uh this meeting is being held oh sorry okay I'm good this meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice this meeting is published in the Union County local Source nework Star Ledger said notice that this meeting was Post in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office the bur clerk fire exits are located in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the near a smokefree exit proper notice haven't been given the bur clerk is direct to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting Madam clerk please call the role councilman patr here councilman Johnson oh where is abent okay uh councilman signorella here councilman rabina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor sarella here Mr thank you okay please lead us in the opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace Amen to the flag unit the for stand God indivisible Li jusice all okay there are no proclamations Andor presentations this evening um may I have a motion to approve the meeting minutes pending any Corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor may have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I anybody like to come up and speak on agenda items only may do so now good evening I'm Hannah anenson Bender Avenue I did see in the notice of the meetings I did check the website and there were supposed to be reports of departments today is that not on the agenda yes sub next okay and also I noticed that there were other documents that were attached to the agenda including on the LA on the page 10 of 10 it appears to show a doubling of the operating budget and why is that what I don't understand why that there's such a disparity between the um the expenses uh yeah so uh you're speaking about the the sewer budget I believe you're talking about right part of it's a sewer budget yes okay um so uh uh I'm going to just defer to the attorney for a second so part of that is has to do with potential litigation um with the city of Elizabeth correct so um I mean your question though is to why did the budget go from why is the budget increasing on the sewer line so I'm on page 10 I just want to make sure we're all on the same spot right so under the sewer which is the bottom box right right 2023 was 125 and the other one is it looks like 500,000 is that the oh that's a surplus I'm sorry the operating expense from 1.3 million to 3 38 is that the one the line item you're looking at there's one that's going from um for local taxes let me uh let me let me try and so you can kick me under the table if I'm saying anything sensitive um so with regards to the steward budget we need to now pay potentially uh other municipalities for our sewer disposal which is something we haven't had to do in the past um so that is a new item for the budget potentially correct can I be that big yeah that that's perfectly acceptable I'm just trying to I didn't know if she was at the top port or the sewer Port it sounded like she was at the top and for the new apartment buildings that are going up on Westfield will they also be subject to this sewer increase everybody's subject to the Sewer increase keep me honest here Ken is that outside of the tax exemptions that they were granted yes they still have to pay a store separate store Bill based on water consumption and they and and that's not part of the exemption no no and it's not an exemption and the other thing that I assume they also had to pay a connection fee yes so there was a upfront payment uh that was paid uh for each unit or each bathroom depending on a calculation that uh Rich would have had per for dwelling unit per unit so that's a onetime upfront cost that then goes to the municipality to Sewer Authority to allow it to offset uh future Capital Improvements okay now there's also indicated here a report of the police department there have been in the news and on Facebook about people's homes being invaded um the councilman had have you had your talking sessions no we're going to have 17th at Elan School the police gave a training I think at the casano center like how to protect your home from home invasions Etc is there someone here from the police department who can speak to us it's included in the in the meeting so the the order of the agenda is you're at public of departments well you're right before that you're doing the public portion which is you okay so they didn't get there all right so so these are got have a little patience the police report is next yes um and one more budget question sure which was when Rosal Park was found to have violated um free speech yeah in violation of federal law just like now at this marijuana dispensary there is federal law that we would actually be violating yep what did that cost Rosal Park are we allowed to disclose that the settlement uh if it's completely settled and depending on how yes is it settled correct okay so you can ask again I it should be signed within the month and where do Secret settlements sit in the in the state in the city's budget where could I check nothing secret ma'am it's all operable what line item would such a settlement be under where would that be Ken it be under legal under legal yeah are there any further breakdowns under legal uh you know once the budget passed we can provide a detailed budget if you like okay thank you yep anybody else want to come up and speak on agenda items I got to remember to put on the timer oh ken you have the timer on okay okay cool yeah all good Betty Woodruff from Bender Avenue I just had a question when you were talking about the sewer budget that we are now paying other towns yes I thought years ago we were selling some of our sewer uh to uh our sewer rights if that's the right word very interesting question so this has to do with there's um gez what are the two sewer types it's uh waste water and storm water storm water right so this has to do with storm water um so storm water runoff uh that goes into a combined system which there are fees associated with which we have not paid in the past and we need to pay going forward um the uh Wastewater system is something that we could entertain selling uh it would have to go to a public referendum and we have not made that decision yet so it would be the sanitary system that could be sold potentially to a bidder yes and and how would the new apartments that are no long not yet functioning how would they affect the sewer uh Wastewater system would we be able to sell yeah go for it yeah so each building no matter what size it is whether it's a one family house a new house or anything has to get and obtain from the Utility Authority water electric what is referred to as a will serve right so there has to be sufficient capacity hand right so that utility makes that determination as to based on calculations what that will get produced from that building and make sure that there's not a shortfall throughout the municipality so that gets handled to the utilities they have to provide that to the code official Before He'll issue a per permit to allow any building to happen we have to be satisfied that that building will have sufficient electric water sewer and that it will not have a detrimental impact to the already existing buildings so there's a whole process that we actually go through on that okay I guess that answers that one thank you not problem thank you anybody else want to come up and speak on agenda items only okay I'm seeing no one have a motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor uh may I have a motion oh all right reports Chief Reno would you like to come start yeah good evening good evening so I submitted my submitted my report to uh Andrew uh yesterday hopefully it got disseminated to most of you uh today if not I guess it would be in in email in the next couple days that correct Donna okay uh just a couple couple couple things in my report on March 14th the traffic safety unit conducted a pedestrian crosswalk detail F on fud Avenue the detail resulted in 17 traffic stops 11 sums and six warnings we're planning to conduct more of these type details at various crosswalk locations throughout the burrow as the weather starts Cooper operating on March 19th the traffic safety unit deployed two portable radar trailers within the burrow one was deployed on East Lincoln at Spruce Street to slow vehicular traffic going eastbound on East Lincoln Avenue the other was deployed at West kfax near Rosell Avenue to slow vehicular traffic traveling eastbound on West kofax March 19th our Mobile sign board was also deployed on West Westfield Avenue at coolage place with a message advising motorist to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk um pleased to announce that the Rosal Park Police Department was awarded a grant in the amount of 7,000 $7,000 to be used to support the distracted driver campaign that takes place the entire month of April with the help of this addition additional funds uh the Rosal Park Police Department through increased awareness and enforcement aims to reduce the number of accidents caused by distracted driving and create a safer Community just remember you drive you text you pay is the uh slogan for the campaign I want to send my condolences to out to the craft family as I recently learned of the passing of one of our beloved crossing guards Todd craft Mr craft began his Service as a crossing guard in September 2017 and he served as an excellent guard who reliably protected the children he crosses every day to and from school Mr craft was an asset to the burrow and will be greatly missed I'm just going to highlight two uh two incidents that we had within within the last week one was which was what being referred referred to in the back of the in the front of the room a little while ago um the first one was uh we had two incidents one on March 17th and one on March 26th where Patrol units took two reports of two separate acts of individual committing uh loot act in the area of the Rosa Park train station suspect is described as a Hispanic male proxy 30 years old dark skinn wearing a sweatshirt pants and with a backpack anyone with information please contact the Rosal Park detective Bureau at 908 245 2300 uh we had a couple leads on this I've spoken to most of the council Personnel in that area I spoke to Mrs Lions up there as well just explaining what we were doing and I just need people to be vigilant coming off the trains in in that area if they see something please just call 911 don't take it in your own hands and uh and confront the individual okay great uh secondly um on March 29th at 5:14 a.m. patrol units responded to the