##VIDEO ID:c47PDQKmKR4## okay roll call please Mr Karate can you hear me Mr Rando present miss barali Mr orello present M inello present Mr laurentino present M rolloff here M torvic present M Traverso here miss zelli here okay let's stand for theedge of Allegiance two I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay let me make sure I have the right one okay adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off okay can we start off with the student representative report okay good okay we're going to start off with Washington school this week Washington is celebrating the week of respect focusing on being a good friend and what it means be respectful and kind okay and they have their centennial celebration this Thursday day phase two of their playground project was also completed this week and the students are Beyond excited to get to play on the new equipment and lastly it's also fire prevention week so that will be a topic of instruction as well in the preschool classes okay this week Franklin School hosted a successful fire drill at the sadle fire department the drill went very smoothly and they worked closely with the Department to evaluate their safety protocols and honor Hispanic Heritage Month and week of respect the staff has been conducting activities related to these in the classrooms and in the morning announcements now for Smith School Smith would like to thank all of the parents who made it to back to school night event they loved meeting all the parents and the students who were thrilled to prepare items for the parents to check out while learning about the upcoming year currently Smith schools in the middle of the fall books book fair Smith would like to express a big thank you to the PTO and Miss Murphy for making this a huge success in their newly upper upgraded Media Center last Friday the PTO hosted their annual Fall Fest they couldn't do these fun events without their PTO and appreciate all of their planning and hard work this coming week Smith's students are focused on learning the week of respect and participating in activities and discussions about being a good friend don't hesitate to ask your child about how to be a good friend and our Smith motto finally Smith students did a great job during their fire drill with the fire department Smith would like to thank the sorg fire fire department for the extra time to show the youngest students around the trucks and teaching them about fire prevention okay October was a busy month for long school this week long school is commemorating both week of respect and fire pre prevention week again the fire the sleb fire department visited the school observing their fire drill and conducting informative tours of their fire drugs for the kindergarten and first grade students to foster a respectful learning environment the school counselor is leading lessons on respect and anti-bullying in all classrooms and additionally they are creating a collaborative school project decorating a sun with rais that represents ways to radiate respect throughout their building in celebration of unity day this month stud are participating in a chalk The Walk activity writing inspirational messages with a peer leader and lastly long school is engaging in various activities throughout Red Ribbon Week week to promote a healthy and drug free lifestyle okay and now for the Middle School the middle school is very excited to announce that there's a winner of their eighth grade trip vote and it's Rocking Horse Ranch the students were given the option of historical Philadelphia walking tour Rocking Horse Ranch Spirit of New York lunch cuisine or no preference Miss sharp and Miss summers are finalizing all the details and the students have already started fundraising for the event Jesus Christ okay for the high school the guidance counselors hosted weekly lunch and learns to help the seniors with common app processes the environmental Club successfully did a courtyard cleanup where it looks the best it has in probably years the area looks spotless and the high school would like to thank everyone who participated school spirit was at an all-time high during the week of homecoming high schoolers participated in spear week and the football team on their homecoming game game and of course the homecoming dance was an immense success students had students had access to Lively music a photo booth cotton candy even a candy truck on October 23rd all 9th and 12th graders will have a delayed opening due to the PSAT testing there was a successful fire drill yesterday October 8th during 8th period and the Juniors will have their class breakfast this Friday October 11th lastly for information regarding Sports on Tuesday October 8th four of the junior athletes Gabby Bruce Nicholas viello Blake galenus and Martin chinsky attended the first annual njic Sportsmans sportsmanship code of conduct Summit held at New Milford High School there were various speakers and activities that our students took part in that stress the importance and the expectation of what good sportsmanship looks like these student athletes attended are required to represent the information learned during the summit to their respective teams that's it thank you thank you very much okay um we're going to go to the superintendent report Miss Vietti thank you all right so what we're are going to do this evening is I will give my updates Mr Karate will give his updates then we're going to honor our two exemplary Falcons that are present tonight with their families thank you for being here we'll take some photos you can you're welcome to stay you're welcome to head out um we have Mrs Jenkins is going to do our testing presentation and then after that we'll continue with our agenda so for me um again I just want to reiterate some of the items our students touched upon the court yard here our students use it throughout the day and they really did a great job beautifying it we also were accepted with the cops Grant so what that was a school safety Grant so with those funds we are able to purchase more cameras additional cameras in all of our buildings visitor management um control and some fob door access and things like that so we're going to be scheduling a meeting um so that way we can figure out exactly what we're able to purchase with those funds but it's for School Safety and Security we do have Washington Centennial tomorrow we have an RSVP form out there we're up to 166 um yeses so what I thought would be quite a small celebration has really grown we are excited because we do have phase two of the playground there there's a communication board there's a double slide a balance beam a little Hut for the students to go through um so we'll be able to show that off we have our middle school high school band doing some songs some light Refreshments we got a 100th birthday cake and one of our Paras is doing balloons for us um we'll share a history of the building our National Honor Society students some of them spent their volunteer hours helping me out and they put old photos that were given to me on trifolds so those will be on display around the gym and then we'll do um some tours and I know everyone that responded is just really excited to see some old friends and reconnect with one another we also had for Fire Prevention Week October's full of weeks week of respect Fire Prevention Week there's a whole ton um so for fire prevention our fire department visited every single a building yesterday they conducted their tours they kind of just evaluate um how our fire drills are completed in each of our buildings I happened to be present for the Washington one and as soon as the alarm went off all you heard was tears and crying around the building so I thank them for that but it wasn't nap time so it was okay um they did a great job and you know they're very complimentary of our building administrators and how they're running their fire drills so it was a great J um the student Representatives touched upon our eighth grade trip the notification was sent out to parents with the vote so every student voted um and 70 oh gosh I need eyeglasses 74.6% voted for Rocking Horse Ranch whereas 19.6% voted for Spirit of New York lunch cruise and then a smaller percentage um said no preference and maybe one or two children chose histor historical Philadelphia walking tour can't really see that line um so that's how they determined where they are going to go this year and they're excited to I know it's change and its tradition um and that that part of it very sad but we are excited to have a trip that all of our students are able to participate in we also had an office of Homeland Security visit um maybe about two weeks ago where we had our district threat assessment team present with the OEM the fire department police representatives and we all sat in the room together to talk about a reunification drill so there's two types there's level one and level two a level one