##VIDEO ID:xYy-CwDXRwM## e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e good call the Roso Park Board of Education meeting to order this meeting is an open session of the Rosell Park Board of Education being held in accordance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger Ledger local Source home News Tribune burough clerk School offices and District website roll call please president Paul bante here vice president constant quintella here Susan carlstrom here Dr Brittney Kirkland here Cindy Meo here Jennifer mcar here Chris Monroe here michaelan Regan here thank you please stand for the flag salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation with liy and justice for all let it be resolved that the Rosell Park Board of Education meeting hereby convenes to Executive session for discussions of the following subjects Personnel attorney client privileges student matters it is anticipated that the executive session will take approximately one and a half hours the board may take action during the public session the board shall return the public session following the executive session at approximately 7:00 p.m. the minutes of the executive session shall be released to the public when the reason for the executive session no longer exists can I have a motion to go into executive make that motion have a second all in favor I we're in executive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for can I have a motion to return to public session make that motion a second second all in favor I we're back uh I want to apologize for being a few minutes late um we are um we're going to open up the public participation at this point um on agenda items only each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record before anyone gets up if anyone's here for the residency um no if there's anything that's not specifically on the public agenda as one of the numbered agenda items uh this is the time only to speak on the numbered agenda items if you have anything that's not on that numbered agenda you'll have an opportunity in the second public which is at the end of the meeting thank you hello oh that's very loud Mrs Foy Satan Avenue Aline school I just want to give a big congratulations to our fifth grade safety patrol who are all sitting up in front um a big thank you to Mr rgy for continuing to support this program it's really a wonderful program that allows our fifth graders to take on a leadership role in the class um in the school they're seen as the role models to all of their younger peers and it's definitely a help to the kindergarten first grade second grade third grade teachers who have their assistance in the morning so congratulations and thank [Applause] you anyone else on agenda items only seeing none I'm going to close the public participation okay um Mr riggy will do a principal's report at this time good evening everyone I'm I'm excited to share an update on the successful start to our school year here's a brief overview of some highlights and important information first and foremost I want to thank say thank you to our amazing students parents and staff for such a warm welcome our opening day saw a lot of high energy and enthusiasm from students and staff alike and it has set a positive tone for the year ahead we had record mbers at back to school night and it's always great to see families join in and be involved in their children's educational journey I want to take a moment to recognize our the incredible support from our PTO and parent volunteers your involvement from classroom help to school events like the book fair and picture day truly make a difference we are so grateful for your contributions to the success of our school in conclusion I'm incredibly optimistic about the year ahead we are building a strong foundation for learning fostering a positive School culture and ensuring the well-being of every student if you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach out to me together we will continue to make this a successful school year for our students thank you for your continued support [Applause] ladies and gentlemen at this time I want to recognize our students from the school safety patrol I am a firm believer that if you want your children to be responsible you have to give them responsibility and that's exactly what the school safety patrol is it's an opportunity for students to be responsible and help the younger students every single day their job and roles every day include monitoring entrances encouraging safety reporting any issues assisting younger students and promoting awareness to all the students every day and I commend these students for their help their attentiveness many of them are very early and excited to be at school every day and for that thank you very much [Applause] sahi garzon Dominic [Applause] Henrik Adam SEO Melania Davenport Kendra [Applause] Tobar Alexandra Luna you have Amelia [Applause] Brown Lucas gothier Madison tolhurst Christopher [Applause] Cardenas sha [Applause] Anuj Joshua Restrepo Sarah [Applause] Patel Chloe Garcia lazette Marin Jazelle [Music] [Applause] Rondo Jazelle [Applause] Rodriguez priy Sharma Nicholas Salazar Ronnie calibo Sebastian Ooa [Applause] parwa Shaw Isabelle barelis Christopher link Gerardo Seiko sorry Camila fona and Liam dpri one more round of applause for our Aline school safety [Applause] patrol you want to get in the photo oh yeah please can I get yeah C oh can you thank you you're the best bud you so much thank you yes wait till they're done I kind of want the backdrop you haveck [Applause] click for e is that on oh it is en closing I also wanted to state that Aline school is recognized for their civil level recognition for the New Jersey uh safe roots to school program which is a program to help students uh whether they're walking or riding bikes to be aware of safety and road safety so that they get to school and home safely thank you very much thank you Mr Ricky HIV coordinator Miss kuruga was that was that good I've been practicing good evening everyone good evening board president Bayamon vice president Kella board members miss miss carlstrom miss Mago Miss Kirkland miss