##VIDEO ID:F8b6M9jWk20## [Music] we'll wait till the bur attorney's doing his done drop lifting whatever moment [Music] here thank you everybody and welcome to the regular monthly meeting meeting of the mayor and Council Monday September 9th 2024 starting at 6:32 uh Missy could you please call the rooll mayor nunziato I'm here council president McAn present Council B Roberson here councilman Gman here councilman D con here councilman Quon here councilman kley here thank you if you're willing and able could you please stand for the salute to the flag Miss see in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record in Herald news and filed with the bur clerk on December 2 6 2023 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of Barrow Hall thank you missy we're now going to uh take a presentation [Music] [Music] good evening everyone my name is Patrick dun I'm a first year law student at seen Hall law school resident of Rutherford and a member of Rutherford's vol committee I'm accompanied tonight by my friend and colleague W anoir hello everyone thank you for letting us be here and speak to you all tonight I'm wed a resident of Nutley a fourth year medical student at hackin saac Muran school of medicine and I'm pursuing a career in Psychiatry um we present to you tonight to seek support for the installation of a bike rack in the close vicinity of the Rutherford train station roundabout um outside of the address of 16 Park Avenue pictured above on the slideshow we are students embarking on careers of advocacy and service who believe small actions can lead to real change we are striving to make a positive impact in our communities several months ago while researching ways I could help my community I came across this 2018 bicycle and pedestrian study in this study the TPA partner with NJ transit to create recommendations for Transit Villages all across the state of New Jersey it was a study on how to improve micromobility throughout all those municipalities as we know Rutherford was designated trans Aila status in 1999 I have seen firsthand how the burrow has uplifted the downtown area since I was a kid it's what inspired me to see what I could contribute I particularly want to acknowledge councilman Guzman who leadership in refurbishing clar's tunnel in the downtown inspired me to take action our proposal to you tonight is a direct extension of his efforts the study showed me that something as simple as bike racks could be a simple way to make our town more accessible for everyone so far we have seen great improvements to the downtown of Rutherford and seen increased Transit activity and foot traffic by adding more bike racks we provide both our local cyclists and commuters with secure spaces to park their bikes we'd be happy to share this study with anyone interested you know as a medical student I've seen many patients affected by their environment and their access or lack thereof to resources in my training I've constantly been reminded how interconnected our health and environment truly are and I've become a big believer in taking agency over the aspects of Health that we can control this is why this project with Patrick spoke to me here you can see our proposed layout for nine bike racks spanning about 24 ft along the roundabout walkway in our design we prioritize keeping the walkway spacious while ensuring it remains ada8 compliant with 5 ft of space between the end of the bike rack and the curve there's ample room for both the new bike parking and foot traffic with this installation we can achieve additional bike parking while keeping the area just as walkable as it is now now here's an aerial view from the vendors at 16 Park Avenue we sought input from the businesses at and around this area and we're happy to share that they support this initiative right now we have one set of bike racks and that is on the property of the train station which accommodates 12 bikes and it's typically full as you can see here these are taken on separate weekdays reflecting our current situation when many of our residents are out and about and visitors are commuting in now to uh present some logistics for the uh installation so reputable thirdparty recommendations are vital to this project the bike rack style we're proposing is known as the staple or inverted U design which is recommended by the Association of pedestrian bicycle professionals pictured above is a screenshot from their widely cited guide we've used our recommendations and spacing guidelines to create the two scale renderings that we showed earlier the staple or the inverted U is the industry standard for bike racks for those interested in further details we've included a full guide of the resources um in our source page at the end of the PowerPoint and we uh printed hard copies of the PowerPoint for you tonight lastly we have identified some vendors whose product sufficiently aligns with the recommendations the total cost for all nine bike racks would be approximately $2,000 so that's 2,000 total um each bike rack costing $220 we will help to seek outside funding by investing in Alternative forms of transportation we're investing in freedom of choice for every resident of Rutherford with this project we take a step toward reducing traffic for those who drive and making streets safer for pedestrians bike rack infrastructure also helps our local businesses by making it easier for residents to park their bikes and then stop and shop by taking the small step we are sending a clear message Rutherford is committed to infrastructure that serves everyone this small step lays the groundwork for a community where families May bike together pedestrians can stroll safely and everyone feels considered we thank the burough of Rutherford mayor council president burough administrator and the members of the council for your time thank you thank you both for that um I'm now going to open it up to council for any questions Council Patrick and W thank you very very much for number one taking the interest in the community uh wanting to give back wanting to find resources and way to and ways to give back uh very very um it's I get excited when I see youth come to the dis and and present to us or even listen to us for that matter um I'm very excited and and I love the the uh your idea I love your research I think that it shows that um that the public can make a difference um I think that uh your plan is well thought out and it I also think that it falls nicely in with the mayor's health and wellness program as well uh not only as well to the transit Village um I'm very very excited thank you for the compliment I'm I'm glad that you appreciate the downtown that uh this burough has uh so far with the accomp accomplishments that we've uh been able to uh complete um I'd love to uh definitely see a lot more uh of this type of action throughout the burrow and um I can't thank you enough for bringing this forth uh such a great idea and really for Rolling the ball and saying we can make a difference thank you very much council president thank you mayor um Patrick W thank you so much for a great presentation well organized and and clear articulate I appreciate um you know sometimes the simplest Solutions are just the best ones it's in a place um where we see so much foot traffic to begin with and I I love the fact that this is also another way to encourage people to be able to ride their bikes and then and then walk and shop uh so thank you for highlighting that I also appreciate your um mindfulness about spending and and helping us find private funding for this um and for us to continue the vision that that uh we have begun for the downtown as uh as um a model commuter space so thank you both anybody else wishing to speak councilwoman Patrick and W thank you so much for coming um I just love the fact that you you're thinking about health and wellness which is so important and um you Source input from the community I really appreciate that so just thank you and I love that you were inspired by councilman Guzman and Clara's tunnel I'm inspired by that as well and the price is manageable which is great so thank you so much anybody else councilman yes thank you both for coming and for that very thorough presentation as someone who's a walker I like to spend a lot of time walking biking in town and for all the tragedy that happened during Co I think one of the good legacies of Co is that people spend more time outside and got comfortable spending time outside and even eat dinner outside more often there's more space to do that so I think that's in keeping with this idea that we should be outside it's healthier to be outside um and we should create those spaces that are beautiful and also easy easier for people to access and make it make everything easier for them so I think this is wonderful I love that you put so much time and passion and Research into something that seems small but actually could make a big change I think that's a great that's a great message for people that that nothing is too small when you when it affects your community in a positive way so thank you both thank you councilman anybody else councilman I don't need to Echo too much of what everyone said but I do want to acknowledge your effort and thank you for it um for me this feels like sort of like a no-brainer but until you know councilman Goose M and I were just talking before we went went live that if people come to the meetings and and highlight things for us it's not necessarily something we would think of on our own um so this is I think a great example of coming to us with ideas for improvement so thank you for that thank you um I just want to thank you both for coming out um I'm sure the green team will be a very excit she's sitting back there smiling uh I'm sure we can identify some other areas um that we can also look at you're going to stop smiling or um so thank you very much for this I'm sure that the councilman would want to speak to you more as far as and as well as the councilman and the Green Team to identify other areas that we can consider as well thank you for a fantastic pres presentation thank you for all the acknowledgement we're glad that what we brought aligns with the vision of the current Administration you guys are doing a great job for the town looking to what uh comes to this thank you guys thank you both Miss do we have any changes I have none anybody from the council have any changes to the proposed agenda Robert seeing none uh Brian Engineers report thank you mayor are we on now uh we're making progress on diamonds uh five and six the uh sanitary pipe that was under the field is been replaced uh that was replacing we think a 1920 uh era pipe which predated the Pake