##VIDEO ID:unhZ86fgHR0## e e e e e this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and you'll notice of this meeting is published in the Union County local source and the New York Star Ledger said notice was Pro posted in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the B clerk fire exits are located in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit proper notice having been given the burough clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the role councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson absent councilman signarello here councilman rabina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signarello here please lead us in the opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace Amen amened aliance to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um there are no Communications for review this evening uh we do have a presentation uh Chris and his Eagle Scout project proposal want to come up bud uh I think is that microphone on it's on yeah it's on yeah what do you want to do for us what's the project all right hello I'm Chris I'm a life Scout in troop 68 of Union New Jersey and for my Eagle Scout project I'm looking to create a message board for the Rosa Park Community Garden this message board will serve as a resource for uh all the citizens the uh citizens and the visitors of the community garden and it'll provide insight to upcoming events and um activities happening at the garden such as renting a plot and even um when they need volunteers it could serve as another way of communication that that that these things need to happen it benefits people because communication is lacking with the community garden right now all that there is is the website and social media not everyone has that not everyone knows about the website and lots of people would want to know what's going on at the Garden immediately while they're there as well as making the garden look more professional I can't allow this oh no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding no yes just kidding uh no that sounds great yeah thank you cool how'd you come up with the idea I came up with the idea just cuz um I don't know Garden looked a little empty I you got the environmental commission uh he's insulted Tim's very heartbroken no but that's awesome when you uh when are you going to have it complete by um I'd assume by November 15th I'm looking to start it in October okay cool Chris I got a question for you where's it going is it going to be towards the front entrance coming in or is it mhm like in front of the uh gate to go into the garden gotta cool thank you okay cool do you need me to sign your uh sign off on the project or is it after or before or I believe that's after yep and then that at the end and sign okay it's actually it's probably Tim right so good timing you you we literally have the environmental commission head right here so before you leave you guys might want to um change contact information okay thank you yeah not public commentary right now mil nope uh cool all right thank you thank you yep thanks yep thank you thank you okay uh that's exciting um may I have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I I may have motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I hi you'd like to come speak please come to the microphone and state your name and address uh for the record God bless you Mil Woodruff 134 bed Rue Rosel Park my question pertains to uh 2786 in reference to the storage calculation MH that is going to be based on consumption or water bills how's that going to work yeah so uh I believe if memory serves we're going to adjust the calculation we used to do it based on water consumption from 12 months of the year um we're going to switch it to is it just the winter months or is the one month October November December yeah but also you have to be careful because those bills include fees and also other charges not just water so we don't calculate it off the raw number we calculate it off the consuming they give you that number they we get the units from the water company yeah the the whatever the gallons that consumed volume yeah what kind of dollar amount do you project going to raise for this we $8 for 100 what we need is what we're going to raise yeah so there is no this shouldn't be a this is not a net increase or decrease this will be a different cutting of the pie right so if you think about it the people who get I I would say people who were vocal about if you have a a pool or if you water your grass that's water that doesn't go back into the sewer system so that's going to be excluded going forward so there'll be a it it's not an increase of the pi in this ordinance it is a reding it up of the pi my other question pertains to the the bonds that you're talking about my impression was from previous conversations that you were talking about $1.6 million in bond uh borrowing yep but now you're talking about 3.9 I thought the difference was covered by grants where is where is this in the agenda it's it's 27 2787 got it uh Andrew I don't know if you want so the entire so the entire Bond ordinance that's being amended by this ordinance is 3.98 7 however there's the offset all of this ordinance does is amend the prior ordinance to reappropriate the money for the Rick Barry statue as money for roads so it doesn't change what statue was that it change it reappropriates the funding for the Statue to roads it does not change the amount authorized yeah see I'm a little confused because quite frankly our budget at the year L year end shows something like uh $6.7 million in cash and Investments Plus a $2 million surplus in our budget additionally we also going to receive about $3 billion for as a grant for the storage thing and yet our taxes went up and the storage thing is still at skyh high uh we're talking about a lot of apples and oranges here right so the sewer bill the sewer the money that we got from relief for the sewer money that goes into the separate Sewer Authority right so that's a different pot of money that is you get your sewer bill on right so that's the apple and then you're talking about oranges here what about the uh the year end budget has shows $6.7 million I mean again like mil we can go back and forth about this I know you've come a couple times talking about wanting to use more Surplus we've talked