##VIDEO ID:O_QsRpeGHWI## okay good evening I'd like to call to order the regular meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education like to um ask everyone who can stand to please stand the plge of allegiance plge of allegiance of the United States of America and just uh the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon so in accordance with the provisions of the act the retherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published and to have the date and time placed on the bulon board outside the burough clerk's office mailed to the Harold South fonite and Record newspapers and file with the burough clerk hard copies of the agenda are available in the meeting room and the agenda has been posted electronically on Friday before the board meetings date on the district's website uh subsequent to this meeting a video the meeting will be uploaded to the district's website at www retherford schools.org the video link can be found by opening the Board of Education link by clicking on the public meetings and then videos um at this time I would like to um submit the um minutes from our regular meeting of August 19th oh I'm sorry can you call R call please Mr ban present Mrs Cole present Mr KY present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones present Mr Mone present Dr rine here Mr spr pres and Dr alot that's in for thank you um believe I got ahead of myself so thank you we got you buddy got you um now I'd like to uh request to to move and approve the ADM minutes from our regular meeting of August 19th 2024 unless there any edits to move those please now I'd like to move to the report of the superintendent St first I'm sorry St oh I apologize um so I'd like to move to the report of the student representative um and I'd like to start by welcome you to our meeting um so if you might want to introduce yourself um we're just grateful to have you here thank you um my name is Sarah ioria I'm a junior um here obviously so my report um so the schools are open now um everyone's really excited to be back you can definitely see everyone smiling in the hallways um the ball sport sports are off to a great start boys soccer and girls volleyball both won their first games and um the fall pep rally is this Friday September 13th um which also is the first home football game um everyone's really looking forward to that um next week um Thursday the 19th is back to school night and 9th grade parent orientation and then um we also have student council doing freshman elections and homecoming elections for the homecoming Court um the homecoming dance the parade and the game are coming up on October 4th and 5th should great thank you so very much have you done this before no it's my first seems like a really comprehensive report so apprciate thank you thank you welcome thank you we're looking forward to being with us this year yes you too great any of the board members comments okay we'll move on to the report of the SEC than you thank you um Sarah as you know is a her first year now was the board rep and U that is just in case you're not familiar how that works um when the uh Executive Board of the student council is elected every sprinting uh students can run for that office the same as they run for Student Council president or or vice president Etc and um Sarah's elected and um we've had now a couple of years where we've had an underclassman right get the get get the election which which is good because then if they do run again get elected again uh we have the benefit of that experience so SAR off to a great start so thank you thank you um I have a couple of things I need to go over I'll get to the opening of school in a moment but embedded in the agenda is the uh student safety data system incident report and Hib trainings for um the past school year as you probably are remember I report on um the first period which runs from uh September 1st to December 31st I do that at a meeting usually sometime in January or February then I report on the second reporting period uh which runs to June 24th and then uh the state issues the final numbers for the year so they are in the agenda and as I say um every year the numbers uh although we'd like to have no susp ions that we have to report or no incidents that we have to report uh the numbers are not alarming or not concerning uh when you go over six buildings 18 186 days with nearly 3,000 students so um to have six total incidents of some kind of a physical alteration uh in a school year uh one suspension due to vandalism uh 14 uh for substances uh two for weapons and in both cases they were pocket knives um 12 um hi confirmed and uh the other incident lead removal which do not get reported of 132 um those are things like excessive Cuts or latencies or you know maybe improper language or things like that the reports on the uh ssds system are things like violence vandalism and the like okay the big one so um most of his information has been shared publicly with the board before it's just again um statutorily at the end of the year after to give the the final repay we had a really outstanding opening uh to school I I really you know most openings are good uh if if you know opening day well I say this now uh as a giant fan most opening days are good um not all opening days are good uh but if opening day isn't good you know it's going to be a long year so that I can say that's as a giant fan um but I thought this one was particularly good there was a high level of energy I think the weather has something to do with it even though the buildings are a condition for the most part uh it was crisp it was fallik um we had a um I think a very good opening meeting and I think the energy throughout the buildings were outstanding I got to every building and to um um many many classrooms uh on the first day the students were in