Valley sewage commission uh that pipe has since been replaced under the field so then uh we can get another 100 years out of it uh and that going forward the uh subbase drainage is now in and uh we see that project on track the confirmation that the uh future Turf is uh fabricated and waiting for delivery that's been set so uh we're going to work through the next level of drainage and that's on track we did the walkth through with the 2024 Road program with the DPW to see what trees would need to be replaced in terms of sidewalk uplift where the trees have just gotten a little bit too large For That Sidewalk space and then the DPW marks that with our team and then they go ahead of us and then the curves and sidewalks are soon to follow and we would see that starting in about two weeks uh uh for that to move forward uh so those are the the projects that are in the front of us and then as we had talked about last meeting uh the solicitation to do the U drainage for West Pake Avenue uh we designed that and that is out into the hands of a co-op vendor that the burrow has used before an estimate has been sent to the burrow administrator uh Just for information and then when we get the the contractor's price back we'll have that for you to act on in terms of uh the co-op pricing like we similar to what we did for the uh handicap ramp or the 8 ramp into burrow Hall similar process so that's where we are now but we hope to start that in uh approval the next mayor and council meeting with the Wake Dage thank you Brian anybody from the council have any questions for the bur engineer seeing none you can run um actually you know what why don't you stick around for a few minutes till we get through the consent of the uh the hearing of citizens but I do know you want to run um we're going to move on to hearing of citizens anyone from the public wishing to speak please step forward a microphone keep your comments to five minutes or less please and state your name and address good evening mayor council uh James Kean 27 carneer Avenue uh mayor uh first of all I'd like to thank Patrick for the presentation on the uh the Improvement the proposed improvements as far as the bike racks and I just want to make a comment that dovet tales with Patrick's presentation uh somebody had mentioned that they love walking on Park Avenue as many of us do uh myself I was made aware of a situation by my wife Isabelle about how many people are riding bicycles on the side walks outside the businesses on Park Avenue many of you have probably witnessed this yourself and uh as you know there's a burrow code that specifically addresses riding bicycles on sidewalk so I would what I would ask you mayor and counsel is this is a great opportunity with Patrick's proposal to try to do something with the biking community and to talk to Chief Russo about having some enforcement because because unfortunately some we have some older residents that will make contact with the bicycle and there'll be personal injuries and there'll be litigation that potentially will expose the burrow and the joint Insurance Fund to this issue so uh what I'd ask you to do is to consider Patrick's proposal I think it has great uh relevance for our community I would also ask you to consider some type of enforcement and education process for the younger people in our community that there are certain places that it's acceptable to ride a bike not outside the businesses on Park Avenue when people are exiting before we have an injury we all would want to avoid that so thank you very much for your time and Patrick thank you for your presentation thank you Jim I'm sure the captain's taking copious notes over there anybody else from the public hi uh Julia seagull 32 Grand Avenue Wendy AR 29 Maple Street and uh we representing the Green Team just want to speak in in support of additional bike parking um what comes to mind is the work that started when I first moved to town 12 years ago 13 years ago uh when we first did a comprehensive bike and pedestrian study we've done several of those those um implementations over the last uh you know 12 years you know addressing some of the most problematic intersections in our buau um and it's just about time that we start to think about what we can do from there so one I want to thank you for uh taking up the additional sidewalk at the train station on Erie Avenue um that was very fast work and I very much appreciate that's going to keep that population that used that uh parking SE segment much safer and I do think that the bike parking fits in line with being a healthy town as we are through the mayor's Wellness campaign and our continued commitment to that and this makes a lot of sense thank you both anybody else from the public wishing to speak Eileen Joyce the Southeastern side of bford Avenue I'm here to speak on the house number 205 um well actually we didn't know about the last meeting cuz we attended the uh July 31st meeting we were told it was going to be tabled until further investigation so we did have an opportunity to watch the video from the last meeting I just wanted to speak on some of the facts that were brought up um one of the facts that Mr kley brought up while he was driving down our road uh filming the road which I don't think is legal to do is that we would lose maybe eight maybe 12 spaces um I'm not an engineer but I have taught math for 18 years so my husband and I did take got our measuring tape and allowing 20 ft for each space we uh it would be 20 spaces that we would be losing both sides of the streets each have 20 uh parking spaces on that street so I don't know why one side of the street is being picked over the other side um and and I also listen to Mr Dan danb back's um testimony and he feels that we only would need to lose 18 in where the proposal that was given to the residents to vote on was I think 3 to 5 ft that we would lose from our street um based on his recommendation he's recommending that we widen the street because doing the one side of the street parking we'd still have uh trucks on the street deliveries landscaping and that would not alleviate the problem for um fire trucks to get through um I think that was it I just thought um we should have been giv a little bit more notice since we were told July 31st we were away that we'd be tabling this for a while and then the very next meeting was brought up again and just some of the facts were not accurate that were given at that meeting that's it thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak shaer 21 Insley Avenue ruford I'm not going by not up here for my own house this time uh 289 yie I also own that that's on a corner of yie and uh Grand uh right where all the work is being done and I don't know this sewer pipe being pulled up is the cause of it but we're being inated with insects here right now and uh my next door neighbor is extremely concerned about it he's been dumping diet Tous Earth all over the place thinking that's going to kill the insects I don't know if we will or not but there's also an odor there and also a quality light this you with have trucks non-stop all day P dump trucks in and out of there and other construction vehicles and my main concern is now I kind of want to know how long is this going to is this inconvenience going to be affecting us and also can they do something about spraying for these insects so they don't start getting in our homes I don't know if you have a insect or a service or whatever but but it's could maybe it'll help a little bit at least I don't know that pump is out there it seems to be going all day too is there is there water under the ground here that you're where you you're moving he'll answer you after everybody speak whatever it is to do something it'd be great thank you sir anybody else from the public wishing to speak Anie Reed 181 bord AB hi uh I have some questions that I never heard anything discussed about when the sweeping is on this side of the street and you're closing this side of the street that means there's no parking anywhere how does that work I live on this side I'm the one that would have the driveway by the way in case you want to know um we asked about Resident parking if there was uh any way that people that live on the Belford a could have a resident parking but nobody ever said anything about that it was discussed I don't know we never were informed about that that was something to discuss or what your feelings were about it and in the other u letter that we got when they talked about taking so much feet off that property across across the street um that the street would get paid but now that it seems like in society you're not touching that side of the street it's going to be this side it's going to be no parking does that mean what it's not going to get paid but nobody said nothing about that just the letter in there said that it would be paid if it took away four foot or whatever the footage was took the trees out and Brien anybody from the public else that there you go Council uh my name is Scott lley at 194 bford Avenue um my understanding is this whole thing came up from a concerned neighbor um I had a fire at my house May 19th of last year and the fire department was to my house so fast that they were able to get it out before it burned through the roof they were there within three minutes I believe been called um Allan lived next door to me uh he was not in his home for about a year and a half the plumbers for some reason uh felt it uh wise to start the furnace and then go to lunch however uh his fire got put out as well so my thing is this is that is that my house survived they they were able to get down the street on May 19th during school a lot of the situation would be relased if the staff of the Union School had permanent parking on other blocks I don't understand why we're going through all this the other thing is that the road doesn't look as if it was engineered since whenever it was put in we have a stream that ensues on the downside the down slope of the block if you're going to force cars to park in there you might have flooded engines and the town would may be liable for that so for me the least expensive way and the best thing for all all of us here on Belford and we're all very concerned because I didn't know about August I wasn't in town and I apologize but here we are in September when I would think that we would want to start all of this when everybody's back in town to really hear the concerns but really if somebody on my block is is upset and that's where this is all coming from I think we need to look at the data and the data is that the fire company got to my house in no time they did a fantastic job and I want to thank you very