##VIDEO ID:KL1IWKs_SVg## thank you and everybody and welcome to the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council Monday September 23rd 2024 starting at 6:30 p.m. Missy mayor Nado here council president mcowan present councilman beg Roberson here councilman Guzman here councilman Del con here councilman Quon here councilman KY here thank you if you're willing enabl please stand for the salute to the flag to the repu which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Missy could you please read the provisions in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record in Herald news and F with the bur clerk on December 26 2023 has posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you we have one presentation from the council president council president thank you mayor um this evening I am happy to share a proclamation on behalf of the mayor and Council whereas Helen yatco was born on October 14 1924 in paic New Jersey the eighth of nine children to Joseph and Mary Malik and whereas Helen married the love of her life Joseph yatco and in 1953 they built their home in Rutherford on Washington Avenue and whereas Helen is the foundation of her family which includes her two daughters Susan and Mary Ellen along with four grandchildren Rebecca Caroline lissy and Jeffrey and whereas Helen is well known for her many years of working at Clara's bridal shop on Park Avenue and for being an avid gardener and whereas Helen has been an active member of the Rutherford Women's Club since 1999 has received Grand and first place awards for the Arts creative entries in the New Jersey state Federation of women's clubs contests and whereas Helen was also recognized with the njsfwc honor roll award in 2017 and Order of the Lily in 2020 which are the highest honors A club member can receive now therefore be it resolved on behalf of the burough of Rutherford mayor Frank nunziato and the council wish Helen yatco a happy birthday on this incredible Milestone and may your birthday be filled with love joy and countless blessings congratulations on 100 Years of wonderful memories and am amazing moments and it is signed by the mayor and dated today September 23rd 2024 happiest of birthdays happy [Applause] birthday thank you council president uh we're going to move on to change uh the proposed agenda Miss see any changes no I have nothing anybody from the council have any changes seeing none we're going to move on to the hearing of citizens Pete um okay consent items thank you mayor all items are authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion and these items are routine in nature motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second second by councilman guzon any questions or comments by the council seeing n Roll Call council president McAn yes Council big Roberson yes counc Guzman yes Council Del con yes Council yes cman kley yes thank you now we have resolution separate from consent thank you mayor resolution number 204 authorizing the execution of an agreement with hoplight Communications LLC for 5G and general telecomunications Consulting motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second by councilman Roberson any questions or comments by the council seeing none may have R call council president McOwen yes counc counc B Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes counc Del con yes councilwoman Kone yes councilman kley yes now we're going to move on to new business uh discussions we have nothing um and now to council members uh committee reports council president thank you mayor um uh first of all I just want to acknowledge the incredible event uh that took place this weekend Rutherford day um and that happened whether it was happen St or coincidentally or or purposefully that it landed on our Burrow's 143rd birthday I think we threw a great birthday party um and so I want to thank everyone who was a part of this certainly our burough administrator Kim berian for all of our hard work time and planning to our Police Department our Fire Department EMS I'd like to give a particular shout out to DPW for their incredible work and the representation of all of our clubs and organizations across town um it was simply an outstanding display of Rutherford and the feedback has been absolutely incredible so I hope everyone else has been hearing the same wonderful things and what a beautiful way to end the day having dining out and being on Park Avenue and um I've referenced rather for reminding me of a Hallmark movie before but um I think this is probably as close as it gets um it was fantastic so um congratulations to everyone that put in so much time and effort I also want to thank my colleagues in Access for all um as we are celebrating our 10th anniversary I hope everybody enjoyed the Star Wars storm troopers um that were secured through members of the access committee um and and um a shout out to BCB bank for their uh support of the giveaways honoring our 10th anniversary I hope everybody was able to get a stress ball and uses it when needed um finally uh two very wonderful things are coming up we'll be celebrating the um uh the 75th anniversary of our EMS um this month next month in October they'll be having a celebration on the 26th of October it is the 26 right and um so I just want to acknowledge uh this incredible volunteer organization what they do for our town and finally mayor um gentle reminder or less than gentle that the Kip Center will be holding their annual casino night this is one of their biggest fundraisers um it is on that it's either that Friday or that Saturday the 24th or 25th um tickets are on sale now that Center is is the lifeline to so many residents particularly our seniors it was one of my mom's favorite places and so uh by defacto became one of mine so I ask you if you have not bought a ticket think about it and if you can't go buy a ticket and ask them to give it to one of the seniors who can't afford it it would be a beautiful tribute to them thank you mayor thank you council president councilwoman Roberson yeah I just want to ditto everything councilwoman mcgaan said about rord day thank you mayor for your vision I remember years ago when you decided you were going to have this day and um it is a wonderful day thank you to the burough administrator thank you to Kim thank you to all the different departments in burrow Hall um I think it's going to become as big as the Labor Day Street Fair one day bite my tongue but um it becomes bigger and bigger every year and um I'm just so thrilled that we have such an event in our town so thank you thank you