##VIDEO ID:yHWVUntP1cA## e e e e e e e e e e e 100% yeah come on let's go do this you uh okay hey how's it everybody going doing good good okay cool all right we ready roll um okay uh so this is my seventh six reorg what are we doing here seventh um and I am super proud um to help swear in uh two friends of mine and uh two people who I'm glad are back on the day with me um councilman Petroski and councilman rine a round of applause for these guys just really quickly um I I couldn't do any of this uh without you guys but you know in particular you two especially Joe from day one you know three three ties days back when I first got on couldn't have done this without you so glad to have you back on board for both one for one more term so um with all that said I'd like to call up Father Paul for the opening prayer if you want to come on up good evening everyone evening begin in the name of the father and son and Holy Spirit we stand before you oh holy God conscious of our ego but aware that We Gather in your name for love of our neighbors who have chosen us to serve give us light and strength to know your will to make it our own and to live it in our works for the sake of our home Rosal Park guide us by your wisdom and support us by your love amen amen to the flag of the United States of America the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay um hi uh so I'd like to Now call up uh Tiffany you want to come on it for the national anthem oh say can you see by the dawn early light what so proudly we ha at the Twilight last gleaming who BR stripes and bright stars through the parous fight or the ramp Birds we watch were so [Applause] gantly streaming and the rockets R the bombs bursting in there gave Pro through the night that our flag was still there oh say die that star spangled B away or the land of the free and the of the thank you excellent uh cool so um you guys can be seated we will start off with the um B Council of office Joe you're first up um I think uh judge Bundy oh got your judge robes on today looking handsome [Laughter] um I just see J oh got it oops thank you who's okay got it sure um okay uh yeah do you guys want to Let's sorry judge you're better at this stuff than I am without fail I mess these things [Laughter] up sorry I I Joseph E Petroski Joseph E patoski do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support support of the United States of the United States the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith established United States I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform perform all the duties all the duties second W counil of the second counil of the of rosos according to the best of my ability of my abil you want to stick up we'll do pictures afterwards we'll do we'll do pictures okay thank you Happy New Year judge um okay uh and then I'd like to have uh Jay councilman rabina come up and uh whoever you want from your family now he won't get on stage yeah I [Music] J I will support the Constitution stes I will bear true the governments established the government the United States stes and in this St under the authority of the people theth of people I do further solemnly swear I Do fur that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of Fit board councilman of the according to the best of my ability [Applause] um so just uh stick around and then we'll do pictures afterwards absolutely and now a smart mayor after seven years would have announced the dignitaries at the beginning but after seven years I still really suck at ceremonial stuff so I'd like to take the time uh to recognize a couple people that we have here apologies guys um our assembly people um from our new legislative district of ld22 assemblywoman Carter and assembly Kennedy please Round of Applause we like these guys normally uh but we really liked them this past year because we got a lot of money for a big payout that we had to do so thank you very much for your hard work on the budget our Rosal Park taxpayers much appreciate the relief on the steward so yes Round of Applause for that and then on behalf of the County Commissioners uh we have commissioner Mirabella and commissioner bodc here two very good friends one from Rosal Park and one an honorary Rosal Park guy we're we're adopting you um Al you wanted to come up and say a couple words right yeah well thank you thank you mayor it's so great to be back in this room uh many people may remember a long time ago I was a councilman in Rosel Park park for six years and a lot of important decisions are made here and are continue to be made here but I wanted to come to see two friends being sworn in tonight and that's Joe patoski and Jay rabina two great Council people who deserve to be reelected I'm glad they were reelected uh it's nice to uh to see you guys sworn in for another three years uh joining the rest of the council members working together for the best part of uh our community and doing the right thing for Rosel Park so to me it's the it's the greatest thing to see uh I also want to point out your clerk uh administrator uh Andrew uh casayas who does a terrific job I see Andrew throughout the year and he deserves a lot of credit not only for meeting nights but all throughout the year Andrew keep up the great work it's always great to see nicoa from CES in the back so I know it's a real going to be a real party um but I'm really uh so happy to be here share a few words say Happy New Year to Rosel Park to Mayor signorella the rest of the council members for doing such a great job I wish you the best in 2025 if there's anything you that that I can do to help you from a county standpoint I'm sure commissioner bodak who will be our vice chairman next year and I