e e e e e tres e e e e you like that Rosell Park Board of Education regular public meeting agenda April 30th 2024 this meeting is an open session of the Rosell Park Board of Education being held in accordance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger local Source the home news tribute the burough clerks the bur clerk School offices and the district website roll call please president Paul bamon here vice president constant quintella here Susan carlstrom here Lauren harmes here Dr Brittney Kirkland Cindy Meo here Jennifer mcar here Chris Monroe Michael lean Regan here Chris is here got it please stand for flag salute pledge allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let it be resolved that the Roso Park Board of Education meeting hereby convenes to Executive session for discussion of the following subjects Personnel matters attorney C excuse me attorney client privilege it is anticipated that the executive session will take approximately 60 Minutes the board may take action during public session the board shall return to public session following the exe executive session at approximately 7 p.m. the minutes of the executive session shall be released to the public when the reason for the executive session no longer exists can I have a motion to go into executive session make that motion have a second all in favor for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay e we're just waiting for Mrs Carlson can I have a motion to return to public session you have a second second all in favor uh I just want to start off by apologizing for our 52 minute uh or so delay um we had quite a few topics to go over and we got uh a little hung up on a few items but thank you for your patience um we're going to roll into the public participation for agenda items only each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please State your first name and last name for the record I wanted to thank superintendent and Mrs Mau for getting back to me regarding my budget questions I've said this before but wanted to reiterate how much I appreciate your responsiveness it is a complete 180 from previous years apologies that I did not ask this question ahead of time agenda item one one will the proposed policies be made available to the public prior to the second reading agenda item 28 I know the administration is committed to making the budgeting process more transparent in the future and providing community members with an opportunity to make actionable comments obviously with the detailed budget being posted at the end of last week and adopted tonight there's no time to make changes in response to comments during made during this public hearing I actually don't have any comments to make on the budget as I mentioned all of my questions have all the questions that I submitted via the form or email have been answered I'm pleased with the changes to the special education budget and what those changes represent um I'm sure you're asking yourself why are you still talking um it's because it's not about me and my requests but it's about all the taxpayers in Rosell Park we tell our students that learning is a lifelong process that they should always strive to be the best versions of themselves and that they should not compare themselves to others when I get up here and reference what other districts do it's only as an example of what can be done what is possible we would never tell our kids stick with what you're doing it's working just fine we would tell them to improve to do their best to go above and beyond that is all I'm ever doing up here I just want Rosel Park to be the best District it can be thank you thank you anyone else okay seeing none I'm going to close the public participation um committee reports yes Mr President the facilities meeting met um last last Tuesday um we talked about um hiring a firm to come in and take a look at redistricting our district um and then along with that is to look into any um areas where we might again put additions which because we're running out of room okay um and we're trying to look for the preschool everybody knows that next year starting in September they're going to be going to craanford so we're we're we're trying there's no buildings in town so we're looking for somebody to come in and give us some ideas um to the final end of that what we talked about was to see what the um feasibility would be of putting in a whole new school prek all the way to e8th grade um it's something that we have to look at this district is not going to keep on going there's no uh again we might we put additions on before we're running out of room and it's not because all these apartments it's just that we have the special uh prek coming in cuz we want our our children to start off early um so we're just looking into it so we talked about that we also talked about the last meeting I brought up about um these outside firms coming in and our taxpayers dollars go into using products to line Fields um and that sort so we're looking into that um basically what I've come out and found out that it's more of the inside um classrooms and mics and stuff of that sort that we're not charging for and we should be um this is our equipment that we pay for if it gets broken nobody seems to want to pay for so again we're looking into that and seeing what we can come up with we've got a couple other districts that uh we have their cost chart of what they charge for certain things so we're going to look into it because we're not here to spend taxpayers dollars on other organizations coming into town and using our equipment in our field so thank you thank you anyone else I have a report um the special education committee met on April 18th we discussed compensatory speech sessions for those students who missed their speech sessions during the month where there was no speech therapist at the middle school um compensatory sessions are sessions that are made up um due to lack of services provided as per the students's IEP so when the student doesn't get services we