##VIDEO ID:1gkRBkx31kI## 2024 special called meeting for Zoning for the Rutherford County School System our first item of business is the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] next we have our moment of silence please bow your heads thank you first up we have the approval of the agenda I have a second second by Mr vaugh all in favor say I I I any opposed agenda passes next we have public comment everyone will be given 3 minutes at the podium first up we have commissioner Pettis Reed GS oh sorry hello sir good evening Madam chairman and board members it's good to be here before you this evening I'm I'm here this evening to represent I guess the Rockville community and the Rockville School I've been receiving several calls um over the last few days concerning of course the the resoning that we're having in that area out there I'm talking about an area that is primarily from Highway 99 down Concord Road or Highway 269 that hits Mount Pleasant Road at versales follows melt Pleasant Road all the way around going by the golf course and back out to 99 and it also includes part of New Town in that area too this area has been a part of the Rockville school zone since the very beginning of Rockville uh even when it was the first built as far as just a very small Schoolhouse that's been a part of that community and when we had the opportunity to come back as a high school out there the community decided we wanted to bring that school back as what we had there at one time when Rockville was graduating people like myself back in 1966 yeah I'm that old but we brought back back a community school similar to what igal has right now we have brought back uh a group of students out there that has bought into a community the Rockville Community we do things similar to what we did one time when I was in high school when those students walk in the front door out there they have an opportunity of seeing the old school they see the old sign that used to be in the front yard of Rockell high school they see the trophies of the old school of the guys that were out there and how they play they see an opportunity of the graduating classes as they go through the front doors and then when they step off into the next part of the lobby they see the trophies that they win and the things that they're doing what we're asking for you is that you remain that part of that zoning out there that you leave it alone that you leave it as dual zoning similar to what you have right now I'll never forget that the Schoolboard member in the igal area when we started to go to consolidation he made the St that igal will remain a school out there for those children because he didn't want to see him going down Highway 99 because he just too dangerous for their children to leave igal and that they would gladly welcome The Rock Bell students if they wanted to come to igal at that time we had students to do that but we also did a dual primarily dual enrollment and we have worked together as two communities out there and Community Schools and I guess I'm standing before you tonight on behalf of those parents those about 30 some odd students that will be affected by this and ask you if you would to please Rel to keep it as dual enrollment for that area out there and help protect these Community Schools that we have out there thank you for your time thank you next up we have Miss Brianna bowling hello my name is bana bowling I'm a freshman at Riverdale High School and I'm currently on the softball team the 2025 2026 zoning has me attending Oakland High School for my sophomore Junior and senior years I and my family have put Time Blood Sweat tears and money into this team in school the chances of making a sports team as an entering sophomore are very low your vision loc your vision located on your website states that you are culturally collaborative can we collaborate on a solution that will allow current willing fresh to remain at their current schools you state you want successful students but how can students be successful if they have to change schools almost halfway into their High School career lastly you advise for proactive planning please tell me how uprooting a rising sophomore to a different school is proactive proactive planning would be resoning the entering freshman when a student is homeschooled twaa recognizes the students's established athletic record as a freshman and allows them to be grandfathered into the current schools for which they are planning for which they are playing why can't you do the same for public school students and grandfather the current freshman to allow them to continue their current school thank you thank [Applause] you next we have Kristen Rondon hello everyone I'm a parent of two students one at Blackman Middle and one at Blackman High um I have been at my residence for 13 years my neighbor behind me I'm sitting next to she's been um my neighbor and she's been in that area for 24 years both of us moved here for the Blackman schools um we are currently living in what is the consideration for the Dual Zone area um off of Old Nashville Highway and Burleson area um our neighborhood has always been unique um our students in elementary school had to be in Stewartsboro Elementary which was in Smyrna we're were living in Murphysboro so when it was time for them to go to their middle school in Blackman they did not know anyone they had to make all new friends um so the rest of their friends um were going to Stewart's Creek Middle um my son is excelling academically um at Blackman High he's in all honors classes my neighbor her daughter is in multiple extracurricular activities and she plans on doing teac cap for her Junior and Senior year both of which are currently freshman at black men um the thought of leaving their school um is top of mind for all of us in the family and very concerning um my son in particular is very happy and truly believes his success as a student is rooted in remaining in Blackman High now seagull high is not only further but you have to travel across the train tracks along Northwest Broad Street I can tell you and I'm sure a lot of us in Era can experience that it's taken 20 minutes 20 plus minutes sometimes to get past those train tracks not sure how those buses are going to get across there um and of course the just the the traffic and route to that particular school um I have spoken to other neighbors within our Dual Zone neighborhood and they are willing to drive their kids to and from school and we will not need busing if that's the case um so we just ask you please consider that dual option for our small community um and note that you know moving to the Blackman area is not an easy option for some of us who have been here a long time as you know the price of housing has have gone up quite a bit um so I appreciate that your um the time here and thank [Applause] you lastly we have Miss Roseanne kid evening um we currently live in the area that is like the little triangle that's going to be zoned for Riverdale um and is surrounded by Rockvale um all previous rezoning Maps showed that showed that area as staying Rockville um so I didn't when I looked earlier I thought we were all in the clear and then my friend pointed out that we were actually switching so um I'm a parent of a rising sophomore um who was also a dedicated student athlete I am very worried about the potential impact this change will have on my child's social and mental well-being this transition to a new school environment can be incredibly challenging especially for students who have already established strong social connection and support systems at their current schools for student athletes this disruption can be even more significant as the young lady mentioned earlier affecting not only their academic performance but also their athletic commitments and Team Dynamics I kindly urge the school board to consider allowing all existing students to be grandfathered into their current schools not just the Juniors and the seniors being socially adjusted to the school environment is not limited to just the upper classmen I realize that the county continues to grow by leaps and bounds by the time these kids have reached high school they are nearing the end of their Public School academic journey and have well established friendships and social structures this approach would provide much-needed stability and continuity for our children ensuring they can continue to thrive both academically and socially if that is not possible I would like to suggest they could at least make this section the Dual Zone option for Riverdale and Rockvale similar to what you were doing with Blackman and seagull this would allow the children who are surrounded by Rockville to still attend Rockvale if their parents can provide transport ation this compromise would help mitigate the disruption for those students most affected by the rezoning please consider these children's mental well-being as you and your colleagues vote on this matter when we found out about this proposal my son was devastated at the prospect of being separated from his friends and teammates as you can see he's actually here with me tonight I got my son to come to a Schoolboard meeting because he felt it was that important um I'm sure he's not alone the little girl the girl young lady sorry young lady who was talking about her softball surely we can learn from past rezoning sit ations and continue to include all existing students and grandfathered status thank you for this attention to this important matter and I appreciate your understanding and support in helping maintain a positive and stable environment for our students thank [Applause] you next we move to the resoning Dr Sullivan so just for our audience I'll give a little bit of a a background as well of how we got here um none of us like to reone unfortunately that has been the necessary evil in this District since I attended school as a district um or as a student in this District in the 90s it's just it's it was a growing District something we continually have to do we started in the fall of 2022 with a third party vendor because we wanted to make sure that our zoning lines were as fair and Equitable