marar Mr Monroe Miss rean superintendent go and Rosell Park Comm members the clicker cck clicker Mr R sorry I apologize as per the New Jersey Department of Education schools are required to submit student safety information twice a year uh to the New Jersey Department of Education additionally as the anti-bullying coordinator for the district it is my responsibility to specifically report harassment intimidation and bullying data to the board of of Education this report is for the reporting period of January 1st through Jan June 30th of 2024 each School in the district has their own anti-bullying Specialists who along with their Administration address harassment intimidation and bullying concerns in their buildings and conduct investigations as required the anti-bullying Specialists were Andrea kadoo at that High School Chelsea Murphy at the middle school Dina miad at Robert Gordon school Caroline gleon at Aline school and Jamie Halprin at Sherman school for this reporting period of January 1st through June 30th 2024 there were a total of 29 investigations initiated as possible cases of harassment intimidation and bullying after thorough investigations it was determined that eight out of the 29 met the criteria as established by the New Jersey anti-bullying Bill of Rights in order to be confirmed cases must meet all of the criteria the following is a breakdown of the cases by each school which is also projected on the screen in the front of the auditorium at the high school there was one confirmed case and three alleged cases at the middle school six confirmed cases 12 alleged cases at Robert Gordon school there was one confirmed case one alleged case at Aldine zero confirmed cases four alleged cases and at Sherman zero confirmed cases and one alleged case to note the number of cases last year reduced as compared to the previous year as well consequences are applied on a case-by casee basis consequences for a student who commits one or more acts of harassment intimidation and bullying May range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion of students also consequences for a student who commits an act of HIV are those that are varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior the nature of students disability if any exists and to the extent relevant the developmental age of the student and the student's history of problem behaviors and performance remedial measures are also part of consequences that can be applied our goal is to always use situations as learning experiences so counseling for the offender and sometimes the victim is recommended additional consequences may also include conferences with parents education on the district anti-bullying policy scheduled changes detentions in and out of school detentions or suspensions student monitoring by staff members and or police involment as warranted depending on the case I am also required to report on programs and trainings conducted during this same reporting period the following were programs of training sessions that were held at each school at the high school we had during the reporting period of last year last school year Teen Mental Health First Aid certification World sccl Day activities the gay straight Alliance movie night safe night out and pasta night the Beautiful Tomorrow assembly random acts of kindness week activities National School counseling week activities the crisis center peer support the stall Ledger and anti-bullying training sessions at the middle school there was the Black History Month activities National School counseling week activities women's History Month activities worldl day bullying lessons across our uh different grade levels Autism Awareness Month vaping presentations passionate learner day fifth grade orientation our advisory program the middle school clapin and HIV policy and prevention review with staff and students School climate survey training and also conflict resolution at Robert Gordon they had the Abra Abra aully anti-bullying assembly character pillar Awards National School counseling week no name calling week activities random acts of kindness week activities and their cup of kindness last year there was World sccl Day digital citizenship lessons the Harlem Wizards challenge the lead graduation an njsla pep rally Middle School transition meetings and HIV prevention and review at Aline school there was National School counseling week random acts of kindness week digital citizenship lessons World Seal day the Harlem Wizards wiiz fit challenge Middle School transition meetings sensory sensation includ inclusion program Wellness week activities and anti-bullying lessons and at Sherman school there was uh they held occupation day National School counseling week random acts of kindness week senior citizen breakfasts with students digital citizenship lessons world day safety assemblies lead graduation American Heart assemblies and HIV policy prevention review as we can see all of our schools have conducted various programs throughout the the reporting period and staff members participated in many trainings as well the goal of the anti-bullying Specialists school safety teams and administrators is to continue to create schools with positive and accepting environments where all of our members all members of the school Community feel safe and supported we will continue to review and update programs and trainings in the upcoming school year in order to meet this goal finally another one of my responsibilities as the anti-bullying coordinator is to present the self- assessment for determining grades under the anti-bullying bullying Bill of Rights act as required by the NJ dooe this report is based on school year 2023 2024 it is a rub that is completed by the school anti-bullying specialists in conjunction with the school safety team and is reviewed and approved by each building principal I'm required by law to share the scores with the board of education for approval and then submit them officially to the NJ doe the scores were approved by the SE by the board at the September board meeting and will be submitted to the NJ doe before the end of this month it then takes the NJ dooe and