##VIDEO ID:btL5w80GwcE## uh so at 7M we are going to begin this regular meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education November 11th 2024 uh because it's Veterans Day in uh in order to honor our veterans thank them for their service and to reflect on their sacrifices made I'm going to ask that we begin with a moment of silence all right thank you I'd like to ask all who can to please stand face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance flag of the United States of America the it stands Nation all right Mr Whitford could you please take role Mr bagoan present Mrs Cole here Mr KY present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones present Mr maon here Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry present Dr alot here out ofum the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Rutherford board of education is caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place posted on the bulletin board outside the bur clerk's office mailed to the herald South bergenite in the Record newspapers and filed with the bur clerk hard copies of the agenda are available in the meeting room and the agenda is posted electronically on the Friday before the meeting date on the district's website at www. Rutherford schools.org subsequent to the meeting a video of the meeting will be uploaded to the district's website www. Rutherford schools.org the video can be found by opening the Board of Education link and clicking on public meetings and then videos uh so board members in your packets there are minutes to approve from the regular meeting on October 21st 2024 any questions or comments about those all right seeing none uh then the first thing on their agenda is not a report of any kind but it is a special presentation so this evening we have the honor of celebrating a remarkable achievement one that reflects the vision dedication and passion of a truly exceptional leader Jack Hurley our superintendent of the Rutherford New Jersey schools has been named New Jersey superintendent of the year for 2025 can as president of the Rutherford Board of Education I feel incredibly fortunate to work alongside Jack his commitment to our students and unwavering support for our teachers Inspire us all Jack embodies the qualities of a great leader reminding me of the words of former President John Quincy Adams who said if your actions Inspire others to dream more learn more do more become more you are a leader Jack J does just that igniting a passion for learning in our students and empowering our Educators to reach New Heights but let's be honest no superintendent would be able to do it alone it takes having the right people on the bus surrounding Jack is a phenomenal team of dedicated board members talented faculty committed staff and supportive Administration together alongside our superintendent we hold ourselves in one another to high expectations the result is a culture of Excellence where Innovation flourishes so I want to take a moment to recognize everyone here today who contributes to our District success you are all part of this accomplishment and I thank you for your hard work and dedication as we celebrate this achievement let's also reflect on the significant successes under Jack's leadership navigating the unprecedented challenges of covid-19 Jack demonstrated not only resilience but also an unwavering commitment to our students and staff ensuring that learning continued in a safe and supportive environment working closely with former business administrator Joe Kelly welcome back tonight uh Jack also spearheaded our 2019 Bond referendum with projects that not only met our ambitious goals but did so under budget a testament to his careful planning and fiscal responsibility and then there's everything else thinking about the people the programs and the spaces we provide students and ensuring that the district never rests on its Laurels but pushes itself toward continuous development and growth I've seen Jack face every challenge with great thoughtfulness passion and integrity proving time and again that he is not just good at his job but he genuinely loves what he does he knows when to ask questions how to prioritize and serves as a role model to his peers throughout the state and thanks to all of his Collective accomplishments jack is not only our New Jersey superintendent of the year but he is now a contender for the national superintendent of the Year award by the American Association of School administrators wow this evening we celebrate and honor with pride the collaborative spirit that our exemplary Rutherford superintendent Fosters within our district reminding us all that together we can achieve great things I'm also excited to share that we will memorialize Jack's great accomplishment with a plaque or there was a suggestion about a wrestling belt uh to be placed in a public area inside Rutherford High School where Jack spent many of his years as a teacher and as a principal we'll have more information on that soon to conclude thank you Jack Hurley for your Superior dedication your Visionary leadership and your ability to inspire us all to be our best and now we can give them one more big round of applause this is going to be great because we're not going to allow Jack to speak for at least 15 minutes so we're going to open the the floor now to board members to say a few words uh i' like to start with our vice president Dennis mazone thank you Sergio um I'll be brief um Jack I'd like to offer my sincere sincere congratulations on your being named superintendent of the year I couldn't think of anyone more deserving of this honor than you your thoughtful stewardship of our district the mentor mentorship of our administrators and teachers and the