##VIDEO ID:4lt_fq1V37U## e Board of educa sorry Rosa Park Board of Education September 177 2024 call the meeting to order this meeting is in op excuse me this meeting is an open session of the Rosal Park Board of Education being held in accordance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger local Source home news tribute buau clerk School offices and District website roll call please president Paul bante here vice president constant quintella here Susan carlstrom here Dr Britney Kirkland Cindy Meo here Jennifer mcar Chris Monroe here Michael an rean here thank you please stand for the flag let it be resolved that the Rosell Park Board of Education meeting hereby convenes to Executive session for discussion of the following subjects Personnel attorney client privileges student matters it is anticipated that the executive session will take approximately 60 Minutes the board may take action during the public session the board shall return to public session following the executive session at approximately 7 7: p.m. the minutes of the executive session shall be released to the public when the reason for the executive session no longer exists can I have a motion to go into executive session make that motion have a second second all in favor I oppose we're an executive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e like I can't read this k a motion to return to public session make that motion do have a second all in favor I opposed okay we're back public participation on agenda items only each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record hi Lucy figuro 330 shardan Avenue I am actually wanted to say um I saw that Mr harmes was resigning so I wanted to thank him for all his Services he's been amazing on the board he's always cared about only about the kids he's done so much for this town so I want to say thank you to him thank you thank you good even evening Jackie Garcia of Rosal Park Personal Agenda items 9B resignation of Lauren Harms as Lauren harm steps down from the Rosel Park Board of Education I wanted to extend my heart-filled gratitude for his years of dedication and services to our school Community Mr harms has been a steadfast advocate for Quality education ensuring that every decision made by the board was in the best interest of the students and the staff throughout his tenure Mr Harm's commit commitment to impr proving our schools has left a lasting impact his leadership in enhancing student programs advocating for better resources and fostering a supportive environment for both teachers and students will be remembered for years to come Mr Harm's collaborative spirit and passion for education has been invaluable asset to our district most recently he advocated for the construction of a new school which we desperately need and I will continue to Advocate as well I wish Mr harms all the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his countless hours that he Dev voted to making Rosell Park schools a better place for all thank you Lauren for your years of service and dedication to our community thank you anyone else seeing none I'll close the public participation um student recognition um before we do a student recognition I just wanted to Welcome to our board a student um who's a member of Rosell Park High School Jana matelis she will be attending the board meetings um every month she's she's an active student council member Pier crisis counselor National Honor Society and respected by classmates and teachers so welcome aboard Mrs mow vice principal roselt Park Middle School Council 10 leadership at Rosal Park Middle School each Year's seventh graders vote to elect the Council of 10 for the following school year these students have demonstrated overall dedication to being respectful and to being role models in our student body as a council of 10 members these students under the direction of Miss wineart and Miss Howell are a vital part of the student council and take on responsib abilities such as monthly student council meetings campaigning for president helping at school events such as back to school night voicing student concerns through leadership sharing information with the school Community organizing dances fundraisers and spirit days acting as chairperson for a month and being a role model for Council of 10 leadership Arch Adil AA Alvi Emma argu Jada Boyd Ava Krell Richard [Applause] huxford Christian Joseph Jerell Mills John Carlos permon and Sophia tant looking forward to a great year with the Council of 10 and very proud of the members that stand in front of you to represent the Rosal Park Middle School this year congratulations alab e [Applause] yeah thank you thank you vice principal and uh congratulations to the students we'll move on to committee reports start to my right anyone to my right committtee reports none yes I'm sorry Chris um um for the hip committee um just want to say that uh just want to put out put it out there to the parents um when you receive a Hib because there's a lot of misinformation about hibs and I want everyone to understand um hibs when you get um a hi and it says a hi or not a hi it's only for internal purposes it doesn't follow you to college it doesn't prevent you from getting a job it's not a record or a legal charge or anything like that it's just something that's internal for the school and you have a choice to appeal it if you want you know or or you don't have to but just know that appealing appealing appealing it because you think is going to hurt your child's future is not it's just something internal uh for a record that for the school and basically if it's a repeated offense you know the school will follow the code of conduct but you know a lot of parents ask and they're scared when they get that head letter at home that um we just want to make sure everybody is well aware that it's not it's it's here and that's it it's not going to follow them thank you thank you anyone else seeing none we'll move on to the superintendent report good evening as Miss bodak gets ready to present I wanted to um Del I'm delighted