and you know it's the thing that I I really do appreciate is it's no longer what it was like you know when I was first teaching and when we were in school where the first day is everybody hears the classroom rules and you know all the procedure and hears your books and you know I used to remind teachers you know they're going to hear that seven times a day in in high school or Middle School uh there were lessons going on in every class there was energy in every class uh there was a lot of excitement so we're off to a really good start and I do want to commend um as I mentioned in the communication you know we had a lot of key people um that we have new people on key positions um starting you know with our ba here and um head custodians to get the building ready and and principles and assistant principles and directors and um we didn't really miss a beat it was you know everything was was off a great start um and I'm pleased to report we're already 3 days in with students and 5 days in with faculty and we're still doing pretty well so uh so things are going in the right direction um this week with the commemoration of uh of September 11th you know as we now have moved you know almost a quarter of a century away uh it's become more history than it's become like it was the first few years in terms of but that doesn't mean uh things are not happening uh throughout the district and I just mentioned two of note uh tomorrow um JD DeSantis who some of you might know he's a Rutherford was a Rutherford resident I'm not sure if he still lives here uh his students were in the high school when I was the principal here um he is retired um a medic fire um fire captain from uh the New York City Fire Department and he has spent um a considerable amount of time for several months uh already 911 and he is now retired and he has gone around um just just because he feels it's important he doesn't get a fee for it uh to schools and he does presentations and he's done many schools in the area so he's going to be here tomorrow at the high school uh doing a presentation to the junior class they'll be a morning and an afternoon assembly to the Juniors um Miss Yoda who um is a supervisor and Mr morand the principal felt that based on the um on the curriculum and so on that was probably the best age group to do it with and then you know in the elementary schools and the other schools there's there was an appropriate kind commemoration I'll give you the example of the kindergarten Center where every year um EMTs ambulance fire police from ruford go down to the Kindergarten Center in the afternoon and it's high five for Hometown Heroes they call it and the kids get to you go out and thank those folks for what they do but also get to see the fire trucks and the police cars and the uh the ambulances and get an idea of you know from an educational standpoint what it's all about and our choir the high school choir will be singing as they do um just about every year at the U ceremony the burough has on September 11th I believe it begins at 5:30 at Lincoln Park also this week we start our um back to school nights the Kindergarten Center is Wednesday and uh Union School is Thursday um and they continue next week so that again is a good opportunity for us um the teachers and the parents to uh meet and and develop a a partnership uh I do want to mention that this year we will be up for the uh the quantitative single accountability Continuum otherwise known as qac uh which comes every three years and uh qac is um kind of an audit for lack of a better word um for the entire District it covers um very deep very deep dive I mean it's five four months five months of preparation of documentation that the state will review in addition to the on-site visit uh instruction and program fiscal management operations governance and personnel and the U the manual that we have to hit all the topics are it's about 120 pages so it's it's a pretty extensive uh program um there is a committee who has a um a small but important job and that job is to um meet with the administration probably in October or so to go over the self assessment that we work on because the way qac works is we submit a self assessment then the state takes that and looks at all the data to see if our self assessment was accurate and they come in and then they give a final score um there is a board member that represents on that committee Mrs Jones has done that uh twice in the past and if there are no objections I would ask her to continue um and uh M Jones I'll send you we have we don't have dates because I'm still waiting on some information from the uh but it'll probably be the ends of September or ear October and of course uh the annual audit of the finances uh as Mr rer Right the end of this month the auditor will be coming in uh to conduct um the annual audit so we have um a lot of lot of things going on in terms of U beyond the usual now um I find that the um qac process although anytime you're being evaluated and monitored there's always that sense of you know I hope everything goes well uh and it always seems to go very well it should go very well it does it does make you take a deep dive into every item that you do and and you find little things that you could always say we could do that a little bit better or or you know we did it but maybe we need to address it a little differently so this self-reflection piece even though it's a lot of work for a lot of people um I think is a very valuable tool um for us to go through so I'll keep you apprised of that as we go on and and and just a real uh quick mention I'll be talking about this a little bit a couple of the back to school nights I'll speak at U meetings so the opening meeting briefly and the couples that don't have the meeting I'll be having a video uh presentation but one of the things I do want