##VIDEO ID:0ozDRON4_-s## it's really important to recognize that if you have BR it's not anything that's specific to you or saying could be your neighbor that's attracting them but to really report to really underline what the mayor said really not be ashamed but really come out say hey I've got something got a problem we can help you you can do it on your own sometimes or another company whatever the case may be but you need to really really raise your hand and say hey I've got a problem okay um I want to talk a little bit about avoing rats before we get to Q&A Waring rats is fairly straightforward but we really need to overstate the ob like trash areas right what are rats looking for I'm sorry I used to walking around what are we looking for okay they're looking for food right so where are they going to get food well typically trash areas is a primary place where they going to get food the garbage cans right so are they really sealed properly are your garbage can't seal properly where you keep your trash that's that's that's number one right off the that okay clutter people have clutter all around the properties from storage areas to to storage sheds and they don't realize it but that's that's a Haven for rats they love mess they love places where they think they can hide and nest and breath that's really critical storage areas as well sheds make sure your sheds are locked up tight nine out of 10 homes I go to the sheds are loose they've got holes in them crises and they've got whole families nesting there so look at that closing in points into your home that's really important as well right we don't want to get in the basement we certainly want to keep them out the house at all costs so closing up you can use steel wool you can use you get a tire general contractor whatever the case may be but keep them out of your home okay damp air this is really important so damp areas could be a running hose any kind of a war Source a stream a brook anything small River um any any area where it's accumulating water they look for water R they're water animals okay so they're always looking for water sources eliminating all Bo sour is key again it could even be a CO right you might have a pond in your backyard very attractive very attractive Landscaping Landscaping waste where you keeping your your your waterings your your leaves are you disposing them properly again if it doesn't look absolutely clean your your lawn your your Landscaping your property it should look like a model home or if this look like a mod home it should just be very sparse shouldn't be anything l no are High okay y bra similar to what I said leaves anywhere you keep maybe you keep uh uh uh not not not mulch but uh thank right and here's probably one of next two are probably the most critical pieces are bur feers you know people have love their birn feeders but it's it's direct you're directly feeding Rass at that point okay so it's really important bring your births in at least for the time being okay you can be Ground Zero if you're you have a bird Fe vegetable gardens as well really important vegetables they love the vegetables and they love burrowing in vegetable gardens that's a great place to have okay and the way this works a little bit with rats specifically rats is the alpha Metals stay at the bottom of the birs they're very clever animals if they didn't have a pointy nose and a long tail they'd be America's favorite pet very very clever um we have all different strategies that can sell to to overcome those obstacles but they ultimately adolescent rats out to get them food and a Big Al stay at the bottom of the Burrows and they wait for these adolescent rats to come back for food to feed them so they don't even get out of the ground and they have big babies in there as well well if the adolescence don't come back it means they they probably die from Poison right if they come back successfully they've eaten the food that's out there and they're giving it to the the the adult in the birs and then life continues their cycle continues all right uh I might touch upon a few more things but I think it's important just just if you pick up a copy of this or if you need a copy I'll certain the email to you as well but but it's really important to recognize what it takes not not to get okay that like talk a little bit about the treatment of rats what we can do to help and where they're coming from [Music] M uh so yeah so Ken touched on nine good points for uh you know rat why rats come to certain areas and a lot of it is water source and a food source so trying to eliminate more of their food source will cause them to go into other areas right so from a from from a pest control standpoint right we can't stop RS from going where they need to go but what we can do is stop them from entering structures and stop them from getting into residence businesses Etc so on a service side really what we do is it's called exclusion work right so if you have rats entering a certain area let's say the shed the house whatever it might be we use mesh wiring um excluder it's called it's it's kind of wire mesh that goes into certain areas what this does it protects them from going into certain areas now if they're inside there's a bunch of different methods that you can do um we offer all those methods so it depends on really what's going on and I I know there's been a uptick in in rats over the past I would say year pretty much year or so so a lot of it has to do with water levels Rising water pushing down they're moving in certain areas they're coming back it has to do with sewers also that's like sewers they are water right so a lot of times trying to alleviate some of these issues causes them to spread to other areas so you know there's a bunch of different methods that you can do here um but again we would have to pinpoint the areas that they're traveling and then take care of them like that um so you know from from a pest control standpoint like I said said it's very hard to you know we can't stop them from getting into the town right we can stop them when they're inside of residents inside of a commercial establishment around certain areas we do offer exterior Services um that will protect certain areas of of the Town um I I don't know if there's any questions questions I don't have questions I just [Music] have want you open up the public and I think that it's first the first that come up with questions just questions only to any of us to myself Council ex any of our representes so when are you allowed to tell your experience have have to come up after that question question want question my experience is going to be a learning experience everyone I have pictures you know I've dealt with this since 2023 it's nothing new I'm not trying to be problem but I brought this out in the open to a superior court and nothing is out in the open until now until they're running around so I'm not trying to be mean or make a fight or anything I'm going give a motion to open to the public all favor meeting is now open please we could got together for better and I would like to make this quick I have pictures you can so you can see what R look like now let's see in March well in October before March 2023 I was packing things up in my basement and I heard something jump behind me and I didn't know what it was I didn't feel comfortable I don't have a rodent issue in my house and as a single lady homeowner I do a wonderful job in taking care of my house it's not lighted as someone made reference to from this T I actually Edge my front dress with scissors it's not a big property so moving forward to March of 2023 I saw in my dining room black spots on the carpet I thought it was ANS and I called the Pet Service and he said that's a w and I went like this well he didn't do anything to me he he put scky boards down so I called that I realized there were rats and in Westwood on occasion if I did have a mass in my house it was in a service that I dealt with and they were very good and I called them they didn't want it it was W so from um March until October of 2023 I could not find The Pest Service help me they all ran away or if they came they wanted to put boxes with poison in you need traps you need traps okay so I had the man behind me in the house behind me feeding Squirrel Peanut unbeknown to me the squirrels ate a hole on the side of my garage it was behind Greenery and I have an addition that leans onto the G ey and rs St into my dining and that's how rodent got into my house so number one upholding an ordinance not to feed the wildlife is extremely important and it should not be given up because we have a changing climate I'm trying to follow this through fast because it's been a long time and it's been so upsetting to me so last September because I still couldn't find the pester even though I kept interviewing them and I can tell you the names of them you know um I'm not going to say it here and I had this big hole in theide of my garage and I bought the Sheep the wood pre cuted loaves I had my hand on my nails and when these test Services would come I thought one of these men would be and Clos the hole up to me even if they didn't want the job nobody cares so me I always have to do it myself and beon I took holy water and threw it in the [Music] hole but I did a good job of closing up the home all right so I'm still dealing with trying myself with poison and everything in my house because I couldn't get and I don't have well I went to cook and there was a rodent in my stove I can see the so I turned on all four and I want you to know I am all alone at 76 years old and nobody helps me and I have limited fun but I I I need the challenge I always survive I get a lot yelling from hypertension but I'm a Survivor and a fighter and I turned on those burners and I saw these little por and nose turn bright red well I never so finally by chance and I it's with you ition together you might know them you might not hold them highly in high Eastern Pest and Jeff came to my house and he said this is what you need you need traps there many traps black boxes R box with traps inside and wooden traps and he put them in my dining room he put them in my kitchen put them in my basement the garage had so many block it was sotic I I did not cook for over a year um I kept I still keep my trash CU I live alone in my refrigerator and I keep regular trash in my bedroom so I they also put traps in boxes because you can't put wooden traps Outdoors because you could chair is can trying to wrap up you can come back but there's a lot of people here and a lot of people okay okay okay as long as you that's fine I don't want to interrup please we have a lot of people we oned in my dining room I still won't go in my dining room un there um we CAU two on my S sink and we for two in the garage they're not in my house anymore per se um I'm hoping um but in the yard recently they've been going in the boxes in the yard so we're catching in y and um I have them come every other week and they are very kind to me because I'm but the situation has push me into because I do not have money and I had to use my money to try to get rid of R and nobody will help me so I survive but I will never get over this and in closing no disrespect to you despite the fact sometimes many times most times there are people in this town I do not high regard I brought this situation into Superior cour in October of last year not to sue you I was trying to say help me and alert the town but it's only now that it's here they had to breathe until it got so bad that they're running around look it's nothing to be ashamed of and you could leave theun IP alties in Bergen County if you will openly take steps and say we have an issue what's going on in your town because you're not going to stop it unless you speak up and you were trying to hide it because you want S Brook to be a good C so it's WEA Condition it's opening the maybe put Bo don't feed the wildwife it's you have to fight against them because they mulp so thank you a we just question uh many months ago to the mayor and Council many months ago resent came over here to complain about the roation they were dismissed no hold on hold on nobody was dismissed don't start yourself up here speaking lies I have the mic I don't care to have the mic you're not going to speak lies about people up here this on camera an isolated case this is not an isolated case it's questions you have a question yes the question is this how come after many months you guys haven't act you just brought on information company that we just can read in Google but what is the final action we pay so much taxes you should to bring Solutions not just information we're trying to bring Solutions that's why we're here the solution first of all lower your okay L I'm told him you trying to talk over me so then you're lying cuz you're lying all right so listen the solutions are that was in action for months winter time is coming RS are not going to stay outside they're going to come inside at homes and there are families with kids what are we going to tell them that we have an act today's meeting is a workshop it's not even about the residence problems this is a regular meeting so you may them come right here instead of you going to district 6 7 8 and N to address the problem we PID thousands and thousands of dollars in taxes for you guys to do and to come with Solutions first step of action should be to engage the health Department in town second second step engage the county health department and third the health department is stay level why because the RS are coming more more because the areas of leading has been Disturbed they've been building a bridge inside River Road in the river they've been doing a lot of work p is doing work all over town so then again it's been four months nothing has been done but just today a company that just given out business cards to be called we're not here for that we here to explore Solutions Clos and closing in Clos the council president I would just like to say that the last one of the last meetings mayor said does the landlord or homeowners responsibility shame on all of you because if people come to this meeting people come to this aori that belongs to them because we are the ones that pay taxes you should not just tell them is your responsibility it is the town's responsibility for infestation this is not a singular problem this a townwide problem and they just keep on wider and wider and wider so why you the kids Shan all of you up through the chair the [Applause] chair Omar I just you you like to talk Omar but you don't listen I outlined at the beginning several steps the pwn is taken and when you say several months you first said several then you said four it's been two months when those individuals were here I was here I remember it was two months ago okay just want to get that on the record thank you for your comments through the council president I like I'll pose a question since we're asking for questions I'd like to know a number one have we seen this big of a crab at council meeting never never all right number two please do not allow a council candidate to get up here in picate because he's running for election at least our mayor and Council are doing something about this I've been to the county I've been in touch with the county our May and Council have been in touch with the county yes we have a rent issue it's horrible and there's not one woman in this audience that's not going like this including many or one man but at least our mayor and council is doing something about it what's not happening what's not happening is that fair one it was stated in the paper we don't have a problem they're in ested as we are as well and park has an issue no one wants to when this woman mentioned she you had your own similar problem you don't