##VIDEO ID:oP0emINPTcg## should I start or no start start okay we're going to do real quick you make like that I don't know I'd like to call this meeting to order one second okay thank you can you make bigger cuz maybe it's because it's word well it's up to you if you want to bring it back for we're not put you in view put um yeah you you can't do that when you're in word yeah okay there you go they could see me all the way in is this is this the right one sorry ladies and gentlemen just give us one second we're all in our new Chromebooks and we're just trying to be able to get the proper view with our old eyes Okay I I hit the Cav already better on I said roll okay Mr oam present miss barali Mr arello present Miss Anella present Mr laurentino M Roloff here m toric m Traverso here miss zelli here stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all am okay adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off okay uh we are going to start off this evening with the student representative report yes Devon was unable to make it this evening du to so syana is here thank you okay you can hear me yes okay so I'm going to start off strong with Washington school and they have wanted to report that this past summer their building underwent a lot of work to the bond referendum Savanah move the microphone closer to you closer good yeah okay um four classrooms upstairs were renovated and transformed into new spaces they added an elevator and they painted um hallways to reflect their saddle workg Pride a faculty restroom was added to the downstairs of the building and one of the rooms was turned into a playroom with carpeting for the Little Learners to play on and this room will also have an interactive projector on the floor called a funtronic floor um they would like to report that this school Year is off to a great start with many new students students entering the school system and they're all settling into their classrooms and forming bonds with their new teachers this year the preschool intends to align their program with that of the elementary schools through the bright program and Washington is currently in the works of reimagining their baby falcon mascot with their art teacher Miss wolf and of course next month Washington's going to celebrate their 100th birthday now for Franklin school they had a kindergarten play dat event which had an amazing turnout many students and parents were able to meet their teachers Mr Robinson and Miss Abate met with all the students at Franklin during the first week of school to give them a warm welcome they discuss school pride and expectations for a positive school year and lastly Franklin will have their back to school night on September 5th and they're looking forward to welcoming families of the students to meet their staff as for Smith School their back to school night is going to be Tuesday September 24th the fifth and sixth grade students have been lending a helping hand to the younger ones by helping them at recess serving as great role models and developing future plans another opportunity for the fifth and sixth grade students helping will be starting up next week and this is the Smith morning Patrol the students will help the car moving the car line in the morning and walking the younger students to the gym doors every morning for long Memorial School they're excited to Showcase their new model this this their new motto this school year excuse me leading by example optimistic thinking navigating situations and grit and determination this year long school will have long Memorial stars of the month to recognize students who exemplify the new motto long will have their back to school night on September 26th and they will also be sharing all this amazing news with the parents as for the middle school they wanted to welcome back all the students and hope that they have a great year they had their first Middle School Falcon in the week this year a big congratulations to Christopher Salgado Chris was kind enough to keep one of his peers to help one of his peers navigate the building during the first week back Chris your active kindness has set a great example for everyone let's all strive to be as helpful and supportive as Chris thank you for being a wonderful Falcon the SBF wathon will take place on September 27th every student will participate in their gym periods as for the high school the 2024 to 2025 school year kicked off with the seniors having their senior sunrise on the front lawn Donuts coffee and hot chocolate accompanied the class as they watched the sunrise together every class met in the auditorium during the first week of school for the annual class meetings things that were discussed included option two dress code and open lunch September 10th was picture day for the middle school and high school students they got their pictures taken during their gym periods going along with pictures the seniors had their class group picture at the park on Friday September 13th and they're proud to say that this year's back to school night was a great success there was a great turnout of parents who got to meet their students St teachers and walk through their schedules pairing with this there was a nth grade parent orientation which also had a great number of parents this was helpful night to parents of new of the new high school students who learned what being a high schooler is all about our 9th and 10th graders sat through the annual 911 presentation in the auditorium this past week and Captain Des santis visited Mr G and