much for our concerns please don't do this one-sided parking on the downside of the Hill you're going to have a problem and it's really disgusting there's a lot of stuff that goes in that ditch it's a stream it's really a stream during downpours thank you thank you sir hi I'm Tim Joyce 205 bford and the first thing I'd like to point out is Mr poke thank you for slowing down on the Block secondly I really appreciate the fact that you're able to drive with one hand while videotaping very impressive um I'm also did a little research on some fire engines and stabilizers and now not being part of the uh fire crew I uh I do realize they can short Jack a lot of these trucks if that's the concern and Mr danack did a nice job of of speaking towards uh the engineering side so I'm curious did anybody look into that because I'm I'm not quite cons I'm not quite uh sure what the the whole issue is if the trucks can get down the block and he was speaking about stabilization so I'd like to address that or have somebody address that as well also uh the chief I'd like to thank him for putting up that black box pretty quickly although I will correct him in telling him that I've seen more than one or two speeders as mentioned on the uh the vide tape and I think it was uh councilwoman uh Roberson that said The Wider the street the faster they'll go yeah that's a fact that is absolutely a fact the original uh letter of course stated a much bigger um cutout than what uh Mr danbach said is actually needed so I'm curious are were you trying to achieve a predetermined outcome is that what this was about having uh one side of the block against the other and making one issue so much more egregious than the other also as Scott uh Lemley had mentioned the western part of delord is more subject to a lot more Rainwater as you may or may not know bford is on a hill the East Side sits higher than the west side so you get a lot of rain water that that comes down and Belford is also pitched towards Francisco so literally the house on the corner can get a lot of water on their lawn either so that needs to be addressed additionally I guess what I what I'm thinking of is if you're worried about the width of the street and fire or safety people not getting down uh the street I guess the question I have is should I go over to Springfield right now and let those people know that they're next that they're not going to be able to park on their street that's a two-way street it's the exact same width as our block thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak I usually go first I decid I try something new um and I don't live on bford Avenue uh my name is Lois D Tomaso I live at 180 Mountain Way um I went out to lunch last week with a friend of mine and we sat in the closa uh by the William Center and while I was sitting there there must have been I know felt like 40 planes that flew over and and I measured the deel level of each of them because I had a ni meter and they were over 80 DB each1 hard hard to have a conversation it was painful to be out there which made me think that I would come here tonight and asked whether as a counsel you would be willing to endorse the ghost house proposal to put a permanent noise meter here in China because T defense has always been that their noise level doesn't exed 80 DB doesn't even exceed 60 DB which is limit for noise airp well it it was over 80 I would say better than half the PLS so I think the town you have a permanent noise Neer the closest one is a couple miles from here and um I was just wondering whether you would endorse that they can PR on my property as far as I'm concerned but maybe there's a spot at the Town owned piece of property where because T says well we don't own any property we don't have any permission to put a noise neither anywhere the town for different so that was one that I want to bring up and the other thing is I just hope you all saw the story that was in the record over the summer and in the burger night as well again about the noise about being a heal Hazard and about how and the third thing um the planes this week are following a new takeoff call instead of flying over my house and over the on their way out of town they're flying they're Banking and flying West much sooner so they are not flying over he not flying over the Southwest I don't know where they are but they're taking off and they're not flying so I don't know that's temporary or [Music] whether give me the [Music] Tom uh just wanted to ask questions how's that it's really questions more anything else you came here last meeting asking for help with the flooding issue that I just heard from this gentleman about the river coming down their street really comes down to us so wonder how that's fixed um and also we've recently had a whole lot of white Pain Put on the road we're all thinking that we're going to get paved there you have no idea is there work going to be done on that street first are you going to waste money Paving the street just as you work on thank you sir anybody else from the public wishing to [Music] speak Roberts I live at 197 delord Avenue and while all my neighbors brought up a lot of the technical issues I'm here to bring up The Human Side of what's going to happen when instill maybe one side of the street paring there will be arguments trust me when I tell you we have been a block that are know for our block parties for years the best block parties ever we got we have a great block everybody gets along there's already been arguments all right was part of and if you do this you're going to have people getting mad and territorial about the spots in front of their house and if I park in front of my neighbor across the street oh that's their house it's going to happen and there are going to be fights and there are going to the issue as a result of doing this and again I love the block never had a problem and I hate to see when something like that would happen to our block because it's been a great block and I hope you take that into consideration as [Music] well Pete shirro 86 Hobart Avenue I got three quick questions one the engineer has not said anything about daar and Eerie that's been like an ongoing issue about getting that light put up every last year he said spring now we said September we're into September and his report said nothing about it that's number one number two about a year ago I brought up about putting a handicapped parking spot on Park Avenue I haven't seen one there yet that's two and number three when we put all this CSE down on the field when we get done are we going to lay off DP you guys CU there's no work for them to have down here it's called Turf that's just a question thank you thank you anybody else from the public seeing none I'm going to close it to the public and now open it up for any Council comment council president Bob do you want to respond to anything baroh engineer sure mayor if I I'll start with the last and work my way to the back to the front uh with respect to the traffic signal uh unfortunately uh we're coordinating with the county and now we have to we're also coordinating with Public Service they're running a new gas main under Jackson uh through the uh the intersection to East ruford uh so and we're also coordinating with Bergen County with respect to they just determined that they have a new linear Park where the old railroad right away was and now U just I think about 6 days ago they got back to us and to be honest we've been pestering them to no end to get a response and we finally got one so um they have some more coordination to do we'll coordinate with them but we apologize for the the not timeliness of this job I try to FR frustrates us as well but uh we have two other projects we have PSG uh is doing a new 24in gas man under uh that they're replacing that as well as the uh the new linear Park and we're tying in their their new sidewalk with the um with the intersection so at one point they wanted us to lower the intersection and we figured out it was 6 in to give a better line of sight because it it dips down by the car wash then it comes back up again over so we figured out the cuts and fills and in the end it was only a 6in shave off the intersection now they uh what we just got back that they want to lower it even more so there's that and so they're getting through their grading plans so that's that's where that traffic signal is we apologize for how long it's taking but we understand your frustration uh then the other question was um uh oh the markings on on corer the markings for corer are not indicative of Paving well it's inexplicable to me but the catch basing at the top of carer at Jackson is elevated above the gutter line those markings are to Jackhammer it out and reset it lower so that's what those the markings are for because that catch Bas is not catching any water up top uh where the new hous is going up it's like right at the corner that's going to be lowered by the paving contractor so I think those are the two questions that we had one more oh oh sorry I apologize yes uh the corner of so five and six there is a bypass pump there now that bypass pump is taking 10 in of sanitary sewer and bringing it up into the p Valley Mainline that parallels the uh the railroad tracks that's going to be turned off and removed tomorrow uh we had them work Saturday uh we did not want to pester the neighbors to work Sunday but the work that needs to be done is complete as of uh 11:30 I was there I was satisfied with the work so that new sanitary line has passed my inspection the pump system is coming out uh with respect to to Insects I I was out there a couple times I parked right there at Erie and Grand today I didn't notice anything but I wasn't there long I just parked my car but everything will be as it was with respect to the sanitary sewer and the manhole will be closed again uh and then with the paint with with the um the trucking specific to the trucking uh our design had 20 wi 20 2 in of depth to be removed and backfilled uh we thought that that was uh a little bit too much I Revisited my drainage calculations and we are able to uh remove 6in excavation from the project uh with that being said that saves uh Trucking uh 300 truck loads saved for that so although we do have Trucking we do need to remove 15 Ines of soil uh all that soil should be done on the being removed by this week and the next uh uh next run of trucking we've we have is to bring the gravel in we apologize for that uh but we had no other way of building the site but most of the trucking is done and the soil that came off of that is all found the home uh and so we don't have a situation where I have a stockpile in a project waiting to go somewhere