almost the entire school year to review the score and finally they will be released in the spring at that time I will once again report on the scores which will include each school's official score as well as the district score the grades are out of 78 total points the rubric is very specific with eight core elements ratings of one to three for each indicator with a one representing partially meeting requirements a two representing meeting requirements and a three representing exceeding requirements it's important to note that the scores are not passing or failing scores rather they are reflection to determine whether where there is room for improvement in any of our programs or trainings at each of our schools thank you have a good evening thank [Applause] you now we'll have hear from our superintendent on uh superintendent's report good evening board president esteemed board members staff and members of our community it's always a privilege to gather here in service of our students and to reflect on the important work we continue to do together as a district thank you all for your dedication and for being here this evening as we continue to work together in service of our students I am reminded of the power of our shared Mission our Collective commitment to providing a quality education and fostering strong moral character in our students remain at the heart of everything we do this Mission drives our efforts and strengthens the ties that bind us as a community I am proud of the way we come together to create a nurturing environment where all students can Thrive academically socially and emotionally I would like to give an update on our residency verification report from September 10th to October 8th our residency investigator has completed 52 residency verifications bringing this year's total to 207 as a result of these verifications six students were were found not to be domiciled in the district or lack proper documentation four have been disenrolled and two are pending further investigation and proceedings additionally our residency investigator has assisted with documentation follow-ups for three students who transferred to out of state school districts but did not have the proper transfer documents completed by their parent and guardian our residency investigator also conducted follow-up investigations on five students whose mailed correspondence was returned to the district for various reasons these efforts ensure that our resources are allocated to students who are eligible for admission in the district I would also like to take the moment to thank our ald principal Mr riggy for recognizing the safety patrol members at his school whose dedication to ensuring the well-being of their peers sets an outstanding example of leadership and responsibility also congratulations to him and to the whole Aline Community for receiving their recognition for silver level with the easy ride program a special thank you also goes out to our Hib district coordinator Miss kuga for presenting today's school safety data this report helps us remain Vigilant in creating a safe supportive environment for all students congratulations to our high school students who will be showcasing their film theater Through The Eyes of performers at the New Jersey school boards Association workshop on Tuesday October 22nd and Wednesday October 23rd this remarkable accomplishment demonstrates the creativity and talent of our students and we are excited to see their work featured at such a prestigious event further I would like to draw your attention to an important event happening on Monday October 28th it is senior night for the boys varsity team and on that night we also be honoring Jeffrey Luna Jeffrey would have been a senior this year but tragically he lost his courageous battle with cancer this past August jeffy's family and friends are invited to attend the game which begins at 7:00 p.m. p.m. as many of you know Jeffrey loved soccer and this night will be an opportunity for us to come together as a community to support our team and honor his memory please join us in showing our love and support for jeffy's family and friends together as one district and one family we continue to uphold the values that make our community strong from celebrating student achievements to offering heartfelt support to those in need thank you all for your continued dedication to the success and well-being of our students I would now like to um give our student representative an opportunity to introduce herself and to give us a little update about the high school hi my name is Jana matelis I'm a senior at Rosel Park Rosel Park High School and moving forward in um like next month I will bring forward issues regarding this rosik High School um students thank you thank you superintendent for your report we got comme reports um committee reports board members any committee reports start with my left the Special Egg committee met on October 10th um we're looking to schedule um we're looking into scheduling at least two parent advisory nights during the school year um cpeg will do a survey about topics on which they would like the district to present and communicate those results back to the committee I'm done thank you uh I have a facilities and Personnel so let's start with facilities just wanted to give an update on projects going on in the district this summer there was asbest abate in the Sherman cafeteria in order to prep for the HVAC unit that's going to be installed next summer in Aline they also did a spus removal and they removed an old boiler for the same reason for next year's hbac installation at Robert Gordon uh they were working on the roof replacement the finishing touches are almost done hopefully in the next week or so they also refinish some of the floors at Robert Gordon at Aline they upgraded the second bathrooms they remov the old cork walls from the gymnasium well cafa gymatorium whatever they call it um the walls and they replace them with um I think they're called Hardy Board so they don't get damaged the office was also refurbished and there were two rooms in the basement that had water damaged and got new flooring um in