to report that we've had a strong and positive start to the 2024 2025 school year our Focus remains centered on providing the best educational experience for our students nurturing their academic growth in supporting their overall well-being I'm also pleased to share the results of the recently New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum andj qac review which was conducted by the uni County Executive County super super intended and your your team pursuant to njac 6830 our District's performance across all five and New Jersey qac areas have been thoroughly reviewed with the following placements results instructional in program 81% fiscal management 100% governance 100% operations 97% Personnel 97% these results reflect the hard work and dedication of our entire team our district has met at least the 80% of the weighted indicators in all areas earning us a designation of a high performing District by the commissioner of Education the recommendation will be made to the State Board of Education to certify us as providing a thorough and efficient system of education for the next three years this is a significant accomplishment and I extend my congratulations to everyone involved in making this possible in terms of academic performance we have seen encouraging progress our testing coordinator Miss bodak will be presenting the district's DM and njsla results shortly some of the highlights will include a 90% increase in the percentage of elementary students meeting or exceeding expectations in ela 44.6 increase in meeting or exceeding rates for middle school algebra 1 alongside over a 100% increase in high school algebra 1 High School Ela 9 saw more than 20% improvement from 2023 to 20 24 test administrations while these gains are promising we recognize areas for growth to address specific needs our district has implemented several interventions Ela math coaches are analyzing data supporting instructional strategies and facilitating better coordination between our teachers intervention teachers provide targeted supplemental instruction based on students needs a shift to skills-based instruction focused on grade level standards and increased opportunities for project-based learning and team experiences is under way linked Benchmark ass assessments are administered three times yearly to identify standards requiring the most Improvement in addition we have shifted our math sequence with new with students now taking geometry in 9th grade and algebra in 10th if they do not pass the njsla in eth grade these adjustments will support our goal of improving outcomes across the board our graduation rate for 2024 reflected a total of 157 graduates with only four students not meeting the necessary requirements we will continue to support all our students in reaching this important Milestone as we move forward we are committed to ongoing improvements both in terms of academic achievements in districtwide operations I continue to look forward to collaborating with you all to ensure that we continue building on this solid foundation I also would like to begin including um our residency checks we do have a full-time residency investigator as of August 17th to September 9th we completed he completed 34 additional residency checks bringing a total of 154 since July 1st during the same period seven additional students have been disenrolled from the district bringing a total since July 1st to 13 students not living in District lastly on behalf of the entire School District I want to extend our deepest gratitude to Mr Lauren Harms for over 30 years of selfless service to the students families and community of Rosal Park throughout his tenur as dedicated board member his unwavering commitment and passion for ensuring the best possible education for our students has made a lasting impact on all of us his leadership wisdom and persistent advocacy Have Been instrumental in shaping the path of our district always with the well-being and success of every student at heart you have given so much of yourself to this community and your legacy will continue to resonate in the lives of countless students who have flourished under your guidance it is with sadness that we acknowledge your resignation from the board while we are deeply saddened to see you go we are forever grateful for your remarkable dedication vision and countless contributions thank you for the example you have set for us and for the lasting impact you've made we wish you all the best in your future endeavors thank you I'd like to invite the Board of Education members to have a seat in the front row Yana you can have a seat in the front row as well I'm Colleen B the director of guidance and testing for the school district each fall were required um by the state of New Jersey to report the results of our spring assessments so this evening I'm going to present the njsla results as well as the dlm that's Dynamic learning Maps um and the graduation reporting requirements Miss go um did give an overview so I going to re reiterate a few of those points so njsla stands for the New Jersey student learning assessment and students are assessed in math English language arts and science um this is administered in May to students in grades 3 through nine as well as students in grades 11 in science um and we did test some students in math in grade 10 this past year as well um and the njsla um assesses our our Readiness for College and Career and Algebra 1 is given as a requirement to all students at some point throughout their career in school for federal accountability purposes so this first slide um before I dive into the data I just want to um preface it with students um their scores fall in a Continuum and that Continuum Falls all the way from not meeting expectations partially meeting expectations approaching expectations being on the bubble of meeting or not meeting and then meeting or exceeding so we really want our students to be in that meeting or exceeding category and for the purposes of this presentation I grouped the meeting in exceeding groups together in one um so