success of our students have truly distinguished you as a leader in K to2 education um in my opinion your resilience is probably one of your greatest attributes um I have appreciated watching and learning myself from you over the past nine years as you've successfully navigated and adapted our district to several difficult and challenging experiences ranging from sensitive board matters to the referendum the global pandemic I thought your leadership has been steadfast um you've been a role model to the community a leader for other administrators as well as superintendents to follow and I for when couldn't be more proud to have you of our district superintendent we and Rutherford have known for a very long time how lucky we are to have you leading our district now the rest of the state of New Jersey does too so congratulations again on the Statewide recognition is truly welld deserved and I wish you continued success right uh next we'll hear from our longest standing Board of Education member Diane Jones I don't Fu with words to describe so words are dedicated leader and Giants all right excellent everyone takes on a different different style of how they want to everyone's taking on a different style and approach of how they're recognizing Jack Mr Furley came to rord in 1977 after turning down a cic school um offer to teach came to ruford and how lucky we were in 1979 my oldest child Michael was a freshman in and Jack was his um over the years Jack and I have of names because I've been around since but my first superintendent went Elaine W who M but she was here for quite a while almost two years R JN and Jack but out of that Jack thank you Dan uh and now we'll hear from Greg rine I know you do this for the ACT you love little story the first time I was down at the uh school boards convention we're sitting all in the room right a bunch of board members and we did tell about our district and right and how we interacted with our CSA and all the stories were about over suing our CSA rcsa doing us they keep leaving we can't find people they to me rcsa in a district since his first job um we get along R and he to to retire I where are you from brother so that's I mean that's why you're getting should probably why I won probably you won yeah W but and you make our job e so thank thanks Greg uh now a few words from Dennis Hy yes uh working with Mr Hurley over the last eight years I've learned from Mr herley to try to keep you cool during the Board of Ed meetings when a contentious uh moment arises uh fortunately we do did not have many situations uh like that uh through the referendum meetings through the pandemic period uh but even then uh Mr herley always kept his cool and always worked through the issue with outcomes that were best for the students and or the entire Rutherford student Community uh Mr Hurley is a case study uh to how to be a successful superintendent ended the school leader uh congratulations Mr Hurley uh thank you for all you do for the Rel for students staff and the community thank you thank you all right thank you Dennis now we'll hear from Chris kti I I just wanted to say real quick that um when I one of the reasons I ran to be on the board was because of you jack specifically that I was so impressed with how the district was run how well it was run and that that's clearly reflection upon your leadership and so I just want to say thank you and for everything that you've done and continue to do for us thank you and congratulations thank you thank you Chris James uh very individual the one thing I thought about what described you it's a lot of what I myself put your work on and good a put your work and you know you look around the always look at all the meting all all the events and stuff he's there you know that's work go work school go work for these for these kids students Serio mention Co um you know couldn't got through that of aob you know on a daily basis congrulations so thank you all right thank you James B so it's no surprise to any of us that Mr Hurley was named uh New Jersey superintendent of the year I joined the board uh just after our students returned to classrooms in 2021 uh and I have such a deep admiration for the commitment that Mr Hurley showed in 2020 to ensure a safe return for our students and staff uh beyond that time you have Champion initiatives that have reshaped our schools Jack your commitment to our students success and your dedication to the values of Education Inspire us all and we'll leave an indelible mark on our district congratulations and thank you for making a difference in every life you touch thank you and Christina Cole I had to write little speech since I've known Jack for like 35 years as a coach um and I just want to say that one thing that's always been clear is that Jack's been a man of deep commitment loyalty and has a vision for the future from the time he was my coach and now as I sit with him on the board of ed Jack had an inate ability to see potential in every situation and every individual he didn't just focus on the immediate challenges or the day-to-day details he was always looking ahead creating a vision for what could be especially for the students it wasn't just about winning a game it was about building people in the community that could Thrive whether we were on the court strategizing to beat our opponent or discussing the direction of the district Jack always has a game plan I can confidently say that his leadership has left the lasting mark on countless students teachers and colleagues his Forward Thinking nature combined with his dedication to doing what's best for the students has truly raised the bar in our district he's been more than just a coach or an administrator he's been a Guiding Light for our entire Community