##VIDEO ID:WuQtiL_-zVQ## good evening and welcome to the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council today is Monday November 25th 2024 and we're starting at approximately 6:33 Missy can we have the roll call please mayy nunziato council president mwan present councilman beg Roberson here councilman Gman here counc Delby con here councilman Clon here councilman cley here thank you if you are willing and able please rise for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Missy can you please read the provisions of the open public meetings act in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record and heral news and file with the burrow clerk on December 26 2023 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you so much um let's move to number five review of changes to the proposed agenda Missy yes under new business the first authorization is the 2025 mayor council meeting schedule the adjourn meeting will be changed to January 4th 2025 beginning at 8:30 p.m. oh sorry 11:30 p.m. and the reorganization meeting oh am right 11:30 amm sorry people and the reorganization meeting will be 12: p.m. in addition we'll be moving those three items under business discussion will be a b and c will be moving under consent so that's the schedule the burrow holiday schedule and the advertisement rfps also under consent we'll be adding our new authorization to request a civil service list for police officers and lastly under news new business will authorize negl engineering as burough planner to conduct a study of the state's round four affordable housing obligation an amount not to exceed $ 35,1 186 subject to the cfo's certification of funds thank you missy do we have any council members with any further additions seeing none can we have a motion please motion motion by councilwoman Del R con second second second by councilman Guzman questions comments concerns seeing none councilman B Roberson yes councilman Gman yes councilman Del con yes councilman quadron yes councilman kley yes thank you next we move to the hearing of citizens we ask kindly for you please to come up to the microphone if you are not comfortable stating your name and full address feel free to put it in the book we ask you to keep your comments to 5 minutes or Le and just as a gentle reminder once you're done speaking once all members of the public are done speaking then the council members will be asked to share their thoughts and comments I open the floor Pete shirro 86 Hobart Avenue I got three questions one is this extra Diamond five and six I mean the field looks great but I think down extras over and above I mean there was no reason for these men to be working Saturdays when we had no rain for 50 something days I think that was over and above C and I think this extra is just ridiculous two I spoke to the police about it already people are walking their dogs in Memorial Park I spoke to a police officer he said maybe we should get bigger signs or more signs maybe we should put signs up with the ordinance with a $500 fine if you caught or something something like that maybe that would deter him one my last question is do we still have the parking with no commercial vehicles overnight because the West end of town is loaded with trucks uh buses minivans with you know commercial plates thank you thank you anyone else from the public wishing to speak seeing none I'm closing the hearing of citizens and I open it up to my Council colleagues for comments I I don't know the answers to your question so I I wanted to at least acknowledge you Mr Shero and thank you for coming down um I think that that I'll I'll speak to um folks walking their dogs in Memorial Park I I there there isn't that much signage in Memorial Park I think in that regard so I think we can look to make more signage I think we're also balancing against the absence of places to walk dogs in the town which it seems to be a recurring theme um but your your concern is noted and especially once the field is new I think we're not going to necessarily want animals running about on the fields or being walked on the fields um I can ask DPW to look at the signage and see whether there's there is a it's a good idea to reflect the ordinance and the fine amount maybe that will help um so that that piece I can say I will look into um but I may leave the other questions to my other colleagues thank you um any other Council colleagues yes thank you yes following up to what my Council colleague said um I see so many more dogs in town I have a dog I see dogs everywhere and I do think they do need a place to be walked so it's just something for us to think about as a coun um and I'll let the B administrator answer the question about Diamond 5 and six any other council members seeing none Bob can you address the questions regarding diamonds five and six and uh also the parking uh for uh commercial vehicles overnight uh thank you council president AC the mayor uh yes the change order for five and six is really related to uh part of the project that wasn't anticipated when they began the work they found the there was a collapsed or a partially collapsed sewer line under that area that needed to be obviously replaced uh we figured let's do it correctly while we had the field open um so that was a uh you know significant portion of that change order that wasn't budgeted that was a couple $1,000 worth the work that had to be done it was a long stretch um as a result there was some additional uh soil remov some additional packing uh soil remover believe it or not is quite expensive and the the packing under the turf uh was added to accommodate uh that part of the project there were also a couple of little things we asked uh to do while they were there we replaced the bading cage we replaced and we built out a new uh uh warm-up pictur uh tunnel so that those are the costs that were related to that five and six uh the working