Freddy's classes as well lastly for the high school it's fall pep rallies on September 20th Friday this week and it's and this week also kicks off the universities and colleges V visiting the high school School the last thing is in information regarding Sports the stb athletic department would like to welcome you to our Senior Day celebration honoring our senior members and their families of the marching band cheer team and our football team the ceremony will begin at 12:25 p.m. this Saturday on our main field with our football team kicking it off at 1: p.m. versus Hasbro Heights come out and support your Falcons please check our athletics schedule to catch a glimpse of all of our sports scenes and action go Falcons thank you very much okay um our next report is the superintendent's report Mrs Vietti thank you thank you syvan that was great all right so a couple updates we are so at the high school in the past they've always done a falcon of the week like saana shared the Falcon of the week for the middle school but at the high school we were talking with their Administration and it wasn't as well received at the high school um so or wasn't really done truly with Fidelity so what we decided to do is I created a Google form for our staff here to nominate their own Lake Falcon of the week a student that demonstrates the same traits as our Falcon so as you may know we've been trying to focus on our school pride and the sbook Falcons so Falcons are renowned for their sharp Vision unwavering focus and Relentless drive to excel they are natural communicators and possess an insatiable ambition we are falcons so our staff here will nominate high school students that exemplify the traits of a falcon and then we are going to invite them to Board of Education meetings with their families so that way we can kind of share all the they are doing in our school so that's going to be something new moving forward um September is dedicated to attendance awareness so as you may have seen I've been sending out lots of communications about attendance making sure our families are well aware of the attendance standards in our district also on that note um I was notified that a lot of our emails are going to your spam folder so please check your spam folder and our tech department is working on um remedying that problem our district goals have to do with our intendance and increasing our academic growth so you'll hear those themes re restated often during the length of the school year a reminder sylvannah shared about our elementary schools back to school nights they're all next week on a different day a reminder to our families that those are minimum day sessions for that school only so for example if long school is having their back to school night it's a minimum session day for long school not for any other not for any other building our crosswalks in front of our middle school high school I always point the wrong way that way um they are going very well our crossing guards are quite happy with it and our students have been using it most importantly so thank you to our students the side path that leads to the parking lot that's been very well used as well we're excited to move forward with the path to the Middle School doors but we we're seeing them being used we're seeing our students um act safely and we're really proud of them at our Elementary buildings we're asking our parents to please model for our students how to correctly cross the street and use the crosswalk we are having families that are not using the crosswalk and just as a friendly reminder from the sbook police says jaywalking is against the law it is a $54 ticket and we are hoping that everyone will use our crosswalk and our crossing guards are there for your safety Savannah mentioned September 21st is senior day for high school football football cheer and marching band so that's this Saturday ceremony starts at 12:25 and then we do have a football game against hasburgh Heights homecoming is Saturday October 5th and also one of these one of those Saturdays there's a 40-year class reunion from the class of 1984 so they'll be at the game and touring our buildings as well as a reminder school is closed Thursday October 3rd I shared with the board on Monday that we have at our um District we created a Google site for our club and activities where we have our staff they're filling out attendance and they're a quick note on their activi for the day and it helps us to just organize more as to what we are offering to our students our clubs are growing thanks to our staff who are willing to lead these sessions with our students a lot of times our students have the idea they approach a staff member and the staff member agrees to advise the club so you'll see on the agenda that we are hoping to approve a sidebar to um include some of those clubs that have been running successfully but they have not been getting paid for it because it wasn't listed in the contract our cap our corrective action plan from testing that's closed out we successful we showed them that we completed every item so they quickly within a week turnaround sent us notification that that was that that has ended our Middle School field trip so over the years I know it's tradition to go on an overnight field trip to Washington DC in 8th grade our numbers have been dwindling and for some reason it's not up on my computer right now so I'm going to find it but our numbers have been dwindling over the course of the years since covid and we have students that are not attending due