I'd like to call this meeting to order roll call please Mr Karate wait Miss [Music] C okay Mr alamando pres sure my p m baral Mr orello present miss inello presid Mr laurentino present Miss Roloff here miss toric present thought she was here miss Traverso here miss zelli okay let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge Ali flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 um so now we're going to go to the superintendent report Vietti I'll be sharing more on Wednesday but just a reminder I sent out um some feedback Google forms I sent one to our staff and one to our our parent community so please be on the lookout for those and if you could submit your responses by the end of the school year it' be very much appreciated thank you um business administrator report Mr Karate okay quick report just update on the referendum we're for the field we're still waiting for the d uh final approval I mean it seems like we're getting closer but who knows when that'll be um and the renovation work has begun at K school that concludes my report okay thank you all right uh we're going to review the agenda items so all right so board action items b232 2443 through b 23244 47 any discussion questions I'll review quickly um those hibs are what um were reviewed with the Board of Education last month 45 is also a carryover from last month 46 is our New Jersey state inter Scholastic Athletic Association that's um we have to join that every year and then point for7 is we're required to fill out the statement of assurance saying that we test our drinking water for lead and I'll try to link that one up by Wednesday they did it at a different way now you have to kind of fill it out um prior and uh it's all do and and uh print it out and we'll attach it to the agenda thank you all right education and curriculum uh Mr traversa as to E2 32448 through E2 32454 any discussion or questions I will share so let me take a look at this so our field trips there's only a handful as we are ending up the school year home instruction 5 is we're required it's a three-year language instructional educational program um and it's linked there we're required to do it for our multilingual Learners which is our um bilingual population it's now multilingual that the state refers to it as 0 51 that is once the student began they realized that an aid would be of assistance so that's why it's prated 0 52 is our tomorrow's teacher dual enrollment course here at the high school that's the course that our students have the option of taking for college credit it is not mandated through Ryder University and you don't have to be entering the field of Education to be a part of tomorrow's teachers but it's a class where you can um experience what it's like to be a teacher and enter the classrooms and serve as a teacher's assistant so that is the memorandum of understanding for that agreement 0 53 and 0 54 are both using our eser funds We are continuing with the amplify program which is what we currently have in kada 2 and we're extending it to third grade for next school year and also we decided as a district to move from reveal math K to 6 our contract was up and we're moving to go maath k to 6 okay thank you budget and finance Mr alamando okay um jeez can't see that thank you uh bf23 24122 hold your horses kids the long one to bf23 24149 any discussion so yeah there is a law here so let's just break them up we'll do a few at a time um a lot of the items were written on that update report that Tony and I send out so 120 through 126 any questions sorry everything's pretty much standard there on those everybody good 127 through 135 the only thing I have to attach here is the 127 the tax levy payment schedule that'll just be a monthly uh schedule that the town remits the tax levy payments to the districts um some of the stuff is just you know again annual things we have to do and put on the agenda 136 through 139 I I actually have a question on 137 so it's revised what happened the referendum okay and did we expect this the that increase to go yeah when I put it on back last year I put on the same amount we always did when referendum past that just needs to get adjusted okay that's it and 138 I'll be filling in some projects just to get ready for the uh the audit 140 so we have some purchases now so these have a few blanks still so I'll go down in order here 140 is good that one's filled in that's finishing up our 2324 uh financing Arrangement 141 is using up some additional funds in the ARP Esser uh Federal funding and some more display units and Chromebooks 142 is our 2425 uh technology financing Arrangement so we're buying more student Chromebooks and desktop computers um so we have a few more crot to work on they should be completed by by Wednesday to keep it on the agenda 143 is a new uh camera system that we we're looking into and um we have proposals and we're just working out with the company uh to see so we don't go out to bid we get the company that you know that we want there's uh in the co-op there's vendors that are already approved they did the bidding for us uh we're just working out the details because the the bid just got approved uh day last week I think was Thursday or Friday so through the chair before you go the next one is this for all school all buildings W wall buildings all building thank you replace the existing cameras they don't have to run new wiring they could use the um existing wire wiring so we're pretty much having the same system and then down the road we'll look