on Saturdays you know we had given them a you know a a timeline when we wanted it done um you know the project was delayed several weeks because of that sewer work uh they were trying to accommodate us that's why there was some work done on Saturdays we apologize for any inconvenience um but I as you said the project did come out well came out really nice so we're looking forward to maximizing this usage moving forward uh second thing the commercial vehicle yes there is an ordinance and if uh if you give me some addresses you know we can kind of you know send our people there to kind of look at where those vehicles are um and I'll talk with the chief about you know you know pumping up a little bit of enforcement on the West End you know be a little more proactive there for you so sorry about that as well uh dogs in the park you know that's I'll leave to you the colleagues up here so thank you thank you Bob um and I think we've addressed all the questions that you shared with us this evening and and I'm going to request that you follow up with Bob regarding areas that you may have seen those Comm uh commercial vehicles for us to follow up so thank you um before we moved on to consent agenda as you may have noticed I am not mayor nunziato um the mayor is celebrating our first lady's birthday so we want to extend a happy birthday to Perry nunziato this evening and um we look forward to seeing him at our next meeting and so this evening as I am in our acting B capacity um our most senior Council woman Maria beg Roberson will be serving as our acting council president this evening and so uh council president if you're ready to continue with the agenda okay I have consent agenda items all items authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine and nature motion we have a motion on the floor do we have a second second thank you for the second any questions comments or concerns seeing none roll call please councilwoman McOwen yes Council B Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes councilman Del con yes councilman clone yes councilman Copley yes okay I have resolution 251 authorized in Memorial Park Diamond 5 and six improvements change order increase in the amount of $483,500 yes cman cley yes okay I have three discussion items the first discussion item is extending the rent Control Ordinance thank you councilwoman um at this time I'm going to ask our burrow administrator to share the matter regarding the rent Control Ordinance and recommendations for how to proceed thank you uh the current rent control code uh currently expires at the end of this year uh I think it an important uh service and important uh action that we continue to move forward uh so I would ask you to consider directing the burough attorney to uh draft an ordinance for the next meeting to uh extend that uh whether another two years we can revisit in two years or move it on forever uh but in doing so I would also ask you to consider increase in the makeup of the board uh it's currently situated for five members um we have had difficulty getting the Quorum uh availability uh interest and becoming a board member um you know it does have some requirements that it has to have one tenant one landlord uh and one member of uh elected body at 5 we have not be able to have a quorum all year I suggest that we up that to 7 uh so we can kind of and make it just others uh wouldn't be earmarked towards an elected official wouldn't be earmarked towards a renter it wouldn't be earmarked towards a landlord but I would suggest that it' be a resident of the burrow U maybe a property owner we can classify it any way we want but I think to get seven members I think we have a better chance of getting a quorum to hear any potential uh hearings in 2025 so that's all I have thank you so if I'm understanding you correctly your recommendation for us to consider and potentially for a council member to move would be to extend um our current status another two years to recommend our attorney to extend for two additional years yes and then also increase our board membership from five members to seven members you know what in in in in thinking it out loud I think maybe we add make it two alternates leave it at five so we have a pool of seven to get to three that might be better because we're having seven we need four we're struggling right now to get the number maybe five with all two alternates therefore you still have an ability to get three out of seven thank you Bob questions comments concerns councilman thank you um been discussing this with Bob and and the buau uh attorneys I am in uh full agreement and honestly Bob your transition there to the two alternates is much better solution because again it's finding the people that want to help serve right we even reduced the total number of meetings to quarterly to kind of help you know assuage the people's concerns about it um so for those of you on my colleagues here uh we are I am in favor of this as the leas on for the last couple of years and having been in those meeting rooms when we fall short of being able to make any actionable effort so thank you councilman thank you very much uh having been the former liaison to the rent control board I completely understand the hardships that uh getting people together to come to get to these meetings um I 100% support this um I think it's very very much needed and it gives us a little more Brea a little more Breathing Room in order to get things done so 100% thank you councilwoman um thank you I have two questions for the bur administrator the first is can you just explain for the public what the rent control board does um so that we can maybe understand what it's responsible for and then my second question I I guess I can ask after that if you don't mind sure there are there are disputes during the year potentially of when a landlord raises the rent of of a tenant now we do have a uh an