got the work orders uh that they looking to finish out okay uh again I want to thank all the um the uh workers from they came down to help the American Legion um you know like I said it's uh we're going to try to fix the place up uh again Dalo thank you from the bottom of my heart uh like I said for two years I heard nothing but we're going to take care of it I got sick of hear and I said why why are we keep talking about let's get it done and I made one phone call and we got it done and like I said right now the uh the steps are done um the front of the building's painted they're willing to come back uh they all told me when it comes to vets they'll do anything in the world for them so um I'm sure within the next year we're going to get a lot of stuff done down there um uh but I appreciate uh all their help and everything and uh fortunately a hunter Supply couldn't make it today um again they're over on First Avenue in Locust uh again they donated all the brick they donated all the Limestone and they also donated cement and uh you know and also cerin who couldn't make it either um so there's more to come because like I said we mentioned the flooring company uh the floors were donated we're going to have them come in I'm hoping they get the railings get put on next week like I was told and we'll bring them in eventually but uh you know I really uh you know like I said I know uh counc Johnson you always like uh uh we needed them and they need us now so um I appreciate all all the help and if you can help them out they could definitely use the Help U if you need me get a hold of me you get me a J patoski at Rosa parket net 908 666 7821 and that's my report thank you thank you councilman uh councilwoman lines good evening mayor and Council and residents of Rosell Park um again definitely such a loss for uh the town Paul DeVito he um every time I saw him he stopped and and talked and smiled and we we talked about so many things so um you know our hearts are definitely with the family and as being in a small town we all feel it so um we're definitely broken over him um on a positive note I am so excited for post 60 that was just such a beautiful thing and how to start um it is such a a beautiful thing to see that they gave that way for working together and I really pray that um for Rosal Park that days ahead that we can do other things um it's powerful when we do come together um in unity and really do some positive things so I'm hoping to see that in uh in the recent weeks and and and and in 2025 we can focus on that um and working positively together um I just wanted to point out the awesome lights that are up in uh Chestnut Street on Chestnut Street um and just coming down if you didn't get to see them just drive down it's it's beautiful to see and um for future dates this Saturday um from 4: to 8: we are and Saturday and Sunday we are going to have the Winter Market but we are having our annual Christmas tree lighting on uh Saturday so please come out for that that's such a beautiful event every year and then on December 15th we have Santa's Parade of Lights so 700 p.m. we'll definitely um just bring the town again together on that um but just stay encouraged and stay together as much as you can and if you need me at our Lions uh at Rosal park.net or 908-7262 73 thank you councilwoman Council Matel good evening uh my condolences to the DeVito family rest in peace Paul will'll miss you um I don't have much report so if you need to get a hold of me please email me at K Rosa park.net thank you thank you councilman councilman R good evening mayor good evening Rosa Park mayor my report tonight will be brief one page uh yeah it's a surprise well burough administrator casai teed up during his report he mentioned the burough received exciting news today we've been awarded the 2025 NJ dot bikeways Grant in the amount of $500,000 this grant will be used to expand and improve the bur's existing path a big thank you to all state holders including our special project engineers at neglia for their hard work on this application recently we've seen incidents of ped pedestrians being struck by Vehicles underscoring the need for continued investment in safety this grant will help ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclist connecting our residents and students to schools Parks downtown and Transit over the past three years we've laid the groundwork for trails in open spaces and we look forward to seeing these projects come to life in the next three years next the long anticipated Renovations at Boy Scout Park located in the Fifth Ward are expected to begin next week as ba Cas also mentioned on Tuesday November 26 I participated in a route 28 safety meeting with councilman Johnson ba casayas Chief Reno uh we discussed traffic patterns and safety measures aimed at protecting all Road users in our community we advocated for more signage and infrastructure improvements to help calm traffic speeds our Engineers will review the suggestions and share their recommendations with the DOT as we enter the first week of December and we've already seen some snow squalls please be winter ready I encourage folks to prepare for snow removal take the time to warm up your cars make sure not to drive with frost on your windshield use caution while walking on frosty mornings to avoid slips and falls and be sure to check in on elderly neighbors as we embrace the holiday season I also encourage you to support our small businesses and dine locally as we come together to celebrate and finally I want to for my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Paul DeVito one of the many fond memories I have of