as possible and so we used RSP um during fall of 2022 they went through a couple different things the first thing they did was give us a historical enrollment analysis of what areas were growing versus is what areas weren't then they went into all of our schools and conducted a walkthrough of a Capacity Analysis to determine how many students could actually fit in each one of our buildings um that was something we felt like we owed to our funding body as a school system and as a school board we do not approve or deny any buildings or any of that whatsoever um or there days we probably wish we did because we would slow some of it down to allow us time to catch up but we we don't do that um instead we have to make with what we have and ask our funding body to be able to approve buildings and seats and that's kind of where we are May of 2023 the board started looking at rezoning at that time the board selected five different categories of priorities for us to work with number one being projected enrollment and building utilization that was the number one priority two was trying to keep these boundaries as um in place as long as possible three trying to keep neighborhoods intact four looking at demographic cons considerations and then fifth feeder systems we would love to have a feeder system from elementary to Middle to high school but that unfortunately just isn't the reality of where we are as a school system September of 2023 we had our media uh local media came and we did a media release day we had three public meetings November of 23 we released um additional findings and voted on the approval of our new Zone lines but with a caveat that they need to be reexamined by the new board 6 month before implementation and that gets us to where we are today in August of 24 we went ahead and conducted one more enrollment analysis to see with our thirdparty vendor what areas we're continuing to grow over the last year uh on these Maps you will not see any changes to Stewart's Creek High School lever high school or Smyrna High School from what was already passed in 2324 there are a couple changes uh changes to downtown for demographic considerations changes to Rockville High School and Riverdale High School due to growth continuing by Rockville High School um one area that I know that we had someone that that spoke about and I definitely again emphasize empathize with this Cas Lane area is so close to Riverdale it probably never should have been zoned to Rockville in the first place and that was by a previous board in previous decisions but that is very close to Riverdale second one uh Rockville High School opened overcrowded we sent way too many students out there from the second that school opened to have to put 10 Portables from the day it opened was something that we never should have should have had to have happened the next was the Dual Zone modification to seagull high school and Blackman High School uh that area very likely if we hopefully get land for new high school will be rezoned yet again once we get a new high school and so trying to keep these areas uh from being rezoned over and over and over again was the reason for the Dual Zone with Transportation um the modification I know Miss Pettis Reed mentioned a little while ago about dual zoned area um that has 38 students in it currently 13 of them attend Rockville no sorry 18 attend Rockville and 13 attend Eagleville um so it would be when we get to high school it'll be my recommendation to go ahead and keep that as Rockville just because it's such a small number of students uh let's look at Elementary first Elementary motion is to finalize previously approved Elementary zones for implementation in 2526 with the opening of popular Hill Elementary John has that on the screen there were no proposed changes to that um Zone Dr Sullivan um we're talking about the elementary school right okay perfect okay gosh this I have a question um the school that's out on the Bailey property there have I've been hearing some Rumblings and concerns about the timeline of when it's opening I've Been Told I've been saying that we're opening on time on 2025 can you please state that on record that we are opening and so far we don't have any hiccups yeah I have not had any reason to believe it would not okay great looks much further ahead Trey do you want to to Echo that we run them all down to the day but I mean unfortunately with as many schools as we have to open we build them in a way that we can open them if we need to great thank you the school will be ready for August of 2025 any other questions or comment I'll make a motion that we approve the elementary Zone schools second and seconded by m Rosales roll call vote please Mrs Derby yes Mr bot yes Mrs Gales yes Mr vaugh yes Mr Tidwell yes Miss sharp yes Mrs Maxwell yes all yes motion passes all right middle school middle school zones there are no changes for 2526 uh middle school zones will not change until we get the new Middle School approved and uh I do Envision based on current growth projections that we got in the new enrollment analysis us having to modify some of those zones as well um it has Blackman Middle for example to low Oakland height or Oakland Middle School too high there's going to have to be some modifications again once we get to next year's Middle School Zone but we need a new Middle School to be able to do that so no action is needed on that and how soon do you think we'll have a new Middle School I hope to ask for it from the County Commission in April so okay thank you any questions or comments make a motion we approve Sange we don't need any don't need any already okay I do have a question about Middle School just so that it can be on record so if we go um hopefully if everything goes according to plan in April of 2025 they go to the bond market then um when do you think we break ground we're hoping to open August the 26 wow that's going to be fast it's going to cost extra but that's why the we built it that way so the the the intent and the goal is to open August 20 26 with a new middle school and I know times have changed but I know that um Trey is Broken Ground in September and we've opened a school in August before we're not doing that again though are we Trey I'm running out of rabbits to pull out of so I would like to not do that especially in today's environment but if we we are going out for bid in March and if the County Commission approves in April and able to start in may we can make August of 26 and and and and I I hate to continue talking about this but um but being that it's on the baty property and we already are building there um we didn't whatever Kinks there were we already know about that so it'll be a little bit easier to go through this process to develop that school because we're in the same type of land some degree yeah partnership with these there already so right in the partnership with the city okay great okay let's go to all right high schools so high school zones um recommended motions to approve the proposed high school rezoning for 2526 with a previously approved grandfathering for Rising Juniors and seniors um to accept the grandfathering option parents must confirm choice to stay at the current school and provide transportation by January 31st I'd also just add the recommendation is to approve the area that commissioner re brought forward as well okay Madam chair yes Darby I didn't get a chance to catch you before public comment was over but I'd like to just read this there was a student and a parent that were unable to attend tonight that asked me to read this certainly uh my name is Caitlyn Franks I have attended Rockvale since I was 5 years old from the moment I walked into those doors on my first day of kindergarten I knew I would stay at Rockvale until I graduated the environment at Rockvale is completely unmatched to any other school students teachers principls and coaches Rockvale has built a culture over the years and I'm proud to say that I'm a part of it over the years at Rockvale I have played on four different sports teams and I plan on continuing to do so these teams being flag football soccer basketball and track win or lose with any of my teams I couldn't ask for better and wouldn't want to do it with anyone else at Rockvale I have developed a family and lifelong best friend today I plan to stand up here and present this speech myself but I'm at school right now playing in a basketball game for Rockvale the reason zoning that came out this year will affect me and not my sister I'm 14 years old my sister is 16 she will be going into her junior year of high school next year and I will only be a sophomore which means I have to say goodbye to the school I have known my whole life the zoning has affected my family because they worry how I will get to school practice and extracurricular activities while my sister can drive and get herself to and from I always get car sick so I don't ride the bus to or from school I've been a car rider my whole life staying at Rockville would not be an issue due to the fact I have transportation and my sister is on the soccer team with me I always imagine playing alongside her on the field and now all of it is being swept out from underneath my Feet Rockville has given me more than one sister it's weird though because they are not blood rated to me every time I step on the field or Court I'm alongside my sisters and Rockville is my home I told them I would read that so thank you do we know where she's being reson to is she yeah I think it is eille um and it does bring up something that I think is worth discussion among the board in regards to we've grandfathered in juniors and seniors and they have to provide their own transportation and and I'm curious how the board feels about allowing siblings that are in high school to stay in that grandfather as well because otherwise we're asking for families to have children who are in the same grade band like two kids in high school and you've got one at one high school and one at another is unusual and and would create I feel kind of extra hardships on those families um I understand you know Dr salvin's point that we can't just grandfather in all four years