allowable percentage within our buau code um but then there are circumstances where then landlord is able to go above that and then that becomes the area of dispute and a neutral party is then charged with uh hearing those arguments from both sides and then rendering a decision and then that decision's binding meaning if that if the if the rent control board finds that the rent should go up then the the renter pays that increased rent yes but I also believe they probably can go to a higher level to to Superior Court there's an appeal there's an appeal so for this year when we didn't have Quorum we just weren't able to resolve those disputes correct and I don't know if there were any really on our agenda we didn't have any this year um there was quite a formidable one last year but um yeah this year when we moved to quarterly meetings there just wasn't anything action sometimes we try our best to handle it administratively to get before it gets to that level so all right thank you any other questions so I'll close the discussion is there anyone who's willing to make a motion I'll go ahead oh I'm sorry we're instructing the buau attorney to revive the ordinance and um write the language to allow for two alternates yes see your yeah twoe extension correct all right I make the motion to instruct the bur and attorneys keep going to am to amend to revive the uh the rent board for another two years and add language uh permitting for two alternate selections to the team thank you councilman we have a motion do we have a second second second thank you councilman questions comments concerns seeing none roll call coun McAn yes c b Roberson yes MC Gman yes Council Del con yes Council Quron yes Council M cley yes councilwoman okay I have another discussion item changing the fee of the business insurance registration process thank you councilwoman at this time I will also yet again Ask the burough administrator to share with our Council colleagues the matter at hand thank you uh earlier this year we implemented um the the law passed by the state of New Jersey uh for requiring business uh uh rental and business insurance in that ordinance was we were allowed to charge an administrative fee where we uh reached out to the applicable entities asking them to verify that they had the proper insurance for their residents for their place of business and for their rental property uh that fee that we charged on our behalf was $100 um not knowing how much work was involved to to oversee this and it was a Yan's job by the the burough clerk's office and I commend them and apologize for a lot of abuse they took uh in implementing it um but you know once now that we have it started uh we have it in a good place uh we think it's a good idea that we lower that fee uh and we actually made that commitment to the residents and to the business owners that we would now that we have it up and running uh therefore I'm recommending that we amend the existing code to reduce the fee from $100 to $25 and if that property owner has multiple properties they would then just be charged an additional $10 per property they own uh therefore a significant reduction from the current $100 per property um it's $25 plus 10 if they have a second or third or fourth property thank you for that explanation insurance I appreciate that explanation thank you both I'm going to open up to my Council colleagues for thoughts councilwoman so I did hear from a lot of constituents who this this was a an onerous fee for them so I think everyone involved in responding quickly and working to lower the fee to make it a little bit more reasonable I do have a question to the Bur administrator which is um will the can we retroactively reduce the fee for people who have already paid it since it's so recent um it just seems like know I'm just asking the question because it seems like since it is recent that there may it may be a little bit unfair to lower it significantly and still have people who had to pay the larger fee just I would respectfully say no um there challenges with that budgetarily have to think about it some more yeah I don't know let me think about that but okay thank you thank you councilwoman Council woman I actually had a a different question is this a onetime fee or is an it is a onetime fee it's an annual annual Fe so so I guess my question is it's a little different than Susan's if you haven't paid the fee yet what I was wondering is can it be $100 for anyone who hasn't paid the fee yet and for anyone that's had the opportunity who's already done the right thing and paid it when they had to pay it then theirs gets decreased because I would hate for someone who ignored it to say well now it's $25 I'll pay it when those that did it right the first time and took on the owner is ask so maybe the the the Way's word is that the first time registration is $100 and renewal is $25 year after and that's just something I'm thinking about I just would hate for those that just thought they could ignore it and now feel it's to them reasonable when other folks who it was unreasonable but they did it anyway are going to sort of have been feel punished for doing the right thing out the gate it's just going to add a little bit to the workload in the clerk's office to determine when that person took ownership of the property to determine whether or not they paid at the first time um but I see where you're going not an unfair ask if it's if it's administratively burdensome I'm not like looking to add to anyone's plate it's just I think a way to sort of thread the needle to folks who may have thought it was too much last time it did anyway and then are now going to look at anyone coming in for the first time paying just $25 Miss is your sta e able to track that we can track obviously who paid so far but as far as if they owned the building last year and they didn't pay it I don't know I mean and then if somebody else