##VIDEO ID:go1LPV4mnDI## uned States America stands na all right roll um next is board chair comments so uh four things uh for me the first one is we ended the last meeting with a closed session to work on this year's goals for the superintendent and for the board uh in attendance was Mr LM Miss bunk Miss Heen Dr we camp Herman director hoffstead Hackett roaring Boyd and trout uh so we're going to finish that process tonight of uh finishing the goals uh for this next coming year and uh hopefully we'll we'll get that progress done tonight uh number two uh for the board members finish the board handbook finally so there's a draft printed on your on your table and uh I emailed it out earlier this afternoon so uh looking for input by October 21st so next Monday and that way on Wednesday the 23rd we can uh review it at policy and let us know what uh what I missed and and all that good stuff uh we had a super successful Bond sale so I'll let Steve from PMA talk about a little bit more but I'm super excited because there's not many boards that get to give taxpayers tax money back so I thought that was a a huge thing uh and it's quite a bit of money too uh the last thing I know I say this most times but uh again another month with uh just over $8,000 in donations to the school so that is pretty awesome so thank you to those those businesses the groups and uh and some of the families that uh that donated there uh so that's it for me uh I will take an approval for the agenda motion to approve by director B second by director try any discussion all in favor say I I I post appreciation recognition presentations ladies chair hofstead members of the board superintendent Dr word Camp Herman uh tonight we are recognizing our three ladies uh Olivia Westby Audrey CH M brixius on the successful implementation build and execution of the lending library at the elementary school last spring they presented to you to have an idea for um uh girl SC project and um as of the beginning of the school year it is up running functional um if you haven't seen it Go by the set tonight and and take a look it's pretty neat so they a marvelous job it looks good um and we can't be PR of them so thank you ladies congratulations y right here that's great for that one all right uh so we have uh recognition of citizens for input purposes so Susan let's talk about your child coun hey chair Hosta and members of the board and superintendent Dr workamp um I was looking at Mars data again like I did last month and um I just noticed and I'm bringing it to your attention actually because I did talk to mde and you guys have time to correct it at this Mission at the of the month but just so you know on your child count um for December 1st we usually in Royalton have about our 800 students or so and I know you guys are going to talk adms later but that's a totally different subject your child count um right now says we are totally enrolled at 109 students that is funding you're missing December 1st if that doesn't get up to that 800 number so as of now it looks like you guys are completely over staffed because districtwide your child count at mde is showing you at 109 students so I know there's more than that here because you wouldn't have three you wouldn't have huge buildings of children but um it is fixable the next mission's due in a couple weeks um end of October and so um if you need help Marilyn can always help you or you guys can call and talk to EDI or um I know at the region they will support you so um just however you need to get it fixed um it's funding and we all know we need it so that's all I had and again oh I guess again that is on the MFR for Min um for mde and it is public knowledge it's nothing that anybody can't pull so yeah right thank you right um board committee reports want talk Finance yeah finance committee finance committee met on October 2nd um we just had a brief meeting we're at uh 918 students for September and um Heidi's goingon to share with us a title services presentation to and that's about the just what we went over all right thank you uh for Midstate uh they moved our meeting so it's actually this Wednesday so I don't have anything anything there yet um and then policy uh the biggest thing from policy is we're uh starting a whole new batch of 200 series uh Schoolboard ones uh the biggest one that we're approving tonight is 902 which is uh use of uh District facilities which has been in there for about six seven months something like that so we got it to a place where we think we can work with it and uh and the staff can too so that's really about it any questions on those two anything to add for policy okay uh superintendent report yeah just don't have a lot tonight other than I'm making a plea to everyone we have our next strategic planning committee meeting on November 12th so we'd love to have more of our stakeholders present for those events at six o'clock it's a Tuesday um so we'll be continually working through continuing our work reviewing action steps and such as well as our strategic parties and then just uh fall sports are wrapping up um we're kind of coming to a close on those moving into our section tournament play um and then mea is this week so we will not have students in the building on Thursday and Friday and I just want to do um a huge shout out to all staff they've been working really hard and it's been a really really smooth start to the year um morale is really high and kids are very engaged I was in many many classrooms today in the high school middle school and engagement was at a at a very very high rate so thank you to all of our staff for the work you do every single day including our leaders thank you very much thank you any questions for done all right business manager report good evening chair hofstead members of the board Dr Christine wam Herman Heidi Hagen business manager uh the monthly board meeting updates for the the month of what is this August that we're looking at enrollment as of the end of September was around what was it 918 students we budgeted 910 ADM continue to monitor that monthly go to the next slide this is a chart