like to mention you have a problem because it's the connotation that you're dirty but we're not I CLE with nature every day if we we all all I want to say is I just got a little upset over the former speaker because we all have to be diligent work together as a community look at our trasure areas declutter yes it is a property maintenance issue it's a property maintenance issue in many backyards in many garages Etc but we all have to work together to help our mayor and Council solve the problem but yelling pontificating and running for election you can do that at the council meeting what time is that start 7:30 you can do that there so please just let's all work together in a positive manner as a community that's [Applause] all hi everyone um with animal protection League of New Jersey we do have a solution um there is a company called Contra pest rate birth control and in T and I mean t tly New Jersey councilwoman o Conor she's the L Aon to the health department they have implemented this program and they are using this company now for over a year and their RS are gone they have no more R problem um it they're also checked into their ordinance to make sure that the garbage is being properly contained to make sure that the businesses are using the correct dumpsters and they're being covered um so all of those things need to be done but this company is the goal is to prevent the reproduction of the rats that's the goal if you kill them they're only going to create a vacuum and more RS will come in um and then also any kind of other animals in the area will also eat those rats and that will be filled with poison and those poisons will spread disease and attract other different animals as well so like I said the goal is to prevent reproduction and this company is doing that and they will also have a contact with the B if you're interested I have Julie's number and I she's willing to come she's will to speak she's willing to help our town and um you know it's a winwin for all thank [Applause] good afternoon Andrew J 37 Street uh when I have personally uh been walking in every District in every neighborhood street by Street uh since early June uh and I've personally been knocking on doors in every District uh this problem uh has been a serious problem specifically in District 6789 as well as my my own District district one for about 6 to S months when I specifically door too standing in front of their homes on their streets i' asked them why don't you come to the council for these issues when they have historically come to the council their issues dilemas or concerns fall on that years okay so this has been a long staying issue for about six to months when our town shows up on Pix 11 news and news2 New Jersey when we're paying a record amount of taxes specifically for services specifically for County Services and those services are being administered to us in what could be the the biggest crisis in town for many years that is disappointing and terrible for the homeowners and taxpayers of this town uh the last thing I would like to mention um in terms of the people consistently complaining for the council for many months and falling on dead ear uh is now the winter time is coming uh they will be looking for places inside uh specifically having done the research September is the worst month for R as they are now maneuvering in between different homes and picking the best location possible to have 10 or 12 or 14 off spring per litter so that by the time we get to March or April they will definitely be in every District in this town so my question specifically uh since our taxes are going through the roof since people have been complaining for many many months what is the budget to fix this issue is it going to be taken out of the Surplus that we have this year including the Surplus we have had in the budget for many years prior and is going to be fixed October November December February March April uh thank you very much for your [Applause] com so I have sent an email uh to the website back in June 2nd and Pete was so nice to answer it was in reference to my neighbor and another neighbor of the block who happens to be in a nursing home so therefore those homes are not that home is not being taken care of um they did come and clean that and I sent a thank you because that was taken care of Cu you had a seat P it a rap place that would have been it um unfortunately uh I have a neighbor who does not keep their home there's food we came back from vacation there were bags on their driveway which had already been bitten on there was all these flies I walked over and I almost wanted to die there was food all over the place from the bags I knocked on his door and I said to him please come outside and look at this he looked at it I said you need to take a shovel right now and clean this up because you're right next to me and there's a rap problem here and you need to address this anyway to me what is the plan of action for those kind of people I know that you know you said that you guys will go around and look and address it but to me that's really important because there's quite a few like that which are creating the problem and making it worse I agree with you and uh we do have members of our Police Department here and they're when they're on patrol see that they they can uh take action tell a person to put it in a can live they shouldn't be doing that that's problem Al aled my house is spotless clean I don't have a road problem at this time my questions are to you should I hire a company to be or are they in that area I don't know I've never seen but should I hire compy I care I want to be if I should yes listen yeah I do recommend it for preventative measures you know it's not just about r or mice but there is Four Seasons here so whether it's ants whether it's Fighters whether it's whatever it may be so like I said I didn't see anything I don't know if they're in my area but I see Channel 12 News We R they like put 10 second and run it all that so they make the mountain gas all have a nice day so so if it's preventative and if you suggest that approximately what is it cost the average homeowner per month so it would cost about4 to $50 per month okay quarterly quarterly treatment but you get as many recalls as you need between the quarterly treatment I'm making a lot of mistakes with these mics all right so the monthly payment would be $40 to $50 per month for quarterly treatment we come out every quarter however if you have any problems between that quarterly treatment or not we come out as many times as necessary so that that could be we we've been home sometimes five or six times between quarters so you need to think about the overall costs and how that works out there's an initial fee as well initial fees start at 195 that's for the hardware just for rodent no that's for all General pests but rodents are included so rats mice sitting insects ants could could be anything all general pest so it's about 150 a quarter correct it's about 150 a quarter that's right that's right you poon we use a variety of different yeah so it's pet safe completely PFE we've been in business for 30 years we've been doing this for a long time and we're based here in buron County our Founders are in Bon County and and and we're all we're all believe it or not we're actually big animal Ms best control do you supply the black boxes and the bait traps boxes baits it's not extra no no not so the initial fee is a little higher because someone that's to buy that Hardware that makes you excuse me if anybody has a question because you go to the podium so everybody can hear so they can get a question answer to your question because they might have the same question you have no if you want come you just ask question oh I'm sorry attct the rats it does attract important okay neighborhood if you have people that are sorry sorry if you have people if you're in a neighborhood where the houses are somewhat close together okay you're going to get rats that are going to move between houses and so you want that attracted once they're on your property okay that's important to recognize because you want them to go to bait that's tractor that's going to be poison perhaps as opposed to find have already for the preventative is that what you're saying no no no no no I'm saying CU right now there's none on my block right nobody seen them we haven't had an issue but I don't want to set a preventative and then bring them to my block so you might have the next door okay and if you have the next door like a next door neighbor they're going to be roaming around looking for places and when they do you want to be set up so instead of them going to your garbage or going to something else they're attracted to the B think my question what I'm saying is my block has no Rats on it and you set a preventative on my block are these rats going to find that no there's no there's no rats no no the answer is no okay yeah the answer is [Music] no I'll just talk l i what the gentleman I believe is asking is there's for some other people if they've not seen any rats in their house but they've seen them outside I guess what he's worried about worried about too is you put bait inside my house they're just outside and around there's holes and stuff like that they're not in my house you put it inside my house now they're coming in my house yeah we don't want we we don't we don't bait inside the house unless there's activity okay so we keep it all outside if there's activity in the house then you certainly need to be baed in house but a preventative in the house is not that's the way it works where works is we take the exterior perimeter of the house to sort of Safeguard the house itself because that's the last place we want to go in right no that's what he said just if they're in the area correct ERS be so just to give a background information I did have um I did spot rats um May of 2023 and it was about eight of them on our property so I acted immediately and called the a pest control service right away they were there the next day they checked our property cheor house said it wasn't the problem I called another pest company just to get a second opinion because I didn't know it's a to my problem started paying for services as you're talking about the preventative um and he said listen if the whole town is not covered by you keep doing this see your property is good but they could keep coming back so I was going to ask if if s Brook I was going to cover the cost of this forell for the properties because I've already paid multiple services and just keeps coming out of my pocket we pay a lot of money for taxes here so I was wondering if they would at least check the properties and tell us which ones are problems thank [Applause] you I can't speak for the council but that that is something everything's under consideration at this point hi I'm Jessica K 595 Oak Avenue um I'm just piggybacking off of something that another woman said about what the ten is doing for houses that are in bad condition um and you had mentioned that the police department could knock on their door and do something about it so I'm just wondering what else can be done I mean obviously that's not the police's first you know order of business um I'm asking because I had made some complaints about house on our block rats being just one of the many issues coming from that house and same thing we pay for Pest Control we're trying to protect our property I'm just wondering what else can the town do for these houses that have we excuse me we know we the problem where there's boing and there's roadin and it all comes onto our property and many months ago many people in our block put out poison to get rid of them because they were in everybody's yards and so I'm just wondering I'm sure there must be something else that you can do for these specific homes that you're aware of Joe and Tony would you be able to give information on what they can do steps to follow in order if someone's house is not clean or shambles next to them how they go about reporting them to the town so yeah I didn't make calls when we first moved in moved in almost four years ago and over the first two or three years I did make call so just wondering there are other things because that based on the response that I got the town knew about this house they said me this is the best house has ever looked and it was horrendous nothing was done so there has to be other steps there are other steps well just through to chair you know it's first of all of course it's a very bad situation when people don't maintain their homes let basic uh and in some some circumstances there's a reason they just don't have the money to do it you know I don't think most people like take pride in their homes and they like to keep them in good shape uh and the situation you're describing if there is a code violation so the fact that it's not well kept doesn't necessarily mean it's a code violation but if there's a violation of the property maintenance code that the town has a violation can be issued to that property owner but unfortunately uh since Co many people ignore those violations because the courts the local courts no longer have the ability to force them to come to court to address the violation before c a judge would order them to appear in court and if they didn't appear they would issue a warrant and the police would go to their house and escort them to the court and the judge at that time would Levy significant fines and require the property owner to Abate the violation that mechanism has been removed from the process which significantly curtails a property owner who doesn't care and basically says you know what it's my property I don't want to take care of it that's for me that doesn't however still prevent our property maintenance code official to issue a violation which again the fortunate part is that's the extent of Legally what a town can do in terms of compelling a property owner to remedy the situation they can continue to issue the violations the fines are preem so every day the violation goes un addressed it increases but but again there's no solution to the property owner who just never shows up and doesn't care about the fine doesn't care that there's a lean on the property right so then if that's the case then there really isn't anything do these that's that's not true excuse me to interrupt you well we done in the past and I don't I know the house you're speaking of yeah I live in that area so uh what we've done I believe we may have done with this house and our building uh inspector and Property Maintenance officer are here if they can't if they can't pay it or they refuse to pay it or it's it's in litigation what we have done we we've sent the DPW over there to cut the lawn to clean up there's one property in town that we do that all the time with and we just put a lean on you know no paying we're using taxpayers money okay which I don't like to do but eventually when that house gets sold or whatever that lean is the first lean they'll get paid so have done that one last follow question on that I'm sure you know that the people that were living there have left they left last fall and the hous has been empty there's a broken window at least one um and there's still issues steing from that house and I don't know must have bought it but is there a time limit for that property to sit like that well if a property is vacant and official deems it as a health hazard or a hazardous condition something done but it is a high standard it's not enough that it's just vacant that someone has to certify and be prepared to testify in court that the building is an unsafe structure or or a nuisance and let's say it's attracting rodents I would think that's a significant health hazard but that's what you would have to establish