##VIDEO ID:ksyGLE6Qcww## right call the meeting to order roll call please Mr moondo pres M barali pres Mr orello present M aelo pres Mr laurentino pres Miss rolloff here miss toric here M Traverso here miss zelli here all right for the pledge of [Music] allegion to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all okay adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 and I'll turn the meeting over to the superintendent I just have one quick announcement because it was today I spent most of the day today at Ramapo College with our Deca club members of our Deca Club so they participated in their first session today it was very exciting it it's a very big event um and I got to serve as a judge along with Nicole deonis and Jillian colay so we actually had a really it was a really great time seeing Our Kids In Action I will provide the rest on Wednesday do I still have to say it cuz we go to agenda items right you oh yeah Mr C business administrator so the annual Financial AIT is winding down um the Auditors will finish that report up in the next couple of weeks and it'll probably be here at our February meeting to make the presentation of the audit uh the 2526 budget build is in full swing and on tonight's agenda we're looking to award two more referendum projects on on the agenda that concludes my report thank you okay um this is when I would open it does anybody want to speak on agenda items want to no good then I don't have to read the big [Applause] statement we're just going to go through the right all right does anyone have any questions on the board action items none okay roll call please oh no we're not voting tonight right sorry I'm on Wednesday don't we want to get it all done in one night guys oh discussion for the board action yes you'll see um The Hip findings the twice a year by annually we have to submit a statement of insurance for our power professionals so that's on here um we also are mandated to submit this student safety data system for reporting period one that's on this agenda and then we also added um the 2526 District count calendar for next school year so that's number26 thank you you didn't put the chairs on here so how do you want to do this okay so we were Miss toric and I are finalizing the um the committee list so even though your name's not there it'll be there for Wednesday um trying to find my list who's on education did you like mine there it is so education will be Mello so there's just the two items on there if any questions it's not working you got to put it closer I think yeah your first time does anybody yeah so the can you hear right now like say it again because they didn't hear you down there here was any questions on the education items better for the field trips there's only three listed this time two are our glamour gals Club here at the middle school high school and one is our National Junior Honor Society to go to Washington school with their preschool students um they complete a craft project with them a that's cute okay budget and finance do you have the list yeah budget and finance will be Miss Traverso on Wednesday um I just like to comment on a couple items here under under Budget Finance um on 55 I still need the treasures report should have that tomorrow Wednesday 57 and 58 are the two bids I was speaking about with the referendum they're both at Washington School 59 wasn't a um a revision to a change order we we approved um I think it was like a month or two ago 60 is work uh emergency work that was done over the winter break for a a heating pipe that burst in one of the rooms at Washington school and 61 we're trying to work on the um as you can see in the agenda item there the the fiscal year 24 cops School violence uh prevention program Grant and we're working on changing door access controls uh door intercom systems and guest management for an all integrated system if we get those quotes back in time well we are getting the quotes we need to just review them make sure everything agrees uh we're trying to have a recommendation for Wednesday if that works if not it'll be moved to February okay facilities and operations for for the professional development workshops I just want to share that we are hosting a Bergen County science of writing Workshop that's our amplifi program that we're um that we have that we're implementing in K 3 so they are coming here um and I'm just really proud of our staff and our directive curriculum for really setting up we're we're hosting a lot um when it comes to these new initiatives and we're inviting districts in um so you'll see a couple of our reading Specialists are on that to attend and partici be active participants in there um that's really the big one does anybody have any questions so quiet tonight okay theair I actually have a question chair through the chair CU I know um so in our district calendar are we there yet we're there right yep okay um all of the days where the the students we have um like this upcoming Monday trying look I apologize I'm like disorganized right now the single session days all of those are in service for the staff and the students are here for half a day on all of those federal holidays correct that is for Columbus Day Veterans Day Martin Luther King day it's a single session for students and staff PD in the afternoon okay I just wanted to confirm thank you any other questions okay where are we budget and finance no in facilities and operations okay facilities and operations that will be Mr arella will be facilities and operations on Wednesday congrats to me and we'll have the uh facility use report link up by by tomorrow