##VIDEO ID:wIjcKju1FxI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e can I have a motion to return to public session make that motion there a second all in favor I um public participation on agenda items only each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the rec excuse me for the record see none I will will close the public participation um there will be there's no principal report tonight are there any committee reports I have a committee report good the special education committee uh subcommittee met on August 15th the subcommittee discussed Staffing for 2425 school year the subcommittee also discussed unique which is a program that will be introduced to the curriculum this year for self-contained classrooms staff will be trained on how to effectively use this program during staff training days and the opening days of school that's it thank you I also have a committee um report okay the tech committee um meeting took place this past Friday August 23rd the tech department has been busy all summer preparing for the beginning of the new school year District directors and the principls will be receiving iPad so they will be able to update their schools websites with valuable information and the district website will be getting a refresh soon also the laner laptops are currently being distributed to staff as well as middle school and high school students and all new staff will be trained in Genesis and preparation of meeting students in September um and this was the last meeting with our current director of Technology as he will be leaving the district next month we wish him luck in his new Endeavor thank you thank you see none iclose the committee reports uh superintendent report good evening everyone just want to welcome everyone back um right now we're currently going through new teacher orientation I will have more details at our next board meeting and more information um on behalf of our new highes in our non tenard um they would like to say thank you and for all the support and they look forward to serving our community with that said my report will be presented by Miss bodak who will present the state assessment results for Access scores thank you good evening Board of Education members if you'd like to take a seat in the front or just turn around I'm Colleen bodc the director of guidance and state testing for the school district um I am going to go over the access scores for Ells so that's English langu language Learners um we had 236 students take the access for ell's assessment this past spring um and those students were assessed in the areas of listening speaking Reading Writing oral language literacy and comprehension and uh proficiency levels are determined based on the student scores in each of those test areas that I mentioned I'm going the wrong way okay and students whove receed an overall score of a 4.5 or greater meet eligibility criteria to exit the program on the next slide you will see I keep going the wrong way I'm sorry we had 24 students exit this year you can see the breakdown of experience in the program so last year we had 75 students who were new to the country um and in program for less than one year 68 in the program for one year 31 in the program for two years and 47 for three or more years um students whose parents refused for them to be in the program but they were found eligible um also were required to test and we had less than 10 students and suppression guidelines prevent me from saying the exact number there again we had 24 students exit the program through this test okay on this slide you can see um an overview of the number of students in the multilingual program by school um and by experience um so for Aline we had the highest number of newly arrived students at 23 um and then you can look at the table for the rest of the numbers you can also see that um Sherman had the highest number of students exiting with 17 students exiting um and the other schools um suppression guidelines prohibit me from sharing those numbers okay so um state requirements um indicate that we have to do a comparison of scores year over year so you can see um the 20 23 results on the the first in the First Column and the 2024 results in the second column and it keeps going like that by level um across the table so for instance if you look at the the top left corner we have kindergarteners last year our level one students those were the newly arrived were 46 as compared to 46% this year which isn't necessarily indicative of um anything except for we have a similar number number of newly arrived students coming this year as we did last year um if you go along the table you can see the rest of the comparisons and make inferences from there sure okay and now we have oh we just skipped over yeah that's the middle and high school comparisons as well and this is going to be posted on the website um for people who are interested in looking at this data more deeply um next slide please yeah go back to more oh okay go forward sorry about that okay so notable achievements 30% of our students that were enrolled in the multilingual program at Sherman met exit criteria and were able to exit um the program through this assessment next slide please and some of the intervention strategies that we're putting into place for this year to improve our scores um one the district expanded our Administration to include a supervisor of ESL this is Al also the um administrator that is going to be in charge of the preschool program um we're going to have individualized multilingual plans for all students that are in program English language classes will continue to focus on both academic language and conversational skills that are in line with State Standards um access score reports so the the individual score reports for each student um who took this test are now available to