need to make up those sessions that were missed um okay um we also discussed extended school year and working on an njcie grant for Sherman school for next year all that's it for my committee report thank you president I have one more go ahead the technology committee met on April 19th and discussed improvements to be made to the district's web page and Instagram accounts iPads will be available for staff members so they can upload quality photos when making posts the committee also discussed exploring the possibility to have a blooms announcement section on our website this would be a catchall for the past announcements as a form of reference for all the new Rosal Park preschool building is fully operational with all the necessary technology devices and the tech department is preparing for the summer workload and are hiring their summer interns at this time thank you thank you Mr President I have a an update on the board operations committee we have adopted the or are adopting the safe routs policy and hopefully this will give uh the Sherman PTA the significant grant that they were looking for thank you um okay curriculum there's going to be on voting for adoption tonight uh for leadership in the community which is a program to help students learn about their community and how to exess and be successful and work together they'll explore different professions our community and I know Mr Salvo and everyone was really excited about this program so we're excited to start it thank you anyone else okay we'll go into the uh superintendent report good evening good evening as I um give just some brief announcements and before Miss Q um provides our Hib report as required by the state I just wanted to say um to the School District staff students and board and community members good evening um there are some key updates and achievements our Rosel Park School District for the month of April there's too many to mention as great things happen all the time I will be more detailed in my newsletter so please look for that starting tomorrow Student Success our students continue to excel both academically and extracurricular activities we celebrated achievements in academic Sports arts and community service across all our schools at the middle school Community who celebrated autism acceptance month during April with spirit days daily autism facts announced Ed by students in weekly videos with the start of marking period 4 they continue their inclusive Cycles with the leadership in the community course during which the staff and students continue to promote and participate in inclusive activities the middle school also was awarded the Union County kids dig in Grant for the second year the grant will allow them to enhance the garden that was started last school year it will they also recognized 8ighth grade yira sofo who was awarded third place in the union C law day competition for poetry spoken word additionally media specialist Miss lmy added to the middle school media center through a donor choose project that she prepared and was funded by her donors she was able to add different activities to the media center for students to use during recess during April there was also a vaping presentation for students from prevention links as well as the Rosel Park Middle School talent show finally the Middle School TSA students competed on April 17th and did an amazing job placing and receiv receiving Awards in seven different competitions we're very proud of the entire team as well as Miss Hickman and miss satam their advisers also if you do not know our Rosel Park students high school students had a strong technology uh competition this Saturday the group consisted of 81 students that participated in zero period daily at the start of the year the students pick a variety of projects of interest and are assigned to an adviser over the course of the school year student students worked individually in groups towards the completion of their Pro projects last Saturday 77 students and their teachers loaded the bus and went to the College of New Jersey to compete at the Statewide competition this year there were over 65 New Jersey schools present and over 1,700 students our students took first in the following competitions first in architectural design first in drone challenge First in Flight endurance first in Vex robotics we also took third in technology problem solving in virtually reality Vis visualization Rosal Park students also competed in many other types of challenges and events including fashion design music production children's stories engineering design structural design forensics and more I also would like to share that the New Jersey school rankings have been released and I am proud to say that Rosell Park High School ranked above both Clark and cworth for our staff our dedicated teachers and staff members receive recognition for their hard work and commitment to our Student Success their efforts contribute significantly to the positive learning environment in our schools this year's recipients of the governor teachers of the Year award will be honored with the breakfast at King University on May 28th we are actively working on aligning our curriculum with the new state standards and incorporating Innovative teaching methods to enhan student engagement and learning outcomes progress has been made in integrating technology into our classrooms which includes providing access to digital resources and training facili team has been diligent in maintaining safe and functional learning environments for our students and staff we value the Partnerships with our parents Guardians and community members and we have been actively engaging with stakeholders through various channels to ensure transparent communication and collaboration though there's always room for improvement and we always welcome your feedback upcoming events we look forward to upcoming events including academic competitions performances and parent involvement activities these events play a crucial role in enriching the educational