residents uh on galing Hill Road for a reported burglary and theft of a high-end motor vehicle after investigation it was determined that the three individuals that entered the residence through an unlocked window while the homeowners were sleeping actors then took a key fob from the kitchen to a Range Rover a 2024 Range Rover and the actors then left the area taking that Range Rover the Range Rover was later R located in Irvington and the Russell Park Police Department is actively investigating uh that that unique situation um I can't talk too much on what we have going on with that case because it is an active investigation uh chief I don't know if you can comment on this specific case but uh if you can I know a lot of times um you know a lot of this is people just need to remember to lock their doors right absolutely people need to be vigilant lock their doors um put their alarms on some have dogs you know that could scare people away but you just got to be vigilant you know take your key fob secure them in a location where it's not easily accessible on the first floor um listen it's going around it's not just I know they just had uh some newscast about Union County being targeted it's been it's been targeted for the last year and a half that I could recall where high-end Motor Vehicles where they're basically targeting BMWs Acuras U mercedes-benz's and the Range Rovers um they they saw what we were doing with our campaign and councilman Rabino attested us we keep putting stuff out on Facebook and putting out stuff out to the public where hey lock your doors and have your items put in a secure location and take your key fobs out of the car so everybody started doing that so that they changed their program where they started to go in the houses to take these these key fobs to get these cars um they're joy riding on in them they're being located you know within a day or two in the area but um they're really hitting you know Berkeley Heights uh Westfield Cranford uh very very hard we've only got a little tip of the iceberg when it comes to some of these and I and I and I want to contribute that to the patrol officers that are out there doing their doing their due diligence out on the road every night um trying to keep you know these undesirables away from the town to uh to cause any damage or or take things that don't belong to them okay any questions for the chief um I want to thank you for the update on that Accent on the corner shardan in Lincoln Lincoln we have uh we have also today uh deployed two portable stop signs okay we're working on getting some reflective tape to put on the back of them so we can maybe push them out more towards the middle of the road so that we could try to you know enforce that a little bit better and hopefully you listen I I mean people are it's crazy people are tough out there there you know the stop sign is a suggestion uh traffic you know traffic lights are suggestions I I it's hard to you know deter what's happening out there we try to do our best with enforcing and you could only Force enforce so much um but they're but they're still they're still driving an erratic Behavior ever since Co I I noticed uptick but uh hope hopefully it's getting a little bit better people forgot to drive they did it's bad okay any further questions thanks Chief thank you uh Rich good evening everyone good evening good evening so uh tonight I'm going to uh present the report for April 1st which includes the first three months of the year so the total number of permits issued by the department for March was 85 total revenue through the end of March is 410,000 $773 sore connection fees again we haven't collected the sore connection fees for 10 west or two um or uh 405 or 404 either currently is $2,294 that will be increasing tremendously by next month covid development fees is $2,384 uh for the month the number of uniform construction code violations were 10 on the property maintenance side again we keep very busy there 10 court dispositions for the month fines year-to dat 7,1 7,113 39 violations for the month of March 17 Court summonses have been issued uh 10 West Westfield Avenue as you can see is moving along quite nicely building a specifically so capid dagley is targeting building a for partial occupancy most likely by May 1st um I would give it maybe another couple weeks after that because I don't think they're going to hit the May 1st date they were actually hoping for April 15th and that's unrealistic are they going to do I still haven't gotten a proposal if they want to use the Downtown parking space temporarily are they just going to be handling the is the parking deck at least the ground Flo parking deck ready to go or oh no they don't even it's not even pre-cast isn't even on site okay no no no I guess building a is the one that's completed or near complete right that's the one closer to they under they have under the building parking that's going to be available there is that okay got it okay yeah and they're in the process as you know purchasing adjoining properties which they'll use those those spots as well okay got it so but it they only have enough uh parking to suffice for two levels or two floors okay at this point well we'll give occupancy allowances when they could accommodate parking correct yeah and then if you know the parking deck isn't complete if they're ready for the other two floors then they'll approach the governing body okay sounds good all right um as far as um 140 West Webster that is moving along as well it slowed down a little bit because they're waiting for pscg to relocate the poles to the opposite side of the street once that's completed they will then uh complete their framing okay which they're in the process of uh we'll be releasing the fire suppression system and the fire alarm system most likely early next week on that project uh 450 West Westfield I actually met with a developer yesterday uh that's the fern Moore project they're looking at par uh partial occupancy sounds like it's going to be around the same time middle of May okay so they'll be proceeding with their final inspections very shortly and Ken just so on that so we'll get we will get an audit of their revenue this year and we'll be able to bake revenues into next year's budget you won't get this year's audit for those two new properties yeah until next year got it so they won't be baked until won't be baked until 2026 right I mean we'll be collecting Revenue potentially for those years but we can only project in the after we get the audit okay understood um zoning completeness review so for next DRC we have one application which is Westfield Avenue realy LLC it is currently a mixed use building um the add I think believe it's 180 West Westfield the application is to use it as a storage facility a moving and storage facility so they'll take all those uses and basically eliminate them and uh create one use Rich what property is this you said 180 it's 18 180 West Westfield can you describe the building or what's it next um it's an older industrial building I believe I believe in the 1950s it was on the Rosel side it's on yes it's on over by McDonald's one of those buildings like the skner by the Skinner and cook building further down okay yeah got it uh I believe it was like a shoe manufacturing facility back in the 1950s so it was an industrial industrial site okay so um it is a use variance it's an expansion of non-conforming use but the attorney is going to be presenting an application for a formal interpretation where the land use board will sit as a zoning board for the formal interpretation there's no farking there is the problem uh well actually this is less arduous from a parking standpoint okay they only have one or two employees okay fair enough all right um otherwise that's my report does anybody have any questions yeah Rich any updates Jay D Rich any updates with um the retail space at 240 250 the Mur project not at this time I have an update I haven't had anything El so um they might need to come for we would have to amend the plan but there is a dental services that might move in there like teeth cleaning service oh okay so um but it's not one of the permitted uses right now as part of the it could be we have to check might be it may actually be the the lawyer said that they'd have to check but if they have a tenant I think we'd be amenable potentially to a tooth whitening business that might move in there I would assume good update good yeah uh any update on uh the current project Chestnut where ATT 10 uh regarding retail do they have now that're looking there is a potential Le see but don't want to State who it is at this point I'm going to let them contact the mayor and then the mayor will uh there's a couple I mean so one is they're going to bring in they're going to bring a rest so there's 16,000 feet of retail space half of it's going to be a restaurant right so again this would be subject to approval of council but I think their concept is to ask us to move the liquor license from their existing building to the new building such that the restaurant there would be able to have a liquor license which again I'm open to you know it's up to Council to confirm it um and then the other one is without naming names is a pretty substantial coffee chain would be a nice get so that's the reason why I wanted it's in the evaluation stages but there's interest in Rosal Park so good y you have any update on dowlings how's that they're moving along quite nicely uh yes they're looking at realistically I would say miday okay um they have all the equipment so the equipment is on site all their kitchen equipment usually that's a big hold up with restaurants um but all the kitchen equipment is on site a matter of fact they were painting in there the other day so they're moving along quite nicely okay thank you and question for both of you any word on the theater no been any movement from the owner who came up to luse boort and this body discing body about I yeah so I did contact him last week and he gave me a very general um answer and I I actually want to make an appointment with Rich um I did speak to the mayor also to actually um see what we could do okay yeah stubborn not Rosanna well Rosanna sometimes but they're stubborn there uh councilman signel 180 West uh I they for the old people in the room me used to be called childhood interest but there's like four or five uh uh subdividing there so more than that Joe oh is it more than that whatever yeah there's like 12 okay so what do they they want to do something with one or the whole building the entire building