of a high school for the reone but I do think in situations where you've got two children of high school age asking those parents to try and accommodate two separate high schools is difficult Dr San do we have we an analysis of how many siblings we have no I haven't no M Maxim yes Mr tiwall uh Dr suvin as far as the the letter that was read do you know I think I'd reached out to you about that particular one is is that in the Dual Zone area it would have been yes okay the recommended one um and Mr AR if I'm understanding your question correctly you're saying basically be rising sophomores um is that what you're a siblings as far as just siblings of individuals if they're going to be a freshman at High School in the upcoming fall 25 year then they wouldn't be included in this current motion but you're saying that they were a sibling or had a sibling that was being included to include them as well correct is that correct correct okay they both have to be already in high school entering high school or entering high school but not someone like in seventh grade ninth grade okay right that was that's the clarification I was looking for Miss Maxwell yes so if I understand this correctly like so the thought and the qu the the conversation is that if they're in a r if they're a rising freshman and they have a sibling in high school that's who we're grandfather in that's who that we're recommending to grandfathered in is a rising eighth grader who has a fresh who has a high schooler who has a sibling in high school I mean Rising freshman Rising freshman nth grade I mean I'm sorry yeah Rising freshman sorry I meant to say whoever's when if you're in eighth grade going into ninth grade right could be grand any other discussion Miss Miss Maxwell on that same notion uh well actually I got a couple questions drom kukes explain the exemptions potential that the district's trying to provide yeah uh and then how what that process will look like for someone that is going to you know try to make use of it yeah as of right now um what the board approved was Rising Juniors and seniors so any Rising Junior and senior would be able to stay we are also adding I know it may not seem like a lot but we are trying to very much make sure that we are allowing choice at each one of our schools even our overcrowded schools so we will be opening up 10 open seats at each one of our schools to apply for I know 10 is not a lot but 10 is much more than we have right now where we have zero um so a parent would have to choose to apply during the school choice application process that goes through on January 1st be finished by January 31st and we hope to turn it around by the beginning of March to be able to to notify them Mr Maxwell yes I appreciate that information I appreciate the district doing that you know you're at least given an opportunity for individuals that you know there there's something there it's rezoning is is as Dr has mentioned it's not something that any of us look forward to none of us want to do but we're in a very fast growing County we're running out of options and so that's why we went with the districtwide reone instead of school after school to try to break it out over time um so it's hard nobody likes it uh but with that information out there I would like to make a motion that we approve uh ryen well that we approved the addition that Mr Pettis Reed had brought forward uh to include it as a dual zone and that we'd also approve siblings that are rising freshmen and now that may eat up some of these exemption seats that we're trying to do but I still think it's going to be a relatively small number um and the recommended plan from there do I have a second second by Miss Sharp Madam chair yes mby um appreciate the motion I think there's just still more discussion to be had um I am concerned there I know there are some parents that have reached out to to me via email regarding looking for a dual zone in the Smyrna Stewart's Creek area um my my biggest concern is this a year ago when we talked about the rezoning we were looking at the changes affecting roughly 400 students this brand new very recent proposal is affecting over 1,200 students and there's a little bit of concern there in the sense that um kind of to the point of one of our speakers this evening parents a year ago that were here and very involved and came to speak about the rezoning and things of that nature I'm sure there are some of them that don't realize that things have now changed from what that proposal was and this seems really fast to me not really giving everyone an opportunity to kind of digest and and come speak and convey their concerns and we're affecting a lot more students than what we were originally talking about I'm also concerned with um as we move forward I appreciate that like in lever and Stewart's Creek aren't really dealing with this and I think that's in large part due to the what we're expecting to have a new high school so those those students will be rezoned on their own when that new high school is built but I worry about areas like black men that have been rezoned so many times about rezoning them now than just to know that we're going to rezone them again and how much how much change are we really affecting and is it in the best interest of the students because at the end of the day that has to be part of the equation too yes we have to look at our buildings and utilizing the best space but to the point of what happened at Rockville if you rezone and then in two years that school is over capacity and then you're looking at a rezone again as a parent and a citizen that gets exhausting and and I want to make sure that we are really diving into this I think that you know with the elementary school and stuff it's a little different because we had a new elementary school and so that resoning is happening as that new building is being built people expect when the new school is built that those closest to it are going to be rezoned to that school consistently rezoning people and moving them all around the current existing buildings we have and increasing the spread of those zones to me just kind of increases the likelihood that they're going to end up being rezoned yet again so I don't know I I'm just kind of bringing some things up for discussion I welcome anybody to have that discussion but those are some of my concerns Dr Sullivan um and I appreciate you Mr Arby bringing that up can you explain there were some circumstances when RSP came back in the fall that changed things from the initial 400 well yeah and I I see where there are 400 additional students impacted this year that were not impacted last year there's way there are well more than 400 students who were impacted by this rezone um just for example the Oakland Riverdale area of bradyville Pike in through downtown is 900 students and those students were approved to be rezoned last year um the other parts that have changed have been growth areas there is a new development going everywhere but down Highway 96 um is one uh towards last casses that was not Incorporated for Oakland Zone whatsoever which jumped them if we keep what we approved last year by the time 2930 gets here Oakland will be at 2,980 kids um similar with Rockville Rockville continuing to grow that building capacity is at 2200 they if we keep our current zone They will be at 2541 um quickly in the next four years and we are out of room to be able to put Portables there so do Dr Sal yeah I I know this is a very emotional um situation I've been in lots of people's shoes um so I know this is very hard and it's the impact of it all um I have a question Dr s with the new high school if if we were potentially get it built in the Le Road area where we're looking at what would that zone look like I don't want to put you on the spot or anything but you'll have to rezone Stewart's Creek Blackman leverne I would hope not Smyrna because Smyrna now will have a easy dividing line of I24 um you would hope to be able to have that dividing line stay and then Rockville probably moving back up towards Blackman a little bit too and then the other question is um I received quite a few emails about the Dual Zone and asking other areas like the smrna side where it's going to uh seagull what would be the potential of that will that be something that could be possible or there's too many students in that area if you're looking at Smyrna high school we moved the 7 Oak subdivision had a lot of conversation last year from Stewart's Creek to Smyrna um and we held with that moving back to Smyrna because it's so close to Smyrna you have over 300 students who live in that wood Park I can't remember the exact name of the subdivision directly across the river already go to seagull high school and having those 300 students to be able to be rezoned when as soon as smna keeps growing we're going to seagull is going to be the long-term fix for those students of where they're going to attend I hate that but that's that's that's the reality of where the growth is and where our schools are yeah there's yeah I that you know one thing that and I'm glad that there's an audience here to understand some things I'm about to say is that and which Dr s brought it up and and I think the chair mentioned is that the school is not responsible for all these subdivisions the school doesn't have a say so and what permits get to be approved and I don't think that people understand and realize that even though we're going to a county school some of some areas are e are in the city within the city and the city is also responsible for approving some of these sub divisions that are not even going into the county so the smor side that we see all that development um especially in the area where I live when you go down um bot Road amille um what is that other Road I always forget it I know what road is you walk down you go down into SMA all the way almost to lever when I drove that maybe three or four years ago it was nothing but farmlands and now it's subdivisions I mean they're just popping up everywhere you have um and so and that's all smart that's a smart that's a city of SMA so we need your help in talking to right I understand but I think