about why we don't use more Surplus I mean I'll defer to Ken if he has any further commentary we also spent about 20% of our budget on Advertising the the loans we already have for know what I would add to it what we have a surplus that doesn't make sense I'll be honest I don't fully understand the comment Ken I don't know if you have a got it I'm not exactly sure what he's asking in that so where's the money going your budget shows over $6 million a year end and cash and a $2 million surplus in your budget for this year yet our taxes are going up well you got to look at the balance sheet the balance sheet is is equal the balance sheet is equal equal to what it's there's the assets and the liabilities I don't have it in front of me but there's cash there's other liabilities there's taxes receivable you got your payables you got your budget reserves so mil I have I have I we only have 30 seconds left and I want to be I say this with the utmost respect right I think we've B gone through this Budget on the municipal side for a while I do have one question have you have you also gone to the board of ed yet cuz they're half the budget too have you given them the same level of scrutiny well that's my next step but anyway okay I'll come to that meeting one other quick question about the permits was it 2788 okay the per the the per the permit how to go to the person doing the job what about the whole shouldn't this just be the home owner go ahead Andrew respond so Mr wooder if these are the this specific ordinance relates to Street opening permits by and large I would say 90 90 over 90% of the time Street opening permits are issued to Street out base correct Public Utilities okay no my error thank you thank you for your time anybody else want to come up and speak on agenda items yeah come on up M sure yeah just on the sewer and not directly just name an address sorry Tim kley 213 charot Terrace yep U I guess not directly related to the imposition on the sewer but and I I've mentioned this to Andrew in the past but have you guys discussed storm water separated out from sewer uh so we it's not it's not on the agenda unfortunately so you can ask part of it yeah yeah yeah problem it's first first public portions for agenda item second G by okay that's fine you call me uh okay anybody else agenda items only I'm seeing no one may have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor okay uh Andrew please read ordinance number 27 Oh may have a motion to accept the reports of Department as submitted so moved okay all in favor I uh okay Andrew please read ordinance number 2786 by title yes mayor ordinance 2786 is an ordinance for second reading and public Hearing in ordinance amending chapter 27 section 6 subsection 3 of the code of the burb Rosal Park entitled imposition of charges may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2786 so move second uh all in favor I uh would anybody like to come up and speak on this ordinance specifically I seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordance number 2786 so move second all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ORD summer 2786 so move second is there any discussion please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sigell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted okay please read ordinance number 2787 by title yes mayor ordinance 2787 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing and bond ordinance to amend sections 4H and 16 of the bond ordinance ordinance number 2776 entitled a bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new information technology equipment and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the B Rosal Park in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $ 3,987 th000 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate various grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in the anticipation of the issuance of such bonds adopted May 2nd 2024 okay may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2787 so move second uh all in favor I may have a motion to open uh close the public um would any like to come speak on this ordinance seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2787 so move second all in favor I I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2787 so move second any discussion Andrew please call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted please read ordinance number 2788 by title yes mayor ordinance 2788 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing and ordinance amending chapter 23 section 1.5 of the code of the B Rosel Park entitled conditions of permits may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2788 so move second uh all in favor I anybody want to come up and speak on this one seeing no one may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2788 so move second all in favor I I motion to adopt ordin number 2788 so move second is there any discussion please call the role councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative May the ordinance is adopted all matters listed with an asteris are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 18924 is accepting the retirement of Lewis M corant from the position of crossing guard resolution 19024 is accepting the retirement of Andrew G badish from the position of crossing guard resolution 19124 is authorizing the tax collector and Treasurer to issue a refund in the total amount of $947 due to a payment application error resolution 19224 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 19324 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement Grant fund Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of$ 7,735 129 resolution 19424 is appointing Zachariah Vargas as a member of the Rosal Park fire department resolution 19524 is appointing fire patrol member Elijah Castro as a member of the Rosal Park Fire Department resolution 19624 is promoting alternate crossing guard Joseph Evans the position of crossing guard resolution 19724 is promoting alternate crossing guard Roger Sue to the position of crossing guard resolution 19824 is appointing Brian micii to the position of alternate crossing guard resolution 19924 is appointing Anna Lucia Pagan to the position of alternate crossing guard resolution 2024 is author authorizing the burough clerk to auction Vehicles no longer needed for public use