##VIDEO ID:rIj6y7pRuxg## okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and'll notice this meeting was published in the UN County local source and the New York Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the bur clerk fire exits are located in directions I'm indicating if you alerted for fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice have given the bur clerk is direct to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the RO councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson here councilman sarella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions is absent councilman Patel here mayor signarello here we have a quar mayor okay uh please lead us in the opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help and all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen to the flag of the United States of America to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay there are no Communications for review this evening there are no proclamations or presentations for this evening may have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay if you'd like to come up speak on agenda items only you may do so now and just for FYI for anybody who also wants to talk to an ordinance you get you can do five minutes now and then if you want to talk for that ordinance you're allowed to come back okay um hi um name and address my name is Anthony Peters um 7D kofax Manor um I'm here representing a few unit owners and residents from kofax Manor and the reason why I'm here is because of the handicap parking space that was erected um at kofax Manor on the public Street and um the problem is is that it's been registered to a specific unit owner who has yet to really use it um we're limited on parking parking's a nightmare as a matter of fact today there's a an event going on at school and there's no parking except for that parking space which is always open um and it's not being used um I've gotten a lot of complaints from the unit owners I'm I'm a board member I'm vice president of the board at kofax Manor and um we're here as a group to try to see if not to remove the handicap parking space but to get it undesignated um there was an incident uh last week where one of our unit owners didn't see the sign on the um handicap parking and she parked there and she has a handicap space she's 20 ft from that parking space m somebody called complained knocked on her door to move her car and I don't think that's fair the reason why this parking space was erected from what I gathered from the group is because we were preventing a unit owner from using our private handicap parking space that is a lie we never stopped him from using that handicap parking space ever even though his private parking was removed for personal reasons but they were removed so here we are a couple of months later um I know a couple of you have several pictures throughout the days throughout the months of him parking in our private handicap parking space not utilizing that new parking space that is designated for him alone so we ask at kfax matter that you guys would consider resending that and just leaving it a public handicap parking space so thank you very much thank you yeah you can come up if you like hi my name is Edward Sakia and I am the unit owner that has the handicap parking spot just address for the record please sorry address for the record 26c kofax matter yep okay the spot was reserve for me because for reasons I lost my two parking spots when I applied for it my wife is handicap in a wheelchair okay I applied for it the legal way I went through your town which kofax matter has no business talking about what goes on in the street because they don't own the street okay I got a doctor's note and everything the reserve parking the handicap parking spot in the back is not reserved anybody could park there so that's a lie you can't even read the sign I have pictures of all other unit owners that live in the kofax that park in the street but they're more concerned about getting revenge on me because we have a disagreement and all these people that live there you go take pictures I took pictures I got them of all unit owners that park in the street that have two handicap parking SP I mean two Reserve parking spots in the back okay the spot was reserved for me because of my wife okay I parked there I parked there yesterday today before my wife has a lot of doctor's appointments it's tough to get a handicap person over the ramp I had a hard attack in June so it's tough for me to wheel over the ramp so therefore I park in the back nobody else complains about parking in the back I park in the street sometimes I park in the back it's a lied that I don't park there I just parked there last night and the night before but what I'm saying is it's more of a Revenge Factor okay from the board who I'm in a disagreement with and everything but like I said I have a reserved parking spot on the street that was given to me that is not owned by kofax Manor if they want to do something go after the unit owners that park in the street some people have two cars and two parking spots and they Park both cars on the street I have pictures of it I could prove it and all they want to do is get revenge on me because some people don't like me they shut me out of Zoom meetings okay because I speak my mind nobody else everybody else is a afraid to speak their mind in front of them so I feel like I'm being persecuted by a board that has something against me not just for that reason they took two of my parking spots away in the back part of your law was I can't have a parking spot reserved or a garage which I didn't have I got letters from do I got my notes from the doctor all done legally got the handicap parking spot and just because they want to get revenge on me they want to take my parking spot on the street away if they want me to continuously park on the street that's my business and your business not their business if I want to park in the back first of all I've never heard of a private handicapped parking spot in the back that is owned by kofax manner handicap means anybody could park there you don't have to be a unit owner or anybody so what I'm saying is is that I totally disagree with it and that I should keep that parking spot and somebody who went and cut down the pla cards before this meeting which is illegal and I know somebody that's seen the person that do it but I'm not going to mention no names okay but it's totally illegal they were walking down the street with them in their hand because another person told them they could do it that's why I came here a couple weeks ago to argue it out now that is my parking spot it is a handicap parking spot if you guys want me to park there all the time I got no problem okay but when I come home at night or something and my wife's with me I got a Ted out of her car wheeler all the way down to the driveway okay and I can't park in the other handicap lot because there's no handicap access there's steps two steps two steps three steps and if you have handicap parking you should have a handicap access for people to get up there okay so what I'm saying is that I think I should keep the spot and it's just a Revenge tactic against them because they have nothing to do with street it's not their your iction and it's not for them to say who could park on the street and who can't if they're so concerned about parking take away go after the people that park on the street that have reserved parking spots that don't park there they don't care about that they just care about going after me and as you could see they're all here just to go up against me thank you very much thank you uh if anybody else would like to come speak on agenda items only may do so now we opport speak on ordinances before uh yeah so you can do it right now if you want or you can come during the ordinance the ones that are second reading okay okay yeah right is the noise one you want to talk about okay you that he can speak during that okay yeah you can come then uh okay anybody else okay I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I okay uh reports uh we're a little light on reports tonight uh Rich you want to start us off it's freezing here good evening everyone good evening Hey so uh construction Cod of report is for um it's actually for October 1st but it's through the end of September so things are moving along quite nicely if you drive up and down Westfield Avenue you can see they were very busy so the total number of permits that were issued for the month of September was 228 total revenue through the end of September is $636,500 749 co- development fees are $2,760 offsite Improvement fees that we've collected is $50,000 that's the FM more project it's part of the Redevelopment agreement uh total number of uniform construction code violations is nine I'm very happy about that because they're ticking down again which is good uh on the property maintenance side we had 13 court dispositions total fines year-to date $1,681 we did have 14 violations for September but that is lighter than the average that we usually have and 16 court summonses were issued so as we move along with the projects building a over at 10 West Westfield that is the East Building closer to the municip municipal building I issued a temporary certificate of occupancy for all the residential units in building a uh on October 1st they have they have a parking to support that now yes they do because I also issued a TCO for for the parking for Building B for Building B how many units do you know how many un they have rented out thus far uh I don't not sure how many they have rented out the total number of units on the building is 167 okay got it yeah um in term turn we also have the um TCO for um building um I'm sorry uh building 450 West Westfield I believe that's building one or Studio One so a full TCO has been issued for that building as well okay uh so they're ready to go that was uh and it was issued on October 1st also we're really getting these guys in by the skin of our teeth this year yeah so uh let's go the pilot money kicks in then after once the TC or once the once occupy yeah