the point I understand but I think the point the point the point I'm trying to make the frustration that you guys are feeling with the overcrowding is because the city is not also helping with the county and trying to help with the school system and trying to find at least a property or give us fees to be able to pay for new buildings we're not getting a single Cent from the city in trying to find money for that we can buy land to build new school that's the point I am taking I understand I've been I'm I'm in your shoes the area that I've been in multiple times has been reson on the chopping block I I know I had a uh my child was a freshman in his sophomore year went to another school in 11th grade he was thinking there was another one was going to go to another school so I understand what it's what you guys are feeling as a parent but what I'm trying to paint and get you guys the the community to understand is that the problem is complicated because you've got the city involved that the county doesn't have authorization or jurisdiction over and we're not getting funding from them to help us with the the problem Mr vaugh you know these things that brought up tonight we're talking about grandfather and these uh siblings you know which I think is a great idea but you know I really don't feel comfortable it I'd rather just wait and I want to see the the impact by doing this what it would what would do to the numbers it could change a lot of things because we just really don't know and I'd rather wait and I'll see what the numbers how they change and fall out and look at the possibility of duel zones to these areas that where these people have bought these homes which I completely understand if I'd bought a house and run on my kids going all of a sudden Ruger jerked out on me I would I would be a little upset that too so I completely agree um I just I just like to see us postpone our decision until we got every bit of the facts we can possibly get so because this is going to impact schools for years to come and I don't want to make a mistake I just I really just don't want to make one unfortunately we cannot wait Mr Dr oh Mr V I I've got a thank you I've I've got a question and then I've got probably three statements that I would make um observations why I know why let me rephrase that what particular High School which high school is going to be affected the worst if we don't do anything Dr in and say in the next two years what I tried to dive into all digest them and I thought about this for 10 solid day well I'm going to take that back there's 10 days here that I didn't think about this but for several of them I have been thinking about this what where are we if we did not do anything who what school is impacted the high steuart Greek high school for sure um they're well over already 25 um Blackman High School Riverdale High School um Rockville High School and then the one that is left with tons of room is Oakland High School if we don't do anything we don't do anything we will have hundreds upon hundreds of kids probably close to a thousand kids at the high school level in Portables with hundreds of seats open at Oakland okay so that's it's utilization of facilities yes and the other part of that is we have and I think it's it's important for our community to know our County Commission picked which high schools were getting additions and we were told trying to be efficient with and we were told that fill those seats and if you don't fill the seats don't ask for another school I that is just point blank multiple times and we have promised that we would fill our seats right so all right here's the observation I would make then and and and I'm going to come at it from two or three different standpoints these people most of these people will understand the first one as a 35 year realtor in the county starting out when I was 24 years old um when people started relocating to Rutherford County the biggest reason they came here was for the school system and they had a lot of them would have particular requests I want to go to Oakland I want to go to Riverdale I want to be at black and the observation I would make here is that most most people's largest investment that they make is their home and so when people put down capital and they work they go to work and they try to support school system they try to support their neighborhood school and then things change on halfway through 2third of the way through some of you 80% of the way through right when you freshman sophomore SI rivalry is another thing you know I can't imagine my brother and I going to two different high schools you know we were both fortunate to go to Oakland um but but that that is a great concern and I think that's along the lines what what you were getting at Katie um is that that if we if we we need to change something so here here would be another observation I'd make they're not going to close the gates the the the the the appetite in this C County either for long-term comprehensive development that's what I'm going to call it right now uh you have what four different municipalities L Smyrna Murphy's Borough and then the county itself and eagal now has a type of sewer system out there that if you watch building permits everywhere it without some type of and and Jason Cole used this word one time in a meeting back I don't know if you were there or not but it was a for he asked Phil wils commissioner Wilson would the county be willing to do a moratorium in the county uh and not issue any building permits until the school system could catch up and it made me stop to think well you know you know mayor Cole wants wants him to keep coming to lever but he didn't want him to come to everywhere else but I shared with with Miss dery a while ago I said what would it look like you know if we really had comprehensive um development and I hate to use the word reform or anything like that cuz all the Realtors will get all sideways with me and I don't but but maybe quota would be a better way to look at it I don't know I I hate to you know I would hate to think that that if I was a farmer in this County or I was a landowner in this County and it came time for me to be able to sell my property that I couldn't sell it or that I was limit limit you know limitations were put on my track land that weren't put on somebody else that's another conversation for another day that has nothing to do with this but it does have something to do with it if you look at the long-term aspect so I said all that to say this what would it look like and I I'm going to put Trey on the spot right here or I asked him a question right before the meeting started how quick could we build a high school you know my concern concern and I think this is long what Katie was getting at if we do the resoning right now then if if if we got if if we got on the stick with it could we have a high school open in two years or three years you know you can do it could could we build a middle school and a high school at the same time and I know what you're going to say you're going to want 5 years you're saying 28 29 I'm saying back this thing up build a smaller one get on with the program go to the County Commission and ask for funding both for for a middle school and a high school at the same time and only deal with this resoning once in the next four years uh that that's that I you know my my feeling right now or my inclination right now is to not do anything is just to sit tight get on with the program we know they're coming it it it's and and I appreciate Dr s I really appreciate the the effort that you have put into it the the the gentleman that made the presentation I'm a number guy you y all all know that for me being an Auctioneer the numbers drive my life and and the detail that he went into it but something tells me whoa wait a minute even if we do adjust all this and we've got these nice little packages and every one of these high schools were within you know 50 or less than a 100 kids each 3 years from now hell it's going to be different it we're going to be right back to the same place and I know the capacity needs to be there and I don't care if it's in Smyrna or l or Rockvale or Las casses or Christiana it's coming unless the County Commission and the the the the four City councils get together and say listen we've got to slow this thing down we've got to moderate temperate you know I'm not going to say stop it cuz that you you don't you either go forward in Life or you go backwards if you stop it you'll start going backwards and that's not what any of us want to do but I'm I'm extremely concerned with these people and and it's obvious to me and and what Katie brought up about 1 1200 of them being affected I think if all all of them knew the these people get up and go to work every day to make a house payment to take care of their kids to take care of the car payment and then for their house to be moved from one zone to another uh once every 3 years I just don't think it's good business that's what I'm trying to say that's my final statement I don't think it's [Applause] good Maxwell yes um something that I worked on a little bit today that I want to bring up is um by the time we get to the year 28 29 2930 if we have not built a new high school at either one whether the one that we had previously approved or this very latest one is done depending on the year six or seven of our high schools are are at or over capacity if we stay with our zoning where it currently is three or four of them are at or over capacity so part of part of my my struggle with this is this current board is not the board that was here when the decision was made on the additions that got put on I I am not in support of rezoning people to Oakland because they put an addition on it doesn't make sense to take people further away and push them there because we made space I'm glad we made space the space is going to get used but it feels very reminiscent of what's been discussed about Rockville already like we're going to push all these people that direction and by the time you hit 28 or 29 according to rsps numbers at Oakland High School you're talking about 2800 2500 2900 or 2600 so you're talking