resolution 20124 is authorizing the tax collector issue reduction Andor refund on two silver utility bills in the total amount of $247 resolution 20224 is authorizing the treasur to issue one check totaling $942 26 payable to one lean holder on one property and one check holding $11,000 from the tax collector's premium account and resolution 20324 is awarding a contract to porino builders LLC for the project improvements to Grant Avenue year 50 cdbg in the amount not to exceed $296,500 is any pull anything 1889 mayor okay anybody else doie may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I uh may have motion to adopt resolution 9-24 so move second is there any discussion yeah mayor I just like to thank uh uh Louise right is it uh she's been uh I can't know how many years but she was on Sherman AV Westfield a which look all our crossing guards do a good job and they're all top play locations but Sherman a and Westfield a is pretty tough and just want to thank her for I don't know how many years been she doing but it's been a long time thank you for her service okay anybody else uh okay Andrew call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel 61 the affirmative mayor their resolution is adopted cool uh moving on reports let's start off with uh Mr council president you want to start us off sure thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my condolences out to uh Evelyn Jones um Dorthy Phillips who was a 1953 graduate of Rosell Park High School um Fernando Ambrosio and Lillian marovic who turned a 100 years old last year um on July 31st I attended the open mic Rosanna thank you very much for your invite uh great job and we do have talent I mean I I got uh them kids do a great job very happy with that on August 3rd I ascended the band Car Wash uh they said they did very well that day um and everything but I I I usually go try to support the band um and everything so uh I I want hope the band has a great year this year um like that um I would like everyone to keep Paul DeVito in your prayers um he has a fight on his hand um but um I I know I keep him in my prayers every day and everything like that so uh Paul you do have my prayers and uh um again American Legion can also use your help um um if you if your father or grandfather was grandfather to correct it was a veteran you can join as a son of legionaire um and uh they could use your help um you know we have a new commander of the Sal um and he's trying to uh build up um the S so uh but if you if you want you know you basically got sign up be a member and um you know help them out because they could definitely use your help how much are dues $30 oh say it's different for got it okay but it's not it's not huge yeah okay yeah okay I'll sign up for you I'll sign up for you guys I think I qualify I can sign up um it's a good organization and uh you know like I said uh I want to thank my uh you know councilman over here for his service and he was a former Commander over there and um you know you did a great job and everything like that but I uh do appreciate um we're trying to build up the uh post 60 so uh if you need to contact me get me at J Petroski at rosar park.net 9086664419 no thank you mayor good evening Rosell Park I hope you're all enjoying your summer despite the recent bounce of heat wind and rain it's been a season filled with both weather challenges and fun community events in July I had the pleasure of kicking off for fourth annual community cooldowns a big thank you to director Shaw Chief Thompson Deputy Chiefs curka and Jula and our dedicated volunteer firefighters for their participation and support I'd also like to extend my gratitude to Wanita dryer from The Fifth Ward for donation of ice ice cream sandwiches at her third cool down and to officers cambronero Hokinson and Matthews PBA 27 for providing ice pops we also hosted our second annual family swim night at the orange AV pool in Cranford last night where smiles and good times were plentiful thanks to director rup and Shaw Rod Thomas and his son from Scout Troop 56 and councilman at large signorella for their support on July 30th Chief Reno ba casayas councilman Johnson and I met with easy ride to discuss our Safe Streets camp campaign the street smarts initiative aims to educate the public about traffic laws and promote safe behaviors to reduce accidents and fatalities in our burrow we'll be focusing on an intersection in the Fifth Ward for this study with more details to come in September and with school year approaching I reached out to Triple A and they will provide the bur with free schools open drive carefully signs to remind motorists to be vigilant around their schools regarding infrastructure Pine and Larch have been milled and paved with striping to follow on August 1st we completed yellow Curbing and striping between Amsterdam Valley and Beachwood to improve visibility safety and Ada accessibility regarding Ada please note the burrow offers eight free handicap parking spaces in the Chestnut Street mun Municipal parking lots those with a handicap placard or license plate can use these spaces at no charge last month I mentioned the beautiful raway Valley Railroad mural in the Fifth Ward well the Dot's Chief of Staff has informed us that the knotweed removal will be be completed by the end of summer with 20 or so dead and hazardous trees to re to be removed this fall they will also survey the land between West kfax and Woodside AV along Beachwood which is prone to storm water accumulation as a chamber update on Sat on Sunday September 29th the greater Union Chamber of Commerce will hold their annual 5K to support a Rosal Park Family the funds will assist the family of Leighton an infant born prematurely in February who has been battling severe medical complications Leighton remains at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and will need 24-hour care upon discharge to help ease the family's financial burden a portion of the races proceeds will be donated to them for more information contributions or sponsorships visit Union chamber.com or call Jim Masterson at 908 688 2777 every little bit helps and I'll share more fa more details on Facebook next week finally the municipal land use board meeting will take place this Monday at 700 p.m. here at burough Chambers the agenda includes a preliminary and final site plan hearing for 243 