he's inspired each of us to better aim higher and Care deeper so thanks Jack for everything you've done for the Le of public schools district you will leave a great legacy in the district and I'm being um very proud to be part of now two state titles under your leadership all right she did ask me which one I liked better well I just want to thank all of you board members for all of your heartfelt comments uh so uh for the past two years we had a student representative poppy bimson who uh came to board meetings and had an opportunity to really get to know Jack Hurley and kind of see what happens in the inner workings of our board uh she's president of the student government we're so happy to have her come uh she wrote a beautiful speech and then uh state championship soccer happened and she is currently representing Rutherford Bulldogs in a semi-final state championship soccer game right now um but uh which she told me on Saturday but she said can I still write something and you read it and I said sure but the only thing I'm not doing is actually reading it because I spoke to our student representative Sarah iorio and she is going to read poy speech so thank you so much for doing that so at this moment I am playing in a state semi-final soccer game if I could be in two places at once I'd be delivering this in person and fingers crossed winning the game it's hard to truly capture the impact someone has in writing but the fact that I'm playing my in my game right now representing my team school and Community shows the influence Mr Hurley has has had on students like me I wouldn't have the opportunity to be a decorated athlete student and Community member without the support and hard work of this District every role I've taken on in high school has been shaped by Mr Hurley and the district's dedication for many students it's hard to recognize an impacts when it's part of your everyday life we are constantly surrounded by excellence and commitment and that builds who we are as people for me I saw that that dedication every month when I reported to the board as the student representative my speeches became a connection between the everyday lives of rhs students and the work of the district with each new speech I saw Mr Hurley's passion for us whether I was reporting on the future Business Leaders of America Club the football team or the theater Department he knew them all and he celebrated each new win or performance I reported this support made it easy to see how committed the district is to our school and its students I looked forward to each Monday meeting because they were so genuine I knew the board members and Mr Hurley truly cared about everything I had to say for rhs Mr leadership continues to inspire me and all of us who are who are a part of this District's success I am proud to be part of a community built on care and dedication as my time as a high school student comes to an end this year I know that the lessons I've learned from Dr Hurley and this District Integrity hard work and care to name a few will stay with me throughout my life and I know I'm not alone in this either I saw the name I saw the same commitment and support in every student I had in the privilege of reporting for so from from all of us thank you everything you have done and continue to do shapes who we are and who who we will become thank you thank you for reading that um now we're going to hear from some of Jack's colleagues and we are going to start with uh Helen Angeles come on up thank you so much want to not be hurt can you hear me barely all right good evening Mr Hurley members of the board colleagues um I've written many speeches and I've spoken many times to large crowds yet this particular speech has been one of the hardest to put down on paper I guess the restraint to not make it into a roast has been challenging for me first of all Mr Hurley on behalf of the Rutherford Education Association congratulations on your most deserving award our 400 Plus members know that your years of dedication and insight for our district has been significant in effectively making Rutherford school district one of the best I mentioned the word Insight or maybe a more appropriate word may be Vision Jack your vision was very evident 22 years 22 years ago when a 40-year-old fizet teacher who may have been just a tad pastor Prime as an athlete walked into Rutherford high school for an interview you took a chance on that teacher because you saw something you could have hired someone much younger but you did not and I will be forever grateful for the chance to be teaching and coaching in Rutherford most importantly however the greatest gift that you have given all of us has been the opportunity to have crossed paths with you thank you thank you thank you Helen and now we'll hear from another of Jack's colleagues Barbara O'Donnell thank you everyone can you hear me okay okay good this September marked the beginning of my 34th year working alongside Jack so I've seen him as a teacher as a supervisor as assistant principal of rhs as principal of rhs and now of course as superintendent it was September of 1991 I started here as a business ed teacher and Jack was an English teacher and Jack always had the reputation of being tough there was a mural painted outside in the English Wing outside all the classrooms and there was a picture of a grade book and flying out of that Gradebook was all fs and that was Jack what what not all apps well mostly apps and that was Jack's grade book when Jack became a supervisor of The English Department he was just as tough he required even veteran teachers to change what they taught knowing that keeping things fresh was essential even if it wasn't always the most popular thing later as a system