reunification drill is when you have to evacuate due to a gas leak or something that's a non emergency whereas a level two would be more like an active shooter so with that we started working as a community to determine how to re unify our students with their with their families shall an events occur and it's the beginning of the conversation there's a lot more conversations that need to be have but we were really happy that we were able to start that conversation up and we we are scheduling future meetings to uh solidify some of our plans I wanted to send a reminder that our next Board of Ed meeting when I was looking ahead at the calendar is after that week off we have in November so it is going to sneak up on us we're off for that week and then we have Monday we have our Caucus meeting and Wednesday we have our executive meeting and also Friday next Friday October 18th I'm going to do a communication test so in the event of an emergency we want to make sure that we can connect with all of our families so it will be a text a text message a phone call an email and if you have the app the app notification it should all go out at one time making sure that we have all the correct and up upd dated contact information for our families so I will be putting it out on social media but if you can assist with spreading that word Friday October 18th I'm aiming for 9:15 a.m. that's what my reminder is set to um for that to go out and make sure that everybody is receiving our alerts the tricky part is if they're not receiving it they're not going to know about it so that's why I'm really trying to get the word out there my principles will help me with that as well and making sure all their families know that we are doing that communication test all right so at this time Mr K why don't you do your updates and then we'll transition to the exemplary Falcons through the chair can I just um Washington schools at 5:00 p.m. correct 5 o'clock okay thank you okay so uh referendum update we finally have the flood Hazard perit approved and I do have the piece of paper here it only took uh well over a year to get that but we're on schedule now tonight's meeting we're going to have the approval of the contractor that will do the excavation work and in installation of the lights and get the field ready for the turf and then the second action the last one the budget finances the company that will be install in the fuel Turf the Synthetic Turf so we're looking for that project to probably start early December we'll get a we'll get a date hopefully I'll have an update at next uh board meeting at coolage school where the board offices are going to be removing too Renovations are progressing sheetrock is up on the main floor and the the lower level is being um uh have the studs and the rooms built out um the private part that's going to take the longest is the elevator but we expect the construction most of it to be done by and of November early December Washington School um we renovated three rooms on the um second floor with one contractor they installed new bathrooms and those uh rooms are up and running uh by our little three and four year old Falcons um the fourth room and the elevator was done by another company that room is is is currently ready uh but unoccupied and the elevator is tentatively scheduled for delivery in the next few days or week and they'll start uh erecting the elevator the shaft is all built but they'll start building the elevator uh box that should take probably a month or a little bit more so hopefully by December the elevator is up and running Washington School the roof the shingled roof which is the 100-year old section of the school is complete uh they only have to remove and install the new gutters uh that's projected to be done on Saturday um at Washington also there's the areas of the school that were built in 1952 uh with the two Wings coming out that's got flat roofs those rooms were um redone and recoded for a 20-year life we also did the roof areas at the middle school high school and they're working on currently working on Smith School I mentioned to you previously Franklin and long the sections we're going to be doing have solar panels they need to be removed the work to be done on the roof and then put the panels back on we're going to be doing that work in the summer and we're also going to start preparing for bids for the ceiling and lighting upgrades at Washington School uh probably the next few months to be done in the summer and also uh the Border yeah then that that was all the referendum work the um other Grant we applied for is uh School Development Authority or or Rod Grant you might hear them called regular operating District grants were're for boiler Replacements and HVAC Replacements uh we're currently working on the boilers first so we're hoping to have that uh bidding out soon and get awarded because they take several months to uh fabricate and they'll be installed probably in the summer most of the schools have one boiler some have two or three but we should we'll be at our boilers systems in all the schools up to date and my last item is the for the board which is also on tonight for the workshops is the Schoolboard Workshop will be held October 21st through the 24th and that concludes my report thank you should we move over [Music] okay test it works okay so at this point what we are going to do is sort of acknowledge two of our students that are present today with their families for being exemp blurry Falcons so in the past what if I could share with the board what we've done in the past is at the high school is they've been doing Falcon of the week they do Falcon of the week at the middle school and they continued it at the high school but a lot of the times the students really weren't fully into it so we brainstormed as a team and we decided to do something a little bit more special for our high school students that are exemplary Falcons because as we spoke about at the beginning of the year Falcons have a strong Vision they're focused they're ambitious and that kind of exemplifies our students that are present this evening so what we we did was we actually just shared out um a form and our staff kind of put they nominated our students so we have three one couldn't make it tonight Ashley is Sarah so we'll invite her to a future meeting um so we have two present tonight we have man beer cower and we have Colin Taylor so what we did was we shared it out with all of the staff and all I'm going to do is read what staff has shared about you two so I'm going to start with man beer man beer step has shared that you are an incredible student you're always sharp and willing to learn more hungry for knowledge not afraid to show what you know very imaginative and very easy to communicate with you seed as a New Jersey as a high school president in ninth grade you kept the entire Club on track and committed to completing all of their service hours you embody character scholarship leadership and service in 10th Grade Meir served as an alumni adviser for the high school and was the driving force behind several service projects and exemplified what it means to be a leader another staff set member said that she had the pleasure of having man beer in nth grade honors English not only as man beer an excellent student she's also an exceptional individual she always enhanced the class discussion with an insightfulness that had the class engaging with our topics with a new level of depth manir also served as class officer for the class of 2026 during her sophomore year and as class officer she assisted with class fundraising and helped the class have a successful year in fourth grade man beer was always positive reflective and kind I remember that she always wore a huge smile complimenting her gracefulness she consistently thought critically about topics making her successful academically also mener was always very sweet thinking of others I am not surprised that she's being recognized as an exceptional Falcon I was lucky to be her teacher and I'm proud of her last year man beer approached the staff member about bringing Deca to the high school I explained that we already had fbl and we'd have to make a case that Deca is very different she proceeded to put together a presentation and she met with Mr Mish on her own to start testing her willingness and Leadership and at some point this staff member had to meet with our director of curriculum since Deca is a very curriculum specific program and you carried yourself the same as any of our staff members would do so and the teacher was extremely proud of you I actually did not realize that Deca came from you so thank you but it is a recent decision on her part that has me the most impressed in her early years at the High School M ran and was involved with the class of 2026 last year she served as co-president of the student council she was all set to run again this year her junior year but