addition to other maintenance that's been done districtwide for personnel just wanted to say congratul ulations to our new staff members and best wishes to our two retirees there's also a new job description on the agenda for this evening for a stem integration specialist this position is to help our district become more future ready there's also an item it's not necessarily listed under the Personnel section I think it's under the business section for um additional SLO officers which is special Law Enforcement Officers we we currently have them at the high school and the middle school and we're hoping if it gets approved tonight we will have three additional one for each of the elementary schools thank you thank you nothing Dr Kurt am I right any committee reports on my right none uh thank you Mr President through you just a quick house keeping item that the board discussed in ex session and ask me to address out here in public um one member of the Board of Education had resigned the board on September 1st of this year and as we discussed in executive session the board has the statutory uh right to appoint um a temporary sucessor to the vacancy but does not have the obligation to do so uh the board's policies do call for the board Whenever there is a vacancy to put out a notice to anyone interested in applying for it so the board did comply with its obligations under its policies and put out that advertisement um however um I believe the board has resolved not to make any um appointment to that position tonight uh which would be the last meeting falling within the period to do so again it being the board's having the right to appoint to that seat but not the obligation to do so and I think given certain circumstances the board has made the determination that that approach would be the most prudent one uh here in uh October thank you okay heading into the agenda under Personnel agenda items number 1 through 24 staff appointments that was number number one staff appointments number two power professionals revised resent number three power professionals additional hours number four extracurricular Club advisors number five athletic coach 2024 2025 six District substitutes s medical leave eight maternity leave intermediate number nine FMLA number 10 retirement number 11 additional classes Middle School number 12 additional classes High School 13 enrichment program 14 chorus programs 15 compensation pay professional development number 16 home instruction number 17 Proctor FY 2024 2025 number 18 revised in instructional support stien number 19 part-time math intervention teacher number 20 part-time academic tutor 21 ESL supplemental support program 22 revised standard-based instructional Support Program 23 mentoring 24 job description can I have a motion to approve the Personnel section make that motion can I have a second second is there any discussion seeing none can I have a roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mcar yes yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bayon yes motion passed education agenda items 25 through 41 number 25 2024 2025 talented and gifted at NJ doe service report 26 anti-bullying specialist 27 harassment intimidation bulling incidents 28 education programs 29 conference attendance requests 30 education programs 31 FY 2425 receiving tuition 32 FY 2024 2025 tuition Transportation 33 education programs termination 34 psychological evaluations 35 Union County stem Robert Gordon 36 donations 37 work-based learning experience 38 University sorry Kane University intern agreement 39 practicum practicum experience 40 clinical experience spring 2025 and number 41 is being tabled correct correct uh Mr President so I think a motion would be in order to adopt uh the education items 25 through 40 and tbling 41 as part of the motion um thank you motion to adopt 25 through 40 and to table 41 have a second second that any discussion hearing none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael an Regan yes president Paul Bayon yes motion passed sorry business agenda items 403 40 through 49 number 42 monthly certification 43 approval of bills 44 approval of minutes 45 approval of 2024 2025 by annual s SOA regarding the use of par professional staff 46 approval of 2024 2025 health and safety evaluation of the school buildings checklist and S SOA 47 use of buildings and grounds 48 resolution approving shared service agreement with the burrow Rosal park for school resource officers number 49 Fairley Dickinson University can I have approval have a motion to approve the business section motion can second second any discussion hearing none roll call please vice president constant quintella yes with an exstension from 47 J Susan carlstrom yes Dr Brittney Kirkland yes with an exstension from 44 Cindy Meo yes with an exension on 47j Jennifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bonte yes motion pass thank you is there any continuing business none any new business yes hi um so Sherman School's book fair is coming up 11:12 11:13 and 1114 1113 is kindness day at Sherman School 11:14 is Ruby Bridges walk to school day and the next Sherman PTA meeting will be November 12th on Zoom um cpeg cpeg will meet this coming Thursday October 17th 2024 they will welcome Linda J galletta uh Linda will be speaking about options for the transition to adult life November 7th meeting is a virtual meeting with a lawyer about bullying there will be no parent round table at the November 7th meeting thank you anyone else uh I'm going to give the high school PTO because we haven't yet had a meeting for our representative to go to uh the high school PTO is having a pretzel sale on Friday uh please bring cash or venmo the PTO band the band is also having a mattress sale on October 27th and thank you to Mrs Costa for the anti-bullying assembly thank you anyone else actually I do um for the middle school they're having their Halloween dance on October 25th um they're taking snack donations um and if you would like to participate there's more information on the Middle School Facebook page um Mischief Knight and the middle school is also having a scavenger hunt with prizes and treats