bought it now in October the fee is not due until July 1st it's due annually on beginning July 1 so right now we're not really going out looking for it anymore you know so it really have to be a firsttime fee is 100 CU that we can at least know yeah and then a subsequent would could be less the reason it was so high I believe was because it really was an administrative task to undertake by getting people's addresses their emails their you know the U the mailings took a lot of money you know I mean so there was C associated with it but I don't know how um I mean I guess you could go back but that would hire me another person yeah I mean if to have a database by address and then when they pay so the address paid pre you know we can figure something out so perhaps Bob and I can work up something uh takes into consideration some of these comments we can distribute it in advance and if you have a comment you can report back to just me or Bob independently and uh we can see if we have a consensus and know thank you Bo I I was I was actually just going to make that same recommendation that perhaps this is something that we could work out a little bit more and share with everyone so we have some time to read process based on your feedback tonight does anybody else have any other guidance or feedback that we would like to provide Bob and Bo um all I preparation yeah all I want to say is first of all I'm sorry for the the abuse that Miss Missy's team got that's the last thing I want but I whatever is decided on I just hope it's not punitive we just have to be careful not to be punitive yeah any other council members okay so seeing the end of that discussion councilwoman I believe we have one more yes we do we have um a discussion to authorize neglia as burrow plan planner to conduct a study of the state's round four affordable housing obligation in in an amount not to exceed $ 35,1 186 subject to the cfo's certification of funds thank you councilwoman uh Bob would you care to provide some additional guidance since um uh Brian inle is not with us this evening sure uh thank you so a couple weeks ago the state of New Jersey distributed their round four affordable housing numbers to uh all the municipalities in the state of New Jersey uh for Rutherford they identified that we have an immediate need of 16 units and a prospective need of 223 residential units in the fourth round um this is in addition to our third round obligation and our third round obligation was 52 units plus 4 77 um perspective units what we're asking for you today is this uh we have to either agree or disagree with the numbers uh with the state by February 1st so the by the second meeting of January we have to adopt a resolution saying yes we agree or no we disagree and this is why we disagree and in the event we disagree we have to supporting documentation therefore we're asking our bur planner to do that study uh the planner would study the methodology used by the state in determining our numbers uh we would ask the planner to do a vacant land analysis to assess whether or not it's realistic for or if there's land available to build those affordable housing numbers um and it'll also be part of any meetings they they join with us preparing uh supporting documentation in response to the state um so we have a decision to make whether or not we want to challenge the numbers or not but we need to know the basis for that challenge there for this ass tonight um it's a a cap on it up to 35,000 it's based on how much work they do um it could be much less I can tell you that 10 of their other clients are going through this process as well I can also tell you that our colleagues at the league of municipalities last week um voiced their unhappiness with the state of New Jersey and many of them are going through this process right now it's a very uh controversial topic it's a very uh spiritual debate uh that I don't see going away anytime soon but uh I think we need to have our ducks in order and uh you have the data available to us if we're going to move move this forward so I do ask you to consider authorizing our bur planner to conduct this study thank you thank you Bob I open it up to my Council colleagues for questions comments concerns councilman Guzman thank you very much um understanding these obligations and the amount of obligations that the burrow is now looking at uh being mandated by the State um at the end of the day I mean we all know how much land we have available here in Rutherford we also know I mean where on Earth would we put this amount of units that they're now telling us that we would have to uh build um I think that the the ask today is extremely reasonable and responsible to look into this to see if uh to to make sure that we have our ducks in line when we go against the uh the Mandate the requirements that the state is putting forth um I think it's uh money well spent so thank you very very much for putting this forward thank you councilman councilman kley I'd just like to Echo my uh colleague sentiments councilman Guzman um somebody who puts together presentations full of facts and data uh I wholeheartedly support this effort to be able to entertain our counterargument thank you thank you councilman councilwoman I was just wondering if we did a similar analysis for the third round before my time oh oh so was that long ago yeah that it was was many it's every 10 years the round comes out oh I see okay I was just wondering if it was useful I'm not saying it's not but we don't know so yeah um I would I would share that um I think this uh this governing body um particularly over the the time that I've been privileged the city here has taken this quite seriously um we have uh robustly debated um development I think we have begun to Champion very responsible development particularly with the advocacy of Supportive Housing and working very closely with affordable housing um I I