Paul is from when he worked on the removal of hazardous dead trees along Valley Road and Beach would have Paul was at the Helm of the backup he shared with me his experience from his time working Union County parks department and experience he was proud to bring to the burrow he was an expert at handling heavy equipment something many of us dreamed of doing as children with a smile on his face I could tell Paul loved what he did Paul was a kind and genuinely good man he'll truly be missed my thoughts and prayers are with his family and may He rest in Eternal peace as always please feel free to reach out to me jbin Rosal park.net 862 23619 mayor Ros Park that concludes my report thank you councilman uh yeah I just want to Echo uh the council's thoughts um Paul DeVito was a good friend and a great employee and uh we're heartbroken all ver sudden passing um my thoughts go out to uh the DeVito family we've known them for a very long time and um you know uh it's very sad passing and we'll all miss him um other than that looking forward to seeing everybody at the Christmas and holiday events um mayor s Rosal park.net if you have any questions um may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject so move all in favor yeah just a reminder so you can if you want to talk about something at the on the agenda you're allowed to come to the public the first one too so the first one's for anything on the agenda I don't start our clock yet uh first one's for anything on the agenda second one is for whatever and then the second reading of an ordinance you're allowed to speak as much as you want okay y um so there's a couple of of related items um based on oh sorry name and address just for the record oh sorry Hannah antonson 216 Bender uh regarding ordinance 2800 there were two things first did cannabis L cannabis MD LLC reapply I know the the ordinance 2800 says there's only going to be two licenses that's one question y the next one has to do with the Cannabis review board meeting that I saw was posted in Union News Daily on on November 25th there was I did not see any notice of that meeting ahead of time I mean the article was basically nobody showed up also I don't see any mention in 2800 of manufacturing applications but apparently there's an open application period from November 30th to December 30th yes for multiple manufacturing cannabis manufacturing licenses so uh first thing is on the 2800 so they can't reapply this this this kills it this Canabis MD but now can but they have and they have not reapplied right so they they can and they have not so that's one what about these cannabis manufacturing licenses yeah so um we meet once a year as the Cannabis review board it's the way the ordinance is set up where was their notice of that meeting it said it was a public meeting but so it was sent it was sent to the newspapers it was put on social media I believe uh it was posted it was posted just as the same as every other special meeting similar to the DRC meeting it wasn't on Rosal park.net I've got the app we've got the app there's a group of us we all have the app I asked every while you were in close session I asked every person here were they aware of this meeting and these are people who showing up to Council meetings sure I'm not going to argue with you I I'm just telling you so the way that we've noticed the Cannabis review board meetings is the same as we would notice a special meeting of the governing body I mean there was a 4 and a half hour meeting for the Landrew review board on the 18th and there we've you know number of us have repeatedly come to these meetings you didn't think it was appropriate to announce you were having your annual cannabis review board meeting that was open to the public I mean we put it online we put the applications online if you want a response I'll give you a response if you want to talk over me you can it's up to you it's your time go ahead the fact of the matter is there has been outrage uproar upset people about class five medical Mar or class five distribution or retail um I believe we are beholden as a town to at least give people the opportunity to apply for the remaining licenses right we have no idea we're going to get there's nothing planned there if somebody wants to apply they have the CH they have the chance every year to apply it's in our ordinance the the article was read in such a way that it seemed like there already was an application that was there's no application all we did during the meeting was we ratified the way the application looks and said this is what the application looks like it looks the same as it did last year and we set up a time frame for the applications which I think the time frame is up soon is that correct I believe it's December 20th so you have a month and it's and the application period was open for a singular uh manufacturing license so is there currently an open no manufacturing license there is there is currently an application period open where there will be consideration for one applicant if anyone applies I can tell you as of this date no one has applied okay so the article read uh two retail Cannabis stores were approved last year one is pending from Wednesday November 20th through December Friday December 20th they are accepting applications for more manufacturing buildings which would take the raw product for industrial use and selling to retail dispensaries so we would be we would be we are accepting if somebody wishes to apply we are accepting we will consider one application but if we get an application then that is an if then the Cannabis review board will meet again in the new year but that's