there's also a bake sale that will be held on November 5th and the next PTA meeting they're having is November 13th thank you thank you anyone else yep uh as far as the Aline PTO the they're having a movie night on November 1st uh definitely get the PTO memberships up if you're Aline parent the next meeting will be November 11th that's a Monday um the recreation committee is having a Halloween costume party they're going to have a candy crafts costume contest for infants up to 8th grade at the Anthony singarella Center um it's October 20th from 12: to 2: uh also want to say thank you to miss Costa for bringing Jodie Blanco she's a New York time bestseller uh the name of her book is called please stop laughing at me uh I had the pleasure of watching three of her assemblies yesterday one at the middle school the staff one and as and also the uh the parent one last night um I commend her for everything that she she's going around the country and and doing because you know obviously bullying is a big thing uh I used to uh tour the East Coast uh to a lot of different high schools with a um buling tour uh see we have a lot of uh high school kids in in here so I just want to tell you being at this anti-bullying awareness month that you guys understand the severity of it but I want you to understand also that the biggest thing is that you think it's funny to you know bully someone for whatever uh shame their body skin color just just any anything like that keep in mind that you don't know what the other person is going through that that person can not be able to take it so imagine being in school and then you bullying somebody y'all think is funny and everything even on social media the next day you walk into the class and that's an empty seat think about what happen you're thinking that the kid is just out sick then you come to find out that you seeing on social media that that kid committed suicide you can't take that back you can't say oh I wish I didn't say that I wish I didn't do that understand how bad you will fail if that happens to to your friend your family member or anybody so keep that in mind before you say anything negative if you even hear someone say negative something negative about somebody try to step in and defend that person instead of being part of the problem we need more people more kids to to stand up like that and also to the you know to the parents it start at the top you know there's a lot of parents that's out there they're being bullies on social media what are we teaching our kids if we're being the ones that's doing that so I want to you know just keep that in mind you know during this Awareness Month through every month because even sitting up here at this table we're volunteers you know it's like we don't get paid for this we here because we want to be and we needed support from everybody the one thing I got from Jodie Blanco that she said yesterday is that a school district is supposed to be like a family and a lot of times it doesn't feel like that but families get mad at each other they fight whatever but at the end of the day we are a family so in order to be that part of family we got to come together throughout everything all right that's it I'm sorry I just had to say that thank you Chris well said thank go ahead okay last uh just for Robert Gordon PTA is doing their annual Fall Festival which I've gone to the past couple years and it's a lot of fun they have their order form I know on Facebook uh it'll be October 18th from 6:00 to 8 and they have a pumpkin patch and carnival games so it's a lot of fun so if you can attend everyone please try thank you I have one more thank you go ahead um sorry one more thing for Aline but I believe it applies to all the elementary schools just a reminder that Halloween this year is a half day so for the elementary schools they can wear their costume to school and as far as Aldine goes their parade is going to be in the morning um I'm not sure if Robert Gordon Sherman is going to be the same check with your principles there but Aline for sure is going to be in the morning um m Mr Ry will be sending out more information about that thank you anyone else last call okay seeing none I'll open the public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record hello uh Jody Foy I was Mrs Foy when my students were here but now I can be Jody Foy um Sean Avenue Aldine School I just wanted to piggy back back off what constant said if you don't know my daughter Hannah is a senior this year so you will be seeing me a lot begging for money for Project Graduation the first Project Graduation event that we're doing to raise money is in conjunction with the senior class we are doing a CommunityWide haunted house at the high school on October 26th there will be a um Elementary School friendly scary presentation during the day and then a more scarier presentation at night it's open to anybody in the Community I believe it went out on Blooms Today so we're hoping to get a lot of um support from the community um number two I just want to piggy back off what Mr Monroe said and give a big thank you to Mrs Costa for bringing jod Blanco to the district to miss for supporting that endeavor and the board for also paying for that endeavor I was able to see her as part of the staff yesterday the parent presentation last night and with my third graders this morning and she was just wonderful with all groups but especially with the children she gave them tangible things that they could do to be a rescuer in times of a bully uh a bullying incident and she focused a lot on compassion teaching them how to understand how somebody else is feeling and she was really wonderful it was a great way to end the week of respect and as I told my students the week of respect is just a week to highlight respect it's something that we touch upon every day every week um at all of the schools especially at Aline in our classroom so thank you to the board for supporting that and to Mrs Costa for bringing Jody to us thank you thank [Applause] you anyone else state your name for the record good evening my name is Jenifer Butler um I come before the board members today to speak