principle of rhs Jack's passion and energy were memorable I can still picture him slamming down that phone and his daughter's picture would slide right off the desk as principal I remember one time and Jack and I still talk about this hen the assistant principal Mike Cassidy who some of you might remember I know Diane remembers had to have a very challenging conversation with a teacher and afterwards I was meeting with both of them and I looked at Mike and I said was Jack nice and he looked at me and said nice for Jack today superintendent Jack continues to be just as tough as the role requires he is one he's the one making the final call the buck stops with him but his toughness is balanced by a rare thoughtfulness he listens You can disagree with Jack and then a day or two later he might call you and say I thought about what you said we saw this clearly when the first referendum that was put out under Jack's leadership failed but Jack is one to never give up Jack took the feedback to heart he adapted and the next one succeeded and we are all and we are enjoying the benefits today Jack has always had the students of Rutherford public schools at the heart of every decision and at no time was this more evident than during the pandemic in September of 2020 back when many districts were opting out of full day learning Jack led us back we had grades 1 2 and three in school 5 days a week and our special needs kids in 4 through 12 had the option of coming 5 days a week While others waited Jack assessed deemed it safe and prioritized getting kids back in school where they belonged and we know now that he was right with the pandemic behind us Jack has led this dist District on a journey of substantial growth and change inviting all stakeholders to our academic committees and now the portrait of a ruford graduate we honor Jack today not just for the recognition of New Jersey superintendent of the year but as a leader who challenges listens and always puts our students first it has been a privilege to watch Jack's unwavering commitment resilience and vision shape our district and Jack personally and on behalf of the Rutherford supervisors Association I thank you for your incredible dedication and for inspiring us all congratulations on a well-earned honor thank you thank you all right now we'll hear from Frank Morano I've been waiting for this I was uh reminded actually I'm going to stay on task today and I'm going to read something I was reminded when being asked to speak today that this was not supposed to be a roast common theme right but if you know our relationship you know that would be a bit of a challenge for me but in all seriousness it's a true honor to be standing here congratulating Mr Hurley on being named New Jersey superintendent of the year I can honestly say I'm not surprised that he has received this welld deserved recognition because quite simply I have never seen anyone with the work ethic commitment and dedication to not just a school district but to an entire town his level of devotion is unmatched from the very first day I became his assistant principal back in 2011 he immediately stepped into the role of a mentor and as many of you know mentorship for Mr Hurley means more than just advice it means leading by example and offering unwavering support now I must share with you that when I first started working with him he told me he had three years left before he was going to retire um after a short time as assistant principal I transitioned into the role of principal at rhs and once again Mr Hurley made sure that I had everything I needed to be successful he took it personally ensuring that not only the academic standards but the very culture that he had created within his school would carry on and that was a culture was something special I've never seen anything quite like it Mr Hurley's leadership inspired inspired a level of dedication and loyalty that is rare the staff would literally run through a wall for him because they know without a doubt that he would do the same for them he has never asked any one of us to do something he has not already done himself over the years I watched Mr Hurley wear many hats teacher coach supervisor administrator and now superintendent of the year in every role he's held he consistently modeled the qualities that lead to success Integrity hard work passion and above all selflessness he's never been about a title or accolades well maybe this one he's already been about the people he's always been about the people he serves and the positive impact act he can make and not only my boss but more importantly my friend I couldn't be happier that the entire State now knows what I've known since the day I walked through those doors you're the best at what you do your leadership is unparalleled and this award is just the latest Testament to the incredible work you've done for the district and this entire Community now just a little disclaimer when he finally does retire the speech will be way different okay but congratulations Mr Hurley welld deserved thank you so much uh and finally to hear yet another perspective uh I'd like to call up and thank him for coming this e uh evening former business administrator Joe [Applause] Kelly thank you Sergio can you hear me yeah you got me okay [Laughter] kind of was Frank I'd like to start by thanking Dr aot and the board for their invitation to speak before the group tonight um it's an honor to do so and of course it's a pleasure it's great to see everybody and it's great to see this crowd as well so uh I really appreciate that and also I'd like to of course congratulate Jack on this tremendous award it's absolutely deserved um well earned um nobody deserved it more full stop I'd like to just start off by saying that