and if you say things like that you're going to give the police chief a heart attack councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor um I don't have too much today other than uh I mean Rutherford day was quite amazing this year it was by far our largest um I can't tell you how many people came up and and said Lincoln Park was definitely the right place for this event to take place um so many Outsiders were in town and they were like we can't believe the how beautiful this CH this town is and and by having the uh Rutherford day in that location really show was really a Showcase of the burrow and the community Spirit it was quite amazing my hats off to uh everyone involved especially all of our bur employees that uh rolled up their sleeves to pitch in obviously this doesn't happen without the support of our bur administrator at uh sitting at the head the table and of course the efforts of Kim Goan that uh the organization skills that it took to put this together was really really it was really impressive and I thank you very very much for your efforts on behalf of the people of Rutherford um that's all I really have thank you thank you councilman uh councilman Del con thank you mayor um on my committee assignments I just wanted to remind the community that the green team is going to be having another styrofoam collection at DPW on Saturday October 5th from 9: to 1 p.m. um you just have to drive right up and they'll take what you have so please do make sure that your styrofoam is recycled appropriately um thank you to DPW for always coordinating so closely with the green team on this important event um with regards to the Civil Rights Commission um they will be having an event on Tuesday October 8th in the evening to celebrate uh Hispanic Heritage Month uh they will be providing salsa lessons and some food from our uh latinx focused restaurants will be donating some food um there's a whole variety of of restaurants making donations if you go to um their Facebook page or their Instagram you'll see information about the event but it promises to be a really fun celebratory evening so I although it's on a Tuesday I'm hoping as many of you as possible can make your way out we we we make our way out on weekday evenings for things far less fun so um oh and I'm being shown a a picture of casino night to Echo the the uh the council president um is October 25th so you can go to Casino Night on October 25th and then you could celebrate EMS on October 26th and then your heart will be full of uh community support and fun so do both of those things you're welcome and uh finally um I just want to Echo what everyone already said about Rutherford day um it was a very important day for the community um it seems to be a resounding yes to having the event at Lincoln Park um we everyone loved that the farmers market was incorporated so again just thankful to all of our burough employees especially DPW um as the council president said um which really does work extra hard to help us make make that happen so thanks to everyone involved thank you councilwoman councilman Quron thanks mayor I don't have anything on my assignments I do want to Echo what my colleagues are saying about ruford day I have I had a relative in town a brother-in-law who is from Brooklyn the coolest part of Brooklyn he's incredibly hard to impress and he's never impressed with small towns and anything small towns do but he was blown away by ruford day I think he even consider moving here which is amazing so it that was proof to me more all that I needed to show what a as as as councilman Guzman said what a perfect showcase it was for the beauty of our town and the community in our town we have so many great events that sometimes it feels redundant to just say how great these events are but the whole Community comes out there's so much energy in them and it was we went we went to dinner afterwards it was such a seamless transition so it really was a wonderful moment thanks to everyone who made it happen thank you Council councilman Co thank you sir uh yes I'll just Echo briefly uh my colleague sentiments a big thank you to Kim bagoan for the organization and setup thank you to Rutherford police departments fire departments uh DPW for all your excellent work um shout out to members of our Rutherford fire department for uh producing some of the best kebabs in New Jersey um made for a fantastic lunch I would also like to thank some of the dignitaries who helped uh unveil our new plans for or I don't know if it's phase two what not the plans for diamonds 4 which is the new softball stadium 9 and 7 uh big shout out to state senator Nelly pow Tracy Zur Steve tenelli and Sher of Kuran for joining us uh in unveiling that and again a big shout out to uh our burough administrator Bob keski for managing this project my daughter my you know 12-year-old daughter who has been asking to play on a dedicated softball diamond for years and years and years was blown away by how beautiful those drawings look and really looking forward to breaking ground on that uh in closing I want to thank uh Benjamin bernick for uh volunteering and becoming a probationary um one firefighter uh again this Rutherford fire department is purely volunteer so the men and women who make up this team uh basically give of their time and so uh to bring on another member uh in their training and put in the hours I believe it's about 140 hours of training uh to get to that basic Point uh I thank you for your service and that's all for this evening thank you councilman um administrator thank you mayor I I just wanted to add uh since all the the larger departments got uh their Kudos tonight and welld deserved I just want to add uh some other people that were very instrumental in making that day successful we had employees from Recreation Board of Health tax collector Municipal Court burough clerk's office fire safety and finance all contribute to making an that basic Su success so I just want to give them a shout out and thank you uh for the help on that day thank you thank you I'll round this out with it is nice to go back into the office and not see the entire Park Avenue area laid out on my floor with pins and maps and everything and don't step on that and don't touch that so uh you did a great job Kim as my wife said it's probably she's a big she follows Facebook and she said well at least somebody in Bur Hall gets positive news all the time so um thank you again Bob you did a great job Chief thank you um Chris his team I mean everybody stepped up I'm glad we got to support the fire departments as well