to mention there's been a live of discussion this summer um you know about um smartphones and internet use by school age children uh a lot of it um stems through a book which I read and is and I encourage you to read it um especially especially if you have children young children the anxious Generation by Jonathan I hope I say his name right hate h a i DT I don't know if it's hate or hate but um it's a really well-received much talked about book if you've been seeing any of the news stories or news pieces about that the use of cell phones with young kids it's generated from this book and it's well researched you know you look at the book you say wow it's you know whatever 350 pages about 100 of pages or those documents you know footnotes that he's showing you where he's getting his data from but the bottom line is you know uh he cites very very directly with a lot of statistical background and also anecdotal background the tremendous rise in depression anxiety hospitalizations um suicide attempts suicides I mean he uses real data and and the tremendous Spike since 2010 uh which also coincides with the spike in the smartphone um and he also talks about the change from when many of us might have been young or maybe even some of our kids were young with what we could call free play where kids went out and they chose up sides they referee their own game they sell their own disputes maybe sometimes not in the best fashion but they sell their own disp and they developed what you know we now call Executive functioning skills you know we give everything a fancy name but executive functioning skills is being able to make decisions be creative be critical um sell disputes and he cites in the book how there's been a decline as we see in our students where we have school goals this year for executive functioning skills which quite honestly 20 years ago people would have looked at you like what so nothing is 100% you know gospel right but the book is a good read and we're we're to give the book and we've already given the book to all of our um counselors and to our administrators and our supervisors and we will be working on a a parent Academy program at some point this year that will address some of the topics raised in the book uh and address it from our perspective and the one thing I just want to add I'm reading you know stories in the paper about how this school district is not going to allow elementary kids to have phones anymore we don't allow elementary kids to have phones or middle school kids and I'm not saying our kids who sneak them around and get them in but they're not allowed to have them and in the high school they could have them between the passing of classes which by the way the book is saying at high school there could be some different set of roles um but they're not supposed to happen during class and we have caddies and things like that the thing that we really want to do the parent Academy on is you know even if we separate seven hours of a day of a student not being on the phone non-stop there are 17 hours in the day okay uh this has to be a partnership with parents uh it has to be really even more of a parental uh understanding which is why we want to do the Parry Academy um and we have seen in the report I gave you tonight the handful of of uh fights for lack of a better word the Hib allegations I would say 80% of them are things that are happening at 10 11 12 o'clock at night on whatever they're on whether it's uh you know Twitter or xn gu or you know whatever Tik Tock or just texting each other that carry over then to the next day so I think it's a really important conversation to have and we're going to have it in District with you know we we thought we invested some professional development by getting all the folks the book and we're going to try to come up with a program to have at the community with the parent Academy okay so the name of the B that that's my report What's that name of the book it's called the anxious generation that my okay and it's and you know and I don't say this but as a as a former teacher of English I know that you know and I'll date myself with what I'm about to say most of my students read the book and some of them read the cliffnotes right if you remember Cliff Notes but at the back of every chapter he gives a summation as well so if you're reading it you say wow you know I missed something or you want to just get a sense for it uh back chapter he gives a very thorough bullet point snation of what Us in the chapter and and uh I think it's again there are things you could dispute and we could debate that he points he raises but having someone being someone who you know is a parent a grandparent uh but also someone who's been around students for a long long time uh I find a lot of validity and a lot of concern in what he brings up okay thank you any comments or questions anything the superintendent's report if not I'll provide the report for president um Sergio does send his regrets obviously they can't be here this evening with everyone um he does you know and I'm sure as we all do want to acknowledge the beginning of the Academic Year and the school year and wishing all of our students um the best of luck and you know to our you administrators and faculty much success for a great Academic Year um Sarah um I know Sergio wanted me to make sure we personally you know welcomed you to the meeting um general rules we don't hold it the fulltime uh we'll give you an opportunity at some point to evening if you want to leave and you may want to stay but if you want to leave because maybe have homework or other pressing matters you'll be able to head out why is Poppy laughing at that cuz she would have been yeah she see I was get to S poy stick to the end all yeah yeah she say I spoke so long tonight why am I speaking so long exactly