and this is important that I'm not a football fan there was no particular reason I understand why people enjoy it and dedicate themselves to certain teams it was just never an interest of mine nor was an interest of my father's when I was young the first time I met Mr Hurley was in December of 2012 I had come in a couple weeks prior to my official start to learn my way around my predecessor Bob Brown took me to each of the schools and introduced me to the principles and to as many other people as possible during that first visit to the high school Bob had to step away for a minute leaving Jack and I to exchange a little small talk his first question of me so who do you root for the Giants the Jets The Eagles I looked around his office and saw the walls and shells covered with giants memorabilia and thought oh crap I can't be us my way through this one so I told him the truth that I don't follow any of the any of it the look on his face was priceless it was part disbelief and part disgust to be honest I thought this isn't going well but at least I don't report to him fast forward 18 months Jack is the new superintendent of schools for the Rutherford school district and I do report to him he has worked his way up from teacher coach supervisor Mentor assistant principal and principal all at Rutherford high school he is obviously well qualified and committed to the Rutherford schools and to the greater Rutherford Community as well he's a great Choice the perfect choice really he and I developed a very strong working relationship relationship mutually supportive with plenty of open discussion I remained proud of that relationship he never mentioned football to me again one Sunday morning several years later I stepped into his office to say hello and I mentioned that I'd been to a Super Bowl party the night before I thought that maybe I was meeting him halfway but I wasn't he told me he hates Super Bowl parties watching the game with a crowd in the room with a crowd more focused on the latest Doritos commercial than on the game he wanted to focus on the game on the plays on the strategy that was the end of that discussion obviously he couldn't have these conversations with me and I understand why that was an eye-opening moment for me as I gained a much better understanding of the man and his motivations football was a game of strategy of team building and team culture of strong management and strong Communications of passion and consistency and adaptability a good coach has to be approachable has to know all players and has to be an excellent motivator a good superintendent has to understand and embody these Concepts and traits as well Mr Hurley certainly understands this and using these exceptional management skills built an excellent team always ready for the game he has built an incredibly strong team of Administrators and of Supervisors of central office staff the administrators have built strong teams of their own in the schools following his example personally I've watched him closely over 10 years and learned a tremendous amount in the process about leadership and management and teamwork Mr Hurley's depth and breadth of experience and knowledge at all levels of Education as well as his natural empathy make him the go-to guy for all District staff for their questions and concerns these leadership attrib attributes are also recognized by his colleagues and other districts who often Look to Him for direction and support his experience and wisdom have guaranteed the continued support and success of the Board of Education throughout the years as well he has worked closely with the board to demonstrate to them that the district is incredibly well-run so that they can do their D due diligence and not coincidentally can sleep at night the board also functions as a very strong team and a well-oiled machine due in large part to the strengths of the superintendent even though the past few years have been tumultuous at times he has led the district through every potential obstacle such as covid and social justice concerns with a downto earth experienced approach that unites the district and community community getting to the solution that works best for all keeping the students and educational process moving forward as a result the Rutherford district has not seen any of the disruption at the boorder or classroom levels that many new J Jersey districts have seen this is not because the issues don't impact Rutherford they do of course it's because of Mr Hurley's leadership always respectful and based on common sense and his extensive experience I'm proud to see how the district has grown and improved over the past 10 years under Mr Hurley's leadership from building in-house special ed programs creating a full day kindergarten program the sheering to sheering extensive Construction and building renovation projects through the approval and planning process through to cons success successful completion under budget and essentially on time that of course the includes the beautiful field right outside he is also spearheading the profile of the Rutherford graduate initiative which promises to bring great dividends to the district's educational programs and to the students Mr Hurley has also led the district to great success objectively measured test scores are very good audit results are very good State monitored scores are very good across the board district and superintendent are restricted throughout the county and now throughout the state I want to take take this opportunity also to thank Mr Hurley for his full and unconditional Support over the years which I have no doubt is being shared with Mr Whitford these days I congratulate Jack Hurley for being named the 2025 superintendent of the the year for