and all the other burough um businesses Dam Meredith was incredible um you know everybody stepped up we did a great job and yes did I ever think that the vision would come to this when we talked about it for the first time absolutely not so I'm proud of everybody that sits up here I'm proud of everybody that's sat here before this I think that this town is staying true to being a family so thank you that's all I have on that move on to my mayor's report um I'd ask for Council consent for Fiona Walker fall uh soccer referee at $10 per hour ask for Council consent motion motion by Council president I have a second second second by councilman Guzman questions or comments see n may have a roll call council president mcowan yes councilman beg Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes counc Del con yes councilman Clon yes councilman cley yes yes thank you uh we did receive some public correspondence from East Rutherford for the planning board received on September 13 20124 uh no action to be taken at this time uh hearing of citizens nope um ordinances on first read Council pres mcgow thank you mayor um this first ordinance is regarding uh confidential assistant and confidential secretary Missy can you please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend and supplement an ordance entitled an ordinance regulating the employment tenure and discharge of certain officers and employees of The Bu of Rutherford under the provisions of a Civil Service Act of New Jersey number 3594 D21 adopted on December 28 2021 thank you I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertised according to law I have a motion from the council president may have a second second second by councilwoman D um I'm sorry Roberson you guys welcome uh any questions or comments seeing n every roll call council president mcowan yes yes counc beg Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes Council delber con yes councilman Quon yes councilman kley yes next up councilman kley thank you sir uh first one amendments to the firefighter uniform allowance uh this effectively pertains specifically to Firefighters who were will retire from our force and collect a uniform allowance in the um amounts to which will be accured as the they acre their years uh Missy could you read the title of the ordinance please an ordinance to amend and revise chapter 33 section 24 Fire Department uniform and other allowances of the burrow of code of the bur of rord uh thank you Missy and I just want to add the bur administrator reminded me that we are increasing the allowance from $1350 to $1,500 a year per active member so thank you Bob for the clarification uh I make a motion that we move the ordance to be passed on first reading advertised according to law I have a motion from coun councilman kley that ask for second I'm going to watch to see who responds to it second second by councilman Del any questions or comments see no M roll call council president McAn yes counc big Roberson yes counc M Gman yes Council Del con yes councilman Clon yes councilman cley yes thank you thank you all for your support uh Second Amendment uh to the junior firefighter acceptance process uh effectively this is revising the current process uh to allow for our Junior Firefighters uh to become probationary members I believe uh Bob can you speak to briefly if I'm speaking to that correctly so the the ordinance allows the Juniors to stti stti a skip a step in order to become a full-fledged fire figher assuming they meet certain criteria as a junior uh usually go from Junior to auxiliary uh but if they meet certain criteria you know certain responses and complete classes um if they do all that they can skip the auxiliary and go into full-fledged a firefighter when they re the reach the age appropriate thank you Bob Missy can you read the title of the ordinance please yes there was what just one change in that ordinance there was a um a typo in section c where it said FF two program it should have been ff1 program so I just want that noted for the record okay the ordinance by title is an ordinance to amend Revis chapter 33a entitled firefighter auxiliary program junr of the burrow code of the bur of Rutherford thank you miss you make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first read and advertised according to law I have a motion by councilman C may have a second second councilwoman quro any questions or comments by the council see n Roll Call council president mwan yes Council B Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes councilman Del con yes Council quatron yes councilman kley yes are you doing this on purpose to me are you all right we're going to move on to ordance on second read councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor first ordinance I have on second read is uh for prohibited parking on Marginal Road Missy can you please read the ordinance by title only only an ordinance to amend chapter 126 of the bur C to B of Rutherford entitled vehicles and traffic to restrict parking on a portion of margin Road motion that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by councilman Guzman God help me can I have a second second councilman Quron now we're going to open up the public for any comments on this subject matter and this subject matter only no one's here so anybody from the council wishing to speak see n m claw council president mwan yes Council B Roberson yes Council Guzman yes Council de con yes yes councilman clone yes counc kley yes councilman Guzman thank you very much uh second ordinance I have on second read today is amending Marginal Road speed from 35 miles hour to 25 miles hour Missy can you please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend and revise chap section 12649 D1 entitled speed limits established of the bur code of the bur Rutherford i' like to motion that the ordance be P excuse me be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by councilman Guzman may have a second second second by Council Del con any questions or comments I'm sorry we're going to open up to the public on this subject matter in this subject matter only anybody wishing to speak please step out with a microphone keep a comments five minutes or less seeing none let me close to the public and now open it up for any Council comment seeing none M roll call council president mcowan yes Council B Roberson yes counc MC Guzman yes councilman Del con yes councilman quatrone yes councilman kley yes thank you I now accept the motion to adjourn motion motion by council president all in favor I everybody have a great night