good evening at 7 p.m I'd like to call this meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education to order uh please rise if you're able for the uh pledge of allegiance of Al to the FL of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all uh at this point I'm going to call uh the role for the returning board members only Mr Cony present Mr mazone here Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry pres Dr aot here thank you we have a Forum the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place posted on the bulletin board outside the burough clerk's office mailed to the herald South bergenite and the rec newspapers and filed with the bur clerk hard copies of the agenda are available in the meeting room and the agenda is posted electronically on Friday before the meeting date on the district's website review the results of the November 7th annual school election um as you know we had uh three threeyear terms open and one unexpired one-year term Open results were as follows Mrs Diane Jones received 2,35 votes Mr Dennis Healey received 2,95 votes Mr James beian received 278 votes Mrs Lori cizo received 1,883 votes so the uh three-year terms uh will will be filled by Mrs Jones Mr Hy and Mr bosan and the unexpired oneyear term we had one candidate running Christina Mrs Christina Cole received 2369 votes at this time I would like to uh administer the oath of office to those four candidates so if you could stand up and meet me at the uh microphone I'd appreciate it okay thank you very much please raise your right hand and repeat after me I your name James do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States swear I will support the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey St and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will fath Al and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God the authority of people God I state your name I do solemnly swear swear that I possess the quality ifications prescribed by law qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my abilities so help me God according to the best of my abilities help me God okay thank you very much congratulations as I said if you can sign these and return them to me I'd appreciate it you may now take your seat at the uh at the [Applause] table most impressive thing is not one of the forehead glasses [Laughter] on i s you at this point I'd like to call the role of the entire board Mr bosan presid Mrs Cole present Mr KY still present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones present Mr mazone here Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry present Dr aot here we have a quorum thank you thank you uh next order of business is to review the code of ethics for board members um I left them at your seats there was two pieces of paper there one is the code of ethics itself and one is the acknowledgement of receipt if you could sign that and return that to me tonight just send it back up to me I would appreciate it we just keep them on file in the board office um and as we traditionally do here at this meeting every year I will ask the board members to uh to each will'll go around the table and read the code of ethics um and I'll start with Mrs Jones I'll read the first sentence there in accordance with njsa 18a 12- 24.1 every board member will abide by the following code of ethics the board member will Mrs Jones uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulation of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures thank you Mr Sprayberry number two make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or for social standing thank you Dr rine three combine his or her board action to policym planning and appraisal and to help frame policies and plans only after the board to those who will be affected by them thank you Mr Healey number four carry out his or her responsibility not to administer the schools but together with fellow board members ensure they are run well or well run thank you very much Mr Mr maone number five recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board thank you number six Dr olot refus to surrender his or independent judgment to special interests or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends thank you Mr bosan number seven please hold confidential all matters pertaining to the school which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters he she will provide accurate information and in concert with fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school thank you number eight uh Mr KY number eight vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer thank you number nine Mrs Cole support and protect School personnel and proper performance of their duties and seeing as that one was so short would you do number 10 as well sure refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and acts on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you uh the the remainder of this you was talking about the acknowledgement form which we already talked about so if you send that up I'd appreciate it um I think that's about it thank you very much next order of business is the election of a board president um at this time I'd like to open uh open the uh for nominations can I have a a motion to uh to to accept nominations Please Mr bosan and a second Mr Healey okay all in favor to accept nominations I any opposed okay are there any nominations for the office of president of the Board of Education Mr maone I'd like to nominate Dr Sergio alot thank you very much are there any other nominations thank you okay seeing none I need a motion to close nominations for Office of the President Mr Healey and a second Mr KY thank you very much all in favor I any opposed okay can I have a motion let me read this in accordance with njsa 18a colon 15-1 and bylaw 0152 the Rutherford Board of Education in the county of Bergen New Jersey elects Dr Sergio alot as president of the Board of Education effective immediately until the next organization meeting as prescribed by law can I have a motion Mr Sprayberry and a second Mrs Jones this one I'm going to go around the table for if you don't mind uh Mr bosan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr Rim yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aot let's do it yes motion carried and we're doing it okay at this time I'll ask