it had better be thanks Mr Karate the founder you're the founder okay uh policy that would be Mrs Elli anybody have any there's a policy though um those are the two the our second readings any questions on policy guys okay negotiations which we don't have any this year but no there's none but that be that's Mr oam yeah negotiations negotiations but there's none right now negotiations but there isn't any Okay so Personnel Personnel will be Mr laurentino personel Mr laureno really there it's true it's not down here yeah we can't hear you down there all wow that's Mr laurentino for personnel any questions uh P2 42544 through p24 25.49 correct can't hear so we have two we have a medical leave maternity um a par professional that is sated to go to Washington school for an ABA classroom because we have a new student starting there's a l number two is a person that never actually started with us so they're being rescinded and number three if you are looking at the current one we added that today because I'll be interviewing a part-time evening custodian applicant before Wednesday's meeting so if it goes well we will be adding that individual to this agenda the uh 46 number one had to be rescinded because he never actually did it and number two that they had to be put back on because it's a revision with the amount of the stien 47 public agency compliance officer that's mandated 48 is our minimum wage has gone up so from $15.13 to $15.49 cents effective January 2nd and0 49 was also an addition I interviewed her the other day um to be a volunteer production assist assistant for the spring musical stuff yes yes there you go [Music] okay UMC yeah you want to talk about the committee that would be silia right um committee do you want to speak about the policy meeting just that we can't hear you either see it's going we had a policy committee meeting prior to tonight's meeting you want me to scream it's like you have to be like this for us to actually yeah it's the microphones it's not [Music] you policy committee meeting prior to our meeting tonight wait can we do a testing until we get this right okay we had a policy committee meeting prior to our meeting tonight uh few policies were mandated by stme which will be on for a first reading Wednesday night and anything else that'll be discussed will'll be later on thank you we don't have any others correct the negotiations very [Laughter] quiet nothing right okay does anybody have any lays on reports for tonight maybe the no okay [Music] any correspondence thank you any old business any new business for a minute only question there's a chance I might not be here on Wednesday um I saw everybody uh the superintendent put out the email in regard to the potential sbook High School athletic h of Fame uh allthough I'm involved with it I'm doing it more as an alumni as a than a board member but this is a good Pulpit to get the message out so I met with Mr anello our ad phenomenal uh super great with the project uh so first meeting is March 4th and that's just to see if there's the potential to get this project going over the past week I've spoken with several people as far back as uh class I think of 68 or 69 so there's definite interest in it I think it's just a matter if we can get enough people that are willing to put the work in to get the job done but one of the great advantages of it is it's tremendous for school spirit to bring alumni back to pass it on to our current and future Generations it seems like a lot of schools do have it um it is a big ceremonious thing if we can get it off the ground so if you can talk to any alumni who are potentially interested in getting involved if they can just please come to our meeting on March 4th 700 p.m. in the media center thank you anybody else from new business I do under new business just wondering how did we make out with Smith school today Smith School the uh boiler was fixed probably by 9:30 : 10:00 I was there and um it was back up and running there's still a few classrooms that have to get uh um worked on their yeah whether it's bleed the lines or just some air in there but they've been working on it I think we're in pretty good shape by uh by the time the students arrived thank you can we find out who that bicycle belongs to um so I just wanted to say something um I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you um for putting me into this position and I um look forward to learning more and um I hope um I make you all proud so thank you guys thank you does anybody want to speak from the public thank you [Music] count [Music] coms under new business reest okay so we're going to be going into Clos so where is the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and whereas these subjects are are within the exception to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session pursuant to njsa 104-1 12b and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as follows what do I what am I allow to say okay right okay so one is um Hib cases and two will be Personnel um coming back in okay whereas the length of the Clos session is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene an action will not be taken now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into Clos session for only the afores said subjects and be it further resolved that the Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the afores said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act okay can I have a motion to close oh thank you all in favor any opposed thank you so I can close the meeting just say thank okay okay thank you all for coming we appreciate it [Music]