it's been it's been they've been offloading as soon as they graded so that's what's going on uh diamonds five and six I think I got the I think I got the justed answers I see I see the BFW rep out here today and uh if uh we have to finish one more section of wall I've been trying to uh to drag the contractor back to do it I got the quantities that were missed by my office that the backside was not done uh those uh uh heavy gravity blocks now been ordered and uh unfortunately a lot of the contractors disappear right before school starts school started so they can get back to the projects they were meeing to get to this summer and we hope to get that done uh by mid October that's where we are with that and I apologize for the length that's taking that's what I got mayor thank you Brian for administrator yes Brian I have one quick question for you a couple times tonight it's come up on bord Avenue Mr danback sits on about 18 Ines wide in the street we made the recommendation of 3 feet can you explain why we did the 3 feet recommendation in the letter oh when wait with respect to Belford uh what we understand is that it's a narrower Street and then it came up that the uh we that you keep it as it is I think it's parking on both sides that's going to be suggested parking on one side we also went to the ex exercise of widening the street um and then uh at one point uh we recommended that it was uh because you have a larger Green Belt there you could widen it uh to our original recommendation which I think was 36 in uh and then it could go back to not 36 in reason to 18 the reason why I we recommend it 36 is it's like it's the typical street that would be other than the narrower streets in Rutherford it's like a typical Street withth no no more than no less and that street width is what's recommended by the residential site Improvement standards if it was to be a new Street uh we saw the green belt there and we thought that we could take advantage of that because there's like a it's has one of the wider green belts in uh Rutherford with respect to a stream that's how we got to that first became it was a public safety issue it was not uh and then it was brought to our atten so we offered a menu of solutions uh for the burrow to consider I think that's where we're at tonight I think that's right that we are looking at a menu of [Music] solutions thank you anybody from the [Music] council counc thank you um so thank you all for coming and expressing your opinions um I noted that several of you said you weren't able to watch the meeting and the previous presentation so again just for facts and and clarification uh the date in July where I originally was going to put up this presentation councilman Guzman had taken it over because it was a police department technically by letter of the law it was a police department thing unfortunately I did not was unable to gift councilman Guzman all of my research and information they tabled it because of your um comments commentary welcome to them um I don't have the full presentation here right now but what I'm going to do is just hit some hot points from it if you haven't had a chance to watch please go back and listen to the point about this being driven by a Rutherford resident that factually was the very first time the email I received in 2022 from that Resident was the very first time it was my second year on the council second year serving as fire commissioner I asked a few questions when that email came through spoke to the council president the fire marshal our chief at the time uh was uh Tom Riser um sat in at several fire department first officer meetings I invite you all as a community to step into a first officer meeting at some point first Mondays of Any Given month it is amazing what the men and women of our department do they all had requested that we addressed bord in similar streets in this capacity now again this is about two and a half years worth of work to have gotten this ordinance to this point and we had even sent out the mailer back in March so this idea that we did this in August and a couple of weeks later we moving it through we had put the question forth before you as the public and in my presentation I I listed the turnout from that why in the street was four boats one side of the street parking was six do nothing which we didn't Supply us an option was three and five residents uh households did not respond right so we are deferring here to the people have spoken that kind of concept something has to be done the mayor mentioned it in his new newsletter doing nothing is not an option at this point now this is a fluid effort right the idea here what we've spoken about is that in a year we will evaluate this and if it's not working and it everything just goes to crap pardon the language then we really dig our feet in on the widening of the road right so let's take all the information we have available as this progresses over the course of the next year including the school year that was the intent here get it done for the school year so we can really have the measurables to make the educated decision a year from now okay it again this is by all three of our major department heads DPW police and fire right this is the photograph in the presentation is I believe from um see him from his house fire right so one of our captains on the fire department had snapped it to show me because again at the time we were discussing that particular thing I'm like well really how bad is it what can and they snapped that photograph I said send me evidence and they snapped that photograph of the riggers not being able to go out now fortunately we didn't need the ladder at that time because the riggers weren't out wide enough to enable the lap right Paul danbach spoke to it there are security measures in place where if the riggers cannot come out to balance the truck the ladder cannot go out now if you have a secondstory fire that's a massive problem okay so again these things have been discussed and researched and talked about I did my very best to put it all in one Consolidated place I'm happy to send that information to you you can read through it and have further discussion please log any complaints you have over the next year right I'm I'm open to revisiting this in 6 months in 8 months whatever is the most convenient if there is evidence to the point that this isn't better for the burough and the community as a whole um to the point about the block party I do have family friends that live on that block I've seen those block parties drop my daughter off at those block parties they are amazing so I would like to ask that you just hold true to that Community you know social aspect and and work through this together again communicate with me happy to be the point person up here fire off you know if you get video of somebody speeding down the street send it off to me right we will communicate with officer or chief Russo and councilman Guzman and address that faster than usual but like councilman Guzman said you have the monitor up there already we're already St starting to take data right this is an evolution of this idea but it's the short-term fix for a very large problem that's been around for a very very long time and that's it thank you thank you thank you mayor um I will start with Miss D Tomaso um kind of you to think that I have any power to change flight paths in Teterboro um but I I'm going to need to dispel that rumor before it starts um however um as you know I've been meeting regularly with the folks at the Port Authority including um the community and government Affairs head who happens to be a Rutherford resident and he and I promised each other that we would meet when summer was over we last met in June and when we met in June we did talk about the placement of a permanent air a permanent noise monitor in Rutherford and we did talk about all the things that you mentioned that we need a place that has electricity accessible um that that if it is a property a private property that that Resident would have to agree that it needs if it needs to be read they'll allow folks on the property so those conversations are happening what I fear a little bit about what the moment in time we're in is that as you know there's supposed to be changes made in early 2025 and everyone keeps asking us to wait for that um so a lot of the answers we're getting is we'll just wait till we make the changes we say we're going to make in 2025 um as you know I've been in touch with that girl scout troop and I fully Endor their ideas I think that we're struggling with um frankly bureaucracy at its worst where there are a lot of different agencies that as you know dictate the uh goings on at the airport the FAA the Port Authority um there's a lot of interested parties that and no one really wants to take responsibility but I will make a commitment to you that I will make sure that I meet with Mr Roos this month and ask about the noise monitor if someone is open to that um I'm not sure I'll have to discuss with the bureau administrator whether that's something that we can put on a burrow property but I do know that he did say we could petition to have it put on private property and um so it maybe it's you know I'm on Mountain way too as you know so maybe it's my house maybe it's another house we we can see about that um but I just wanted to acknowledge that those all hope is not lost um and you know there's a lot of emails also going on uh between myself and Ridgefield they have that uh committee that that is actually one of their uh Community committees as you know um so I'm in touch with the head of that um who's been at this far longer than me maybe not far longer than you and I can't claim to have a noise monitor in my pocket at the ready when I'm having lunch so I thank you for that commitment um Mr Keen I believe um hold on scrolling scrolling scrolling yes uh Mr Kean I just wanted to to speak to your comments about bikes on the sidewalk um I love that our community has many children riding bikes I think there are also many children that don't ride bikes safely um there are children that ride bikes at night without any reflectors and anything on their bodies and so um and they right on the sidewalks I just want to sort of acknowledge that I see the same thing and I have a 15-year-old that is probably guilty of it sometimes too um what I would say and I our Green Team uh heads look like they had to leave but I will we should work on some programming and I think partnering with uh Patrick and wed as we put in the new bike uh racks is is definitely important we don't have a lot of bike paths in this town in fact I leaned over to councilman Guzman when after Patrick and w made