hope I'm not spoiling any surprises uh but I'm happy that you're going to be in leadership next year Joe uh working together with me to help Rosell Park and the other 20 communities in Union County so have a great great new year happy New Year thank you [Applause] mayor okay now that I awkwardly stumbled through all of that um I'd like to bring up Father Paul one more time for the closing prayer take us home oh yeah actually one you can stick around stick around it's okay one thing that I just wanted to um we have a representative from uh congresswoman mcgyver here uh oh they left oh to the left okay you want to come up thank you guys uh Teamwork Makes the Dream workor congratulations thank you and do you want to uh do you want to tell anybody about uh we have a new congresswoman if there's any problems they can come yell at you instead of yelling at me of course hi everyone good evening I'm be here I'm here tonight on behalf of a coun or we have a congresswoman uh MC Iver who is our new congresswoman she was just sworn in back in September and she's very happy to be serving Rosel Park as well as many other communities uh in this part of the state so if you need anything our office is located in nework we handle a lot of federal issues so please uh come and say hi if you need anything thank you okay very good very good everyone um let us pray oh great Creator you desire Justice for All enable us to uphold the inable rights of others do not allow us to be misled by ignorance or corrupted by fear or favor unite us in your love and keep us faithful to all that's good and as We Gather may we temper Justice with Mercy that all our decisions may be pleasing to you for the benefit of our fellow citizens that we are called to serve and may God bless you all in your efforts to care for the citizen the CI citizenry of Rosel Park amen amen oh and peace and happy New Year happy New Year Paul appreciate itess glad do this um okay cool um so now we'll take a pause for photos anybody who wants to stick around family friends uh and then we'll do the uh business part of the meeting thereafter so thanks everybody for attending appreciate it y [Applause] you don't have m e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ch e just turn your mic on all right some of you guys stayed around for the boring stuff good for you uh this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice this meeting was sent to the UN County local Source New York Star Ledger said notice was posted municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the burough clerk Fire EX are located in the directions I'm indicating if you are alerted for a fire please move at a cal orderly manner then there a smokefree exit proper notice have giving the bur clerk is direct to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the RO Andrew councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson will be absent councilman signorell here councilman rabina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signorell here you have a quar mayor okay um start off with my opening remarks um I want to keep it light this year uh very excited for the year to come um I think we have a big year coming up in terms of uh a lot of the hopefully fruits of our labor are coming uh together right for anybody who's driven down Chestnut Street um I know it certainly looks a lot better than when I got elected six years ago and um all those empty storefronts are starting to fill up and you're going to see a lot more of that in the spring um so very excited to kind of just see uh the hard work of the last six years start to come together and work before me um so um yeah that's that's it very optimistic for 2025 and uh I will leave the rest of the remarks for uh start off with councilman Petroski okay thank you mayor okay first of all I want to um if you don't know uh counc me Johnson's uh mother passed away today uh that's the reason he's not at the meeting um so I I did talk to him this morning and uh you know like that so uh I guess she was on life court and uh so she ended up dying this afternoon so I um I hope everyone keeps them in your prayers and also his mother um okay first of all I want to thank uh my second ward residents for voting me in um on Election Day um I want to thank everyone who put up signs for me I want to uh thank everyone who came to my fundraiser donated to my reelection fund I also want to thank nicoa and Brian for having my fundraiser at Costas okay mayor uh I also want to thank you as our our Rosa Park Democrat chairman um I it was great you know every day we talked you always made me feel good and always gave me confidence that I was going to win and I I appreciate it uh you know and uh anything I needed you were there for me and I do appreciate it and uh also I just want everyone to know again it was brought up before uh the mayor was able to get us $3 million to go toward the sewer tax unfortunately we did not get the money from the state yet oh we did we just got it oh we just got we literally just got it like 10 days ago less yeah okay okay okay hot off the press okay well I'm glad uh so like I said we uh uh I just want to thank you personally um uh I I know I'm very uh happy about it um and I believe you were the only one that could get that $3 million for us so again I I do want to thank you for that um I also want to thank Jim and Lyon mccrady for being my campaign manager um we walked the ward uh it's a big Ward I know there was nights we were exhausted um and uh but we got we went to every house in in the second ward so um if we uh they weren't home we left flyers for them um and uh IE I really deeply appreciate all your help I know it wasn't easy sometimes especially