that could be a that could be a plus so yeah it could be it's a mess in there right now from could be that would be a plus so when's the DRC on that what's uh next week okay it's on the no um 24th no the 9th next week it's next oh yeah I'm sorry we get themiz yeah the 9th thank you 9th or 10th whatever it is yeah okay that it that's it thanks Rich okay uh Donna nothing Ken thank you mayor uh tonight we'll be introducing the uh Municipal budget uh the anticipated tax increase is $22.77 for the average house assess of 253,000 uh when we started this process out we were at almost $264 increase so the committee worked hard to get it down as low as we possibly could uh our fiveyear Municipal tax increase fiveyear average is now $13.14 U and the budget will uh be advertised in the paper on April 18th and a public hearing and adoption scheduled for May 2nd meeting thank you Ken Uh Kevin want to come up evening mayam Council thanks for having me uh couple quick updates uh first I know we've been working on the beach drainage that's the dot property we did have a meeting with them uh Beachwood we did have a meeting with it's the beach it's Rosal Park's Beach it's a lake it's a lake right now Beach yeah U we did have a meeting with them uh about a week ago they are amenable to improvements on that property but as long as Rosel Park does them um and then you be subject to an agreement uh with the dot for maintenance of that property and praity basically as long as we have those improvements on there so um that's something we have to discuss and kind of think about whether or not we want to take on that responsibility um or try to push a dot more for them to maintain their own property I agree with the ladder well so here's the other thing the and I'm you have the time that I'll lot but also from my understanding part of the problem is doesn't the which the which apartment building is there is Woodside so Woodside shoots off their some pumps into that area is that correct yeah there's some roof drains that go off the back of that building eight roof drains that come down into the trucks so I mean look those were done in the 60s right but that doesn't sound like it's like up to code right is that a thing that they can do if they were if they were approv approved for it I I don't know I mean I guess but like how can you theoretically that's like us just saying we're going to dump out into uh county park right like yeah yep it okay yeah yeah I mean my my preference would be I look we can push do do is going to be difficult about this but that would also be my first route honestly second route would be to at the very least work with the owners of that property to come up with a solution versus just being on the backs of the burrow um but but I'm glad they've at least given us the clearance to potentially fix that's a step in the right direction yeah so we'll continue to push them and see if we can work something out with them I know they they did mention their maintenance group come out and do maintenance but it's not going to solve the the depression that's there that's holding all the water they'll just basically go out there clear out any debris and sticks and mow the grass and leave basically you'll be left with the I like for them to grade it completely so it's level and that's not going to cost much besides dirt so we got dirt right Paul the weekend all right um and then the traffic studies that we were looking at uh Chestnut and Lincoln uh fate two there was three intersections there we spoke briefly about that um we can go the you know full full route is the the traffic signal analysis which I think is a little bit overkill for the for the three I think for Lincoln and Chestnut I think it's warranted there yep but the three other intersections I think we'll look at and and pinpoint which intersection would be best suited for a signal if we were to go that route just because the cost of that is kind of high yeah so uh I think once Andrew's back next week so let me have a sit down with Andrew I think the two Council people that it affects is so I'll I'll catch up with Jay rosan I don't know if we mentioned this but I've been advocating I I I walked to the train in the morning that intersection of Chestnut Street and East Lincoln Avenue is like a death trap especially at night like that three-way intersection is a nightmare I would love to see a traffic light be put there um so you know we need to do a study to to Warrant that um but I think it's I think it's something worth looking at because it's a you walk all the time it's a dangerous intersection definitely so yeah I definitely agree uh and then the other issue that's come up recently well has kind of been lingering a little bit the Culvert on Lincoln Avenue um has deteriorating and some St HS happening around I know one of the residents that um along that road has issues with it uh so we've been kind of looking at that in the kind of the surrounding area um I think when Andrew gets back in next week we're going to kind of talk about the scope and what we want to do short term and long term to address that area because I know some of those intersections do get flooding and it's it's directly related to that c and that so we've talked C try this is a Bugaboo for you so the problem is is I think we mentioned this I talked to Paul about it is it could be really nasty underneath right in terms of collapsing right so it's not to say that we shouldn't do it but it's going to be an expensive fix I would assume yes and we're going to discuss with the county as well too because it's along the road yeah so there is some although typically they don't take respons they have to repave it anyway right so at least wait to repave it till we fix something there theoretically sorry so yeah because technically they don't they don't take jurisdiction of things behind the curb but it is directly related to their infrastructure that's in the road so it's kind of a gray area for them but we'll we'll reach out to them see what they doesn't hurt to ask exactly y all right and then the the other one is the the large storm water project that we're working on you know we met with Elizabeth recently um so we have some Direction moving forward we're still working on that and we're going to start applying for funding now for that project cool and we found a slight cheaper route that they agree to yeah great yep cool that's all I have aw any questions yes I so we added to the Lincoln a culvert I've I have some issues with the ryale place catch Basin I'm going to give Andrew probably a week or two and the mayor's got 12 things before my 13th there's some issues with the I call it the rindell place or uh the bike path uh Culvert which feed into the the uh Lincoln have and we got a major problem there and uh we'll talk about it when Andrew gets back okay that Basin is not properly working okay so yeah I wanted to kind of look at that whole drainage area going to that yeah Kevin can you do me a favor so remind me tomorrow I need to give I need neglia to give you access to they did a storm water assessment and they have a a platform that's all mapped out right you should have access to that right it's could be a good starting point before you go in so just please text me tomorrow about that I will yep thank you all right thank you thanks um Ruben I CAU you because you were sleeping so thank you may good evening good evening everybody good evening good evening um I'm happy to report that the presentation on March 12 and 19 were well attended uh thanks to Union County surrogates for a presentation on the duties of the Sur court and Estate Planning and Union County Health Management for a presentation on a nutrition and chaal cancer uh the ne next presentation on alcohol awareness is scheduled for April 16th from 12:00 p.m. to 1: p.m. at casano Center about 25 seniors enjoyed uh spring musicals on March 14 and March 19 uh thanks to Union Middle School and Roso Park High School uh musical for donating tickets to our seniors on March 16 more than 100 residents celebrated s pis day along with council president Joe pataski councilman uh Council Roman Lions councilman Rana and councilman Johnson uh thanks to our volunteers Emil trala and Pat mcamera for Vol volunteering that time and also Sunrise Dino for sponsoring the food and the Union County Commissioners for the heart Grant on March 26th five residents received covid-19 vaccinations thanks to West Regional Health Department for hosting Clinic uh job fair on March 28 was well received by the residents we are planning to uh host another one in month of October a special shout out to Union County American job center for their partnership and thanks to commissioner kado Council uh council president Joe pataski councilman Johnson uh councilman rabina and councilman Patel for their presence and the support on Friday April 26th the burough will celebrate aror day at Aline Elementary School the short ceremony will ceremony will begin at 10: a.m. and includes a planting a tree a special performance by students student council and a presentation of uh Proclamation on Saturday Saturday April 27th the buau is hosting the annual mid the burough event from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at casano Center the purpose of this event is to introduce new residents to the Burrow's resources and services there will be a live music and live Refreshments during the event attendees will receive a free uh welcome package containing resources from the buroughs Departments and local businesses uh invitation to Rosal Park businesses and 126 new residents have been mailed out and that's all I have mayor thank you any questions for Reuben all good thank you thank you thanks Paul I don't know why I said that like you're in trouble good evening mayor council bur representatives and residents of Rosel Park uh I stand before you today to deliver Department of Public Works report which highlights our current Staffing recent activities and upcoming projects that are vital to the maintenance and Improvement of our barrows infrastructure Staffing updates our team comprised of eight full-time employees uh one superintendent one clerical one mechanic two operators two classs two labors and one class one labor I'm going to jump to uh that weather disturbance and then piggy back off of the discussion with the uh Walnut CT uh on March 23rd we faced a heavy rainstorm that resulted in moderate to heavy flooding in several areas including East Clay Avenue and Cherry Street East Lincoln Avenue and Spruce East kfax between Spruce and Lehigh and Lehigh