East Westfield AV formerly known as Garden dry cleaners the applicant seeks C and D variances to convert the existing one-story commercial building into a two-story mixed use commercial residential space you can reach me at 862 23619 or email at jbin Rosel park.net thank you man mayor thank you Rosel Park that concludes my report excellent thank you Council Matel good evening um last month I attended the eagle scout review and congrats to Alex on earning the eagle scout rank I've been walking the ward and listening to Residents concerns and suggestions I appreciate everyone who shared their thoughts to improve over borrow the environmental commission is excited to announce the next repair uh Cafe on Saturday October 5th at Rosel Park High School cafeteria from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. if you're interested in volunteering please reach out to the commission the community garden is thriving and the commission will continue give away free organic produce each week for the rest of the summer you can stay updated by following the Roso Park Environmental Commission on Facebook or by contacting them via email or through your local council person uh that's all I have today so have a good night if you have question you can reach me at Capel Roso park.net thank you thank you councilman councilwoman good evening hi everybody um I'll start with something funny tonight um so there's a story there's a woman that she was walking in her town and she noticed an older man sitting on a rocking chair on his porch and would admire him every single day finally she got up the courage and said I would like to ask him what's the secret to his long life so she went to him and said you know what's your secr secret he said well there's no secret I smoke three three packs a day eat junk food and never exercise and she says wow she goes well how old are you and he says 26 it does matter what we do so okay um um good evening so happy summer I can't believe it's August um and as councilman Joe had said uh we did have summer nights Open Mic um every Wednesday at the Gaze Bo um I would just love to thank uh rup and Shaw the director of the community center he really helped me so much in organizing everything and reaching out to our talent um L's music which is our music school in Rosel Park um Juan is just amazing and his team they came up and set up in the Gazebo each night um John reri with the youth center we had a little bit of um rain one night or or possibility of rain and he let us use the youth center um and I really thank uh councilman Joe patoski and councilman Joe sella for coming and attending um these kids came out and really showed their heart and the thing that I really loved sharing with them was to be able to use their voice and be in front of a microphone be in front of a crowd and at our last uh time together I would have these they were little they were 8 years old and I would have them look at the audience and receive the love because sometimes we look out and we were fearful of using a microphone or or being scared but you shouldn't be and it was just a powerful um just uh presence of their gifts they sang and they really brought it so I I thought it was such a powerful thing um I would have loved to seeing really more of the community come out so hopefully next year or whatever we do to really support these kids um and to support cuz it's for you it's not just to show off or you know um in any way but really to to Really Bless the people that are there so um definitely come out hopefully I'll do it something maybe in the fall we're not sure um but definitely look out for it coming up on September 6 we have so many things obviously September hits and everything goes crazy um just with school and events but please look at the app I always PL plug for the Rosel Park app it's called My Rosel Park but on September 6 we have the annual Fiesta Hispana Latina did I say right wait wait annual Fiesta Hispana Latina um amazing Festival we have so much fun um September we have the Arts Festival and we have so many things in October and I would love to um really announce offic officially announce that the Italian Heritage Festival for the first time in Rosal Park thank you mayor and Council um is October 19th we're going to have food trucks Pizza lots of Italian food wear green white and red even I mean listen all of us are going to come together uh in one um and we have kids stuff so definitely come out for it um and I just want to note this as well uh just a reminder to shop local uh Park Ice Cream posted something today and I was like wow like I just want to announce for them so on Westfield Avenue we're going to be having some um they're not going to be you're not going to be able to park there for a couple months and they went out there and literally said order online call or they deliver I'm going to be in trouble if they're delivering ice cream to my house but uh Park icecream.com uh if you're interested but definitely support everybody in town and uh real quick a final thought um I wrote this the other day and I wrote you can either be under construction or under destruction my father was a builder he was a Mason and he always taught me the foundation does matter all of us have a peace to this town and we can really work together and make it the best that we can and you guys it's awesome to see people come out and it's awesome people call me they watch on television or they they meet me on the street and it's a beautiful thing so um I love you Rosal Park family thank you so much you can reach me at R lines Rosal park.net or 908-7262 773 thank you thank you councilwoman um councilman Johnson I saw you next only two options okay uh good evening mayor council and residents first I would like to start off with a couple of community announcements as always uh again uh update to Berwin and Avon we're still waiting on uh NJ DT but uh I appreciate you guys as patience unfortunately um when working with other agencies we don't have the toal control as to when we can commence until they uh finish doing what they need to do but in any event that doesn't take away from the positivity of this and uh the Berwin residents and Avon will be happy we're going to all have all new streets and and sidewalks in that location so um on Wednesday July 31st 2024 um I attended my first Eagle Scout board of