okay cool yeah so uh they're moving along quite nicely the uh the fernow project at 404 is also moving along quite nicely yep uh they changed up some of their contractors so it's it's moving along quite well uh the hunter did did you guys land on a final design for the center piece I'm still waiting on that and and uh feels like it's like getting close to the hour where they need to they need to present something right and it might be beneficial if you make a phone call I make yeah I can make a phone call I've been been on them about that and I basically heard dead silence and promises that I was going to get it designed to for to you and I haven't gotten anything yeah I mean look the land use board approved a design right so if they're going to give us an alternate they need to they need to present that or you know or just make what they said they were going to make yeah my understanding it was it was going to be amended but it was going to be basically the same concept okay with a tree in the middle you know a tree focal point I'll yeah I'll Chase okay um um so uh the hunter project at 140 West Webster is moving along but there is a redesign that's occurring now because the elevation of the first floor is actually um anywhere from 5 in to 10 in above what was originally designed so they have a few things to do internally including a barrier-free uh ramps that need to be put in and redesigned as opposed to exterior ramps I had an extensive meeting with their design professionals and the uh developer on that a couple weeks ago so I'm just waiting on some design amendments um otherwise uh that's that's pretty much it cool any questions for Rich yeah any updates on the uh plaque the Marone PL for ferm yes um if I remember correctly Mr administrator you did receive an email on that recently correct yes and we provided approval of the design so it's being it's it's gone to the forge yes nice do we have a date when it's going to be I don't I do not have a date yet but I know it went to the forge after it was designed so uh that was last week or the week before um so I'll follow up with them appreciate it thank you yeah they are uh the the new project the newly hire project manager wants to get it off his uh his to-do list as sure he does so any further questions for rich thank you sir uh okay rupin you want to come up I'm just going by the order of this thank you mayor good evening good evening uh our community food pantry will continue providing food to qualifi Rosal Park residents during the uh year 2024 2025 school year uh thanks to Rosal Park School District for helping reach reaching out to the to to those most our vulnerable students and their families through the lunch program uh and also thanks to community unit Methodist church and residents for their generous donations to help maintain our uh food pantry uh food pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. uh for rosak residents only uh please visit the center if you or someone you know uh needs Assistance or require more information on September 17 and 24 15 seniors enjoyed uh an afternoon of rock and roll in R&B music uh and the music of uh ABA arrival from Sweden at PNC Art Center sounds really cool when you say it like that rock and roll um on September 23rd the MBC mobile unit uh assisted more than 60 residents uh with their registration real ID and more uh the next visit is on November 18 and 19 uh from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. registrations for this EV uh visits will open on November 10 on njmvc.gov on September 23rd uh n seniors visited the new Jus state house uh thank you to the office of assembly woman Linda Carter for arrange the arranging the trip and for uh a warm welcome on October 15th the County Office of Health Management will be giving a presentation on a breast cancer awareness at 1200 p.m. at casano Center uh the events uh on Friday September 9th over 300 residents join the annual fiest isan Latina uh huge thank you to mayor signarello council mayor at large Joe signarello Council Joe pataski councilman J robana councilman rosan allance uh commissioner Vice chair Le Leon and Commissioners granados for being part of this vibrant event uh and thank you to everyone who came out and made this celebration of success um on September 11 burrow came through uh came together to honor the lives lost and the heroes who emerged on September 11 2001 uh thank you mayor uh and the members of the B Council Fire Department police department High School marching band Church of the Assumption community community United Methodist Church Tiffany narvarez and all residents who attended uh on Saturday September 28th uh despite the rain the 10th Annual Arts Festival was a great success thank you to the sponsors brick water treatment and wellness uh heart Grant of Union County Meridia dowlings uh Thrive physical therapy and Innovation Optics uh special shout out to RP loves art volunteers especially Christie uh Teresa alel Ryan and Tara uh they really made it happen uh thank you Youth Center Board of Education DPW uh PD and RP diversity committee for the support um sorry mayor may I continue please thank you um thank you again mayor uh councilman Joe pataski and councilwoman rosan allance for being part of the event uh this Saturday the burough will be host celebrating the 9th Annual Festival of India at Roso Park High School the event includes Refreshments music and dance uh the Festival begins at 5:00 p.m. with light Refreshments served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. while supplies last uh followed by gerba and Ras dances at 7 p.m. attendees are encouraged to bring their Dan sticks the event is free and open to all uh and October 19th the bur will be hosting its first Italian Heritage Festival at Michael mie Park um this uh also includes uh they includes uh live band uh Wine Garden uh activities uh and um of course canoli eating contest you guys Chief you're going to join me I'm doing the canol Eating Contest so showing that Heritage Pride yeah doing it right the event starts uh at 5:00 and ends at 900 p.m. uh the bro will be also hosting the third annual Mischief Night concert and program on Wednesday October 30th the concert is free to attend and uh will take place at at Michael M uh Park from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. uh program program will features a Tesla light show trunk or treat and special dance performance by mate stars dance studio at 8:00 pm registration is now open on our social media page for those interested in participating in the Tesla light show or also trunk or treat and that concludes my Premier cool any questions for Ruben keep it with good work thank you sir yep Chief re now good evening everybody good evening so I previously submitted my report hopefully everybody received a copy I just want to highlight a couple of items inside that report on September 12th Captain winterm lieutenant harmes and I conducted interviews for the position of parking enforcement officer six six applications were submitted for the position after careful review of each application four applicants were called in for an interview a background investigation was then conducted on the top candidate candidate I am submitting this evening for consideration for hire for the position of parking enforcement officer is Michael Foreman Foreman is a 2017 retired police Lieutenant from the Rosel Police Department who retired in good standing I believe this candidate will do an excellent job uh in this position if hired on September 13th I attended and participated in the uni County prosecutor's office gun surrender meeting in conjunction with Union County prosecutor's office in Collective effort to reduce gun violence and enhance community safety all law enforcement agencies in Union County will be hosting a gun surrender event on October 5th 2024 this event will provide a safe and Anonymous opportunity for individuals to dispose of unwanted Firearms with no questions asked the gun surrender will take place at various locations within Union County from 9:00 a.m. to 400 P p.m. the Rosal Park location will be at 3:45 West Westfield Avenue the Church of the Assumption Hall please be sure to bring your firearm to the event unloaded in a bag or box all firearms will be destroyed at a later date we are also accepting unwanted ammunition and prescription drugs that day for additional locations feel free to visit the Rosal Park Police Department Facebook page for details if any Resident needs to reach me you can contact me at 98245 2311 or email me at DFO Rosal park pd.org cool May that's my report thank you any questions for the chief I do U doic I want to thank you for putting them radar detectors on galing Hill Road in East Ro Z appreciate it no worries sir okay thank you uh cool keep it with good work thank you coacher good evening everyone I'd like to thank mayor signorella and Town Council for giving me the opportunity to provide a brief update the goal of the Rosal Park Recreation Department is to meet the recreational needs of our community as part of our Department's effort to meet these needs and expand Community Services our department provides a wide range of programs membership and Recreation we currently have over 300 recreational members the recreation department has 23 programs 25 employees utilizing 11 locations and growing homework and Aftercare we currently have 111 members we are transporting and chaperoning over 88 students daily uh after school care has 13 programs 20 employees and growing Recreational Sports and activities happening now middle school high school adult Fitness Elementary and Middle School volleyball flag football cheerleading offseason basketball and offseason wrestling we're pleased to report that our department has made the following changes to the recreational program we've created a burrow Aftercare and homework club schedule independent of the roselt Park School District full day calendar we have halfday programming for back to school nights and teacher conferences we have practice school night events for members and parents night out we remain committed to provide the best possible care and programming