Avenue these areas have an underground Culvert that basically runs off of that um Basin the wal Street Basin um councilman at large signorella and I have been discussing some potential Solutions and will be actively working with our Burl engineer on the solutions to mitigate such events in the future um besides that basein not working properly there is there is an issue somewhere along East Lincoln Avenue where it's choked down because that's the area even before anything was done to the the Basin that's been flooding for probably 40 years from i' what I've heard some residents say so it's not something that is new it's just something that really needs to be um monitored and and examined um ground and lawn maintenance last week our contracted vendor was busy across various locations within the burrow preparing for an upcoming season with thorough cleanups weather per weather permitting they will commence regular long cutting and property M maintenance starting the middle of next week storm and sanitary sewer updates we have scheduled uh repairs for two catch basins tomorrow April 5th one at the intersection of East Clay Avenue and Walnut Street that was damaged uh by our fire truck during the um fire on Walnut Street and the other is at 620 Laurel Avenue the one on 620 Laurel Avenue is actually collapsing um this the the walls around the perimeter were collapsing the repairs are are part of an ongoing commitment to maintaining our sewer systems integrity and reducing the risk of future maintenance issues at these locations um Locust Street gas line if you remember last month I presented some information regarding the project between uh the gas line that's being replaced um or installed between Rosel and Rosel Park along um Locust Street that project was supposed to start last night on the Rosell Park Side I believe it's starting tonight from what my understanding and speaking to the county today um I did follow up with the county and and he said their schedule for night for tonight WEA weather permitting I haven't been out there yet to see if they're there um sidewalk program Department of Public Works has originally scheduled the sidewalk repairs on the east side to commence on Wednesday April 3rd that was yesterday however due to inclement weather conditions experience this week the commencement of the repair work has been postponed the new start date is set for two Tuesday April 9th so that's next Tuesday there's approximately 26 locations earmarked for essential repairs tree and Property Maintenance in the month of March our contract ADV ventor carried out significant tree main maintenance work which included the removal of Three Trees deemed hazardous or unfit trimming and elevations of four trees to ensure clearance and safety and five stump removals my my monthly reminder bulk and vegetation pickup residents are reminded that bulk pickup uh service is available on the last Thursday and Friday of every month West Side collections occur on Thursday while the East Side collection is on Friday with restrictions of three bulk items per household additionally vegetation waste waste collection has commenced for the are people getting the three bulk items now have people have got New Groove there or is it still bad um no it's better it's getting better um some people are still putting a lot of items out there y but on the whole it's gotten better yeah it's gotten better but Suburban roselli they've been pretty strict with just picking up three items that's the way they should be yeah um so vegetation way started this this week um it's done by Zone collections are Thursday on the east side and Friday on the west side if you have any questions you can reach me at P bamon that's PB a i a m o n t Rosal park.net or to DPW office at 908 24576 76 mayor this concludes my monthly report any questions for Paul have a question goe ladies first thanks um the sidewalks that um I think I had emailed you about is that included in your the the repairs so the ones that are flaking no okay so the ones that are flaking um are that being done through uh neglia neglia is responsible they were the construction managers will say on on those projects this is for the downtown these are part of the road repairs oh got it okay so there's there's is there war there's a warranty I guess on it right there's quite a few locations on Webster on Filbert there's a few others where they were just recently done within the last six to eight months that are actually flaking yeah do it could be for multiple reasons you know it could be because it was just the concrete was already drying out it could have been like too much water it could also be use of calcium chloride cuz the concrete is still fresh um by the homeowners but there's some pretty bad ones by rosanna's Mom's house have you you forward it over to Tom yes okay yep they've they've actually come out and inspected them okay is there a date that they're going to be starting no I can I'll follow up with them tomorrow but I have not heard back okay but I know they did the inspection cuz I was there yeah cuz I had someone call and she said that someone came but said that she's not on the list yeah there's there's two so just I I think they might be getting the the sidewalk program that we do for 50k a year is if your sidewalk is being lifted by burrow trees this would fall under the warranty for the work that was done so that's a separate correct basket of money yeah yeah y okay and the casat Bas and repair at 620 Laurel what what day did you say that was going to occur it's tomorrow tomorrow the home owner is where the homeowner I've not made I mean the the The Parking Spot um in front of and right over that catch Bas was blocked today so it should be no disturbance to the homeowner um they'll probably be in and out of there in two hours two to three hours I'll try to catch him first thing early tomorrow morning okay cool 6:20 M exactly oh I know that Resident now and you the handful of folks that didn't get their agitation picked up on east side right you taking care of that yeah so um I spoke to Bob roselli this afternoon after I spoke to you and um he asked me about Which Resident was complaining about it and he asked me what street my neighbor he asked me what street so I while they missed a couple out so so he's coming they're they're going to pass by Woodland I don't know of any others to be honest with you um but they will be on the wests side tomorrow they will have a truck so if we get phone calls while they're still in town he said they they're willing to run over to the east side and pick them up thank you thank you a quick question for the 26 location are they all for the sidewalk program are they all on east side or there's that's correct they're on the E side if you recall in the fall we did everything we could possibly within Budget on the west side and didn't hit the East Side um so kjn if there's new requests it would be for this next round so I had one for the Columbus Place uh so the4 114 yeah so the tree was removed on Friday at 114 uh there was no tree but the tree was underneath growing underneath the sidewalk so there's is this the one with the garage in front of it the garage that they treated in front of the garage uh somewhat yeah yeah so the there was a sycamore that was removed in that location because it severely damaged the the sidewalk the homeowners already got from my understanding has that sidewalk and Foundation repairs contracted I think you're talking about the next door one okay uh the one I'm talking we could I could reach talk we talk about it offline but yeah so this so the westwide was done for last year's West Side was done weather got bad so East side this year is is carry over from last year but if there's any new ones just fill out the form and we'll put it in for for this year it really it comes down to budgeting at some point right I mean well it's whatever we can do for 50k each year yeah so I speaking the councilman robena this morning or this afternoon we talked about you know whatever if there's money left over and there's some lingering sidewalks on the east or west side whatever's left we'll we'll just schedule them okay Co but I need to get through this 20 these 26 first or else councilman Johnson's going to yell at you I know where he's at tonight okay cool thank you thank you uh who's left John you the last one come on up Best For Last closer come on in MO good evening everyone good evening I would like to thank mayor signarello and Town Council for giving me the opportunity to provide a brief update membership and Recreation we currently have over 480 recreational members homework and Aftercare we currently have over 130 students daily we're transporting chaperoning over 86 students and the asyc handles over 1100 student members per week however this week we're closed for spring break we remain committed to providing the best possible care and programming we believe our department offers our community members a wide variety of programming our winter programing was as follows adult pickle ball middle school high school adult Fitness adult basketball offseason elementary middle school and high school volleyball offseason baseball and RP pack Performing Arts Club winter sports teams Elementary and Middle School basketball the basketball numbers were very good we had 12 teams practicing and competing in schools throughout the bur in County we had 5 T games scheduled not including the playoffs and championships in March we hosted the recreational Basketball Championships and the results were as follows co-ed third through fifth grade Champions team Adams Middle School Champions team rotman I'd like to congratulate the coaches players and parents for two outstanding highly competitive games I'd be remissed to not acknowledge our outstanding performances from our announcer John silverite and the singing of our national Anthony national anthem by Tiffany naris Elementary Middle school and girls wrestling Peewee Bantam Central Jersey grade school and girls teams have been competing since December in Du and tournaments throughout the state we're happy to report that our teams represented Rosel Park well and then had a number of tournament Place winners and champions Rosel park recreational New Jersey USA Wrestling state championship results were as follows tot 53 pounds placing eigh Cole aello novice 110 lbs placing third Hunter appello intermediate 91 lb placing sixth ja Capello intermediate 98 lbs placing 7eventh Anthony molero and girls intermediate 112 pound state champion Luchia reri spring recreational programming