review on behalf of troop 56 and Alex slay uh what can I say I learned um how exceptional that young man was kanjan did uh could you tell it was my first time oh okay cuz I was jacking up the questions uh but anyway congratulations and Kudos go out to uh that young man and for obtaining Eagle um also um first world residents I just wanted to uh uh reiterate that um Municipal land use board will be uh meeting will be Monday August 19th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. uh please if this uh if you have um if you would like to express your concerns this is a perfect place to share your thoughts so again uh residents that's in that area uh a few of you guys reach out to me um I'll be there too uh oh also um Andrew before I forget um I received the email today um and a resident also said um I'm right you um as I can't find who the members of the zoning committee are on the website can we please put that up there with their respected uh if it's not there it's on there it's on yeah but um I I went and checked too today I didn't see it maybe it must be a so it's under it would be under it's under government and then Municipal landuses board yeah that's what I did too so we just I double check but uh yeah that's what I just received today so um other than that if uh anyone needs to get in contact with me please give me a call at 908 30359 uh and my email is G Johnson Rosel park.net um have a wonderful summer Rosel Park God bless uh thank you councilman councilman signarello so I I did go to the pool night last night had a good time and Jay you can tell everybody who swam the longest underwater from one side to the other right you witnessed it anyway good good evening I enjoyed myself hey we're think of fast St tonight and the cool cool Downs were good good evenings good nights and the weather was right um look I just want to just add one to uh uh rosanna's report on the ice cream I tell you what I had some ice cream the other night schmor is at Park ice cream look I'm going to not I'm going to be 62 years old in September this some of the best ice cream I've really had this schores is really good and can you just maybe verify me what what's I didn't know about the parking maybe Andrew what guys seen that today the parking is is a clarification is that so it's part of the resurfacing of Route 28 um I don't know that it's going to be consistently entirely the two months but I'll get confirmation on that that's that's more than likely what it is okay so for work I didn't know if it was the equipment coming in for the parking deck no it's it's it's Route 28 is going to be resurfaced from end to end they're sealing it okay um so uh there will be some parking impacts because they have to remove the pavement markings first so um I don't know all the steps yet they actually haven't announced all the steps yet from dot shockingly um but they're going to first remove those markings so I'm hoping that it's not in just consistently for two months um but I'll I'll find out more information they send out briefings somewhat regularly but they don't have all of the information that's all I have you need to get a hold of me J sarella Rosal park.net good evening cool uh thank you everybody uh Andrew please read my appointments into the record yes mayor the following May oral appointments are effective immediately and do not require confirmation by the burough Council appointing number one appointing Darwin Roman current alternate member number three of the municipal luse board as class four member as a class four member of the municipal luse board to fill the unexpired term of Lauren Harms set to expire December 31st 2025 number two is appointing ad doo do Cosmo of 531 Spruce Street Rosell Park New Jersey as alterate member number three of the municipal land use board to fill the unexpired term of Darwin Roman set to expire December 31st 2025 cool uh I have nothing else to update so I will go to oh before we start the public portion uh I uh Joe do you want to give us an announcement we've had some updates on the Cannabis MD application I'm sure there's going to be some public comment on that so I'd rather inform everybody as to what's going on Mr DeMarco floor is yours thank you um so as most people are aware if not um the Cannabis MD uh application that was approved was challenged by uh various residents that they're called the objectors um that matter was filed in Superior Court in Elizabeth uh I did appear on behalf of the uh burough of Rosel Park um that matter has now been dismissed by the court uh what that means it is uh the court found that uh and I joined in on the motion to to find this that notice was not proper uh perfected so the applicant at the time of the hearing had not provided adquate notice to everyone required by Statute rendering uh the action of the board as if it never happened so that application will now need to begin again or a new uh and they will need to refile if they CH uh so choose to do so um some action will be taken in September it's anticipated by the planning uh by the combined board to just resend that prior resolution this way it's like it never existed uh whether that applicant files or when they file that is left up to them and that's their decision yeah so just to uh make that clear for everybody so next Monday there is a land use board meeting the only thing that's on that is I believe there's a first word application for some glass shop um we would as a board have to in September s the approval that happened and if they choose to apply again they can apply again they have to go through the whole process again there's no guarantee of that um but if they do obviously everybody will be notified in the same way but um you know that should be rescinded in September corre so I I really I would I would yeah rosan I I don't think that's the right thing to do right now but um uh yeah so with that I will uh open a motion to the public portion so move second uh all in favor I may do so now Mr Mayor if I could i' like to pass these out sure thank you Bill Crossett 412 Galloping Hill Road what I'm passing out are my thoughts and concerns and questions because I always get cut off on time so the most important one is the last one on here and I want to say that councilman Petroski has been a fantastic help on this one he's been talking to the chief the only reason I