Dr aot to please take his seat at the head of the [Applause] table all right thanks everyone um so now we're going to move on to the election of a board vice president um we I need a motion to open nominations uh Mr bosi and seconded by Mr KY um and now uh do we have any nominations Mr Jones I nominate uh Dennis maon for the office of Vice President of the mother board of education all right we have a nomination for Mr Dennis mazone for vice president of the board of education do we have any other nominations all right seeing none uh need a motion to close the nominations uh Mr Healey seconded by Dr rine and uh given that we've now closed nominations um we have the Motions that in accordance with njsa 18a colon 15-1 and bylaw 0152 the Rutherford Board of Education in the county of Bergen New Jersey elects Mr Dennis mazone as vice president of the Board of Education effective immediately until the next organization meeting as prescribed by law um so uh Mr Kelly will you please take role in that of course Mr bosan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr KY yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr mazone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr awati yes motion carried thank you all right congratulations Mr Mone all right so uh next here we have the approval of the board meeting schedule um and so it's resolved to adopt the following board meeting schedule for 2024 obviously the one thing of note um is that the meetings for 2024 being held on Mondays at 7 pm unless otherwise noted so the schedule is listed are there questions about the board schedule for 2024 all right seeing none we need a motion to approve those Mr Sprayberry seconded by Miss Cole any last comments or questions hearing none I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take role Mr bosan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr mazone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aadi yes motion carried thank you all right excellent um so in all of our packets were minutes to approve of the regular meeting and executive session from December 4th 2023 there any comments or questions about those two sets of minutes hearing none I'll ask Mr Kelly to please enter those and now turn it over to Mr Hurley for the report of the superintendent thank you and um happy New Year to everyone I hope everyone had a good holiday season and um congratulations to uh Dr lot and Mr bone and the uh reelected board members and um we're ready for another year of uh of fun and uh and work um very short report tonight if if you could notice in the dark uh the field outside has uh grassed down carpet down what Turf down whatever we're going to call it uh a lot got uh done today and I did not get an update on when it will be finished but based on what they put down today I would think it's uh going to be a matter of days before it's it's it's completed so um we are uh we're moving along and um like I said they they've been they've been working uh at it uh uh even over the holiday and uh over the weekend there were people here working so they're moving along very well with that yeah they were out over weekend y they going yep yep they're really moving along um committee uh finance committee is going to meet on the 8th um I don't know if Dr L was going to mention this but won't be the first time I stole something he was going to mention uh after consultation with Dr lot we'll be emailing out I'll be sending out from my office the committee assignments uh probably in the next day or two okay uh but finance committee will meet on the 8th via Google meet um and then um the committee schedule will be listed on the committee assignments as it always is keep in mind those are placeholders we we don't have committee meetings if we don't need to have one but those are placeholders and on some occasions where there's a need for multiple committees to meet one night if we can't get them all in we may then see what mutually agreeable date to meet you know another time okay but there are placeholders for you so pretty much uh the way it's been uh for the last several years um newsletter that we're working on another um District electronic letter to hopefully get done the end of January and to go out uh we already have a lot of of good things said by the buildings ready to go and then a burrow wide uh mailer uh we're looking at maybe like in late February early March which will be slightly different approach uh than the electronic newsletter that goes to people in the building um maybe a little more um um in-depth type of article as opposed to the shorter articles and a little more um maybe more Global type of of impact the um look my notes Jan uh I mentioned January second 22nd meeting I want to mention that uh we will have the report of the auditor that night and we're also going to have the chairs from the uh academic committees that we have come to give a brief update on what their committees have been doing for the past year plus and maybe you know quick look ahead uh we'll we'll keep the update uh brief as there are uh five different committees going on uh but they certainly would be also open to any questions based on what they present and what you've heard from meeting while they're here okay um and on February 12's meeting uh we're going to have U Matt Lee here from school boards to do a short uh review of ethics and uh you know Board responsibility um and that'll be February 12th so the next two meetings we have some special presentations coming and uh you know we're looking forward to uh continuing the uh the progress we've been making and the work we've been doing uh throughout the district uh in a lot of different Arenas and um you know we've had a good start to the year and we hope to uh continue to to move forward even stronger than we start so that's my brief report tday all right thank you Mr early uh any questions or comments all right hearing none then we'll move on to the report of the president uh I'll start by thanking all of you for your confidence in me and selecting me to continue you as president um it is an honor um I want to also congratulate uh Dennis Healey Diane Jones James bosi and being reelected uh to the board and your commitment Christina um just going to have like a whole bunch of running to do but you know it's all it's all worth it and good and and Mr maone