um and since we mentioned poy um I do know that Sergio senss his regrets um I wanted to read if it's okay embarrass you what he wrote to you um briefly um Sergio said and Sarah this may set the bar so your board reports have always been thorough and well-rounded full of school spirit that is the Hallmark of what makes rhs so special thank you for your time and your efforts in preparing board reports and best of luck on taking on the student council president role this year so um I think that's great I think it's time to Round of Applause and the only other matter for the president was to remind all board members of homecoming parade I think Sor gave us that your report on the fifth um and game so um if you could I like to have as many inment as possible okay Sarah maybe you know or poppy maybe you know um I think the game pred a little later this year right sat satday do you know that yeah the squ that I say service too yeah the parade s yeah like Clos to it to because the game's going to be around three-ish uh because it's an SAT Saturday in the morning yeah yeah SATs in the morning y it was it's h all right questions great there's none um The Time Is Now 7:21 and I'd like to open the meeting up to the public for agenda item stop that okay at 7:21 I'd like to close the meeting to the public and move into new business where action will be taken um this is cool I I'd like to ask you um to do item one if we could do that separate first yeah okay all right good evening uh Personnel did not meet this week I mean this month for a meeting tonight we have 20 motions to be put forward at the recommendation of the superintendent I'm just going to do number one which is to honor poppy bimson for service as as the Rutherford Board of Education student rep for the 2022 2023 school year and 2023 to 2024 school year yeah the thank you um questions comments Mr Sprayberry it was uh it was awesome watching you last your things were amazing there sm all this com positive so it's it's nice for board time and yeah so thank you were on it last year just any other board member just it's been lovely sitting next to you I'm not going to hope that you have a super senior year I know you're going to have this great Senior Year wishing you continued success and we can't wait to hear what College you choose come May June okay hello this is Jo I just like to reiterate that we've enjoyed to few two years I was kind of disappointed she didn't want to go for it but president of the student council obviously and we welcome Sarah I know she's going to be just as wonderful as papy gu good all right well um poy you will be missed um you've done great things in your role as the board rep and um we have something oh before we do it's R yes call the rooll Mr pan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr KY absolutely Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry second I AB to now we motion Carri yeah so papy the board is going to present you with u a little something so Mr Mel will present it to you so congratulations and and thank you for representing the student body so well are we taking a pict are we taking a picture picture [Music] picture and poy did we win no no all right I'm sorry I asked Mr mecky you please erase that from the video B Redemption thank you thank thank thank you and and this is Sarah's cute that she could you you could Sarah you may leave now where you can stay thank you you record Cy never stayed whole two years she never stayed but she watched the video later too yeah it was allk thank you thank you thank you now we continue right press off okay um so we'll be going back into uh new business and Mrs scy please continue with person sure number two is to accept a resignation number three is to approve an elementary teacher at Pier Pon School number four is to resend a teacher assistant at the high school number five is to approve a li replacement elementary school special education teacher number six is to approve a long-term substitute number seven is to approve a lunch monitor number eight is to approve another lunch monitor number nine and 10 is to approve the following level changes as listed oh I'm sorry number 10 is to approve the following counselors for the Bulldog CARE program as listed number 11 and number 12 is to approve disability leaves with pay number 13 is to approve vacation day payout number 14 is to approve Title One instructors as listed number 15 is to approve the following coaches coaching assignments as listed number 16 is to approve the following High School co-curricular assignments and stiens as listed number 17 is to approve the following service providers as listed number 18 is to approve the following substitute teachers as listed number 19 to approve the following substitute teaching assistance as listed and number 20 is to approve the following travel reimbursements as listed thank you com uh no other than to say that you know I know from around the county from my colleagues there are a lot of people scrambling right now to find positions and I'm pleased that we are fully staffed so uh it's been a tough year for hiring and we are fully staff so we're very pleased that any questions or comments on board members okay not hearing any like to move those motions please I'd like to move motions 1 through 20 under Personnel 2 through 20 mran yes Mr Cole yes Mr KY yes Mr he yes Mrs Jones yes Mr Mone yes Dr rine yes Mr sprar yes motions cares thank you uh move on to curriculum and instruction Mrs Jones thank you uh we did not have a curriculum and instruction meeting in the last one and tonight there are six motions on the agenda that have been report at the recommendation of the superintend then we one board goals two ad District placement three speech language Services four field trips and five anti-bullying right a Bill of Rights and six