it's again it's not just enough that it's vacant or the windows are boarded there has to be uh a Nexus between the condition of the property and the fact that it is endangering the Health and Welfare and safety of surrounding properties but again and unfortunately that's a long process so while that continues to exist and you of course the courts are very reluctant to infringe on property rights so that it doesn't get you that immediate solution unfortunately unless you do as the mayor said the town comes in and it takes basically responsibility for the maintenance of the property and then puts a lean on the on the property but it takes a long time because you have to wait until the house gets sold before you get back on get the money back on the we'll look into that house because I I have a feeling that it's it was fore closed on by some lending institution so thank you chair since we do have the benefit of our building inspector okay since we do have the benefit of uh our building inspector and our property maintenance officer that are here and we appreciate them attending after hours um I think it may be informative for the people here to know what is the step-by-step process when there is a property in the neighborhood that has been a complaint has been made we all pass by a property and say oh my God you know this is a fix side so could through the chair if you if you wish um seeing if we can find out and advise the people what exactly you do with regard to those complaints thank so when Property Maintenance complaint is lodged they don't come it should come to the building department you can email us you can call us every complaint that comes to my department someone is sent out to look at it if we find that there's a problem they're given 10 days to remedy the problem if they don't we'll issue a ticket uh if we know that it's a vacant house we try to contact the um bank that may own that piece of property which is difficult um and like the mayor said there's more than one property that the town we end up giving it to the to the DBW cop goes through the May Council and they'll putor will put a lean on the house and the DPW will have to cut it until someone you know can take care of it as the attorney said there's you know we can write a ticket if they don't come to court a failure to appear is issued which basically means nothing they'll put it on court again for the next hearing if they don't show up again nothing happens so we really don't have the enforcement power the teeth to to enforce it and make them even pay a fine if they don't show up there's really nothing that we can do so it's not as easy as uh you know people think you know just give a give them a ticket and then I'll teach them that doesn't work so um the best I can say is if you see I don't somebody said you know they see your neighbor's garbage or like this gentleman said there's a a bir feeder in someone's backyard we myself who you know I wear many hats so my my sole job is not to go out and look for property maintenance issues I have another gentleman who works for me parttime he goes driving around but you as the community are the most help because if you see something you should report it if you report it I guarantee you someone from my department will go check it out that's the only thing we can say so I mean if you see your neighbor didn't you know put their trash out you should call and say we can go there and say to those people you need you need to take your trash out and usually most people try to cooperate so I mean not a lot of tickets are written because of that because we're not trying to hurt people but we do want compliance and most people work with us people don't have money that's usually the biggest reason why people don't do you know some of the things that maybe need to be done in their house because they financially they can't afford it so as long as they're working with us and cleaning it up maybe it's not 100% complete after those 10 days but if you know 75% will work with them and give them a couple more days to try to bring into compliance but a backyard we're not going to see a feeder in the backyard you know somebody's you know most people have fences around their property people have dogs who just don't know barging into people's backyards you know looking for property maintenance issues so you're in your house and you're looking out the window and you can see that your neighbor's yard is a mess then call us and we'll go but if you think that we're going to be able to pinpoint you know all of the backyards in soub with the two-part time guys that are here that's not going to happen so you will have to help us by reporting it if you report it we'll go there we'll take care of it or try to take care of it the best we can I don't know is there anything else you want through through the chair tell it is just for the audience because it's been brought up a couple of times these bird feeders people that feed the animals I believe there's an ordinance right maybe this for the health department but there is an ordinance against feeding animals yeah it's old I don't know exactly what it says and I think it's enforced by Department um but again we we could we could try to you know maybe tweet some ordinances and you know like like the Exterminator said you know maybe we need to revisit our trash collection ordinance you know and try to enforce you know cans you or barrels that have lids on it because you know if we have an ordinance that says that then we can certainly make people do it if the ordinance doesn't say it and some of the ordinances are old and maybe Antiquated at this point and they've never been a problem so no one has had a need to address it but maybe now we need to you know re look at those things I'm sorry I have a question we are I have a question really quick um how about what the neighbors if they leave their garbage out for like a week before it's garbage day like garbage is Tuesday and they'll leave it out yeah there there is an ordinance about I know I told saying that the garbage is on you know on the curb it just sits there I mean they're on the corner of Market Street and CER so if you're driving down Market you'll see it yeah we do have we do have ordinance that speaks toage collection and time you can put it out supposed to put it out the night before uh just the problem with that is you know we can go there and tell them to do it and then when they don't do it again the best we can do was right going we take it and then again we end up in this you know vacuum where you know really just need the community to itch in and help out and do what they're supposed to do I don't know how else to put that I mean obviously all you people are here because you're concerned and you're willing to participate but I mean the fact is there's there's people that just I guess don't care yeah yeah I've called and I know the Poli have gone and asked them to move it back yeah and we've got complaints like that and told them and given them a copy of the ordinance so that they know when they're supposed to put it out but again you know like we cannot be driving around on trash day we just don't have the M hour and the personnel do stuff like that so if you see it you have to tell us and then we'll have to go there and tell them maybe the you know police to help out with stuff like that I don't know we'll have to again mayor said table we'll try to you know as a as a community try to together but at this point this is what we're doing majority people do try to comply right I mean you get it's going be so often you get I I don't I just don't want everybody to think that we have people out there that just say the heck I'm not going to do it and most people most people don't know that it's not to go to court judges pay like some people have said you know my house is spectacular she trims her edges her LA with scissors okay not everybody is going to do that so you know you can't hold your neighbor to the same standard as you so if their lawn is cut but they have you know bushes that maybe are taller than you would want in your property you got to understand we can't go there and tell them go cut your bushes down or get rid of your ground I I mean people like that stuff people have that in their backyards I mean unless it's overgrown or you know to a standard that does not it's not met according to what our ordinance limits then our hours with regard to enforcement are limited as well so you know if they didn't Edge your lawn but the law is up we don't have anything in ordinance that says you have to edge the lawn so you know it becomes difficult you know because you may say oh look that property it's a mess but the lawn is cut and it's not overgrown or whatever it may not look aesthetically pleasing or like you would love to have your house look but there's really not a lot we can do in that type of situation thank [Applause] you I'm and I live Avenue across from the school and the field um two questions question number one has the Board of Education been notified with regards to Playing Fields because usually they have open barrels uh I don't think the rats care one way or the other um they're just looking for something to eat and so that's one question question number one the answer is yes definitely they are well aware of the issue the other thing is rats don't understand Geographic boundaries and you mention for example uh rats love water they love overgrowth of vegetation places where they can live where they can hide where they can the ground we have a tremendous source of water at the end of my street across the street uh I live uh up the block from the firehouse on Cambridge across s of the road we have a county park is not a part of sad Brook but the rest don't know that and they that county park is a travesty to when we first my wife and I first moved to town in 197 19 the part was now you can go there and finish you can't do much of anything except looking at this garbage that the county is allowed but maybe we're suffering as a result of that so Mr Mayor to you and the council has the county been informed that they are also contributing to our R infestation the answer to that is yes and we have called them many many times we've got I've spoken to County A's out there probably once every month about issues going on there at the park or whatever can be invited as a guest of the town to come to the park they said they know what's going on there they know what's going on and they got a new director there now so I'm hoping that maybe it's years well they have some maintenance people there that are very very good they they respond better than they ever have I am the main complaint that we get from the park isn't about the rats but it's about the overgrowth around the pond and I've been made for 10 years and every year every few months I call about that and three be honest with you I I can't I can't get a straight answer right but we we had men from Excel have they been invited to go to the on our behalf to see if perhaps I mean we all been hearing about fail fa but I don't live near faon I live near the count Park and I am two three weeks out killing rats I got better things to do with my retirement than hunting rats [Applause] just I just wanted to speak about something touch up on which was the garbage containers and how we put garbage out and we should as residents all come together for this because all takes for one house and if I could um speak to what you were saying to and we wanted to put it out two two rats that give birth to uh 11 15 research that's every n weeks like so it just takes one res to essentially breed 1,120 a year so um I was a little by some of the moms on the Facebook that um complained about when their garbage is loose in the street you walk in the street and on garbage day is chicken bones and all sorts of different food containers so po you're just feeding and breeding them so if we could maybe have an ordance where everybody has to have a certain type of container or I mean this problem is not just out ha Fair T Fly it's bur count interesting New York has had special commissions put up the last three years trying to find all different ways to try to contain them it's everywhere so we do all have to come together you walk outside their houses their houses are but come garbage day it's disgusting you can't even like walk by you have a pet want to walk your dog you don't even know what they're going to try to you know just so maybe we could start there just some kind of container it's you know sealed it's and just to try to control it first because again one person it just one person to just read a whole bu and if you're running and it's election year then just complaining up here why don't you guys just try to help and do something and bring the community together splitting us apart pointing fingers [Music] [Applause] the mayor has asked our office to look at the uh garbage collection ordinance to see if it needs tightening up with respect to some of the suggestions that were just made about the container size uh the hours that you're allowed to keep it out and so forth that's not to say they may not already be in there and people just start complying with them but if they those requirements are not in the ordinance then they will be put in but again they may already be there I think that uh you know I in other towns and there was a this type of problem in another community and other people have gotten up and said well what's the solution i' have to say uh you know fortunately or unfortunately the solution's in this room because as you heard it's every property owner doing what they need to do on their property and typically what happens at a meeting like this it's all these people that are here are the ones who are doing it and it's the people who aren't here who aren't doing what they need to do on their own properties so you had a hand out here with very good suggestions from Excel as to what each property owner needs to do and this is not legal advice again this is what this other community did they encouraged everyone who showed up to the meeting to please circulate it to your neighbors go to their door knock on their door and say I know you weren't at the meeting but this is what we need to do to address the problem and then of course the other suggestion that came up to have someone go to the county park as the mayor said they you call on the county to to uh take care of the park the County typically does take care of their County Pars in fact they usually take pride in it so it's unusual for them not to be taking that same pride in the park in salook and as the mayor said they they do have a new department head there so hopefully that person will give it the attention that it needs and perhaps Excel could also go there to see if that is in fact a source of the problem because when the source is coming from public property that is something that the town has to address that's their responsibility so whatever is happening on a public property is something that they will and I'm sure they will address and take the appropriate steps but ultimately again it's going to come down to the people in this room and and your own properties and encouraging your neighbors to do what they need to do with respect to their own properties because if if that doesn't happen there is no solution because as somebody said I keep my property and it goes to your neighbor because your neighbor's not doing your neighbor's not taking care of the off your neighbor has store in the back so it doesn't matter what you do what a neighbor to the other side does because that person is going to retract the rodents so and the other point which is very important I know Tony hit on it but you have to realize no Community has the number of individuals necessary