in addition we believe these changes has afforded our community members the requested asyc programming the asyc has recently hosted are planning to host the following Girl Scout meetings Cub Boy Scout meetings back to school night drop and goes Recreation committee meetings and the Halloween costume party which is Sunday October 20th at 12:00 in the the asyc gym diversity inclusion meetings public Affair and Community event meetings cpeg meetings and Halloween event PTA meetings fifth grade parent meetings DMV events Recreational Sports meeting CPR and AED certification Festival of the Arts and the Mischief Night event to name a few as always you can contact the recreation department at Recreation at Rosel park.net with any questions or concerns that completes our October Recreation Department update I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions cool thank you sir great thank you everyone uh Andrew anything yeah just a couple things mayor a couple things on the agenda and then one Public Service Announcement um I do want to note uh resolution 23824 uh bulletproof best partnership Grant uh we have been lucky to receive that Grant uh in past years um this is a little bit of a higher award than last year it's a matching grant program it provides uh pretty much what it says bull approve V uh to our officers our help provide vests to our officers um hopefully they'll never need them but God forbid uh they will have them uh resolution 239 uh is the retirement of Rose Cooper uh Miss Cooper is a longtime Deputy court administrator of our Municipal Court I just want to take an opportunity to wish her a long and happy retirement she'll be retiring effective January 1st 2025 um and one other a little bit of an oddity uh 24224 um so so uh rock salt uh which is really nothing noteworthy however uh this amount is a reversion to a previous vendor that we use Morton salt um they're pretty big in the industry as you can imagine by the name um uh they the current tonnage weight uh sorry the tonnage price that we were paying was $78 a ton so this is one of the rare opportunities we have to reduce our cost uh by about uh $450 $447 a ton uh we typically authorize the purchase of up to 900 tons of salt a year um so that translates to a potential Savings of over $4,000 which is a good thing um the only other thing I wanted to add uh is that the um obviously this is a general election I'm sorry presidential election year everybody's very everybody who would be engaged is very engaged in the Democratic process this year and I I'm as a municipal clerk and in charge of the elections locally here I'm very happy about it very excited um the voter registration deadline to be eligible to vote in the general election is coming up on October 15th um just I want the public to understand that my office doesn't care how you vote um we care that you can vote and we care if you do vote um it does not matter if you vote Democrat Republican otherwise for the people up here or the people in the audience does not matter to me does not matter to my office so if you need help voting uh sorry if you need help help registering to vote uh my office will be open until 700 p.m. on October 15th uh we are open every day 8:30 to 4:30 you can register to vote online and if you need immediate assistance I ask you to call my office uh 98245 6222 extension 78 um and we'll be happy to facilitate the process for you thank you mayor thank you uh Ken I'm gonna talk about the sewer piece so you don't have to but I you there's anything you want to add go for it um so I'm gonna have Ken the CFO do his update but um I I want to get this out of the way first and happy to take discussions later or questions later um when the public portion comes up so has everybody know uh most folks know you got a letter um city of Elizabeth sued us we settled with them um we've hashed out that discussion several times if anybody wants to talk about it later we definitely can um we were lucky in getting securing in the budget uh the state budget this year uh $3 million in Aid to help offset that um we have uh Frozen uh we ask people not to pay their second sewer payment in the hopes uh that we would get th those funds before the the payment um this way we'd be liid liquid be able to pay everything off um unfortunately we're very frustrated with the state um you know it moves slow um they're doing this as part of a grant process which is incredibly frustrating they're also on a different fiscal year cycle um so their fiscal year can end in what q1 next year ums June 30th June 30th okay so so they could give us the money in in June right before their fiscal year ends our fiscal year ends December 31st is that correct so we need it before December 31st when I say that Andrew and I have been almost every day on the call with the state on the call with the Senate president's office uh assembly office to try and get this through on time I would say probably four days a week we've been on a call with it um the most Assurance we could get is it will probably get here by December right um unfortunately from an accounting perspective we can't go on probably we need to make sure that we have enough to pay our bills um so unfortunately we are going to extend the payment for that second payment that second payment is going to have to happen this year um which stinks right it's terrible it is not what I wanted out of the outcome I'm incredibly frustrated and embarrassed and candidly like I think it's a little sickening that the state can't get it stuff together so we can have that operating Aid when it's intended for this year and trust me I voiced my frustration several times on that um but going back to it I do think the positive result is right so already next year we were going to look at a very significantly lower bill um this will go to paying off entirely what we owe from Elizabeth so we will be basically Scot free from our payments theoretically next year um so when we were going to see a little bit of a dip next year we're going to see a huge dip next year and a lot of people ask me look you know this stinks but I'm hoping this is a onetime off right uh this will be a oneof we'll have a crappy year this year and then we will normalize the payments next year and hopefully bring it down well definitely bring it down but bring it down as much as we can so um again public portion afterwards you got want to come yell at me throw rocks at me after that sure I just figured I'd front run it Ken is there anything you'd like to add no the the only thing with payments next year is we will still have the current payments until we do the the new source system yeah but the 4 million should be gone after next year's payment yeah but it'll be somewhat it'll be refected in our budget next year correct yeah yep okay um okay may I have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I uh okay may I have a motion to read ordinance number 2789 by title so move second I just need to read it oh you don't need to I mean you could tell me to read it but I I got it um ordinance 2789 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 39 subsection two of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled handicap parking on streets for private residences okay uh may I have an a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2789 so move second all in favor I if anybody would like to come speak again on this you may do so now um you have the right to if not you oh that's a that's not relevant to this question I I can answer that afterwards no no big deal um yep Ken I don't know if you're in the meantime you want to yeah um anybody want to come up on this ordinance specifically this is the handicap ordinance so if you want to come speak G on it you may do so now okay say your name and address Edward selia 26c kofax Manor Rosel Park okay uh again about this like I said there is handicap parking and some people that have handicap parking okay have reserved parking spots and they still park in front of their home on the street now as far as people that say oh I could use a handicap parking spot well go through the system go to the court go to the town and apply for it don't come and cry cuz you're parked in somebody's spot and say I want a handicap part can't I park there you have a reserved parking spot therefore you cannot have another Reserve handicap parking spot and what I'm saying is is that like I said I think it's totally going up against me if it was anybody else they probably nobody would complain but like I've had a lot of problems and a lot of issues with the board and I just don't think it's fair now as far as like you said I had to that you somebody said I had Reserve parking handicap parking spot in the back there's no such thing as a reserved handicap parking spot in the back and that's what you were told but I don't have a reserve there's no reserved handic cat parking spots it's first come first serve if nobody parks there anybody could park there like I said if I come in with my wife from a doctor and I have to park somewhere let's say permit parking where you can't park out and down the block even though the people have two cars they Park in their driveways and they the streets are empty it's almost like the same thing you know and like I said the people that have and I have pictures if you want to see them of all the cars that park on the street that have reserved parking spots but they don't want to enforce that because they just want to come after me that's the only reason why it's more of Revenge than anything else and like I said after this if you want to see the pictures I do have all the cars that park on the street that have two parking spots and they never Park in their parking spots so why don't they go after them if they say parking's tough because they don't want to go after them because they don't have no conflict with them okay thank you thank you um anyone else like to speak on this orence okay that's why I as hello mayor and Council hello uh my name is Phil leapor I'm unit 46c at kfax um as far as this handicap spot goes so much time has been wasted on it it's getting ridiculous at this point uh the only thing