all teachers with a click of a button on Genesis so before the teachers might have had to talk to the ESL teacher or talk to the counselor to get the score report now with just a click of a button Nam can see the areas of strength and weaknesses um for their multilingual Learners and can adjust um as needed and we're going to um provide increased opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency um through the weeda model assessment so the weed weeda model assessment is another assessment that can be given to students to meet exit criteria previously the only opportunity to meet exit criteria was through this access test and we'll continue to provide professional development opportunities for our staff um to support our multilingual Learners next slide please um and we last year we introduce sheltered language instruction for um our staff at the high school and and some other schools for professional development and we're going to continue to explore those professional development opportunities for our staff next one okay for some reason I'm missing the subgroup data on the the presentation right here um but it will be included in the presentation that's on the website um and that just covers subgroup data by program so that would include special education students students unfree and reduced lunch um as well as um comparisons um by race as well and if anybody has any question questions after um this is posted on the website and they have a look at it they can reach out to me um regarding test Administration questions um to miss regarding um the multilingual program or to Mr Salvo regarding curriculum instruction thank you thank you I assume that concludes the superintendent report thank you okay policies agenda items one number one District policies second reading the Personnel we going to vote on this together Personnel agenda items 2 through 39 and addendum one number two staff appointments number three staff resignations number four par professional hiring number five compensation pay professional development number six medical leave number seven disability retirement number eight maternity leave number nine Employment contract number 10 change of assignment transfer 11 additional responsibilities and stiens 12 Middle School extracurricular advisors 2024 2025 number 13 Middle School additional classes for teachers for 2024 2025 live streaming number 14 live streaming producer number 15 additional staff extended school year program number 16 athletic coaches for the 2024 2025 year 17 additional hit program substitutes number 18 High School Middle School athletic Proctor site managers for 2024 2025 19 middle school activities and chaperons 20 middle school after school detention Proctors 21 Middle School athletic Proctors 22 2024 2025 School breakf breakfast Proctors 23 2024 2025 lunch Proctor 20 24 Middle School female locker room supervision 25 District substitutes for 2024 2025 26 District organizational chart 27 Kane University intern agreement 28 Summer Camp staff 29 High School additional classes for 20 I should say 2024 2025 the agenda says 2024 20 I'm sorry 2023 2024 but it's 2024 2025 so number 29 should read High School additional classes for 2024 2025 30 High School extracurricular activities 31 one behavioralist monitoring for 2024 I'm sorry mentoring for 2024 2025 32 mentoring program 2024 2025 33 curriculum writing 34 in instructional support stiens 35 job descriptions 36 par professional placements Elementary and secondary and Mr President before a motion on that just to note that the board here at the table has uh some typographical uh revisions to 3dn l and a correction to 25 that was established an executive session okay thank you 37 par professional assignments preschool 38 administrative substitute 39 10mth secretary can a can I have a motion oh I'm sorry and addenda for under Personnel additional staff appointments under number number one so can I have a an approval of Person of the Personnel section and also addendum item number one and policy agenda item one roll call please oh sorry go ahead motion have a second second roll call please vice president constant quintella yes but I recuse myself from number 37 Susan carlstrom yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bonte yes motion passed thank you education agenda items 40 through 46 number 40 2020 sorry 2024 extended school year tuition and transportation 41 2024 2025 school year tuition and transportation 42 tuition rates 43 curriculum reading adoption 44 conference attendance requests professional growth 45 2024 2024 Union County stem educational grant award 20 sorry number 46 staff development Workshop approval of educ can I approval for the educational section have a motion please a second roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccar yes Chris Monroe yes michaelan Regan yes president Paul Bayon yes motion pass thank you business and agenda items two three and four agenda items 47 through 60 number 47 monthly certification 48 approval of bills 49 approval of minutes 50 secretary treasurers Report 51 use of GRA use of building and grounds 52 District contracts and agreement 53 2024 2025 food service contract renewal number 54 donation 55 approval for upgrades to the Rosal Park schools 56 professional service contract 2024 2025 57 professional service contract 2024 2025 addendum 58 resolution for New Jersey schools Insurance group 59 service agreement Discovery Child Care Center 60 comprehensive Equity plan 61 work family connection um under agenda items for business number two additional use of buildings and grounds and number three approval of bills number four 2024 2025 monthly tuition rate Rosal Park preschool before care can I have a motion to approve the business section make that motion have a second roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes with an exstension to 51f Susan carlstrom yes Cindy Meo yes when with an exstension on 51f Jennifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes with exension of 51c Michael L Regan yes with an exstension from 51c president Paul B mon yes motion passed thank you is there any continuing business see seeing none any new business ahe I just wanted to acknowledge U one of our um assistant uh principes Vice principles um and also our new ad that will be coming into the high school who is here today Mr Peter Kaine um welcome we're very excited to have you if you want to say a few words we just wanted to say congratulation and thank you for joining our family no pressure [Music] good evening everyone I'd like to thank the Board of Education superintendent go principal Costa vice principal Foy for your support and consideration in this new exciting opportunity as the assistant principal of Athletics here at Rosell Park High School having spent my whole life in Union County as a student athlete and a teacher and a coach I know of the rich history of the town's athletic programs and the pride that its Town takes in their athletic programs I believe that Athletics are an extension of the classroom and the experience G through them help shapee the lives of the young people that play them know that I will work tirelessly to support our students our student athletes our teachers and our coaches as I work with the Rosell Park High School administration and I'm humbled and honored to be given this amazing opportunity thank you very much thank you and good luck any other new business okay um so Aline is welcoming our new principal tomorrow at a back to school Bash from 3: to 4:30 uh we're very excited to have Mr Ricky there and for all our new parents to come meet him thank you thank you anyone else okay we'll move on to the public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record Frank Gago hi everybody uh just wanted to come up tonight and say about to the parents to the board please it's a brand new year join your ptas join your pto's board members please go to your meetings uh I know it's an election year and some people are going to be moving in moving out but it's very important for you guys to attend the meeting so that you could report here to anybody that cannot make the meetings at the school uh just it's important to the kids and to to school district just for everybody to be involved so please join your ptas or PTO of all the schools that you can thank you great thank you Frank anyone else Zen fonte good evening superintendent go former board colleagues and our community of Rosel Park I begin by thanking Miss bodic for her report and giving us a sense of the progress being made for our English language Learners isn't it incredible to see the work our district has been doing to empower and educate them it's a gift to have such a diverse range of students voices and perspectives in our hallway thank you again miss bodc in addition to in addition all the best to to Chris Hyde and his family thank you for your service in Rosell Park when it comes to the days ahead it is an exciting and somewhat stressful moment for our families indeed the school is about to begin students are filled with butterflies possibility and hope for a successful year ahead it's incredible what this district has managed to accomplish to get us to this point so a huge thank you to miss go and your remarkable staff and teams of Ed team of Educators one can tell from the length of this evening's agenda that much is on the horizon while there are many beloved familiar faces we have some new principles new teachers new staff and new families entering our district for their first Academic Year no matter how long we lived in town what school we went to what job we hold making sure our students are all afforded an equitable opportunity for an enriching learning experience is a top priority for us all we're all in place we're all in a place of beginning so I hope as I stand before you that it's clear I believe we have more alike than what separates us Unity begins when we open those doors on day one and invite our students to express their greatest potential when it comes to the agenda I'm intrigued to see that the candidates tonight is on the agenda as I a candidate have not been asked about my availability however I'm looking forward to a live streaming event being available I suspect through the district website uh perhaps Clarity can be made at that September meeting uh as the event moves closer I will be sure to emphasize the elevation of awareness for our community and evidence-based decision-making as format and structure are negotiated amongst the evening organizers and candidates I hope that our students have a fabulous first day of school and that our staff and Educators find those little moments throughout that first day to see how valued and loved they truly are thank you and good evening thank you anyone else no I will close the public participation uh just going to take a minute to wish everyone good luck um from the superintendent business administrator staff principals Vice principls new newly appointed principles um students parents Board of Education members good luck um for the upcoming year um I think there are like said there's a lot of stuff on the horizon there's a lot of good things happening um we sat in that meeting today for a half hour longer I apologize um because there's a lot of stuff being orchestrated and a lot of positive things so we just want to make sure that we continue a a progress forward with that said the next scheduled board meeting will be an open session held on Tuesday September 17th 2024 at 7M the board meeting will be be held in the Rosell Park High School auditorium can can I have a motion for adjournment that second it all in favor all opposed motion carries e