on behalf of a young gentleman that's sitting behind me Michael aguano while I have known Mikey for about four years I can only tell you my experience with him and his family Michael is a genuine caring caring compassionate young man who was a good friend to all he encounters I moved here to Rosel park with my husband and my son Anthony San fra three years ago my son not knowing a lot of kids in this community it was Mikey who confronted and befriended my son when they played recreational football for Rosel Park and kennworth Mikey took my son under his wing and showed him everything he needed to know about playing the game of football and introduced them to the half of the people from this community I have witnessed firsthand the leader and the heart this kid shows to everyone and I believe that removing him from the school would be detrimental to not only him but the wonderful people who are friends with him Community is everything and with everything going on in today's world we need young people like Mikey in communities like Rosel Park I also want to mention that Mikey is heavily involved in the high school football team the decision to remove a player from both a football team and the school is not just an is ated action it reverberates through throughout the entire fabric of our team and school spirit football is more than a sport it's a powerful Brotherhood that teaches our young athletes invaluable lessons in teamwork resilience and loyalty each player on the field contributes to a shared mission where success is achieved not only through an individual talent but through the collective effort of every teammate when you remove a player from this Brotherhood you are not merely taking away their spot on the team you were severing connections erasing bonds that have been built through countless practices games and shared experiences this Brotherhood nurtures a sense of belonging providing our children with a support system that extends beyond the field the friendships formed in this environment teach them about trust accountability and the importance of standing by one another in times of need removing a player disrupts this crucial Dynamic leaving behind not only an empty position on the roster but also avoiding the hearts of those who have come to rely on that individual it sends a troubling message that loyalty and camaraderie can be easily dismissed this could lead to a ripple effect fostering in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity among the remaining players who may worry about their own standing and sense of belonging moreover the lessons learned through football extend far beyond the game they carry into the classroom and the community teaching our kids how to face challenges headon and persevere despite setbacks removing a player can stifle this growth isolating them at a critical moment in their development we must remember that our actions today sh shape not only the athletes they become but the individuals they grow into as members of society by supporting every player we instill values of compassion and understanding ensuring they learn that everyone deserves a fair chance regardless of circumstances as a parent I implore you to reflect on the consequences of your decision consider the message it sends not just to the players but to all the students watching in our community let's prioritize for us excuse me I'm sorry I have to cut you off at three minutes can you sum it up for real quick yep thank you all I'm asking is to give the Mr iguano a chance thank you thank you just given the nature of uh the comment uh through the president I just want to remark to the public that if any public comments are made at any time any meeting on a student matter the board cannot publicly address anything involving students just like Personnel for that matter so um by us being silent up here that's not a reflection or an element of disrespect to anyone uh but you're welcome to say what you're looking to say that's your First Amendment right we uh we have an obligation to uh remain quiet in response thank you anyone else state your name for that good evening members of the Board of Education my name is k hemed and I am here to speak on behalf of my friend Mike who has recently moved from west to Roso Park I understand there are concerns regarding his residency and his eligibility to attend in this school district I want to assure you that Mike is living here in Roso Park he is part of this community and he has made this town has been his home I know Mike personally and I can vouch for his presence in this community he is committed to contributing to our school and making a positive impact I ask that you please reconsider any doubts regarding his residency and give him the benefit of the doubt as we all want what is best for our students and Community as a whole thank you for your time in considering my [Applause] statement state your name for the record please good evening board members my name is is John Franco and I'm currently living with Michael aguano and the current address 223 Locust Street and I just want to say Michael aguano is like a brother to me and I came here in sixth grade not really knowing anyone and I had moved three times uh prior to moving to Rosel Park and I don't think I've ever found someone more passionate in Rosel Park and more definition of Rosel Park spirit and and when I see Michael guano every single morning and every single night as I get home I just see him wearing Rosa Park t-shirts or his football gear all around the house and talking about his days at school and how much he loves it and I feel like Michael agano deserves a a chance to stay and I see him every day every single day and he just really he's a positive effect to to everyone here and to everyone in the Rosa Park High School and to my family of course and I just his positive spirit and his energy for Roo Park really uh embodies who we are as a town and who we should be moving forward in the future thank [Applause] you my name is Mark Fernandez I uh live in Rosel Park I'm a candidate for for school board um it's interesting that for the last eight years whenever there's been a