you've been a consumate professional as vice president so it's a pleasure to um have you as a partner um in this endeavor so uh I want to thank I believe just about everyone filled out the board self-evaluation so we'll go over it during executive session in the later January meeting and I think uh it will reflect while there's always areas we can continue to grow in and improv in a real strength that makes this such a pleasure to serve on the board so look forward to going over that with everyone uh also as Mr Hurley mentioned committee assignments will go out in the next day or two um had started to do some thinking about them to pass on to the president uh that was selected today and and uh just inary conversations appreciate people's flexibility and uh you know willingness to um think about committee assignments whether it's continuing to do the things that you do or um being able to give others opportunities as well so um that's I think pretty much it for my report any questions or comments no hearing none then we are going to open the meeting to the public at 7:21 p.m. did I forget something you stole my water I stole okay nice that's the second thing so there's one more thing I'll seal tonight I stole your code of ethics and your water so far um all right so at 7:21 p.m. we're going to open the meeting to the public for any comments related to uh the agenda and since um we have no one in the audience we'll close the meeting at 7:21 p.m. uh Miss Jones I'd just like to make a comment I wanted to do it last year and didn't do it but we as elected members to the Board of Education are the only elected officials in the United States of America that have to take this code of ethics not the president not senator not Governors none of them do and we're the only ones that aren't paid I always found that very interesting but we are held to the highest standard yeah seems about right because we're the best that's right we do it well and we're you know it's it's interesting because we talk about what it means to be strategic board member and good board members and we use so much of this language but it's a great reminder that we're really living I think what Cod of Ethics are um just because so many of these things are naturally things we talk about so I think that's it's a a good reminder and thank you for making that point Mr Jones I was waiting for the the conclusion or the following sentences of what the next step should be but that's okay won't go there anything it um all right so we are going to move on now to new business where there is action to be taken uh so Personnel Mr kti please take us through it you got it we got 20 motions today uh one is a resignation uh two is a part-time teacher assistant three uh uh is a part-time teacher assistant as well four is approval of counselor for the Bulldog Care Program five is approved disability leave six is adjustment in dates for a disability leave seven is to approve the payback of sick days as listed eight is approval of the payback of vacation days as listed uh 9 10 11 12 are co-curriculars uh both high school and Elementary 13 is approved tile one instructors as listed 14 is service providers uh teacher to teer program as listed 15 and 16 are approvals of minimum wage uh 17 is internship clinical placements as listed uh 18 is substitute teachers as listed 19 is substitute teacher assistance as listed and 20 are approval of the travel reimbursements as listed all right thank you any comments or questions M Jones I have one question Mr Frank uh V ver Vetti who was the principal of St Marys he's on ours that's the uh money that passes through us for um Pro schools I didn't realize it was for educational areas I thought it was title to money is um professional development thank you any other comments or questions hear none Mr KY do you want to move those yep like to move motions one through 20 all right we have a second all right uh Mrs Cole any last comments or questions hearing none Mr Kelly please take rooll Mr bosan uh abstain on 177 yes to all others thank you Mrs Cole yes Mr KY abstain on 16 yes to all others Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr Mone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aat yes motions carried thank you all right thank you we'll move on now to curriculum and instruction Mr Jones thank you we did not have a curricul instruction meeting um there are four resolutions for tonight number one out of District placement number two field chips now up to 82 number three an harassment intimidation and Bully decision and number four home instruction for two students okay thank you questions or comments from board members hearing none want to move those Mr Jones I mooves resolutions 1 through four under amend F all right we have a second Mr beian any last comments or questions hearing none Mr Kelly please take R Mr ban yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr mazone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr a yes motion Carri thank you all right thank you we'll move on now to finance Mr bosan yes tonight we have uh four motions to consider under Finance uh number one is the routine approval of bills number two is the November treasurers report number three is budget line transfers and number four is to approve the contract with brown and brown benefits advisers to serve as the health insurance broker of record all right thank you questions or comments from board members Mr Sprayberry uh Mr Sprayberry uh Mr Kelly do you think do you see uh so we just went through this at work do you see any uh lowering of the premiums coming through for healthare I haven't heard anything about the premiums for next year I'm not optimistic but uh you never know that came in less than we had budgeted this year I think it was we B ultimately end a budgeting I think a 133% increase and I think the weighted average increase was more like 11 something 10.8 something like that so uh you know that helps but uh and none and none of the uh uh the projections or predictions ever hold so we do our best I'll keep it posted though thank you other questions all right uh hearing none Mr bosan you want to move those I'd like to move motions one through four under Finance all right we have a second Mr maone any last questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take rooll Mr