wanted to bring it up is my big concern is one day I got this guy knocking on the door ringing the doorbell comes back again the next day knocking on the door ringing the doorbell I watch the cameras and he goes to every house between my house and clay and then he goes up Clay the second time my wife says call the police we don't know who this guy is there's no vendor credentials around his neck so I call the non-emergency number I'm not getting broken into or anything like that so it's not a 911 call so in short the response I get is we don't do that I asked if a police car could come and find the guy and find out is he legit is he just banging on doors to try to get somebody to open the door and to get a response from our own dispatcher down here in this building that it's not their job sorry did you call the non-emergency number or the emergency number the non-emergency number down here y it wasn't an emergency so I wasn't going to do the 911 thing I let councilman Petroski know he's actually now seeing the guy walking around around over on Lincoln he's been very good at communicating back to me but me personally and probably a lot of other people in town it's a concern if that's the response we're going to get when we call the non-emergency number so um there was a change passed a couple weeks couple four weeks back about the size of a tree and you needed permit I really didn't understand how big the tree had to be in diameter before we had to apply for a permit is it six inches is it one foot in diameter do we know so I don't know that I'm sorry mayor could I respond I don't know offand there is a minimum I'll get that information to you if you don't mind I don't want to quote you yeah I don't want to quote you the wrong amount um wrong with twice in the past year numerous fees for permits have been increased about a year ago I brought it up that I had to replace my central air I had to replace my furnace all with within 3 months of each other and the fees totaled over $800 that was 5% added to the cost of the project but what do I get for those fees I got two inspectors for the air conditioner a total of maybe 12 minutes 10 minutes probably 2 minutes each inspector for the furnace so I don't get a guarantee from the inspection or construction Department so why is it over $800 for two projects that's just a little insane quite frankly if I have another project that I have to do I'm not getting a permit the town will never know yeah that's probably not something to put on the record but okay um just a question on the sewer lawsuit I because I just didn't know I happen to think of it from my background in hotels is there no insurance to cover any portion of a lawsuit yeah go for it Jeff so that type of claim typically is not covered right it's not a personal injury or property damage claim two it it's the coverage at the time the incident occurs usually so you might say whoever was 194 insurance company in 1914 and you right so it's it those type of of claims are traditionally not covered unfortunately okay that's all I got yeah that's everything on my list I appreciate your time thank you thank you um would anybody else like to come speak um any subject matter I don't know Tim if you wanted to come up you can okay yeah now you can okay got it come on Betty Woodruff 134 Bender um just a couple of comments um I I dri when I'm driving around town and out of town I'm noticing these days no body the kids are not wearing bike helmets the little scooter things that are going around nobody's encouraging the kids to wear helmets I I don't want to be the mother police but I certainly don't want to see anybody injured and the other day I saw a man teaching his little person to ride a bike and he didn't have a helmet on you got to start when they're little and I know in the past the police department has done things to encourage kids to put the helmets on and like anything in this world you know in one ear and out the other unless you keep uh reminding the kids and I I see that you're having a safety program and perhaps that would be part of it I don't know but um whoever is doing that program to remind the kids and maybe we can like the signs they put on the street for slow down those little things we could put something on the burrow website once in a while to remind remind parents to remind the kids to get their helmets on accidents happen and uh it's too late once once the accident happens so uh that was just my one thought and I wondered if um our Council and if you have the information could put it out when the streets are closing I mean trying to get around town sometimes and I'm not always on time but it's like I got halfway down Clay Avenue oh it was closed I had to go out on the Westfield I don't you know if I if I see it on the website I will avoid those streets um they were closing Bender Avenue I didn't even know what was going on down there and discovered I had to go out onto Galloping Hill to get off if I just knew I would have you know avoided that whole area but it's just a suggestion that might eliminate some confusion um if uh possible thank you thank you all right we'll try this again Tim kley 213 Charlotte Terrace uh like I said I I've raised this really informally in in the past at an environmental commission meeting just food for thought you know right now I know we've had issues with the I believe lawsuit everything that's been going on is related to the storm water system correct yes which is separate from the sewer system yes well so it goes into it's our storm water system that runs into a combined system to elizabth so corre right so from a but from a utility perspective the bill I'm getting covers both sewer and storm water well it's it covers uh yes now it does in some instances it does right the we the burrow for the most part pays for its sanitary system through the sewer utility right it does also pay for sto certain storm water things to the Sewer utility that's not to say from the current fund the operating budget there's also some money that goes toward storm got to offset it so yeah so anyway so again just a thought is this is environmental commissioner minor research and I can I can send you guys some stuff but you know again if if costs are increasing over time for storm water you know for me personally and just from a I'll call from an equity perspective it it makes