their presentation and I said Do we have any bike paths at leisure lane like I think we're sort of without bike paths um which is probably part of the problem so we need to do some education and enforcement around safety so I just wanted to acknowledge that um I don't know the answer to this question and councilman quickley you may not know but um of course if I didn't know something I had to look it up that's why I keep a computer up here I never knew what short jacking a truck was um but I did look it up and I Now understand what it is and I don't know if our trucks have that capability I'm sort of just curious like what capability our trucks have to um adjust in that way maybe that's something that we can simply ask about I appreciate uh Mr Joyce that you did some more research like I've said unless you teach us certain things we're not to know uh I I don't claim to know everything there is to know about fire truck Rak so um thank you for that um Mr Shero I I just want to address you know as the DPW is on I feel like I need to sort of stamp down quickly on the notion that our Memorial Field project is going to result in job job loss like I have no reason to think that's the case I of course defer to the Bur administrator but our Fields regardless of what sort of uh materials they're built with are going to need to be maintained by our DPW um so I just don't want I I fear that anyone who works for DPW will will listen to this and panic um I I don't think that there's that that concern hasn't been raised by anyone yet to me I will keep my eye on it but I also want to make sure everyone understands there have been no discussions that the Memorial Field project was will result in anyone from DPW losing any sort of employment so I felt like I just need to clarify that that's where we are in this moment in time um and I think that's all for me thank you thank you anybody else Council thank you sorry thank you very much mayor um first off I have a question for our bur administrator I believe uh Miss Bonnie Reid had a question regarding opposite side parking um could you just um tell us what would happen there What the residents would be doing for the opposite side parking when it comes through I'm sorry Council I was answering a question for Council not a problem at all uh Miss Reed asked a question about opposite side parking when sweepers come through what their instructions would be what how would the how would the B handle that for them you know the the the it would probably be similar to what we do on ston I can work with the Department uh Department of Public Works to kind of minimize the inconvenience but we will have to uh both sides of the street we have to be clear on the days of uh of the schedule side of the this would be the west side of Belford would have parking so when the street cleaning time is is scheduled both sides would have to be cleared we could not do all to this all right thank thank you very much um Mr Shiro um in regards to Park Avenue handicap spots um I am working with our FAL administrator um we are seeking not only to place one handicap spot but one on off on both sides of the street and the immediate area Park Avenue um we also uh we've gone through the burrow uh especially in our business districts and also realize that there no handicap spots in the immediate District of the West End as well so um I know my B administrator is looking into possibly putting one on the off on the like Santiago Street in that area uh as you immediately turn off of Union um obviously a concern would be to have a handicap spot on a such a busy road as Union to have uh someone that is is not able to get out of a car so quickly opening their door there when it's a little bit tight there to get through so we're looking look at other Alternatives maybe on the side streets in the on the West End District but we are certainly working on this um and I I promise you we'll be getting this done very very soon so thank you for your patience with with and again staying on top of it much appreciated um I had one other thing for Julia seagull which is gone this evening she beat me to the punch I was going to send her some beautiful pictures of uh the area of the Walk space down by the train station that our DPW team has uh done a great job in installing where we're just waiting for the cement to dry so that all of our uh communs can start using that area safer and not be forced to go into the wall so uh Mr keski once again I thank you for jumping on that request and uh and I thank our DPW team for really making that happen quite quickly that's all I have thank you very much thank you uh BR minist wants to speak but I just want to say Pete no one's losing their job on my w you stole my thunder mare uh it's okay uh I can assure you our our field maintenance St has plenty of work to do um we'll keep them busy uh including maintaining Turf there is a a a maintenance uh requirement to to lengthen the life of of field Turf uh so they'll be charged with doing that as as well as their normal work when the time comes um but I also want to confirm what councilman Guzman just mentioned we are looking at proper locations for handicap parking on Park Avenue the chief and I met late last week uh looking for one spot per side of the street that made sense towards the center of the business district so I'm sure that's going to happen very soon uh I think that's it for me mar thank you second good good thank you mayor um uh I there's everything's really been addressed so there's not a lot left to say but I did um make a notation because we had talked about this um after the August meeting I know that um Tim and Eileen and I had a chance to talk about um the concept of Resident parking and I I just want to clarify just a misnomer about it um resident parking is not resident parking for the people who live on that block only right and so this is part of what the challenge is if it's resident parking theoretically anyone who lives in the burrow of Rutherford could park on that street right and so that would include employees um of any of the businesses people at the school people that wanted to park there um people that wanted to park there and then commute right and so this has been an ongoing discussion we've had across the whole burrow this conversation came up with Chestnut Street there's been other places where we've had residents say isn't there something we can do but restricting the street from another Resident is where the the challenge comes in and so I I just wanted to address that because I too actually followed up on that I was asked about it that's how I learned about it because I thought maybe that was a a possible thing the other thing Bob one thing you did not mention um but I would appreciate if you could speak to just very quickly um we talked about the restrictions of parking because one of the questions that came up um previously was uh were there streets that had restrictive parking that we could think about trying to permit people so that they had a parking spot but we actually had Chief look into this can you share with what he found sure uh council president we looked at the area there is no permit parking in that area of Belford in Union a so uh teachers and residents and visitors can park anywhere in that area without restriction um so yeah that that's not an issue for for this process and while I'm on the mic I do want to say one last thing um the insect mosquito question earlier I will reach out to the county tomorrow they have a spray truck so I'll see if I get to come down there and spray very soon to a alleviate the problem that you have down there on Grand [Music] Street all right we're going to move on now can I have one second there's actually one thing I wanted to uh speak about real quick and I I I totally missed it but I appreciate that sir thank you very much um regards to safety on Orient way um I just wanted to let everyone know that um our bur administrator has been working previously with psng to try to come up with some solutions and trying to make that area a little bit brighter since we do know it's a very dark Street and since it's so wide the the lights that are currently there don't do not illume the entire street from side to side and the lighting is on one side of the street so um our BR administrator has been able to really work with psng and come up with uh installing brighter LEDs at certain Crossroads um Bob would you like to speak more about this since you've been working so hard at this sure thank you thank you counc uh yes uh We've uh worked with PCG we did a walkth through with them few months back along with the police traffic Bureau uh identify the uh more problematic intersections along Orient way um they have agreed to uh replace uh seven of the existing lamps uh that are very old and and and and and very dirty I guess uh with new LEDs uh they are not the brightest LEDs they're not even the second brightest LED so it's a a lower form of LED so it's not not overwhelming uh so there are seven lamps that are going to be replaced uh and there's two additional uh LED lights that'll be installed along the Orient way Corridor um you know so it should at that point make the uh commute along that road uh much more brighter and safer and um you know fingers crossed that it's going to solve the problem that we've we uh we believe we have down there so thank you thank you consent agend Mr President thank you mayor all items authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine in nature motion a motion by the council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council see n Roll Call council president McAn yes counc B Roberson yes Council McMan yes Council Delby con yes councilman Clon yes councilman kley yes council president resol I don't believe there's any uh further resolutions mayor I apologize I saw something here I thought was a standalone item uh we have a discussion on councilwoman councilwoman can we discuss the dog cour first sure thank you mayor um just to set the tone this is a mo a moment of discussion so there are no decisions being made today um but there has been ongoing conversation for the a very long number of years about a dog par park for Rutherford particularly since um there are no parks in Rutherford where dogs are currently allowed um that proposing a dog part and and implementing a dog park does require a lot of research um I know in the past there have been concerns about insurance there are a number of requirements that we would have to meet in order I see Brian nodding his head as I speak so I'll wait for him to nod no to know that I'm off track but so far he's nodding yes uh there's a number of requirements that have to