it was easy easier to look at and then all of the other groups in in the not meeting Cate or failed to meet expectations category as you see there so um and I'm comparing the data from 2023 to 2024 so if we see there this slide shows our districtwide results so for English language arts um we went up from 23 to 24 about 5% 5.5% um so an additional 5.5% of our students met or exceeded expectations in English this year over the previous year um and we went up in the areas of math and science as well now this slide I'm looking specifically at elementaries uh the elementary schools by grade level so these are the results for all three elementary schools at the top we're looking at third grade um and I'm just looking at the meeting category on this slide so you can see we went up um third fourth and fifth grade in ela across the board um with a substantial increase um year-over-year in fourth grade um in 2023 46.1% of students met or exceeded expectations in English and then in 24 61.7% met or exceeded which is a huge gain um and you can see also in fourth grade for math um we increased over 10% these are the results um for Science and science is only given to Fifth eth and 11th graders um you can see we're pretty consistent from 23 to 24 with a slight increase in scores for the 11th grade um and I think it's important to note because I'm sure you're looking at these scores and saying okay 24.3% meeting or exceeding in fifth grade that that doesn't seem like very good um but I don't have the state meeting or exceeding rates on here for 24 because it's not available um but for 23 the state meeting exceeding rate for fifth grade was 25% um and you'll see in a little while um Sherman was well above that um and then also eighth grade um the meeting are exceeding for 2023 was 9% so we're we're somewhere in that range and then for 11th grade the meeting are exceeding um State average um for 2023 was 20% Which we were above last year just by a little bit this is the results comparison by elementary school so um this is grouping grades three four and five all together um and again I'm just presenting here the meeting or exceeding groups so um for English language arts Lan had a meeting are exceeding um rate of 57% um Robert Gordon 47% and Sherman School 65% for math meeting or exceeding expectations this is just 2024 Administration um 33% of students at Aldine met or exceeded expectations 28% at Robert Gordon and 47% at Sherman um science LD in 26% again that's remember I said said 25% for 2023 was the state average so um if it's consistent when the state results come out this year we we will be in line with the state um Robert Gordon 15% met are exceeded in science and Sherman 31% this is the results um for ELA at the middle school um in sixth grade we had an increase of over 10% over the previous year um in seventh grade English um we went down um about five percentage points and eighth grade English um we also went down about 10 percentage points this is the results of middle school math and this picture um needs a lot of explaining so please listen as I try to share the results here because there um it the picture doesn't doesn't really give a good understanding of where we're at in math but for math 6 um in 2023 we had um 23.2% of our students were meeting or exceeding the expectations um and we went up to 28.8 at the end of last year um so that was an improvement all sixth graders take math six um for ma or the math I should say the math 6 assessment the njsla math 6 um for math 7 um in 2023 all students in seventh grade took that assessment um and 22.5% were meeting or exceeding what changed um in 2024 is that we extracted the top students in math and we had them take algebra in middle school and they were tested end of year in the algebra assessment so those top scores were removed from that um that category in math seven and their scores were put in that awesome what looks amazing right Algebra 1 28 to 72.6 into that area um math 8 you don't see any results in 2023 that's because um we had all of our eighth graders in 2023 take algebra they took algebra in e8th grade and then they took the assessment at the end of the year and 8% of those students met or exceeded expectations at that time what changed last year is that we um shifted so that um a group of students in the eth grade took algebra um eight so a middle school algebra class and at the end of the year they were those students were tested in math 8 and 11.1% of those students met or exceeded expectations um the other group remained in Algebra 1 um high school algebra 1 given in middle school and their scores were also a factor in this huge gain this 72.6 which was a huge gain over the 2023 algebra results and then geometry um we went from 72.5% in 23 to 63.4% in 24 um and we had a larger group of students taking geometry in eth grade um last year than we we had previously so previously it was the tippy top of the class students taking geometry um and now uh We've expanded that to include more students and here are the results for the high school um we can see in 23 our English language arts um students that met or exceed did was at 42.2% and then we had a really big gain of over 20% um on our 24 results um and then in algebra we this also needs a little bit of an explanation we went from 5.6% to 12.5% um passing in algebra that 12.5% consisted of one class of about 19 students and those were all newly arrived to Rosell Park students students either newly arrived ESL or coming to us from other um districts or States um so I I just think that's important to note when you look at those results and then for geometry um in 2023 we had um just our honors students our honors geometry students were tested in geometry in njsla so we had 32.6% met or exceeded at that time and um last year we had all of our ninth graders who had taken Algebra 1 that previous year in 2023 at the middle school they were all testing in Geometry last year because they um can't test in algebra twice so if you took it in Middle School um for the njsla you can't take it again and have