experience of our students therefore I strongly encourage you all to check our districts as well as your child school websites for the upcoming calendar events especially with 34 days left in the school year as always I thank you all for your ongoing support as we continue to work together to provide the best possible education for the students of Rosell Park School District thank you Miss Q there we go good evening board president banti vice president cintella board members miss carlstrom Mr harmes Miss Mel Miss Kirkland Miss MC Mr Monroe Miss Regan superintendent go and Rosel park community members as per the New Jersey Department of Education schools are required to submit student safety information twice each school year to the NJ dooe additionally as the anti-bullying coordinator for the district it is my responsibility to specifically report harassment intimidation and bullying data to the Board of Education this report tonight is for the reporting period of September 1st through December 31st of 2023 each School in the district has their own anti-bullying specialist who along with their principles address harassment intimidation and bullying concerns in their buildings and conduct investigations as required the anti-bullying Specialists for the reporting period were Andrea kadoo at the high school Chelsea Murphy and Delisa Jackson at the middle school Dena miad at Robert Gordon Hannah Ashton at Aline school and Jamie halin at Sherman school for this reporting period as you can see in the presentation UPF front for this reporting period of September 1st through December 31st of 2023 there were a total of seven investigations initiated as possible cases of harassment intimidation and bullying after thorough investigations it was determined that four out of the seven cases met the criteria as set forth by the New Jersey anti-bullying Bill of Rights in order to be confirmed cases must meet all of the criteria in the bill of rights at the high school there was one confirmed and one alleged case at the middle school there were three confirmed and one alleged case Robert Gordon there were zero cases Sherman there were zero cases and at Al Dean school there was one alleged case additionally during this reporting period preliminary determination was used in one case at the high school consequences are applied on a Case by case spes consequences for a student who commits one or more acts of harassment intimidation and bullying May range from positive behavioral interventions up to an including suspension or expulsion also consequences for a student who commits an act of harassment intimidation and bullying are those that are varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior the nature of the student's disability if any and to the extent relevant the developmental age of the student and the student's history of behaviors or performance remedial measures are also part of consequences that can be applied our goal is to always use situations as learning experiences so counseling for the offender and sometimes the victim is required additional consequences may include but are not limited to parent conferences education on the district harassment intimidation and bullying policy schedule changes detention in or out of school suspension student monitor uring by a staff member and or police involvement as warranted during this same period we also had the following programs or training sessions that were held at each School the slide represents a few of the trainings and programs I will review um all of them in totality at the high school they had the kids spreading kindness presentation presented by the Union County prosecutor's office let's get real film and discussion District staff was trained on HIV student prevention lessons took place the pton Hart project Community Tree week of respect and the stall Ledger continued which is a monthly newsletter letter in stalls with harassment intimidation and bullying and suicide prevention information at the middle school we also had the kids spreading kindness assembly presented by the Union County prosecutor's office District staff was trained on our HIV policy behavioral threat assessment team training advisory program continued this year World kindness day the Beautiful Tomorrow assembly was presented Red Ribbon Week School violence Awareness Week week of respect as well as Home Room Games to promote sportsmanship amongst our students took place at Robert Gordon they had the behavioral threat assessment training the cap program youth Mental Health First Aid training Columbia suicide prevention training HIV policy training no name calling week kindness week random acts of kindness week World kindness day the Beautiful Tomorrow assembly week of respect Childhood Cancer Awareness safety assembly start with hello week Hispanic Heritage Month activities and Abra kabuli an anti-bullying assembly National School counseling week activities to promote self-regulation positive affirmations and peer relationships at Aldine School they had the behavioral threat assessment team training District HIV training the cap program youth Mental Health First Aid training Columbia suicide prevention training World kindness day lessons on respect week of respect activities start with hello week and Hispanic Heritage Month activities at Sherman school there was also behavioral threat assessment training District HIV training the cap program youth Mental Health First Aid training HIV training for all fifth grade students World kindness day social skills lessons respect week activities start with hello week activities safety assembly as well as Hispanic Heritage Month activities the goal of our anti-bullying Specialists school safety teams and principles is to continue to create schools with positive and accepting environments where all of our members of the school Community feel safe and supported we continuously look for ways to improve School culture across our schools and gather data to inform these decisions we want to educate our students