to be inspecting every property unless the resident makes the complaint and that goes to people not taking care of their garbage or putting it out the way they're supposed to or people having their bird feeders you can't just depend upon I know people don't like to complain sometimes about their neighbors because they're concerned well they'll think I'm a bad neighbor if I do that but if the problem is that significant and it's jeopardizing yourself or your children or your own you know the health of your your whole neighborhood you know it's your I have to say your cific responsibility you have to record it and as Tony said they'll investigate it but they really do have to depend upon the residents basically taking ownership of saying I'm going to call when I a a problem because they'll address some of them on the own the ones that are most visible but otherwise they really do need the help of residents to report the issues that they're saying I'm sorry sorry I really quick how about the county where they own under the bridge by the underpass by like before you go to S saddle book Diner because it's all garbage and everything there too bottles that's even worse there's even the contain next to the bus stop that's like overflowing there too the problem you have with when it's State Properties they they do supposedly have a schedule but it's not going to be you know it may be twice a year and if some place gets unfortunately uh more people putting degree there than what has and fairy have limited resources but that doesn't mean the the town cannot follow up with the state and let them know that look there's a lot of degree here and we need you to the river there you know it overflows sometimes you know there's you know the rats there I me I them run around again public property if it's the town's property the town's responsible for it if it's the county property the county is responsible it's the state property and they should be doing it and they can be notified we we'll put those we'll put that in writing so there's a record and and and you know pursue them to come out and do their job yeah because they're coming into Saddle Brook and it's like oh wow looks you know looks it looks we can also call our state senator and assembly people they usually respond pretty quickly chair um I I worked in Hoboken and they had a rap problem I think it also made the news uh to the point where when I walk to work I would only have to Scurry I Scurry more than they do but it's two or three Rs at least a day that I got to step over around um what they did because of the r problem they uh strengthened a lot of their maintenance laws one of them was to require no plastic bags on the ground everything had to be in containers and everything had to be in sealed and they would issue a summons if they were on the ground they would issue a summons if the if the container was open and the bag was just exposed the issue is this from being on the council for for a good number of years whenever somebody complains about something and it's a valid complaint and we take action because of that complaint it seems like for every person that we're pleasing by doing that there's almost an equal number sometimes more sometimes less number of people that are upset by that so I'm going to just with with the permission just take an informal poll if this Council made an ordinance that said that every one had to have containers with lids and they might not have it and they'd have to buy two or three I think somebody was on Facebook today saying they cost them 85 bucks we're talking about a $250 investment would you same people come back and say Hey listen we don't want to pay $250 for that would that be acceptable at least to the people in the audience I just want to get a a straw that I've been dealing with with a committee called safe play for all about playground all inclusive that they want to build at the park they want to move the entrance of the park all sounds good very dangerous location don't get into it but we're talking about rats if they move the location they're going to be de up sewers a few sewers to Mo the location so I think that's something to think about my other question was going to be going to ask if you were contact with the county but of course you are but if people think the county is going a back I'm dealing with them for months tons of people going to meetings writing emails they have other things I guess that are more important than safety children or maybe in this case RS so it's also not only our town it's neighboring towns so we can do everything but if all the other towns don't do anything nothing's really going to happen so my question was did any did this Council have you been in touch with any other town councils to see what they're doing to get together because I think in my experience I the only way going to get anywhere with the county is by a solid front which to me would mean like every town that's that's effective they just hear s love sound it has to be real solid many towns together otherwise I don't think it's going to really help in any way where I think they really should MoneyWise whatever you talk about how overgrown the park is I've lived across the street from that Park my entire life it's never look so bad and I tell people all the time does it look bad CU we're the brook we're not the river that's how you should tell people I'm from the brook the river if you look at Richwood has over three times we barely have a working family so there's there's a multitude of problems around this it's not just garbage pills yes we have to do that I already do that but it's everybody pitching in but it's other towns so if you have friends in other towns can you ask them do they have a problem what are they doing about it have they been to their Council meetings what are their plans because like I said unless there's a huge united front really is to do anything thank you [Applause] [Music] I'm Jan bgus I live on E Street I have yet to see a rat on my side of town but knowing that there are rats in town that's a problem for everybody I'm very concerned and one of well I have actually a few questions um in reference to the last question about the trash recepticles I would like to know if the council would be willing to buy receptacles and bulk so that the town can buy them so the residents can buy them had a regular rate or reduced rate because I have a trash can with a lid and I change the lid and when the dump when it gets dumped the chain was broke it gets rolled over the LI gets rolled over I'm having to constantly replace that recepticle so it's not a one and done it's a I'm constantly buying receptical um my other question is is the C willing to pay for aaq taxk or and for a Community Fund to assist those who can't uh afford to do what they need to do because I bought my house in 2020 within the first six months I lost my full-time job had part-time income um and every summer I've had a I paid for Birds I paid for bees and W I paid for dining trees straight cats on my yard I'm having people with now the issue is with dogs and poop being thrown into my recepticle or left on my property I had even the drug dealer neighbor that was LE in trash so I paid over $800 a year for p consult I paid over $300 a month for Landscaping but I'm still at I'm tapped out if I had a rat problem right now I would not be able to afford to counteract that problem so I'm I'm looking at I have issues within my house that I've been working on I have because of the rain a few years ago now I have a mold back a mold backro that I have to have CE that's another $8,000 that I have to come out of pocket so I'm just looking for a realistic resolution because it is a problem if I had a w isso today or tomorrow it would probably be more major than some people some people can afford to continuous I can't so those are my questions and [Applause] concerns Tommy Hayes D Lane first I want to thank the council for putting this meeting together means you are trying thank you and the people that are here are people that care the people that are having the problems are causing the problems are not here that is the problem they should be here to hear everybody's complaints so let me just address a couple of things when I have an issue you people have always been there Ton's come out I have issues with some neighbor one in particular who's watch watching this he'll know who he is regarding the laws and the ordinances that you're saying we can give them tickets Tony said that we can bring them to court we can do this that maybe the laws need to be strengthened maybe um couple of warnings and then forget about the fine you're going to jail if you don't come to court that's the way it's supposed to be um you can't just let people get away with things if we have ordinances they have to be enforced and if they're only enforced so that they're told what they have to do and they don't do it that's not good enough so it's time to change the I'd like to know some of the things I'm reading here about removing shelters and and debris and all this is each one of these that are in this first paragraph laws or is these just suggestions for instance this is a big one that wasn't talked about wood piles nobody mentioned that people have firewood it should be according to this raised up off the ground 12 in is that a law chair it's not a law how high it has to be above the ground but it is a law that if it becomes an attractive nuisance it constitutes a violation so it could be even two Ines off the ground if rats are boing you know burrowing there it would still be a violation but there's not a requirement as to what the height has to be so I guess that's a yes and a no type of if there's a wood pile doing everything of this neighbor if you're watching you know who you are has piles of wood all along property line inside his property along the fence but it bordered mine right up against the fence no covering just wood pile if that's against the law then it should be addressed so should I call the building department to tell them to go there and tell them to do something about it well well I would check with the building department to see if that's going to constitute a violation in and of itself another words if they went out there and they saw the wood and they saw no infestation of any kind there and they not be a violation but to your point then perhaps we can look into creating an oraments that says you can't store uh well we have to see how far then we want to go whether it's you can't store wood pilings any more than or it has to be enclosed whatever that can be looked into so we' have to see what our existing ordinance provides for and then think see if we can come up with a requirement that can prevent the situation that you're talking about I mean even if they keep it five most most of the St are laws where you have to have a shed 5 ft from the United Property well how about the wood piles keep them away from the perimeter of a neighbor right no exact and cover it no I I agree with you but again maybe there's something even more that can be done than distance maybe it has to be enclosed maybe you have to limit the size I know a lot of people that have wood burning fireplaces they get maybe a shipment once during the season and and it's a big pile but you have to look at all you know sometimes when you come up with a solution to a specific problem then creates another problem so I think that your concern is warranted and it can be looked into to see what if what can be done to try to prevent the situation may describ as for the bur County Park the mayor knows that I've I don't want to call them complaints but I addressed the situation and now that I've heard Joe and a few other people talk about the Burton County Park I want you to be aware that they also have buron county has Council meetings I plan on going I think it's September 17th and if we could fill up their room like this maybe something will get done so if you guys anybody wants to go to the Bergen County council meeting I'm pretty sure September 17th I had given you the date and the mayor has called them I know he has ask them to do something about it I grew up in this town I remember skating on that Lake fishing anywhere you want now you have to burrow your way into a spot to do if you wanted to you know do some fishing down there it's ridiculous if the animals are in there if that's their home and then they come looking for food in our properties then Bergie County if it's their issue they have to do something so how can we as a town make them do something the only thing I can think of is bringing people together like this going to that meeting bringing a lot of Saddlebrook residents so if anybody wants to join me I would love to contact them and tell them we're bringing a lot of people um if there's any suggestions on doing that Tommy did you ever talk to your neighbor I mean he probably mentioned something to him I just W right and we don't talk he's had too many issues over the years that how about you know a tree falling on my property that I have to pay for that he could give to you know but as far as the uh as far as the part is concerned I'm planning on having probably uh commissioner Steve pelli who's the one that's in charge of the par because I know there's been a lot of discussion about this new playground um that they're that they're doing um I believe they're moving forward with it uh in the location that they that they said they were going to do um we had residents that went Council gar also went to one of the meetings to suggest maybe they put it in a different place but they from what I understand they made the decision that they're going to keep it where it is and uh so there's some concerns about that and uh pretty much it's either they're going to keep it where it is not going to do it so it's a $3.7 million project they really as it was said haven't done too much out of par over 30 years so this would be and I and I do believe you know certainly some people would benefit from it but we want it done the right way so I I I was going to ask him to come to a meeting this way and we can ask him about these other issues as well but the growth the overgrowth I get same answer and I said maybe basically they tell me they can't cut it down because it's an environmental issue they run off that's what they told you know they told me different things but it's all has to do with environmental I'm not an environmental person I'm not an attorney so when they tell me that you know the director said hey this is what it is they can cut back a little bit when we have the fishing derby they do come in and you know they'll they'll cut the little fishing hes at at the parking lot area the lake to have I'm will come with them telling you it's an environmental issue can they spell out what the heck they're talking about because this is an environmental issue that's more important this is our living quarters that we're talking about so I know you guys are trying thank you can I suggest anybody who is concerned who has a computer post every day photos of the park on Facebook and say here is the breeding ground for the rats that have invaded my property but we don't know that sir we know in the me I think more in the river if anything inre but as you said they seem to have disregard of the fact they bear the name of our town but they are alop they are they could care less Thomas 128 Lincoln AV I do want to thank you all for putting this thing together and everyone for coming out here to see all the people here um I know some other people mentioned up here W important to work with the other towns if we're not right you know because obviously we can do everything we can do everything in our power in sadle to try to solve this problem we need do the town