your scores count so all of those ninth graders took geometry as well as our sophomores who had taken algebra in 2022 at the high school um um so geometry this was the first time we were widely testing um geometry for njsla so there's definitely um a learning curve that needs to be worked out there um but I believe with the shifts to our um our math sequence we're going to see this leveling out um in next year's results so um state requirements also indicate that I need to report subgroup data so I'm going to report um by race and by program and this is uh data across the district so it's I know this is small sorry um I'll explain real quick um what you're looking at so in the upper leftand corner we're looking at Ela results um by race um and all the way to the left we have Asian students followed by black students Hispanic students students of multiple races and white students so generally speaking if we're seeing the arrow go up that's a good thing we want students to be meeting or exceeding and if the arrows going up we're seeing students meeting and exceeding in much greater numbers than we're seeing them not meeting or partially meeting um or approaching um so Ela we look to be in good shape across um racial groups in math we see a little bit of um a discrepancy so we see um one group multiple races going down and going up so it's a little Topsy turby there and then we see um Hispanic students scores and black students scores going from um largely um partially meeting to approaching um and then the arrows going down toward um meeting and exceeding in less numbers and then lastly science we're seeing the arrow going down in across across subgroups so um our students are not meeting or partially meeting or approaching much more in much higher numbers than they are meeting or exceeding so those are areas um to be addressed and now we're looking at the uh subgroup data by program um all the way to the and this is the same sequence here Ela in the top left um followed by math in the right and the bottom is science so uh the top left is students who qualify for free and reduced lunch and I believe we're at 57% districtwide this year um and then the next one is um to small for me to see um that's 504 students um the next one is special ucation that third group and the last group is general education students so for ELA we're seeing the arrow go up in every area except for special education um in math we're seeing the arrow up in two areas and down in our free and reduced lunch population as well as special ed and again science the arrow is trending down so miss already mentioned some of the notable accomplishment ments um but I just want to reiterate um across our district um students meeting or exceeding expectations increased in all subject areas um from 2023 to 2024 I think that's something we can really be proud of um also overall Ela um at the elementary level students meeting or exceeding expectations went up 9% from 23 to 24 um our shifts to the middle school math sequence led to a big increase in our algebra score pass or meeting exceeding rate um and then we had that huge increase of over 20% in ela at the high school level which if you tuned in for my NJ GPA presentation we also had a big shift in positive trend in our 11th grade NJ GPA pass scores in ela so you know we're doing great things in ela um um some intervention strategies that we're working on um and I really have to give Miss credit for this she has been putting a huge focus on data um having us all look at the data examining it talking to our um our staff about the data um having students make goals staff make goals around this um inviting the conversation which I think is so important and I'm so happy to be sharing all of this with you guys today because this is has been my life for the last few days and I get really excited and call people up and say hey look at this and what are we going to do about that and um it's good it's it's really good conversations to have um but we're also doing things like um continuing with our Ela and math coaches and they are great at analyzing data and supporting our teachers and best practices um we also have our intervention teachers um in ela and math and they're um using the data the linked data to identify areas of weakness for our our kids and really helping them build the skills necessary for Success not just on these tests but in the classroom um which we all know translates out to life and a career um and um some of the things that um we're going to be doing moving forward is we're going to test again and Link it um we do benchmark assessments three times a year our students are going to be tested again on njsla in this spring um I also should note I think I would say this later in the presentation but um in the next couple weeks parents are going to be um receiving the individual student reports um for the dlm and the njsla so they can dive into the data a little more deeply with their children and their children's teachers um so I also want to mention um or discuss the results of the dynamic learning Maps the dlm is um the assessment for students with the most severe and cognitive I'm sorry significant cognitive disabilities and these students are also tested in English Math and Science again science is just tested in fifth eth and 11th grade um but the results also fall in this Continuum of emerging approaching at Target or Advanced and we would like all of our students to be at Target or Advanced um we had 21 students test in the spring um because suppression guidelines limit me from reporting any data of less than 10 students I'm not going to be reporting on any subgroup data for this presentation um but I did want to share this graph um which has the 2023 results um in on the left and then um well the first set of bars um um than the 24 results and the the first two groups of bars are emerging and approaching so we can see that our students um are emerging and approaching in higher numbers than they are at Target or Advanced um but there are some positive areas if we look all the way to