I could tell you is the person that it was assigned to does not use it it could be used for regular parking spot or keep it as a handicap spot that's not designated for an individual we have a lot of senior citizens a lot of handicapped people at kfax matter that could use that spot so uh that's all I got to say on the matter but as far as designating it for an individual I don't think it's the right thing to do understood thank you thank you anybody else I am seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2789 so move second all in favor I so I just want to pause here and then if I need to take a a a roll call for this Andrew or Joe let me know I think we should we have a closed session item per to this right so uh the proposal would be let's have the close session and speak to the lawyers before we actually vote on this um just for everybody we'll do a little private huddle on this um about some of the impact and then vote on it afterwards so um should I can we move up to session I would like discussion personally sorry I would like uh discussion we we will entertain discussion but I I figured the Clos session would be well I was the one that requested closed session and no one got back to me that we were having a close session okay I mean it's on the agenda I think right oh it is oh no is it on maybe it's typo there are no items for close session yeah if you want to do the close session first I'm fine with that yeah then rather than uh uh hitting it twice or three times yeah that's what I figured it's we'll get the Clos session out of the way and then if there's still public discussion you want to have we can do that yeah um you can yeah you know what let's do it now so you guys aren't here all night I'll ask you all to leave right we'll do our Clos session then if we'll have a public session and then we'll vote on it is that all right okay uh may I have a motion whereas the mayor and Council of the Bose alark wish to discuss matters which are described in the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 and whereas the general nature of the subjects to be discussed in closed session are a matter of a attorney client privilege involving ordinance number 2789 and where is the time when and the circumstances under which the item discussed in Clos session will be disclosed to the public at a future time now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the bur Rosel Park County ven state of New Jersey that they do now adjourn the open portion of the meeting and open a closed portion of the meeting to discuss the aforementioned item so we'll talk in here once we're done shouldn't take that long we'll knock the door and you guys can come back in if that's all right sorry for the inconvenience motion to adop have a motion to uh adopt the close session resolution so move second all in favor I I okay now you can turn it on we need CLS isely yes oh there's a second public portion at the end on any subject matter whenever you're ready uh may have motion to uh I guess uh reconvene so move second uh all in favor I okay uh mayor uh the subject matter discussed in closed session was a matter of attorney a client privilege involving ordinance number 2789 I do believe the governing body is looking to take some form of action on this ordinance yep uh may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2789 so move second is there any discussion yes mayor can I table 2789 until we get additional information motion to table do I have a second second uh Andrew please call the rooll a motion to table ordinance 2789 councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella councilman rabina yes Council Wan Lions is not here sorry councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is tabled okay please read ordinance number 2790 by title yes mayor ordinance 2790 is an ordinance for second reading in public hearing an ordinance fixing the salaries of police patrolman's benevolent Association employees of the bur Rosal Park and the county of union state of New Jersey for the years 2025 26 27 28 and 29 yeah hey just before we just before we um continue I want to explain what a tabling is right so um there's a motion to send it to the next meeting um the next scheduled meeting um we have some more analysis that we want to do as Council right specifically when it comes to legal ramifications um you know so I think there's bits that need to be sorted out before we'll feel comfortable voting on it just for everybody's edification yep okay uh may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2790 so move second uh all in favor I would anybody like to come up and speak on ordance 7279 okay I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2790 so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2790 so move second is there any discussion okay Andrew please call the rooll councilman Petros yes Council John yes Council signell yes councilman rabina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted okay uh please read ordinance Summer 2791 by title yes mayor ordinance 2791 is an ordinance for second reading in public hearing and ordinance amending chapter 3 section 9 of the code of the bur Rosal Park entitled peace and good order uh may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2791 so move second all in favor I I uh John I guess you're coming up yeah John just make sure the mic is on if there's a red lights on it means it's on there we go okay there you go sorry about that John pulos 731 Woodland okay I'm again concerned about this ordinance this introduction because it clearly guts one of the best ordinances Rosell park has one that makes people able to live in peace and Harmony and enjoy their property and these ridiculous taxes we have to pay okay now this takes it away you're coming up with some electronic devices which is going to cost the town how much money it was discussed last time 10 20 30 $40,000 whatever that is for each unit because you got to have a couple units you got to train the people that cost money and it's going to Simply again as it's even put in there throws in there the discretion discretion means if I don't want to do my job I don't have to okay that's what it means instead of Simply you're you're the boss of the chief instead of telling him simply enact a policy one call they get a warning second call they get a citation no ifs ands or buts they can come to court if the judge throws it out they're free if not they pay what is it $100 $125 something like that it's it's not a big thing and people who are going to want have a wedding in their backyard that extra $100 isn't going to be a big deal when they buy food and DJ and whatever it's just Cost it's like a parking ticket sometimes you just say hey what the heck I got a park here you say I'll take the ticket and pay you know and it's still means something will get done so at least when somebody calls officer writes a ticket that's all they can do I don't expect them to arrest the person or get out of hand cuz it's not doesn't you know unless they get violin or something but if it just a matter of noise they should be cited you know the same as all these parking ordinances they want to change with the permit parking you park in the wrong spot you get a ticket it's not a big deal you know you make too much noise you get a ticket I don't see the big deal and and clearly the old ordinance says that shall annoy any person so that means if you call you're annoyed it meets the standard I I think and that's where I like Greg talk cuz I I know he's got strong opinions on this but this is where I would push back right so I think what this is trying to do and what I think does right is take the subjectivity out of it right because annoyance is subjective right like I could be listening to I could be singing opera here and Greg could say like that's cool I think it's lovely and kanjan could say that's annoying as hell right having an actual deciel reading I think takes that subjectivity of it also also mayor annoyance could be I don't like my neighbor and I just want to screw them correct yeah so that's not that's not and and my definition of discretion is a little bit different than yours uh to me discretion is every situation has its own slight Nuance no two situations are the same we don't know if someone had a definite family we don't know if someone had this that I'm not going to just make a whole bunch of uh excuses but what I'm trying to say is you have to allow police to do their job to see what is going on what's the problem and assess you know just because you might feel like it's it's this case closed book them Dan it may not be that you know it may not be that it just may be a simple warning and what this also does it gives us a little bit more bite the police can actually effectively do their job because now we have the equipment that will say hey this is the mark this is the mark not you just feel that way or he just feel that way I don't like my neighbor so I just want to screw them we can't that's this what is the reading that is the standard it's cited in in here I would have to it's in it's in the New Jersey well I mean thankfully the one neighbor moved but every Christmas they put up these noise making bad Chinese Christmas music that would be blasting all night or the Halloween you know decorations at blast what the July what we going to site the whole town well the fireworks are illegal in New Jersey got to have discretion well so I guess the chief of police is going to give the whole town I guess uh tickets like I'm I'm just saying like realistically we can't you can't RVE out discretion if you're if you are lighting aerial fireworks that are illegal in New Jersey respect I respect your I respect it I'm just saying our definition is simple I mean they allow those toy ground ones I okay I get it but yeah if it's if you're doing it I think this is solid I mean my other colleagues here they could vote no and they could go nowhere yeah I don't I don't I'm just I got I feel I conf son here because I have to about democracy and how it works AB I don't listen whatever happens happens but I feel I have to speak yeah I think I think we actually be