be met for a dog park um in order to have it uh meet standards for insurance purposes um just again to dissuade any conversations that are in accurate there are no current plans to include a dog park at Memorial Field so that is not what we would be discussing but rather finding other locations um some that have been discussion are wallfield which is um a location I like because currently its utilization is pretty low given that it has poor drainage and a huge tree in the middle um where a dog park just requires gravel and dirt there is programming obviously at uh wallfield that wck department puts on so we would have to figure that out um but there are a number of of other locations that the burough administrator said we could consider so I just wanted to float this on the day is today so that the community knows we're just thinking about it um and get any of my colleagues concerns raised now so that we can hope to address them and then as we deem appropriate asked to get some plans drawn up um and figure out if it would even be um um a cost that we could sustain at any point in the near future um so that's the purpose of today's discussion and also to let you know that we're we're thinking about it um and talking about it so if there are concerns um or questions about that possibility um please do you know send us a note send me a note um so that we make sure we're considering the right issues do any of my colleagues want to add anything thank you councilwoman um like the councilwoman I have been interested in this question since I ran for office and in the you know in over the past 2 years um I think that it's a it's a possibility that we potentially should explore if it makes sense and I just recently got a puppy a Cavapoo 3 month old it's a lot of work but it's you know wonderful addition to the family and after having gotten the puppy I realized there just aren't enough spaces it's not just in rord there's not enough spaces to take dogs other than um dog parks and some fields that are open to dogs which is not true in this town we have restrictions on taking dogs in in the parks in this town so I just think there's not enough spaces for dog families to spend time you can't go into restaurants generally you can't go into stores with exceptions and I think it it would be great to have if we can do it to have a dog park to to kind of enhance the community of dog owners in Rutherford not not having to go anywhere else but stay in Rutherford meeting each other um and just kind I have I've never met more residents since I than since I had a dog I've had a dog it's just incredible how friendly people are and how much they are part of the family so I'm very conceptually interested in this and I have been for a long time and but of course I think it's important I'm glad this conversation has started so I think it's really important to answer some of the questions that we need look into the research answer the questions that we need answered about cost about Labor that's going to impose on the DPW and about insurance issues so I think we should look into this we should do more research but I'm I'm very excited about the possibility and I think a lot of residents in town would feel the same thank you thank you anybody else yeah um yeah so I just wanted to first of all I have a dog um I love my dog I walk my dog all over town um but I do have some questions my question questions would be um how much of wallfield will be used for the if it were to be wallfield how much of it would be used for the dog part um what would the impact be on programming um what would the impact be on our budget and our taxes and is there any grant funding that we could use towards the dog park if we want to go in that direction and that's it for now thank you Council counc thank you very much um I'd like to thank my Council colleague for uh bringing this up and for discussion today um obviously uh some of the concerns that not concerns but questions I should say would uh just like uh my colleagues have just already uh asked obviously cost is always a factor location what does this do to our rec program how does it affect them how does it affect are all departments across the board that would have to maintain uh the field and um how do we uh try to really get the public to really keep the area clean um if we're especially if we're talking about an area that could be shared by a playground or or fields and that for that matter um the other question I uh would put at is um if the park is uh is this part Park part of Green Acres is something that we would need to take a look at as well but I do appreciate uh your efforts here and thank you very much thanks uh thank you for bringing this up for discussion I think my colleagues have all asked very thoughtful good feedback questions um I think I would uh want to add to that list of exploration [Music] um the timeline to task and in implication to budget because I would imagine this kind of project would probably fall under capital and so its inclusion or its impact to um to other projects perhaps that are already in the pipeline so just managing expectations potentially of of time to task um and uh the other thing I was just thinking about as you were speaking um when you were referencing the possible fields I know that there's been a bunch of locations that have kind of just been thrown out there to kind of explore I wonder about the residents that live in that immediate vicinity so something other than a large scale open space right um so I'm thinking about some of these smaller areas that are you know couched between homes um like anything along uh Riverside cuz those those little parks are all you know I'm just trying to just think out of the box about it not being in one of those larger spaces um I don't I I'm curious about the impact to the residents like how would we or maybe how could we engage them in that discussion to ensure that um I was trying to think of the acronym but I'm not that that quick tonight um where people want it but they say I want it as long as it's over there right I just don't want it that close to my house I don't want to deal with the noise right exactly so I just want to put that out there for consideration and exploration of this concept and and location thank you thank you councilwoman thank you um yes I too as a dog owner would like to Echo uh councilwoman de Del R's effort here uh I had brought this up three and a half years ago when I was running first as an opportunity learned a ton as I got up here on the deis and worked with bural professionals and the like um one of the problems here is I think we're asking some questions that really all we want to do right now is get some answers for um and that's all the councilwoman is trying to do is just say hey burough professional Brian how would this work theoretically now yes there will be a small fee paid to for his Services that's how this stuff works so we have to be cognizant of that the big issue is for most of us we have no idea what that stuff cost we are told on occasion just oh it can't go this way it can't go that way or I don't want that and we never really move the needle um so in my opinion here we're really just asking a couple of fundamental questions so that we can then get to answering the questions that councilwoman beg Roberson had and the council president has and similar right so again what are the parameters do we even have the space for it right I I want to ask the same questions for my skate park idea from three and a half years ago I put together a presentation on that proposed uh four different areas throughout the burrow and then it kind of just died on the vine because some of my colleagues at the time just didn't really want it no big deal you got to keep fighting for it right you got to collect that info but how do we do that how do we move that needle to the point where we have enough information to present for the bur right you guys see when I bring things forward I put together slide decks I work in advertising that's exactly what I do I sell information I sell ideas right we have to be able to do that here too but we can't if we're being handcuffed at every turn right being told ah it's going to cost M well how much is it going to cost what is it we're actually looking at here is it even viable so if it if it's a $600 per hour rate for negly engineering to kind of do a quick little study and see if any portion of our field systems hit that parameter that's a decent chunk of change if we don't have it in the budget but maybe next year we work in the $1,200 for two hours of Brian's time to be able to properly investigate so again that's all we're trying to do right here we're not trying to put the cart before the the dog um so that's and I will close with that joke so I think what we're trying to come to is that some people and whoever wants to should submit their questions to the bir administrator and get together with Brian um I'll leave it to whomever to I guess you you championed it I I'll be who I'll be whomever I'll be that whomever yeah no I meant whomever you're going to want on the yes on need three people Brian I'd like to be a part of it yeah Brian just looked over and said I don't know if you want if you have questions you want to add Brian that we should consider I could give the some general parameters for dog park uh one you need uh small dog large dog you need a separation uh like port colus or entryway that the main entrance then you could sort out small dog large dog uh I prefer in design that you have access to water for the uh not only for the uh the dogs uh but also for wash down uh basically what you're creating is a mold bed area with an underd drain system so that's it's a knowable quantity um then you have the fencing and whatever amenities you want you can have the the you know like uh the tunnel and all the play stuff so you can lay that all out but generally if you're looking for space it's about uh the ones that we've seen that are successful large dog and small dog it's about three4 of a residential lot so it's like 50 by 75 50 by 100 in that range you know that's usually what we have we find the successful ones are adjacent to parking areas because then people are comfortable sorting out their dogs and putting them on the leash before they go to the dog park some dog parts are built they're not used and I wonder why because that's what I do and the common threat is that they're adjacent to a parking area because it's off street so those are some of the things that we look to to find and then in terms of Maintenance it's standard um playg grade mulch that is freshened up about once a year and it just you know you have to have the waist