starts on Monday April 8th we have co-ed tennis uh Spring Middle School high school and adult strength and conditioning spring volleyball adult basketball and offseason wrestling lastly I'd like to congratulate Tina Schwarz the Recreation committee and the Rosel Park Memorial Library for an amazing easter event it was well attended and it was fun for all ages as always you can contact the recreation at Recreation Rosel park.net with any questions or concerns that completes our April Recreation Department update I'd be happy to answer any questions um we're all set for next meeting uh two weeks for today yes all the kids were notified and everything correct okay teams coaches parents okay excellent basketball and wrestling okay Excell and thanks for having us thank you anybody else cool thank you great thank you good need me everyone uh okay may I have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I uh okay uh so pertinent to the uh budget discussion I actually wanted to pull up can I have a motion to pull up the executive close session for this evening so move second all all in favor can I do an all in favor or do I need a roll call you can do it all all in favor I uh okay um so there's one matter for Clos session this evening Madam clerk please read the closed session resolution Oho is that that's after right before now yeah okay got it sorry we got a vote okay uh so can I I need a vote to go in to close after the resolution okay okay whereas the mayor and Council of the bar Rosell Park wish to discuss matters which are described in the New Jersey open public meetings act Sunshine Law njsa 10 colon 4-12 and whereas the general nature of the subjects to be discussed in Clos session are ongoing litigations city of Elizabeth versus railro Rosal Park whereas the time when and the circumstances under which the items discussed and close session will be disclosed to the public are at a future time now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the burough Rosa Park County of union state of New Jersey adjourn the open portion of the meeting and open a closed portion of the meeting to discuss the E for set item okay so I need to kick the public out for I think the conversation will be 15 20 minutes max and then we can let you guys back in what a oh there it is 1976 a good question testing one two okay got it okay uh may I have a motion oh sorry uh so where am I now uh oh yeah do we have to there was no resolution y y y do your thing Donna I don't I have that I don't have that Hey Joe do you want to guide us through doesn't Donna have to say something after there's no resolution y yada Y in terms of she doesn't have the prompt I don't have something was discussed during closed session it was not resolved we need just going to say during close session um the mayor and Council discussed ongoing litigation the city of Elizabeth versus the burough of Rosell Park and at this time no no public action no action was taken public action was taken all good perfect good teamwork guys uh Madam clerk please read ordinance number 2744 by uh 2774 by title ordinance number 2774 an ordinance amending chapter 27 section six subsection three of the code of the bur of Rosell Park entitled in possession of charges may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2774 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing is April 18th 2024 so move second is there any discussion Madame clerk please call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman signorella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel no that's a four affirmative one negative Mr Mayor okay uh Madame clerk please read ordance number 2775 by title I ordance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap Bank of calendar year 2024 pursuant to njsa 40a col 4- 454 uh may have a motion to approve ordance summer 2775 for introduction fix the date for second reading of public hearing is April 18th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman signorella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes that's five affirmative this [Applause] okay uh all this is all matters listed within asteris are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Madam clerk please read all resolution on the consent agenda by title 9524 is authorizing the treasurer to issue two checks totaling $3,166 payable to one lead holder on two properties and one check totaling $1,200 from the tax collector's premium account 9624 is authorizing the tax collector to issue a reduction and or refund on one sewer utility bill for Block 1104 lot 18 of the municipal tax map commonly known as 212 Charlotte Terrace and the amount of $1,695 due to a water utility discrepancy 97-2 4 is authorizing the partial closure of William Street at the request of ding's Irish pub and restaurant for getting close to opening event where alcoholic beverages may be consumed on public property and 9824 is authorizing introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget okay do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda yes yep 9724 okay 98 okay okay may I have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second uh all in favor okay I have a motion to adopt ordinance number or resolution 9724 so move second is there any discussion yes yep go for it so I'm just concerned because obviously I had asked that they're not opening until miday yep um and regarding just um the other businesses and everything that's uh that it would affect um and really just my concern of people going into the building if there's anything gonna be happening like that you sound like councilman signarello um we did talk about it that's fine but it's true um and the other thing is is that um I'm also concerned or really want uh the other businesses you know it's not really happening with them you know um and then I was possibly thinking how we can even have them participate maybe like a sidewalk sale or something like that if we can amend it if we decide on it but my main concern is that it's not ready and almost putting the C before the horse yeah I think there's other people on the council that share that concern I Jose you want to say anything no I talked to uh a councilwoman Lions I almost said right so uh and I've talked to uh our professionals I need to feel comfortable uh that nobody's going there how far along is the construction if uh 20 people happen to walk in there are they going to fall down into the basement and get hurt and and and we and Rich both of you and we do we feel comfortable that you know we don't want it to happen and we don't want it to happen but if it happens who's has the liability that we let him to CL close the street off so I'm I I'm Praises for them hope and they open up and prosper for 60 years but I have a concern about going in there and had some uh professional conversations with uh uh with Rich BL show and and uh I think he's tell me that the building is a little more far uh uh and advaned than it was three or four weeks ago let me they're still not allowed to be in the building doesn't matter how until they have until they have occupancy they're not allowed to in the building okay so sorry didn't mean to cut you off go for it yeah no no I I'm good because I had the conversation with uh um Rich this week and I did have a brief conversation I told Andrew Well in between baby feedings give me a call and I just need a little education but and I I feel comfortable and I feel comfortable that if something happens it's not on the Burrows uh on our plate we're we're not inher in an issue speaking on the Burrows plate I had a concern about this as well more so a question um I didn't see addressing this resolution would dowlings be responsible for paying for police presence overtime that is correct they're looking at hiring two officers like they did for the a standard other uh outdoor events that they did during Co time when the building was not being able to be used as well okay um same scenario uh far as police goes all right perfect could we add that to the resolution that stipulation I just didn't see that here I saw the recommendations from you regarding the uh uh bathroom stations but I didn't see anything specifically on them covering so taxpayers no they're not paying for I spoke to the proprietor he's already arranged it um he's got to go through jobs for blue to hire the same hiring process as everybody else U we're not just donating cops to them they're they're paying the the rate that everybody would pay uh for a contractor or whatever like that so and it's a weekend rate I think we get $120 an hour so it's not cheap okay I appreciate you clarifying chief and just real quick so I just want to just comment on two so I I have no uh horse in this race um I see the good and the bad uh two things one is so any business can apply for for this like a similar permit if they want to so vintage I'll make an example it's a little tougher because they're on a state highway but theoretically they could ask for an open permit too um so other you know like just jubilant for example could also ask for a permit to to sell outside Wares um I would think look if you one of vote no tonight you know do you um I think it's a little bit late to kind of and I'm I'm happy to connect you with the dowlings guys like you can talk to them if if they want to make it bigger or this year or next year they usually do something per year but they usually do it on St Patty's Day right can I comment real quick yeah yeah go for it so I had a good conversation with the Proprietors and they were basically saying I was telling them why are you doing this so premature before the building is done it was mindboggling to me the way he explained it was there there's a Irish band that they booked two years ago um that they didn't know all this was going to Happ happen with their building I guess it's very expensive to book this this venue um they can't get them again if they wanted to um they were they're very popular all their customers really wanted to see them come back uh so therefore they decided to do this outdoor event to try to accommodate for this band particularly it was where it all was it wasn't a grand opening or pre-opening or anything like that the way he explained it to me once I understood that then I kind of was a little bit more sensitive to the fact of what he's trying to do and what he's trying to accomplish and we were willing to work with him on the PD side uh to make that happen same as a you know a street fair um Arts Festival where we block the streets off you know same thing we're not using buildings we're just