on the same page I think some of the concerns that you say this ordinance actually meets that criteria it actually gives the the police uh opportunity to do their job without them getting retaliated or people following the complaints they could just like look the decimal readings was this I had to write the ticket I came here the first time I gave you a warning that's the discretion and now the second time I'm giving you the ticket because we CAU you with the decimal I I think this is actually I think this uh is a real solid piece and I want to give uh cud I can't take credit to writing all of this I I may have my input ones or twos but the the the two gentlemen that did this this is a Stella they did a great job I okay well we can disagree but you know I see it is just totally gutting it it's like why just throw it away just like with the permit parking that you want to let people Park wherever they want when they have a permit what's the point of that I mean why why let it just be first come first served in I mean that makes again that's another issue but the same thing here so John man we're good man yeah so that that's what I'm just saying it's just like I don't see the point I say it should just be enforced strictly there's no reason for somebody to have a band a loud DJ we're not talking no you know let's give I mean at least on my block people are pretty respectful you know so I'm fortunate you know a couple blocks over it's another story but you know somebody might has a little radio planing in their backyard having a barbecue nobody's going to Care yeah but if my house is shaking I'm trying to watch TV on a Sunday night or Saturday night watch a movie and my house is shaking it's not from the surround sound yeah from the neighbor that's a problem I shouldn't have to call four times five times other people have shouldn't have to be calling I think this minimizes the four times I think it really does I think I think what happens is police is going to always probably give that courtesy or discretion we're in a different world where it's uh community policing so I think that it gives police a little bit more protection because look I came and gave you I gave you a warning and now I got to come and and incite you because you're past the decimal reading also the police can have showed them and possibly look turn your your music up yeah you go past six that's we come out here and we give you a ticket it's also for repeat offenders you can't you can't guarantee that the same cop's going to come abut right and like the discretion varies right but now you know if you have officer a comes and hits the decibel reading officer B says oh well hit that again say you know whatever the discretion is also if what if equipment breaks it's not really just the what you're describing it the discretion is say that the equipment breaks the cop has to make go back to his own intuition like is is this wrong is this right so you kind of got to leave that there what if uh someone called out or that was trained and they and they and it's not there we're not going to so we're not going to write no ticket we have to that's going to give them the excuse to not do anything cuz no it's not I don't think it's 67 DB or whatever it is I think oh it doesn't sound that loud to me but you're not in the house dealing with it you know I mean that's what I'm saying it needs to be simple you make a call warning another call ticket that's it we both agree like uh what is that xylophone what is it what's that communication that is is predated photograph we we both agree that language got to come out right well there why that the technology don't exist right now people still play records look at look at the vinyl that came back I was glad when I I was glad when they got rid of records and went to CDs sound 10,000 times better now people are buying records again I got you John I respect you know yeah it doesn't matter whether it's you know a CD whether it's MP3 whether it's a b live ban I think this makes it fair and and prevents discrimination as well that's I don't see discriminate if you're rude it's rude it doesn't matter what I got you what group you belong to if you can't respect your neighbors I mean you say that but other people are still bi used in this community you know and and outside of this community it's oh I'm still trying to change the world as we speak listen I'm not saying I experienced it personally even here in Rosel Park myself listen I'm not saying it doesn't exist you know but listen I look at it like this I don't care what Creed you or group you belong to if you're making my life miserable I got that then I have a problem with it if you're being respectful being a good neighbor we're buddies I don't care I don't care what color you are doesn't bother me got you but guess what if you're I can't sleep and I got to get up at 4:00 to go to work oh understandable I'm not a happy camper understandable so thank you very much thank you John uh is there any oh anybody else want to come speak on this ordinance I'm seeing no one may I have motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I I may have motion to adopt ordinance number excuse me what are we on 27921 27911 so move second is there any discussion I think we we did the discussion me and John please please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilman Patel yes five votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted okay please read ordinance number 2792 by title yes mayor ordinance 2792 is an ordinance for second reading in public hearing and ordinance amending ordinance number 2781 fixing the salary ranges of non-union employees and officials of the bur Rosal Park and the county Union state of New Jersey may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2792 so move second all in favor I would anybody like to come up and speak on this ordinance specifically I am seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2792 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2792 so move second is there any discussion Andrew please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman rabina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted please read ordinance number 2793 by title yes mayor ordinance 2793 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending chapter 22 of the code of the bur of Rosel Park uh should say entitled fire prevention oh no sorry fire prevention and protection establishing section three thereof to be entitled electric bike SL scooter charging uh okay may have a motion to approve ORD summer 2793 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as October 17th 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion please call the rooll council P yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes councilman rabina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay please read ordin 2794 by title yes mayor ordinance 2794 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 7 section 17 of the code of the bur Rosell Park entitled residential permit parking may have a motion to approve ordinance summer 2794 for introduction and fix a date for reading and public hearing is October 17th 2024 so move second very any discussion yeah can we get a brief synopsis of the changes yeah I don't know what this is so um this was a matter and councilman Patel correct me if I'm wrong if I'm missing anything so this was a this was a matter raised by councilman Patel um with regard to how our residential permitting uh system is works so uh the basic framework other than some of the obvious components is that um each Street in the burrow that is permit parking not every street but ones that are designated by this by this by the code um are their own zones right so if you live on a certain Street and it's a permit parking Street you can come in free of charge get a residential parking permit from the burrow through the clerk's office and you are then entitled that parking permit then entitles you to park on that street if you're on a corner you can get a permit for two streets because your corner property and you have Frontage and sidey in a permit parking area um where I believe and I'm going to speak for you a little bit counsilman so correct me if I'm wrong uh where there is some conflict is some of the more congested areas where you have this um so I know particularly along the West Clay Avenue Corridor it's problematic because you have people who live say two houses into a certain block um they park on the cross street and um if they have uh if they're at odds with their neighbors or if uh police are going and enforcing uh particularly during the overnight time um those people are technically even though they live maybe 100t away they're in violation of the ordinance and they're not parked in their Zone and uh they uh either get a summons could get a summons um through the enforcement process um so what this ordinance does is it establishes zones that are not Street based um they are two zones uh one zone uh which is in the ordinances as Zone one zone one is for the area immediately around the train station station which meets the criteria of the initial intent of residential permit parking in Rosell Park which was to avoid over congestion in the transit Hub by the train station zone two is everywhere else that has permit parking right so the people who live in zone one and get a Zone one permit can park in zone one people who live in zone two can get a permit for zone two and they can park in zone too right so those people who live say on Hawthorne Street off of Clay Avenue could park on both hawor and Clay Avenue and potentially Columbus place and a couple of other streets right around there I'm just using the map to my knowledge um the area that's specific to uh um Zone one again the transit Hub this ordinance defines as the area between on North and South Side between kfax Avenue and clay and east and west as Locust Street and Chestnut Street so there's that rectangular area around the transit Hub that kind of protects it from being overwhelmed by commuters and other people people um and that basically unless coun tell unless I got anything wrong that's