of enrollment over the last 10 years the only thing updated here was the early childhood numbers for 2324 this information is taken directly from reports from mde for school ADM results and that number increased I think it was at six originally just as a placeholder but it it was updated to 12.68% 80 or 90 Early Childhood students but um as a result only a handful of those are receiving special ed services as of the 23 24 school year this is the general fund Revenue as of month end August 2024 overall 17 just over 177% of Revenue received month end of August that compares closely to to fiscal years 23 uh the difference uh in comparison in fiscal year 24 is the accounting for receivables and how the prior previous business manager accounted for those on track as an overall percentage of the budget general fund revenues are on track as a percentage of a budget uh very similar to exp expenditures as a month and August very comparable to previous fiscal years uh the variance that are noted and I addressed these last month as well property insurance in our fees for services is increased based on the timing of our overall property insurance premium we paid that in full in the month of July versus paying it per month uh in years past and then ltfm was a result of most of the planned projects for long-term facilities maintenance taking place in July and August whereas previous fiscal years that was spanned out across the fiscal year what up all right any questions for he all right thank you very much uh next is principal report Sher hofstead members of the board superintendent Dr wamp uh Joel snon middle school high school principal uh just two quick things one is we have parent teacher conferences coming up uh October 21st and October 24th at the high school um looking forward to seeing uh our parents attend that um and the uh second item is that our more restrictive cell phone policy goes into effect on Monday October 21st so uh we will be um restricting it in in the hallways and at lunch um where it isn't now it has not been we had 12 cell phone violations for the first month and a half of school 10 in the high school two in the Middle School um that is if you think of the amount of phones that are out there and the number of students who are carrying them around 12 12 uh violations of that cell phone policy is is not a lot um it has actually been they've been very good about it and uh we're looking forward to the same thing starting on the 21st so um maybe just want to keep us in your thoughts next week as we Dole into this a little um I I believe that our students will respond in the way that they always do which is they will uh they'll rise to the occasion any questions okay right thank you members of the board superintendent Dr Work Camp Herman um I wasn't able to give you an update in September because I was coming home from Deep Portage I was able to spend um the afternoon up there and kind of see how everything goes I've never been out there before and it is it is tucked back there if you haven't been up there it's it's a ways back there I wasn't prepared for whole bar back it was but it's pretty neat um anyways we are six weeks in starting our seventh week and I think things are going uh really well we still have Smiles on kids' faces on adults um and things are Hing along really good but it really doesn't feel that we should already be here at M break it's it's crazy how fast things have gone uh field trips have gone really well uh we've got one more field trip this week for uh first grade is going um to St Joel and then third grade goes to the um Indian museum in maax next week so that wraps up the fall um field trips uh fifth grade had a great time at Deport they had a wonderful time uh great success once again we're um middle 30s in uh going to deep portage so keeping going on that uh just some upcoming things here um chronologically as we go uh we're going to do our annual Halloween parade on the 31st of October 1:30 hopefully be outside um so it'll be nice nice to be outside for that otherwise we'll make um accommodations to be inside um we've got end of quarter number one on the first of November which is coming up faster than we think so we'll do our first Bell or all second bell ringing of the year and then uh conferences on the 4th and the 7th of November uh this year 4 to 7:30 instead of 4:30 to 8 so we can we can get a little bit quicker and get e home ready for bed and then before our next school board meeting um in concert with the middle school high school we're doing our V Veterans Day program and so breakfast will be here just like it was last year and then at 9:00 a.m. we'll have a VOR Day program and the elementary gym um for anybody that wants to come so that's all I have question is all right thank you all right um next is a consent agenda approval so uh on the consent agenda we have approval of our regular board meeting minutes claims accounts and financials approval of resignation terminations approval of new hires and the Spain trip uh for 2025 fundraiser proposal anybody have anything they want to pull off the consent agenda okay I will take a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved director hack thank you second second by director Bowman thank you uh any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I opposed abstain motion carries all right uh Minnesota State High School league resolution chair hofstead members of the board superintendent duck Work Camp Herman uh Caitlyn Arsen activities director um for May gives back to schools based off of their free and reduced numbers we don't have a large number but we do have a handful of kids that do participate in sports so we are able to get some monies back from the Minnesota State High School um foundation so this form is just basically acknowledging that we're submitting it um it will be due in middle of November but I'll get it sent off earlier any questions I don't think so thank you uh so this is a resol olution uh somebody want to move their I'll move the resolution all right CH director a I will second it all right so the resolution reads uh the