in developing positive relationships with their peers through kindness and empathy at this time please let me know if there's any questions thank you thank you e e testing oh oh okay okay okay good evening president bante vice president quintella superintendent go esteemed members of the board and the Rosel Park Community it is with genuine enthusiasm I stand before you tonight to present the budget for your consideration the budget which has received approval from our County officials represents a collaborative effort reflecting the preliminary projections I shared previously I extend my gratitude to my colleagues the board and the community for their unwavering support and valued input during this process so tonight we're going to talk about expenditures revenues programs and services in tax levy information our expenditures special services is 133% of our expenditures which um encompasses special education instruction and related Services regular programs which represents 29% of our budget for co- curricular and Athletics before and after school programs Support Services is 5% of our budget for attendance Health guidance media instructional staff training tuition represents 6% of our budget for All Out of District including votech and Charter Schools health benefits is 20% of our budget which is for staff health benefits Administration is 6% of extend expenditures for General Administration superintendent business office principles and directors transportation is 2% which represents busting busing in and out of District all students operation and Facilities is 20% Which is for custodial maintenance and utilities and that's represented in this pie chart um this is a list of expenditures that is just in list form a little different way to present the expenditures okay and our revenues um our local local taxes um is 24 million what you see here as the percentage is the percent of change from last year to this year and that is um given to us by tax levy and debt Services State sources which represents 23.8 million comes from state aid um and that includes the prek state aid as well Federal sources is 820,000 uh we reduce that each year by 15 15% until we know the actual numbers in anticipation we're hoping for more other would in um would include um interest income and semi which represents 4.2 million and the reserves is 3.8 million and that's the amount withdrawn to fund F facilities projects and again the same information just in a chart form if you prefer to look at it that way just showing you the difference from year to year so um we talk I talked about grants the last time um the first grants that we um are that we get is the esa Grant which includes all the titles Title One title two title three title four um we don't know what that amount will be for 2425 year yet based on last year we received 282,000 we're hoping for at least that much this year um and I'm happy to announce that since our last meeting um we I spoke about the high impact tutoring Grant um and that has now been approved that was a projected um anticipated Grant at the last meeting so we did get the um thumbs up and we have that money coming in for next year uh teacher climate and culture Innovation Grant that's 124,000 um the NJ DOA Grant pending approval um we're still waiting on that one um the esa Grant is the um NJ dooe Grant and that fluctuates annually somewhere between 3 and 8% um another grant that wasn't brought to your attention at the last meeting was the extraordinary Aid um we are submitting that by the end of May uh last year based on last year we we received 527,000 and that really does um take care of all the special ed needs we're hoping for at least that much and perhaps even more um once again just to um talk about you know how we're growing in the early childhood education the full day preschool we did take advantage of the expansion um program um opening up three additional classrooms in April and adding two to three additional classrooms in September of 24 for a total of 13 um special education initiatives um I spoke of this last time the n2y unique curriculum which is for inclusivity um the district nurse which will help fill in some gaps and have um someone on the bus for the students with needs um when we bust them out of District community- based instruction um is to assist assist students for life skills njcie um is to work on creating more inclusive environment uh and we're looking for assistance in the elementary level as well speech therapists provide we're providing self-guided professional development modules for them to help with their evaluations interventionist distri district is looking to add a reading specialist at the middle school to assist students that require assistance with word recognition spelling and decoding um expansion of the special education evaluation test kits we're we're adding additional kits to our our library of kits and translation services for people um that we need to communicate to families that are Multicultural some of the uh curriculum initiatives um we have a new Atlas program um we're implementing for next year it's a curriculum management it helps to not only write curriculum but um with lesson planning as well and as we've done before improving math and language arts in our not a grades 9 through 12 update revision to report cards that's something that we're looking into for next year for the elementary and developed intervention resources through the multi-tier system of supports intervention irrs services updates always to the 12 um K through 12 math and um Ela programs updates to the K2 liter um foundational literacy program fonics and Dibbles eighth edition restructure the uh K through five World Language commuter um computer science and stem programs um and these are programs the summer programs ESL extended Year all that we've had in last in the previous years we are um keeping with those programs for years coming up um Support Services as always we have our student counselors related services so social workers instructional