when Deca was approved man beer immediately took her name out of the running rather than just have another thing for her transcript she pivoted immediately to Deca making interest flyers and preparing a Google Classroom done this staff member said that she's had you for a few classes and you're not she's wasn't surprised that you made the list but your ability to manage and prioritize your own time makes you beyond your years in a model student I've known manir a different staff member I've known manir for about three weeks now and it's been enough to truly understand what a great person she is she's extremely hardworking and diligent in completing all of her assignments she is extremely insightful and sets a tremendous example of what an AP student should be she has a passion for Learning and her kindness in is infectious she is a wonderful young woman I had the pleasure of having M last year in my Spanish 3H and this year in Spanish 4 honors aside from being an absolute joy to have in class her classroom demeanor and work are exemplary she is an exceptional student who consistently demonstrates a passion and love for learning she is an incredible dedicated person always willing to help other students and always with a smile so Meier I invite you down here and I have a falcon of the week shirt for you can I go back to school to get a f of the week [Music] shirt what she did [Music] had all right thank you next we have Colin Tor all right Colin so all the staff members what did they have to say about you Colin is truly respectful acts like a leader just to name a few traits a hardworking student who puts his all into everything he does all right Colin is always encouraging his peers both in class and on the field he is consistently checking in with his teammates and fellow classmates to make sure everyone is feeling and doing well both a leader on and off the field Colin is an honest hardworking person he will go out of his way to do anything for you Colin is actually actually very funny also he is definitely a well-rounded person who should be recognized for being such a good-natured person there is never a time he passes in the hallway without saying hello and checking in with you and even when you came in today you came right over you said hello and you shook my hand very respectful Colin is also a three sport Varsity athlete plays football basketball and baseball and he's a leader both on and off the field I was lucky also to have Colin in grade four Not only was he an outstanding student who gave his best all the time and loved a good math challenge he was also a wonderful role model for the rest of the students he was always a team player and a friend to All In addition Colin had a terrific sense of humor which made everyone smile especially this teacher he himself always had a smile on his face each year this teacher attends middle school high school graduation and when you saw the staff member you came running over and gave her the biggest hug he was so appreciative that I attended the ceremony I still have a picture of me Colin and Melody that I was always cherish another staff member said that Colin is an amazing allaround person I can't remember the last time he wasn't in a good mood or had a smile on his face whenever you pass him in the hallway he always gives a big smile and says hey how are you and genuinely cares about your answer Colin sets goals for himself and works hard to achieve them along the way he also encourages his classmates and teammates to work to their best ability he has often been heard saying chin up when a classmate makes a mistake encouraging them to try again Colin is truly deserving of this recognition this other staff member said that she had you in seventh grade and now again in 10th Grade everyone loves Colin but it's how he uses his popularity that makes him special he is aware that he is modeling good behavior and he's not fake about it I credit his parents as he always greets teachers and wishes us well upon leaving I teach lots of young men who if I said hey can you hold the door for me I've got the heavy books they would gladly but it's a rarer en to encounter someone like Colin who sees you coming assesses the situation and takes initiative Colin Tor is one of the most genuinely kind students I had the opportunity to work with not only does he always have a smile on his face but he's always able to make everyone he interacts with smile I had the pleasure of having Colin during his freshman year in Saddlebrook he is both a responsible and respectful student but more importantly he's considerate of everyone he interacts with and Works to make wherever he is a better place to be and this is very rare to find so Colin congratulations on earning this Exemplar Falcon [Applause] [Music] award go for [Music] launch it up fire [Music] congratulations all right at this time if our welcome to testing presentation you're welcome to go home and do homework um but at this time I'm going to invite our board members to transition to the chairs while Mrs Jenkins sets up the screen for the testing presentation thank you ge this is what you want to see right [Music] Michael didn't you have hip [Music] [Music] replacement what happening oh okay [Music] no [Music] before we begin I just want to thank our staff members MERS who took the time to share these special thoughts about our students um you know this is the first time we're doing it so hopefully it'll catch on more staff members will share stories about our students we'll be able to honor more of our high school students here at our board meeting so we're excited to start that up we're just waiting for three more board members I'll start with introduction so Mrs Jenkins is our director of student data research and evaluation planning planning research planning research and evaluation it's a tricky one and part of her responsibilities is putting together this presentation um on our testing so she's going to share with you the njsla results and then Mrs was unable to make it this evening so she's also going to share the access for El's and we're going to do the NPA and the NJ GPA because we did it over the summer so we do a quick a quick recap okay we're going to get started so tonight we're going to uh first kick off uh a conversation with you regarding our results for njsla and um DL and talk about uh uh dlm and what I want you to concentrate on as we do this um I did this with the board over the summer about NJ GPA we're going to review that again for the community but whenever we talk about student um data and uh test results I want you to think in the terms of how does that data tell a story and how does that data show if our interventions with students are bearing the fruit that we um hope that it would that's not working not working okay so um about 1% of our students uh take an alternative test called D dyamic learning Maps um the data set for dynamic learning Maps is so small that it's under the threshold of data that we share with the district but I do have a slide to talk a little bit more about what that is then we're going to talk about njsla Ela Math and Science results and we're going to look at that through the in terms of the district our schools and uh demographic analysis there is tons of data in these slides and I'm not uh I'm just going to be honest there's 106 slides but we are not going to go through 106 slides because we put them on the um the assessment website that we have a Google site in the district for all of that but I'm going to go over what the data tells as a story um then we're going to talk about access for L's access for L's is the assessment data that we look at for our elll students or English language Learners and then we're going to review the njp njpa results one more time so Tony can advance that slide for Me Oh I thought you still had it okay so the DM is an assessment for our students with the most significant cognitive disabilities these tend to be some of our students who are placed in uh in specialized programs whether in District or out of District but like I said this is under 1% of our population that participates in this um and it's an alternative assessment to to njsla njsla this slide is just a little gives you a little bit of an overview it's administrated in grades 3 through n um njsla for ELA and math that's um 3 through eight once we hit e8th grade some of our students may take algebra so they would take an algebra uh assessment as eighth graders but we also have n9th graders who take algebra assessments and we could also have ninth graders who take a geometry assessment um which assessment you take in math as you move into 8th grade and into High School all depends on the math class that you're enrolled in and then our students are assessed in science in grades uh five seven five8 and 11 and what we're now going to see this year is that we're starting to get three-year trend of analysis because if you