Minnesota State High School league Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota high Minnesota's High School of Youth to participate in athletics and Fine Arts whereas the governing board of rton public schools recognizes the value of student participation in in extracurricular activities and whereas the Minnesota State High School league Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist schools in recognizing promoting and funding EXT extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and Fine Arts programs therefore be it resolved by the governing board of Royalton Public Schools supports the schols application to the Minnesota State High School league foundation for a form a grant to offset Student Activity fees and clerk can you call the role Dr C hi direct B hi direct boy hi direct r hi director hacket hi director hop I all right um none against so that is a resu resolved all right uh next is uh resolution ratifying refunding Bond sale there's many alliterations tonight good evening everyone chair hestad members of the board superintendent workamp Steve pumper with PMA Financial it's certainly a pleasure being here tonight and I appreciate your opening comments and your chair report Mr host um this process started actually back this last spring um when we were working with business manager Hagen and superintendent Work Camp and eventually brought it forward to the finance committee for several meetings and then for a couple meetings here at the board and the board actually as you recall took action at your September meeting to proceed as long as we met Su certain um parameters and what we have here in front of you is we're refunding um 11 maturities uh 2026 through 2036 of your 2015 um building bonds um that were sold back in 2015 um the mechanism and the authority is listed there um on this page you know just for your your reference if we go to the next page um you'll see in more detail which of these uh um maturities are being refunded again it's the last 11 you actually have 12 maturities left you have a payment that's um due on February 1st of 20125 that one was not um available to be refunded by law because of your call date so again we're refunding the remaining 11 maturities that have current interest rates anywhere ranging from 5% down to 3.125% and somewhere in between so we go to the next page we went to the market on um October 10th and we received seven bids so that's a a very good solid number of people who are interested in your particular bonds and you'll notice actually which is a good thing how tight the interest rates were so the TS ttic stands for True interest cost the lowest of that was by offered by Fidelity Capital markets um and that's the one um firm that we recommended for you to execute with at a 29477 per so we go to the next page we get to kind of some of the what's interest here to your board members in the community When We Were Here on September 25th as you recall the board approved a parameter's resolution that said go ahead and complete the sale as long as you saved $100,000 of savings that night we anticipated um with the market under the current conditions we would you would save $482,000 that's in that leftand column there um but what actually happened on um the 10th of October based on the bids that we received is you are saving $668,500 you are going to um Levy 668,000 less almost $669,000 less than you would have if you didn't take this action so roughly $60,000 a year is what your Levy will go down um than if you didn't you know take this action going forward so again our our goal was to at least hit $100,000 we were hoping to be in that $480,000 range and and by um the bids coming in the strong bid that that came in you know it's almost 600 close to $669,000 one reminder to B members again this does not help your general fund um this just truly is a tax savings to your taxpayers so I'll flow through fund 7 and again it just means you will collect or you'll have to Levy um that $668,000 less over the next 11 year period of time so certainly great news for your taxpayers the uh um Savings in detail are shown on this line the the number highlighted in um in yellow on the very far right matches the number on the last page but you can see it's roughly $60,000 a year a little bit variance on yearby year based on what the interest rates were but it's close to about $60,000 a year so what this means again is at your September meeting you approved a levy um at the maximum number whatever that dollar amount was will be um lower by about $60,000 when you approve your final Levy in December um if everything else Remains the Same on your leving years the next page is just you know for purposes of transparency this is where all the money goes including all the fees that you're paying for Bond counsel for rating Agency for the feed that you pay us the fees that you pay the counties Etc so just kind of letting everyone see where all those those dollars go to and then to put this into some context for your average homeowners um you know you can pick whatever homeowner you want but I'll look at that $250,000 number it it means a reduction of $19 um a year you know annually um for this particular Debt Service part so that's what that that means you know to a person individually and you can certainly look at the different values as you you care to one of the um parts that we went through in order to get the bond sale done and one of the reasons you achieved such high savings um honestly was the great work that um superintendent and business manager provided while going um to get a rating through moody this is the first time the burlton district has ever been rated and you received a a A3 rating which is an extreme strong rating for a district your size um I put there on the slide for you to read some of the highlights um from the rating report there were more than just the three there um and the third one down I will read the district has a solid history of budgeting conservatively and maintaining a solid fund balance which certainly um is Direction by the the Board of Education as well so the the input