vacancy we have voted for a person to fill that vacancy it's the first time in the last eight years that I've known that there has not been a fill of that vacancy so curious I was a candidate for that vacancy I served on the school board for three years I don't understand why I was not considered but I'm not here to debate that my issue of course is why we are as a board not coming together right Chris mentioned today about being a family we're not a family we are for for board and we're not going to be that way all the time we need to be together we need to have an eight or nine vote of yes or no we don't have that we need that we need to get together we're a family we are together Republicans and Democrats and independents together listen to your constituents thank you hi good evening Jennifer mcle um I first of all want to commend all of you you young adults sitting here for over an hour tonight Best Behavior Uh being attentive standing side by side with your fellow football brother and coming in showing your support I think is very commendable so I just wanted to say regardless of the outcome the fact that you took the steps to do this tonight just shows what a great quality uh group of young men that you are so first off on that second of all thank you to the board of education and to Mrs Costa on the uh anti-bullying program that was uh conducted here last night I thought it was great I'm so excited that all the students are going to be able to take part in that and then lastly I just wanted to say I am also a candidate running for the Board of Education um and tomorrow is a meet the candidate night here at the high school at 6:30 I believe I look forward to um with myself and all my other wonderful running mates to be able to answer questions get to know uh the members of roselt Park individually and uh welcome you all to that event so thank [Applause] you hi Lucy figuro Rosel Park so I also I didn't know why you all these guys were here so I asked them and they said they were here to support their friends which I really think it's amazing to have people back you up guys this is amazing I really appreciate it that is amazing um the other thing is I was also put in for that position you didn't feel it and for whatever reason it's okay I am running and um I am actually going to be there also tomorrow so whoever would like to come to be there and happy and you you can come join us so thank you so much for the board thank you have a nice night and guys you are amazing keep it up good evening oh God I always do this good evening my name is z I am a z Infante I'm a resident of rosol Park uh thank you so much to the board to our superintendent uh for this evening I'm so excited about this film program that is is happening in the high school for the theater it's it's so funny because I stand in this room and I recognize how many times I've been one of you all you know I went to rollar high school uh a couple years ago not too long ago um and uh your accomplishments are remarkable and uh it's really beautiful to see you know what Mr Maro was saying about uh community and family as well uh really echoes I think uh for us all especially in a space that is like for me very um as a candidate for the Board of Education I stand in a room like this and I keep thinking how many people are being affected by the choices of this board right good or bad um and I feel that regardless of the obligation or or lack thereof uh to fill the position and I was not up for this position I feel that uh it is our board's responsibility to uh find consensus and to make choices when they're hard to make and I hope uh moving forward that the board will continue to have those hard conversations to uh be an example for these young people that we can come together and come to an understanding and I just ask that the board show Grace in this period of time um I hope to continue to be here as a as a community member as a board member one day because I'll keep running and I'm so grateful um for your time thanks for let me share thank hello um my name is Omar Castillo I am on the behalf of Michael iguano and I'm up here to say that I look up to Michael aguano when it comes to football he also off the field he is also like a old brother to me I look up to him and he he came in and he just came in with a great a great personality he has a good spirit he has great pride into this um into this football team every day that I see him at practice he is always doing great he's always have giving a positive energy to everyone this whole football team is about Brotherhood and he def he is the definition of Brotherhood into this team so I asked the Board of Education to reconsider the decision with uh removing aguano from the school and even the team because if you remove him from the team it separates the connections that I have and anyone else that is on the team it destroys all that connections that we all have with him and I don't want to lose that connection with him because he now the reason why I going and keep playing football even after my injury the reason he is the reason that I'm going to keep playing because he gives me the great pride that I will keep playing and next year I will be here and with him by my side because he is really great older brother to me even though I have so many he he brings the great positive energy to the team when it comes to us losing a game he always brings great energy he he brings all that great energy and motivates us to keep winning and just keep going forward because we don't win every game but losing sucks and he brings up the energy that all that positive energy so I asked the Board of Education to reconsider your decision thank you thank you Frank Frank Ardo uh I came to talk about The Snack Shack I just want to thank go for giving me the opportunity in uh joining Jen Butler and Troy and Nicole it was it's been great we have one more home game which is on the 25th it's senior night please come out and support it's been interesting it started off a little rough but we've pushed through and made it through and I'm just looking forward to upgrading it and making it better for the future uh I