in the beginning it was a little humid um we had to deal with that uh what helped us a lot was we had no rain for a longest time so we never got rained out uh so uh we were there we went out and everything uh and uh so uh and we finished a couple weeks early um so that was and we were able to go back to houses that we missed but again I I want to appreciate all your effort and I couldn't have done it without you and I really mean that from the bottom of my heart okay um I want to also thank aena Feliz and Rudy Patel for helping me with my campaign uh walking the ward with me I also want to thank Frank peace Andrew casayas and Ken Blum for answering all my questions I know sometimes they might have been stupid questions but uh the residents asked me and I needed to get answers and you were all all three of you were there for me um I also want to thank the Rosel Park Democrat committee for all your support I want to also thank Liz and Jennifer for letting me go out campaigning where I wasn't home to uh take yes Liz I remember this time okay um again I want to thank the second ward residents uh thanks for electing me for the fourth time ke um uh and I I was very lucky because I had the mayor and my councilman at large they're both in my ward so it does help me uh thank two votes so I knew I had two votes at least yeah okay uh my mom probably voted for you too what's that my mom probably voted for you too I think she did um I want to thank Gary Bundy for swearing me in um again remember to help the American Legion out that's my big Advocate uh like I said uh the veterans were there for us when we needed them they need us now and I uh I appreciate all the work that's been done down at post 60 uh again a big thank you out to adalo do Cosmo for helping get the work done at post 60 uh right now now we're waiting on the flooring to get done down by the bar um so uh I they said after the holidays they would do it and coming in the spring there there a lot of the trades will come back and help out um I also want to thank Gary Gabriel for all his help during my campaign um I I was given this by uh Rec director uh Tina Schwarz join the recreation committee for a storytime party January 19th from 12: to 2 at the Anthony signell Youth Center 234 chest Street uh where your cozy pjs and bring a stuffed animal and listen to a story a winter craft and leave with a treat uh that will be January 19th between 12 and 2 at the Anthony cerella Youth Center 234 chest Street and mayor that's my report thank you thank you councilman um Council Rina thank you mayor appreciate it keep my brief uh first and foremost like councilman Petras said earlier our deepest condolences to councilman Johnson and his family or grieving um the loss of his mother um a moment of silence for that because this was unexpected and um that said um our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family I wanted to say thank you to my wife Jackie who has been not only an amazing wife and an amazing mother but she served as my campaign manager and gave me a lot of support a lot of encouragement uh these last few months I want to thank my daughter Juliana uh who walked with me walked the ward knocked on doors um she was a trooper and um I thank her I thank her she's a teenager and there are a ton of other things that she could have been doing but she came out and helped pop so I appreciate it uh I want to thank my aunt who spent a lot of time taking care of our son Isaac um at home while we're out campaigning and and talking to neighbors and talking to friends so I want to thank her uh my family that was in attendance my niece Claudia she knocked on doors she helped campaign she spent a lot of time helping us out so thank you to her also want to say thank you to uh Jeff rean and Scarlett Garden um big help they made a lot of contacts for for us uh helping us with the uh uh listening sessions and um and all the time that they spent with us on that uh big help to or big thanks rather to uh mayor signarello as chairman of the rpdc U I appreciate the encouragement all the talks that you gave me all the pep talks therapy you mean it was therapy it was definitely therapy um big thank you to the ucdc uh all the committee members and um uh club members at DC as well Commissioners Mir Bella uh commissioner Williams um and most of all to neighbors and friends who believed in me and gave me the opportunity to serve for another three years to continue the good work that we've been doing here in Rosell Park I am proud to be part of this team I'm proud to be working with the team of individuals up here my colleagues that hey we may have our differences we we may all have our passions but we all get along to to move Rosel Park forward and that's what it's about it's about getting Beyond differences it's about remembering that our small community we're we're neighbors and we all want the same thing and um I couldn't do anything that I I do up here without their help and support so I want to thank my colleagues here on the deis you've done a lot for me and I appreciate it and I look forward to serving again with you for the next three years and to everyone who put a lawn sign everyone who called up sent me a text message uh everyone who came out to vote for for me thank you I will not forget and I'm here to represent you I'm only a phone call or email away uh J Rin at Rosell park.net 862 23619 thank you Rosel Park I sincerely humbly appreciate this opportunity you've given me God bless you mayor that's my report thank you councilman um uh councilman signarello oh geez oh would you no yeah normally don't we normally don't you guys got something to say Happy New Year you got anything you guys got anything happy