the ordinance no and the other thing it also does is makes their Clerk's job a little bit easier because when the resin Zoo come in they have to you know you got to give them a sticker that wherever they live so you got to print out of the sticker and print that and also I assume it makes a cop's job easier uh because it's by zone so if you live around that area you already know Zone one is or zone two could park here here you don't have to look up and run the plates and see if this address lives here and stuff like that cool uh any further discussion unfortunately you can't you do it dur in public portion oh you can't I I can't I can't interact with you right now yeah uh um okay U Andrew please call okay is any further discussion please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council signell yes Council Rina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced uh so there'll be a second public portion you can come up yep uh all matters listed with an aceris are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions list on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 23 3824 is approving the insertion of a bulletproof vest partnership Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $3,962 75 resolution 23924 is accepting the retirement of Rose Cooper from the position of Deputy Court Administrator resolution 24024 is authorizing cancellation of certain Grant receivable and Reserve balances resolution 24124 appointing Michael T Foreman to the position of parking enforcement officer resolution 24224 is authorizing the open-ended purchase of rock salt from Morton salt Inc pursuing to UNI County cooperative P pricing system contract number uccp d33 2024 at $735 per ton and resolution 24324 is authorizing the execution I'm sorry authorizing extension of the grace period for second for the second payment of sewer utility bills for the year 2024 until October 31st 2024 uh are we pulling anything yes go no no you go first uh 39 and uh 41 I want to pull 243 okay okay may have motion to adopt resolution 239-243 n-24 so move second any discussion I just like a happy retirement thanks for all our years she's been uh long 30 years I've been coming here how many years I know she's worked here fine job God bless and enjoy your retirement she's one of the longest right now I think the one of the longest serving burrow employees that we have right Ken I would say uh okay uh please call the RO counc Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council signorella yes Council rabina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirm of Mayor the resolution is adopted uh may I have a motion to adopt resolution 24124 so move second is there any discussion uh no Mikey T long time and like the chief said uh fine Rosel retired uh police department he'll be ass said he's just a good guy smile on his face uh I I don't know if that guy everybody likes this guy he's a good guy so whatever so a good hire thank you any further discussion please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes councilman Rina yes councilman Patel yes six sry five five votes in the affirmative resolution is adopted okay may have a motion to adopt 24324 so move second is there any discussion yes um mayor I think this is a good reso I was just wondering uh and I have a question uh for Andrew or the or the attorney I don't know yep um can we add or is it does it make sense to create a new reso uh I also want to suspend interest on the second payments say that say that the residents don't be able to come up with still that second portion I don't feel like everybody knows the three million is coming like why is it still under you know those type of ramifications so I want to suspend that as well yeah so I I can take a stab at one and then I'll defer to yeah the professionals on the other uh I think it's a good idea if possible um I mean the the hard reality of why we need to do the second collection is just we run into a cash flow problem at the end of the year right so we still have to pay to the Joint Sewer Authority and one of the other ones right Ken yes so we just we just straight up run out of money right unless unless the money got here earlier which is why we were waiting till like I know it stinks for everybody to get this last minute but I'd rather be everybody be upset with me trying my hardest till the last minute to get the money um then whatever but anyway if we got the money in then we'd have the cash flow unfortunately we don't have the cash flow so I I I can kind of talk to that I also if I could let Ken um so the answer to your question councilman is yes is it possible to do that I I believe it is um the the issue becomes and again policy decision your guys decision right is um it doesn't really incentivize people to ever pay um so if it is possible and I'll defer to Ken and the attorney uh never seen us do it um it may be wise to potentially contemplate kind of like a a an absolute deadline before interest does start yeah because if you leave it open-ended people may just never pay I'm open to leas an extension on that as so yeah so like maybe maybe if we did like a three months interest free okay something like that I would be because you know it's almost looking like good idea punishing we're punishing the the no disagreement I don't want to punish that no I think it's a great idea I really do so I I do agree with Andrew it it probably would make more sense to to to so I would just do it in U a separate resolution right I would pass this tonight let people know you still have time you have 31 days your next meeting you can have a discussion there's different ways to do it um one of the ways would be its interest uh is deferred or not ured if you pay it within 90 days but if you pay it on the 91st day you have to go back and as if interest was in right so there's a little bit of incentive to get it in on that day otherwise we we add interest back oh sorry otherwise we add interest back that's the uh the process so there's a couple different ways to do it so we can talk offline let's do a different res different options but I would still I think you have to pass this one tonight for Ken's purposes I think Ken do you have something you want to chime in on uh well you definitely need to pass this one as is tonight just otherwise you're not going to be able to extend the grace we'll be insolent yeah yeah um we can have further discussions before the next meeting about the other possible way um I have to also see if the system can handle that type of adjustment unfortunately you know um uh that's unique I've not heard of that before but I'm not saying it's not out there this a unique situation I I understand trust me I've been sitting through all of it trying our best to make everything happen Mak K sweat real real bad till the end but uh the only thing I would request is if it's not possible that it's no fault of anybody's here we're we're trying but uh the law is if it's not paid the following year it goes to tax sale yeah so that that is I was going to say that's the that's the even so that's the incentive to pay ultimately if if uh if we are able to wave it in definitely which I don't know um the the statute covers it right where you may not be you may be you may be interest free um but ultimately ultimately you're going to have to pay at some point otherwise you're you there'll be a lean on your house and there'll be a lean holder that you're going to have to pay interest to which is probably more painful than the interest you're getting on your sewers so that that would be the only thing I would say might run into an issue but cool uh all right uh any further discussion I think it's a good idea so so that's something uh councilman we'll um we'll do we'll continue to Dialogue on for the the October 17th Mee okay okay okay thank you I appreciate any further discussion I seeing none uh please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman Cella yes councilman rabina yes councilman Patel yes five votes in affir of Mayor the resolution is adopted uh okay uh let's start off with the council president thank you mayor okay first of all I want to send my condolences out to the Stephen uh re can one of you not leave the room so we have a quarum sorry councilman okay um oh wait I'm sorry you you could actually go yeah we my bad okay okay uh Stephen rash he was a 1972 graduate of Rosel Park High School uh uh Julia donelly uh basante uh which also was a 1972 graduate of Rosal Park High School and Mrs Stevens um she was my uh when I went to high school she was a librarian um and uh actually she lived to 97 and everything so like I said um C go out to the three of them on uh on September 21st I attended the October Fest at the American Legion um councilman great event um you know uh again you know anything we could do for the veterans I uh you know I appreciate uh I know um like I said the councilman you were a veteran and you served our country so I uh always uh send my uh prayers and everything for all year and everything so again uh it was a great event and very profitable um on the 28th I attended the Arts Festival okay unfortunately it rained all day and you know I felt bad for the vendors and the people that had food stands but um you know unfortunately uh it was said rain or shine so we um we had it uh m Monday I attended the fire department meeting um you know like I said I usually get the report of uh anything to do with maintenance um I'm going to supposed to get a uh email about all the there's in station one and station two but as of uh uh today I didn't get one yet but I I know I will get one uh Sunday October 20th will be the Halloween um costume party it'll be at 2 34 Chestnut Street which is the youth uh Center um costumes from infants to 8th grade uh Flyers will be distributed throughout the school uh probably next week again I I'm going to ask again to keep your uh in prayers to Paul DeVito and if you don't know who Paul DeVito is he's our he worked for our DPW and he had cancer on his brain and he's uh gone through chemo and um you know so my prayers go out to him but I hopefully everyone else keeps them in and again if you can help