the state of New Jersey by the New Jersey Association of school administrators it is a well-deserved honor and I wish him and the district continued success congratulations thank you all right before I make a quick closing comment we are gonna let Jack Hurley now speak so the the floor is yours congratulations thank you um you know I I might actually for once in my career be a little brief um because uh I am a bit overwhelmed I I do appreciate and thank you all so much for the for the comment I know it when drot mentioned um that a quote from John Quincy Adams uh that he applied to me it was killing Frank not to be able to say that I voted for John quiny okay um but that but putting that aside um no I I I do appreciate uh it is it is um it's a little awkward embarrassing to hear all this stuff but I I will say that a lot of things that I did agree with were the comments about the community uh the board the administration the supervisors the teachers the staff the parents the students uh because you know whatever Accolade I get or anybody gets uh is a product of all that um you know Christina talked about our championship basketball teams and you know I was the same coach uh on those championship teams on teams that weren't championship teams I was saying that uh the success that you have is a product of the people that surround you and that work together so you know this honor that comes uh to me really comes to all of you uh it comes to the community it comes I think also to uh I'm very proud that South Bergen County has been recognized I think we do uh an unbelievable job here um we don't have two assistant superintendents and two assistant Bas and and uh big you know college siiz campuses to work with and yet the students that we produce and the product that we produce and the things we do I I'll put up against anybody so I'm happy to bring that recognition and I'm also happy for Bergen County I think we are the best County in the best state for education and you know um we haven't always been recognized I I someone told me I'm the first person to get this in Bergen County in like years and that's crazy if you think about what goes on in this County so I I really do want to share this with everybody because everybody ownes it everybody deserves it uh my wife is here um I saw her you know um looking about how they were saying I I never rush to judgment I I stay cool and calm and she was wondering you know who is this person that they're talking about um but you know my wife and my family you know have to get used to a job that is kind of like 24 seven you know so um phone rings text message comes you know you have to be involved and um I will tell you Cindy that all the board all the board meetings aren't as much fun as this one you know so you may not want to come up every week but you know occasionally um so I thank her and I thank my family as well so again I I just really want to thank you all for the uh support uh over the years um you know um for the faith you put in me and for the the willingness you have to work together uh we would not have the success without each of us working together so thank you all and thank you all for this I I also want to thank Rose and and Sher who's not here from lur Bishop um Communications who's our PR and Communications Consultants uh they had a big part in putting this together along with Dr aot and uh I know Mr barano the balloon guy the balloon guy yeah so so thank you all thank everybody for tonight and uh let's you know keep keep working to uh together to keep moving the ball forward right thank you thank you Jack so I want to thank everyone who came this evening to celebrate Jack I want to thank everyone who spoke this evening um Jack you heard various perspectives um from student to teacher to supervisor to administrator to board members but common words came up constantly things like dedication impact care work boots devotion mentorship hard work unparalleled leadership so obviously it's a common theme and a Common Thread um so uh you have a very challenging job and a rewarding job and it's not always easy to be able to live in the moment to be able to celebrate the great accomplishment so we're really excited that we had this moment to be able to um honor you and to be able to celebrate um and speaking of which it is a celebration um we're here to bring some Joy and we have a huge cake I want to thank Mr Morano and team for helping to uh get the cake and uh it's beautiful it's got a bulldog on there it's got uh some comments on there congratulating Jack Hurley um so with that we are going to take about a you know you know I wasn't going to let you get the last word right uh I I forgot to say one thing yeah I just that was great all right and then you got do the big finish okay that plaque you talked about I want to thank the board for that that um that means a lot to me that is a a very nice very nice uh honor so thank you very much for that yeah yeah we look forward to doing more on that um so we're going to take a five minute recess and we invite everyone who's here to have cake celebrate together uh and then we'll come back together we're gonna ask Mr Hurley to come cut the first piece go ahead my all right thank you everyone that was fun uh all right so now we are going to turn it over to our student representative Sarah iorio for for her report thank you I I don't typically have student Representatives say this long um but yeah we'll turn it over to you thank you talk good evening um once again I would just like to congratulate Mr Hurley on behalf of all the students um so quarter 1 has ended and it seems like everyone has settled into the new school year um unfortunately our football team did lose in the state playoffs but but um some