only if we get an if we don't get an application there's no reason for us to meet another request I have is i' I'm able to sign up get um email notification of the agendas for the council meeting sure um would you would the board or the Cabas review board also have a sign up so that the public can get emails in advance of the the date of the meeting if there's a special meeting and uh the agenda so you're over your time but I I will uh Andrew is something we can I I don't yeah yeah sure yeah thank you yeah and Happy Holidays yeah all right happy holidays to you but just to be abundantly clear so we are I don't want to say beholden but I believe in good faith once a year we meet to set up the application process because it is an approved use in Rosel Park if we didn't set up some application process I I'm not a lawyer but I think it'd be problematic if we did not do that the way you set it up is that on an annual basis you have an initial meeting to open up and whether or not we get any leave anything we then determine whether or not you have another one yeah currently based upon the way the ordinance that's introduced that will be heard um at the next meeting uh the total number available would be two for retail Li class fives there are two already in approved so no additional ones even if an application came in they would be beyond the M the number and there would be no hearing on that because they wouldn't accept an application for uh for a non-li and could I just could I just I'm sorry councilman if I could just add one thing for the governing body and the public we don't unlike other municipalities we do not allow rolling applications of cannabis licenses right there's not an open application period where anyone can apply at any time it has to be a set period of time that is published like a bid uh for these licenses to be applied for and believe me when I say I get a lot of inbound and I wouldn't say every day or even every week but people asking about hey can I apply what's this about and they're often told by my office no I I get request there is no there there the applications are not open uh I can tell you this application period was opened a couple weeks ago um and again there's there's been no applications yet so if the application period ends I believe it's December 20th and there's no applications then there's nothing to do there's no interest if I may sure also I wanted to add that uh we did create ordinance to add one of the respective council members to become a member on the Cannabis review board it since it was so late uh in the year um in the beginning of the year during reorg we will be one of us will be on that so it should be able to be more transparent that's all yeah yeah but just look if we can increase the communications for the last one obviously we weren't hiding it because the news was there right um but I think if there's one that you are interested in the one where we were setting the for application if this is something that you're against would probably not allowed to talk I'm allowed to talk okay if you I apologize if you found it interesting that to copy and paste the application but that's what we did and we set the time frame um I would argue that for people who are against cannabis it would be much more interesting in my opinion to come to the one if there is any applications which we don't know yet and we have not received any applications to date but we can give out further alerts right Andrew yeah I mean my suggestion would be anyone who receives an alert about the mayor and Council meetings I think there a list of about 150 people right now aler for this and they can get an alert for any public meeting yeah it's fine easy okay anybody else wish to come up and speak do the cosmo 531 Spruce Street this is about this um the work being done on East Lincoln the sewage do we have any update on what's going on yeah so I think he's talking about the uh the scoping work and kind of the investigative work um where yeah I actually I don't have an update on that I I have a check-in call with neglia over the next week or so um but I don't have an update other than that it's ongoing all right so we don't know if the sewer was collapsed on you I haven't heard anything so I would if it was something of that nature I'm usually they tell me yeah as was say if there's something urgent they would probably give us the heads up um but they're working their way like I I I alluded to at another meeting so kind of up by that Lehigh Avenue area they're working their way down toward Chestnut Street but I I should have a better update in a couple weeks they've been on uh East Lincoln for about a week already so I was wondering if uh I'm sure it's probably if they're there for a week maybe they're found something well I was going to say C candidly that's probably the more problematic space right right once once you hit East Lincoln you live there yeah you live but I'm just saying like it's obviously of interest to you but it's interest to the town because that's kind of where the problems start and that's where we see the weak point so we'll know about I'm going to I'm going to have a call tomorrow just to see where we are um and I'll have more information in the next couple of days that' be great thank you very much yeah I think it'd be helpful also once we get something maybe we could just have a short presentation here or something like that who have negia come in talk about it I'll give you the heads up when they come in okay thank you yep anybody else I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I I have motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I