enjoyed every second every minute of it and I will keep enjoying it uh for the next four years uh after this season um thank you so much for the opportunity thank you Jen uh I'm not going anywhere thanks guys thank you um my name is Rafael Messa and I've known micheel Lano since second grade when he transferred from being homeschooled or whatever um it was like an instant connection he used to be at my house a whole bunch and we never really talked until third grade but after third grade he's been like a brother to me me and Michael I've gone through a lot together hecen every part of me and I just hope you all reconsider the removal of him because if he's gone from the school then it's like a whole chunk of our entire fire like lies being removed and that also fill that position thank [Applause] you okay seeing um where we commenting okay uh I'm I'm Zachary brener uh and nobody like I've never seen anybody more committed for being good at getting good grades and uh being good at football I mean he has all I've known him since second grade he it would be a you know a big loss to not let him continue to stay for at our rphs [Applause] hello my name is Lorie castelli I just want to say I think Michael aguano is a great student and he represents RP really well he's in AP classes with me he's joining two clubs SAS I think it's called and kids helping kids he's a great person I think I just believe like he like people said he's on the football team and he look how many people are here for him obviously like I feel like he just represents this town in a good way I mean even today he was wearing a Rosel Park football shirt on in the mid of all this controversy because he just loves this town so much I feel like he should say that's [Applause] it Mr President if we're through with public comment as it appears to be uh the meeting has not concluded because the board is going to be considering a motion to go back into executive session to to discuss student matters and the board does reserve the right to come back out of executive session and take formal action here in public session uh so the public should be aware of that so um before I before I ask for a motion to go in public session I just want to um address something as board president I'm going to sit here and protect every member our administrators or attorney to the best of my ability this board came out here tonight unified on a decision we we're criticized for not being for being split and not being unified we came out here unified tonight with a decision I think that if you're going to speak you should speak accordingly we're not always going to agree on everything it's a democratic system everyone has their own beliefs and everyone have their own motives but tonight we came out of your uniform unified excuse me so the state that we're not doing something for a conspiracy reason or or anything else I'm not going to sit here and tolerate it so what excuse me no one interrupted you when you was talking so I will say that due to the fact that the election there's many candidates in here is three weeks from today we are giving the voters the community the Roso Park residents the parents of these kids because you're all minors can't vote the opportunity to fill the spot not anyone on this board to be partial excuse me I'm Excuse me excuse me excuse me you're out of line so this board has taken a stance on the fact that or in this matter where we feel that it's best to let the community speak and not let the board members speak thank you motion to go into executive you have a second second second all in favor we're an executive and the board will uh return to public session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh board I'd recommend a motion to go back into Open Session a motion I'll make that motion second uh all in favor hi we're getting tired I could tell um folks I I recognize there's a lot of members of the public here who may be interested in um particular student matters um I want to be clear with everyone that the board is going to be taking a vote tonight and you're not going to know from the way the vote is being tallied the decision of the board um this is a confidential student matter uh that is the board is going to take a vote to recommend that I as the board attorney draft a decision based upon the guidance that the board provided me in executive session um and then that letter will issue after this meeting not tonight obviously because it has to be drafted and as such um I don't want anyone to walk away believing that what you're hearing uh whether it's a yes or a no reflects any determination of the board because all it's reflecting is directing me to draft a letter based upon how things were established in executive session and no one here is privy to what was discussed or recommended in executive session so unfortunately if anyone's uh feeling that they're going to get a determination tonight we're not in a position to do so and statutorily the board has to speak through a letter that issues after the meeting not through the vote itself um so with that said uh the first uh is to a motion to resolve um the student matter for student ID number 121 3973 as established in executive session is there a motion on that I'll make that motion second second roll call vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes yes Dr Brittney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael L Regan yes president Paul Bayon yes thank you that motion passes the second proposed motion is a motion to uh direct the attorney to draft a decision uh with respect to student ID number 121 14451 as established an executive session is there a motion on that make that motion second vice president constant quintella no Susan carlstrom yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo no Jennifer marcar yes Chris Monroe no michaelan Regan yes president Paul B Monte yes that motion passes as well the next scheduled meeting will be an open session held on Tuesday November 19th at 700m the board meeting will be held at the Roso Park High School auditorium can I have a motion to adjourn make a motion have a second second all in favor I e