coaches will continue College and Career Readiness um crisis center character education social emotional multi-tiered system of support intervention and referral services capital projects that we're looking to complete in the Years 24 to 25 is the roof for Robert Gordon um hoping to begin that for the summer while the school is empty the HVAC for Sherman School unit ventilator as well for Aline electrical HVAC for Aline and electrical HVAC for Sherman these are being funded by the rod grants which we are in the process of um submitting all the final paperwork on and hopefully we'll be starting this in this summer part of the project if we don't complete this summer we'll complete next year uh the local tax levy again you know this shows the differences from year to year the increase um from the year 202 um 2021 to current um and it just shows that this the increments of how that has increased throughout the years the 1.87 uh represents the 2% minus the um Debt Service that we have to fund uh the impact that it has on a taxpayer um as I spoke about this the last time um the average assessed value in Rosel Park of homes is 253,000 based on that assessed value um the increasing the tax dollar would be $111 per year and as always uh we stand strong with professional development um through various different forms and always seeking out new ways with new grants that we are anticipating and will be applying for um throughout the coming year I will have this posted um on the website for anyone that wants to take a look at it a little bit further and more in depth and I think thank you for your time thank you miss Ma okay we're going to roll into the uh agenda items under policy agenda item one and addendum item one uh uh addenda item one is policy first reading and the addendum item one is District policy Safeways to schools exhibit a can I have a motion to approve make a motion have a second second any discussion hearing none can I have a roll call vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren harmes yeso yes Jennifer marcar yes Chris Monroe yes president Paul bante yes Michael L Regan yes I'm sorry motion pass yes under Personnel agenda items 2 through 12 number two staff appointments number three change of assignments number four medical leave of absence request extension number five maternity leave of absence number six maternity leave of absence revised number seven staff resignation number eight District substitutes number nine additional steam tank number 10 curriculum writing number 11 additional class number 12 job description descriptions can I have a motion to approve the Personnel section motion have a second second any discussion hearing none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren Harms yes Cindy Meo yes Jenifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul bante yes motion passed under education agenda items 13 through 22 number 13 intern affiliation agreement number 14 harassment intimidation bullying incidents number 15 15 curriculum approvals 16 bilingual program waivers 2023 2024 17 professional service contract 18 District contract for 2024 2025 19 Ed educational programs 20 field trip [Applause] requests 21 New Jersey school climate platform 22 conference attendance requests can I have a motion to approve the educational section motion have a second please second any discussion hearing none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren Harms yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer marar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bon yes motion passed business agenda items 23 to through 33 in addendum 1 and three monthly number 23 monthly certification certification sorry 24 approval of bills 25 secretary treasury report 26 approval of minutes 27 District R medical service agreement 28 adoption of 2024 2025 final budget [Applause] approval 29 use of buildings and grounds 30 auction of equipment and supplies 31 removal of Van disposal 32 safety ground Grant application 33 allocation of funds for Rod Grant project and the two adendum items uh under business number two Award of Professional Service contract for Appraisal Services and number three use of uh buildings and grounds and approval of approval of bills um have a motion to approve the business section you have a second second any discussion hearing none roll call please vice president constant quintella yes with exstension to 29 d g and H Susan carlstrom yes Lauren harmes yes Cindy Meo yes uh but I need to abstain from 29 d e f GH and the second H which I'm guessing is I other than that yes Jennifer mccar yes with an extension from 28 Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bonte yes motion passed okay is there any continuing business hearing none I'm sorry is there any new business oh you go you can go okay um first off I want to say that uh this Saturday is the Aline p to's uh Tricky Tray and tickets are almost sold out so if you have any questions or you need to get the tickets make sure you uh go to Cindy and constant today or anytime this week um for the ucba the next Union County uh School Board Association meeting will be held on May 8th uh we encourage all board members to attend as we will be honoring Chris Christen I can't say Hickman from Rosel Park Middle School as the 2324 County teacher of the year and our own Lauren harmes for his 15 years plus of service and Michael and Reagan who will also receive a new board member C certification due to her continued efforts to attend and be as involved in the county meetings thank you thank you anyone else uh yes for uh Middle School PTA update um tomorrow evening at 700 p.m. is the Middle School PTA meeting their regular meeting they also have uh at the middle school is the spring concert on May 22nd next week is Teacher Appreciation Week May 6th through the 10th uh the PTA is looking for donations they're looking for uh volunteers as well if you'd like to make a donation and can do a cash donation their venmo is RP ms- PTA again their venmo is RP ms- PTA um