remember we started to implement njsla post pandemic again in 2022 so now we have three years worth of data so here are some of our notable achievements and this is where I said I want you to remember to think that data tells a story we are starting to see a trend ing decrease in students scoring two or lower in grade six by double digit numbers this is amazing this is so we have 19.3% of our students who are scoring Less in this lower category than we have had in the past and conversely we also are seeing a 206% increase in achievement with our sixth graders who are SC scoring four or better now you should say I would ask as a parent I would say what did you do that is double digigit achievement what happened so what happened in 2024 to make that happen and this is really just a one-year difference so it's pretty significant and what I will tell you is that um in the beginning of last year uh we talked to you about making some changes in our Master schedules and in sixth grade we doubled down on the minutes of instruction in math so we doubled our instruction in math and we got double digigit increases in performance in achievement and double- digit decreases in lower in the lower achievement levels this is really significant data we're really really proud of this this reflects the work that our Elementary School uh principals and our elementary school teachers did with their students um in concert with efforts led by Mrs deonis we're super proud of this and then we also see in ela that the district is outpacing uh that rebound over time in these grades that I listed above four five 6 8 and nine we also know that for Saddlebrook a transition year is is for middle school for us happens to be grade seven so sometimes you might not see you sometimes you see a little bit of a drag in in in data when kids are going from one school to another but that is still a great rebound over time and we're outpacing the state we also see an overall increase in students achieving a four or better in ela districtwide by 5.3% if we think about the district goals and how we wrote The District goals this year and the boards work on that with Mrs violetti we have a we have set a goal to increase that by similar numbers for next year and you could see we are already on the right path for that and then in terms of math we also saw that double down here in math in uh as 21.7 and as we were working in departmentalization I was talking about Ela before but all of that has has led to great great scor for our sixth graders and then overall our students achieving four a better math districtwide was also up by 5.8% okay so in science in science our students are we also see a decrease in students scoring uh a two or lower in grade 11 science also by double digits 90 19.2% as opposed to the state the state's decrease in students scoring a two or lower was just a negative 1.8% so we're outpacing as we're helping students improve their scores we're also outpacing that type of achievement and that growth from the state this we're also outpacing the state's average growth in science specifically these numbers I think are pretty telling so in grade eight we saw our students uh were uh we growing at 88.6% and the state average was 0.2 and then in grade 11 we saw once again a double digit 19.2 and that state average growth was 1.8 I'm so so proud I'm so so proud of our teachers I'm so so proud of our students and all of the effort for professional development and um you see an overall increase in students achievement for a better in science like districtwide n 9.0 now we know we had a lot of room for growth but we also want to see that this is steady and we repeat it again again and again so now we I I also mentioned like three years worth of data so I looked at the data um comparing where were we in 2022 and where are we now in with 20 spring 2024 achievement and I wanted to look at that as subgroup data at by gender and then by um ethnicity or by service program under economically disadvantaged these next few slides will have data type of that type of data and if you remember as a board member in the summer when we looked at NJ GPA this is where in the subgroup data we were we were really Blown Away in the in the increases over time and here you see with njsla when you when you really drizzle down nail it down and to the subgroups this is where you see big double digit gains as well so for the all females we have 7.8% scoring at a level five exceeding standards compared to 22 to 24 and the all males averages at a level five up 6.8% Middle School boys so this is the 6 through eight age group is up 6.3 our high school girls at grade nine at a level five up 32.2% wow big jump and all students three to three through nine a level five at scoring at a level five up 7.8% now what I know because I see the work that Mrs dbonis is doing uh when she has the teachers come in and look at evidence statement analysis and really looking at which specific standards do our students need to grow in based upon test result they spent a lot of time doing that last year and you see the reward and the benefit because that data helps inform our instruction you also see this um by math by gender you see female levels four and five increasing 88.9% Middle School boys in sixth through 8th grade increases to level in four four and five at 10.6% and high school n9th grade level four and five increasing 18.8% and then on subgroups in science you're going to see some d double digits here our fifth grade females are proficient increasing to 8.7 8th grade boys up 16.8 I high all the double digits because I just wanted it to pop for your eyes and grade 11 boys proficient proficiency increases to 22.3% I think there's a lot to be proud of there and then you're going to see it here within some of our demographic groups like I said earlier um I just want you to remember that when we have a demographic group that has less than 10 students we're not allowed to report on it we have that data um but so you're going to see where I'm sharing data it's where we have I compiled big the numbers together to have some data to share with you so for all grades of all of our grades for elll Learners we have a decrease of students scoring one and two by 9% and we'll talk a little bit about some of the work that was done um with our teachers and our students to support that and then all grades special education level one and two a decrease of NE of down we're down 4.5% and um all grade special ed level five and increased to four by 4.6% and then in grade nine are economically disadvantaged students scoring uh increasing levels to four and five 28.5% double digit increases as well and then in math you'll see grades three and five economically disadvantaged level four increases 10.8 grades 6 through eight uh special education level four increases 6.5 and then grade nine economically disadvantaged level four increases 5.3 and I and I you know I make mention of these where we see five and six because that was what we sort of were projecting as potential growth but we're seeing for our subgroups some of them are even much higher and then for science you'll see grade five special education students increasing to by 15.4% grade eight special education students increasing 12.1 grade 11 special ed increasing 5.1 and then all grades grades five 8 and 11 increasing collectively 12.4 so still dou double digit growth and here are some of the things that we know contributed to those things and and some of the things I think we should be celebrating so we increased instructional time in math for grade six and we saw big results we talked about uh I started that doubling our minutes of instruction during 23 24 school year our faculty members worked together on evidence statement analysis during professional development time and it had huge impacts it's most evident I think in science and um using New Jersey tier sisters the port and our school data teams to provide targeted instruction uh Mrs dbonis worked on a lot of curriculum uh new curriculum guides and aligning that to the new standards um we also received School Title One funding services at um Franklin these were schoolwide services so this helps our targeted populations and this uh really began in 23 24 we increased student achievement and NJ our increased student achievement njsla testing was aligned to District goals and we've aligned that to our professional development plans for our teachers this year so the goals that you saw written as board members for district goals have been connected to the teachers professional development plans and then we've also done additional training in Iron RS curriculum shifts for K to2 Ela occurred last year we're also extended amplify into grade three for 2425 and we've done a lot of Google Apps for Education work to support our teachers at the middle school high school and professional development Mrs dbonis worked with our elll teachers and then they