I do have a couple questions so we talked about like with the garbage with the garbage can like we should have covered you look into the orance well what about the my question what about the blue recycling like they're not covered put your glass bottles out those cans AR covered Blue cans also like and you know I always picture washed out you put it into the recycl um also I don't know the cardboard that goes out every week I that could track rat I'm not a rat expert by mean so I do want to ask about that um also I we have we've had issues with flooding in the past so don't that do anything with the rat Su that's been contributing to the issues also when they did they dig up the road for utility work is that contribute to the r and itself can the public utilities be held liable for contributing to any of these R issues going that's one thing I'm wondering and of course you know any buildings are abandoned town I'm hoping that something get f so yes for the garbage definitely right but the recycle I know you said you wash out and throw it back in there um that's okay on that half cardboard they will nest with cardboard so a lot of times when you find nests what they'll do is they'll take it and they'll make a home for for their offsprings right I'm not too really concerned about the cardboard um for the Water Rising definitely um that's something that they can travel through and for the construction another thing right rats live a lot of times Underground when they're banging they're digging rats to spread um so normally in situations like that depending on what's going on so we um hope we do bait you know we'll do baiting and snap traps for those areas when there is any construction going on and reloc to a area there there are no brat relocations at this point and I think to your last point you were talking about Abandoned hes abandon homes are definitely a hop for R did they the rags look in the winter do they look to go indoors or can they can they live outdoors in in a bur or something sure but they want to be warm as well you know just like the summer and know this issue just question people um two things number one somebody mentioned dog PO on there on that one my understanding is that is also attractive to rats people let their let's say they let their pets outside not only the people that are rude and walk their dogs and have crap on other people's WS but people that let their dos outside just sitting there and piles of turd is that an attraction for rats also anything could be rat food basically okay food source for rats so waste feal matter always always it's just bad bad sanitation practice to begin with right so you have the dog clean up after you do these are all I me fairly straightforward second thing is some of that mentioned basically can we solve the rat problem by taking it away from the county now S Brook is unique I guess these the entire east side of our Our Town up to gu the cemetery is bordered by by a brick BR on the west side the entire area is bordered by the railroad track which has a cul that runs right next to it has water flow in it to down to ultimately to the B River so we're kind of unique over there but I guess the question was if we've got a river with the river B and they're burrowing there is there any way to let's say the county said we'll do whatever you need to do I mean other than nap is there any anything that they could do to you know stop Rats from burrowing in I I I think rats have been around for millions of years I don't think they're ever going away in total but is there something that the county could what the county said that they'll do whatever can they ever go in find the Burrows and sure yeah the answer is yes we we we have we have different programs and different solutions for Burrows of Rights okay we're help carbon monoxide into holes okay and stamping the you know basically stamping the the the burrow so that it encapsulates the carbon monoxide so the bre can't breath so if we go to the county and they say there's nothing we can do they're full well I would say so 48 res growing up uh I live next to a house that was notoriously a mess disaster um never did me see rats um in the last I've been dealing with this for at least a year and a half uh j h we were inundated it was being reported there was a action we were told you to get a A tes fine we have traps I just had one in my pool um last week in my pool so the problem is prevalent the problem is here to stay unless we do something to find the source now I don't know what's being done to address the flooding issue if you look at the flooding issue around sou my BAS never used the flood last few years no matter how much rain we get my basement floods the street floods to the point where you can get a canoe down the street so the towns that are being affected are Sal El Park Loi all of these people are now reporting rap problems the common denominator is the flooding the increase in flooding so what are we doing to address the flooding issue because I do live here in the park but again 48 years in sou we've never had a r okay all of these things you know yeah clean up you know make sure you have trash bin that has a lid um those are all well and good we've had people to years feeding herds never have R problem the common denominator is the flooding the flooding will displace the rats bring them into town and El Park l s all have major problems it's not a coincidence it's the flight so what is the town doing to address the flight [Applause] issu in regards to the flooding we do have a flood committee here in town we've reached out to all of our County state and federal officials and we've asked for assistance and help unfortunately it's a big it's it's a lot of money we're talking about dredging and doing all those things and Loi the mayor there Scott Luna he's reached out we've met we've spoken and we've tried our we're trying we've been continuing to try uh we do have some people uh that have spoken here uh in regards to it and they're part of our committee and we we we're doing our best the mayor on the committee people e is on the committee and again we meet we've written letters we reached out to people and unfortunately it's for on De so what can we do as as residents to to push this well with the right I mean the county has meetings you have assembly people that you could reach out to a state senator you could reach out to a congress as well a person that just took over Nelly Po and just let them know that what's being done because it's it's millions of dollars it's not something that we put in our budget if we could budget for it here in satle Brook and fix the problem we would but it's it's it's millions of dollars okay so we listen whatever you can do to reach out to those people at the state and National as well as the county I mean I went to a county meeting I spoke in regards to the park with marel and stano and there's hardly anybody there this would be incredible for to say that maybe eight or 10 people at their County meeting 1 municipalities we're one municipality we have 100 people here tonight we're 75 people here tonight so we're trying our best I know Garfield's trying loow I trying Rell Park is making me a big initiative and I know all those people over there as well as me and we've reached out we we're trying and we're going to continue to try and work as a group to get something done thank you just just we tried people talked about dredging drudging Saddlebrook throughout Saddlebrook is not going to work because Saddlebrook goes into L which goes into Wallington and it flows to the river so it's got to be one continuous goes through Barfield also so it's got to be one continuous event and unfortunately uh the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge of that now anyone reads about it the Army Core of Engineers likes to do studies and their studies tend to take a decade or so and every time they finish their study it's old and they need to do another study so really I think maybe there's a potential now unfortunately a congressman Pas recently passed away as Mr gck said Nelly PO is our new Congressman representing this District she is new to the job and perhaps maybe it could be a project she's not eled what's that she's noted she will be eled but um if it's not Nelly po whoever is going to be on the other side but and that would be a new person I mean I know Bill pasel tried um but maybe there's somebody who could be maybe a little more aggressive uh so that's one way of of doing it reach out to like you said the state officials but it's really your Congress people because we're talking about a billion dollar project plus um so that can only come with Federal money the state doesn't have that can we invite someone on that level to come here and we could fill this room again could that happen let them come here from the county yeah let them come and look I would think that that would be appropriate after as the person said I kind of jumped to com with Nelly po her Congress person uh she is the candidate to but who whomever it is it doesn't matter whoever can get the work done get the work done after the election that ever person whether it's Nell po will be new or the other side that person will be new in the job start fresh instead of you know maybe a fresh voice to help us out so certainly after that after the election we can reach out to whomever is is likeed kind a position to come here he the concerns and please the room again great first like to thank the mayor and councel for holding this form I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming and speaking your peace and getting some information my name is Joel TR I'm a 50e resident of SBR at the Oxford Avenue and I have seen this rad issue before on a number of occasions it seems to me that anytime that we have any new construction or some buildings being torn down or any huge Movement we see a r problem now I'd like to ask the folks from Excel are we going to eliminate the r problem you think you can eliminate okay can be done but it takes you have to just guate how many rats it would be astounding more more more R than residance oh a lot probably in the hundreds of thousands now when I was just a little kid I was like the old time Supreme R my uncle had a f and I would go to the farm stayed for a week or two and every day i' go down to the gas station and buy some 22 ammunition and shoot 50 rats a night every night did it change anything they breed and on and on and on it's not a r elimination problem it's a r manag so we got to control it better and we have to do all the things natur that's put forward but I think that if you're not having a rra problem now you're going to have a r problem so we're all in it together and what needs to be done is be realistic all of these things when you talk about the county doing this and doing that well let me tell you this I work for the county for half my life you look release there you're what you need to do is focus on things that you can control those things in your property how you conduct yourself make sure that you don't have a very short bird bath the drink from and things like that but have we seen this before yes are we going to see it again yes so what we need to do is do a better control keep on top of it do what you can do yourself and I think that you know there's been some criticism in the mar house here I don't see it I don't see this is a recurring recurring and it's going to recur so we going to do the best to manage it and try to control it so that's all I have thank [Applause] you Char way first question there's new W now that the contractors have to take out for permit they have to the ba box stuff right is that for open permits or only new permits first of all we don't have an ordinance yet the C is going to have to write or Okay so we've been preemptive so we put it on our permit packages so it's everything moving forward and open Hermits once this goes into effect some of these jobs take a year for to build this yeah I mean we're going to have to work out those details because uh any any jobs that are already permitted that that was not something that we told them to do so this is from this point forward as B but is that something the builders in town be willing to work with and I mean if we have an ordinance then they don't have a choice and they have to also go through a professional company or they allowed to do it themselves I would think they have to do it they have to do it through control yeah I mean because I think that's going to be part of the um specifics in the ordance is you know are we going to ask them for a receipt like how would we prove it either I mean because there's no we don't even have the manpow I mean the you're looking at the Manpower all of those things now to go out and now look specifically hey did you trap you know bait for for rats I don't know how that's going to happen maybe a contract or we're going to have to say to them you're going to need to provide documentation and proof from pest control company that you in fact did that would be our way to do it without having to hire more people to go out and start doing these things but yeah that's how I think we're going to and we're going to have to work with the mayor and Council to put an ordinance together that has not been done yet but we've put it out there and we're asking them to do it as you know just people that are working in our community so that's how we're doing it right now okay thank you the other question is for the mayor of counil Are We baiting all the town properties especially on the north end of town where the major problem is no we're not only where there's a problem so is there a problem on Parkway area like you mentioned earlier within 200 yard there's no B boxes onore War line all let me ask I don't believe you're allowed to put them in areas where there children no not really no they don't gentleman asked that question about the schools no they don't they don't there regulations I believe I'm G to ask the question yeah so there is regulations but if they're in the tamperproof lock box we're able to put a out nor the town is a major infestation every right now I would think every available property if the town can't go on proper property sold but they can go on their own property and if we knew there was a problem in that exact location away I trapped over 32 so far 10 days and that's on seven properties onager and TR in every house tra snap traps snap traps blue traps whatever it is poison boxes poison baits we'll send we'll send P control County came check the whole property with they yeah you got a p property but is a block half a we that's why I'm asking you it's they're there they're all over why wouldn't we try to proactive and cover we will send them over there they recommend we [Applause] do microphone please absolutely um the other thing is as far as flooding flooding has been an issue since I've been here but there are committees so if you'd like to join the committee which I know committees are very small but of course strengthening numbers so join the committee and if anybody is interested in my committee that concerns playground that will if it's built be digging up sewers speak to me after the meeting me up on Facebook and I'll explain the whole situation is really not a good thank [Applause] you to have some to put is there a way that we can have a newsletter because I only know about the RS because of the Facebook group I had no idea and I saw it on Facebook and I think it should be something so that neighbors could know in not we are going to put it we're going to put his letter out it's going to go that's coming soon Hi how are you uh Robert hickey 152 bav been in South for 28 years back on June 6 we got a letter from the ter Authority and also the Garden State Parkway