into adding more uh cameras and door access control so again we hope if all goes well with that we hope to have it on for Wednesday and they get the purchase order the next day they feel they could have this all completed by uh time School opens I have a question on the Chromebooks so now the seniors they're returning their Chromebooks what happens with those Chromebooks they go back to a lower grade oh so you do re even though yeah we have a schedule that okay um I think we got it I think we got it down pretty good now um the fifth the um the fifth grade and ninth grade as they run through the four years they cycle back to you know lower grades like K one through two who don't need them for testing and stuff and we keep them to their end of life and we keep moving them down and so that's not their end of life at that cuz they had them for okay yeah they still they're still good okay good that's good anyone else any questions well then we'll just finish yeah any one those that's one no we didn't finish so's um disposal equipment 145 we should have we'll have on tomorrow the appointment of physician the committee met with school Physicians on Friday and we have a recommendation 146 I checked again today we don't have the allotments yet I'm hoping they come out before Wednesday if not we'll have to pull that one off there's a couple students on 147 that we review the count balances we need to um cancel them 148 is a grant that we're applying for now to help us get the additional funding we need to add those cameras and door access controls and some other technology items and 149 is another uh Co-op bidding situation where the roof replacements were in the referendum um they did a thermal scan on the roof so we know what areas to replace they redo them recat the roofs and have a 20-year warranty so this company was awarded um the co-op Bid And if all goes well again by Wednesday we'll W these and they should be able to get most of the roofs done maybe not all of them so between this summer and next we should be able to finish them all um any questions that includes all those items yeah a lot of stuff to uh to finish up the school year anyone else questions okay all right then facilities and operations M toic okay so f232 4.14 through 2 f232 4.17 any questions I will share the 0.14 that's our monthly school facilities reports but on that note also we are in the process of switching from school dude to um Master Library systems over the summer months that will occur and the others are approving our district buses to transport our students over the summer one is for the Saddlebrook music um Arts Academy program one is for alphab best our after school program and one is for the sbook police department for their junior Police Academy which will be happening one week in August it's a shame we got to get rid School dude a cool name is it the is it all right um policy nothing okay negotiations I don't believe we have anything okay Personnel Mr laurentino uh P2 32485 through p232 4104 questions comments um 85 we did receive another resignation today that's not on the printed copy it's on the online um version so that's a total of four resignations that we did receive and is the person of teacher that resign I'm the teacher contract Point A6 let's see those are six of our students are going are hired to um work with us over the summer so we have two that are going to do clerical work and four that are going to do Studio work that they're going to assist us over the summer we hired a power professional that will start in September we have a leave of absence and then we have our stiens which is 88 those are our fall coaches our esy program um is linked there as it was revised and then we have our fall coaches we have our head nurse for the 2425 school year um transportation coordinator for the 2425 School and I believe all the others are fall coaches 89 is a salary revision and then point 90 through 95 our Personnel 96 is our summer curriculum writing then we have our hourly positions our stien positions I am working with the High School administration on the um extracurricular activities at our middle school high school and we're going to be working with the sbaa sbaa um to make sure that we're having um co-curriculars or extracurriculars that um benefit our students and work for our staff as well so we will be working on that 99 is our power professional 100 is a transfer um which was requested by the staff member I believe to switch building she's going to be working in the in Washington school as a preschool teacher 0 101 is um an employee that's going to go for school bus driver's license 102 is Mr K's contract 103 103 is appointing um me to or authorizing myself as superintendent to appoint any remaining vacancies for next school year as this June is our last Board of Education meeting until we reconvene in August so we may have one more meeting the end of June if we have items that arise but if not we don't meet until August so that line item gives me the authority to hire over the summer and then 104 is a revision there was a teacher that was um omitted accidentally from the non- tenard staff and they were added on here okay um I have a question on 101 this person is we're paying for them to get their license their their bus license yes okay is it based on whether they pass or not or we just pay for it regardless you're paying for the training they'll they'll get them to pass they'll get them to pass yeah I you keep taking it until you you can pass it okay