sports highlights are that the volleyball team was the champion of the Bergen County Invitational Tournament and um girls soccer is playing in their state sectional semi-final tonight um student council helped run the seventh and eighth grade open house at the high school showing the middle school students and their parents around our school and bringing them to each of the department presentations um there were student Volunteers in many of the presentations as well that shared their experience with various classes or clubs at the high school uh heris and cool kids had their their first training of the year as well as the first visit to Pier Pont school where we discussed resilience and what it means to be resilient with sixth grade students um the rhs students in TV production have been collaborating with P Pont students in their digital art classes via Google meet the high school students are helping them with projects such as stop motion videos in fourth grade and infomercials in sixth grade the future Killers Club is hosting a blood drive this Wednesday November 13th in the high school gym um we are expecting a lot of student donors as well as student volunteers from the club that will be helping out throughout the day and we are hoping to make this an annual event in our school that's good the fall play Clue is this weekend there are two performances one on the 15th and the other on the 16th both at 7 p.m. everyone involved in the play has been working really hard to make it performance ready and it has come together really nicely so this month I have something to report from the other schools in the district as well so from Union School students in Miss Master flia coding class have been building their coding skills through an about me project using the scratch platform they're showcasing their interests and hobbies by creating fun animations and interactive stories peon students learned about the election process by voting for the best candy they had primary elections to determine what the final candidates would be and each student received a voter registration card in order to cast their ballot Lincoln School students each planted a tulip daffodil or crocus bulb on the school grounds this fall that will be blooming in the spring hopefully and that's the students are really excited about that Washington school started word of the week this school year which focuses on character traits like honesty kindness responsibility fairness and manners Mrs Saxon Cho chooses a new word every week and this has engaged students in schoolwide discussions and student presentations at monthly assemblies that's all for tonight thank you all right thank you very much any questions or comments from board members um so that would really awesome that you brought in other schools and so that's first thought great job thank you you know what candy won I don't I'll have to ask I think there's a recount of course all right well thank you Sarah we really appreciate you uh and always appreciate hearing your reports um so you can feel free to stay but understand you've already been here kind of late so happy to have you go take care of priorities homework and whatnot thank you and have a good evening thanks sir all right uh we are now going to have the report of the superintendent I'll be uh very brief once again thank you everyone I appreciate it um it's very lovely night couple of quick things we have our second Parent Academy presentation this Friday at ppot beginning at 8:15 is on um it's on the the topics from the book The anxious generation okay so you I don't want to say it's about the book we're not we're not trying to sell the book but um you know we're going to talk about the topics and uh getting a lot copies in the back uh yeah yeah and my trunk I'm sorry um we have gotten a lot of positive and um uh supportive messages about people that have read the book or listening to the message so uh you know we're going to have a panel of of five I believe I'm going to be a part of it um Mr Ryan Miss huzzy who's a ass Student Assistance counselor Mr Romano who's ass Student Assistance counselor uh Mr ursi and Miss Coy are going to be a part of presentation and Mr Ury Miss Coy and I and Mr Ryan excuse me not only read the book but we uh attended a webinar um by the author so you know we're going to have hopefully some present some information to parents about it okay uh and that's just Friday again like with the other uh Parent Academy it's going to be recorded and it'll be up it'll be up online um finance committee will meet on November 25th on 6:45 via Google meet building grounds to 7:30 we'll be sending out agendas and Mr whiffer will and uh invites um I know drot spoke uh to the committee for the negotiations about meeting in January on the 13th right um but we also have Finance being that nice so we'll adjust the time of the finance committee to maybe be ahead of the Raa meeting okay so again that's two months off we'll we'll coordinate all those times when we get there and of course um you know I I sent you a list of of upcoming dates and in the areas of Thanksgiving holiday when schools are are shut down okay so that's my abbreviated report thank you Mr Earley questions from board members all right hearing none we'll move on to the report of the president uh first off wanted to congratulate Dr rine Miss Cole on your uh reelection to the board of ed for the next three years I'm also honored uh to also uh have been re-elected for three years um a lot of uh upcoming events that Mr Hurley put on his memo uh try to make the ones you can obviously for kids go to those schools makes it a little easier but there's a lot of uh concerts and shows coming up there're always fun in November and December um there's