regarding a permit they submitted and I think it was copied to the town of SBR for long-term repairs of two coverts along the Garden State Parkway which on Bell Avenue goes from the back of our house all the way down one the parkway property down to the river so they're talking about doing an inspection and we know behind my neigh house right there we know that that culur is damaged right now and we've had major flooding problems the minute they start digging these up there's going to be a worse R station that we've ever seen on B cuz I know and we all know that these these drainage pipes have rats in them so my concern is is there any way to do some pre-preparation when they start doing this because that is A500 to 2,000t pipe that runs down there now have we had rats in our backyard no we had a lot of money ice well we do get flooding back there so is there a way somehow to prepare this like the people told us that sour BS should reach out to this company and tell them they use a product called diet trap you familiar with that yes that they can tell them to start pouring this down these pipes in the areas as they start to dig it up this is what this company this person from the New Jersey ter you told my wife the other day when we call well excuse me I'm sorry that's okay he said to tell May Council to tell the ter Tye authority to get them to do that when Viking came to our house yesterday she told me they would use die track and when so when all this is being dug up at that same time someone should be walk behind them and all this stuff to kill the rat so they don't come into our yard we we certainly can request it yeah yeah that's what he said to request it because it's going to take months I said how long is this project you know two weeks he said oh no many months we have to bring in machinery and so this is going to be a mess it's going to be a good thing what they're doing but no I [Music] know is thater that well before before you go any further I was just looking on the faces of DXL guys when you mentioned that chemical yeah I don't care what bking it's forids yeah yeah so you know that that's really not the right way to go about things so we um they uh bait boxes right so depending on how far they're digging up there should be bait boxes whether they're zip tied around the trees or zip tied around telephone holes going up to that area so God forbid if rats do tend to spread after they're opening up they have bait whether it's bait whether traps anything in there to protect them from going to the houses I'm assuming when they start digging out out the R I got to go somewhere yeah and the problem with di track is it is a very very strong product there's another called tracking powder zp tracking powder it's similar you you don't want to put that in an open hole one because if Wind Blows and it takes that powder up and there's going to be issues so everything has to be tamper proof lock box sa for pets kids any anyone when they when they do that digging up are they supposed to do something to put these rat traps down or is that something like they told us to have mayor and Council tell them to do this because I know it's going to be disaster when they rip it up yeah so I I really don't know if it's mandatory by by a lot of places but I know for for an example for for hoken um anytime they dig we have to do it and they did a major they did a major um job about 3 years ago in OB and where they had to replace a lot of the sewer lines on Washington and we had a bait the entire Washington from first all the way to 15 and it definitely did help the the you know the population of of rats when they started okay [Music] um you can recall that we all know that the um Parkway is doing the construction on that bridge and we had them in to talk about that to give people an idea of how much U intrusion it would be to our residents in that general area is it possible to being that this is going to be a project affecting a number of residents that we could have the I I think they were Parkway officials or maybe it was a company that was going to do the the subcontract for the parkway to come in and just explain what they were doing and maybe give them find out if they're doing anything I imagine they're probably have ation I don't know when when supposed to start you the gentleman you got a letter right when did they say they were going to start well the letter was June six and I asked the fellow yesterday who wrote The Letter he was the manager um James the theatro and he said that they were this is basically a permit application to the town he said within the year they should be starting and it's going to take many months so I want to know like when when this whole thing with you know putting down a pesticide will this truly happen or do we have to voice this again and again like they're going to they're going to get in touch with the town and they probably they probably I don't think they con did they I know this was because it says it went to the S Township yeah they said we could come and even um look at we could have come and spoke to you about it but we never had a chance chair we did receive a letter the it was only plans there's no date no no information same that you received right right the usually pretty good I got to say they're pretty good when they do a project they usually come in and we have a preconstruction meeting with the engineer business administrator myself so and we can voice that concern that do you need a copy of this letter I you should have it we have it mayor if and this is really a question for the township attorney if we have that ordinance we put this dis ordinance into effect that says that you know if you do any kind of D would that then would the utilities Public Utilities like County or the the state if they work in our town would they be um would they have to participate in that as well yes they would not be excluded no they would not be excluded you issue commit and I actually be surprised even I mean we need to do the ordinance so you have letter but I would be surprised that any contract wouldn't comply with the request they all dependent upon your office to do timely inspection no but I'm saying they wouldn't come through me that County work doesn't come through the building department they don't they don't file a permit request for you oh they do a permit request like they said yeah that's that's the time that you would force them to do because you don't issue a permit until they comply with all the I don't issue a permit they're just saying they're telling us that they're going to be doing this work it's not a permit that we write so they don't require any no no they don't haveu Eng you not necessarily Public Service they don't countings that all that work that he's talking about in the parkway that nothing none of that will come through my department typically you know it's the state supersedes the county the county supersedes the municipality and that's why I'm saying if we have that ordinance that would be our way to to say to them hey if you're working in our town you have to Bab you know but I don't know if they would supersede that because they are the county again whether whether they would be required to do it I I still think they would do it especially in line of the problem that we're having here they're public officials they don't you know they're not looking to create further exac a problem that they're aware of uh so I will I will look into that but I think the key part of that is you know is that person said they got a letter is that you know we let them know we're having this problem and we require them or requesting them to have the uh R Ro and traps whatever the terminology is and and I think they're going to cooperate I mean you know because when they do the work it's not state employees it's contractor that comes in you know so for example uh SAR did a lot of work for the state of New Jersey I just can't imagine him not it's not that expensive for them on a multi-million dollar project to spend some money on these traps and I and I just can't see a scenario where these contractors would just say oh no we're not we don't care you know John I know that I know that they go through the Police Department Public Service does TR traff control that's one thing but I think don't they get don't they have to get a ro opening permit or something there I don't we know when they come to town to do work and public service gas is in town currently doing work um I will talk don't they have to put up es or something so then then we can I'll at that point we can that's the utility companies does the county and state also have to apply for road openings or just if they're if they're doing work within hour right away sure but that's I don't recall the last time they did so certainly the utility companies we can definitely enforce the thatb to do so which is more common than the county and state I again I surprised the county and state we made the request them that they apply I'll check to see if there's a mechanism to yeah I'm just saying I'm trying to see what the value of that ordinance would be when we try to apply it to people outside of Saddle which is do so that's I'm Jim rain I live at 22 North fth um been a resident for 53 years lived in town all my life I have to say through the years we we've had our share of aome raccoons we've always had a healthy uh feral cat population up until about a year ago and uh within the last month I I've seen my first Brown rodent in the area um let me let you know it's probably not a north side of town uh problem right now it seems spreading I don't know who to call if you call the police they aren't going to send out an officer to arrest of BR [Music] Ro do I call the building department Health Department who do I call do I most people call my office call home calls believe me you call me too you want I think I my you were uh your brother your brother served in Vietnam and most his life that's all right we uh we all we we honored him I think a few years back when it was his 50th Anniversary his that right bfww [Music] Monument office directly yes that go for all the residents in Sab you can and we'll make sure it gets directed to the right location okay I'll your call thank [Music] [Applause] you can I ask a question sure what I want to know is did anybody check out McDonald's because I'm on South bouard okay and there's a creek there on and Walmart people spoke G already in those creeks and Sunday the dumpster was so over fi that was all over the ground so evidently they didn't have a top or anything on it have picture if you want to see it I want to know if something can be done about that we don't really have that problem on ourside down and I feel sorry for you people that do have it right now eventually my side of the Town also problem we have Cemetery but I want to know if could check out McDonald's and see on Sunday did are overflowing and that's your to Department I can't hear you sorry there's ever complained about a restaurant inside or out you just call the health department and then they would give it to us that includes the dumpsters also okay thank you what about kuchi barbaren my question is what is the followup from this meeting are we going to get meeting notes are they available we see the actions actually taking place coming out meting excuse me there will be minutes and it's being videotaped so could be viewed in minuten we have minutes of the meeting sorry this is a work session of the township Council the council can take action but in two weeks we have the regular public meeting that's where all formal action uh will take place I don't know if there's any action this evening there may have to be some research before we go ahead and move on any of the items that we put up so this is just a work session all right so there'll be another meeting in two weeks public meeting yeah our regular meeting public meeting yes all right should we be [Music] here you watching but we're not we're not going to have an information session like this and it will be different in that during our regular meetings you have minutes to speak it's not a back and forth question and answer so mayair the agendas are posted a day or two before the meeting if there's any action to be taken resolutions ordinances listed for a public review so you'll know ahead of time of course things could be brought up out me but generally ahead of time the agendas are posted for the public thank you I have one question does this only apply to homeowners or tenants I'm a tenant 35 years in the same house between Belle and jamr okay I look like I live in Jungle habitat the building behind me belongs to the church which is the Korean Church okay now the Korean Church the house next door that used to they used to live in there that now is falling down okay the building behind me is falling down the glass is all broke they come on the deck by me and they look in the door I'm on the top floor I'm a tenant for like I said for 35 years what do I do I I don't know what to do I mean they the glass is all broken in their building uh they don't use it anymore uh the chur like I said the church owns it so what do you do in a case like this I mean I've got everybody upstairs they come up the deck and I've looked at raccoons Apostles scars you name them I got them and like I said I'm tenant so what do I do we're going to have to send the building department Tony over to do inspection if I'm not mistaken I believe the building department came already and in fact even the Basin there's a problem with the basement downstairs I wouldn't go in the basement if you paid me okay I used to put my stuff in here until the reindeer or somebody else came out okay there are boxes downstairs with dead rats in them you name it they're there okay again I need to know what I'm supposed to do as tenant tenant you could report that put up help Department I've done I said the building department was there and they came and I don't know what happen they they know the people they know the owner the owner doesn't even live here the owner lives in Delaware and his son lives downstairs through the I believe you'd have the same rights of any homeowner if the neighboring property if the neighboring property is a mess just like if you if you own that house you would call and you've heard you've heard what's going on what the status is we get the call we send out the property maintenance they look at it they tag it they site site them if they don't do it if it needs to be done DPW do it there'll be a we when eventually it'll be sold I'll be honest with you it's a mess it's a mess and I got to worry that I'm going to get put out okay I'm complaining you're not you're not going to be put out cuz you're not going yeah I am if I tell you the last name you'll know okay well call anonymously tomorrow we'll make name you're going be told that this one's a cop and this one's that they know who I am where they go cop the other one that was here before he knows who I am so I don't know what to do but I figured I better find out if I have a chance for something because I'm tired of looking at RAC depos you name them I'm sick of them not when they look in my door upstairs so that's what I have to do just call somebody what I call I [Music] did anybody else so um I live on school and I live on Tre my neighbors are all clean I don't have any them but there's a creek right next to my driveway when I live on street nois so I'm the last house there there's garbage under the there's there's everything that's in the creek so when the Gage is out and it blows the can you know whatever everything goes down there I can't get down there you know there's a slope going down anyway but it's a mess so and I don't have well I haven't seen any rocks there but that's why