want to publicly express my frustration with this ever growing number that feels both daunting and unattainable and it makes me question the efficacy behind why we're being asked to do this and um you know I certainly cannot speak for other communities and Bob I know you referenced those that shared their thoughts now at the league of municipalities but um as someone who has sat here and and have for years down it to the minuscule issue um have dug through data specific to development in the hopes of showing good faith toward uh meeting these expectations I feel like every time we take a step forward they move that Finish Line another 10 miles and and I can't help but express my frustration and my disappointment I believe that I have continuously been a supporter of finding ways for Upward Mobility for people to experience Rutherford because that is how we build strong communities but I I really um take great exception to what this burrow has been asked to um to continue to work toward with very very limited guiding principles and so I uh councilwoman I Echo that sentiment that this is it is important for us to ask those questions right we can't even go back and compare data because it doesn't exist and so with my Council colleagues I I wholeheartedly support the fact that we continue to do our due diligence and to do it in a way that we can express what that data find um and Advocate strongly on behalf of our 18,000 plus residents for responsible development um for this community any other council members wishing to speak on this matter at this time we'll entertain a motion motion do you want to do you want to reread that motion councilwoman yes I will read it again motion to authorize neglia as burough planner to conduct a study of the state's round for affordable housing obligation in an amounts not to exceed $ 35,1 186 subject to the cfo's certification of funds thank you we have a motion by councilwoman beg Roberson do we have a second second second by councilwoman quatron questions comments concerns seeing none roll call please Council McAn yes counc B Roberson yes counc Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilwoman quatrone yes councilman kley yes councilwoman do we have any other new business or discussions at this time that was it wonderful thank you for moving all of the above okay we're moving on to the council members committee liaison reports uh I'm going to move myself to the end of the line so that my Council colleagues have an opportunity to share uh the good work that they're doing councilwoman beg Roberson I have nothing to report tonight thank you thank you councilwoman councilman Guzman thank you very much I have nothing new to report this this evening thank you councilman councilwoman Del con yes thank you um I just wanted to remind the residents that there's 's going to be a recycling program event um on December 4th at the library at 700 p.m. uh the green team is partnering with our DPW director to make sure that folks have all their questions answered about proper recycling in the burrow um there's a lot of of misunderstandings I always say the first time I went to Rutherford day I was blown away by the Green Team table I was trying to recycle all things I shouldn't have so um if you have the time I'm sure there'll be materials following and I know that the green team is worth with the public information officer to put out some materials on the uh burrow Facebook page but if you have the time and the uh desire please go support the Green Team and gather some information um I also just want to take this moment to wish uh all of our neighbors Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Thanksgiving um I hope to see most of you on Saturday for the Chamber of commerce's holiday parade uh Santa will be making his way around town in the afternoon to visit at all of the schools which is always a highlight for me as a councilwoman so Happy Thanksgiving and thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman quatron yes thank you uh on on the subject of the parade this weekend I want to congratulate the Rutherford Public Library the friends of the Rutherford library and the Rutherford Public Library foundation for being chosen as the Grand Marshall for this year's holiday parade it's a great honor the library is celebrating its 130 th year this year as a educational and artistic resource for our community and at a time when there's a trend of fewer and fewer kids and even adults reading books at all I think it's they have a lot of work to do and they're doing a wonderful job encouraging literacy in our town and our community so congratulations to them that's all thank you councilwoman councilman kley nothing this evening mayor thank you thank you um I would just like to share that this um weekend is you heard my Council colleagues allude to we have an incredibly robust agenda Happening Here in the burrow uh we may be the burrow of trees but I often feel like we are the burrow of events and so um allow me to remind you of all of the amazing things and may Cula to anyone that we may uh accidentally forget first of all let's remember that um yes we do have this wonderful holiday and I hope that um members in town and certainly all of our employees of the burough um take this Thanksgiving season to spend time with their family and to relax and and um to know how grateful we are for all the amazing work that everyone does in this burrow and for this burrow um this weekend um is small business Saturday please come out and support our businesses many of us have children family members who are part of organizations that go up and down Park Avenue asking our businesses to give them gifts cards and to help them with fundraisers and they come through for us every single time and so um I it shouldn't just be one day but since it is such a thing that we hear all over the place let's get out and celebrate our small