a lot of sense in my mind to start to split those two apart y if you think about how it's allocated an apartment that's one unit in a five-story building has the same sewer build a house that covers 3,000 square ft of maybe 2,000 which are impervious causing a lot of runoff they should not be paying the same amount of money into storm water so to speak so you know again I can send you guys some materials on that which is something that's been kind of in the back of my mind with all the stuff going on here and it's also expensive I understand to administer potentially and set up up but yeah I I think it's a good idea Tim I'll be honest and I I just had somebody chase me about this today and I have no problem sharing because I'm going to take up some time do do is anything else you want to say um so there's nothing controversial here because it'll ultimately be up to a popular vote um but uh there's a bunch of parties that continue to knock on our door to actually buy the system right one of which is the sanitary system uh the sanitary system right in which case they would take care of billing and maintenance and everything right um I think that's something we're going to at least put up for a vote next year and once again so that means Council here would need to put it up for sale there would be a valuation and then everybody in Rosell park it be a public referendum at the end of the year so I think for me personally before we do anything like bifurcating that I'd put it up for a referendum and see how that goes and then take it from there um make make the sewer system American Waters problem versus ours um because it's a lot are we going to get a get some trees in town this fall it's my favorite topic uh Tim are we going to get some trees this fall yes thank you no he knows but oh I know no he knows we're and you know we've said before commission's here to support that you know residents have requested them that means I would hope those residents would want to help take care of those trees because it is a it is a big burden to put on the the burrow to plant the trees then to maintain them having said that hopefully the RFP will cover some of that down there yeah I mean we might want to I mean cuz we have we have money for trees that we didn't plant last time and we allocated some more money this year right we might want to just do a fresh questionnaire this way if there's anybody since our last questionnaire you know it might be worth it to do in the next couple weeks if you don't have a street tree in front of your house request it it's like it's like pulling teeth nobody wants one it's really that's crazy no Ser I mean seriously I mean one thing we're we're trying to do is to make sure we get the right trees in the right spot right so we're not planting oak trees under a power line we got something like a cherry tree a dogwood something that's only going to grow to I mean ultimately it's also our discretion right so so what I would say is like whatever money we have left over from ones that weren't asked like at some point it would behoove you and the new DPW superintendent to go around and be like one would be good here one would be good here right like you know thank you m been on that list for two years you figured as a counsilman you get one bumped up but no special treatment here yeah evening mhm Hannah anenson Bender Avenue yep first I completely support trees you want in front of your house I have one it's dying soon it will be I'll be I'll be needing a a new tree okay um the second thing is of course my opposition to cannabis MD continues and that um hopefully there will not be a reapplication if there is that it will be denied MH the third question is what is a criteria for a point OES to the land juice review board and how many women are currently on the board uh there's one uh so we are out of how many so there's how many fulltime people nine nine um uh so then there's four alternates so there's 13 Appo all told and well so the other one is also of that so I appoint 11 because mayor's de facto one and then there's a council appointment so I I pick 11 so and one employee right so actually I've been picking 10 so one woman is I thought she was leaving the board is there so there was one woman so there was two one had left um so one out of 13 one out of 13 yes yeah under represented sure good point and what is the criteria why are there so few like what what's required of someone to be on the land yeah I mean candidly it's really hard to get people who are interested in it right so the requirement is it is one of the few things that I get to pick solely um so the requirement I usually look for is some level of experience in the construction or engineering space right um you know we just appointed ad doph over here you know he's a brick layer right some kind of like understanding of what's you know what goes into building a building is usually something I look for but candidly I don't really get a lot of you know I mean Tim you're here from the environmental commission it's like pulling teeth to get volunteers for a lot of these things so um there's a form I believe online if somebody's interested in something so I usually go by that and do you advertise this information uh I gotta be honest with you and this is just me being like very direct is a lot of these folks have just been holdovers from people who have been on it you know year-over-year right um especially the alternates have been a pipeline I mean these are really crucial decisions that are being reviewed and and commentary from the earliest stages that impacts a town this is the one thing that town government really controls yep so I think that it's pretty outrageous that there's one woman out of 13 and that it's it's not even like a a you know reaching out to people to be considered for this that's just not true right in terms of Outreach you just said there were holdovers and and ick no no no no every year at the end of the year I put on my Facebook page if there's anybody interested in you can look it up any appointments feel free to contact me I get bubus on that but beyond that I do agree the disparities egregious no disagreements there okay and more trees hopefully 100% we're aligned on that one yeah hi guys hi I'm Stephanie parhan 152 Bridge Street I've been up here uh quite a few times yep um regarding the trees