I'm here because I don't want to see them whatever I do I believe that's the mo property so that that yeah so yeah it's like right in of Walmart the you know TJ ma all that I you know it's a I don't want [Music] toit anyone else want to speak step up the podium please okay I can um I had address toy I asked Tony said didn't know we mentioned about houses from the street they all look either good or bad and you have mentioned if the police officer sees something he can mention to the house but we can't see into the backyards now I was wondering if the town has or would rent or is allowed legally to use a drone to fly over the homes so that we can see into the backs yeah they need need just like police you need you know probable cuse to if let's say if the town were to announce uh on certain dates this section of the community is going to have a drone flying over uh so that all the people are aware that their house is going to be checked in the back yeah I look I mean it's it's an interesting question the answer the question here without research I would say you're not allowed to do that and as I said earlier sometimes when you have a solution to one problem you create others civil liberty groups would probably be all over that representing people saying you're infringing upon my rights to privacy and the town will probably involved in lawsuits they started that type of you know searches can I sit here and say something um nobody really mentioned not Fe the Wild and that's really important to uphold that ordinance because I still found peanut on my property Walnut and there was Peach on top of my and birds don't need to have bird se you know you let people let these animals have nature um and there was something else that I wanted to say well I was hoping since I'm probably one of the first ones who had this issue it has cost me over $1,000 and I am in free forclosure and I have no one to help me um I can't get a uh type of home equity because of my age why can't anybody help me I'm sure that you have an emergency fund but because I'm and I yell and I lost the relationships with my children here I am overlooked but if it was someone else who's your cloney or attend your meeting they would get help and I would like some type of reimbursement and I spent money last October not to fight with anybody Andi um but I needed help not fun to be a woman alone and have rats in your house I was so trauma and I could not run away who was going to take care of my house I had had people say a woman had mice in her house and her husband she want to go stay in a motel I had rats I saw a rat go from my kchen into the dining room the R so I would like some help financially so I my I used my sen I thought I was going to get ahead and then everything fell apart for me I ow $6,000 and I had to buy a new stove because the rat was in the stove I had to buy a new Gage so that was separate from this Mone nobody cares about me but I have beautiful children that I do not see in a wonderful John officer but I lost my and now I had and I very good 24 are we just I don't believe there's Anin on it's just a recommendation as a preventive measure I just want we do have an ordinance Wildlife wildlife in s that ordinance has been in effect as recommended by the state Town had adop that I don't have but it says you cannot the wild specifically bir motion close favor please on the coun counc Sanchez Council council president meeting now open to the public wish to speak yeah I just got home night from California so so jet but uh J you want don't you talk about the capital yeah so um I handed out the um Capital project list on for this year uh we're anticipating this is the list of the projects and I'll answer any questions um next meeting we're anticipating having the ordinance for introduction um just while you're looking at this list the top three the 2024 roads Samson and Cambridge where did those ordinances I placed it on the here you go yeah I just plac yeah no worries so the three projects on top we're already pass an ordinance for those are roads Road improvements um everything in the middle is what we're um recommending um for approval by the council at the next hopefully at the next meeting for introduction the ordinance um a multi-purpose ordinance and um a couple things will be switched around um but they're for finance purposes um but these are the projects that we'd like to do um and including if you see a little bit below that that that big chunk of projects you have tax maps in the buyer clothing Grant um those projects as well and then beneath that um those are four projects to Bay for lights of the park the ups and key and the AC Hook and Ladder um those were projects already completed and done through a prior ordinance so the ones in the middle pretty much what uh we're seeking to introduce uh for completion at the um at the next council meeting via multi-purpose Pond ordinance um so happy to answer any questions there's a lot of there's several engineering items on there that uh that myself or Bob could uh could U answer any questions on this is after meeting with most all the department supervisors uh getting their priority of lists of projects and needs Jimmy did you uh give one in everybody's back to uh I placed it on um on the on top of their packet this evening you want to mention the conversation you had with Steve in regards to the dollar amount yeah yeah so um pretty much one one thing have to keep in mind that we've gone way over that amount this year um but Steve will cost the you know the township auditor recommended up pretty much up until 2028 or 2029 where we have a big drop in debt service that our Capital project total dollar figure B total each year averages about $1.5 million which is isn't a lot um you know just based off this year we did you know probably just that much in roads alone um then you have other emergencies such as the super emergencies could be almost you know a quarter million to half a million dollars that's and that's also unforeseen um so you know going forward I think you know the council has mentioned it before about um maybe uh scaling back on areas where we've been aggressive before that we caught up on the roads now after many years um so just something to keep in mind um for the next few years um that total dollar amount of about $1.5 million collectively total each year averaging up until probably 2028 or 2029 yeah because we definitely have to do something with the silers that's we have that big gr and not even that it's it's at a point of you know it's it's a big priority um that that it's it's time that we we focus on the sewer infrastructure right and then we also have that the state grant that we got that parks with the parks spash Park we have a park now 775,000 toal so there a lot of money there week yep so maybe we got to scale down scale back a little bit with the roads do half what we do try to do the ones we get grant money we usually get the State Department of Transportation cdbg money right yep no correct and then also you have you know one fire rig on here now you have another one that's coming up due soon and you have the ladder coming up you know probably around that 202 28 2029 range um which you know those those vehicles take about now they're taking about a year and a half to two years to uh to build out and you know from delivery from order to delivery um and they're you know they're only getting more expensive so it's a balancing act but just to kind of give the a little bit of larger picture here after discussions with the auditor I know through the chair uh you know over the last 10 years a lot of the roads have been paved I mean we did a lot of heavy lifting you know the roads pav so you know we probably could cut back a little bit there and the county roads that need to get done should be getting done this in the spring right section still P by ra tracks right I think this may is there any chance of of getting the Midland Avenue area from the tracks to peely which is where I travel every day so supped to do that it is on the back they're G do that Westminster too what's that no Mr is chastising you for being selfish because I travel you point you really have done all the all the really bad local streets are done now I think we to get them you go back and count them it's got to be a lot it's got to be close to 100s we've been doing like five it seems like five to seven roads a year yeah and and some of them are very hard so if we want to do roads maybe when we go on the hot we have a list like we prioritize I I have a map um but don't you didn't you have a prioritization list of which ones are were in P yeah every year I I give the list with the estimate but the other thing to think about too is PSG is in town they're going to pave roads right because of the money situation perhaps we can do as many roads or just slightly less roads but make them smaller roads you know the one to two block roads instead of like a Cambridge which is 10 blocks or 12 blocks the other thing you can think about uh Flor Lane is a road we put in for DOT funding maybe you phase it maybe you do half under do money next year and do half under Dot money in the following year a lot of the people then now that that ask about oh when's my road getting done and they really they really side streets that don't get much travel really not that bad maybe you they don't do but they're not they're not terrible they're don't big pot holes or anything right so they not travel go back to them and tell them that if they open the road they'll [Music] have yeah you know get back this is the only thing I want to say talk about this so much but the one person that that that said really there's nothing different I I think the that said that mentioned about the flooding and in particular the flashlight and you get that those those heavy rain for a short period of time they get flushed out you know what and me they're getting flushed out far enough where they they need to look for a new home and if it's in a residential area they've always been here but they've always been you they've in the Parks that's where they are in those creeks you know behind behind s mall we had a problem with the S Mall years ago um complain I think it was a news TV station that an AR yeah mayor I definitely think we should look into the whole McDonald's thing in the C here definitely yeah but um that's what I think I think it's because you thought about digging in the road we didn't we're not digging in the road anymore than we ever dig really we're not I mean Ian how many how much new constructions and big you know developments the biggest development was that we've had is it ran over on on Midland Avenue and we didn't get any reports of rats there not granted it's right 46 and there's not too many houses there but we didn't hear about name RS there um what about the overprice re Center we put it right right this year I mean you know so we we have had development but it's not over development no more so than it's ever been so is that is that it I don't think so I I don't I don't think it has anything to do with people I think they're there and make sturing I think I think nobody mentioned it but I I think the overpass for for Route 80 for the St Park s of road which they're working on all that demolition you know it's things that doing the ground that and that's right near that Creek and that culfor they were talking about I'm really glad they're fixing that that that's going to be that's going to help the problem is is in that general area right I mean it's Q jamrose those those General streets but you know those streets believe it or not those streets we hav't been getting that that many make a complain but close by there I guess we'll see when they do the Roseline construction also that might be yeah housing we'll see what happens there because you got the TR there they're doing work by Zuckerberg now too so anyway but uh it it's it's hard to it's hard to say what exactly I think they makes a lot of sense and you know what what they with when farell did when they did that major drainage on r four I mean they they replaced those drainage pipes that were you know 3 4 feet in the ground whole right right right I guess from pone Parkway West down as far as I I think they went almost almost to Old Grand Union there Ian that was a huge project so and they say that's that's where the rats live they live in the in the the pipes in the drainage pipes in the sewers so that could have and when we first started seeing them faon had the problem first and then we started seeing because that's an I mean that goes to park that street is partially fa partially Park yeah it goes par they they got a problem I don't know where their problem is I don't know where it is but but it's it seems to be same like us it's contained the infestation I mean there wrapped all over the place but the infestation seems to be in one area what I what I found the most interesting person that was here was the lady who talk talked about tenly um I think it was tenly where they have the basically rat muttering chemical or something like that yeah right and they give it and this way they can't they can't be produced uh did she mention I know she was talking gave a whole pack I'm just wondering if if that was paid for by the town or maybe there's grant money out there it sounds like they think it was PID down right yeah that was while was there was by oh you oh was it was it costly uh I don't recall all the all the details of St had in terms of the the dollars Jimmy you were in a source yeah you were there you know what it work I guess it worked yeah they did have some success I don't think it was also as as a as big of an issue there as is as we see in this show area here maybe we could that sounded like something that could be looked into you know obviously if it's cost prohibitive it's one thing but if it's reasonable and the pales I mean I'm hearing a lot about that they they want the they want the damper group Pals or whatever but that we may be able to get grant money from clean communities but you know I don't know well the one person had said something and says if we can buy it in B just like we buy the the recycling if we can buy them both and maybe we because we're paying with a state contract or something like that if we get them for 50 hours and if they went to the store it would be 70 bucks we get them sell back and this way it's it's not at real cost to the town but it does save them money because like I said and I say every time we do something that's maybe a little controversial for every one person that you you please you're going to you know you're going to P off another one talk more about garbage to get and how they break the bails I mean I get those complaints all the time or or they didn't place the pale back between the sidewalk and the curve or they thre that's all I have out right can't think one other thing I do have one other thing that's positive kuchi there is somebody that's interested that went to the building department spoke to Jane interested in buying I I don't think they've spoken to Mr robman but they are interested they have an idea at the you here in the chicken place called fluffies oh yeah oh that'll be bad it'll be bad okay don't like the chicken no the chicken is fantastic it's a problem there's they can't keep up with the clientele they have to like there's one in acch there's they have to block off certain parts of parking lot so cars can get through because people just park everywhere it's it's a huge craze Supply it's very good yeah well they were saying something about that they would raise it and they be underground parking or something I don't I didn't see any plans that were just really talking but well they also have to get approval from the Acy I if you get a chance