all right awesome does anyone else have any questions comments no okay all right um all right so then we have to go to budget and finance so one action I can explain that right Mike well before you before you have um take a motion for that so we do have one item on this evening um this is this is to join another Co-op there was co-ops listed under uh Budget Finance number uh 135 for next school year we do this annually so this is a new one and this one is the camera system will be under so we approve it tonight there's an agreement to sign I'll give it to them tomorrow then we're we're um we're in that Co-op there's all school districts and municipalities in that Co-op it's listed again for again for 2425 so I need this done tonight so we could move forward and get that possible security camera uh system on online on Wednesday um and what does this do this just makes us a member there's no cost to joining it there's other benefits to joining it just because it's another opportunity so what happens is these these groups this Mammoth ocean the one's listed on number 135 uh their their offices or way they're they're set up they go out for uh they do bidding so instead of each individual District doing bidding they do the bidding for us they do all the paperwork and then we could go right to them and that vendor would give us that same pricing okay and they get a fee from from the the vendors and everything that's how they make their little bit of money but it's us from doing individual bids and know we're in the lowest bidder we're getting the product that we want it's better for the district all right sounds good any questions Mr I think R just summed it up with that book he just read so good so yeah I'm I'm work this on motion second you need can you hear me now do we have a motion motion for make the motion oh I'm sorry motion I like you got to make the motion second yeah motion for 135 sorry second okay we'll start Mr Traverso yes Mr oam yes Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss Roloff yes Miss toric yes and Miss inello yes thank you okay um so we have other committee reports does anybody have a committee report okay um just negotiations committee met this evening before the meeting and we're continuing negotiations with the custodial maintenance group okay right all right do we have any correspondence no old business new business okay um if I may I just want to mention that the middle school high school PTO is having a meeting after this meeting and they will be voting on their new bylaws so they would really appreciate a strong attendance if you would like to participate and Mr M sent out the link for that meeting today okay all right all right can I have a motion to open the meeting to the public second favor second we're all in favor any oppose would anyone like to speak oh okay oh wait hold on if you I just have no you can come up to the mic I just have to read something too should I start reading should I start reading yes okay residents are required to State their names address and subject matter in the event it appears the public comment portion of the meeting May exceed 45 minutes the proceeding officer May limit each statement made by a participant to 5 minutes duration issues raised by members of the public may or may not be responded to by the board all comments will be considered and response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate the board asks members of the public to be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking specifically comments regarding students and employees of the board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the board students and employees have a specific legal right afforded by the laws of New Jersey the board Bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by members of the public members of the public should consider their comments in light of the legal rights of those a affected or identified in their comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments good evening uh my name is darra Gonzalez I am a parent of a student at Middle School Noah Deon Gonzalez and we are here today to appeal the decision made that happens in executive session that doesn't happen I thought so we go private to do oh that's private okay we were not aware apology okay thank you thank okay anyone else okay all right can I have a motion to close the meeting to the public motion second all in favor any oppose I didn't get a all in favor I okay any oppose okay nobody said anything okay whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are appropriate for discussion in public meetings and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions to the public I'm sorry to the open public meeting act and are permitted to be disclosed in close session pursuant to the njsa 10 um 4-12 B and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as follows there is um three hip cases a hi appeal a Personnel matter and a attorney client privilege matter okay whereas the length of the Clos session is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action will not be taken now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into close session for the afforded subject and be it further resolved that the Board of Education hereby declares that this discussion of the afforded said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act okay this meeting has been adjured oh motion to close the meeting okay all in favor hi okay any oppos have a wonderful even and see you on Wednesday