develop these fingertip files that we call for all content Area Teachers so they all know exactly what their elll Learners have as goals and they can use that in their planning we've had conquer math PD science of reading training mclass progress monitoring as a tool for reading our school data teams work and obviously all of our Focus onal to support support the wellness of our students and then if you look through these extra slides this is where I know board members like to see datal charts and know it's always small up on the screen that's why I put it on the website for you guys to be able to go back and look at um but this is where you start to see charts and the data jump jump jump so this is all going to look like very busy charts and data and not exactly all that pretty but I know you like the graphs and then you'll see it you can come into section two and you'll see it by school and you could compare the achievement of one school to another um and then all of the um demographic data eventually will be at the bottom I mentioned the difference between Grade 8 students some take um algebra some take um math 8 so you'll see differences in that so I'm not going to click through all of those tiny printed slides it's hard for you to see but we are going to take a break from Mrs Jenkins talking Mrs is going to help me out as we shift we're going to talk to access for Els okay so while Mrs jenin pulls that up uh you see the growth you see we had room for growth so the growth is great but we need to continue that momentum what we're doing here what our staff is doing is not I don't feel very well reflected in the test scor so we're really focusing on these assessments we are really doing a lot as a district our school data teams are meeting um at least month they're actually analyzing the student data they're looking at the njsla performance they're looking at the linkit assessments they can tie each question is attached to a standard so they can see as a teach like as a class you could see which standards this class is struggling with and that way our teachers can then work on those standards with the students that are struggling so when we talk about our school data teams they are doing a lot of hard difficult tedious work and then they're sharing it the goal is for them to share it with the teacher teachers so that way they know which standards to really focus on with their groups of students so I really commend them all that we're doing a lot and our goal as you know in our district Improvement plan is to really increase our test scores so we have to continue this momentum because what we're doing here is absolutely amazing and other districts want to know what we're doing and I just want it to be reflective in these State assessments so we're really working harder in this and I thank our leadership team I thank our staff because they are working extremely hard to achieve this goal and some of our professional development time on Monday is also going to be um dedicated to that so the access for L's is a a assessment that is given by our elll teachers um each year hold on all okay I need glasses too this one isn't um this one's a PDF so it's harder to yep so this is a sample score report you're obviously going to be able to see this better if you look on the website this is also already posted up there we posted this today um and um we had 76 students participate in Access for L's they take this um in about February or March each year um and we had 100% of our students participate why is it not yeah let it reload there we go and there's also very similar data charts here for you to you could see the percentage of our students that are uh scoring at entering emerging and developing and students that are expanding and and you could see as the students move through the Continuum so we would expect to see our our El Learners score scoring sort of on the lower end of of this scale at this time because they were new to the you know new to the country first first and second year students as elll Learners and then eventually um as they achieve success here well you know what happens is you see them exit the program what I would like to say is we saw that I think one of the highest numbers um in our years here of students new to the country so this actually is great so in order to pass quote unquote pass um to exit e SL um you need a 4.5 on this assessment so our students are really our teachers are working extremely well with their Stu with the student population and Mrs dbonis created those um fingertip sheets for our teachers to use in the content area so it really is working that's what we're seeing here and then in addition to that uh Mrs dbonis hosted family engagement night events and then obviously these were the some of the um intervention strategies some of which I talked about um the fingertip files she also uh had professional development and training introduced adaptive technology into our classrooms and really supporting families through family engagement GPA now we're going to talk about NJ GPA okay so you know on the 4th of July when you're at the fireworks and the really good ones come at the end I always save the best for last okay our board members saw this presentation in the the summer um because of reporting um timelines that we have for the state but the data was um so exciting that we wanted to share it again for the public okay so um the NJ GPA is the uh uh New Jersey graduation assessment it's required our students take it during their junior year um they were assessed in English and Mathematics the minimum score to pass is a 725 um and the math components are aligned to Algebra 1 and geometry um and it has been since uh May of 2023 that we have had these standards if you remember the class of 2022 took this test the cut score was 750 the state decided to wave it for the class of 2024 it was the first year was an absolute requirement the class of 24 we know had a fresh year where they were remote primarily so what you see for the class of 25 in the next slides is more of a typical four-year High School experience okay so there there's three different Pathways to satisfy State testing requirements for the state of New Jersey the first pathway is by passing the NJ GPA with a 725 we strongly encourage all of our students to maximize their opportunities this week we're having NJ GPA retakes for the students who didn't hit that 720 25 and it is amazing how many of our students were just so close 720 724 and we uh strongly encourage them and supported them Mr Mish hosted with his teachers extra help review sessions and um they were taking that was yesterday and today and we continue through Friday with Ela students if they do not pass the NJ GPA can consider a second pathway uh assessment this could be an SAT a PSAT or something that we that's called an acup place we do know we have students who already had second pathway scores we have students who could have said ah forget it I'm just going to take my second pathway score but no I'm so proud of them they decided to still try to pass through the first pathway and they took it took the that test again should their uh first pathway assessment score on the retake not uh satisfi that 725 and they don't have a PSAT or an SAT score that P that passes them we will issue them an acup Placer test and the acup Placer uh is um scheduled again in a small group with some reviews and uh we give them a shot at that and if the if they are not successful the third pathway is a portfolio assessment of actual work samples that's overseen by a teacher um we had many many students this year who we already knew had a second pathway score with PSAT or sat before they even took the NJ GPA so we were feeling really confident that they were going to do well so here are some of the intervention strategies that took place last year we had schoolwide funding like we talked about earlier we had a basic skills program up and operating in the high school that that was a new expansion we made updates to master schedules there was tons of curriculum analysis that was aligned to njsla revisions our teachers worked like I said earlier with Mrs debonis on evidence statements and they looked at exactly which standards they looked at uh link it data with our data teams the uh work with our e L students that we just mentioned with access um and all of our Wellness programs our conquer math all of these things combine I think to this achievement it's the work of our teachers it's our students taking the tests more seriously and I think when our class of 25 saw the class of 24 really have to buckle down and meet those assessment standards I think they went walked into testing with the mindset that I'm going to I'm going to knock this out so here are some of their notable achievements class of 2025 cohort outperformed the state average in NJ GPA Ela and math we saw 50.7% growth in the district achieving passing in ela