also a lot of sports games coming up so they're listed on the website if anyone's able to to make those uh and then just final note as uh Mr hly said Thank you to Dennis mazone uh Greg Vine James beian who are going to be serving in the Rea uh as part of the Rea negotiation group uh make sure to keep board members updated um about how things are going so U the goal is to start those meetings at the end of January um with the Rea so you know we'll have a meeting before that and then uh we'll go from there and look forward to a productive set of conversations um that is it for my report any questions or comments no all right hearing none then we are going to open the meeting at 8:04 pm to the public and seeing as we have no one who is here at this point we are going to close the meeting at 8:04 P.M and we are going to move on to new business where there is action to be taken um we're going to move into a consent agenda which means that each chair when it's your time you can move all of the items at one time I'll ask if there are any questions uh from board members if they're not we'll go right into uh the approval process um we will start with personnel with Mrs Cole um you can uh move all the items that are in there just ask you to read the ones that are in the addendum good even uh Personnel did not meet this month there are 18 total motions be put forward tonight the recommendation of the superintendent I like to move number one through 15 as listed and then I'm going to move numbers 16 17 and 18 number 16 is to approve the following coaching assignment as listed number 17 is to approve a home instructor as listed and number 18 is to approve an elementary teacher as was all right uh questions from board members any of those can I just have one point of clarification uh because I spoke with mran and M Cole about this just so everybody understands it uh the position it is uh number uh six approving an assistant lacrosse coach for boys and for girls uh that was uh now two assistants plus the head coach adding one assistant that was already decided on WE approved the individual back in uh July when we approved coaches we just forgot that because we're heading a position we need to approve the position as well so to make sure everything was aligned properly we put that in there so we're not adding another coach that's already been added but we never officially approved the position that's all right okay so M Cole you moved those I like to move motions 1 through 18 under Personnel all right we have a second Mr County uh we will take a vote uh Mr Whitford Mr pan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr healing yes Mr Jones yes Mr maon yes Dr Ren yes Mr Sprayberry yes drot yes motion is Carri all right thank you we're going to move on now to curriculum and instruction M Jones we did not say were already down I was one all right any questions from board members all right hearing none Mr Whitford please take roll yes a second oh I'm sorry I need a second Mr Mone thank you mran yes Mrs Cole yes Mr County yes Mr heing yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maon yes Dr rine y Mr Sprayberry yes drot yes pleas car all right thank you we'll move on now to finance Mr P goian uh We've not had a finance committee meeting since our last full board meeting tonight on the agenda we have five motions to consider uh I would like to move motions one through five under Finance okay any questions from board members okay do we have a second for that Mr h and Mr Whitford please take roll Mr ban yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr huy yes Mrs Jones yes Mr M yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr lot yes motions Carri thank you policy Mr Healey we did not have a committee meeting since our last board meeting and there was no motions for the see all right thank you we'll move on to buildings and grounds Mr Sprayberry uh we do not have more meeting are no motions to forward all right and we will move on to Old business is there any old business Mr Jones I have for because we need it for Andre it's part of the U they that at least I have a spoker on the 22nd to the 24th e the w i to but NBA's br um has always all sorts interesting I to Kevin um the best was hearing three superintendent wife know well was a woman she the one yes and one but what I need to say about this all follow SP 90 seconds and he 9 I was actually 78 seconds and and remarkable for me absolutely remarkable I don't believe have TRS in negotiation you see that happen yes yeah okay so we and and you Jeff you did for yes so I I you the I had to go to uh my le this is one Ser my board leer is the high you get he has has dance record but he's got one more and then it'll have so the discussion was they want to add more to it should they not have a test for that once if they do have a test again for the but they don't they have one to sh like so that was basically the discuss and um you everything I get I this year we had our choir club out with SH and that's and I really listening to the kid and get and art shows you know at the end and that's my Le all right thank you I'm sorry that I missed the the conference after all but I'm glad you're able to go yep was next year yeah thank you for that report anything else in uh old business all right uh then we'll move on to legislative update anything for us I F it up tonight okay all right uh at 8:11 PM we're going to open the meeting to the public and since there's no one here we're going to close the meeting to the public at 8:11 P.M uh we are in need of an executive session for two student matters we have for about uh 10 minutes or so need a motion to go into executive session Mr Sprayberry seconded by Mr Mone all in favor all right executive session