the American Legion out please help them out um they I know they're looking for money um and everything and uh so uh I always remember uh uh one of the veterans I was friends with always said to me they were there for you when you needed to us it's time for you to be with uh uh them now when they need us and and I want to thank councilman Johnson for your time with service okay um again if you need to contact me J patoski at rosar park.net 9086664419 you know again thank you for your service and that's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman councilman rabina thank you mayor good evening Rosel Park last week I along with councilman Johnson superintendent go principes Koga and dowy attended the 2024 Easy Ride recognition event where the burough proudly received the gold level award for the New Jersey safe routs to schools program and four of five of our five schools received recognition this honor is a testament to our Collective wavering commitment to enhancing the safety and wellbeing of our children as they commute to school through various infrastructure improvements such as upgraded crosswalks new sidewalks traffic calming measures and the insulation of speed radar sensors we are taking significant steps to create a safer environment for our younger our young residents additionally our community engagement initiatives are fostering a healthier more active lifestyle for everyone this recognition is not just an award it reflects the hard work and dedication of our community in prioritizing the safety of our children we are building a brighter safer future for all I'm thrilled to announce that Sunrise document Solutions has been nominated as Rosel Park's October small business of the month for over 40 years Sunrise has been a Cornerstone of our community providing exceptional document Management Solutions and services that have helped countless local businesses Thrive Sunrise started as a small operation focused on delivering highquality Printing and copying Services over the years they've evolved to meet the changing needs of our community expanding their offerings to include digital Solutions and comprehensive document management their commitment to customer service and quality has not only Built lasting relationships but also contributed significantly to our local economy as we celebrate their achievements this month let's recognize the positive impact sunrises had on Rosel Park their dedication on our community reflects a spirit of collaboration and support that we value so deeply congratulations to Sunrise document Solutions on this well-deserved recognition as we celebrate National disability month I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible commitment that our town has made to inclusivity and support for all individuals with that I'm excited to remind you about the upcoming Rosel Park cpeg meeting on October 17th via Zoom where inroads to Opportunities and Roselle will lead a discussion on vital topics such as transitioning from school to work vocational programs job placement and coaching along with DEH habilitation mental health support and other topics this is a fantastic opportunity for families and students to learn about these resources about the resources that are available to them please visit Rosel Park cpag gmail.com or call 908 299-6444 students just over 20% of our student population who have physical mental learning or other disabilities we are particularly fortunate to have spaces like the friendly sensory the sensory friendly Park designed to be welcoming for all while some may view it as a misallocation of resources it was developed using County funds specifically to uplift our community this park stands as a testament to our shared commitment to inclusion and support additionally I want to highlight our efforts to ensure that property owners and associations of multif family units are compliant with ADA requirements we tabled tonight's resolution and we're hoping to come to a amicable uh understanding resolution on it I'd like to say thank you to the greater Union Chamber of Commerce over 450 Runners and a record 96 sponsors took part in the 13th annual mayor Day 5K run some of the proceeds from that event will be donated to a Rosal Park Family whose seven-month-old daughter baby Leighton has yet to come home to Rosel Park on behalf of the burrow I thank each and every business that sponsored the this event I will continue to encourage support and access for all children and individuals in our town my final comment may we recognize the good in one another and strive to be a community of neighbors helping one another and not tearing each other down I can be reached at jbin Rosal park.net 862 2361 night 1 n thank you mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman councilman Johnson thank you mayor my report will be short uh mayor residents Community I had the opportunity to attend the easy ride with my colleague uh the October Fest at the American Legions I want to give uh Sal and um women's auxiliary especially uh Kudos and a shout out to them for putting such together and helping the veterans to put together such a wonderful uh event uh that raised uh some decent money uh the veterans do need help and I couldn't said it say it better than my uh colleague right here you know a lot of them served us uh as time to give back to they love that place and uh we're we need a little bit more financial help so from the community so we're going to continue to do community events we're going to continue to do other uh explore other options that grants and other things to try to uh mitigate our uh uh situation so please uh help out the veterans any chance that you can um also I also had the opportunity to attend the Art Festival I just missed the photo opportunity so I did support managed to purchase two uh Nic every year I make it my business to get one of those t-shirts so I I got two this year um so I don't need any recognition from the town about me attending uh also um uh the Greg Johnson civic association is also uh we we I did uh with along with my brother we did the cleanup on Westfield AV and we have plans to uh do a CPR event at uh uh free for uh teenagers like we've done uh in the past um preferably uh that age group um so um as soon as we get more um information I'll I'll share it on Facebook and I'll share it on uh my um on my post other than that um if you need to get in contact with me please uh call me at 98303 1519 or you can email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net and uh that concludes my report thank you councilman uh councilman Patel sure good evening only got two updates uh the environmental commission will be hosting a repair Cafe this Saturday at the Rosa Park High School cafeteria starting at 10 p.m. the Annual Festival of India is on Saturday 5th um same location Rosa Park High School starting at 5:00 pm and that's all I have so if you have any question uh please reach me at K Roso park.net thank you may thank you Mr cman in large good evening just a couple of Public Safety things uh fire prevention week's coming up uh in October and just a reminder of everybody please hope you have a smoke detector in your house carbon monoxide detector uh fire extinguisher be good when we we turn over homes and the apartments are required to put in the fire extinguisher now um if you don't have them um the state can get us uh and uh the smoke detectors um street lights right if you got a street light out in your neighborhood email or call the borrow and um somebody will take your number for the street light um I just like to uh congratulate my wife retired from the school district after I don't know 15 17 years and uh she be missed and she's going to um stay home and take care couple things in our new granddaughter and um that's the end of my report so you need me get a hold of me it's J signell Rosal park.net 908 721 6488 have a good night thank you counsman um yeah I bit my tongue um very excited for the events coming up this fall uh I'll keep mine short unfortunately I'm going to miss the festival this this weekend I have to travel for work for the next week so you're looking at uh mayor Petroski for the next week send all complaints to him um uh uh don't burn the place down all right Joe I won't thank you um you know on a serious note I'd really like to once again um stress how disappointed I am with the way this sewer system thing is shaken out um we were elated this year uh to get the relief and and um look you know I'm I'm happy to call out the state when the state can't do something right like you know it's it's amazing to me that you know you can fit something that massive in the budget and uh it's in there as a line item as a fiscal year 2024 item and still not be able to guarantee that it will come this year it is something that um needs to be rectified going forward like the we cannot operate in this way um I do find I think it's a good thing that we'll have relief going forward but it's uh very very frustrating not the least of which now the communications right do you pay do you not pay now you got to pay like it's it stinks uh the whole thing stinks and I I understand that there's frustration I would be frustrated too and the only reason we didn't make a decision sooner was because we really tried to the 11th hour to to get some confirmation that that money was going to come in and save everybody this second payment but um you know I'd rather you guys be mad at me for waiting um and trying my best than um you know calling it early and giving up on it so um sucks and I wish I did better um anyway any further discussions uh mayor Sig at Rosal park.net um happy to help out with whatever you got um may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject matter so move second all in favor I if you like to come speak you may do so now come on up y hi uh Anthony Peters 7D cfax Manor um and we took our break couple of the unit owners had voiced some things that I didn't point out my last speaking um I just want everybody to know this whole thing with this handicap parking space um Eddie had his own PR private parking space at kfax Manor he had it for years but because