##VIDEO ID:O_BFE52Su7Y## Ang TR e I'll the comp could add Z appc when soon SCH elev El FL questions e is device e AG so yes just so that Mr Patel the person is saying that their TV volume is set at 100 just about us so it is very low okay Bo action items um District the emergency virtual remote learning plan that's mandated every year still so we just update it and submit it the insurance next agenda after next month and then the district nursing Services plan is a mandate to do every year okay does anybody have any questions or discussion points no okay all right Miss Traverso would you like to do education and curriculum all right on E 24251 through e 24259 are there any questions or conversation okay 4.10 field trip request we have our band playing at the palaski parade in New York City that's exciting a band festival at Clifton High our Outdoors Club here they put in their fall hikes so those are on the agenda our sale classrooms they community- based instruction trips to the library Ikeas you know the fall trips and then our teachers are starting to put in their class trips to um to different locations so we have our fourth grade at long is going to Museum Village and I have to give our teachers a lot of credit because they really have been entering their field trips early in the year so that way they're all set to go the dual enrollment articulation agreement dual enrollment is when we have a teacher one of our teachers approved by the college to teach the college course here on campus so the students attend the course here as part of their daily schedule and they have the option of paying a discounted fee to earn to earn college credit so that's the agreement between Bergen Community College and our high school our K to6 art curriculum was revised over the summer nor diversity is our new elective that was presented to the board last year by Laura Ironman or one of our speech pathologists here and then our public speaking that's a very popular class that curriculum is there and our high school Latin 2 three and four um Latin has been separated so that Mr Klein has been working with Mrs dbonis on that curriculum and 19 there was just a change in a rate that's why it's revised I have a question in regards to the dual enrollment yes what is the requirement that our teachers would need in order to teach at these colleges those colleges each college has um like a contract that they draw up and they have different requirements so I would have to look into Bergen Community College What specifically it is I did it when I was director but I don't recall a my head I would have to I would have to look it up okay um if I may on that same issue sorry on the dual enrollment um my son is is in that program as well but there were parents that were asking in the beginning well last year even when it was coming up um I believe and correct me if I'm wrong so that other parents will know this going forward they don't have to attend Bergen Community College when they graduate in order to keep these degree these credits correct so I want to make sure that is true correct and there's a trans there's actually a website that you can see what colle would accept those those credits if they were to transfer to a different College um it's never a 100% guarantee that's always shared with the parents but yes excellent thank you right is there any other questions or discussion okay all right so I believe the next our next up is Mr aam okay items um see to well sorry uh bf2 42515 to uh bf2 42523 just an update that the sound is working oh wonderful thank you so items 16 and 17 I I sent to you by separate email I just forgot to give them to Gina to link them to the agenda they'll be done tomorrow and 19 and 20 are um the lease financing that we we do one for technology one for the camera systems this is just an amendment to um increase those budget lines it's just another piece I have to do accounting wise and any other questions on those items on those no I oh point 22 just to thank you to act me um I attended the grand reopening they donated $1,500 worth in gift cards to our district that we'll utilize again at parent partnership nights well nice and I may have one we may do a few more checks tomorrow so it might be billis number three very few but it's just it's a it's a rough time with a lot of orders coming in and it's just usually a big uh Bill list in September so just a few more contractors and maybe some utility bills to uh pay if I may um on0 23 I think you just mentioned something about that that there was a revision to that contract no that was that was a different line item for 0 23 that's our contract with Bergen Newbridge Medical Center last year we utilized them for our um drug drug testing and school clearance and they really were absolutely phenomenal to work with so this year we're also adding psych evaluations and behavior assessments so that they will support our school districts so when we're uh requesting that a student be sent out we're going to send them to them correct okay great does anyone else have any other questions or points okay all right since Miss toric's not here I'll do facility and operations it's f24 25.2 or and this is the facilities report for October does anyone have any discussion comments no okay all right policy Miss rolloff um policy 242 5.2 that's it 1 through 18 and this looks like these are the second reading so this they are all the same ones that were included last time for the first reading they were discussed any questions on them discussion nope okay uh negotiations uh Miss zelli is not here today did we we have nothing I know M Rola we you're on that right what was I negotiations did you want there's nothing on here so we have nothing to discuss at this time we are what are we doing we're moving on we're moving on we're moving on we're moving on right yeah right now we have a tentative memorandum of agreement um I have it for the board committee to sign and then the custodial maintenance group will be setting up a meeting to uh to ratify that once we get that approval then we'll have it on probably for the October agenda for approval of the contract great terrific we are moving on we just got that today oh okay very good all right so uh for personnel since Mr laurentino is not here I will do it okay we have p2425 one6 through p2425 do2 any questions concerns discussion6 let's say number one is resigning as a lunch e because she is going to be a power professional with our district uh number two did not start with us this school year she was a power professional last school year was pursuing other options and part number three is resigning from our district to pursue um most likely a different career path I believe .7 are our appointments um you'll see Power professionals a part-time bus driver custodian lunch AIDS and you'll see a school nurse for Franklin school so hopefully that all works out a special ed teacher for middle school high school is on there as well and then you have our stip in so you'll see some of our clubs at the middle school high school are going to be on here you'll see there's a couple that were weend and then they're either co- advising or there's a new adviser for that club salary revisions are moving on the guide20 every new not every new staff member but if you're new to teaching you are required to have a mentor so those are the teachers um in the mentor column and their mentee and that's the the amount that they receive is stated by the state of New Jersey the dep the uh Department of Education and that it varies because it's based on whether or not that new teacher has a CE Certificate of Eligibility for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced standing C and again uh this is the it's actually coming from the the new employee who's actually paying this out correct correct so okay does anyone have any questions so these are all new things that we're doing on theum right um the so no these clubs most of them did run last year they just weren't on the the agenda last time so we added them to this one the new stye that's not their new stens but they just had to be approved right so what we did was we also created over the summer a Google site for our clubs and activities to kind of um have it a little bit more organized and make sure it's reflective of our board policy so there are some requirements for our clubs we we you know reviewed all of these each of our staff members has access to the Google site reviewed the attendance requirements and um you know not taking for the different activities they do and make sure that um they're evaluated at the end of the year as well okay perfect does anyone have a question discussion concern no we're good great iby okay all right um do we have any other committee reports do you guys have uh nope okay correspondence wait we do well I didn't I will have it tomorrow for you it was in a letter we got from the Auditors just about the upcoming uh audit about communication with them so I'll put that on for tomorrow and you'll you'll get it get it then oh that wonderful order report then he comes here yeah yeah that's so exciting okay all right old business new business we're good okay um would the public like to speak thank you all right I'm going to then session we're going to go into close session so let me read my paragraph here whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and whereas these subjects are within the exception to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in Clos session pursuant to njsa 104-1 12b and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as follows the New Jersey saas um 104 10.4 through 12b discussion will be sidebar possible sidebar with the sbaa whereas the length of the Clos session is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action will not be taken now therefore that be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into Clos session for the affordable subjects only be further resolved that the Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the afford said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act I think it's 10 all right it'll probably be like actually 10 but we're not voting afterwards okay all right so can I have a motion to close motion second all right we are closed have a good evening see you