they're using the outside they're bringing in they're bringing in a beer truck they're bringing in enough Porton so there's no you nobody you know any LW acts in in public um and then they're also bringing in the food from from the outside um same same as what they typically did like I said during Co and Co wasn't an issue was actually a welcome to the barel so glad you stuck around Chief no worries yeah that's great so it is closed in it's specifically all closed in it it'll be it'll be right in that street on William Street there'll be barricades they'll be barricades there'll be two police officers in the front they'll be monitoring the whole venue to make sure that nobody leaves the premise with any alcohol uh away from the location um the beer truck will be right on site the band will be there and I think the time the timeline was set by the mayor and counsil or whatever the application was I think it was 900 p.m. was the cut off date everything shuts down so does the Board of Health have to be notified for this the Board of Health needs to be notified thank you uh any questions for richer Chief REO no okay uh any further discussion Don R councilman Petroski yes councilman sarella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes five affirmative Mr Mayor okay thank you you guys could head out if you I think we're done with you for the night worries okay uh may I have a motion to adopt uh resolution 9824 so move second is there any discussion you pulled it as okay uh Donna call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson oh sorry councilman sarella yes councilwoman Rob oh councilman Rina sorry yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel no okay four ative one negative you are on the budget committee but that's cute May uh all right got it didn't like it we should have fired a guy conj who' you want to fire tell me next time no no yeah okay may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I I you'd like to come up and speak in the mic on any subject matter please state your name and address for the record nobody wants to talk you guys are just here to hang out okay uh I'm seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion on any subject I one he may okay come on up hi Council uh Jerry vry I live on Ragland Drive um when the chief was talking about the uh burglary incident on Galloping Hill Road um they broke through the window um just worried about people driving around once this dispenser is opened up and driving around the neighborhood and looking at these nice houses and nice cars and you know that's just a uh concern of mine of undesirables being around and we're having a dispensary open seven days a week at least 12 hours a day and uh I want to know what your thoughts are on that I'd love for you to Define undesirable can you can you tell me what you mean by that yeah you're having a recreational uh cannabis dispensary so you know I mean but let's double let's double click on that what is undesirable going to have people walking in there that are high already yep okay okay then maybe walking around and driving around the area I call them undesirable what makes them undesirable I'd be curious to hear it makes them undesirable that they're they're high already and you know what you're just bringing in kind of a bad element Define that element I'm not anything that that's my thoughts I'm I'm not going to Define it use the term undesirable during I just love to hear his definition of it I don't have to give you my definition that's my thought on it that's fine yep okay you can speak you can speak when it's your turn thank you that's all I have to say thank you for your input would anybody else like to come up and speak good evening again good my condolences name and address for the record Anon Bender Avenue my condolences to the craft family and congratulations to the young athletes that were mentioned in the reporting earlier the police chief used the term undesirable when we were talking about home invasions in reference to people invading homes exactly y it takes someone to be casing a joint and looking around and being they're coming to an area that they otherwise wouldn't be in looking for opportunities when they're you know so that that's that's what I want to say about the term undesirable so you're saying everybody who smokes weed is a criminal no I'm not I'm not saying that everyone who smokes weed is a criminal okay um I did have one question about the percentage that Rosal Park is supposed to get from the legal dispensary sure uh my understanding is that break waterer is 100% cash are we having any Auditors are there Auditors to make sure I mean for an all cash business who's auditing the books to make sure we're getting uh the the proper percentages we do not tax medical marijuana because there's a medic need for it I feel like it'd be unethical to tax somebody who has a medical requirement for something that's a good point what about for the proposed recreational facilities so um similar to what you were alluding to before which is a pilot of payment in Le of taxes at the end of the year there is an audit um we have a financial advisor that goes through the number as well as lawyers that go through the number and Auditors um and then we get 2% of whatever the revenue is okay and and has there been any reporting of any kind whether or not Rosal Park gets a percentage as to what Breakwater is earning no um I mean candidly I don't think it's we don't audit anybody's revenues from a business perspective in Rosal Park unless we're doing some sir tax um so no but again we don't charge for medical attack my understanding is that break water was considering also a recreational license yes they would potentially convert from a Rec from a class from a medical to a combined license which would be medical and recreational and if they do that then we would start taxing them has there been any report of followup what the actual traffic is to that location right now um on what basis would you want to agree to open it up to recreational whereas now it's just medical so we they have been issued a provisional license and they would have to come back to the land use board just like you guys saw with the last one and they would have to warrant the they have to prove that they have enough parking so if they're asking for additional permissions yes you would not want to audit and know what they're doing to date this is a brand new i' be i' I'd be very curious to hear that yeah and they'd have to present that as part of the as part of their testimony okay um you had mentioned previously that you thought that the only businesses that Rosal Park could attract were recreational marijuana sales I did not say only predominantly I did not say predominantly uh my understanding was that there was a business development professional that was s very successful in Cranford and that as soon as you um became mayor you fired this person why do we have a business professional a business development professional yes because I saw her work performance for well so let me be careful here no no no hold on we we can say we cut that for Budget purposes and how long did you review uh work performance it was not a performance related topic it was a budget related topic but I will say that part of the duties of that role did not include soliciting new businesses um and have you has have you considered a business development position for the for the town we would love to hire new staff in the burough of Rosal Park um unfortunately what we keep running into is a % cap so we are only allowed to spend year-over-year uh 2% more than we spent last year we have needs in a lot of different departments in the police department in uh Public Safety uh in the DPW and unfortunately due to State requirements we are at the max tax increase that we can do which is the $ 10222 uh household average that you see today so we are actually lucky that we didn't have to fire anybody this year luckily we had a retirement that we are not backfilling and we didn't have to fire anybody so we've been strapped for the last two years in terms of new hires mayor time is up minutes thank you yep would anybody else like to come up and speak hey how are youire East clev um just curious I mean everybody's got an issue with this dispensary not everyone everyone around the area has an issue with the uh dispensary yep so it seems that there's nothing positive coming from this other than the 2% sales tax sure have you guys calculated how much that's going to be so a couple things first off for the record because I want to say this on the record not everybody agreed there are two people that voted on Council Council woman lions and councilman Khan John Patel that voted no um no I mean look there are estimates based on how much other towns take in right um you know candidly I just don't see a downside to it and I think the count the you're making pretty bold assumptions here right we have seen people come out and speak out against it there's also 14,000 people in the burough of Rosell Park who haven't spoken out against it which means that's n in void would they didn't come they didn't say anything so to me that doesn't exist that's not necessarily true I mean we go on the data that we have the state of New Jersey legalized marijuana and we zone for it all right so we legalize marijuana the DAT what data do you have what how much money is that going to bring into the town are you just basing this on a whim you said you hope that property taxes are going to go down right it's going to be more money than we got before from those properties right well the and it's also going to fill empty buildings the average dispensary takes in about 2 million a year okay what's 2% of that uh $40,000 correct yeah and so if we open two dispensaries that's one more cop I can hire all right how much more how many more cops how many more patrolmen are we going to need for the influx of people coming in from Elizabeth Roselle oh we need more cops regardless we could we could not put we could not put up one more dispensary 32 cops is insufficient for the burrow of Rosal Park so we need more cops regardless of whether or not we we're to put in a dispensary right on the border of Elizabeth and Roso Park yes does that make sense how does that make sense uh because it's legal because it's legal it's not a a because it's legal and it's an empty building so that's you can speak when you come up and speak thank you well you've got people paying more than 20,000 a year in taxes that live right around the area got it I mean it's a stute