they're looking for monetary donations but if you can um give something uh Frank is here today and he is today's the last day to give if you wanted to um and that's it thank you thank you okay uh Robert Gordon will be having their plant and flower sale on May 9th also the 10th I heard okay and the kids can shop during school or after um they will also be having their spring concert on May 20th and their book fair which is buy 1 get one free on May 29th through 29th and 30th and the next Robert Gordon PTA meeting will be in May I'm sorry will be May 16th in the Robert Gordon cafeteria thank you anyone else yes um cpeg met virtually on April 18th 2024 there was a division of Developmental Disabilities DDD Services presentation by Mr Durant Turner she discussed how to prepare for transition what to expect from their service system and the four steps to accessing DDD supports the next cpeg meeting will be held May 16th at 6:30 p.m. Sherman school first I want to say congratulations to Sherman school who was recognized by the New Jersey PTA for their family engagement Sherman PTA met yesterday May 29th and held their nominations for officers for next year uh May 21st is the Sherman spring concert will which will be held at the Middle School uh the Spring fln Dance will be on Thursday May 23rd from 3:00 to 5: p.m. students can invite an MVP of their choosing the Sherman PTA is organizing events for teacher appreciation week which is from Monday May 6 to Friday May 12th they are looking for volunteers to sign up and help out with the activities they have planned for our teachers that week uh the PTA is also accepting donations um the students of Rosel Park School District teamed up with the world famous Harlem Wizards to help raise funds for the Rosal Park School district with their new whiz fit challenge fundraiser and the kids and kids experience this took place from 4:15 to 429 and on 63 so June 3rd at Rosal Park High School the party continues with the Harlem Wizards versus the teachers the game begins at 700 p.m. and the doors will open at 6:00 p.m. be sure to purchase your tickets for the game in advance and I also have um liaison reports from Britney so njsba as we near the end of the year the njsba released evaluation tools for Boards of Education to use to conduct superintendent evaluations and encourage Boards of Education to conduct self- evaluations as a prerequisite Dr Kirkland will be sending out the link to each board member for reference Additionally the next njsba meeting is this Friday May 3rd the meetings are held in hybrid format in person at the State office in Trenton and virtually over Zoom these meetings are open to the public as well if you are interested in attending please contact Dr Kirkland at B Kirkland at rpsd.org and the high school PTSA the high school PTSA met on Monday April 22nd and the main topic of discussion was Project Graduation please support the high school's PTSA fundraising efforts by attending the following events lawn signs for graduating seniors the deadline to submit is tomorrow May 1st pretzel sales on May 10th Mr Rosell Park on May 15th the PTSA is currently looking for a host if you would like to volunteer to host this event please reach out to Lucy figorito at 908 337 I'm sorry 98377 9941 I'm done thank you anyone else yes hi everyone I just wanted to take a quick moment to recognize a few high school students all 12th graders who have been awarded in the past month of April um our 2024 scholar athletes Tyler signarello and Hannah Julius our rotary student of the month Pablo Chico and our volunteer Student of the Year Anna much chakon who was awarded by the Union County Board of County Commissioners thank you thank you is that everyone anyone else okay okay public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please State your first name and last name for the record Katie mcdermit Rosal Park as Michael an mentioned the next special education parent advisory group meeting is on Thursday May 16th it will be a presentation on bullying by an attorney from Hinkle prior and Fischer while geared towards the parents of students with disabilities everyone is welcome here's a brief description of the presentation the focus on anti-bullying in school has revealed the extent to which students with disabilities particularly those with social disabilities are victims of bullying while new anti-bullying laws often offer important protections these laws can also be misapplied in some cases in this program uh regulations surrounding bullying will be discussed as well as considerations for when the student with disabilities is accused of harassment intimidation and bullying meeting information will be posted on the cpeg Facebook page as well as the PTA PTO PTSA Facebook pages pre-registration is required you can also reach out to me or other cpeg leaders if you have any questions thank you Frank egard thank you Jen for letting everybody know about the Middle School uh teacher appreciation week I just wanted to say for also the high school's uh teacher appreciation week is the same week as the middle school and reach out to any of your board members uh for the I'm sorry PTA members to find out when your teacher appreciation weeks are the teachers are very important staff's is very important if you can help out in any way that is greatly appre appreciated through the middle school all the elementary schools it's just very uh appreciated to help them out they do a lot for us and it' be great to show it back to them thank you anyone else seeing none I close the public participation can I have a meeting uh sorry can I have a motion to adjourn oh yes about the meeting yes yes sir the next schedule regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday May 21st at 6 p.m that's the executive portion 7 P.M for the regular uh meeting the board meeting will be held in the Rosel Park Middle School auditorium so May 21st at the middle school can I have a motion to adjourn have a second second all in favor I thank you good night everyone e for