of um some issues he lost that privilege he was the one and only unit owner that was granted a private Zoom meeting with the board to try to resolve this first endeav I know he had said that we're kind of picking on him but we have never had present a zoom meeting for unit owner solely that's always been a joint thing unit owners you come in we have a meeting uh once every few months so I just want everybody to realize that he did have his private parking spot um for years yep and lost it so that's all I just wanted to say thank you for your time the private meeting we did not have an attorney no oh I'm sorry yeah the only question I have I'm not going to Bel I just want to know sometime do you ever have an attorney to help some our meetings David Burns is is our attorney um yeah there's been he's been a few at least three unit owners meetings that I can remember um this particular private meeting it was just the board our property manager and Eddie um was at this meeting um when was about revoking his parking space and why we were so there was transparency throughout so unfortunately we can't I can't yeah it's got to be one at a time apologies yeah so um yeah okay thank you other question oh no thank you go ahead do you need my name and address again Edward SEL at 26 C co-ax Manor all right the dispute was over uh some work that I had done that they never got back to me about I called management which was M properties I called them and they said this guy well a guy that worked there s said he would always call me back now Tony and Phil are the plumbers okay they did the plumbing in my house okay they're also on the board which is a conflict of interest in my opinion because they do the work and they submit the bill to themselves so they can make it for whatever they want I I just want to stay for the record I don't mean to and I'll give you all your time that you need back look this body government body is is here to make a decision on the merits of the ordinance and whether there's you know like we're not here to adjudicate that have to do with taking my parking spots away that he said it had nothing to do with taking my parking spots away you let him say it but I can't no no you can I'm just saying I want to say for the record like we're not we're not playing referee here right because we had a dispute okay and the zoom meetings and I have pictures of it and I have witnesses that said that they locked me out of Zoom meetings okay while Zoom meetings were going on and I was voicing my opinion they shut me out and said waiting in this room I have pictures of it I have a neighbor I went to his house during a zoom meeting okay showed him I was locked out of it okay and he was watching it I heard the whole thing from behind his computer so as far as that they locked me out of things as far as just losing my two parking spots which I think in my opinion was illegal anyway okay I talked to Daniel who was accountant and I started paying him an extra $25 a month well this has nothing to do with it so that's something else so Mr so I do have a question for you do you have access to the lot behind the the your uh complex your unit the ABA spots that are there they're I believe four cuz I've been back there to see it do you have access to those spots what spots are they the only spot I have no Reserve parking spot no garage I'm not saying a reserve there are four Ada spots labed spots where are they I'm only in uh B which is the parking lot next to my house there's another candy in Lot B are there any Ada spots in Lot B ad is handicap spots one handicap spot in in the parking lot where I am on the side the other side has two handicap parking spots but it's not handicap accessible because there's steps there's two steps three steps your unit is it on the first floor is it on second floor second floor okay is there an elevator in your building or no okay but what I'm saying is is that there's one handicap parking spot that's it on the other side there's two but there's no access there's there's no handicap access there's steps just's two steps then three steps then two steps going up and there should be handicap access in one of them because it's a handicap parking so you should have access with a ramp or something but there's nothing there okay as far as like what he said about oh dispute that has nothing to I agree that has nothing to do with it this is about parking on the street and kofax matter I applied for it says in here I failed about all the paperwork the rules and everything perfectly I got doctor's notes and everything and they have no right telling me I can't park on the street when the town gave me the street they don't own the street they think they own everything you know and I think it's in my opinion you know I just think it's revenge and then you know a lot of people said they should have never taken your two parking spots away but I'm not here about my parking spots I'm here about the handicap parking so therefore I think I should get the handicap Park if they want to give me if they're complaining that oh people are complaining there's no room on the street I mean in the last Zoom meeting Tony said we're going to call the town or we're going to get see if we can get rid of the permit parking so more people could park there unfortunately you're out of time but we heard it we're going to take this under consideration it's tabled right now thank you thank you Bill I think I saw you coming up good evening Bill cross at 412 Galloping Hill Road uh quick question I forgot to ask at the last meeting is there going to be a meet to candidates for those people running for election this year yeah I mean nobody's organized it usually it's like some random third party that does it I think there's one on the board of ed side but I haven't been approached from uh you know from a municipal side uh so first off in the past it hasn't been the B of Rosal Park doing it right it's we've we've allowed neutral parties to use this forum for that um but the the burrow of Rosel Park does not do that now with my other hat on is the chairman of the democratic party if the chair person of the Republican party wants to say hey we should set something up like I'm open to it um but that's not really a it's not a burrow decision yeah okay yeah um in reference to the gentleman who was up here before about the noisy neighbors uh Woodland is behind me on Galloping Hill Road I know the house heast talk talking about habitual offender would not even Define it if I said the DJs were still going on at midnight it would not be an exaggeration y I have no clue how many people were over there but you could hear the people above the music because they had to talk loud so again councilman my concern is how they going to enforcement you know police have other things to do as well but there's got to be enforcement behind the ordinance councilman you want to respond yeah um I thought we spoke about that already on at the last meeting so our plans are to train obviously several of the law enforcement officers we're going to try to acquire one or two of the devices to uh effectuate that so that's pretty much pretty much it in LMP show um once these guys are trained it should be a no-brainer if the chief or anyone gets dispatched over there and they they uh operate the equipment and it comes up that they're past the decb cool uh that's the easy citation I I think it takes the the guess I think it takes the guess work out of the guessing you know and I also want to thank the councilman and the chief for putting up the speed sign on Galloping Hill Road and yesterday I happened to go in and out two or three times so I stopped at the end of the driveway just to watch that one vehicle that went by that sign was below 30 m hour and there was at least two what just in the short time I was watching that were at 45 so I appreciate the effort and again it comes to enforcement we can't ask the police department to sit there 24 hours a day watching the guys but hey we're trying yep thank you thank you Bill thank you anybody else want to come up hello mayor and Council Phil the 4 46c gfax matter um getting back to the handicap spot of course uh when I where I was sitting I don't know if anybody noticed um well you probably all did notice the elderly W woman sitting behind me all the help she needed getting up out of the chair the spot that we're questioning that is 20 25 ft away from her house where she lives if anybody could use a spot it's her go we can't sorry please take all this under consideration when you're making your decisions I know you have to talk legal I understand but take this all under consideration please I I have a question though um where are the other Park how far are the other parking uh that CU I went there so how far are the other ones we have in our parking lots we have ada8 spots throughout how far how far because you brought up you brought up distance so let say how far two 300 ft similar to the similar to where the one is on the street correct and one and actually the one and actually the one with the steps is even further the one with the steps is further the one on the street is closest to This Woman's house that I just was referring to yeah um so like once again we do have a lot of elderly people you have a lot of them on the on the property right and they're all pretty much a lots in A and B they're all pretty much it depends on where your your unit is correct yes yes so so technically some of those spaces would be further from her as well yes yes and and uh once again uh nobody ever removed an ADA spot from Eddie Eddie has full access to any Ada spot he wants on the property his private parking his non Ada spots that what was removed for non-payment of HOA fees and and that's the bottom line so take that all in consideration and when you make your decision please absolutely understood thank you thank you thank you I unfortunately only one person only one time for public portion okay anybody else I am seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I I no further closed items for executive uh may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I thank you everybody e for