receptacle uh bag dispensers everywhere is where you know you think you need two we put five we put six and then uh then it's got to be you know shushed up or raped up by the the uh DPW about every other day to turn the mulch over so that's the basic you know overview of a dog park that we are understand it to be thank you Brian which is why I wanted to move this first so you could answer the questions before we move down to something else that you're not really need to be here for it um so we'll move forward with um Council and Del clone and whomever else would like to get up to three and work with the bur Administration and FAL engineer based on costs you're good you're good recommendation from the street streetcape committee regarding signage thank you very much mayor um today what we have for discussion is uh materials that are currently being that are outlined in the ordinance that are usable or not usable for that matter um vinyl letters lettering was one of the uh items that were not allowed uh per code um and after met several meetings with the streetscape committee it's come up that materials today have really evolved and vinyl is not the same vinyl that it used to be um this these opinions are coming from uh highly regarded Architects that are on the committee um and also the changing and supporting of and allowing vinyl letters does have the support of our zoning officer um so therefore um we're looking to put forth um a change to the code uh allowing the vinyl letters uh please don't get me wrong there is also remedy in the ordinance that should these vinyl letters uh wear in any way they must be replaced it is all outlined so pretty brief here I just wanted to let everybody know what this was about thank you councilman um all right so we will now move on did you want this discuss it anyone have anything to add to this seeing none so except Bob so I guess the question is are we going to are we directing the bur attorney to draft an ordinance for this that is my request I'm sorry can I just ask a I didn't realize that we were drafting so I just want to ask the clarification question but did we know how long ago it was that we removed the vinyl from the ordinances cuz I I feel like this isn't something we did terribly long ago and so I just wanted to just put it Forward I I appreciate councilman I appreciate the feedback that we're getting um um are we waiting for it I I forgive me because I'm clearly not well versed I don't feel like I've had a chance to ask a lot of questions about this but I was thinking about the quality of the vinyl are there parameters of about what vinyl can be used is that spelled out in this ordinance is that what we're asking for or are we waiting until it peels off to say that they're not in in compliance so I just I is it I'm just wondering are we moving forward with asking for it tonight or are we still exploring it to decide whether or not it should go forward thank you very much for your questions no it's it's quite all right um the past four years that I've been on with streetscape there's been a lot of talk about materials that have been really changing rapidly um uh it's not I mean it's not only it's also paint some different paint qualities that have now come out um so as as it's recommended by our professionals that do sit on the streetscape that uh we've had a couple cases where um some of our our businesses have come to us and said oh this is a better quality this is that and and we simply said we can't allow it we know it's a better quality but because the ordinance is there we cannot allow this at all so the uh you know once it's happened quite a few times already and so um the request came in from the streetcape uh that perhaps it is time to start allowing these better quality materials to be used that have especially when we're talking about vinyl letters we do um we all know that in the past with with a vinyl letter wears it could look pretty horrible um there is language already there that uh stipulates on uh on uh when improvements are needed um in in response to your question if it's going if we're um if it's look we're looking to change or something blah blah blah that we're going to um at the end of the day this is something that the the streetscape is looking to change now and is and as far as the quality of letters it is will be spelled out um I'm sorry councilman would it be possible and again forgive me for my ignorance of not understanding this topic at any great depth um is it possible just to at least circulate some information before we send it forward to have language drafted and potentially revisit this at the next meeting absolutely um I can request that from the streetcape um and is there anything particular that you're um questioning no I I think I I mean I'm certainly not speaking for my colleagues is my opinion I don't know that I I I think I want to answer those questions about about how long you know is this something we've done before and and just to kind of get that hierarchy of of how how businesses go through the process because I know that they are an Advisory Board to us so I just want to make sure you know what I mean I just I would just want us to be clearer about what it is they're asking and and the why behind it I I think part of this is the council presidents turn we were part of the team that stopped vinyl so I guess we just want to see what the new product is not saying it's not better it's just we dealing with the 1970s vyl that was still hanging on Park Avenue I'm well I welcome if you were part of that this Chang in the past that you enlightened me because I've have only been there for four years yeah this is um I like I said I need to do my homework it sounds it sounds Vaguely Familiar as something that we might have taken up a number of years ago so I just want to be as best of assistance and make sure that whatever whatever the was the reason the impetus for them to move away from it that we we don't we don't waste any time if that's okay again we were very young in our days on the council so it's been a very long time so there may very well be a much much better product yeah mayor it looks like the ordinance went into effect in 2016 yes but we've been fighting over it since 2014 2018 was last edited that's true after 2016 which makes me council president old uh anybody else want to comment on the subject okay so we're going to move on to um we did receive correspondence uh regarding the carton carton Hill rails Trails project should anybody want to view it clerk has it um Direct and now we'll move on to uh committee reports council president thank you mayor um I would uh under my Liaisons I just wanted to um as always thank our First Responders for their outstanding work um and and to highlight the 75th anniversary of our our em EMS and all the great work they do for this B so thank you um I want to remind the community to save the date of October 25th 5th um from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the fiesta the Kip Center uh will be hosting a casino night uh they are a vital part of the fabric of Rutherford and to the communities around us so if you feel inclined please grab some friends and come out and support a great organization and um as we prepare for uh Rutherford day which is in two short weeks um access for all uh has I really want to acknowledge the great work of Liz Forte and the members of the access for all committee they've been working very close with Kim B goian um to commemorate and celebrate uh the 10th year anniversary of access for all ruford um and I wanted to share the the uh the tagline that they are adopting and we're moving forward with of striving to become a barrier-free burrow so we're being mindful that there's there's always work to be done um and this is all on them uh I I have to tell you this this committee is extraordinary they have brought in groups to come and uh make themselves available to our community during Weatherford day and I want to thank uh give a shout out to bcb for sponsoring some fun giveaways to commemorate our 10th anniversary um and last but not least um as many know I had the opportunity to uh participate as a delegate elected delegate um at the DNC in Chicago a few weeks ago um I want to high highlight the fact that I got to participate as a delegate member for the um disabilities caucus the national disabilities caucus um and the work of our access for all committee and listening to How there are members across the country that haven't had the opportunity yet to Champion individuals with disabilities and to fight for disability Justice um was heartbreaking but just made me even more proud of what this community has done so I want to thank all of my colleagues up here uh mayor I want to thank you because you were part of that original group that approved it um as we are now circling from 2015 um and I want to encourage communities across not just Bergen but all of New Jersey to adopt resolutions and ordinances supporting the disabled communities thank you mayor thank you councilman Roberson yeah so as you know my L on assignments is the Departments and I just want to thank them for their hard work in finding coaches every year and a conversation we're having is how we can increase the number of coaches each year and so there's more to come on that but we're trying to think of creative ways in which we can do that that's it for me thank you thank you councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor um I'd like to Al like to thank uh our Police Department for this weekend for Sunday's Multicultural festival for uh being there all day and helping out much appreciated obviously along with our DPW department and our emergency services and not to steal uh councilwoman Del con's Thunder here but I just want to congratulate the Civil Rights Commission on a very funfilled uh day with the Multicultural festival and um congratulations on their 20th anniversary that's all I have thank you councilwoman Del con thank you mayor I I don't feel like my thunder has been stolen because everyone should can and should congratulate them especially because a family wedding prevented me from being at the Multicultural Festival but um I was watching uh sneakily with my phone all the videos that everyone was posting when I was at the reception um I just do want to congratulate them I'm not sure the community appreciates the commission is is only uh seven soon to be eight today U member strong um so this is really a herculan effort on the part of very few individuals and by all accounts uh my Council colleagues that were able to attend and other residents shared with me that it was truly just a remarkable day um they they had the foresight