to the cost of the trip we also had to pay an extra $1,000 last year because there was we did not meet the minimum requirements for the company so with that we are asking here it is with that um we uh the teachers the eighth grade advisers got together with the Middle School principal and myself and they presented another idea for a trip it'd be a full day trip so that way all the students can go it would it would basically the fundraising that they do should cover most of the complete C the cost of the trip there should it should be very minimal if any fees that our students would have to pay they are proposing a rocking horse ranch um where included is horse guided horseback riding a barbecue Mountain tubing rock climbing bungee jumping laser tag arcade archery range paddle boats fishing so there's there's lots for our students to do there it's also very inclusive so all of our students are able to attend including our sales students it's not as far so it's an hour and 15 minutes away so they save on the cost of the buses because they can use our school buses it's a lot of team building activity activities with academic connections and social and emotional Wellness so wanted to make sure that that was explained to our community and I have too many tabs open we're focusing on Falcon Pride so like I said at the beginning we're really trying to we redid the tile floor in front of our middle school high school with the S and the B if you notice on our soap dispensers we have go Falcons with the falcon mascot on them really trying to um inundate our staff and our students with Falcon pride and getting more more of our students out to our athletic events we have our pep Ry next week so really focusing on the sbook Falcons and every all the good that's happening across our district that being said the foundation sbook Educational Foundation they have their wathon it's Friday the 27th that link was sent out to to our families to donate the foundation supports all of our school buildings they fully support all of our school buildings so they really all the funds that they collect will go back to our school so please consider donating they did have an incentive about the the most the school that has the most funds will receive an a reward so that was sent out to everybody I hope everyone saw our new High School counseling newsletter Mrs dbonis our director of curriculum and instruction she's taking the lead on our counseling Department here and she um along with the counselors composed the counseling newsletter that was sent out to our families to keep them informed of everything our counseling department is doing with our students so there's a lot going on throughout the entire course of the school year and the goal is to send out that newsletter quarterly and I hope everyone saw the Washington newsletter that Mrs hanenburg sends out our supervisor of early childhood and special services and she sends that that was sent out today that's the wrong link um to kind of share all the updates at Washington school and the Centennial is scheduled for Thursday October 10th that invitation was out there as well okay that's it okay very good thank you so much uh through the chair can I oh absolutely go ahead okay on the eighth grade trip I think you're off hello yeah okay on the eighth grade trip you said that that was their choice The Rocking Horse Ranch yes and with this still be the same time of year I mean now it's flexible it doesn't right so for this year because they they still have to do the fundraising it would be in the spring okay and as far as the clubs go all the clubs we used to do this if can we just like June have like an attendance record what number of students started and ended to if it's worth having that club next year yep absolutely that's part of the Google site is that every club's going to be evaluated at the end of the school year okay thank you you're welcome p and that's per per board policy and regulation does anyone else have something question anything okay all right Mr Karate you're up so I gave my update on the referendum project the other day but the next day remember said the D we don't have approval yet but I got an email from the DP and sometimes it's a little hard to read so the environmental and architect have to translate it for me but there's kind of two applications uh down at the DP one's for the wetlands which is an area um you know not on the main field but to the like the practice area to Route 80 so when you file for the flood Hazard permit for the work we're doing on the field I guess they have to check out the wetlands too so they kind of run together although the approvals won't be at the same time and they werren we just got this one on Tuesday was the the Wetland uh approval showing that the wetlands and the areas that we can't disturb are not in with the main flood Hazard permit so what the environmental consultant says like you know this was good news that we got that that the main flood Hazard permit might not be too far behind but just to say that the D still has 49 more days to actually give us approval it could come before that or on day 48 they could come back to us and say you need XYZ so you know it's getting there but again it's slow and that's all you get through the chair can they go longer than 49 days can they request like a um an extension of time they really supposed to do it you know before then they have the um the turnaround time but I said they could come back on you know day 48 and and say they need more stuff that