I I agree I don't know what you want me to tell you you don't think you're going to ruin their way of life no no no they came here and told you that they don't want it so what positive do you guys have we had we had 60 people come here and say that okay there's 14,000 people in the bur of Ros Park how many came here and said they wanted it uh I don't none how many people showed up and said hey we want it we love weed none we want it there's PL people who told me online so you've had 60 people compared to zero yes in person yeah all right so you're here for the people yeah I'm here for all the people how are you working for these people in favor of these people because I'm Pro Economic Development and it's economic development in the bar 4,000 a year yeah do you know $40,000 a year gets me it gets me a lower increase in taxes it does okay it does Ken Ken how much how much did we go up in the budget this year uh 800 let me ask a better question went up 800 almost $87,000 and how much how much do we spend about in parking enforcement uh about 80,000 right so with another $40,000 I could have hired a new parking enforcement person which is a problem in town that would have been meaningful so you don't think we're going to need more patrolmen in that area for this weed dispensary I've there is there's been no evidence of other towns requiring to hire additional police officers as a result of dispensaries open that is not that has not occurred in other places so your your assumption is that when a dispensary opens that automatically there's an increase that requires a police presence I'm just pointing out to you that this is not the first dispensary to be open in New Jersey how many dispensaries in a residential area time's up sorry George than you dispensaries throughout the state not in a residential area though it's not a residential area so to the chair to the to the chair mayor yeah to the chair I just like to make a comment so it is a positive we just voted on a budget tonight and a member that attended every five budget meetings voted down part of the team and never had a negative uh input at these meetings and I fought there a member of the DPW resigned if he didn't resign we were going to have to lay off an employee this year we okay the revenue is necessary okay just for a fact you got to do some facts Union Township got a million doll check okay you have Revenue now we're not in that same classification George focus on what what I'm telling you facts you can't talk to me I'm talking I'm talking you just said my name so I'm respond no don't matter that's enough councilman we got it we got do a little of facts a million dollars can I say something sure no that's that's enough next Resident thank you can I say something no Rosanna next Resident thank you I'm Betty Woodruff from Bender Avenue um my question is if you I believe I heard you say just now that uh we don't have enough police offic officers if you add these clinics or dispensaries yep well $40,000 isn't going to pay the salary of a police officer I question also um in the areas where these are built do property V values have you done any of the towns have you done a survey of any of the towns that have um dispensaries in their neighborhoods has it affected property value you at all is there any town I know Cranford Garwood and Westfield do not have any dispensaries Rosel Park is 14,000 people five dispensary licenses we don't even have a mile and I I question it's not five it's not five licenses it's three yes three up to three up to three in addition to what no it's up to three total okay and why may I also ask um um why we would go from medical to uh recreational marijuana in the one that's functioning now and when this huge building I can't imagine what goes on in there um so I don't know I mean why does there is no consumption allowed on site I just want to be abundantly clear on that it is illegal for consumption to go on on site and we have access to recordings of what goes on in those buildings and I'm sure I cut off Rosanna because I wanted to get to the next person but I want to stress all these licens are revocable right so if there is consumption going on on site we can not issue the license again we can revoke the license like these are the measures that we have and will use should things go south okay um the third thing I questioned was that you have a Sherman school you know close to where this dispensary is going to be yep and is there not a federal law and I might be wrong on this but I thought the federal law was not within a th000 fet uh it's 500 I believe it's definitely not a thousand it's not a thousand it's 500 I believe from a school because I think what 1500 that's our local ordinance that's the local ordinance what do the federal ordinance ordinance in essence the local ordinance is greater than the federal ordinance so Federal your local ordinance requires 1,500 ft okay whereas the federal is only 5 00 so three times so it's like you can speed on the turnpike at you know State Highway at 77 but on the Municipal Road you got to do 25 right it's better right so the local ordinance is actually a longer distance so it's more aggressive but but can I just the I really need to stress here so just like we don't see middle schoolers going into Park Liquor which is right by the middle school right the the structure around getting into these buildings is way more stringent than a liquor store there is an armed there's a guard at the beginning checking ID twice there's not going to be kids going into this place there's just not it's not legal councilwoman you're chomping in the bit you want to say something sorry sure no it's okay yeah um I listen I see your care your concern I hear you Jerry I hear you Hannah the thing is is that we have fear right I mean I for me if I was living on your street and my daughter would be sitting on the front steps and they would see you know Mommy what's going on over there and I would have to have that conversation that's a major conversation I would never want that to happen I feel exactly what you guys feel so I just want to let you guys know the fact that you're here the fact that you're talking you're able to we may not you know be hearing what we want to hear here but I do have faith that if something does you know go wrong that the people here will act upon that we'll revoke the licenses Rosanna yeah so and and the mayor said that and I applaud him for that because and I told him show that side you will revoke the licenses if things go south yeah so but the other thing is is that I want to talk to you maybe offline and just like make sure that there is something local that we can say that there's absolutely no way in hell I know you know or legally there will be no nobody hanging out around there lighting up um you know sitting in their cars you know can we make that a local law an ordinance um and and see what we could do uh because we can't obviously go backwards but right now what can we do so I just wanted to yeah I don't I don't think right now I don't think you're legally allowed to smoke in public is that right but not in public areas yeah okay but can we can we make an ordinance saying that it's illegal to do this around these happy to discuss offline I think it's a great idea okay should subject to Legal approval yeah no I love that idea it's a good idea it's good safety rail okay you're out of time I'm sorry anybody else I oh okay everybody hello ratio Perera 472 Colonial Road Rosal port New Jersey you said that before that uh was 60 people here 60 70 count me one out of it because I was in even uh you were at the land use board meeting I was there all the time yeah but I didn't know about it and none of the other people that was there knew about it okay only two or three knew about it only two the neighbor in front the Chinese Portuguese nobody knew about it you said now if you have 14,000 people living in Rosal Park if we if we went to tell them you think it wouldn't be here you would have had parking space here you have no accommodations for the people to be here because you would have for almost that many people tell you to tell you no about this thing and then another thing mhm the when I moved there when I put 2x4 by 2x4 and then there I came there because the town Rosell Park made that a oneway street so nobody could be from you know from colonal coming up canol so they made one way into down the street you know that right too okay that's why everybody that's been living there has been living there for all these years only Kiki moved the rest everybody's there okay now what do you think we going to think that's going to be the same for us no it's not I very sincerely hope that it is no we have I sit in the street I sit in the street just to look because what you guys said with all those people that these people pay the you know from other towns to come and look at our street how much one car another car so the whole day maybe I see 10 cars going down yeah not going to be like that I I not even the CH ladies here so remember that I I want to say because she says she's going to watch because crossing the street you don't walk too low and walk to chihuaha imagine that you guys can believe me or not I would not be supporting this if I really thought that it was going to impact your lives sure it's going to impact you guys might not like what's going there but from a traffic and input output perspective okay okay uh I think we're only taking one per night tonight one yes no anybody else I'm seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor okay may I have a motion to adjourn mayor we didn't do the reports of council people oh reports no reports are canceled tonight uh councilman signarello look briefly I just t about the flooding on the 23rd and uh um superintendent Bon touched about it I literally went out in the rain and looked at the basins looked at Lincoln a went behind the homes on Lincoln have I've been hearing for two years two years the flooding has increased so uh after the uh the business administrator comes back and we'll get together and see if we can figure out that what caused an issue the last two years and we'll move forward and try to make some plans it's been flooding for 40 years and we just we got to see we can do down the road end of my report uh councilman pataski thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my condolances out to Kathy chin Louise deula and Todd craft uh uh May 24th I attended the Easter egg hunt um it was supposed to be the 23rd because it rain we moved it to the 24th I want to thank uh councilman