Bergen Tech Academy I just like like to note that when you look at all these there are 31 students going to Haggin saac 14 to pamus 32 to te Baro five to applied technology and two to interactive design technology for total of 84 that's very impressive that that's all the Motions thank you Mr um the just so for clarification on number five um again this is something I report probably two three times a year under code I have to uh we have to do a self reflection on the training that we do uh for uh staff and the programs we do for students and how whether we follow all the procedural requirements for reporting and investigating any hibs and uh the score of 74.6 which are a self assessment based on a total possible score of 78 um so what this motion is saying is this is what the hibit team did in their self-reflection the board is authorizing me submitting that to the state then the state will review what we submit and they'll come back either agreeing to our numbers or suggesting a change in numbers and then I'll come back and report that again okay so just for clarification this allows us to submit that report D um questions or comments from board members there should be Mr Jones would you move those motion I move motions 1 through six under for instruction first and second M Mr H mran yes Mrs Cole yes Mr County yes Mr Healey yes Mrs M Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes motion is carried good thank you moving on to finance Mr Bei uh we have not had a finance committee meeting since our last full board meeting uh tonight on the agenda we have five motions to consider number one is the routine approval of bills number two is to approve a lease purchase financing agreement for Network switches not to exceed 340,000 number three is a least to approve a lease purchase finan agreement uh for a school vehicle not to exceed $882,000 number four is to accept a proposal for landscaping services across the district at a cost not to exceed $94,400 and number five is to approve the renewal of our custodial Services agreement with Aramark at a cost not to exceed 1.2 million or so thank you Mr Mr wford any comments Mr wiford uh to elaborate on the lease purchase for technology uh it's a pretty substantial purchase of $340,000 in total it was products and services uh for moroi switches which is to uh incre or update our technology infrastructure last year um from what I'm told it was very much needed and it is a very very useful tool for our technology department and our infrastructure to make sure our Chromebooks are working the the teacher Wi-Fi network and so on um so one of the tools for financing is to look for lease opportunities for these large purchases so the district's budget doesn't have to take out $340,000 in one shot so this uh bid was to seek interest rates for our leases to be able to break up this 30 $340,000 do fiveyear lease payments uh to keep the budget impact at a minimal while still getting those products and services that we needed and it's it's least own we paid yeah and and this has been our um standard procedure with the most of our technology over the last maybe 10 years because with a you know a 2% cap and um other big ticket items that we have to spend uh you really can't do it and one of the reason why I think we've stayed uh pretty much on top of our techn technology is because we've been we've been Leasing and this this is part of the um um items that we talked about I guess two years ago and strategic planning with with the it people and as you know there's a couple of other big ticket items that are coming in the next two years U we want to see some more okay I know you want to mention the truck or uh the well the truck we did get a um ORF uh the ORF Grant um last school year to um at least support the the purchase uh of that truck um so the the marching band did get the truck which is parked right outside I do have a rendering of the marching brand brand band and bulldog logo that's going to go on the truck looks very nice I'll show the board members after the meeting uh so we're excited about that but that was one of the another large purchase that we at least were seeking funding um but because that RF Grant uh we were able to take that on on last year's budget right so we're hoping that the Le the the grant money would cover I think maybe two years of the lease and then the other couple of years the lease will either see if the RF is wants to come up with more of a grant or uh you know we'll have to figure out a way within the budget to cover it but as you remember that truck was solely needed and um and we appreciate the RF uh helping us out with seed money for it and we'll pass around the truck's out there now but you'll see what the painting is going to look like with both the band and if you look down the RF go well goes on there okay I guess that's it y thank you um any board members have any questions okay not hearing any at one on the on the Swit are we taking delivery of those switches this year they've already been installed install yeah so over the summer we uh closed down our Network for uh I want to say 48 Hours uh the guys from our it Department uh working with the contractors who put them in were faster than expected yeah uh so the project was very successful our te Department was great in that that one weekend being able to to work to to get it done that our summer programs and our summer operation were not really impacted by the new infrastructure those those were across the distri the district yes great any other questions s all right Mr you want to move that I'd like to move motions one through five under Finance reive first and second Mr pan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr County yes Mr Hy yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr Rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes sir thank you motion carry moving on to policy yes uh we did not have uh committee meeting since our last board meeting and there are no motions uh for the scene thank you that's um we going to building some grounds Mr fber uh we had a good made prior the last board meeting those me or hand packet I have going with that good um really anything for call Street no um we'll probably be getting some policies from STS May probably the next month or so we we'll go from there and we have a couple of little um cleanup things I want to get done but I'll wait till the next you know packet another critical so we'll do that when when the next packet comes up very good old business Mr Joe Mr Hy and I attended the new teacher luncheon which was wonderful it was always GL to see new faces and so up them to our school asister H said and we're so glad that you chose us um and I also was able to attend the opening day uh both that Woodford and Mr pH spoke H with me it was very nice I was I'm always so proud to go to that and to get so it was nice going three days from school I hav got too much old business yeah I'll just add yes I uh was explaining that we're very proud of our employees and tried to name the different levels and I forgot the principles and Mr Marone reminded me Mr Brown Yeah well if you going to forget one he's another guy you should forget but it was I was glad I was very nice very nice event thank you just take a note 36 minutes into the meeting anything for uh no no okay um there's other old business they can move on to the legislative update Senate Bill 3485 introduced on June 24th uh 2024 by Senator Anthony M bucko District 25 moris of the safer students act require school districts Charter Schools non-public schools contracted service providers and in institutions of higher education to review employment history of prospective employees for delegations of child abuse or sexual misconduct don't they do that any yes I you know uh I was going to say it's an election year so people say a l of things uh we we've had what we call pass the trash law in the state for probably six or seven years now so anybody and I and I have to fill them out for anybody who ever worked here uh applies for any job that deals with kids anywhere in the State uh they could have been a lunch monitor 35 years ago and we get the form and we have to uh you know we have a certain amount of time sority so I'm not sure if there's one category in that bill that isn't in the other but uh I figured you that's that's been the norm yeah my information too thank you thank you for that um the time is now 7:38 p.m. I'd like to open the meeting up to the public again for any item on the agenda or otherwise see respectful okay CH they're choosing sorry they're choosing it out yeah if you want come up to the microphone please take your name address and if you would limit your comments to 3 minutes please sh hi everybody I'm jenabella I'm at 132 carita Avenue in Rutherford New Jersey I'm Clara Jameson I'm at 147 Home Avenue New Jersey um we just want to take a moment to introduce ourselves in person we have done so virtually but we are the co-leads of the Rutherford special education parents Advisory Group um we wanted to thank you all for your openness um and receptiveness to the group we're here to help the parents but most importantly the students um and want to make sure that we're helping to understand what special education students are needed needing and challenges that might be arising in the district we're working with Miss hoen um and we're pleased to have the opportunity to work with the district to systemically support students uh with disabilities across ruford if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our work please reach out to miss hen or Mr Hurley and we'll be happy to chat with you but we just wanted to say hello let you know that we're here and we're really excited to be part of the the real people so if if I may uh first of all I thank you for um taking the initiative to get this um program that's always been in existence it got kind of dormant for a number of years it used to be a very um um active group and I think you know it was one of the casualties of Co and you know a lot of the groups stopped meeting and things kind of slip away um and some of the folks some of the the parents who were the key movers and shakers you know there students have moved on and they moved on uh I think it's an important group because it it um because it is a collaborative you know a lot of times you think about you know there's going to be advocacy which there will be there's going but this is really a collaboration with this special ed department and the parents uh to understand needs and understand programs and opportunities and also to present uh to parents and know the board's knowledge U bits of information that maybe they don't have you know not only within District but in the state and in the area so um I I thank you for you know taking the initiative to get it going again I know you had a meeting with Miss Owen um I know uh we had said that we would meet at some point and we will but miss hen told me she was so thorough that I you know but we will meet with Miss hen at some point and uh you did get a table right at the back the school nights so that I think each of the principles will let people know that you're there so if parents want to be find out more about it or get involved and come up and see you so again thank you for U getting involved thanks everyone thank you thank you very much you okay if there are no other members of the public present at 7:41 PM I'd like to close the open public meeting no need for an executive session no need for an executive session so I believe um any motion or and um I have a motion Mr motion that's what I all right at uh 74 want wrap thank you