extends it again another 3 months so in 49 days we should have an answer we hopefully before then I mean we think it's in supervisor review whether that's a one level or two levels um I'm hoping sometime in an upcoming weeks we only have one board meeting in October so hopefully we'll have to I'm hoping schedule another meeting that we're approving the um the the bidder for the field I don't think we would mind to have another meeting meeting yeah okay again didn't we say um I recall in all of the convers ations that it takes about a year to get this approved was that correct correct and we're and we're over a year we are over I yeah when we started talking to them in July of 23 to see what they need they told us everything we put an application together and like someone else reviewed and said you need this you know you need these a so that you know that delayed it and and then it went from there and yeah they just ask for again it's it's reviewers and somebody interprets it a different way and they want more stuff but it's a long process okay okay we through the chair yes um just for my clarification so there's two permits there's a Wetlands permit and then a main permit and the wetlands one got approved the main one did not yeah right got it okay and then they file I guess there stuff to file the environmental consultant will take care of it you have to um it get that gets recorded on our property deed and outline some stuff and there's areas back there like I can't go down and cut trees back and I I want to redo like the fencing back there and make a better uh practice area cuz when we put up the lights on the facing the other side of the bleachers we're going to have some lighting not not lighting that's going to be on the field but just so like you know maybe the band could practice there if the Field's being used for a sporting event like so I want to just know clean up that area put new fencing you could just maintain the property but once there's certain are area like 50 ft from this line and they'll go over with me you you can't do certain things but we'll we'll clean up as much as we can and get it where we can use it pretty good so if it's if it's dry back there we don't get a rainy period they could use that field for different things it's cold Wetland for a reason it is yeah so well we've been dry for weeks now it's been dry but when we get rain it's wet so but we'll have it you know we'll have eventually the turf field that could be 247 anything else okay no we're good we're good okay anyone else questions or comments okay all right can I have a motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only in policies motion second okay all in favor I would anyone from the community like to speak okay thank you okay can I have a motion to close the meeting to the public motion second all in favor I any opposed okay okay so then we're going to move on to the agenda we have board action items b2425 do9 through b2425 13 can I have a second second does anyone have have a question or discussion or on it I'll share point 10 well the point n are our minutes point 10 is the mandated District emergency virtual remot learning plan that the district is still required to submit 11 is a statement of insurance about our Paras that's another mandate 12 are the board goals where we set New Jersey school boards mat Le and develop the goals for our board and then 13 is our district nurses service nursing Services plan which is also a state mandate to approve every year okay anyone questions comments okay all right roll call please Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes M Traverso yes but I have to from b2425 point9 numbers 23 and 4 as I was gone for most of that summer and also b2425 do2 I was not here for that either okay Miss Elli yes M Ro Amando yes and missell yes to all I think was I here July 17th I think so right what was did me do July I I don't know I'm sorry I don't you're chuckling I think so I'm going to say yes yes you were here I was here okay yes I okay then yes to all no Mr aamand wasn't here in case he wants to read to his pH which one was it does I mean the minutes really don't was on vacation I'm sorry yeah uh 17th I was I apologize I was not here so I put you as abstained from from number one all about that had such a great time and then miss I'm so glad you had a good time you're yes to everything right yeah I'm yes to everything yes I okay uh education and curriculum Miss traverser at the recommen at the recommendation excuse me of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items e 24251 0 through E2 42519 motion second does anyone have a question or would like to discuss something point 0 10 field trips there is an addition the glamour gals Club visiting um the Koopa and pamis because it's before the October board date um I want to thank our teachers for putting in their field trips early there was plenty put in our due date for this agenda was September 4th so you'll see many more on the October agenda because our teachers are putting in for the spring already you'll see our Outdoors Club put in their fall hikes our marching band put in their trip so there's there's lots of stuff going on as far as our field trips go the dual enrollment articulation agreement that is with Bergen Community College dual enrollment are our classes here at the high school or our teacher is approved by the college to teach that class at at a college level so our students in that class have the option it's not they're not required to but they have the