the right that dark blue bar um if we compare that dark blue bar all the way at the right to the the three right before it it it's gone up um quite a bit and that's in math so we are seeing some gains in math and slight gains in science as well um for our students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and some of our intervention strategies for our dlm testers are targeted instruction continuous review by our child study team to make sure goals are appropriate and interventions um um are in line with what the Stu students need we have our cpad group and we have ongoing work with the New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education which I know many of our staff attended training with today um I already addressed um looking ahead again in the next couple weeks parents should anticipate the student um results in the mail and then the last thing I'm going to report on today um is the State graduation requirement um so last year we had 163 students graduate in the class of 2024 um and the number of students that were denied graduation were four but it's important to note only one of those students failed to meet graduation requirements so students are permitted um certain special education students if it's in their IEP they can stay um and continue their education so three of those students stayed um but they otherwise did meet graduation requirements so we're doing really well on that front um and then there's the graduation pathway data so that you can see there many of our students met the first pathway which was the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment um which is given in the spring of their 11th grade um year um and if students pass with that a certain cut score in English they're they're good they don't have to continue on to any of these other Pathways so we had almost 90% pass in English um before having to look at a substitute competency or to do a portfolio which is submitted to the state so the state can check and see that the students have achieved the learning standards um and in math we had 80.5% um meet with ngj GPA 88.9% of students met with another pathway which could have included sat PSAT ACT scores um the pathway three again the portfolio we had 5.3% pass um and then we had a a small percentage that were exempt from their with their IEP um and then this is all information taken from um the NJ smart report if you have any questions about what I presented today um I'm happy to answer any Administration question questions my contact information is up there I also have Mr Salvo the director of curriculum and instruction and Miss Gil gallen's information uh Miss Gill gall's the director of special services thank you so much for your time and attention thank you Miss bodak okay with that we're going to run through the agenda item starting with Personnel agenda items 1 through 12 number one District substitutes number two staff appointments number three standard-based instructional support programs number four resending of Staff appointments number five Middle School additional classes for teachers for 2024 2025 number six High School extracurricular Club advisor number seven degree changes number eight toilet toileting stien 20124 2025 number nine staff resignations 10 medical leave 11 live streaming producer number 12 office coverage for lunch 2024 2025 Kevin motion to approve the Personnel section section make a motion is there any discussion see none um have a second second Kev roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes with an exstension to number eight Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Chris Monroe yes Michael an Regan yes president Paul Bon yes motion passed thank you under education items agenda items 13 through 18 number 13 Elevate Educators LLC number 14 conference attendance requests 15 new entrepreneurship Club Middle School 16 2023 2024 School self assessment number 17 revise Roso Park preschool student handbook number 18 qac result and acknowledgement can I have a motion to approve the educational second section motion you have a second any discussion seeing none roll call please vice president constant quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L ran yes president Paul Bonte yes motion passed under business agenda items 19 through 23 number 19 monthly certification 20 approval of bills 21 use of buildings and grounds 22 professional service contract 2024 2025 23 donations can I have a motion to approve the business section make that motion can I have a second any discussion uh yes I'd like to make a motion for number 22 to add the wording on an as needed basis number 22 what was that I'm sorry can you repeat that to add the wording on an as needed basis to both A and B second so that was a motion okay and second a motion to amend the motion motion to amend to say on an as needed basis and there was a second here okay all in favor are we doing now that would be all in the question at this point is just on the motion to amend so it's all in favor all you know or on motion to am the language then would vote approving the section so on the amendment right so okay all in favor on the amended section of number 22 yes anyone opposed okay motion carries now you get now you do the motion on the actual now the mo motion on the business section so is there any more discussion seeing none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Chris Monroe yes michaelan Regan yes president Paul Bayon yes motion passed thank you do we have any continuing business hearing none any new business I'm sorry go ahead um CPAC met and had their first meeting on of the year on September 12th on Zoom they held a parent Roundtable and then many participants also participated in the span watch party the next cpag meeting will be held on October oer 17th at 6:30 p.m. the Sherman PTA had their first meeting of the year on September 10th it was amazing to see such a great turnout 920 starts the spirit were fundraiser 9:25 is back to school night where Spirit Well spirit wear will be sold 101 starts boo your yard which