about being overc capacity the school we just put an addition on that and so then you're going to rezone again and our whole purpose we as a board discussed this was to try to get away from having to rezone all the time and I think our County Commission could appreciate maybe we do need to do a rezone but maybe it doesn't need to be this big of a scale maybe some adjustments need to be made but maybe not this big of a scale not because we don't want to fill the seats but because the seats are going to get filled but they may not be filled next year right if that makes sense well I I do believe that when we started this capacity was one of the reasons but it wasn't the total reason why we were doing there's other issues of why issues we've got that a new High School in on on the proposed section of that's going to affect uh Stewart's Creek and Blackman isn't going to fix Riverdale and Oakland that issue it's not going to fix other areas of the of the county um and I truly believe that this was the last time we were ever going to have to do something like this that we truly would only reone when there was a school that was going a new school coming in and I do believe in the future that's the only time we will ever have to do it is when we have a new school and we'll be forced to do that Dr solivan just said earlier that we would probably have to re rezone some people because of the new school because of the new school right but it's not because those kids are going to the new school that's I think parents can appreciate and understand when a new school is built and it's very obvious that their kids are going to have to go there they know that and they know that two years ahead of do you know that when okay when there was just Riverdale in Oakland Riverdale got rezoned for Blackman then they opened up Stuart's Creek Riverdale got rezoned for Stewart's Creek but we're trying and then they opened it up Rock Bale and Riverdale got resed we're trying to get away from that continuing down that same process isn't going to help it the problem is the problem is and I'm going to say this right now and I hope you don't hate me proud grad of Riverdale kids went to Riverdale and I grew up and I went I worked at Riverdale if you live in Cas Lane you should not have been reson to ro to Rockville and the the reason why the reason why I ran in 2020 was because of what happened to Rockville I saw it happening and I want to make sure that doesn't happen you are much closer to Riverdale High School than you are Madam chair can we call [Music] Miss Miss call the question hold on can we take a recess let's just take a a recess let's take a recess I make a motion to take make call the question okay who would like to recess you had like to recess a second let's take a recess let just take a breather right now I I know that this is not an easy situation if I had this is not I understand what you guys are going through a lot of this is a lot of emotions let's take a a let's take a breather and just gather ourselves before like a a 5 minute recess does does does everyone want to want to take a recess no we'll have to take a vote for that then let's there's no I can already tell there's not enough votes miss m um I have a question try the question question's been called question's been called you have to vote on the question okay we have to vote on the question all right Mr VA no Mr vaugh no Mrs Darby yes Miss sharp yes Mr Tidwell I won further discussion no Mrs Rosales yes me is going to end the the yeah no Mrs Maxwell yes the nose haveit Miss Maxwell I have a question Trey um I find it interesting that we're in the ninth hour and all of a sudden we have these great epiphanies I don't know where people were at back in November 2023 when I was saying the same things you guys are saying right now and then we committed to all this work at this point um try I have a question for you what will happen if we didn't do anything right now could answer and just be right and honest and over the next three years we'll need additional Portables expens lot Port how many Portables do we have in um Rockville High School 10 doubles I think the other part is we will as a board and it was the previous board but we still as the previous board have openly committed to our County Commission to rezone to use our seats yeah yeah I have an extreme and of course it's the will the board I will do it I have an extreme problem of being dishonest to our funding body when we have openly said this was our plan to do it and had multiple public meetings we had our commissioners come to our meetings my area was zoned to Rockville where I live got put back it was Riverdale Rockville Riverdale within three years um my neighborhood doesn't get special treatment and so I have I have a huge issue with making sure that our students need to be in good schools and our schools are good schools um I that and and I will say part of the reason why the additions and Renovations at Riverdale and Oakland were so those kids could have a Quality quality building and they were no longer open campuses those kids were no longer getting rained on those kids were no longer out in the freezing cold going from class to class all of our high schools are excellent high schools with honors programs and sports programs second to done and I am so proud of being a part of that hold on hold on May yes Miss Miss Madam shair we have numerous multiple schools middle and elementary and high schools that still have open campuses and still have Portables so you can't you can't use that as an [Applause] excuse Portables aren't are mid campus yes Mr BAU and I'm going to go back to it I I think everybody's perceiving this just a little bit maybe what I meant to say a while ago is that they will Oakland and Riverdale will get filled up Oakland will get filled up there there's a you know there's a subdivision over there right now that's I think there's 150 houses going in they're all four bedroom and it's a complete rental neighborhood so it it you know there's 300 kids right there that's not in this number that they looked at I don't believe because it's it's brand it's brand new but irregardless I'm I'm getting back to the point we have been playing ketchup for 20 years 25 years in this County I I I I think it would be more prudent to if if we could just leave it alone right now you know you you you see the emotion right here and let's get this mechanism in place go to the County Commission because I can see three things that need to be done you got to have a middle school you got to have a high school and you got to replace Daniel mcke I don't care what anybody says that's got to be taken care of somehow I'm I'm looking at you and I'm it sounds like I'm fussing at you TR and I don't me it that way those are three projects that I see have to be done in the next 36 months and so why wouldn't you go to the county Comm commission with a with a capital funding outlay and and lay all the cards on the table and say yes you just got through funding the two the two expansions at Oakland and Riverdale and yes they're not going to be completely full at the end of this and we're asking for more money but guys you keep selling 3, 3500 4,000 permits a year in this County I mean 5 years from now 10 years from now the the projections and and I know some of you heard me say this once before we had the projections when we designed the new courthouse and it knocked my socks off that there'll be 550,000 people in this County by 2040 you know that's unbelievable there's 360,000 here right now so I don't think it it we're not not going to use the capacity if that makes any sense what I'm getting to it it is we're going to be right back to square one again 3 years from now four years from now 5 years from now so why wouldn't you just go on and get up off of it let's get this other high school started right now and deal with the resoning at one time instead of and and I understand Dr svin you made a commitment and that's on you but I'm saying I don't mind going to the 21 Commissioners and saying yes but here's why I we've got to go on with it we can't stop where we are and and one rezoning is not going to solve the problem no but Dr Sullivan has been speaking to them and he can give you some and I would updat on the building our board was aware of that um in those conversations and stated the other issue I would have is as a director after to treat all high schools equitably Oakland High School sitting with addition with 1900 students being able to recruit 600 students is not Equitable I'm an open graduate but that's not fair because that's exactly what it would be used to do and we have fought that for the last decade and we are finally getting to a chance to be away from that Miss Maxwell yes M so what are you proposing s Mr but Mr vaugh what am I propos that that was the the the first part of the question was what happens if we don't do anything if we leave the zones just like they are right now not just leave everybody where they are that's what this Bunch wants right here they're the ones that's up here vocal I think if what understand but we don't we don't need to get into discussion with you I thank you I thank you for that but yes Mr Arby it'll be a roundhouse if we turn it to loose but the the that would be my proposal is that you leave the zones like they are right now and go on and get this deal done on the next high school and deal with and go to the County Commission on one fail swoop and get a middle school high school and Daniel mcke replaced all at the same time it's my understanding the middle school was already in the works well that's what I'm saying but go adjust okay Dr Sullivan hold on just a second Dr sullan would like to say something I believe the middle school is in Jeopardy if we don't readone huge huge Jeopardy yes Mr Arby Dr Selvin how how quickly and I know this would just be a guess on your part but how quickly could RSP come back with a more conservative alternative plan than what we're currently looking at all right will probably ask for you all as the board to tell them what zone lines you want well if we're looking the biggest concern is Oakland and I get it cuz I'm