option upon completion successful completion of the class to pay for the college credits at a discounted rate I know it was asked what one of our teachers needs to be or have to hold in order to teach it is approved by the by the college themselves it's a team of people that does approve it they have to show their transcript um ideally they have a masters in that specific content area and they need to show that they have all the courses necessary as agreed upon by the college so sometimes it does depend on the exact course right now I do see some what 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven dual enrollment courses that is part of this articulation agreement our K to 6 art curriculum has been revised and our neurod diversity social studies elect here at the high school that's the one that Laura Ironman or one of our speech therapists presented to the board last school year and they wrote the curriculum over the summer so that way we can start having it our public speaking curriculum High School Latin 2 and three and four that was written over the summer all revised and then point 19 is our service providers and it's just a revision because there was a change in one of the rates um I do have a question we did give a sipon for someone to do all of the field trips correct to organize all the field trips so that was part of the teacher climate and culture grant that was approved however we have not appointed anybody to do that yet and it seems like our teachers are taking the initiative to do it themselves already so I'm not really quite sure if that's going to be needed okay all right well because I did think that that was a great idea to do that so I really commend these teachers cuz at the beginning of the school year that's probably not the first thing you're thinking of yeah they've been on it yeah to do all of this I couldn't even imagine that so Kudos great job so I wanted to see if there was a correlation to that okay uh all right so we're moving on we're going to do budget and finance oh I'm sorry we have to do roll call sorry I was going right steaming ahead I apologize Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes m Traverso yes to all but I will abstain from E2 42511 one okay sorry uh Miss zelli yes Mr aando yes Miss aelo yes okay now we can go on okay uh budget and finance Mr aam yes thank you uh at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items uh BF 24 25.15 2.23 can I have a motion mtion motion second um have a second that was actually does anyone have a question through the chair I do on 2 42521 is there a required amount of hours a specific amount we have to get guarantee them no that is our residency officer that is conducting residency investigations for us we started um we approved him towards the end of last school year we used him at the end of the school year and he's continuing he's um working on a couple cases for us currently point 22 I just want to thank Acme Markets they invited us to their grand re opening and they donated $1,500 of worth in gift cards to our school district they did something similar last year as well for a different cause so now we have some Acme gift cards to give out to our families we're looking to use them at our parent partnership nights again and point 23 is in agreement with Newbridge Medical Center last school year we used them for our school clearance our drug testing and this year we're adding on psych evaluations and behavior assessments as well so we had um a lot of success with partnering with them does anyone else have a comment or question no good okay roll call please Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss rolof yes Mr Traverso yes Miss zelli yes Mr randoo yes Miss Zello yes to all but in b2425 do15 I'm going to abstain from check numbers 4470 44 I'm sorry 4598 and 65661 yes everything else okay all right um facilities and operations um I'm going to do it since Mr toric's not here this evening at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items f242 5.2 second thank you does anyone have any questions want a discussion no okay roll call Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes M Traverso yes Miss Elli yes Mr roam yes Miss Zello yes okay policy uh Miss Rollo at the recommendation of the superintendent i' like to make a motion to approve the following items P 24252 can I have a motion motion a second um does anyone have a question these are all the second reading and my I think many of them right are mandates we good okay all right roll call please Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss Roloff yes Miss Traverso yes Miss zelli yes Mr alamando yes Melo yes okay negotiations before we get to negotiations we have a last minute Edition 225.0 approve the sidebar agre agement dated September 18th 2024 between the Saddlebrook Board of Education and the Saddlebrook Education Association second thanks the sidebar I I guess I will continue I was wait I didn't know if we had to formally uh this the sidebar is for five clubs here at the middle school high school four of them have been running for at least one full year and our staff was not getting paid to run it because it wasn't listed as a stien in their contract so best buddies Falcons for change chess club Asian American Heritage Club and then we're going to have Deca here at the high school which we're excited to start in our building does anyone have a question in regards to this no no I said it any comments okay all right roll play please Mr arello yes Mr laurentino I'm abstain from