will go on throughout the month of October 102 is National walk to school day where Sherman students can meet at AER Park and walk together to Sherman 10 two is also the wathon and custodian Appreciation Day ice pop sales will be held on Friday 9:20 and Friday 9:27 ice pops cost $1 that's it thank you anyone else new business okay seeing none we'll go into the public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record hello yes so uh George Ramirez this presentation that was given with the ELA I mean a 5% group of people met or exceeded the the requirements what's going to be done to make sure these numbers are better for next year is there can I ask a question this is comment period should just comment that's it there's no question but it's not it's not a back got it okay well yes okay yeah we could reach out to you Mr yeah because I mean that's horrible as far as results go Colleen bodc director of guidance I just want to mention to to make sure when you're looking at those slides um to look at it in the context um because the math there there is an explanation for some of that um which I did go over um but I'm happy to talk to anybody about it if they want to give me a call thanks so much thank you anyone else good evening Jackie Garcia roselt Park in New Jersey there are specific federal and state requirements regarding inspections of school facilities for asbestos and Lead after careful review of the reports on the the website the Rosell Park School District board of education does not seem to provide a detailed specific action in response to the recommendations provided by the environmental Consultants since 2023 while the district has emphasized ongoing efforts towards the safety and improvements of school facilities the specific steps or outcomes following the environmental inspections are not clearly outlined on the board's website nor are any letters to the Comm communities been posted again since to uh 2023 can the board provide what are the outcomes and or at the very least update the website uh to notify the parents of the action items that will be taken on the inspections of the facilities on each of the schools uh in addition uh I wanted just to provide some comment and feedback for Miss vak um the presentation was very hard to read I think you also had a problem reading it yourself and I think it's owed to the constituents and people here of the town to have a very clear presentation with the data uh to support it so if you can please provide that information to the parents that would be greatly appreciated and then my final comment in doing some research with other board of education um I noticed that this board doesn't salute the flag at the beginning of your meetings is there a specific reason as to why um you don't have to answer it today but it would be nice to have some feedback for the folks that are watching as well I will I will respond to that well if you respond to that can you respond to my other questions as well the other questions will will be addressed through the superintendent but saluting the flag we do salute the flag when we open the meeting at six o'clock for executive thank you okay thank you and it should be done in the public session as well the public session starts at six o'clock anyone else hearing none close with public participation uh before I get into the adjournment couple things um first I want to touch on Lauren harmes um Lauren has uh I know Lauren maybe 15 years now um we sat on a land use board together 15 years years ago that's where I met Lauren um honestly I was scared of Lauren at first he has he has a um a certain demeanor to him which is which is great because that's who Lauren Lauren is um I learned to respect him I learned to look up to him Lauren became a mentor toward for me um he's been there by my side for 15 years through a lot of different um things um we worked well together here we worked well together on the land use board it's sad to see him go um there's one thing that you know this I had a conversation with him in 2019 in front of the library right across the street from the library Lauren was one of the first people I spoke to about running for Council in 2019 and he said to me are you sure you want to do this and I said yeah I think I want to do it because I want to be you know I want to help with the community and and do you know improve the community and and be involved he says uh remember this one remember one thing he said to me and it stuck that's been in my head since he says you see all these people that support you today when they don't need you anymore they will no longer be your friends and today that still stands true so all you people running for positions be careful um that's one thing the other thing is I want to apologize but I'm not really apologizing for the delay in today's meeting I understand it was a concern that we ran late but we ran late doing the business of this community doing the business of this district and making decisions for the students of Roso Park that I cannot apologize for never will I apologize for making decisions and working hard for our students if anyone else has a comment about that you can now but I'm not going to sit here and absorb banter about running late can I have a motion to adjourn you have a second second all in favor oh I'm sorry hold on before we we vote on that the next schedule board meeting will be an open session held on Tuesday October 15 2024 at 700 p.m. the board meeting will be held at the Roso Park High School auditorium if there is an executive session which there probably will be executive sessions last to about approximately 700 p.m. doesn't mean we're going to be done at 7 p.m. it's approximate we try to respect it if we're hot and heavy into a conversation we will delay we're not in there partying so I just want to make that clear I respect the fact that everyone's here on their time so are we I appreciate that and I thank you for your patience um do I have a motion it was a motion the second second all in favor I all oppose thank you good night everyone for