from 23 to 25 we had our special education students outscore the state average in ela and make great gains in both Ela and math our Hispanic students outscored the state average in ela in fact the percentage of Hispanic students graduation ready in ela jumped from 70% for cohort 24 to 95% for cohort 25 I told you there were big fireworks at the end Hispanic students average score in ela was 781 and it's on par with our white students at 783 closing the achievement Gap our NJ GPA math achievement continues to outpa student average growth in fact the state held uh nearly flat in growth for where satle Brook High School achieved 177% growth that is tremendous and in total the class of 20 25 cohort has 25 more students graduation ready with a first pathway score than the cohort beh that was ahead of them and we closed the achievement Gap in ela and math for economically disadvantaged students and students with IEPs and in ela and math this is this slide actually just addresses that how many of our students were assessed and then this is a percentage that were considered graduation ready and Ela was 93.2% in math it's 69.6 we know we have work to do here we also see that same work necessary through njsla data and obviously that projects up to grade 11 and but when you look in comparison to the state the State graduation ready uh averages were 54.7% and in math and 81.6 in ela and then our graduation ready as a uh not ready as a district was 6.8 in English and 30.4 and this is the population of students we're supporting with the NJ GPA retake right now okay so this is where you're going to see the fancy charts where the bar graph jumps so this is the state average in 2022 at 39.4% I know the font is Tiny um but that's why you're going to look at it at the on the district website and then this is the um District uh average in um passing average in 2022 remember I said that the cut score was lowered to 725 so you are naturally going to see some jump here but I think this is significant this was for this uh the spring 23 this is the 24 cohort and then this is where you see the big jump in ela for the class of 2025 I love watching trends like that and then Here We Go Again same thing but for math 2022 2023 and then this is the class 2025 so we know that there's room to grow here but we also we are we know we are growing and then this is the table chart this is like the raw data and the numbers and then you can see by uh our performance uh by race we're going to look at the difference between how do our Hispanic students and our white students perform so this is 2022 2023 you want to see a decrease in the not passing right right These Bars should go down and now these ones are the ones you want to show going up because this is the passing rate so impressive really work of teachers and students to be applauded and then this is math not passing 22 23 24 you see the decrease that you're hoping to see and then in 22 23 24 and you see the the increase that you were hoping to say and then by gender this is always interesting if our girls or boys outpace each other you can see the decrease in not passing and look at that little tiny blip at the bottom of the line for the class of 2025 and this is the past in rate and how the passing rate grows phenomenally it is just and I like we said the difference between a four-year High School experience the difference between teachers really drilling down on data and the dedication of the kids to know that they're taking the test seriously and it really counts and then this is um by gender in math I think I might have went back a slide and then then economically disadvantaged so this is our this is the state average I wanted you to see in this blue greenish blue color the state averages for graduation ready 23 to 24 so this would be graduation ready for economically disadvantaged students in 2023 and you could see the jump for them I said to you before closing the achievement Gap look at that jump and then this would be our IEP students in 23 and our IEP students in 2024 and the and what's unique here is we're not remember I said in 2022 the cut scores 750 this is comparing Apples to Apples this is 725 compared to 725 and then this is our non students with another nice jump up but that achievement Gap closing that achievement Gap is really impressive as well and then you see where do we land with the same chart but with math look at that jump for economically disadvantaged students in 2020 with the class of 2025 our IEP students this is like where you're going to see our IEP P students were far behind the the state average in 2023 but bam there they are in 20 for the class of 2025 and then our non ie P students and that's what I call closing the achievement Gap and getting closer and closer to for that equity and then um I thought the board would like to see data regarding first pathway numbers we know now when you look at 2024 cohort here that is a complete picture of Full a full school year of um pathway uh work so you can see that we had 100% of our students in the class at 24 um graduation ready by either the first pathway second pathway third pathway you could see the actual numbers of how many students uh that was and then you could also see um the 2025 and where we're building um so the data here for second pathway is what we knew before we did the njj NJ GPA retake this week we knew for ELA we had one student with a second pathway score at a 10 out of the 10 and with um for math we knew we had 20 students out of the 45 were already looking into the NJ GPA with a second pathway score and the majority of them opted to try first pathway again which is a source of great P Pride for all of us and then these numbers will fill in as we move throughout the course of the Year and that is the NJ GPA good news thank you Mrs Jenkins any questions for Mrs Jenkins from the board great I think the 725 is going to stay yeah I think it sounds like they tried the 750 when across the state it didn't work out um all right at this time I invite the board members to return to their seats I thank you Mrs Jenkins for all that information and we will continue with our board meeting oh now I am thank you so much for that that was amazing grou yeah Michael you happy doing nothing where I so I'm opening up Yankees are T okay got a a grand all right uh can I get a motion to open up the meeting for public comment second okay all in a agree okay would anybody like to speak [Music] okay all right can I have a motion to close the meeting for public comments okay uh all agree all in favor okay all right so we're going to move on to board action items so we have b2425 do4 through B2 42516 and any discussion I'm sorry can I have a motion second um any [Music] discussion yes hold on one second sorry I lost it think so all [Music] good okay 0.15 that's our revised District improve Improvement plan that I recently just spoke about um as I shared we are working really hard as a district we are seeing growth we excited about the momentum that we're building to continue with that growth I commend our leadership team and our staff our teachers that are really looking at the student data and we are working together to figure out how to move forward they're really analyzing the student data they progress monitoring they're doing all the right things and we're really excited to see what results we're going to have this coming school year for 0.16 that's the self assessment for determining grades for hibs each School building is um mandated to complete a self assessment on their PR their hi practices so what that looks like is there's a rubric that's provided by the state it has a bunch of core elements um talking about what programs you have to combat hibs um tra uh any Hib training that you have your HIIT policy and procedures that the school follows staff training programs curriculum programs so for example right now it's the week of respect every school building is tasked with completing hi prevention um programs and with their students um that every building has an anti-bullying specialist so they go through there's a rubric that they follow and our scores are pretty well we have SE Franklin School scored a 71 we have this is long school also has a 71 um they're all in their 70s except for Washington School Washington School does have the lowest just because they have the fewest Hib activities that they do at their preschool building okay thank you um discussion all good okay roll call please Mr arello yes yes Mr laurentino I vote yes to all but on B2 42514 I'll abstain from number one and number two Miss rollof yes Miss toric um yes to everything except B24 42 5.14 all three I wasn't here miss Traverso yes Miss Elli yes all but I'm going to abstain on B2 42514 one and two m roam yes Miss barali yes Miss inello yes okay education and curriculum uh Mr TR Vera at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items e 24252 through E2 42523 second sorry