businesses in Rutherford Take a Walk on Park Avenue it's going to be a little chilly so put on your coat um and and stop in and see all the amazing things that are for sale and support our businesses um on Saturday as well there'll be open houses taking place at the Kip Center they be having an open house from 11: to 3: they'll be celebrating their Festival of trees and wreaths um on top of that members of the Kip Center make delicious baked goods they crochet they make scarves stop in have some side eye here there's a guy there wearing a red suit that's taking pictures uh you know I don't want to let the cat out of the bag but I heard there could be a Sanda siding there um and so stop in uh growing up in this town that was one of my favorite things to do with my mom uh that's how I knew we were getting ready for the holiday season was to stop in and go get a bite to eat and um and just be with everybody there so please show your love for the Kip Center that that gives so much to our community um also St Mary's is hosting their holiday craft fair from 9: to 4:00 please stop in they're beautifully located next to each other no excuse not to bop in to each one of them um Kip Center is also doing Mixology on December 6th and um we do have uh another amazing event coming up for those of you who like to plan on December 11th uh the Uncorked at the 18th Amendment and uh all the money raised goes to the veterans Alliance and to the chamber fund um so I know that's a lot um the season is very busy for everyone but these are amazing organizations and they could use our support um and I'd like to give a shout out to um uh the 50th Holly fair that took place at Grace Episcopal Church this past weekend uh hard to believe they've been doing it 50 years um they also do amazing things like Grace's closet and and they have such an impact on our community so congratulations to all of them that did such a beautiful job um and uh just as a gentle reminder uh shout out to our Recreation Department yet again ready to put on an incredibly fantastic display from 1:30 to 3:15 this Saturday today is the holiday float touring Rutherford with Santa and live music there stage places take a peek um come out wave it's awesome from 4 to 5 o'clock is the 72nd annual Chamber of Commerce holiday parade um it's going to be cold so please make sure you bring out your uh your hats and your mittens and approximately 5:00 we will be doing the holiday tree lighting in front of the library um I want to thank the bir administrator our DPW shade tree everybody who was involved in making sure that we had a holiday tree to celebrate this year um and as um so I know I was I was teasing you about it earlier but we are actually very grateful it's something that this community loves to come out and then from 5: to 8:00 come out with your family and friends enjoy the uh Holiday Village in Lincoln Park free pictures with Santa courtesy of BCB bank and stories with Mrs Claus um at the library um no excuse me at the health department Lobby and there's carriage rides and treats uh from the high school booster club and just tons of stuff to do with your family uh they call us you know the the Hallmark of South Bergen we most certainly look like we're putting on a production for sure so come out and support everybody and um I could I'd be remiss if I didn't say thank you to the DPW workers to our police to our fire to our EMS everybody who's on standby that entire day to make sure that all of the residents have the most wonderful time of the year okay that is the end of my report sorry for its length but I am not sorry that the burrow is doing amazing things okay uh moving on to the mayor's report and appointments um I would ask for a motion to support the recreation basketball 2024 2025 seasonal staff motion thank you councilwoman we have a motion do we have a second second thank you councilwoman any questions comments or concerns seeing none roll call please Council mwan yes counc B Roberson yes counc Guzman abstain coun Del con yes counc quatron yes coun kley yes thank you next I'd like to ask for Council confirmation and a motion for Melissa Bon provisional clerk one fire safety Bureau effective January 2nd 2025 step two in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state of New Jersey civil service commission make a motion thank you councilman do we have a second second thank you councilwoman any questions comments or concerns seeing none roll call please Council McOwen yes councilwoman B Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes Council de con yes Council quadrone yes Council and finally um I would ask the council for a confirmation and a motion for Roseanne bie provisional clerk one finance department effective December 9 2024 step three in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state of New Jersey civil service commission motion thank you councilman do we have a second second thank you councilwoman questions comments concerns seeing none roll call please Council McAn yes Council big robertonson yes councilman Gman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilwoman quadon yes councilman Coley yes thank you all next is correspondence I'd like to acknowledge a letter from the County Board of Taxation uh dated November 12 2024 are there any other correspondents nope that's all I have thank you missy okay um since it is the second meeting of the month uh we will be opening up to the hearing of citizens I request that um any comments be made specific to the agenda items only and to please keep your comments to five minutes or less I'll open the floor seeing none I'm closing the hearing of citizens uh this evening we have no ordinances on first or second read which brings us to the end of our meeting can I have a motion for adjournment please motion we have a motion on the floor second second all in favor I thank you all have a great night happy holiday