at large Joe signarello Jr for coming the mayor for coming and Rosanna for coming thank you very much uh again like uh Ruben had said it was a big turnout um I think uh well over a hundred people were there and uh uh and I have to say one thing I I I I say this around Halloween the kids are very respectful uh so thank yous and every and the parents also so uh and I want to thank Tina Schwarz and her committee John rieri also um they did a fantastic job that day on the 28th I attended a job fair at the Cassano Center um good turnout um I talked to a few uh people that were looking for jobs and uh they were hoping to find uh jobs okay on the 29th I attended the uh uh the rescue um uh young Gentleman on the uh 2303 Persian Avenue was paralyzed a few years ago um so his uh parents renovated their house to make it handicap accessible um um and I remember getting a call from a woman that worked at the uh uh Children's Specialized Hospital hopefully we would support it which mayor and councel that night did support um and like I said uh I got to speak to the family they were very grateful and they thanked the mayor and counsel for all their help um and it's very sad to see a a young boy who will be you know paralyzed for life I uh I had an uncle that was paralyzed so I know and I envied I tell you I I thought it was great what he went through every gave his life was uh amazing but I uh I do uh re reach out and um and supposedly on May 4th the rescue show is going to be televised I'm still trying to find out what channel is on but supposedly I'm going to be on the TV uh that show uh basically just uh supporting the young boy coming in um with all and like I said they renovated the house that make it a handicap accessible so um uh the fire department got $75,000 uh personal protected equipment am I right Chief yeah uh uh American Rescue plan firefighter Grant we got the money from them um and uh like I said it was uh I'm happy to see the firefighters gets uh this uh grant money uh if you need to contact me you can get me at J Petroski at Rosal park.net 908 666 7821 that's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman councilwoman Lions good evening mayor and councel just a quick report um meet the burrow is going to be uh at the end of the month April 27th um and I actually I'm sorry April 12th we are having karaoke night at CA so if anybody's uh listening to this out there please come we're going to have a good time um and uh I just want to wrap up honestly I mean love your neighbor that's all I have to say take care of each other um a lot of stuff is happening in the world obviously people are coming out um and it's an emotional thing but let's just remember that that we could just look out for each other thank you I heard you love your mayor is what I heard and love your name love the mayor and love your neighbor and the mayor has to love the neighbor more fair enough what's it I love the chief too love the chief all right get on the list councilman Batel good evening the the environmental commission had a successful repair Cafe we set up six station and 50 items were brought in 41 uh were fixed uh such as jewelry bikes Electronics and 15-year-old hair dryer and many more the garden season is fast approaching and the commission have cleanup and prep work to do before May including mulching weeding and laying new compos we will be at the Garden uh the next few Saturdays at around 10 a.m. if you like to help uh that's all I have for tonight thank you thank you councilman councilman Rina thank you mayor good evening roselt Park wanted to begin my report addressing fifth W resident Safety and Security concerns and inform everyone that on Wednesday April 17th from 5:30 7 I partnered with the PD to host a public safety and listening session at Aline school to discuss what our law enforcement officers are doing to keep us safe and tips to protect our families ourselves and our property while these Brazen car thefts and home invasions are happening Statewide now that it's close to home we've got to send the message and we've got to fortify our homes and valuables to safeguard and prevent them from being targeted we also need additional resources stronger enforcement Powers stricter criminal penalties and more accountability for not only juveniles but their parents and Guardians and the adults who were convicted of serious crimes including home invasion robbery and auto theft Public Safety is a collective responsibility and it begins right here at home by being a positive role model keeping a watchful eye on our kids and their influences it's also about supporting our police officers and empowering our communities I'd like to work with this governing body to contact our state officials to reexamine the consequences for malicious acts that clearly affect the safety and well being of law-abiding citizens in our communities and the communities around us on Tuesday I joined officer cambronero at the crime prevention event at the Cassano Center where they addressed identity theft Target hardening and free community programs like Operation Blue Angel and free home security assessments I'd like to commend officer cero and Chief freno and the rppd for being proactive in setting up the crime prevention events which I had the opportunity to attend and participate in for more information on these free programs and services offered by the community oriented policing unit and the rppd call officer cero at 98245 2300 extension 2141 as for infrastructure repairs in the 5ifth quick thanks to DPW for reinstalling the tire swing pack at Aldine Park working with the vendor to complete a significant portion of sidewalks in the ward under the sidewalk repair program and for power washing the memorial at Lono Perry Park note on Friday uh April 12th at 11: a.m. there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Gordon Street Bridge as liaison to the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday the 28th we had our meeting we've got approximately 20 Rosel Park businesses that have joined the chamber since we partnered a year and a half ago if you're a chamber member I invite you to reach out so we can make sure you're taking advantage of the many benefits available to help your business grow including tapping into new customers workshops job boards networking events free business counseling discounts HR Support news release writing and much much more the next networking event is on April 25th at MNT Bank on Chestnut Street and Union existing and potential chamber members are invited to attend for more details email me at J rabine Rosel park.net the chamber also recognizes Trailblazers who prop who promote small businesses and each year the awards are presented to each outstanding member this year I'm honored to be recognized and will be receiving the chamber Champion award as as a result of spearheading and collaborating for the chambers's presence in in Ros Park and for supporting the growth and interest in the chamber within the Rosel Park small business Community they'll be hosting their annual Gala Galloping Hill Caterers on Thursday May 2nd note May Saturday May 4th is the buroughs torto Rosel Park and bike Clinic check out my Facebook page or the burrows for more information the event is free and there's going to be a ton of free information giveaways helmets and classes taught by easy ride and New Jersey bike and walk Coalition licensed bicycle instructors also on March 28th uh my wife and I supported the Roso Park Middle Middle School PTA 8th grade committee habit bger fundraiser the next opportunity to support the middle school will be on May 23rd at the high school it's a Thursday and beginning from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. it'll be RP's finest versus RP's bravest for our first ever chili cookoff cost is $10 per adult $5 per student and proceeds will benefit both the eighth grade middle school graduating class and the Project Graduation for our high school seniors thank you to all who continue to support our PTA fundraisers prior to the burgers that night I had attended the RP job fair at the Cassano Center I connected director Shaw with staff from the Union County American jobs Center for a resource event and fair in the summer and they were impressed with the team the facility and how well attended our functions are so they were back for this event and will be returning this fall thank you to director Shaw for coordinating commissioner Sergio granados for visiting and all the County Commissioners and the UC America Job Center for bringing these important connections to Rosal Park I'd also attended the repair Cafe um earlier that week in conclusion after discussing with the blessing of my family on March 25th I filed for petition for re-election after 13 years of community service in Rosell Park I'm humbled by each experience that has allowed me to give back to my community within my capacity holding a public office is an act of service to the public that is service to all residents not just those who share your views or those who voted for you which is why I stand strong on my position to build upon my bipartisan relationships for the betterment of our community it is a challenge that requires every office holder to Rise Above The Fray to reach Beyond Comfort zones and to work with others to whom they have significant differences and rising to that challenge is what makes our democracy work it's what makes shaping our shared future possible it's building upon what others have done before us and it's what has made communities our community specifically a place that we can be proud of I'm raising my family here and it's about making roselt Park better for our kids for their future and for our future I look forward to upcoming Renovations at Boy Scout Park further movement on our Rails to Trails project eliminating Lake Woodside expanding our current bike path and installing additional traffic calming measures near our parks and schools among other projects plan and those that will arise I've been a very active member in our buau long before elected to represent my fifth W constituents and I hope and would once again be humbled to be given the opportunity for another term to continue on the positive momentum in the fifth W and with that I wish all candidates running the best of luck fifth word I can be reached at J rine Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor Rosel Park that concludes my report thank you councilman okay uh I have no report uh may I have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I thank you everybody e [Music]