and I think they they would need a variance too because no no fast food restants if you get a chance drive by it's the Carville Mall there in Summit yeah just drive past any time of the day there's lines out the door yeah I don't think that's G to work [Music] iation going into close session did we did we think it about is that something that's yes possible ter how about what what I said do you think that we can because people are you know a number of people everyone's Coes and I thought it would come up a little more trally um you know from the days from the but what thanks Thomas yes but there were other people talking about it um if we find if we believe based on complaints that there you know we have a rat issue say in in that area um and we find that uh it's potentially a health hazard could we send the board of health in there just to look at it and just alleviate people's fears if they go in Board of Health and says you know this is you know is crappy or anything like that but there's not mold I'm assuming there's going to be mold but there's no rodents there's no no nothing uh nothing of harm there can we send somebody in there to look just to and tell people listen for the people that are worried about kuchis and that being a source we don't know where the rats coming from but not coming from kuches or if they are coming from kuches then we can do something they have they have to get a warant from uh the municipal blood jge to go in there as a health hazard yeah and uh know as long as they have some evidence that you know the judge should issue alarm well I'm sure we could have about 10 people uh sign something saying that they've seen animals I mean the windows are broken um I was talking to mik too so he said that he he hasn't seen anything there he hasn't heard of anything but he since this whole thing with the with the rats here he puts a bait boxes in that the condos there that manages well I mean we got to determine whether or not we we think that it's worthwhile to I guess U John that would be your your job to draw the warrant and work the subp you know we can tell what he needs to do but then it's the court has to do right but I'm saying who courtes right here your court administrator she she draws up the warrant with the certification somebody have to come in testify they usually don't need at least it doesn't happen that often when this when this occurs you know but I don't know if he takes testimony we have the judge who's the judge here so I think we would check with guys and see you know what process does he want to follow he wants to take testimony then the prosecut would you know take the testimony from whoever is going to provide you know the evid to support the but would it would be the municipal prosecutor drawing up for submission to the judge I we have to make it just is it worth it to to do that just stop all the I mean everyone's number one thing on their mind is SC SC sces I I know it just from hanging around people and and hearing them and everyone ask the same question and they all say that place is a mess that place is horrible there's you know it's a breeding ground for all kinds of things I I think we should try and get in there just to if if not for anything but just to stop people to put people at at e you know what I think we got to go through this whole meeting somebody's got to relive this you know the minutes or video I wrote down some notes but I'm sure I miss some things because we're going to be asked what' you do with this what you do that you know and really we should some of them are more important than others right right some people have very good ideas and we already got we already I spoke to the Excel they're going to check on that cul they're going to check in the park they're going to check came school by school I got school I think I want you know around there Kore Mor and Avon too and by Avon those yeah those might have missed one of them but no parent has I got email hases any parent I mean my SC does that Angels that's right around now when there's not hasn't been any complaints about it no and you and you do the the kids did the The Young Ones girls the S all there I haven't heard anything from right on Spindler I guess prevent we can on the other [Music] skman Skillman right's that SP and where we put the speed home that's stra stra SP okay yeah I haven't got any complaints over there then again you know we should check because we know they're in other locations and just cu not getting complaints doesn't mean that they're they're not there like I said you could be if it's it doesn't sound like it's cost prohibitive to put a couple of traps over there or you know bait traps and then they got to be tamper proof because you got kids there but they they have them so you can't get in there you can't eat the I I just you know what I went out and I bought a couple myself just yeah I Tomy was saying was it's reasonable I mean he he doesn't live far from there and uh you know I get it what's the we should check and maybe maybe put a couple of you know the same traps yeah are these guys are they like not on the payroll but that's the official exterminator that's what we use yeah periodically here spray all the town properties I don't know yeah I'm okay now good good know Mr would you like to speak no you good I thought we have Engineers report speak first I have one more thing to say I can say business I think you handled yourself very well ton especially at the beginning of the problem is I don't know under my skin like to be challenged or belittle and he seems he comes up here and belittles every one of us every chance he gets he was to make res you know what you could you could have basically you know police officers the REM the right thing um some of the things that I brought up on the just my opinion on things that maybe when we're doing thinking about the splash part potentially knocking down that building it would give us more room for it and also maybe uh have additional parking this is a fance I really I mean if it's utilized that's one thing but I I think with this building being here and they've got facilities for wck to meet um they have you there's a billion rooms here they could be here if we don't need it it seems like it's a useless building and you can use it for what we want to use it get an additional parking there which is always anytime you can increase parking is a great thing and also you know have we don't have to jam something into a spot we've got a spot there for it so um it's really you're right it's not necessary the only thing it's used for is storage and and you know this what we can I think we we can store a lot of the stuff over at the old trailer there we're uh we Recreation used to be right room the the fire marshal or fire inspector whatever it is they used to share that right it wasn't a ret Al part of fire was yeah but there so yeah so that seems Seems like thing to the only thing the only thing it's good for really is is during the football games or or game it's it's an extra toilet really that's it and now that we we I mean it was good when we had when we using Porta but we've got the you know we built uh built restrooms and the the snacks man so I don't think it's necessary U the other thing is uh consideration and know pickle ball is a big thing I I mentioned the last time if we're doing Fifth Street potentially that basic again it's all based on cost but uh if we can consider putting a couple pickle ball courts there uh along with I think we're doing basketball courts so this way it's it's usful um I I don't think when we have an open field and expect kids play catch it seems like kids don't do anything nowadays unless it's organized um so it's not this open field and they flying kites it seems like that would be a reasonable use for that facility I don't think it costs that much based on what I was told how much fair spent on it it's not it's not cost I don't think it's cost we may have the money in the in the the grant that we got I think that's it for me thank you um I wanted to say something I wanted to say that not everybody that comes and speaks at that Podium is speaking the truth based on what happens in town they're speaking the truth based on trying to get elected um none of us here do what we do to get rich none of us we're not going to get rich doing this I've been in town now 28 three years and I think this is no disrespect to other councils or other Mayors or other business ministrators well PE been disr for thousand existence but I don't think anyone's cared or done more for the residents of this town than this mayor and Council and I think that we do a great job working together to do what's right for everyone and for someone to come up here and test our character or or test our like Integrity it's kind of uh well listen it pisses me off because nobody likes even technically being checked especially by someone that has no Integrity um and before you vote just do your homework Google Google's a wonderful thing now you could Google any any candidate GOOG who people are at that Podium and you'll see what a catastrophe he was when he was in this town for the residents um I think that's that's all for that but I do want to say something with regards to um I brought it up in the past to to Jimmy and mayor with regards to usage of the re Center I drive by the rec center I see a closed I see nobody in there and we have a potential renter that would come in on off times and give a substantial amount of money a year I think that we should venture out and see if it's if it's worth it because it bothers me that we spent the money on this beautiful building and it's I think it could be utilized a lot more than it is no nothing against anybody else I just think we could utilize it more and bring in more revenue for for the the town to ease the Nay saves that said this is a waste of money because it wasn't a waste of money this was probably the best best thing that's ever happened in s in in I don't know 50 60 years be right probably 300 300 okay and that and that's all I have to say on that and I just wanted to thank everybody for for doing the job do you too uh Council you're uh you're a great asset to this to this team so thank you right did chimed in at the right time yeah you got the right terms where you know we know so that's um what else we got I for discussion oh no Engineers rep sorry H so this year's Road program um there's there's two contracts we've met with both contractors the the main one uh which is the road program uh AGM they're going to start next week uh supposed to call me tomorrow with it the day it could be as soon as Monday my question is do we want to talk to them about putting out some bait stations um I grabbed the guy's card so maybe we try and take a little bit of a proaction you and have our contractors put out ba bait stations while they're you know in the areas where they're working um two of the roads that are on this program are Elm and Ash the gas company has come back and told us they want to do gas M replacement in that whole Northern section of town including El and Ash so we're going to coordinate the work with them but it could push off Paving of those two roads until the spring so I just want out that out there right now um no reason why the rest of the roads shouldn't get done this year um the other road is Samson Street we met with the contractor earlier this week he's planning on doing that that's a quick job he's planning on doing it early to mid October um if if I could add just one item to that it was brought up during that uh pre-con meeting about the um the condo complex at the end of Samson um so I did speak with um the the association property managers and put them in touch with the uh construction uh project manager for uh for Celli the contractors doing the project so just so they communicate and arrange um best ways for you know the large number of people getting going in and out that live in that complex uh the last thing I wanted to bring up was Alberta Drive that last year's a DOT road that we did while conrete work we put off pavings hoping PSG would come in and place the gas Meine which is in bad shape uh they've told us that that's probably a 2026 job so I wanted to bring up two Alternatives we could we should think about a is just PVE the road let them dig it up in two years and repave the road or B we remove Paving we we look into removing the paving from the contract there's enough there was enough work done to use the grant money and then in two years when PG comes in and pay and and does the work they're obligated right away to do half the road so we can work on or figure out it would better leverage our our funding you know if we did that but something to take about that's all I have for discussion the give it a brief synopsis of meeting we had sure uh committee meeting was so regarding the municipal property that's been designated as an area in need Rehabilitation and the committee gave some guidance to the uh planner to uh to basically create a plan that is consistent with the neighborhood uh and the surrounding properties and that would hopefully attract the developer uh and to further enhance the whole Market Street car so he he received the uh guidance under the committee and now he's going to come forward with a plan we will then when that plan is completed we'll then put it out to the uh you know advertis it essentially and see what developers want wish to come forward and uh and redevelop the U property with the understanding that they have to pay the municipality for purchasing the property own that's it thank you while you're talking do you have anything do we have anything for close or no okay um oh buiness I said question um the Canabis uh stores do we know if anybody's going to be opening up anytime soon because we haven't had a meeting with the what's thate can I'll getou again what's going on any do we want to have a committee meeting prior the next me yeah that be okay be good idea okay I'll get in touch with them and get an update okay thank you and the other thing was cold out speed study we speed study I keep getting I don't believe we did one on cold though but somebody keeps asking about a speed hump on cold I don't know if it's something that not L clont clont we did want we I I think the average speed on the let's see that would be the Western end was 26 and the average speed on the Eastern end was 25 or 24 we already have a speed sign there and I think that uh we came to the conclusion that you know vast majority of the people are within the speed limit so I don't think we're GNA act on that in terms of speed okay so CL is clont was done two two sections one up closer to Westminster one closer to the D okay I could get back to that indivual just let to know thank you um new business Mo I got something to say with your permission sir I I want to apologize for misspeaking before when I uh said to contact Nellie Poe who's our Congress congressional representative half jokingly I said that however Miss po Is Not Elected and she is running against and I'm not following the politics that closely in terms of uh the congressional election so it's Billy py um I've met him he's a certainly qualified and a good man I enjoyed speaking with him so it was definitely no offense to Mr py and I wish him well in the election I've met Miss pop she is a good woman and I wish her the same uh wish of good luck to to them to her and whomever wins whether it's Mr py or Miss po just asking for your help just help SBR because because we really need your help with regarding To The River and the funding issue so thank you if I offended anyone I I sincerely apologize thank you what is a heavily Democratic it is a heavily Democratic District so you weren't too far off yeah motion to motion favor thank