that you have on setting your budgets and making sure that you live within your means um is a really the The Moody took to heart and so one of the reasons you reated a A3 one piece I want to mention on that that does not mean that they say that you should lower your Levy or anything by that manner it just means that you're staying within um your means of the revenue that you do receive on a year-by-year basis and you take that to heart and that that rating um was one of the effects of producing such a high savings rate so just want to make sure that the board understands um how that how that goes the bond calendar is our um last piece in here again just starting back in August um when the um board saw the first resolution in September when you took action on the parameters resolution and then we sold last week on the 10th tonight is October 14th where you'll take action on ratifying the sale um following this presentation um and then on November 5th the dollars actually will close into account you'll start earning interest on that and that's factored into the savings um so you'll pay off all your Bonds on February 1 first um and with that board chair I'll stand for any questions there's a resolution a question office yeah absolutely this is a very confusing thing for people that aren't in this all all day every day but you've done a very good job of explaining it to us so thank you appreciate that thanks you for the comments motion to approve resolution motion director Bowman second by director tro thank you all right uh so certification of minutes relating to okay you're going to take care of that you you like me to as far as a resolution goes just scroll down if you do read things orally usually it's just the bold face right there the resolution Rel to ratifying the award sale describing the form in details and providing for the payment of 14 m765 th000 General igation School building refunding bond series 2024 all right uh can you call Dr CH hi Dr B hi Dr B hi Dr R hi Dr hacker I director h i all right resed we're going to take a two minute break here so we can sign all the paperwork that he needs I just want to say too it's been a pleasure working with everyone here and for to Contin our work with the Royal School District get sign some stff h [Music] talk yes few times all right uh next is the 2024 school year MCA data chairman hofstead members of the board superintendent Christine um your Camp Herman um I am nio Cole the district assessment coordinator and um as I presented in the past these are um and updated by mde the inappropriate and um appropriate uses of our MCA data um and I have broken them down so they're a little bit larger if we go to the next slide so when looking at this data um appropriate um as you can see overall proficiency for grade school or District um making sure that standards are being Equitable across um grades and teaching and classrooms um inappropriate would be as mandatory indicator um for program placement such as special education services gifting of talented um comparing AC um you also want to compare results across students and we don't Focus only on a an individual student score for planning and instruction go ahead um we look for changes in achievement and level result results over time um and we cannot calculate um student growth by an individual score those scale scores are different by each grade um so they we go by achievement level and use um for we use multiple data points um when decision- making um such as fast Bridge um which we do three times a year along with the MCAS and of course the students um school homework classroom um and in appropriate um use results in isolation to prioritize which students receive structural support such as academic interventions and last um we cannot use these results to as a teacher's performance evaluation or St so here's the breakdown for the district overall so all students that actually get tested are grades 3 through 8 10 and 11 and in this case 11 is would be math um in with the math group and 10th grade is in with the reading group with grades 3 through eight this these are grades five8 and 10 that make up this group as you can see we have um a consistency of being above State proficiency we also watch making sure that our achievement is closing that gap for any um free and reduce students um anybody struggling or having anything else um in there and and as a goal and you can see that they stay above that state state proficiency as well and our special education students um we also keep an eye just make sure that we are keeping that group also giving them what they need in theirs and now we'll have results broken down by grade and depending on how you look at um MCA data of course you see a different a different perspective whether it's overall District or by grade so grade three and go ahead grade four you can stop and if you have any questions let us know with the middle school what we watch for just make a comment on that what we watch for is that transition time um especially from fifth into sixth grade making sure that those students are acclimating well um as they get closer to high school so here's that breakdown for high school um math again is only grade 11 and the reading is grade 10 only and grade 10 is the only one that does science um unless we have a student it's the grade that they take biology so every great once in a while will have an 11th grader that did not take biology in 10th Grade that may be included into that grade or that testing any questions I have a question but I don't know if this Nico go ahead when I was looking at the data I just kind of wondered do we we ever take the time to ask the teachers like is this what you're experiencing I mean is is there I mean do they experience like I get it it's not much of a treadline change or nothing but did they ever get it yeah I I I don't know I don't know if there's a you know I know if there's enough change to ever see anything or do we ever take any time with this data with the teachers or or not oh yeah they'll they using this over the course of the years taking a look at individual