sitting here looking if we leave our current zoning it it barely goes over 2,000 by the end of 2930 so my question would be if we ask RSP to go back and take a look at an alternative plan that addresses Oakland specifically and if there are a few minor other areas is we can do that but I I think this is too aggressive I think we're going to end up with another situation like we did with the rock I mean I've said all of this tonight already so there's a motion on the floor so I can't make another one which is why I was trying to call the question earlier but I I would be in favor of going back to RSP and asking them to make an alternate plan that maybe focuses on the Oakland area but in a less aggressive manner than what we're currently looking at yes Miss Shar thank you madam chair uh to Mr Arby's Point um and having lived on the North End and my son was at Stewart's Creek when St Creek was opened um it was already over capacity U that was over zoned Riverdale was over zoned and now Rockville is being overzone so I I think there is some credibility and what they're wanting to look at yes Mr Tidwell I guess my question as I'm just listening to all the conversation going on right now my question is as Mr uh bot had brought up what if the County Commission which I think they pretty been pretty plain about this about funding in general if they don't bump it up which seems highly likely that they're not going to be able to do that as they're struggling for funding anyways um then we still got a problem on our hands I mean I thought the the entire purpose of this whole districtwide reson versus the high school and high school areas and breaking them up was to spread it out to prevent that constant rezoning that's been brought up so much um that's how I figured that that was going to play out that's how I see it playing out it's not to say that some of these schools won't be at over capacity but you're talking about larger numbers at the schools that are currently over capacity than what they would be if we just went forward with the rezone we can make adjustments we we've heard from individuals we've heard from we've heard public comment we've had multiple meetings we've been doing this thing for two years people are are aware of it I'm not saying we can't tweak something we're tweaking something tonight we've tweaked two things additionally tonight uh so I think that there's room for tweaks but at the same time we're going to have to put this in the rear viw mirror and move forward uh with something that makes sense for a very fast growing County I mean we're we're hoping that we can get a high school on the timeline after the middle school that is a hope that we have right now at the cost of what those high schools are you know you need to move fast Lord knows but anyways that's that's kind of how my understanding has been of this that's where I'm at is it's it's not that I'm not sympathetic uh to to this we have made tons of tweaks to this previously we voted on it it passed as is we're here tonight we we're making small much smaller tweaks but we are making some tweaks we've got some Dual Zone things going on that are helpful uh I think this sibling thing that Miss Derby brought up is very helpful um I I just wonder if if we're really even going to be making any progress if we don't make the decision so that's just my thought Miss Maxwell yes sorry to say okay I was not thinking about this at all um we the county is aware of that we are they gave us the funding with the caveat that we had to fill these the these seats um and that one of the main reasons why they move forward with voting to give us $165 million so I was not thinking about this at all so what we've already made tweaks so what will be the likelihood if we were to go ahead and make a dual zone on that Rockville area and the and the smart SE go zone so that we can pass this tonight without having to make changes my recommendation would be to do it for the Rockville Riverdale not the Smyrna Stewarts Creek because that has not changed since last year the Smyrna Stewart's Creek has been exactly the same as it was last year's proposed I do understand the Rockville case in Lane area that area was never as part of conversation um so I I mean I do empathize with that if ever been there probably not but that's a separate conversation okay so you will recommend to move forward with the Rockville and the uh Riverdale as a dual zone to get something past so we can still move forward uhhuh yes because I am okay then but then I when then I want to make a amend and I I will have liked to get it all but we've got to pass him something tonight can Mr Tidwell withdraw his motion no I can make an amendment his motion because it won't change his motion I I do have one question okay so we we pass this tonight and get it passed but at some point it how when does the the the Dual Zone fall off when we come back and revisit Dual Zone isn't like a grandfathering right and and with the understanding that is not a is a temporary thing it's a temporary it cannot stay on that is not a forever thing is is because we're right we've got to really um and the County Commissioners is aware and they know that this is happening but we need the community support I I've been saying this for the past two and a half years I know a lot of board members have been saying this we just as you guys are fired up tonight we've got to get you guys to go show up with the County Commissioners if you live in the city if you're in muffers Boro if you're smna and if you're Leever you've got to show up and say these building perment I mean these perment that you are approving is impacting the overcrowding in our schools how are you going to help us with the county you've got to show up this is has to be a labor of love from the whole entire community and I've been preaching this some it's the reason why I ran I ran because I was a parent in your seat who was in a in an area that was over that was being um reson on The Chopping Block multiple times and I was sick and tired of it so if you're sick and tired of it you've got to help us get out there and show up at these meetings and talk to the people that are making these decisions our County Commissioners are doing what they can but we've got to also get involved other so the amendment I would like to make to the motion is to include the Rockville um and the river Riverdale area as a dual zone that's Amendment to the motion okay hold on a second who first um which was first and then Mr tid you know I just don't feel comfortable all these things come up in these numbers we're talking about e you know I don't know why we can't have another work session and try to work all these details out you know we're talking about a dual zone for this one specific area but there's some other parents here the water deal zone for their area I think M Rosales has just put up an I made an amendment I need someone to second if that's what you guys are going to help with she's proposing propos amend the motion to include Dual Zone Rockville and Riverdale so what I think that somebody don't we have to ask Mr willing to amend his like I was saying I don't know why that I wouldn't why could I not continue on what I saying um these other people have areas that they want to have deals on also and it's it's it's a little bit unfair to let one group do it and another new group not do it and we don't know the impact of of numbers of things of these things if we let kids come in grandfather all this type thing why do we have to do it tonight I don't understand why is it got to be done tonight that's what I do Dr Sullivan will tell you why we do it tonight it's got to be done for the deadlines of publishing open seats the state law changed 3 years ago that the board no longer has the ability to accept Zone exemptions instead we have to publish open seats in the lottery process takes by what date we have to have it opened for at least 30 days then we have to accept applications then we have to notify and by the time you're looking at mid-march at the very earliest if we vote tonight the hope is we vote tonight and we have to give a two weeks notice by January 1st we do 30 days through January 31st then we have February to accept applications if we may wait any longer our high school kids are too far down in registration I'd rather meet again Thursday night to have a work session to work out the problems I'd rather solve the problems now instead of jump and making decision we're going to regret because we didn't look and really evaluate all the different issues and look at the number I mean I'd rather get it right I you know this you know I'm knew this board but this thing back and forth is just nuts I'd rather spend another night talking about it we've talked about it tonight but we're dealing with a lot of different things Dynamics we didn't have the other night and uh I'd like to meet Thursday night again the work session you know just to get it talk about it and see if we can't come to a resolution that's it couldn't be a work session because we'd have to vote on Thursday yeah but it would have to be a regular board meeting but Mr Tidwell a special called Mr Reed could we have you can we have you join us up here uh we just want to get some clarification that if we do make a vote right now I just want to make sure that we're doing it the proper way please so Mr Rosales ask for an amendment I just want to make sure do I need to resend my motion first for that Amendment or can we she just add it on how how second to her Amendment no one has seconded no one he has made an amendment but it's not been seconded I didn't know that was on the floor no one seconded it I I did not hear a second me one second I'll second it okay so she has an amendment to your motion okay and that's you have to vote on the amendment first and the amendment is to amend your motion sure to add the Dual Zone for rock Rockell and Riverdale and that's acceptable because it doesn't change my motion it just adds to it right all right just Clarity Madam chair yes Mr Arby I just I feel like I just want to say this one last thing if we're ready to get on with the vote I just want to remind