new I forgot happy New Year everybody thank okay good now just you know what the best is yet to come to Rosal Park I was just talking to someone and the sign that says resiliency resonates um the whole thing is that just don't ever give up and and if somebody's saying oh the good days have passed no I I don't agree with that I always really believe that the best is yet to come and I'm so excited and congratulate um councilman uh Jay and councilman Joe and I'm so excited to just work along with all of you here and mayor and uh and Andrew and just appreciate you all and Joe De Marco thanks everybody KJ you want to say something short and sweet here we go cool uh all right uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so moved second all in favor I hi if you'd like to come up and speak uh please do so now name and address for the record had to get used to the new so moved freak me out for a second I said so profoundly may have a may have a motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so moved second all in favor I I okay uh no mayoral action is required for the forgoing appointments except in event of a TI vote all appointments are effective immediately and shall expire uh December 31st 2025 nominations for the foro foregoing positions uh shall be made by motion may I have a motion for the position of council president mayor I'd like to appoint rosan allance as a uh council president second uh okay um is there any discussion Andrew please call the roong councilman pataski yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative uh the motion is agreed to congratulations first female council president we don't know if it's forever but it's it's it's certainly been a while so thank you excited um may I have a motion for the position of class three Municipal land use board member I'd like to make the motion uh to um councilman Jay you got it yep we got we got it we know who councilman J is is there a second a second that he's got those fancy shoes on tonight is there any discussion man please call the role Council petki yes councilman signell you good Council signell that's a yes or no council yes I'm sorry counc R councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five votes the affirmative mayor the motion is agreed to may have a motion for the position of diversity inclusion committee Council liaison I'd like to make a motion to appoint uh councilman Johnson okay do have a second second uh is there any discussion uh please call the role counc Petroski yes councilman signorella yes councilman rabina yes councilman councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five votes in the affirmative mayor the motion is agreed to may I have a motion for the position of Rec committee Council liaison I'll make a motion to nominate councilman Patel oh oh Le no no no bre committee re sorry strike okay strike that do the next one councilman pataski yeah I'd like to make the motion to councilman Joe patski uh do I have a second I second uh is there any discussion no okay please call the RO councilman Petroski yes Council sella yes councilman Robina yes councilman Lions councilman Patel yes five votes the affirmative mayor the motion is agreed to uh may have a motion for the position of cannabis Review Board member I folded it over now now I see it all right I'll make a motion for councilman Patel do I have a second I'll second amotion all right there we go Patel's leaning into it there we go all right is there any discussion all right please call the role councilman patoski yes councilman cerella yes councilman Rina yes councilman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five votes affirmative the motion is agreed to you guys are you guys are really guys are moving today please read my appointments into the records yes mayor bear with me all addresses are within the bur Rosal Park unless otherwise noted no confirmation of council is required for the foregoing appointments all appointments are effective immediately the 2025 standing committees of council Public Safety committee chairman Gregory Johnson police liaison Joseph signarello Jr fire liaison Joseph E Petroski first aid liaison Gregory Johnson Finance Administration committee chairman Joseph E Petroski municipal budget and finance liaison Joseph E Petroski public buildings and Facilities liaison Joseph sella Jr Commerce liaison Rosanna Lions Municipal Services DPW and Engineering committee Joseph signarello Jr chairperson DPW liaison Joseph signarello Jr construction and transportation liaison Joseph E Petroski code enforcement liaison Gregory Johnson Public Services Administration committee chairman Jay rabina legislative leaon kjan Patel Human Services liaison rosan Alliance technology liaison J rabina animal control liaison councilman khj John Patel Board of Education liaison councilman Joseph Sello Jr Chamber of Commerce liaison councilman Jay rabina clean communities leaon councilman J Rina Community Affairs and public events committee liaison councilwoman Rosanna Lions uni County Community Development Revenue sharing committee Andrew casayas member rupin Shaw member alternate member number one Donna El Corgan alternate member number two John reneer diversity inclusion committee all individuals are members frina n apologies Michael Anne Regan Zach and fonte Britney Kirkland Chris Monroe shanana O'Keefe Mari Al Pasa Roger Thomas and Christian Camilo environmental commission EML trala member Diane R Hoy member Municipal luse board member Andrew J casayas alternate member number two Samantha linberger environmental commission liaison councilman kjan Patel historian Historical Society liaison councilman Joseph V Petroski Kell C Kelly cfers ad hoc committee Raymond