student results uh looking at Benchmark data to where where some of the you know when you go to The Benchmark data it'll break it down by the standard and where are those gaps where the redundancies um that's what they spend PLC time doing over the course of the year um we also ask them you know like perspectively what you what are you thinking before we go sh from the hip you know what do you guys think yeah I was just wondering do they see this before do they know what this data is going to say but before it comes out even pretty much idea but it's yeah they they know pretty quick afterwards and um then they will also try trying to find ways all the time to triangulate the data you have an MCA score you have the fast bridge scores you have classroom assessments uh act all of those things where how how do those data pieces work together and what can that information provide us for the sole purpose of developing the pathway forward how do we make this better going forward how do we make it more stable so you don't have the you know the ups and downs and the hills really not that big though no they're not there's a few areas where we have some work that we need to do um but we're trying to maintain consistency and trying to to get our students in to raise that proficiency level okay that was the only question I had is this just that so yeah I want to ask a question that back up that so do you track data year after year um following the same grade to see if they have the same trends 10th grade they struggled with science and then in 11th grade are they still struggling with science or did they come out of that hole so as I as soon as the um what we the state puts it in embargo meaning it is it can't be released they're finalizing the results once it's finalized I go in and I start pulling all of that and I do keep spreadsheets that track and we Trend um we'll Trend them and watch as they go through um as they t to see if there is something that needs to be watched with a specific group of kids um if it's because of course these show a different group of kids every year yep um and then we also I also watch The Benchmark reports that come out that show which um benchmarks State benchmarks they hit which ones they didn't and so I have a spreadsheet that watches that Trend as well so and then I I give it all out to the teachers and say here you go here's your data let me know what else you would like broken down um and we go from there and it all goes into our data warehouse um where they can see all testing information um as a group as um for their classroom um and for each of their individual students to see how that student did last year or over this years or how that that classroom did buying the scen work oh yeah for sure so um a little bit connected to this um this used to be world's best Workforce it is now um it is now shorten it up cacr um comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness um is what the state has now relabeled this to be um this helps Drive part of our strategic plan here is our current population of students um broken down per by percentage um of ethnic Origins and then our next slide will show you our um teaching staff we break it down by degree and then we also break it down into the ineffective inexperienced out of field and tenur um we don't have any ineffective um we the majority are tenured and out of field and inexperienced these are our goals that we create so these goals go from educational leadership so the teachers to the strategic planning committee um last year's goal was 80% of the preschool students um would score nine um a proficiency level of nine in social emotional progressions we came in at 74% um and so this year the recommendation of the goal is to look at all preschoolers in the four-year-old program um and looking at them to score 6.4 greater so um detailing that a little bit more um or one year's worth of growth in their social emotional skills um and we're measuring it by the preschool assessment data so third grade literacy proficiency used to be one of the requirements um in the coming year it is no longer used um this is that first year of testing and so we look at their MCA and mtas and we set a goal 50% and came in at 55.4% for overall score for grade three this is the closing the achievement Gap in which I referred to the um special add and the free and reduce special education um we looked for a 50% overall with mathematics this is an overall of the um district and we fell short of 18.8% and we are going to be switching this um next year for special special education um we're going to focus in on the reading um to see how that is doing um with that and we're going to shoot for that 50% again for free reduced um mathematics again and 50% and we came in at 39.3% and we are because we've um our freeing reduced overall have trended above that state proficiency um we were not going to set a goal for next year and um the Str strategic planning committee agreed with that College and Career Readiness um this one was a pilot one for us um a post-graduation plan for um the seniors and we um went for 100% of them demonstrating career and college readiness and we had 30 out of the 70 students present um to the graduation committee um so 42.9% of them and demonstrating that they were career or college ready at graduation um so again that was a pilot for us and so this year after learning what we've learned um we are going to look at 50% of those um for postgraduation demonstrating that career Readiness um with the graduation committee as well as introducing them to a new um a new program in which that will help them track some of their um some of their goals graduation rates um this is one that the state always would likes us to watch we 90% um we have always been 90% and above um so 93.1% and we watch that again for next year so that goal stays the same this one is brand new so as well as renaming this and restructuring some of it this is brand new um prepare students to be lifelong Learners so right now all students will participate in an elective or an enrichment activity that promotes lifelong