that one Miss rolloff yes M Traverso yes Miss Elli yes Mr Rando yes Miss Zello I not sure if I should abstain from that because I'm part of I'm not part of the satle book Association so right so you have five votes now but you could you could abstain um want play safe but you could vote on contract and sideboards when it comes to final I can yeah okay then you're not involved in negotiations okay I just all of a sudden I it just if you want said we got five votes so you don't have to if you feel Comfort just to be um just to be cautious okay all right uh Personnel Mr laurentino as a recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items p2425 one6 through P2 2 42520 can I have a second second second does anybody have any questions no but we skipped negotiations no Tony did we we didn't vote on it yes we didn't approve it is yes we did we voted voted voted yes I had you said yes you voted yes know I I just must have put it in the wrong spot that's sorry I'm like wait a minute I thought we did that I don't think so you know cuz I I definitely can make a mistake all right um I just I just can I just say I wish Miss uh gin uh luck in her future just got the email today of her resignation so I just like to sure good luck she absolutely thank you so I'll 24256 those are resignation so number one is resigning as a lunchie but she has being appointed as a parah number two is um our executive assistant to the superintendent who we wish the very best to number three um is rescinded because she never started with us number four was a par as well and then number five our technology specialist is pursuing different career paths so we wish him the very best as well our appointments we do have some Paras lunch Aid a part-time bus driver custodian a school nurse for Franklin Elementary School a special education teacher here at the high school and there is an addition I interviewed and he accepted today um number 12 is an addition for a lunch Aid Fred Weissman Point 18 are our stiens there is an addition it's a volunteer to the marching Bond band assistant I um met with him this morning so number nine is a last minute Edition Armando Morel he is volun ering his time to support our marching band then we have our revisions we have our mentors to our new teachers and that's it okay I'm going to go actually Channel Sylvia here Mrs Elli I love it this person um it doesn't say pending background check they all are at the top pending all district paperwork and proper certifications okay so was that a former student by any chance who Amando no apparent it's it's a for oh okay all right just curious all right um did we we did second already now I'm lost I lost track okay does anyone have any questions or comments okay discussions okay all right then roll call Mr aello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolof yes Miss Traverso yes Miss Arelli yes Mr aam yes Miss aello yes okay all right um we're moving on to committee reports um budget and finance Mr alamando do you have one no we do not thank you okay um I'm going to go with facilities and operations we don't have one Do It um M torc I don't think we have anything right uh negotiations Miss R we are approving a sidebar agreement dated September 18th between the Board of Education and the Saddle Brook isn't it the maintenance not the education no this one is the clubs that I shared we're not approving that one yet okay never mind then and and the clubs the educational Association we'll just put a pin in that one okay um said okay let's do a policy do we have anything for policy Miss R uh no no right okay all right lean's on reports uh Miss zelli I have a Franklin oh well we're not up to that there's a um do you want School boards meeting on the 30th which is taking place I believe in has forit if um anyone like to go let Ray know he'll register all of us we talked briefly about it who was available possibly on Monday yes no so I it was a really um a very brief conversation so if anyone would like to go just yeah um coordinate okay okay um all right so for the do you have anything else I'm sorry I don't I have a PTO from Franklin do you want to do that now too sure okay go ahead okay um Franklin pizo had had their organization meeting with the new executive board they've already successfully ran two snack sales during the first week of school they also have their Spirit Weare website active they're in the process of planning their sponsored events for October which include a trunk or treat picture day on 10:25 in the students annual Halloween Class party they're also in the process of selecting class parents for the school year and Wednesday night is their back to school night okay thank you okay I'm going to go back to the Educational Foundation uh and just give me one moment okay so all right so the SBF will alathon is going to be on September 27th and all schools permission slips link will be in be email to parents from the principal okay um prizes are going out for students that raise the most money I did not get what the prizes are I wasn't informed of that um okay and that's it for the Education Foundation uh special education parent advisory group Miss TR so do you have anything I do have for long school for wait but do you do you have anything that okay all right um for the town liaison do you SM have anything we haven't met so I don't know okay um okay so we're going to go to the PTO ptas now what school do you have M traversa I have long school okay okay long School's First PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday October 8th in their uh cafeteria as a reminder meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month there is now an LMS PTO website which can easily be found on the LMS homepage or at www.tinyurl.com backp Ms previous programs events and fundraisers their kindergarten play date was held on Wednesday August 28th All kindergarteners ret treated to popsicles and goodie bags as they met their classmates and teachers we thank our sponsor merer Plumbing for their generosity during the first week of school LMS faculty and staff were treated to breakfast and lunch courtesy of Lucas Deli and merer plumbing additional treats were provided by the LMS families upcoming events the fall book fair will be held on Tuesday September 24th through Thursday September 26th during school hours there will be an evening book fair taking place during the back to school night on Thursday September 26th during back to school night all all LMS families are to can stop by PTO table to meet members of our executive board and volunteer for their upcoming PTO events the annual David's cookies and cheesecake fundraiser will be taking place October 4th through the 21st orders will be delivered before Thanksgiving please consider ordering from an LMS family their annual Trunk or Treat event is for LMS families will take place on Friday October 25th volunteers are needed to decorate trunks please view the website for additional details and they are looking forward to a wonderful school year all right thank you very much did okay um let's go to the next school yeah that would be you hey thanks you're welcome okay I got a Smith School here uh Smith School will have their first PTO Zoom meeting on uh Tuesday October 1st they'll be voting on a budget and review the plan for next year for the year I'm sorry see they will kick off uh their readathon on October 1st students are invited to track their hours to win prizes for reading they also have prizes and incentives for fundraising their first restaurant night will be at maros on September 26th uh the full Fest is planned for Friday October 4th and picture day is uh October 24th and they're looking forward to a great year okay very good thank you so much thank you okay so I'm going to go and do the middle school high school hold on all right their first meeting will be September 24th at 7:30 a link will be emailed um to the parents and it's also on their Facebook page um okay and then that's really the only thing I have from them I would say that please uh I encourage everyone to join um and participate in that in order to uh be eligible for the scholarship senior year you need to be a member for the four years um in school for the high school at least so I I really think that that's a great partnership that they have so I would highly encourage all the parents to participate and join the PTO all right um that's it for the liaison reports uh correspondence we do have something here correct Mr Karate yes it's a letter from our Auditors uh discussing the upcoming audit for the 23 24 school year and just you know you you can read your leisure but what they're stating in here is that they would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you the board to discuss information about the audit uh since a two-way dialogue can provide valuable information for the audit process if you do not respond to this letter we will presume you have no issues or concerns to communicate to us relating to the audit so you can read this at your leisure but if you have anything I could set a meeting up whether it's with the budget committee if you want them to come in and talk uh if you don't have anything you don't have anything thank you okay they're just required to communicate this to you it's a very detailed communication yes yes for state and federal regulations okay so this is a mandate there they have to come in and do this they have to come well the AIT or this letter the audit yes we're required the districts are required in the state New Jersey to have an an audit okay okay um moving on Old business does anyone have any old business no okay any new business through the chair yes sir um first um I would like to thank the 12 Monon staff custodians maintenance secretary as well for their hard work over the summer schools look great inside and out uh welcome back to the teachers and good luck to all the people who are unfortunately into resigning or retiring very well said thank you okay anything else okay if I may just I just want to thank our parents and our pto's I stopped to get pizza right before the board meeting and ran into a couple students and they were like Mrs Vietti when's the Fall Festival when's this when and I was like I don't know but now I know I wish I would have had that information I'm like I feel like I should know that information but I do not have it they get really excited our p2s do a fabulous job with our buildings and our students and families and I just want to extend our gratitude to all of you so thank you okay um can I get a a motion to open the meeting motion second would anyone like to speak I no okay can I have a motion to close the meeting to the public second okay right can I have a motion to close to end the meeting second motion I did it back um all in favor I any opposed okay have a great evening everyone we'll you October 9th correct October 9th at 6 o' 6 o00 6 o' 6 o00 caucus 7 o' is the regular meeting okay unless we get D approval unless we get D approval then we'll see you and we'll let you know go down