any discussion we good 4.20 our field trip list you'll see the senior scholarship banquet's going to be at the Barnyard and carriage house again we have some Latin club trips on there um preschool trips especially for the fall going to the Farms we have some of our grade level trips that are happening in the spring and some music department trips some special education trips into the community we also have um Middle School grade seven field trip to see The Outsiders on Broadway because they read The Outsider so they're very excited about that um about that trip and our middle school high school Service Learning Club they visit Washington school I think they started that last year maybe two years ago so they're continuing with that um also under 21 that's the revised grade 3 Ela curriculum that's because it's now aligned to our amplify program we started amplify K to2 and now we're continuing that with grade three this year so that curriculum document was revised point 22 is delete opening for PSAT testing we find that it really helps um the organization of our school building when we have a delayed opening for the students that are not taking the PSAT and then point 23 is a co-op for girls lacrosse and the reason behind that was we have five to seven girls that are pretty passionate about playing lacrosse and we don't have enough to have our own team so we did partner up with Garfield that's what this is so that way it gives our girls an opportunity to play lacrosse um discussion okay roll call please Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M Rola yes Miss toric yes Miss Traverso yes Miss Elli yes M ramondo yes M Miss barelli yes Miss inello yes to all but I'm going abstain from [Music] e2425swd 2 have a second second second this discussion question comment 4.27 professional development I just want to highlight that we are sending several of of our staff members to Orton Gillingham morph morphology plus training so we're excited it's a reading Specialists our ESL teachers um and it focuses more on multisensor learning especially for our students struggling in um reading and writing good all right roll call Mr arello yes to all but on BF 24252 7 I need to abstain from boe2 Mr laurentino vote yes to all but under b2425 two4 I'm going to abstain from checks 4902 and 5235 and under BF 2425 d27 uh there's no number number listed for the superintendent there but I'm going have to abstain from her superintendent was wait are you going no no no that's for the board no she Tony's on it also oh you catch that he and I have to do that okay there is no number okay yes I have it okay M roll off uh yes to all I will abstain from bf2 42527 bo4 Miss toric um yes to all but I'll abstain from BF 2425 27 bo5 Mr TR Verso yes to all but I will abstain from bf2 42527 Bo E6 M Elli yes to all but standing from BF 2425 [Music] point27262 boee 01 Miss brale yes little confusing Mello yes all but I'm going to abstain in b f24 2524 check numbers 4826 and 5162 and then in BF 24252 7 bo3 okay okay all right so we have now facilities and operations Miss toric at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items f24 25.2 and f24 25.3 second any discussion questions good okay roll call please Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss rolloff yes Miss toric yes Miss Traverso yes melli yes M tramando yes Miss barali yes Miss no yes okay negotiations Miss zelli at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following item n [Music] 24252 discussion questions okay roll call please Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes Miss toric yes Miss Traverso yes M zelli yes Mr Rando yes Miss barali yes Miss Zello yes okay Personnel Mr laurentino at the recommendation of superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items p2425 21 through p2425 do28 I need to second oh can I have a second second for 2 42522 number four I typed it in we typed it in it's not on the printed copy it's a new appointment for executive assistant to the superintendent to Joyce burn last name burn first name Joyce salary is 73,000 and the approximate effective start date is November 18th as Mrs galin is leaving November 15th is her last day that okay through the chair yes I'd like to make a motion to table on p2425 23 numbers one and N if I can please second okay so the motion on the table is to a motion on the floor is to table uh items one and nine of p2425 d23 so I'll go around and going to vote to wait a minute we're we're holding one through nine and N okay id1 and one one and id9 the motion is to table those two items off the agenda okay so that's the vote for that'll be voted on first okay any discussion discussion can we discuss it we can't I don't think they can discuss anything all right what does that mean so take there there's no discussion needed when it's table [Music] could no I don't want to he wants to table it and speak about the person at a later time are you in favor of it or not is what we're going we're going to vote on that we're going to vote yeah we're going to vote on tabling one and N Mr removing one and N from the agenda we're voting right on the vote you're going to vote on that first remake your motion is we ask why or sorry can we ask why no we have to do in close that's why yeah we're going to just do it just to pull the person off you're not saying yes or no to details you can discuss the purpose of taing and why table what have you but you can't get into details in terms of yeah yes or no if I don't know why well that's what we're going to discuss in close so we would give Mike the opportunity to I have a question when does That season start like prac Thanksgiving um Thanksgiving yes November well I'm going to say early right before Thanksgiving we'll be um triy outs so are you asking is they going to be cutting it close if yeah you would have to put that out and you would have to try to hire someone so so if that if that's what is ultimately what happens you're saying if if it goes down if correct right so my understanding right now is that it's being pulled for discussion because because right that's the motion right passes it right so then that's go I'm sorry I say if you at that point it's decided then that is part of your discussion would be if there is a timeline the timeline to to put it out and to hire someone and if you don't find someone what happens to the team so that's going to be part of your discussion we having a discussion right now and that's to Mr LA's Point that's top of discussion without the actual that's why I just wanted to know because you know putting it close and um well we don't other words through the chair sorry um this decision to bring it back up next month correct meeting so we have October when is our next board meeting in no 13th 11th 11 and 13th 13 the AC 13th answer would or could we have a special meeting after for the discussion he's got to be race no I understand that but would very a sooner date because of the time frame yeah so if he's not right we can't talk about a time no right that's correct you can only talk about the mechanics that you're talk about deadlines and things of that sort you can talk about but to talk about the under wine no then you can't you'd have to have a special meeting or wait from the next meeting I mean don't this is not written in stone because of course it's not my POS my position but my understanding it's usually tryouts are the week of the week before the week of Thanksgiving so that's November 18th we wouldn't be voting till November 13th so then that would be putting it into the paper and trying to interview to get someone in to for tryy outs through the chair when does this stien date end would he be responsible for what you're saying as far as tryy outs and whatnot when when would this stip and date start and when would the other one end oh the end of the season whatever I mean assume that it would be the first day of tryy outs no no what you're saying is not saying what's going to happen too late if it goes down now we have to put it in the paper we have to do this there's got to be Tri outs when would be the official end time for this would he be responsible for try outs and stuff or would that be on a new one if that was the way it was to go I'm not quite sure I understand your qu I'm not understanding your question I think I think what she's saying is that the the the person who was given the stien for last year's team when does that stip what what date does that end coaches are hired annually so they at the end of the year okay thank you I think that was that ended that yeah that's done correct it's every school year so then that would cover everything no it wouldn't there this is the new school year so you're approving the end of last year right that was last year this year what whomever is hired for any coaching position gets hired for this year the beginning of the season so logistically time wise you got it now through the chair