learning as measured by the student participation data um so we will look at things who's Community who's going to Community Education um classes outside of classroom or the field trips or is FFA what are they providing or any of those other co-curricular things um that to watch what the participation rates are in there showing us that kids are you interest in things outside the classroom questions on that comments that last one sounds like it's going to be tough to actually measure yeah we're it's so new that they gave us no guidance it's very Broad and so we're going to try this and see how this works for us yeah and this is from them right yeah yes from the state yeah I'm part of the Minnesota assessment group and that um we've all been talking about that one and sharing ideas back and forth to see what is everybody using how are you measuring this what yeah so everybody's still shaking I think it's a great goal right yeah how do you decide that they're a lifelong learner well just by getting them out there and participating I mean that's exactly the a joiner right any other questions all right thanks yep all right next one is approval of donations by resolution somebody want to introduce the acceptance of gifts resolution all right all right so Marco has generously donated $450 to the Royal School District to be used towards uniforms for the girls basketball team roon school district has anonymously received a generous donation of $600 to be used towards volleyball uniforms the Royalton Lions Club has generously donated $200 to the Royal Royalton School District to be used by the FFA royton Education Foundation has generously donated $3,500 to the royton school district to go towards a purchase of two communication boards for playgrounds at the Early Childhood Center families volleyball team have generously donated $1,025 to be used towards the purchase of uniforms and the families of the volleyball team have generously donated $790 to be used towards the purchase of uniforms lastly the Innovative school project has donated two social emotional learning baskets to be used at the elementary school and Early Childhood Center the value of each basket is approximately $750 uh and director trout seconded this so uh CL can you call the role dor trout Dr Bo hi Dr Roy hi Dr hackin hi Dr Hof hi great question yes does anybody know anything um more specific about um the communication boards with the playgrounds like what and I had a couple people asking questions on what that what that looked like speech so people can move it's it's for speech Pro speech programming oh okay for our lrpa and and we have some kids who are non-verbal yeah and it's they can they can communicate using that board um their friends and things like that so they usually kids who are non-verbal will bring an iPad well it's it's hard to bring an iPad out on the playground so this is their big iPad kind of communication board so they'll be the only ones able to use it out there not necessarily no no other kids could use it too it's Universal but it's it's purposeful really purposeful for the non-verbal kiddos but anyone and everyone can use it okay thank you uh next is a policy uh so we have first policy reading we added all of those uh second policy we're keeping in there the field trips Investments uh transportation and the extracurricular Transportation uh so the second final policy reading is uh 611 homeschool um so can I get a motion for that I heard you say so wounded I thought you said something over there I honestly thought somebody moved it awward director hack second by director Bowman any discussion all in favor say I I osed abstain motion carries all right and approval of third policy reading uh so 522 the title 9 sex non-discrimination policy grievance procedure and process 524 the internet acceptable use and safety policy 706 acceptance of gifts 707 transportation of public school students and 902 the use of school district facilities and equipment and addendums a through C but I will take a motion for that director Bowman thank second by director any discussion on those all in favor say I I I oppos obain all right motion carries right um so finance committee October 23rd that one still on yep okay uh the policy committee I think we're going to move um we'll uh we'll have to pick a date as it comes out um probably that next week as it goes there but we'll figure that out in the next couple days um and then as uh Dr bamp said uh November 12th the strategic planning meeting um Angela and Maria you two are the ones for that right y are you guys both going to that one I think so I cannot confirm that at moment yep kid birthday the hang out 23 I don't know it all right I'll add that one to the the email so we can figure that out so if one of you two can't then we'll we'll have an alternate there for that and then THS November 14th uh a regular board meeting at 6m and then which one do you want to talk about what you remember the date for that one so the policy excuse me finance and policy committee meetings in November are currently scheduled for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving my recommendation is we move um wondering if we could just even move it to the Tuesday the 26 I'm wide open so I don't I do y ID can you do the 26th Tuesday at noon for the finance the day before break all I worry about who's going to break ramped up kids that's just going to break okay that's a good point about Monday would that be better Monday the 25th this is for the finance committee yeah noon can we move that to Monday the 25th okay Monday and then policy could we do that the same day the 25th um I cannot do the 25th I have like seven fund meetings that afternoon so maybe we could do it the week prior um Tuesday the 19th that poliy Tuesday the November 19th would that work I could do it at 14 at 2 o'clock yeah yeah and then we'll okay all right well thank you all right and I will uh take a motion to close our meeting for superintendent evaluation as permitted by Minnesota statute 13 d05 at 6:53 [Music] p.m. ran thank you favor to say I all right motion carries uh 10 minutes