uh a parento senior as a member Library Board of trust mayoral representative councilwoman rosan Lions Municipal Alliance liaison councilwoman rosan allons Municipal Lan use board Class 2 member Andrew J casayas class four member John Kira class four member uh George castelin alternate member number one Christian Camilo alternate member number two Richard G Templeton Recreation Committee Member M Maria Cuna and Alternate member number two Al Alexis palowski shea tree Committee Member Linda mccrady Daniel leaport and John schw fors all members Solid Waste advisory Council of Union County Gregory budesheim superintendent of Public Works member councilman Joseph signell Jr alternate member Street lighting ad hoc committee James mccrady member Joseph Sello Jr member Town CER orima kinof uni County transportation Advisory Board Jacqueline Garcia member Jay rabina alternate member Youth Center ad hoc advisory committee Joseph Sello junr member antonet signarello member and youth Senator liaison councilman Joseph E Petroski okay all matters listed with an asss are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and is considered and in normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders please read all resolutions on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 125 is roping the bylaws of Mayor and council 225s is adopting regular meeting dates of Mayor and counsil for 2025 325 IS appointing Andrew J casas's public agency compliance officer for 2025 425 is designated official burrow newspapers for 2025 525 is authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to issue certain payments for calendar year 2025 without the need for further action of the governing body resolution 625 is designating a depository no authorizing check signatories resolution 725 is adopting the 2025 cash management plan resolution 825 is authorizing the mayor and council president to sign checks resolution 925 is authorizing Personnel to certify labor Services uh receipt for of Labor services and materials 1025 is establishing the interest rate for delinquent property taxes resolution 1125 is appointing the 2025 commissioner and Alternate commissioner of the Suburban Municipal joint Insurance Fund 1225 is appointing officers of the Rosell Park fire department 1325 is appointing the 2025 commissioner and alter commissioner of the joint meeting of Essex and Union County sewage Authority 1425 is adopting the 2025 temporary budget 1525 is adopting the newly elected officials Handbook of the bur Rosel Park resolution 1625 is appointing seran Edwards buac and Nolan at 25 affordable housing attorney 1725 is appointing David B Litman Esquire as 2025 alternate public defender 1825 is appointing rogette McCarthy LLC as 2025 Bond Council 1925 is appointing clear Jobe Alfieri and Jacobs LLC as 2025 burough attorney 2025 is appointing Supple Clooney and Company CPAs as 2025 auditor 2125 is appointing cers engineering and design as 2025 uh burrow engineer which includes 26 and 27 resolution 2225 is appointing Phoenix advisers LLC as 2025 financial adviser resolution 2325 is appointing Shane Schaefer PC as 2025 tax appeal attorney resolution 2425 is appointing guo and capis PC as 2025 labor attorney 2525 is appointing Consulting and Municipal Engineers LLP as 2025 license sight remediation professional 2625 is appointing Russell J hugle Esquire of the firm Russell J Huger hugle attorney at law as 2025 municipal prosecutor 2725 is appointing friend in wizel PC as 25 public defender 2825 is designating tap into Rosell Park as the 2025 official electronic news source for the burough of Rosell park with respect to electronic notices and other materials as may be opt optionally provided pursuant to New Jersey public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-6 SEC 2925 is appointing MC manman Scotland andalman LLC as 2025 Redevelopment attorney 3025 is appointing acore LLC as 2025 risk manager and insurance broker 3125 is appointing the neglia group as 2025 special project engineer 3225 is appointing Peter ksik to the position of apprentice operator 3325 is appointing rosangela bosi to the Rosal Park Library Board of Trustees 3425 is appointing Susan and carlstrom to the Rosal Park Library Board of Trustees 3525 is authorizing standard mileage expense for automobile business uses at 70 cents per mile effective January 1st 2025 3625 is awarding an open-ended goods and service contract with Rich Tree Service Inc for tree trimming pruning and removal services pursuant to New Jersey state contract number 18- DPP d645 and an amount not to exceed $50,000 resolution 3725 is offering authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for the 20 should be 2025 Managed IT services to PCS okay are we pulling anything good mayor at 3425 okay it's not paid I don't really think you need to pull it but fine I don't know I don't think so if it's not a paid position right it yeah okay whatever we'll pull it anyway yeah it's fine um just to be clear so if it's not a paid it's a library Board of Trustees role it's not a paid position there's no Financial benefits it's fine yeah so we'll leave it on okay uh uh okay uh do I have a motion to approve the resolutions so moved second uh all in favor I sorry I'm good it's New Year gota get the gears working again uh okay cool that was it uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject matter zov second all in favor I uh would anybody like to come up and speak on any subject matter no good all right Nicole doesn't have anything to say may have a motion to close the public portion on any subject so moved second all in favor I may have a motion to adour so moved second all in favor hi hi that's it yay Year [Music] yay for