everyone that when you look at these numbers by the year 28 29 and 2930 if we go with either one of the the original approved resoning or this new one you're talking about six or seven high schools being overc capacity versus three or four if it stays the way it is or going back to RSP and asking for more conservative resoning I think I I appreciate everything everyone is saying and understand what Dr Sullivan is saying I don't agree that it's dishonest I think as people have time and they look at things and we see how much the growth hasn't really slowed very much and it's still coming and it's still coming you know you start to see it from different angles you learn more information people can change their minds and this isn't again it's not us not filling seats it's allowing time to fill seats instead of rezoning in a massive amount and then having to rezone again two or three years later because you over rezoned it so I just wanted to bring up those those overc capacity issues because it it's it's something to be considered and thought about and and I think it all has to be taken into consideration it it's it's a huge undertaking it's a big deal and it is it is our students so it's about what's best for our buildings it's about what's best for our students it's about what's best for our families as a as a whole picture it can't just be looked at from the building perspective and it can't just be looked at from the student perspective it has to include all of those things and it's a big undertaking so and that's why we ask RSP to do it this is the most unbiased resoning we've ever done neighborhoods haven't been cherry-picked this is not none of us really had any input in it and that's why they looked at things Beyond capacity Beyond they looked at things that demographics they looked at everything in a thorough thorough way and that's why I'm okay with what they came up with with minor tweaks here and there uh because this is fair for the first time the rezoning is fair whereas before when it was doing it with us it wasn't fair and I don't mean because I didn't do the last resoning but it people are fallible and there are biases there's no biases in this computer model yes Mr so one thing I do just want the the board to be aware of whatever your vote is I think that there is a a very high likelihood um that the County Commission and I I hate to to bring it up but it's the reality to fund a high school they have to raise taxes to raise taxes when our board would not vote to fill seats to reone is going to be a hard ask and I think that is nobody wants to reone but that is the reality of where we sit they will have to raise taxes Dr s if we were hypothetically if we were to give dual zoning to the other areas would that be something that the county commissions were perceive as as not filling seats no I think that's still positive because we're given options and we are still utilizing seats okay so if we were to include the other areas too not just Rockville and Riverdale and Rockville Eagleville if we were to do sma and I know your recommend I normally go with your recommendation because that's you're the director and that's why you are here and and I highly value your opinion all the time um but what would be the likelihood if we were to include not just Rockville and Eagleville Rockville and Riverdale but also Smyrna and uh smna and um oh my gosh smna and SE and someone said Oakland out in the I don't know who where Oakland is I think you have to be prepared that you very well if you allow Dual Zone could end up with one school at 1200 or 2700 and one school at, 1800 okay in this Oakland Riverdale this is the first time I'm hearing something about that what area is that it's bradyville year been part of the original presentation the only thing that is new is the downtown area which the board requested last year to relook at downtown so that's that's where if you sense frustration my voice that's where it's coming from because as a director I can only do is the board asks the board asked specifically look at downtown downtown we looked at downtown The Other area to look at to go back was yes part of that downtown was that Riverdale and Rockville area that was the new part which is why again with your recommendation that that makes sense to allow the Dual Zone I don't like dual zones either that puts our schools in a flux something it may yeah um and I appreciate all your CU you you're you're walking in a very you got fine you know fine line of trying to appease the board but also going before the County Commissioners to ask the funding and that's a really huge heavy lifting and that is something that we should take into account as we're making these decisions um and okay so this is the first time I'm hearing about this Oakland um river Riverdale how many suit is impacted in that area hundreds upon probably over 500 over 500 do that that was the main area that is being rezoned from Riverdale to Oakland so that Riverdale can take some of rock yeah go ahead thank you thank you madam chair uh commissioner Reed is still here and I I don't really want to put him on the spot but maybe he could since he's he's heard all the arguments tonight if he could give us some kind of um what his thoughts would be what the about the County Commissioners if we do do the Dual zones and don't do the that sweeping Zone rezone I would I would suspend the rules for we're going to have to take a vote for it so second you've been around you've been around for a long time yeah I have to I have to take a vote real quick just just a minute it'll I you'll be talking just a minute but a second second okay take topend the rules I can just say one motion all in favor say I I I all opposed the floor is yours Mr re I was just asking should I go get my attorney what what you're discussing here is not nothing new to the discussion that we have at the county it's totally what we are seeing it's totally what everybody is seeing it's totally discussion everywhere I'm chairman of the Planning Commission we're in the process right now in a whole new comprehensive plan and I wish you could see my emails uh I'm also chair Vice chairman of the plan reliford uh I wish you could see those emails nobody's happy uh but I see your map right here I've worked two years our plan rord has worked two years on plan rord we've worked at every map there is available on growth in ruford County we even pulled every map that we have on every Bridge located in Rutherford County and when we had our open house we laid all those Maps out for people to come and see now how many people actually showed up to see what we've been working on in fact I had a gentleman walked by and said what's that and he happened to be a member of our road board I said that's every map in Rutherford County you never seen it before he said no I haven't but we have looked at everywhere there is possibility of development in Rutherford County where you can build where you you can't build where there are caves where there are sink holes where there are rocks where there are Hills and we put together a plan of where we can see what we think there will be growth where there will be traffic we have had some of the best experts known to look at traffic we think and we have put together a pretty good comprehensive plan I think a very good comprehensive plan of what we can see as a future out there we didn't want to do one this time of hey we did one in 2010 and within 4 years it was out of date just like what you're talking about here for zoning so we're getting ready to present it now to our Planning Commission that they're going to relook at it if they see problems with it we will vote on it and then we'll give it to the full commission to go from there to see with something to work with it's something like what you've got right here uh the reason I come here tonight to talk about that area that it shows right there for your zoning to change for rock Vil in this one particular spot within our map it really doesn't show a whole lot of development in there it just doesn't because it's pretty much Rock and flood area I don't know why it was even there for that what's happened to Rockville you currently have a development with 182 houses being built right in front front of the elementary scope beside the subway down there you have 72 houses being built and right now it's just been announced for 192 houses right there in Salem Landing that's getting ready to be built that's going to open up on Thompson Road that's what you've got happening right there and just as I think one of you said right here you uh the county commissioner has no control over it the ruford County Planning Commission never sees those that's through the city of Murphysboro so we've got things going in all different directions in what we have here what you said here is put it together and bring it to the the commission somebody's got to listen someplace now I can get in a lot of trouble right here for what I say to you and what I have to say here from other Commissioners but you know what I've already announced that I'm not running anymore and I've got another commissioner too has said the same thing and said we're ready to say what we want to say we're ready to talk but somebody somewhere has got to do something in ruford County rord County used to be a county that when we walked into Nashville they said so goes ruford so goes Tennessee I'm beginning to wonder now they wonder where is ruford County going cuz we don't know no we're building houses so fast that I wonder if all the screws are tight I really do sometimes it just makes you wonder but I think you have good ideas right here you're like us they are ideas and what we've got to do and sometimes you got to put those ideas out here and try to do what you got to do my reason for being here tonight was due to the fact of 30 plus children I've been on our County commission for 11 years now and I will be finishing out in in 26 I've had R I've had Rock Vil and igal and down the side of Midland over there I have five grandchildren of my own two of them in Rockville Elementary that I'm very proud of I have three homeschooled children that I'm very proud of