in front of my house um that are not being taken care of so it's the city trees okay they have now cracked and lifted my driveway completely yep the sidewalks again are completely lifted at least 2 and 1 12 in yep and also um my pipe that goes out and drains the sump pump water is 11 and2 Ines off of the ground now 11 and 1 half Ines I have contacted the superintendent of the DPW which I was also in contact with Paul and the gentleman before him as well um and every time I feel like I'm getting somewhere there's a new superintendent so now um Gregory um had reached back out to me on August 2nd said that he was going to look into it I've called I've emailed since never picks up the phone yep doesn't respond to my emails yep so I don't know what's going on at this point yeah so we have had a superintendent for the last couple years um we parted ways with that superintendent the superintendent that we have now is two and a half months even is into the job so he's pretty new in the saddle um you know I would say in Broad Strokes um we don't take down healthy trees right so if the tree is healthy it'll probably not get removed um as far as have you guys come out and looked at it because I have can I just finish right so just setting the parameters if it is healthy right um if the sidewalk is broken we'll fix a sidewalk but yeah we can have somebody look at it and if it's dead will'll be taken down okay when will that be because I've been up here and complaining about it for approximately four years you've been coming here four years on this I have been complaining about it for four years yes I have I have phone records I've been on the on the actual record twice before about this got it and what's the address one more time 152 Bridge Street par yes okay I'm your councilman Bridge no bridge bridge I thought brid so we're going to have we're going to have the superintendent come to your house tomorrow morning and if you're not home that's okay but he's going to go out and evaluate it and I'm going to ask him for a report back and when will I hear back that's my question uh if you could leave your contact information I'll call you personally again yes I can okay okay oh just to let you know I was at your house on Tuesday with the superintendent we went around the whole town and we looked at Tree in town okay so we were on bridge and there was quite a few on bridge that he wrote down to have that needed service I don't know if yours was one of them but if if what you're saying is true which I believe I believe you Pro um I'm saying he must have wrote it down already okay that's fine I have I just haven't heard back and I just find that unprofessional so thank you that's all oh I have four minutes right have been off go for it yeah yeah no go for it and then also I wanted to let you know that the dead branches from the trees are still hanging over the power lines understood thank you 52 anybody else what's up bud my name is Holden Tango I live on 431 Shar andava I would just like to know um what's going on with the um loan you took out for acur Park o good question uh we didn't take out a loan for acur Park we got a grant for acur Park um we uh we're in the design phase right now um we'd like to uh hopefully get shovels in the ground by this winter this way it happens over the winter so there's nothing getting shut down um we're just trying to figure out the most we can do with the money okay that's Co yeah anything you want to see there uh no it's fine no requests come on this is your time man surprise mil Woodruff 13 Bo Bender Avenue I just want to supplement briefly what my wife was asking about because we have seen too many kids but also young adults and adults riding around in powered uh three-wheelers and Mo and mo motorized bikes and scooters with no helmets on mhm and they are becoming or to me they are becoming a safety hazard not just for them but for drivers as well so I would like to pass it along or have you pass it along to the police department and maybe you can put something out reminding people that's required because I see too many of them doing that Leon you want to take care of that for me oh this pass it along for me you got got wor I've already dly noted it I was about to say that Jay does an excellent job every year reminding kids and and and he actually just did a function with promoting that so we we will reiterate that to the Chief and maybe we'll put something on the websites too yeah I don't want to wait until some gets hurt my other my other we've had them in the schools as well we've had a easy ride com in there are Transportation partner talking to the middle school kids we've given away over 300 helmets in the last three years with the bikes uh bike that's wonderful but you know what but they got to put them on they got to put them on and the parents got to make sure anybody the law is 16 and under you got to many them not just little guys but teenagers and adults just like walking right between the cars like how much time you go ahead you get okay minutes one other yeah a suggestion we got money from the uh open uh settlement about 70,000 $7,000 M could we consider making that part of the health budget for the town what do you mean when you say health budget if we we we help different health programs that you guys have already promoted maybe you could put that towards that maybe additional programs so there's very specific uses for this money if I could just I don't want to over complicate it but so this this is a national settlement right you the mone's received by the the subdivisions the municipalities counties and States how are allocated for specific things so that's not an acceptable use unless the health department is running a specific program to educate people of the dangers of opioids so right now the the funding is going to be utilized by the municipal Alliance program which is in the schools to do that type of program fine that's all I have the impression the way it was worded that that money was simply going into the budget right no it's not it's it's allocated for a specific purpose a little Clarity that's all thank you anybody else Okie doie uh may I have a motion to close the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I I there are no items for close session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I thank you everybody all right for