to reschedule from Saturday to Sunday once the weather didn't look that great and I think that sounded like a great decision um so I just want to thank the community for continuing to support that event as councilman Guzman said it was the 20th anniversary and the commission did a really wonderful thing by acknowledging uh as many former Commissioners that could attend um with a certificate just um acknowledg ing their commitment and volunteerism so uh congratulations again to the Civil Rights Commission and and a really big thank you to uh our DPW and police for supporting that event those events are are a lot of work for our burough employees um and that's not lost on me so thank you thank you Council councilman Quron thank you mayor I don't have anything under my assignments I also just want to Echo uh congratulations and thanks to the organizers of the multi cultural Festival I was able to make it for a little while this weekend and the dancing and music were just wonderful and wild and I loved it it's just one of the most joyous events we have in town and so it's it was it was incredibly successful so congratulations to everybody thank you thank you councilman C thank you uh nothing this evening other than to just Echo those sentiments as a former member of the commission uh and liaison um it is no small feat to pull off that celebration so again congratulations to one and all involved and and thank you to everyone who contributes to uh that event in in perpetuity thank you thank you um we're going to move on now I can't believe you two are still sitting here but I'm impressed uh okay so we have the uh fall soccer seasonal staff uh with the attached memo i' ask for Council consent motion motion by council president have a second second second second by councilman quatron any questions or comments see none may roll call council president mwan yes counc beg Robertson yes counc Guzman yesc Del con yes Council C yes councilman kley yes okay and then I have um Clara Clara Jameson to the Rutherford Civil Rights Commission um I'd ask for Council consent motion I have a motion by councilman Del con a second second second by council president any questions or comments seeing none M roll call council president mwan yes c b Roberson yes cman Gman yes C Del con yes C quad yes cman kley yes ordinances on first read councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor on the continued efforts on of safety of the burrow I'd like to put forth the following ordinances uh first up is prohibited parking on Marginal Road Missy would you please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend chapter 126 of the burrow code entitled vehicles and traffics to restrict parking on portion of Marginal Road like to motion that the excuse me I like the motion to move the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by Council MC Mom I have a second second second by Council Wan Roberson any questions or comments by the council see n Roll Call council president mcowan yes counc B Roberson yes C mman yes c d con yes Council C yes Council kley yes thank you councilman Guzman thank you very much on the same subject of mar Marginal Road uh next ordin amending Marginal Road speed from 35 miles hour to 25 miles hour Missy could you would you please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend and revise chapter 126 49.1 one entitled speed limits established of the burrow code of the bur of Rutherford motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertised according to law motion by councilman Gman M second second second by councilman Del Ray con any questions or comments see none mayor roll call council president McAn yes B Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes counc delway con yes councilman C councilman kley yes thank you ordinances on second read councilman kley excuse me is the ordinance on second read uh which will be restricting the southeast uh parking on the Southeast side of Bel forv between Francisco and Union Avenues Missy could you please read the ordinance by title i title is wrong an ordinance to amend chapter 126 of the burough code entitled vehicles and traffic to restrict parking on the south side of Belford between Francisco and Cooper Avenue thank you missy uh make a motion that the ordinance be passed on second read and adverti according to law a motion by councilman K have a second second by councilman quatrone at this point I'm going to open it up to the public for any comments on this subject in this subject matter only anybody wishing to speak please step forward to the microphone keep your comments in five minutes or less you still have to do the whole name thing I Joy 205 bord Avenue uh the ordinance from the last meeting though was to change the parking from Union Avenue down to Francisco yeah there's a typo in there oh there's a typo it's just a title okay what do you mean a typo okay so what's the correct ordinance then here it says Union on the printed um so I don't if I can clarify sir so it is it includes the no parking side of Union School already so that block North of bord is already no parking so this is basically just the entire ordinance governing the parking for the two uh stretch I don't know if it's just semantics but the first reading said from Union to Francisco now this one says from Cooper to Francisco oh are you asking if it affects okay I don't know if it's because it's a different well does that affect is there a Clarity issue here Robert the bur administrator is okay with it it's so the agenda yes the agenda doesn't match it's just a summary of what's happening it's not the title correct okay okay anybody else from the public wishing to speak yeah good evening there uh Scott lley 194 bford Avenue um again if you're tying it to that original ordinance does that mean it's restricted to the one side only and would that be restricted to the down slope inside because I would really would love to propose that it be separated therefore because to have it alternate side in other words not just always on the downside because it's a very deep ditch and it's a huge runoff so for me it's a real big concern the water does rush up on that downside into people's yards I mean it's that deep so thank you sir anybody else Tim Joyce 205 bford uh just to clarify that side of the street as well has a 20 20 parking spots so it makes no difference which side of the street you park on uh I like Scott would say we should separate it and do it on the high side thank you thank you sir anybody else from the public wish speech speak sorry I'm going to close it to the public now and open up for any Council comment I have a question mayor um Bob sorry Bob um so with respect to the question that's being posed is it possible to pass it as it is and then have and have that looked at to determine whether or not should be the opposite side based on what they're presenting as an issue is that or has that already been investigated I just wanted to ask since they both brought it up um if you pass it tonight you would have to do another ordinance to change the other side of the street um we could look into that a little bit more I mean you you would have kind of in a zigzag so you come by Union School it's one side then you transfer the other um if you want to go ahead councel um so real quick just in speaking with the department heads about this like one of the things from DPW with the trucks if you if you have it it's a straight shot don't have to worry about shifting over when they hit Cooper place and other cars aligned on the other side so again that we were building off the no parking already set up by Union School so that there's a clear line the four-way stops intersection um that's the rationale info behind it okay all right so mayor may I ask one more question of the burough administrator um are we aware of this streaming flooding issue on that street I'm sure it it has it's it's a steady flow I guess the question I would have is do people park there now when it rains yeah well now we're going into dialogue which we're not supposed to do um if if we could again I opened up before I would love to have this dialogue further Belford is it's not ons slated for Paving this year Bob is that correct correct it's not it's not right correct so this is something that we can add to the list as it comes up for the paving program in 2026 we've already voted on 2025 we have not voted on 25 we have not okay so again these are kind of those fluid parts to the situation feedback information let's collect that let's get the buau engineer involved in terms of you know taking a assessment of how the flooding works there um we're hard at work on carneer and Insley in the same vein uh maybe it needs another catch Basin things of that nature but uh to this is the first time I'm hearing of that issue on that side of the uh Street itself so please feel free let's communicate let's have an open dialogue about it um if in 8 to 12 months this is just not working for anyone and we forcibly have to go to the street widening and return parking to both sides this was the option that was voted on by the people that live in that neighborhood so this is our first step again not putting cart before the horse kind of thing but let's continue to have that dialogue collect information all Lea with the bureau administrator buau engineer to make sure that all of those concerns are addressed okay thank thank you okay have a motion we had it and we're good mayor before you clo I'm sorry before you close Council comments um I just want to State for the record I just want to acknowledge the concerns that were raised and that as to councilman cley's point about how we're maintaining that information if that could be a part of the running record starting now that they're presenting right we we're now aware that this is a potential concern so if if this is if we're doing this and we're going to come back and revisit it and we might as well start putting those concerns listed now and and I want to thank the councilman for his quick thinking about the roads program as this is a maybe a possible um addition for consideration of your office if if it's feasible so I just wanted to say that before we vote yeah and nothing is permanent this is all just we're trying to figure out the best solution and we've all agreed that none of this may or may not be permanent so um call please council president mwan yes counc B Roberson um I am concerned about this flooding issue so I will be voting no council M Gman yes counc de con yes counc quone yes councilman kley yes thank you I'd ask for a motion to adjourn motion motion by council president all in favor I thank you [Music] folks before you walk out excuse me