forget it I I take it out just let's do it I'm not playing withdraw you're withdrawing your motion yeah I'm not playing this game just let's approve it you're withdra your motion yeah you're withdrawing two silia zelli this is you know over all right so motion all right it's withdrawing absolutely but that's not that's not right either it's the K it's going to end up hurting the kid it's the kid that's exactly what it so I'm not here to hurt my [Music] KS it's it's really up to you guys well I'm I'm abstaining from it so I'm just just telling you the logistics you just need to be careful too about the dialogue because it could um because because of identification of certain individuals you have to be care say no names you know can we still race the person and have a discussion after they're approved no you could rise somebody yeah but just love the job a point I get yeah so I say we uh through the chair let's just move forward with this Mike has withdrawn his uh absolutely objection on motion to table his motion to table has withdrawn right so we're back to the original motion to withdraw the motion no he just he just he he was the one that made the motion he withdrew it yeah right so it's back to the original motion so with was with Mr laurentino and Miss barali to approve all items as stated in the agenda okay so were we back to are we back back to this whole thing yeah there any more discussion no we have a m second any discussion oh is there any any other discussion then all right so then would your new roll pole yep Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M rollof yes Miss [Music] toric yes T yeah I was thinking yes M Traverso yes batelli yes Mr Raam yes Miss barali yes Miss aelo uh yes sir but I'm going to abstain from one 2 3 4 five six 7 nine one two yeah say the numbers again yeah one two three four 5 six 7 nine through oh I'm sorry let me let let me do it this way I'm going to say yes to eight that's probably better I'm going to say yes to eight and then from 20 on is that [Music] better okay so did you get that yeah all those motions pass okay so just say no all right I could have done that too okay so we're good there all right so now we're going to go to committee reports uh budget and finance Mr aamand do you have any no we have no okay me either um facilities no report negotiations nothing okay policy no no [Music] oh okay let's do liaison reports Miss zelli do you want to do one for bcba NJ SBA a bunch of us went to the uh Workshop the state school board's workshop and the topic that was discussed was Ai and it was very interesting and for those of you that don't want to accept it just know it's here learn what you can on it it's um it's very interesting world out there all I'm going to say okay yes yeah I just want to elaborate using them when um when he was speaking about AI um it was just so informative to learn how much it could help you you know not only be negative but just to help and clarify um paperwork and this not necessarily doing it for you so for me it was very interesting because I don't use any of that in my field um so I thought it was it's an interesting tool to have going forward in our and if I can back sorry the super shared his policy that he wrote for AI for the district as well and he's he was willing to give it away essentially and have everyone look at it so if we were interested in writing policy for AI going forward and how the district can utilize it how students can use it in setting guidelines um I think it would be worth at least taking a a gander to see if it's something we want to implement for the district yeah I know St is also creating one so it would be good to have multiple and for someone who doesn't might not know AI stands for artificial intelligence thanks just saying there's a lot of people yes it I thought it was quite informative and as using it in the classroom it's incredible what you can do in a classroom like you it's it is amazing and I myself have following a few people on Tik Tok and they have taught me so many different things so it's it's quite interesting it's the way of the future so that yes that was a very good meeting okay um education Educational Foundation Miss toric nothing okay Miss Traverso SE P nothing nothing okay uh liaison Town Township liaison we haven't had a meeting do you have anything to share okay any update on the that's not us that's not us that's us uh PTO PTA I know to the chair I got yes I got PTO PTA okay do you want to go first Mr maam going oh am I am I not I'm sorry you're not I I mean I don't it doesn't make a difference I paper clo I'm sorry I can't see all right this is uh okay hey Smith school PTO updates uh Smith School will have their first PTO meeting on zoom on Tuesday October 1st which passed uh they will vote on the budget and review the plan for the new year they will also kick off uh a readathon on October 1st students are invited to track their hours to win prizes for reading they also have prizes and incentives for fundraising um their first restaurant night will be at maros on what was it September 26th uh Fall Fest is planned for Friday October 4th picture day is October 24th and they're looking forward to a great year oh wait I'm sorry I wrote I read the wrong one oh wait there's more wait what who did you read for I read the one from last month oh that's last month I'm sorry my glasses are all messed up sorry M thank thank you good Lord no those are my to C4 okay here we go I'm sorry to miss Melissa here um thank you to all the families who attended our fall festival uh they had a great time they also kicked off their readathon that will take PL kicked off the Reon that will take place uh the month of October students have already read over 3,000 minutes um our next restaurant night is scheduled at Wendy's on Route 46 for Wednesday October 16 picture day is October 24th and lookout for the Smith School trunk or treat car at the trunk Retreat thank you thank you made a big difference who's next geez do you want to be next uh Franklin School had their first PT meeting last night their new president Diana McCarthy discussed new goals including the PTO providing and event end or purchase in each of the following categories on a quarterly basis one fun event for students two educational event for students and three contribution to better schools classrooms also [Music] a TR R very good thank you okay and now we're going to go to Long yes Memorial Mr ver LMS had their first meeting last night preceded by their back to school night which was on September 26th during that time our Scholastic Book Fair was shared with the parents to shop after a 3-day event during the day school day for all students to purchase books and other supplies all students were gifted with a smicker sticker and a pencil case provided by the PTO a thank you goes out to all who volunteered to help make it a big success also at back to school night parents were able to stop by the PTO tables to meet the members and board and exe executive board ongoing events include a spirit sale which has many new designs for Saddlebrook Weare purchases can be ordered on the LMS website the current fundraiser is David's cookies and cheesecake all orders must be turned in by October 21st and delivery will be before than Thanksgiving two snack sales are planned uh one for the winter which will be popcorn and Gertrude Hawk in the spring picture day is October 21st trunk Retreat is October 25th in the uh outside yard of long School in the back and Halloween class parties will be held on October 31st after the school parade pizza will be provided by PTO with additional treats provided by class parents LMS will be hosting a Heroes for Heroes event on Veterans Day lunch will be provided by the PTO for the guest veterans more information will be following through Miss Mansfield the executive board invites all LMS PTO members to join their Facebook page and visit the LMS website to stay informed of upcoming events the next PTO meeting will be on November 12th we all look forward to having an amazing school year thank you thank you okay um I do not have one for the Middle School uh middle school high school how about Washington School Miss toric nope okay all right except for the 100th anniversary yes tomorrow at 5:00 uh okay do we have any correspondents okay old business anybody for old business I'm old new business [Music] yes thank you very nicely put um anyone else okay all right then can I have a motion to close the meeting oh I'm sorry no no no stop I got to open it to you can I have a motion to open the meeting motion Washington um would anyone like to speak no okay can I have a motion to close the meeting okay to the public thank you all right so now I'm gonna ask for a motion to close the meeting second okay all right thank you very much everyone have a good evening we'll see you November 11th or and we'll see you tomorrow Happy Halloween happy Halloween yeah yes