but I also have somewhere in the neighborhood of over 5,000 children in those four schools in my district out there I call them my grandchildren too and whenever something seems to step across the line on those 5,000 granddaddy comes out and that's why I'm here tonight I look after those schools just as much as I do any of the others and I think it's time for all the other granddaddies to come out and start saying hey we got to do something here and I think what your ideas here and I think what your director is saying right here don't send me out there by myself that's what he's saying I've been in those commission meetings I've been in it's amazing he comes out with his Brites Legs eat up that's right because they're saying where are we going to find them money and we ask ourselves that all the time we ask ourselves we have employees that are needing money we have all kinds of situations there we have a road department in ruford county that only maintains roads we do not build roads and when I'm talking about out this area when we looked at what can be built where it is and where you can build it and can't build it there's reasons you can't build in some areas because there's not any infrastructure yeah we've got County roads but they have only ditches they have no shoulders you can only put so many cars down those there's only so many fire engines can go down those there's so many ambulances can go down there and I got news for you folks we have a fleet of fire engines in this County they're getting old you know what a fire engine costs you today you're touching a million dollars or a fire engine and we're finally going to get us one that might have a ladder on it yes sir so you've been in the commission meetings and of course you're just one commissioner to where I've openly stated we will fill our seats before we come ask you for them because that was the direction of our board filling them through a dual zone as long as they're filled do you sense a negative to that yes I think so okay I think I think I think they will listen what you've got to say there we know there's got to be a new high school I mean that's on everybody's breath right now we know there's $200 million as far as our high school is concerned somewhere in that neighborhood we know that and it's got to be done just as we are educating people out here we're also incarcerating people out here too and there's got to be a new one of those too I'd rather see you high school absolutely thank but I think you take the chances of what you've got thank you Mr P I'm Pettis I'm sorry I'm so sorry um I just want to understand so the Dr Sullivan asked you question direct question that if we were to do give dual zones will that be a negative negative impact oh okay you said yes I'm sorry it's a negative impct you got to understand something as I told you I'm a granddaddy they just stuck new hearing aids in my ear this week no okay so I think du zones are the only way we can go okay I really do I'm [Applause] sorry right now right now I think that's the only way you can go uh I I don't see another answer myself um I'm sorry I'm sorry about that uh when you're when I'm in a room like this you don't know how many voices are coming in my head right now and these things right here have two chips in them they have Bluetooth they have everything my truck has in it and it talks to me in four or five different directions and I'm about to get them figured out but uh when I'm in a room like this it if you talk low I don't get you but no I I that's why I stood up here a while ago I said we got to have those dual zones back in there because that's the only way we can work with these people right here uh to keep us working in our school zones and what we got going thank you sir okay we back in session so we have an amendment on the floor and we have an and we have a motion on the floor but I'm going to amend are you going to amend I was going to ask you are you going to I'm going to amend and amend amend again so given that we do have um the recommendation from the uh County Commissioner even though he's one vote again you guys need to I'm saying show up you guys need to show up I hope you guys so uh to give dual zoning option to the Riverdale Rockville to Riverdale Riverdale to Eagleville and smna to seagull and the Oakland to Riverdale that's my minut motion do you want me to say that one more repeat it one more time to give dual zones to um um Rockville to Eagleville well it's it's um smor to seagull Oakland to Riverdale and then Rockville to Riverdale there a Blackman seagull in well the Blackman seagull was already in is already as part of the option anybody we missing are we getting over this yes that's that but just know that this is temporary it's only going to be because we're going to be building a new high school and is going to do all these other high schools well I mean I'm just saying you guys are saying but it needs to be uh promoted to everybody else that is yeah wait temporary wait long gone by [Music] then yes for transportation we need guidance on what we provide right the transation would be what's published if a parent lives in those areas though they can provide exactly the transportation must be provided by the parents and and when for clarification when would the Dual Zone expire when we reone again when we reone again when we res zone for the high school in all areas yeah and on top of that um and the other thing is that if you're not able to provide transportation then they will have to go to the made aware of that and that the deadline will be January 31st so apply for that okay so that's my motion my amended motion amended I amended motion to the amended motion okay our secondary Madam we get everybody yes M Arby we missed you you better speak up cuz this yes M Darby are you with the Dual zones are you saying it's completely between those schools or are you giving boundaries or for which part I'm sorry or so we obviously saw the visual representation of the Blackman seagull Dual Zone my question is for the new dual zones that Mr zis is proposing is that just anyone between Oakland and Riverdale it' be the change zones change zones so it's going to with that current map yep okay let's is everybody the best I understand go ahead Miss Shar um so the original um motion that Mr Tidwell did included the Juniors and seniors and the siblings and the siblings and we have we're going to vote on the amendment first and then we'll go to Mr tidal's motion okay is everyone clear on yes Mr Reed you made the original second I did second it yes are you agreeable I'm agreeable to Second it as well yes I was the original thank you Mr Mr ven but I I was the original second okay is everyone clear now on the amendment okay we can vote Mrs Rosales yes Mr vaugh yes Mr Tidwell yes Miss sharp Mr VA Mrs Darby no Mrs Maxwell yes six yes passes now to the original motion that Mr Tidwell had could you state that motion one more time Mr Tidwell yes all right so I'd like to approve the recommended motion for the proposed High School zoning for 2526 with the previously approved grandfathering for Rising Junior seniors and also siblings of those uh and to also include the option for the Rockville I got to run down here Rockville where's it at Eagleville yes Dual Zone there go ahead Mr Tidwell yes Mrs Rosales yes Miss sharp yes Mr VA no Mr vaugh yes Mrs Derby no Mrs Maxwell yes yeses have it 5 to two well thank you all I think we came back with the best compromise that we could have this evening um this is not an easy thing to do and I do hope that we will as uh Mr Reed just said somebody we've got to come to some conclusion in this County and someone's got to take the take the Reigns and there's got to be um more structure it right now it feels like it's the Wild Wild West with building and it's in every piece of land that's available is up for grabs and there needs to be a a plan in place and hopefully we will have that in the next couple of years because the growth is unprecedented I grew up in this town born in 1967 at seart Air Force Base in smarta and this I I can't believe what I'm seeing and if we get another 100,000 people in the next 10 years h i I don't know without a plan I don't know what we're going to do so but thank you you all for coming tonight and I got a oh y take I want to make I want to make one comment the the uh cuz I could I could tell and Dr sand I apologize for kind of coming out of left field on all this and I could sense your frustration with this but you but also too and and and you Claire Butch and I hadn't been here but 90 days y y'all got digested a lot more information a lot longer than we have this is as I said coming from my standpoint coming in and looking at this from from my vantage point is is what I proposed perfect no it wasn't was this proposal perfect obviously it wasn't but you know we got there but I apologize I didn't want to make you frustrated but again kind of look at it from our standpoint too we hadn't been here for 90 days so you've had a lot more time to digest all that information so I just humble apology I guess that's okay that's okay I got so yes Mr V uh as y'all aware there was another school shooting in U Wisconsin yesterday and they didn't have a school resource officer so I just U I guess beg everyone to support the school resource officer program we've got because these people will be the first ones they put their life on the line if there ever was a shooting they would be the people people that would go after the shooting instead of away from it and these people are trained for that and you know um I just I know that I had the first SRO in the county and I just tell you the uh the Comfort the program has given us and I just uh ask that you support Sheriff Fu and all the school resource officers for the work they do because I'm telling you they there's no doubt in my mind that uh one of the reasons we've been able to avoid this because of our school resource officer programs I agree and uh the work that they've done and on safety and to me there's nothing more important than the safety of our kids so um my hats off to to them and share fit you okay thank you this meeting is adjourned