bagoan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr Al yes motions carried thank you all right thank you we'll move on now to policy Mr Healey anything to report uh no uh we did not have a policy committee meeting since our last board meeting and there are no resolution solutions for this evening all right thank you and we will move on to buildings and grounds Mr Sprayberry no and nothing to report okay looking amazing it does look pretty good out there yeah very exciting a lot of people have noticed it and commented they' said it to me anyway you know how good it looks can I ask a dumb question about the uh about the field if you don't mind sure are we going to paint the uh the the wall the wall the old wall you know I I don't remember if I think that was in the do you remember Joe if that was in the specs I think it I think it was but obviously if it is we're going to pain it yeah I got it okay I don't I don't remember I know it came up last time I think it was in the specs but I don't remember yeah I remember vaguely remember that's why I was asking but no we will obviously have to yeah we'll have to wait until the weather yep can I just add something to that y there is a higher cement wall and I consulted with my brother who knows all that stuff with his arterior interior and exterior design stuff that's not necessary to paint it it's now cement color it it would be the wall behind you yeah I don't think they would paint that I I don't think so but again um maybe we can follow up with um Mr gambo see what what deal is with that that wall was put in because um there was some concerns about the retaining wall you know so it was giv extra support for the field and they're and they say they're going to I think the correct terms Church it up a little bit they told us uh when it was all there um but um we'll we'll find out about that all right so I believe we're ready to move on to Old business any old business to bring up M Jones um our last meeting I think was the fifth of of December and that week there were lots of concerts and there was the um Union Middle School and the high school did the chorus concert which was just terrific it was really wonderful BB was there uh was Maddie in that not sure Maddie was in that anyway it it was well done the kids enjoyed it and uh the parents were very happy then there was pure pants um chorus and also pureon band and Union the high school band All Before Christmas holiday and one more thing that I'd just like to mention mention in the Bergen magazine that came around this week on page 22 is onepage article on Jenna Rogers she is our I think 2020 19 or 20 um high school graduate she was a fine athlete then uh making her way in in to in track and that's what she's doing now she's at Nebraska captain of the team and an Olympic c yeah all the All American I mean really wonderful and her two siblings who have both great you know uh athletic K but I just thought that was really nice when I I you know I looked at it where all I could find was the ANS for restaurants took while to get but it was it was a nice article awesome any other old business I I I just want to Echo Miss Jones's I had the Good Fortune to see the the pure P concert the union concert and the high school concert all together you know in one week it was really fun to see the progression coming from fourth grade all the way up to High School uh you know hearing some of the same songs like yep y definitely better better better as as as they get older but it was it was really enjoyable all of them were and the kids did an amazing job so and the teachers too awesome really yes uh I email to all the board members uh notes from the December 2nd uh delegate assembly meeting thank you for that and if I I'll just um add although gu little redund it with Mr Frasier but um the the record every year does Bergen Record [Music] North whatever it's called Uh the burg record uh they they select the most influential people in the the northern New Jersey the whole area up here in athletics and he was number one he's been in the top 10 every year they list like the top 40 he was number one this year as the most influential person in North Jersey Athletics so um he even came out ahead of Senator sarot uh and he came out ahead of um um K Hy McGrath who's the director of the State Association so there you go so yeah another Accolade from Mr f a yep Mr really uh is there any recognition that maybe should be given him you know like well he's had three dinners and U I mean by the board you know I I think he's running out of space on his walls hanging things up yeah he's he's doing around we have to keep him a little humble all right I'm like red buttons you know no one ever got me at there you have to be a certain age I met him uh all right so we'll move on to legislative update anything M Jones it's one but it's not a particularly good one I only picked up on it because I was just surprised um it's assembly Bill 5773 it was introduced on November 30th of last year provides an excuse used absence for a pupil who serves as a PO worker on Election Day what struck me is that I don't know if schools are are open I guess some must be well they are and and you're open on sometimes you're open on P we were open on primary day until last year when we moved professional development day and some schools are open yeah um you know so I think but you're correct a fewer schools are open especially the general election uh but a lot are open on the primary day or the or the handful of districts that still do April um School Board elections right there's a handful that do that um and and um there's hand a couple of days uh Arbor Day believe it or not and uh you know uh take your child to work day that you know they're considered excused absences and that would be added to that list that's it thank you all right uh at 7:35 p.m. we're going to open the meeting to the public for any comments related to or not related to the agenda and seeing no one in the audience we're going to close the meeting at 7:35 p.m. and we have a need for an executive session for two student issues legal update and one legal update uh we should be out for about five minutes maybe 10 times 10 minutes all right need a mo be taken no action no action to be taken uh motion to go into executive session Mr bazian seconded by Mr maone all in favor all right we are an executive session